D&D Collective, version 3B

[T1] Table of Contents

[FULL] Click here to download the entire collective (huge file!)
[T1] Table of Contents (you're here!)
[P] Player's Reference (click here to view this whole section)
[P-1] Banhammered List
[P1] How to create a Player Character (PC)
[P2] Ability scores
[P3] Races
[PC-list] List of Classes available to Collective 3B
[PC1] Warrior Group Classes
[PC2] Wizard Group Classes
[PC3] Priest Group Classes
[PC4] Rogue Group Classes
[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes
[PC8] Monster Group Classes
[PC10] Mini-Classes Group
[PC33] New Classes to Collective 3.3 (this is a temporary section)
[P5] Kits
[P6] Proficiencies, Weapon
[P11] Feats
[C] Combat (click here to view this whole section)
[C1] To Hit Table
[C2T] Saving Throw Table (Transposed)
[C6] Priests Affecting Undead
[C7] Combat Options (wielding unusual size weapons, combat maneuvers)
[S] Spells and Magical Effects (click here to view this whole section)
[S2] Wizard Spells
[S3] Priest Spells
[Q] Psionics (click here to view this whole section)
[Q-2] Deficiency Psionics (Psi. Freq. -2)
[Q-1] Unnatural Psionics (Psi. Freq. -1)
[Q0] Martial Arts / Ki Powers (Psi. Freq. 0)
[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)
[Q2] Proficiency (2nd edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 2)
[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)
[Q7] Undead Psionics (Psi. Freq. 7)
[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)
[E] Equipment (click here to view this whole section)
[E1] General Equipment
[E2] Weapons
[E3] Armor

[P-1] Banhammered List

This is the list of things not used in Collective 3B. A couple notes about this:
1. I did make an effort here, but I may have forgotten to edit out some references to banhammered things in class descriptions. For example, I might say a class gets a martial arts style. There are no martial arts in 3B, so the class doesn't get it, sorry.
2. I might have forgotten to list a few things here. Don't kill the DM if I did.
3. There a few exceptions which I clearly indicate as exceptions. For example, Barbarian1 gets a limited form of Barbarian Dex and Con.
4. It is quite possible some of these things may be given out or become legal during play. For example, the "Collectivizer" class picks from the entire Collective (currently version 3.4), not 3B, so you can get some "banned" things that way. This is just the stuff I don't want to start the game with.
Section Item
[P2] Ability Scores Barbarian and Exceptional bonuses
Bonus M, P, V actions based on Int+Wis+Chr or Dex
Simplified Wisdom bonus
[P3] Races Custom Races
Mixing Races
Racial Adjectives
[P4] Classes Bonus XP for Class and Race being same name
Bonus XP for Classes being same name
Bonus XP for Single Classedness (you instead get a "+1 level" flag)
Class Adjectives
[PC3] Priest Classes No GGL (Specialty Priest) picks
[PC4] Rogue Classes Rogue picks can choose only from 3B, not full collective.
[PC5] Psionicist Classes The following frequencies are legal: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10.
[PC6] Custom Classes There are no legal classes in this group.
[PC7] Concordant Classes There are no legal classes in this group.
No Concordant spells may be used anywhere.
[PC14] Demigod Classes There are no legal classes in this group.
No Demigod spells may be used anywhere.
[P5] Kits Kits removed: Adventurer (XP), Animal Master (Familiar), Barbarian (Exc stats), Champion (Wpn spec), Duplicator, Martial Arts, Myrmidon (Wpn spec), Rider (Familiar), Runner (+1V), The Trick, Weapon Master (+ to #Att)
[P6] Weapon Proficiencies Wpn Prof removed: Defender, Exceptional stats, Magnetic Weapon Use, Martial Arts Use, Missile Deflection, Movement, Offensive Dexterity, Quickness, Shield Proficiency, Speed Proficiency, Spell to Weapon Conduction, Stun/Incapacitate Race, Wild Fighting, Wrestling
[P7] Martial Arts Martial Arts
[P8] NonWeapon Proficiencies This is legal, but omitted in Collective 3B to save space.
[P9] Skills This is legal, but omitted in Collective 3B to save space.
[P14] Professional Wrestling Professional Wrestling
[S] Spells Many spells have been removed. For example, the "A action haste" spell is not legal, except for the Chromancer2 class.
Channeling is no longer free. Instead "Semi-Channeling" is free, which gives your full spell progression every turn (instead of every day like regular D&D). You can still pick spells on the fly. Channeling is available as a "-1 level" flag.
[S10] Familiars Familiars
[S12] Spell Research Spell Research
[Q] Psionics Many psionic frequencies are not legal. The following frequencies are legal: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10.
Psionic Enchantments are legal, but it can only give spell levels you already have.
[E4] Magic Items List There is no "open store" anymore. There are too many broken items in the [E4] list for me to go through and evaluate them all. I do take requests, though.
[E5] Unusual Materials Items of Unusual Materials cannot be bought, but I might give out some during play.

[P1] How to create a Player Character

[P1.1] Classes: Select which classes and levels you wish to be, using [P4].
Starting XP may be spent freely (multi-classed characters do not have to divide evenly).
If starting XP is 0, you may be 1st level in up to 1 class as a single or dual-classed character, or up to four 1st level classes as a multi-classed character.
Single classed characters have an XP bonus of +100% (you start with double XP and gain XP at double amounts).
Both multi- and dual-classed characters have a limit of 4 classes.
If XP is not spent, it may be saved for later use (the XP does not have to "sit" in one of your classes).
[P1.2] Class Adjectives: Select which class adjectives you would like, see [P4.8].
[P1.3] Race: Select a race from [P3] that uses the appropriate class system, keeping in mind ability score modifiers.
The race selected may require you to redo [P1.1], as XP divisors also apply to starting XP.
Make a note of special abilities the race possesses.
If you do not wish to be a race from [P3], and would like to play a monster, see [P8].
XP divisors are lowered by .5 for each level above 8th (retroactively), so a 10th level character can have an XP divisor of 2 with no penalty.
[P1.4] Racial Adjectives: Add Racial Adjectives (if available in the campaign), see [P3.5].
[P1.5] Age (Optional): Select an age category for your character (child, young, adult, old, or venerable), and make a note of modifiers from [A3].
[P1.6] Ability Scores: Place these six scores as you like among the six ability scores: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 , 8.
You may instead use these six scores: 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13.
You can add 1 point to a stat by subtracting 2 points from other stat(s). This 1 for 2 trading may be done once per reset, as long as no stat falls below 0. Humans may use 1 for 1 trading instead (again, once per reset).
Comeliness: This you get to choose. Pick a number from 3 to 18.
Apply racial modifiers.
Add 1 point to 1 stat for each level. This advancement due to level uses the character's highest level, so a level 2/5 multi-classed PC gets 5 stat points, not 7.
[P1.7] Sub-Ability Scores: You may adjust your subability scores (see [P2]).
The most you can adjust an ability score is equal to your highest level (e.g. An ability score of 14 at level 4 can be at most 10/18 or 18/10.)
Make a note of what your modifiers are due to stats.
(Old System, no longer used: Make a note of how many mental actions and max # psi frequencies your character has.)
[P1.8] Alignment: Choose an alignment for your character, keeping in mind your classes and your kit and diety selections.
[P1.9] Proficiencies: Calculate your number of weapon proficiencies from [P4] and your number of nonweapon proficiencies from [P6].
Add on any proficiencies that you get from class (Druid or Bard) and those that are free.
(Old System, no longer used: 1/4 of all nonweapon proficiencies must be spent on Occupations or Hobbies, unless you are a human.)
Some or all of your proficiencies may be left as Open Slots for later.
[P1.10] Kits: You are allowed 1 kit per 2nd edition class ("Fighter2", "Ranger2", etc.), with extras possible for 4 nonweapon slots.
Your kits can be left as an Open Kits to use later; you don't have to pick them now.
[P1.11] Skills: Calculate your skills, see [P9].
[P1.12] Feats: Calculate your feats, see [P11].
[P1.13] Spell Memorization: Make a note for each class how many of each spell type and level the PC can cast, using [PC0]. Also make a note of which spell levels can be cast as 1M action instead of 1M+1P.
[P1.14] Wizard Spellbooks: If you can cast wizard spells, add your Int and level, and divide the result by 2 if you are a Wizard, 3 otherwise (round fractions down). This is how many 1st level spells you have in your spellbook.
Reduce this number by 2 for each spell level above first, up to the maximum spell level you are able to cast, with a minimum of 4 per level.
(Example: a level 11 mage with Int 12 would have 11,9,7,5,4 spells in his book.)
If you have more than 1 class that casts wizard spells, take Int/2, and add level/2 for each wizard class and level/3 for each non-wizard class.
[P1.15] Specialty Priests: If you are a priest, you may sdelect one god to be a specialty priest of.
See [PC3] for descriptions of gods. Specialty priests have an additional stat requirement which is cumulative with your class.
PCs other than priests may also be specialty followers, but (except in rare cases) do not gain any powers (however, the choice could still influence play dramatically).
[P1.16] Rogue Abilities: Calculate your rogue abilities seperately for each class that you have that uses them.
If you have the same ability duplicate times from various sources, they don't stack, pick which source you are using.
Rogue abilities are modified by race; the stat adjustments due to race also apply to rogue abilities (for percentage-based rogue abilities, each point is 5%).
Armor also modifies rogue abilities, see [E2].
[P1.17] Psionic Powers: Figure how many and which psionic powers your character knows, using the appropriate rules from section [Q].
If your character is both a wild talent and a psionicist of the same frequency, you may choose the higher of either set of numbers for # of psionic points and powers.
[P1.18] Magic and Psionic Items: Take your starting magic item XP and use it to purchase magic and psionic items.
If this number is not given, start with your character starting XP, take the square root of it, and multiply by 20.
Item XP not spent is converted to gold (see [P1.15]).
Item XP and Class XP can be converted back and forth using the ratio: 1 Item XP = 10 Class XP.
If this reduces your experience level, you must recalculate the previous steps again.
[P1.19] Normal Equipment: Take your highest level, square it, and multiply the result by your Chr score.
This is how many gold pieces you have to purchase beginning equipment.
This money cannot be used to purchase magic/psionic items, but Item XP can be converted using the ratio: 1 Item XP = 10 gp. It is legal, therefore, to convert Class XP to gp on a 1 for 1 basis, but not back.
[P1.20] Armor Class: Calculate your Armor Class, using the following rulings:
1. If the PC has more than 1 AC type (called "AT"), take the best, and add +1 bonus for each extra source of AT rating.
2. "Protection" items and "Armor" use the base AC rating and the higher of the two plusses, i.e. Leather+1 and Cloak/Prot+3 yields Leather+3. Bracers of Defense AT +6 added on would yield Bracers of Defense AT +7 (best AT with a +1 for second source) with a +3 protection. Note that if the Cloak was off we would have Bracers AT +7 with +1 protection.
3. Different sources of protection items add together, unless they are of the same physical type (two rings don't add, you get the best).
[P1.21] To Hit Bonus and Damage/Attack: Calculate your adjusted To Hit Bonus, number of attacks, and damage for each weapon. Remember that there are many sources of plusses to hit and damage: base, stats (Str/Dex), race adj., magic, specialization, martial arts, and miscellanious magic/psionic items.
[P1.22] Hit Points: No class stops gaining hit dice at any level (i.e. a 25th level mage has 25d4 hp).
(Old System, no longer used: When rolling for hit points, roll 2 dice, and take the larger of the two results.
You may also use the following "average" results without rolling: 1d2=1.5, 1d3=2, 1d4=3, 1d6=5, 1d8=6, 1d10=8, 1d12=10.)
In Collective 1.1, all hit dice rolls are maximum (you'll need it!).
1. For single-classed characters, take max at 1st level, add on Con bonus, add race adj., and then add on magic/psionic items that modify hit points.
2. For multi-classed characters, calculate each class seperately, add them together, divide by your number of classes, and then add on race adj. and magic/psionic items that modify hit points.
3. For dual-classed characters, calculate the hit points for your first class, add on any extra hit points from the second class if it exceeds the first in level, and repeat for each additional class. It requires a Limited Wish to change the order of your classes (for example, if you are a mage 5 & fighter 7 and want the fighter hit points for the first 5 levels and want it to be your second class, you'll need to get a Limited Wish to reorder your classes).
[P1.23] Last Check and Name: Go through all the steps quickly again, to make sure that later steps did not affect earlier ones (the biggest example being magic items affecting stats).
If everything looks OK, select a name for your character (or names, along with subtitles if desired) and character generation is complete.

[P2] Ability Scores

[P2.1] Ability Scores [Collective 1.x & 3rd Edition]


Bonus Spells
123 456 789 ABC D
0-1 -5 --- --- --- --- -
2-3 -4 --- --- --- --- -
4-5 -3 --- --- --- --- -
6-7 -2 --- --- --- --- -
8-9 -1 --- --- --- --- -
10-11 0 --- --- --- --- -
12-13 +1 1-- --- --- --- -
14-15 +2 11- --- --- --- -
16-17 +3 111 --- --- --- -
18-19 +4 111 1-- --- --- -
20-21 +5 211 11- --- --- -
22-23 +6 221 111 --- --- -
24-25 +7 222 111 1-- --- -
26-27 +8 222 211 11- --- -
28-29 +9 322 221 111 --- -
30-31 +10 332 222 111 --- -
32-33 +11 333 222 211 --- -
34-35 +12 333 322 221 --- -
36-37 +13 433 332 222 1-- -
38-39 +14 443 333 222 1-- -
40-41 +15 444 333 322 1-- -
42-43 +16 444 433 332 1-- -
44-45 +17 544 443 333 1-- -
46-47 +18 554 444 333 1-- -
48-49 +19 555 444 433 1-- -
50-51 +20 555 544 443 11- -
52-53 +21 655 554 444 11- -
54-55 +22 665 555 444 21- -
56-57 +23 666 555 544 21- -
58-59 +24 666 655 554 21- -
60-61 +25 766 665 555 21- -
62-63 +26 776 666 555 21- -
64-65 +27 777 666 655 21- -
66-67 +28 777 766 665 21- -
68-69 +29 877 776 666 221 -
70-71 +30 887 777 666 221 -
72-73 +31 888 777 766 321 -
74-75 +32 888 877 776 321 -
76-77 +33 988 887 777 321 -
78-79 +34 998 888 777 321 -
80-81 +35 999 888 877 321 -
82-83 +36 999 988 887 321 -
To hit for melee weapons & unarmed.
Max Light Load = 2*((bonus+5)^2)
Damage for melee weapons & unarmed.
Max Press = (bonus+5)^3
To hit for missile weapons & unarmed.
Dexterity/Balance: (also Dexterity/Reflex)
Armor Class.
Reflex saving throws.
Hit points per HD.
Constitution/Health: (also Constitution/Fortitude)
Fortitude saving throws.
Regeneration rate = (bonus-4)/r.
Nonweapon Proficiencies.
Max Spell Level for Wizards (SL=bonus+5)
Illusion spell immunity (SL=bonus-4)
Bonus spells for progressions that get Int bonus.
Charm spell immunity (SL=bonus-4)
Bonus spells for progressions that get Wis bonus.
Necromancy spell immunity (SL=bonus-4)
Will Saving throws.
Max Spell Level for Priests (SL=bonus+3)
Comeliness adjustment.
Bonus spells for progressions that get Chr bonus.
Maximum henchmen (based on 4), Loyalty adj.
Luck pts per reset (0: spend bonus pt as +- 1 on roll)

[P3] Races

Race Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr
Centaur 0 -2 +1 0 +1 0
Dwarf 0 0 +1 0 0 -1
Dwarf, Gray1 0 0 +1 0 0 -1
Dwarf, Hill 0 0 +1 0 0 -1
Dwarf, Mountain +1 0 +1 -1 0 -1
Dwarf, Stone +2 -2 +3 -2 0 0
Dwarf3 0 0 +2 0 0 -2
Elf 0 +1 -1 0 0 0
Elf, Cloud -3 +1 -3 +1 +2 +2
Elf, Dark1 0 +1 -1 0 0 0
Elf, Gray -1 +1 -1 +1 0 0
Elf, High 0 +1 -1 0 0 0
Elf, Shadow -1 0 -1 +2 +1 -1
Elf, Valley1 0 +1 -1 +1 0 0
Elf, Wild +2 +1 0 -2 -1 0
Elf, Wild (Kagonesti) +1 +2 0 -3 0 0
Elf, Wood1 +1 +1 -1 -1 0 0
Elf3 0 +2 -2 0 0 0
Gnome 0 0 0 +1 -1 0
Gnome, Deep1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gnome, Tinker -1 +2 0 +1 -2 0
Gnome3 -2 0 +2 0 0 0
Half-Dwarf (Mul), Athasian +2 0 +1 -1 0 -2
Half-Elf 0 0 0 0 0 0
Half-Elf, Cloud -2 0 -1 +1 +1 +1
Half-Elf3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Halfling, Hairfoot -1 +2 -1 0 0 0
Halfling, Stout -1 +1 0 0 0 0
Halfling, Tallfellow 0 +1 +1 0 -1 -1
Halfling3 -2 +2 0 0 0 0
Half-Orc +1 0 +1 0 0 -2
Half-Orc3 +2 0 0 -2 0 -2
Human 0 0 0 0 0 0
Human, Greyhawk Dweller * * * * * *
Human, Guour 0 +1 -1 -1 +2 -1
Human, Lower Dwellers +3 +3 +3 -3 -3 -3
Human, Minotaur +2 0 +2 0 -2 -2
Human, Planar (Tiefling) -1 0 0 +1 -1 +1
Human, Upper Dwellers -3 -3 -3 +3 +3 +3
Human3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kender -1 +2 0 0 -1 0
Kobold-Lizard Man 0 +1 +1 -1 0 -1
Lizard Man, Krynn +2 0 +1 -1 0 -2
Minotaur +2 0 +2 0 -2 -2
Ogre +2 0 +2 0 -2 -2
Orc +1 0 0 0 0 -2
Quarterling -3 +3 0 +2 -1 -1
AT hp TH Div.
+5 +4 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 +1 0 ÷1
+3 +3 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
-1 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 +1 0 ÷1
0 +1 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 +1 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
* * * ÷1
0 +2 0 ÷1
+1 +4 +2 ÷1
+2 +6 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
-1 -1 -1 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
+3 0 0 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
+4 +6 +1 ÷1
+5 +4 +1 ÷1
0 0 0 ÷1
0 -2 0 ÷1

[P3] Races

Race Abilities
Centaur Hoof/Hoof 1d6/1d6, can still use arms; Can charge with weapons x2 dmg
Dwarf +Con*2/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; +1 TH vs. "giant-class"; "giant-class" at -4 TH
Dwarf, Gray1 +Con*2/7 magic saves; immune paralyzation/poison; vulnerable light
Dwarf, Hill +Con*2/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; +1 TH vs. "giant-class"; "giant-class" at -4 TH
Dwarf, Mountain +Con*2/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; +1 TH vs. "giant-class"; "giant-class" at -4 TH
Dwarf, Stone Immune earth; +Con/3 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; +4 TH vs. giant-class
Dwarf3 +2 fort saves; +1 TH/+4 AC vs. giant-class; stonecunning
Elf CR 90%; +1 TH with (non-crossbow) bows; +1 TH with sword
Elf, Cloud CNR 95%; Free Wild Talent in Psi23
Elf, Dark1 CR 90%; +2 magic saves; MR 50+lvl*2%; stonecunning; 1/d: Dancing Lights; 1/d: Faerie Fire; 1/d: Darkness
Elf, Gray CR 90%; +1 TH with (non-crossbow) bows; +1 TH with sword
Elf, High CR 90%; +1 TH with (non-crossbow) bows; +1 TH with sword
Elf, Shadow CR 90%; Can use/make Tech items as if 2 TL lower; (level*5)% InnER; 1M: Ghost Light
Elf, Valley1 CR 90%; +1 TH with bows/swords
Elf, Wild CR 90%; Animal Friendship continuous; Set natural traps 90%
Elf, Wild (Kagonesti) CR 90%; Animal Friendship continuous; Set natural traps 90%
Elf, Wood1 CR 90%; +1 TH with bows/swords
Elf3 Immune sleep; +2 enchantment saves; +1 proficiency each with sword and bow
Gnome +Con*2/7 bonus to RSW/Spell; +1 TH vs kobolds/goblins; "giant-class" at -4 TH
Gnome, Deep1 +3 saves; +2 poison saves; imm. illusion; HS 60%; Non-Detection; 1/d: Blindness; 1/d: Blur; 1/d: Change Self
Gnome, Tinker +Con*2/7 bonus to RSW/Spell; +1 TechL
Gnome3 +2 illusion saves; +1 TH/+4 AC vs. giant-class; 1/d: Dancing Lights; 1/d: Ghost Sound; 1/d: Prestidigitation
Half-Dwarf (Mul), Athasian +Con/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell
Half-Elf CR 30%; Detect Secret Doors
Half-Elf, Cloud CNR 70%; Free Wild Talent in Psi23
Half-Elf3 Immune sleep; +2 enchantment saves
Halfling, Hairfoot x10 Personality score; +Con*2/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; Detect Grade/Slope/Direction
Halfling, Stout x10 Personality score; +Con*2/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; Detect Grade/Slope/Direction
Halfling, Tallfellow x10 Personality score; +Con*2/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; Detect Grade/Slope/Direction
Halfling3 +1 all saves; +2 fear saves; +1 TH with thrown weapons
Half-Orc Infravision
Half-Orc3 Infravision
Human 3 for 2 trading with ability scores
Human, Greyhawk Dweller Goblin, Kobold, Orc languages; Ultravision; MR 10%; Legend Lore 10%; Pick X: Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +1, Chr +1, hp +4, AC +2, TH +2; Pick Y: Str -1, Dex -1, Con -1, Int -1, Wis -1, Chr -1, hp -4, AC -2, TH -2; X-Y=2; You cannot duplicate any "X" picks, but you may duplicate "Y" picks.
Human, Guour 3 for 2 trading with ability scores
Human, Lower Dwellers 3 for 2 trading with ability scores
Human, Minotaur 3 for 2 trading with ability scores; Immune Maze
Human, Planar (Tiefling) 3 for 2 trading with ability scores
Human, Upper Dwellers 3 for 2 trading with ability scores; Ultravision; Resist Light
Human3 +1 feat; +3+level skills
Kender x2 Personality score; +Con/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; +2 TH w/ thrown
Kobold-Lizard Man Water Breathing
Lizard Man, Krynn Water Breathing
Minotaur Tracking; Immune to Maze
Ogre Priests automatically get Combat,Divination,Healing,Protection,Sun
Orc Detect New and Unusual Construction, Sloping Passages; -1 TH in sunlight
Quarterling x5 Personality score; +Con/7 bonus to PPD/RSW/Spell; +4 AC/TH vs. giants

List of Classes in Collective 3B

[PC1] Warrior [PC2] Wizard [PC3] Priest [PC4] Rogue
Amulet Destroyer1JG Alchemist1 Attendant Acrobat1
Archer1 Anti-Magic-User1 Beast Cleric Assassin1
Avenger0 Black Robe1 Cleric0 Bandit1
Barbarian1 Chronomancer2 Cleric1 Bard1
Barbarian3 Defiler2 Cleric2 Bard2
Beast Rider Elf0 Cleric3 Bard3
Cavalier1 Historian2 Cloistered Cleric1 Beast Thief
Dwarf0 Illusionist1 Druid0 Bounty Hunter1
Fighter0 Mage2 Druid1 Halfling0
Fighter1 Magic-User0 Druid2 Holy Monk1
Fighter2 Magic-User1 Druid3 Luck Master
Fighter3 Physicist Healer1 Monk1
Guard Preserver2 Healer2 Monk3
Holy Warrior3 Red Robe1 Hell's Caretaker Mystic0
Knight0 Savant1 Holy Order of Stars Evil1 Scout
Paladin0 Seer2 Holy Order of Stars Good1 Shadow Elf0
Paladin1 Sorcerer3 Holy Order of Stars Neutral1 Slut1
Paladin2 Spellbinder Life Master1 Sneak
Paladin3 White Robe1 Orzhov Euthanist Thief0
Ranger1 Witch Doctor Shaman Thief1
Ranger2 Wizard3 Templar2 Thief2
[PC5] Psionicist [PC8] Monster [PC10] Mini
Com1 Astral Construct3 Ability Score Points
Inept-2 Collectivizer3 Armor Class
Psi-1 Kobold0 Damage
Psi0 Spectre (Psi7 version) Hit Dice / Hit Points
Psi1 Uncommoner3 Kits / Feats
Psi1A Wraith0/7 Priest Spell Progression
Psi2   Proficiencies
Psi3   Psionic Progression
Psi7 (Undead)   Rogue Abilities
Psi10   Saving Throws
Psionic Mystic0/10   To Hit
    Wizard Spell Progression

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes

All Warrior Classes

Level 1: May use shields as both a shield and as a weapon at the same time if the character's highest level is in Warrior group.
Level 1: Gain "Bash". 1P: Do 1 attack, if you hit do normal damage and target is stunned for 1d4 segments (save).
Level 1: Exceptional Strength and Constitution.
Level 1: Can specialize in weapons.
Level 1: #Attacks = level if creatures being fought are less than 1 HD.
Level 3: Gain "Dirt Kick". 1P: Do 1 kick attack, if you hit do normal damage and target is blind for 1d10 segments (save).
Level 5: Gain "Whirl". 1P: Do 1 attack on every target within 10'r (one group usually).
Level 7: Gain "Windpipe". 1P: Do 1 attack, if you hit do no damage and target is stunned for 1d6 segments (save /segment).
Level 9: Gain "Impale". 1P: Do 1 attack per weapon you are wielding (+1 more attack with your primary hand if you are hasted).
Impale hit = 20-(your level), regardless of target's AC. Apply no modifiers to this roll except the weapon's magical plusses.
Impale dmg = (avg dmg of the weapon with no modifiers except it's own magical plusses)*(your Warrior level).
Level 9: Name Level: Attracts up to 100 followers (0-level men-at-arms). Dividing the warrior's XP by 1000 is a good indication of how many (maximum) followers he could have at any one time.
Level 9: Automatically gains 1 XP per year per follower if sets up a stronghold, and spends at least half of his time there (6 months per year).

2nd Edition Warriors (from HLC2 book)

Level 10: Bravery: You gain an additional save vs. charm effects (even if the original effect has no save).
Level 11: Adaptation: You do not suffer combat penalties due to being in an unusual environment.
Level 12: All-Around Attack: 1P: Deal (CL/2)d8 base damage to all creatures within 5' (apply Str, weapon, and magical bonuses as if you were doing a weapon strike). This strike is resisted using IR (InnateR), not WR, and ignores blah-skins.
Level 13: Frighten/Challenge: 1M: Cause fear or taunt one group of creatures (save).
Level 14: Captivate: 1M: Suggestion (as spell) (save)
Level 15: Inner Focus: 1M: +2 (or a set score of CL+3) to Str, Dex, or Con, -2 to the other two (maintained effect).
Level 16: Signature Item: Pick one item you own. It cannot be dispelled, twisted, picked, or fail an item save.
Level 17: Signature Mount: You gain a familiar which must be a mount. You may instead combine the Signature Item and Signature Mount abilities to have an "Intelligent Magic/Psionic Item" familiar (assuming the item is intelligent).
Level 18: Sense Danger: 1M, 1/turn: You know if you are about to be ambushed. You know whether a creature is ready for combat. You know if you are about to be backstabbed. You know if there is something invisible/hidden nearby. Lasts for 1r.
Level 19: Death Blow: 1P: Make one attack against one target. That attack has "save or be slain".
Level 20: Hardiness: 1M, may borrow from the future: Delay one special effect from affecting you for (CL-10) rounds. When you do suffer the effect, you get no saving throw. You may not have more than Hardiness running at a time.
Level 21: Breech Immunity: Add +(CL-20) to what weapon you are considered to hit. You don't actually get a bonus to hit.
Level 22: Extra Followers: +2d6 followers. +2d6 more followers every 5 levels hereafter.
Level 23: Intimidation: 1M: Area effect: Lose Morale (no save). Has no effect on creatures who can't possibly lose morale.
Level 24: Can use scrolls and magic items specifically designed for another class.
Level 25: If you have a Wizard progression, can write Wizard scrolls. If you have a Priest progression, can write Priest scrolls.
Level 26: Considered a Wizard/Priest of CL=9 for using items specifically requiring those classes (e.g. Sphere/Annihilation).
Level 27: Immune to disease, lycanthropy, mummy rot.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes

Amulet Destroyer1JG

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.25 2-- --- ---
3 4.5 3-- --- ---
4 9 41- --- ---
5 18 421 --- ---
6 36 432 --- ---
7 72 433 1-- ---
8 144 443 21- ---
9 288 444 22- ---
10 576 444 221 ---
11 1076 444 332 ---
12 1576 444 443 ---
13 2076 444 444 ---
14 2576 544 444 1--
15 3076 554 444 2--
16 3576 555 444 3--
17 4076 555 544 4--
18 4576 555 554 41-
19 5076 555 555 42-
20 5576 555 555 53-
21 6076 555 555 54-
22 6576 555 555 55-
23 7076 655 555 551
24 7576 665 555 552
25 8076 666 555 553
26 8576 666 655 554
27 9076 666 665 555
28 9576 666 666 555
29 10076 666 666 655
30 10576 666 666 665
31 11076 666 666 666
32 11576 777 666 666
33 12076 777 777 666
34 12576 777 777 777
35 13076 888 777 777
36 13576 888 888 777
Requisites: Str 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Amulet Maker1JG}
Groups: Warrior, Alternate
Level 1: Irreducible Pick Pockets LVL*5% (not shifted by target's HD/Level)
Level 1: 0, 1 attack: Destroy a magic item.
Level 1: 1P: Dispel a spell/psionic effect.
Level 1: Your Personality Score = Con+Int+Wis+Chr+2*LVL.
Level 1: +LVL distributed among AC, TH, or dmg.
Level 2: 1M, heavy concentration (lose 1M each round): Lockdown E actions.
Level 18: Immune to the effects of ego from any item of your multiplier or less.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2.5 (none)
3 5 (none)
4 11 (none)
5 22 (none)
6 42.5 (none)
7 92.5 (none)
8 162 (none)
9 287 (none)
10 512 (none)
11 850 (none)
12 1187 (none)
13 1525 (none)
14 1862 (none)
15 2200 (none)
16 2540 (none)
17 2880 (none)
18 3220 (none)
19 3560 (none)
20 3900 (none)
21 4240 (none)
22 4580 (none)
23 4920 (none)
24 5260 (none)
25 5600 (none)
26 5940 (none)
27 6280 (none)
28 6620 (none)
29 6960 (none)
30 7300 (none)
31 7640 (none)
32 7980 (none)
33 8320 (none)
34 8660 (none)
35 9000 (none)
36 9340 (none)
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 6, Wis 6, Chr 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: BoD3
Level 1: Point Blank: Archer bow damage at point blank (10' per level) is double the die roll for the arrow (don't double anything else). If the campaign is using a Str bonus limit equal to the max damage of the arrow, the max damage is double for this shot.
Level 1: No penalty for called shots with missile weapons.
Level 1: Free single specialization in one missile weapon (spend 1 slot to double spec.); free Point Blank proficiency (1 slot).
Level 1: Divide actual range by 2 when determining range to target (only applies to missile weapons).
Level 4: Considered 3 levels higher when using a specific missile weapon (chosen by archer) for purposes of number of attacks.
Level 9: Full Str bonus with missile weapons that are listed as "˝Str".
Level 9: Ability to cast mage spells as a ranger, specializations as an Evoker or Conjurer are allowed instead of ranger choices.
Level 9: A target with partial cover is considered to have no cover. Full cover is not affected.
Level 9: The archer may prepare special arrows (40 times normal cost) which can "carry" a spell in the missile's head and activate when they hit.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 2 --- ---
3 4 0-- ---
4 8 0-- ---
5 16 0-- ---
6 32 1-- ---
7 64 1-- ---
8 120 1-- ---
9 240 20- ---
10 360 20- ---
11 480 20- ---
12 600 21- ---
13 720 21- ---
14 840 21- ---
15 960 220 ---
16 1080 220 ---
17 1200 220 ---
18 1320 221 ---
19 1440 221 ---
20 1560 221 ---
21 1680 322 0--
22 1800 322 0--
23 1920 322 0--
24 2040 332 1--
25 2160 332 1--
26 2280 332 1--
27 2400 333 20-
28 2520 333 20-
29 2640 333 20-
30 2760 443 21-
31 2880 443 21-
32 3000 443 21-
33 3120 443 320
34 3240 443 320
35 3360 443 320
36 3480 444 321
Requisites: Str 9, Wis 0
Alignment: C any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0
Reference: RC0-18
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Level 1: +1 slot in Weapon Mastery per level.
Level 1: Detect evil/good/non-balance continuous.
Level 3: Cast Priest spells using progression of Cleric0 at 1/3 level (round down). Caster level = actual level.
Level 3: Turn/Command Undead at 1/3 level (round down).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 6 (none)
3 12 (none)
4 24 (none)
5 48 (none)
6 80 (none)
7 150 (none)
8 275 (none)
9 500 (none)
10 1000 (none)
11 1500 (none)
12 2000 (none)
13 2500 (none)
14 3000 (none)
15 3500 (none)
16 4000 (none)
17 4500 (none)
18 5000 (none)
19 5500 (none)
20 6000 (none)
21 6500 (none)
22 7000 (none)
23 7500 (none)
24 8000 (none)
25 8500 (none)
26 9000 (none)
27 9500 (none)
28 10000 (none)
29 10500 (none)
30 11000 (none)
31 11500 (none)
32 12000 (none)
33 12500 (none)
34 13000 (none)
35 13500 (none)
36 14000 (none)
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15
Alignment: any T
HD/level: d12
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: UA1-19
Level 1: Save adjustments: PPD +4, RSW +2, PP +3, BW +2, SP +(level/4, round down)
Level 1: Super Dexterity bonus for free as long as fairly bulky or non-bulky armor is worn; otherwise, exceptional Dex applies.
(If Super abilities scores are not being used: +2 AC per Dex over 14)
Level 1: Super Constitution bonus. (If Super abilities scores are not being used: +2 hp/HD per Con over 14)
Level 1: May buy Super Strength bonus for 1 weapon proficiency slot.
Level 1: +3 bonus to movement rate.
Level 1: Cannot use any magic items or cast spells even if has another class that is a spellcaster. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: Climb Cliffs & Trees = 10+5*level % (as Climb Walls); Hide in Natural Surroundings = 15+5*level % (as Hide in Shadows).
Level 1: Detect Illusion 5*level % (requires 1 mental action) 1/r.
Level 1: 1M, 1/r: Detect Magic (other than Illusion/Phantasms) 25%, does not give schools or spheres, but does give intensity.
Level 1: Free Wilderness Survival proficiency (1 slot).
Level 1: First Aid: equal to Healing proficiency except requires no Wis check and gives only 1 hit point back.
Level 1: Free Tracking and Hunting proficiencies, each has slots equal to the Barbarian's level ¸ 3, rounded up.
Level 1: Choose two of the following as free proficiency slots (1 slot each): Animal Handling, Signaling, Running, Small Water Craft, Sound Imitation, Wild Fighting, Jumping, Back Protection, Direction Sense, or Set Snares.
Level 3: May use magical potions. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 4: May use magical weapons. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 4: Can hit targets that require a +1 or better weapon to hit without such a magic weapon.
Level 5: May use magical armor. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 7: May use miscellaneous magic items and magical rings.
Level 8: Can hit targets that require a +2 or better weapon to hit without such a magic weapon.
Level 9: May use all magic items that a regular Warrior could use. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 9: May cast spells if has another class that is a spellcaster. (Ignore this restriction)

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 10 (none)
3 30 (none)
4 60 (none)
5 100 (none)
6 150 (none)
7 210 (none)
8 280 (none)
9 360 (none)
10 450 (none)
11 550 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 780 (none)
14 910 (none)
15 1050 (none)
16 1200 (none)
17 1360 (none)
18 1530 (none)
19 1710 (none)
20 1900 (none)
21 2100 (none)
22 2310 (none)
23 2530 (none)
24 2760 (none)
25 3000 (none)
26 3250 (none)
27 3510 (none)
28 3780 (none)
29 4060 (none)
30 4350 (none)
31 4650 (none)
32 4960 (none)
33 5280 (none)
34 5610 (none)
35 5950 (none)
36 6300 (none)
Requisites: Str 0, Dex 0, Con 0, Wis 0
Alignment: any T
HD/level: d12
Weapon Prof.: 10+level/9
To Hit Table: +level
Save Table: War
Reference: PH3-24
Level 1: Barbarian Rage: 0, (LVL/4)+1 /d: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will saves, -2 AC penalty, cannot use M actions, effect lasts for 3+(Con modifier) rounds. Afterwards, is Fatigued (see [C8]) for 1 turn.
Level 1: Fast Movement: +4" to movement rate.
Level 2: Uncanny Dodge: Gets Dex bonus to AC even if being attacked from behind or by an invisible creature.
Level 5: Cannot be flanked. Enemies do not get a "flank bonus" to hit you.
Level 10: +1 AC and +1 saves vs. traps.
Level 11: Damage Reduction: -1 damage per attack.
Level 13: Total of +2 AC and +2 saves vs. traps.
Level 14: Damage Reduction (see Level 11) is now -2 damage per attack.
Level 15: Barbarian Rage (see Level 1) gains an extra +2 Str, +2 Con, and +1 Will saves.
Level 16: Total of +3 AC and +3 saves vs. traps.
Level 17: Damage Reduction (see Level 11) is now -3 damage per attack.
Level 19: Total of +4 AC and +4 saves vs. traps.
Level 20: No longer fatigued after Barbarian Rage (see Level 1).
Level 20: Damage Reduction (see Level 11) is now -4 damage per attack.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes

Beast Rider

Level KXP Priest
123 4
1 0 b-- -
2 2.475 a-- -
3 4.95 a-- -
4 9.9 0-- -
5 19.8 0b- -
6 39.6 1a- -
7 79.2 1a- -
8 158.4 10b -
9 350 10a -
10 700 11a -
11 1050 110 b
12 1400 111 a
13 1750 111 a
14 2100 211 0
15 2450 211 1
16 2800 221 1
17 3150 222 1
18 3500 322 1
19 3850 333 2
20 4200 333 3
21 4550 433 3
22 4900 443 3
23 5250 444 3
24 5600 444 4
25 5950 544 4
26 6300 554 4
27 6650 555 4
28 7000 555 5
29 7350 655 5
30 7700 665 5
31 8050 666 5
32 8400 666 6
33 8750 766 6
34 9100 776 6
35 9450 777 6
36 9800 777 7
TH Saves
+0  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+1  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+2  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+3  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+4 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+5 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+6 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+7 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+8 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+9 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+10 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+11 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+12 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+13 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+14 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+15 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+16 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+17 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Str 11, Chr 13
Alignment: non-E
HD/level: ++d8
Weapon Prof.: 1+level
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Beastmaster}
Groups: Warrior, Alternate
Gets priest spells, with Chr bonus. Grand access in Animal and Charm. Cannot cast Necromancy spells at all.
Level 1: 1M: Summon a DL=(LVL+1)/2 mount of your choice. A table of mounts is on the following page.
Level 1: Get 1 normal familiar, which must be a mount and a natural animal. You don't actually ride your familiar to get it's bonus; you ride your summoned mount (the ability above).
Level 1: 1M: Animal Friendship
Level 1: 1M: Speak with Animals
Level 1: 0: You may take a damaging effect or attack for your mount, or vice versa.
Level 2: Your mount takes 1/LVL damage from energy attacks.
Level 4: All animals that you ride gain +2 Int.
Level 6: Your mount may fly at it's ground speed rate. (Note that Flying isn't listed on the Mount table for DL 4+ mounts, but most already have it.)

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes

Beast Rider Mounts

DL Mount AC hp #Att TH dmg Special
1 Light Horse 15 50 3 +6 5 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
1 Camel 14 60 2 +5 7 Spits for 1d20 dmg
1 Pegasus 17 40 2 +4 4 Flying; Regenerate LVL hp/s (self and rider)
2 Medium Horse 32 120 3 +16 12 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
2 Giant Eagle 30 140 3 +17 17 Flying; Eagle Eye Vision; Immune Blindness
2 Unicorn 40 60 2 +8 6 Luckstone (self and rider)
3 Heavy Horse 51 210 3 +30 21 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
3 Dragon Horse 60 240 2 +25 15 Pick a type of dragon. Breath weapon (half hp).
3 Brontosaurus 20 1600 1 +80 80 Lernaean; can carry a lot of weight (Str 200)
4 Heavy War Horse 72 320 3 +48 32 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
4 Dragon, Lesser 80 400 2 +40 30 Pick a type of dragon. Breath weapon (full hp).
4 Dog, Beast of Xvim 60 200 1 +65 85 Beast of Xvim; Ignores aWR / +wpn needed to hit
5 Elite War Horse 95 450 3 +70 45 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
5 Polar Bear 100 500 3 +70 50 Immune Cold (self and rider)
5 Juggernaut 350 300 1 +120 120 Resist Technological damage (self and rider)
6 Greater War Horse 120 600 3 +96 60 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
6 Nightmare 133 666 3 +66 66 Unholy fire shield; Breath weapon (half hp); Plane Shift 1/r
6 Hydra 160 800 5 +80 80 5 Breath Weapons (each is 1/10 current hp)
7 Ultra War Horse 147 770 3 +126 77 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
7 Opinicus 140 800 2 +120 60 Heal 1/r (self or rider). iMPIRR 50% (self and rider).
7 Scaled Wurm 490 600 1 +300 100 Attack swallows whole (100 dmg /s)
8 Gargantuan War Horse 176 960 3 +160 96 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
8 Dragon, Greater 180 1000 2 +140 90 Breath weapon (full hp); Dragonlancing (add mount's hp to rider's dmg)
8 Time Elemental 170 700 1 +170 Inc Attack is Incursion (5 RSW saves); Time/Reality Stability (self and rider)
9 Chosen One Horse 207 1170 3 +198 117 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
9 Ki-Rin 210 1500 2 +150 150 Wish 1/r; Immune to Traps and Tricks (self and rider)
9 Ethereal Weebie 156 600 3 +120 120 Ethereal Projection; +2*LVL weapon to hit (both are self and rider)
10 Paragon War Horse 240 1400 3 +240 140 Increase stats by 50% each time you level
10 Tarrasque 280 3000 5 +400 210 iMReflection 50%; Regenerate 6*LVL hp/s (both self and rider)
10 Ultraplanar Calf iAC 1 ihp 1 1 +500 500 Capital M Moo 1/r; Immune Annihilation (self and rider)

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2.5 (none)
3 5 (none)
4 10 (none)
5 18.5 (none)
6 37 (none)
7 85 (none)
8 140 (none)
9 220 (none)
10 300 (none)
11 600 (none)
12 900 (none)
13 1200 (none)
14 1500 (none)
15 1800 (none)
16 2100 (none)
17 2400 (none)
18 2700 (none)
19 3000 (none)
20 3300 (none)
21 3600 (none)
22 3900 (none)
23 4200 (none)
24 4500 (none)
25 4800 (none)
26 5100 (none)
27 5400 (none)
28 5700 (none)
29 6000 (none)
30 6300 (none)
31 6600 (none)
32 6900 (none)
33 7200 (none)
34 7500 (none)
35 7800 (none)
36 8100 (none)
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d12
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: UA1-14
Level 1: Pick weapon of choice; are considered 5 levels higher for # of Attacks purposes.
Level 1: +1 to hit per 6 levels (round up) with mounted lance, and +1 damage per level with lance.
Level 1: Free Riding (land-based) proficiency (1 slot).
Level 1: Immune to Fear; Protection from Fear 10'r
Level 1: Resistance of 23+2*level % versus the following effects: Beguiling, Charm, Domination, Hold, Hypnosis, Magic Jar, Possession, Sleep, Suggestion, and Psionic/Mind Blast.
Level 1: Can operate at negative hit points equal to 1st lvl Cavalier hp total. (Cannot be offensive in this state)
Level 1: Effective Chr with warriors of lesser level than the cavalier is increased by the level difference (maximum bonus = 5).
Level 1: +1 on all saving throws; not cumulative with paladin or knight bonus.
Level 1: +2 saves vs. Illusions
Level 3: +1 to hit per 3 levels (round down) with any one type of sword (Cavalier's choice).
Level 3: +1 Str, Dex, or Con (replaces percentage rules)
Level 4: Weapon of Choice: The PC selects one weapon (which he does not have to specialize in), and the Cavalier is considered 3 levels higher for purposes of number of attacks per round. This must be a melee weapon.
Level 5: +1 to hit per 5 levels (round down) with mace, flail, or military pick (Cavalier's choice).
Level 6: +1 Str, Dex, or Con, must be a different stat from the one picked at Level 3
Level 7: Free Riding (air-based) proficiency (1 slot).
Level 9: +1 Str, Dex, or Con, the last stat not picked from the Level 3 and Level 6 picks.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2.2 (none)
3 4.4 (none)
4 8.8 (none)
5 17 (none)
6 35 (none)
7 70 (none)
8 140 (none)
9 270 (none)
10 400 (none)
11 530 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 800 (none)
14 1000 (none)
15 1200 (none)
16 1400 (none)
17 1600 (none)
18 1800 (none)
19 2000 (none)
20 2200 (none)
21 2400 (none)
22 2600 (none)
23 2800 (none)
24 3000 (none)
25 3200 (none)
26 3400 (none)
27 3600 (none)
28 3800 (none)
29 4000 (none)
30 4200 (none)
31 4400 (none)
32 4600 (none)
33 4800 (none)
34 5000 (none)
35 5200 (none)
36 5400 (none)
Requisites: Str 9, Con 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Dwarf0
Reference: RC0-23
Level 2: Abilities of a Thief2 at level/2. Gets 20 Rogue points per level.
Level 9: Can use "Smash" and "Parry" as per Fighter0.
Level 14: Resist Magic.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 120 (none)
9 240 (none)
10 360 (none)
11 480 (none)
12 600 (none)
13 720 (none)
14 840 (none)
15 960 (none)
16 1080 (none)
17 1200 (none)
18 1320 (none)
19 1440 (none)
20 1560 (none)
21 1680 (none)
22 1800 (none)
23 1920 (none)
24 2040 (none)
25 2160 (none)
26 2280 (none)
27 2400 (none)
28 2520 (none)
29 2640 (none)
30 2760 (none)
31 2880 (none)
32 3000 (none)
33 3120 (none)
34 3240 (none)
35 3360 (none)
36 3480 (none)
Requisites: Str 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0
Reference: RC0-16
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Level 1: +1 slot in Weapon Mastery per level.
Level 1: Fighting Withdrawal: 2V: Disengage melee combat without receiving a parting shot.
Level 9: Smash: 0: Get -5 to hit, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 9: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=0 for small, N=1 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.
Level 12: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it twice for each attack.
Level 24: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it three times for each attack.
Level 36: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it four times for each attack.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 18 (none)
6 35 (none)
7 70 (none)
8 125 (none)
9 250 (none)
10 500 (none)
11 750 (none)
12 1000 (none)
13 1250 (none)
14 1500 (none)
15 1750 (none)
16 2000 (none)
17 2250 (none)
18 2500 (none)
19 2750 (none)
20 3000 (none)
21 3250 (none)
22 3500 (none)
23 3750 (none)
24 4000 (none)
25 4250 (none)
26 4500 (none)
27 4750 (none)
28 5000 (none)
29 5250 (none)
30 5500 (none)
31 5750 (none)
32 6000 (none)
33 6250 (none)
34 6500 (none)
35 6750 (none)
36 7000 (none)
Requisites: Str 9, Con 7
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: PH1-22
Level 4: Great Swing: Can choose to make 1 attack per physical action (regardless of how many weapons the PC is using) instead of normal number of attacks. This "great swing" has no extra bonus to hit but does 5 times normal damage and has a 1% per level of fighter of instantly killing any one mortal target (as per assassination). Great swing is not cumulative with Rogue's Backstab or Assassin abilities, but can be used with missile or natural weapons.
Level 9: Can build a freehold and attract followers.
Level 9: Mental link with a number of lieutenants (followers that are Warriors of at least 4th level) equal to Fighter's level (this operates on its own unique psionic frequency).
Level 12: Automatic proficiency in all weapons that the fighter has seen in operation (does not count as "free" slots, so 2 slots are still needed to single specialize, etc.).
Level 12: Can transfer 1/10 of total XP to one of the fighter's children upon natural (mental aging) death.
Level 18: Fighter's hit points are maximum (consider all hit die rolls to be maximum possible, even if the fighter has non-warrior classes).
Level 18: Can automatically hit any mortal creature with a non infinite negative Armor Class when using "Great Swing".
Level 18: Mental link to lieutenants now gives the lieutenants the ability to cast 1 first level priest spell per day (casting level = 1).
Level 27: Raise Self: The fighter will be able to Raise Dead on himself 1 day after death (as long as the death was due to physical damage). This ability cannot be used more than once per year.
Level 27: Maximum age doubles (the fighter may be lowered 1-2 age categories).
Level 27: Ability to grant a total of (#followers) priest levels of spells (maximum spell level = 4) to followers (or himself). The spell recipient must be able to memorize the spells the question (be a ranger, have a priest class, etc.). The fighter may grant spells to himself, even if he cannot normally cast spells (in this case, caster level = 9).
Level 36: Fighter may have his "home plane" switched to that of his alignment.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 125 (none)
9 250 (none)
10 500 (none)
11 750 (none)
12 1000 (none)
13 1250 (none)
14 1500 (none)
15 1750 (none)
16 2000 (none)
17 2250 (none)
18 2500 (none)
19 2750 (none)
20 3000 (none)
21 3250 (none)
22 3500 (none)
23 3750 (none)
24 4000 (none)
25 4250 (none)
26 4500 (none)
27 4750 (none)
28 5000 (none)
29 5250 (none)
30 5500 (none)
31 5750 (none)
32 6000 (none)
33 6250 (none)
34 6500 (none)
35 6750 (none)
36 7000 (none)
Requisites: Str 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: PH2-26
Level 4: Great Swing: Can choose to make 1 attack per physical action (regardless of how many weapons the PC is using) instead of normal number of attacks. This "great swing" has no extra bonus to hit but does 5 times normal damage and has a 1% per level of fighter of instantly killing any one mortal target (as per assassination). Great swing is not cumulative with Rogue's Backstab or Assassin abilities, but can be used with missile or natural weapons.
Level 9: Can build a freehold and attract followers.
Level 9: Mental link with a number of lieutenants (followers that are Warriors of at least 4th level) equal to Fighter's level (this operates on its own unique psionic frequency).
Level 12: Automatic proficiency in all weapons that the fighter has seen in operation (does not count as "free" slots, so 2 slots are still needed to single specialize, etc.).
Level 12: Can transfer 1/10 of total XP to one of the fighter's children upon natural (mental aging) death.
Level 18: Fighter's hit points are maximum (consider all hit die rolls to be maximum possible, even if the fighter has non-warrior classes).
Level 18: Can automatically hit any mortal creature with a non infinite negative Armor Class when using "Great Swing".
Level 18: Mental link to lieutenants now gives the lieutenants the ability to cast 1 first level priest spell per day (casting level = 1).
Level 27: Raise Self: The fighter will be able to Raise Dead on himself 1 day after death (as long as the death was due to physical damage). This ability cannot be used more than once per year.
Level 27: Maximum age doubles (the fighter may be lowered 1-2 age categories).
Level 27: Ability to grant a total of (#followers) priest levels of spells (maximum spell level = 4) to followers (or himself). The spell recipient must be able to memorize the spells the question (be a ranger, have a priest class, etc.). The fighter may grant spells to himself, even if he cannot normally cast spells (in this case, caster level = 9).
Level 36: Fighter may have his "home plane" switched to that of his alignment.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 0.8 (none)
3 1.6 (none)
4 3.2 (none)
5 6.4 (none)
6 12.8 (none)
7 25.6 (none)
8 51.2 (none)
9 102.4 (none)
10 204.8 (none)
11 360 (none)
12 520 (none)
13 680 (none)
14 840 (none)
15 1000 (none)
16 1160 (none)
17 1320 (none)
18 1480 (none)
19 1640 (none)
20 1800 (none)
21 1960 (none)
22 2120 (none)
23 2280 (none)
24 2440 (none)
25 2600 (none)
26 2760 (none)
27 2920 (none)
28 3080 (none)
29 3240 (none)
30 3400 (none)
31 3560 (none)
32 3720 (none)
33 3880 (none)
34 4040 (none)
35 4200 (none)
36 4360 (none)
Requisites: Str 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0
Reference: DM
Needs only a Str of 6 to qualify.
Gets Exceptional Str & Con. Can take Super Str & Con for 2 weapon proficiencies each.
Level 1: 1V: Deflect 1P action worth of attacks from any target within (5*level)' to yourself. You cannot then deflect these attacks away; you must actually be hittable by the attacks.
Level 5: Great Swing as per Fighter.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes

Holy Warrior3

Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 0-- --- ---
2 2 1-- --- ---
3 4 2a- --- ---
4 8 30- --- ---
5 16 32a --- ---
6 32 430 --- ---
7 64 432 a-- ---
8 128 443 0-- ---
9 180 543 2a- ---
10 225 544 30- ---
11 275 554 32- ---
12 330 554 43a ---
13 390 655 432 a--
14 455 655 443 0--
15 525 665 543 2a-
16 600 665 544 30-
17 680 666 554 32a
18 765 666 554 430
19 855 666 655 432
20 950 666 655 443
21 1050 666 665 544
22 1155 666 665 555
23 1265 666 666 555
24 1380 666 666 655
25 1500 666 666 665
26 1625 666 666 666
27 1755 766 666 666
28 1890 776 666 666
29 2030 777 666 666
30 2175 777 766 666
31 2325 777 776 666
32 2480 777 777 666
33 2640 777 777 766
34 2805 777 777 776
35 2975 777 777 777
36 3150 877 777 777
Requisites: Wis 0
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 9+level/10
To Hit Table: +level
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Warrior3}
Groups: Warrior, Alternate
Level 9: Pick any other Priest class you could qualify for. You gain all abilities of that class as if you were 8 levels lower.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 2 --- ---
3 4 0-- ---
4 8 0-- ---
5 16 0-- ---
6 32 1-- ---
7 64 1-- ---
8 120 1-- ---
9 240 20- ---
10 360 20- ---
11 480 20- ---
12 600 21- ---
13 720 21- ---
14 840 21- ---
15 960 220 ---
16 1080 220 ---
17 1200 220 ---
18 1320 221 ---
19 1440 221 ---
20 1560 221 ---
21 1680 322 0--
22 1800 322 0--
23 1920 322 0--
24 2040 332 1--
25 2160 332 1--
26 2280 332 1--
27 2400 333 20-
28 2520 333 20-
29 2640 333 20-
30 2760 443 21-
31 2880 443 21-
32 3000 443 21-
33 3120 443 320
34 3240 443 320
35 3360 443 320
36 3480 444 321
Requisites: Str 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0
Reference: RC0-18
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Level 1: +1 slot in Weapon Mastery per level.
Level 1: Detect evil/good/non-balance continuous.
Level 3: Cast Priest spells using progression of Cleric0 at 1/3 level (round down). Caster level = actual level.
Level 3: 1M,1/d: Summon level/3 fighters of level/2 to fight for you.
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 2 --- ---
3 4 0-- ---
4 8 0-- ---
5 16 0-- ---
6 32 1-- ---
7 64 1-- ---
8 120 1-- ---
9 240 20- ---
10 360 20- ---
11 480 20- ---
12 600 21- ---
13 720 21- ---
14 840 21- ---
15 960 220 ---
16 1080 220 ---
17 1200 220 ---
18 1320 221 ---
19 1440 221 ---
20 1560 221 ---
21 1680 322 0--
22 1800 322 0--
23 1920 322 0--
24 2040 332 1--
25 2160 332 1--
26 2280 332 1--
27 2400 333 20-
28 2520 333 20-
29 2640 333 20-
30 2760 443 21-
31 2880 443 21-
32 3000 443 21-
33 3120 443 320
34 3240 443 320
35 3360 443 320
36 3480 444 321
Requisites: Str 9, Wis 0
Alignment: L any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0
Reference: RC0-18
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Level 1: +1 slot in Weapon Mastery per level.
Level 1: Detect evil/good/non-balance continuous.
Level 3: Cast Priest spells using progression of Cleric0 at 1/3 level (round down). Caster level = actual level.
Level 3: Turn/Command Undead at 1/3 level (round down).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 4
1 0 --- -
2 2.75 --- -
3 5.5 --- -
4 12 --- -
5 24 --- -
6 45 --- -
7 95 --- -
8 175 --- -
9 350 1-- -
10 700 2-- -
11 1050 21- -
12 1400 22- -
13 1750 221 -
14 2100 321 -
15 2450 321 1
16 2800 332 1
17 3150 333 1
18 3500 333 1
19 3850 333 2
20 4200 333 3
21 4550 433 3
22 4900 443 3
23 5250 444 3
24 5600 444 4
25 5950 544 4
26 6300 554 4
27 6650 555 4
28 7000 555 5
29 7350 655 5
30 7700 665 5
31 8050 666 5
32 8400 666 6
33 8750 766 6
34 9100 776 6
35 9450 777 6
36 9800 777 7
Requisites: Str 12, Con 9, Int 9, Wis 13, Chr 17
Alignment: LG
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: PH1-22
Level 1: May shatter a magical, psionic, or innate effect that is currently running. It requires 10 dmg per spell level of the effect to shatter it. This doesn't require a Holy Avenger.
Level 1: Detect Evil (Range 60', requires 1 mental action) as the spell, except the evil creature must have evil intent in order to be picked up as an evil creature. This may done as often as the paladin wishes.
Level 1: Immunity to all forms of natural (non-magical) disease.
Level 1: Lay on Hands: Cure 2 hit points per level (Range T, uses 1 mental), once per day. This curing ability may be divided between two or more creatures, and does function on outer planar targets.
Level 1: Cure Disease: can be done once per week per 5 levels (round up).
Level 1: Protection from Evil 10'r (continuous, but may be lowered).
Level 1: Turn Undead as a cleric of 2 levels lower.
Level 1: +2 on all saving throws; not cumulative with cavalier or knight bonus.
Level 1: Cannot retain more than 10 magic items (2 armor, 4 weapons, 4 any). (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: 10% of all treasure must be given to a religious institution (this is called the tithe). Leftover wealth not spent is also donated. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: If holding a Holy Avenger, +10*N% MR (where N is the weapons TH bonus) and can Dispel Magic
Level 3: Effective Charisma with lower level warriors increased by level-1.
Level 4: The paladin may call upon a special war horse (which is treated as a mage's familiar). Possible mounts include the following: War Horse, Pegasus/Unicorn, Dragon Horse, Dragon, Opinicus, and Ki-Rin.
It takes 17-24 hours for the mount to arrive, and the Hit Dice of the mount cannot be higher than the paladin's level. If the mount is lost, another can be called after the paladin spends 1 week praying (but no more than 2 mounts can be employed in a single decade).
Level 9: Automatically gains 1 XP per year per follower if sets up a stronghold.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 4
1 0 --- -
2 2.25 --- -
3 4.5 --- -
4 9 --- -
5 18 --- -
6 36 --- -
7 75 --- -
8 150 --- -
9 300 1-- -
10 600 2-- -
11 900 21- -
12 1200 22- -
13 1500 221 -
14 1800 321 -
15 2100 321 1
16 2400 332 1
17 2700 333 1
18 3000 333 1
19 3300 333 2
20 3600 333 3
21 3900 433 3
22 4200 443 3
23 4500 444 3
24 4800 444 4
25 5100 544 4
26 5400 554 4
27 5700 555 4
28 6000 555 5
29 6300 655 5
30 6600 665 5
31 6900 666 5
32 7200 666 6
33 7500 766 6
34 7800 776 6
35 8100 777 6
36 8400 777 7
Requisites: Str 12, Con 9, Wis 13, Chr 17
Alignment: LG
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: PH2-27
Level 1: May shatter a magical, psionic, or innate effect that is currently running. It requires 10 dmg per spell level of the effect to shatter it. This doesn't require a Holy Avenger.
Level 1: Detect Evil (Range 60', requires 1 mental action) as the spell, except the evil creature must have evil intent in order to be picked up as an evil creature. This may done as often as the paladin wishes.
Level 1: Immunity to all forms of natural (non-magical) disease.
Level 1: Lay on Hands: Cure 2 hit points per level (Range T, uses 1 mental), once per day. This curing ability may be divided between two or more creatures, and does function on outer planar targets.
Level 1: Cure Disease: can be done once per week per 5 levels (round up).
Level 1: Protection from Evil 10'r (continuous, but may be lowered).
Level 1: Turn Undead as a cleric of 2 levels lower.
Level 1: +2 on all saving throws; not cumulative with cavalier or knight bonus.
Level 1: Cannot retain more than 10 magic items (2 armor, 4 weapons, 4 any). (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: 10% of all treasure must be given to a religious institution (this is called the tithe). Leftover wealth not spent is also donated. (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: If holding a Holy Avenger, +10*N% MR (where N is the weapons TH bonus) and can Dispel Magic
Level 3: Effective Charisma with lower level warriors increased by level-1.
Level 4: The paladin may call upon a special war horse (which is treated as a mage's familiar). Possible mounts include the following: War Horse, Pegasus/Unicorn, Dragon Horse, Dragon, Opinicus, and Ki-Rin.
It takes 17-24 hours for the mount to arrive, and the Hit Dice of the mount cannot be higher than the paladin's level. If the mount is lost, another can be called after the paladin spends 1 week praying (but no more than 2 mounts can be employed in a single decade).
Level 9: Automatically gains 1 XP per year per follower if sets up a stronghold.

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
123 4
1 0 --- -
2 10 --- -
3 30 --- -
4 60 0-- -
5 100 0-- -
6 150 1-- -
7 210 1-- -
8 280 10- -
9 360 10- -
10 450 11- -
11 550 110 -
12 660 111 -
13 780 111 -
14 910 211 0
15 1050 211 1
16 1200 221 1
17 1360 222 1
18 1530 322 1
19 1710 333 2
20 1900 333 3
21 2100 433 3
22 2310 443 3
23 2530 444 3
24 2760 444 4
25 3000 544 4
26 3250 554 4
27 3510 555 4
28 3780 555 5
29 4060 655 5
30 4350 665 5
31 4650 666 5
32 4960 666 6
33 5280 766 6
34 5610 776 6
35 5950 777 6
36 6300 777 7
Requisites: Str 0, Wis 0 (11), Chr 0
Alignment: LG
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 10+level/9
To Hit Table: +level
Save Table: War
Reference: PH3-41
Level 1: 1M: Detect Evil.
Level 1: Divine Grace: Add Chr bonus to all saving throws.
Level 1: Lay on Hands: 1V, 1/d, touch: Cure LVL*(Chr bonus) hp, or Cause same amount to an undead creature. This can be "broken up" among multiple touches.
Level 1: Divine Health: Immune to disease, mummy rot, lycanthropy.
Level 2: Aura of Courage: Immune to fear. All within 10' resist fear.
Level 2: Smite Evil: 1 attack, 1/d: +(Chr bonus) TH, +LVL dmg with next attack vs. an evil creature.
Level 3: Remove Disease: 1M, [LVL/3] /week: Cure Disease.
Level 3: Turn Undead as if a Priest of 2 levels lower.
Level 4: Can cast Priest spells; gets Wisdom bonus.
Level 5: Special Mount: Gain a familiar which must be a mount (the familiar list in [S0.5] indicates which types can be mounts).

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Druid Wizard
123   12
1 0 ---   --
2 2.25 ---   --
3 4.5 ---   --
4 10 ---   --
5 20 ---   --
6 40 ---   --
7 90 ---   --
8 150 1--   --
9 225 1--   1-
10 325 2--   1-
11 650 2--   2-
12 975 21-   2-
13 1300 21-   21
14 1625 22-   21
15 1950 22-   22
16 2275 221   22
17 2600 222   22
18 2925 322   22
19 3250 322   32
20 3575 332   32
21 3900 332   32
22 4225 333   33
23 4550 333   33
24 4875 433   33
25 5200 433   33
26 5525 443   43
27 5850 443   43
28 6175 444   43
29 6500 444   44
30 6825 544   44
31 7150 544   44
32 7475 554   44
33 7800 555   54
34 8125 655   54
35 8450 665   54
36 8775 666   55
Requisites: Str 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14
Alignment: any G
HD/level: +d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: PH1-24
Level 1: Free Tracking proficiency, number of free slots = Ranger's level ÷ 2.
Level 1: Trailing, Wilderness Survival, Two-Weapon Fighting proficiencies.
Level 1: +4 to hit and +1/level damage versus a species enemy. This can be either a single race without qualifier ("All dragons", "All demons", but not "All demi-humans") or "Giant-class" (which includes all creatures who have 2 arms, 2 legs, and have skin, fur, or scales; but does not include humans and demi-humans).
Level 1: Rogue abilities as per Scout (see [PC4]).
Level 1: Surprise 50% of time, is surprised only 1 in 6.
Level 1: Excess goods/treasure must be donated as per paladin.
Level 1: Cannot hire men-at-arms (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: Cannot operate with more than 2 other Rangers (Ignore this restriction)
Level 4: Locate Object/Animal/Plant (level÷4) times per day (as Priest spells).
Level 8: Ability to cast druid spells (no wisdom bonus), see table in [S1].
Level 8: Can now hire men-at-arms
Level 9: Ability to cast wizard spells (can specialize in charm/divination), see table in [S1]. (Ran2 does not get this ability)
Level 10: Can use Priest and Wizard items that are not written.
Level 10: Attract 2-20 followers
Level 18: Find the Path 1/day (as the Priest spell).

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Druid
1 0 ---
2 2.25 ---
3 4.5 ---
4 9 ---
5 18 ---
6 36 ---
7 75 ---
8 150 1--
9 300 2--
10 600 21-
11 900 22-
12 1200 221
13 1500 321
14 1800 322
15 2100 332
16 2400 333
17 2700 333
18 3000 333
19 3300 433
20 3600 443
21 3900 444
22 4200 444
23 4500 444
24 4800 544
25 5100 554
26 5400 555
27 5700 555
28 6000 555
29 6300 655
30 6600 665
31 6900 666
32 7200 666
33 7500 666
34 7800 766
35 8100 776
36 8400 777
Requisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Wis 14
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: PH2-28
Level 1: Free Tracking proficiency, number of free slots = Ranger's level ÷ 2.
Level 1: Trailing, Wilderness Survival, Two-Weapon Fighting proficiencies.
Level 1: +4 to hit and +1/level damage versus a species enemy. This can be either a single race without qualifier ("All dragons", "All demons", but not "All demi-humans") or "Giant-class" (which includes all creatures who have 2 arms, 2 legs, and have skin, fur, or scales; but does not include humans and demi-humans).
Level 1: Rogue abilities as per Scout (see [PC4]).
Level 1: Surprise 50% of time, is surprised only 1 in 6.
Level 1: Excess goods/treasure must be donated as per paladin.
Level 1: Cannot hire men-at-arms (Ignore this restriction)
Level 1: Cannot operate with more than 2 other Rangers (Ignore this restriction)
Level 4: Locate Object/Animal/Plant (level÷4) times per day (as Priest spells).
Level 8: Ability to cast druid spells (no wisdom bonus), see table in [S1].
Level 8: Can now hire men-at-arms
Level 9: Ability to cast wizard spells (can specialize in charm/divination), see table in [S1]. (Ran2 does not get this ability)
Level 10: Can use Priest and Wizard items that are not written.
Level 10: Attract 2-20 followers
Level 18: Find the Path 1/day (as the Priest spell).

[PC1] Warrior Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 4
1 0 --- -
2 10 --- -
3 30 --- -
4 60 0-- -
5 100 0-- -
6 150 1-- -
7 210 1-- -
8 280 10- -
9 360 10- -
10 450 11- -
11 550 110 -
12 660 111 -
13 780 111 -
14 910 211 0
15 1050 211 1
16 1200 221 1
17 1360 222 1
18 1530 322 1
19 1710 333 2
20 1900 333 3
21 2100 433 3
22 2310 443 3
23 2530 444 3
24 2760 444 4
25 3000 544 4
26 3250 554 4
27 3510 555 4
28 3780 555 5
29 4060 655 5
30 4350 665 5
31 4650 666 5
32 4960 666 6
33 5280 766 6
34 5610 776 6
35 5950 777 6
36 6300 777 7
Requisites: Str 0, Dex 0, Wis 0 (11)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 10+level/9
To Hit Table: +level
Save Table: War
Reference: PH3-44
Level 1: Gain Track feat.
Level 1: Favored Enemy: Pick a type of creature. +1 dmg & proficiency checks vs. that enemy. Every 5 levels, gain another Favored Enemy and all previous Favored Enemy bonuses increase by +1.
Level 1: Can take Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat even if doesn't have prerequisites.
Level 4: Can cast Priest spells; gets Wisdom bonus.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

All Wizard Classes

Level 1: May material component a spell by spending 1V action. See [S0] for effects of material componenting. Generally, you will can pick from: double effect, double level for purposes of MR shift, double duration, or double range ("0" going to "touch" and "touch" going to 10 feet).
Level 1: Allowed to use 1st edition illusionist spells (in PH1, UA1, etc.) as if they were normal wizard spells; you don't have to be an illusionist to use them.
Level N: May cast spells of spell level N/3 (round down) without using a P action, if you are specialized in that school.
Level N: May cast spells of spell level N/4 (round down) without using a P action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

Specialist Wizards

1st edition specialist wizards are usually custom classes with their own spell progressions and powers. You may choose either the 2nd edition or Collective system of specialization for your specialty schools.
2nd edition specialists gives 1 extra spell for each spell level the caster has. The extra spell must be from the selected specialty school. Their spell progression and XP table (and other data) are identical to Mage2 class, unless noted.
Collective specialists grant no extra spells, but the caster may cast spells from his specialty school for ˝ of a spell. Their spell progression and XP table (and other data) are identical to Mage2 class, unless noted.
For both systems of specialist, you must select an opposite school. The school selected must be one of the 8 major schools. Spells in the opposite school cost 2 full spells to cast.
When casting a spell in your specialty school, all creatures get -1 on their save vs. the effect. When you are affected by a spell from your specialty school, you get +1 on your save.
School 1st ed. specialist 2nd ed. Specialist Collective specialist Requisites (Note)
Abjuration WRobe1 * Abjurer2 Thaumaturgist Int/Wis  
Alteration (NA) Transmuter2 Alterationist Int/Dex  
Conjuration Warlock1 * Conjurer2 Summoner Int/Chr  
Divination Savant1 * Diviner2 Visionist, Sage * Int/Wis  
Enchantment (NA) Enchanter2 Mesmeriser Int/Chr  
Illusion Illusionist1 * Illusionist2 Phantasmist Int/Dex  
Invocation RRobe1 Evoker2 Invoker Int/Con  
Necromancy DeathMaster1*, BRobe1* Necromancer2 Apparitionist Int/Wis  
Air (NA) (NA) Aeromancer Int/Dex/Wis  
Chronomancy (NA) Chronomancer2 * Tempromancer * Int/Con/Con (need Con 18)
Cold (NA) (NA) Cryomancer Int/Con/Dex  
Eelemental **** (NA) (NA) Eelementalist Con/Str (see also Psi(-15))
Elemental (NA) Elementalist2 Elemental Mage Int/Int/Con (need Int 18) (see also Psi15)
Earth (NA) (NA) Terramancer Int/Str/Con  
Fire (NA) (NA) Pyromancer Int/Dex/Wis  
Water (NA) (NA) Aquamancer Int/Str/Dex  
Weird Element (NA) (Element)-ist2 (Element)-mancer Int/???/??? (??? determined by DM)
Alchemy Alchemist1 * (NA) (NA) Int/Con  
Chemistry (NA) (NA) Chemist Int/Wis  
Demonology ** (NA) (NA) Infernal Mage * Int/Str (see also Psi6)
Dracology (NA) Dracologist2 Dragon Mage Int/Str (see also Psi15)
Incantatrix Incantatrix1 * Defiler2*,Preserver2* Spellstealer * Int/Wis/Chr (see also Psi20)
Metamagic (NA) Metamagician2 (NA) Int/Int (need Int 18)
Metamorphics (NA) Metamorphicist2 (NA) Int/Dex  
Numbers (NA) Numerologist2 (NA) Int (see also Psi12L)
Punomancy **** Punomancer1 Punomancer2 PunomancerDM Wis/Dex  
Somniomancy (NA) (NA) Somniomancer * Int/Chr/Wis  
Technology Tinker1 *** Spelljammer2 * Technologist * Int/Int/Dex (Int 18) (also Psi8/16)
Telekinetics (NA) Telekineticist2 (NA) Int/Dex (see also psionics)
Thought (NA) Thought Mage2 Mind Mage Int/Wis (see also psionics)
Wild Magic (NA) Wild Mage2 (NA) Int/Dex/Wis (see also Psi12C)
* This class does not use the standard Mage2 spell and XP progression. This class may also have different requisites than this table lists. See the individual class listing in the Class Table and further down in [P4.2] for details. If there is no such listing, just use Mage2 until the proper class is written.
** There is a Demonologist class in the Priest group.
*** This is a Rogue group class, see [PC4].
**** This may or may not exist depending on the campaign.
There is also a "Spellbinder" class, which is specialized in Illusion and Enchantment (see below). Basic data as per Mage2.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 1 --- --- ---
3 3.2 1-- --- ---
4 6 2-- --- ---
5 10 3-- --- ---
6 18.5 41- --- ---
7 30 421 --- ---
8 50 432 --- ---
9 75 433 1-- ---
10 110 443 21- ---
11 200 444 22- ---
12 380 444 221 ---
13 560 444 332 ---
14 640 444 443 ---
15 820 444 444 ---
16 1000 544 444 1--
17 1180 554 444 2--
18 1360 555 444 3--
19 1540 555 544 4--
20 1720 555 554 41-
21 1900 555 555 42-
22 2080 555 555 53-
23 2260 555 555 54-
24 2440 555 555 55-
25 2620 655 555 551
26 2800 665 555 552
27 2980 666 555 553
28 3160 666 655 554
29 3340 666 665 555
30 3520 666 666 555
31 3700 666 666 655
32 3880 666 666 665
33 4060 666 666 666
34 4240 777 666 666
35 4420 777 777 666
36 4600 777 777 777
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: BoD3
Level 1: One occupation non-weapon proficiency per level (free).
Level 1: Read Languages (47+level*3)%.
Level 2: Identify minerals by sight.
Level 3: Identify potions and poisons by sight.
Level 3: Considered specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite).
Level 4: Identify plants by sight.
Level 4: Can create potions in 1/(level-3) the normal time.
Level 5: Identify animals by sight.
Level 6: Can write scrolls in 1/(level-5) the normal time.
Level 6: Considered specialized in Alteration (no opposites still).
Level 7: Can create any expendible/charged item in 1/(level-6) the normal time.
Level 9: Predict miscibility (Level-8)*10%.
Level 9: Can create any non-artifact magic item in 1/(level-8) the normal time.
Level 9: Identify any non-artifact magic item by sight.
Level 9: Identify non-immortal monsters by sight.
Level 9: Can specialize in (third) school; if this is done, select an opposite.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3.75 2-- --- ---
3 7.5 21- --- ---
4 15 32- --- ---
5 33.75 421 --- ---
6 60 422 --- ---
7 90 432 1-- ---
8 135 433 2-- ---
9 202.5 433 21- ---
10 375 443 22- ---
11 562.5 444 33- ---
12 1125 444 441 ---
13 1687.5 555 442 ---
14 2250 555 442 1--
15 2812.5 555 552 1--
16 3375 555 553 21-
17 3937.5 555 553 32-
18 4500 555 553 321
19 5062.5 555 553 331
20 5625 555 554 332
21 6187.5 555 554 442
22 6750 555 555 443
23 7312.5 555 555 553
24 7875 555 555 554
25 8437.5 555 555 555
26 9000 666 655 555
27 9562.5 666 666 655
28 10125 666 666 666
29 10687.5 777 766 666
30 11250 777 777 766
31 11812.5 777 777 777
32 12375 888 877 777
33 12937.5 888 888 877
34 13500 888 888 888
35 14062.5 999 988 888
36 14625 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 14, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Magic-User1}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate
Specialization in Anti-Magic; no opposite.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

Anti-Magic Spells

Level # Spell Effect
1 1 Anti-Magic Armor Armor has +1/+1 AC/saves for 1t
1 2 Anti-Magic Missile (L+1)/2 missiles; 1d4+1 dmg gravity (no save)
1 3 Anti-Magic Mouth Mouth that moves around (like Wizard Eye), can speak through it
1 4 Detect/Identify Anti-Magic Detect/Identify Anti-Magic
1 5 Foul Potions Foul (Destroy) 10*CL doses of magical Potions in someone's inventory (no save), the potions can be fixed out of combat if done within the hour
1 6 Nystul's Anti-Magic Aura Makes an object radiate anti-magic; considered a +0 weapon on the damage side
2 1 Anti-Magic Resistance aMR 50+CL*5% [duration 2 hours]
2 2 Blank [1Z to cast] Counter a Blink effect
2 3 Dispel Magic (one effect) Dispels one magic effect (no option to dispel an area like normal Dispel Magic)
2 4 Drain Charges Target magic item loses 10*CL charges (no save)
2 5 Rope Trap Create a x1 magical trap of Maze
2 6 Spectral Mouth Can have a breath effect start from a remote location
3 1 Anti-Magic Circle Against T/N/S/J/A/Nil As "Protection from [alignment]" spells, against one of T/N/S/J/A/Nil
3 2 Delay Life [1bM to cast] Counter a Raise effect (Resurrection still works), or Turn off someone's Regen Buffer
3 3 Flowform Enter the nearby border Phlogiston plane
3 4 Greater Anti-Magic Armor Armor has +CL/3 AC and +CL/3 saves for 1t
3 5 Pro. from Magic Armor You ignore the AC plusses from magic armor for 1t
3 6 Pro. from Shields Ignore damaging shield effects
4 1 Airskin 4+CL/2 Airskins. Each Airskin halves the damage from an energy-based attack. Can use 1Z to have a second Airskin halve it again.
4 2 Anti-Magic Mirror Like crystal ball but with sound and scent instead of sight
4 3 Create Exhaustion Target takes 50% more damage than the damage he's taken so far (RSW save for 25%)
5 1 Anti-Magic Jar Exorcism and Remove Domination/Charm/Magic Jar on 1 target, or the target drops an item that's Ego Dominating him (no resistance)
5 2 Anti-Magic Shell (one SL) Pick one SL. Turns off magical spells and effects of exactly that SL (lower or higher is not affected)
5 3 Shadow Anti-Magic CLd6 dmg (pick a normal or para element) to a group, Int check for half damage
6 1 Anti-Anti-Magic Shell Turns off anti-magical spells and effects of spell levels 0-5
6 2 Demi-Shadow Anti-Magic CLd8 dmg (pick a normal, para, or quasi element) to a group, Int check for half damage
6 3 Create DMZ Create a DMZ (Dispel Magic Zone), a x1 Special on the room
7 1 First Level Anti-Magic-User Spells (DM1) Cast any four 1st level Anti-Magic spells simultaneously when it is cast.
7 2 First Level Anti-Magic-User Spells (DM2) Can cast one 1st Level Anti-Magic spell per round as Z action
7 3    
8 1    
8 2    
8 3    
9 1 Megaskin CL/4 Megaskins. Each Megaskin lets you ignore one energy based attack.
9 2 Round Stop The current round will end after the end of this segment (the rest of the segments this round will not occur)
9 3    
10 1 Anti-Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Lower an Anti-Dispel Magic Shell
10 2 Anti-Dispel Anti-Magic Shell Your effects are immune to low MF, Instantaneous, Look at Me I'm the DCI
10 3    

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

Black Robe1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2.5 1-- --- ---
2 5 2-- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 17 32- --- ---
5 35 421 --- ---
6 45 422 --- ---
7 80 432 1-- ---
8 135 433 2-- ---
9 290 433 21- ---
10 375 443 221 ---
11 500 444 321 ---
12 650 444 421 1--
13 800 555 432 111
14 1000 555 442 111
15 1200 555 552 111
16 1400 555 553 211
17 1650 555 554 321
18 1900 555 554 321
19 2150 555 554 322
20 2400 555 554 333
21 2650 555 554 444
22 2900 555 555 555
23 3150 666 666 666
24 3400 776 666 666
25 3650 777 766 666
26 3900 777 776 666
27 4150 777 777 666
28 4400 777 777 776
29 4650 777 777 777
30 4900 887 777 777
31 5150 888 777 777
32 5400 888 877 777
33 5650 888 887 777
34 5900 888 888 777
35 6150 888 888 877
36 6400 888 888 887
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DLA1
Specialized in Necromancy. Has Divination and Abjuration as opposite schools.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 ˝-- --- ---
2 3 1-- --- ---
3 6 2˝- --- ---
4 12 21- --- ---
5 24 32˝ --- ---
6 48 321 --- ---
7 72 332 ˝-- ---
8 105 432 1-- ---
9 160 433 2˝- ---
10 285 443 21- ---
11 425 443 32˝ ---
12 850 544 321 ---
13 1235 544 332 ˝--
14 1610 554 432 1--
15 1985 554 433 2˝-
16 2370 555 443 21-
17 2755 655 443 32˝
18 3140 655 544 321
19 3525 665 544 332
20 3910 665 554 432
21 4295 666 554 433
22 4680 666 555 443
23 5065 766 655 443
24 5450 766 655 544
25 5835 776 665 544
26 6220 776 665 554
27 6605 777 666 554
28 6990 777 666 555
29 7375 777 766 655
30 7760 877 766 655
31 8145 877 776 665
32 8530 887 776 665
33 8915 887 777 666
34 9300 888 777 666
35 9685 888 777 766
36 10070 888 877 766
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+2  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+3  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+4  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+5  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+6  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+7  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+8  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 17, Wis 16
Alignment: L any or T any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Chrono2
Groups: Wizard
Specialization in Chromancy; pick one opposite school.
Chronomancy spells are not generally available to regular Wizards. Even if a regular Wizard gets access to Chronomancy spells, each Chronomancy spell costs a regular Wizard two spell slots each.
Level 3: Time/Reality Stability.
Level 5: Immune to haste and slow (this immunity may be lowered).
Level 11: +LVL-10 segments per round. Thus a level 25 Chronomancer has 25 segments.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

Chronomancy Spells

Level # Spell Effect
1 1 Delay Image +2 AC, +1 saves
1 2 Detect Temporal Anomaly Detect Temporal Anomaly
1 3 Haste A1 +1A action
1 4 Know Time Know date and day
1 5 Precognitive Sense Precognition
1 6 Slow Metabolism Need not eat/drink
2 1 Accelerate Plant Growth Plant Growth
2 2 Haste A2 +2A or +1B actions
2 3 Life Sounding Know target's age and how many years of natural lifespan is left
2 4 Preserve Target object is preserved and will not spoil/rot
2 5 Time Stop Object Time stops an inanimate object for 1-3 rounds
2 6 Timeslip (can cast in response to being attacked) You disappear from the combat until next round.
3 1 Articus's Melee Manager Target gets +CL/5 melee attacks per P action for 2*CL rounds
3 2 Haste A3 +3A, +2B, or +1C actions
3 3 Life Tether You know when in time the target is at all times, when time travelling can use the target as anchor
3 4 Minor Paradox Counter an effect that just occured last segment (it is undone)
3 5 Slow Slow (save)
3 6 Time Snare Target will do the same actions it did last time it acted (Spell save each round until made)
4 1 Haste A4 +4A, +3B, or +2C actions
4 2 Prophecy Improved Precognition
4 3 Summon Time Elemental Summons a normal (non-special) DL IV Time Elemental
4 4 Temporal Push Target is thrown CL+1 rounds into the future (Will save)
4 5 Timeheal Heal (as spell), 5*N% chance of failure, where N is the number of rounds before now the target was at full health
4 6 Wesley's Temporal Disjunction -1 to #Att, always loses initiative for 1d10+5 days (Spell save)
5 1 Accelerate Animal Growth Age a creature CL months, is at half number of attacks for CL turns (RSW save)
5 2 Articus's Devolutionary Warrior Target gets +1d6 Str/Dex/Con and -3d6 Int/Wis/Chr (minimum 1) (Spell save)
5 3 Create Slipgate Create a temporal gate
5 4 Haste A5 +5A, +4B, or +3C actions
5 5 Temporal Wall Anyone touching wall is double slowed and Wesley's Temporal Disjunction
5 6 Tempus Fugit Tempus Fugit
6 1 Conceal Temporal Anomaly Hides an Anomaly and reduces it's effects
6 2 Haste A6 +6A, +5B, or +4C actions
6 3 Magic Manager May use 2M /s for casting spells, after spell ends (in CL/2 rounds), you must rest for 2 rounds
6 4 Paradox Duplicate a Wizard spell of SL 0-5 or a Priest spell of SL 0-4.
6 5 Tempus Lawfulness Fixes temporal anomolies in area
6 6 Unaging You do not age this day (Duration 1 day)
7 1 Commune with Time of Legends Commune with Time of Legends
7 2 Haste A7 +7A, +6B, or +5C actions
7 3 Incurse Target being or object is Rewritten out of time (i.e. Incursed) (RSW save)
7 4 Sands of Time Reverse the effect of time on objects.
7 5 Temporal Eye Can scry into other times at this location
7 6 Wesley's Delayed Damage Whenever you take damage, you take only half, the rest is delayed until the spell ends (in 10+1d10 rounds)
8 1 Accelerate Lifeline Target ages CL years (Spell save)
8 2 Haste A8 +8A, +7B, or +6C actions
8 3 Item Supercharger A magic item can be used twice as often (per turn or day) or it's effects has twice duration
8 4 Protection from Time Immune to and can't use temporal effects
8 5 Time/Reality Stability Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save)
8 6 Timereaver Time Travel Other +/- 5*CL years (Spell save)
9 1 Haste A9 +9A, +8B, or +7C actions
9 2 Major Paradox Wish (as spell)
9 3 Sever Lifeline You do not have or require a silver cord. Immune to aging.
9 4 Temporal Shell Immune time
9 5 Temporal Stasis The flow of time stops for the subject, he ceases to grow older, he is in suspended animation. The reverse can free the creature.
9 6 Time Stop Stops time for 1d4 rounds

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.75 2-- --- ---
3 3.5 21- --- ---
4 7 32- --- ---
5 14 421 --- ---
6 28 422 --- ---
7 42 432 1-- ---
8 63 433 2-- ---
9 94.5 433 21- ---
10 180 443 221 ---
11 270 444 321 ---
12 540 444 421 1--
13 820 555 432 111
14 1080 555 442 111
15 1350 555 552 111
16 1620 555 553 211
17 1890 555 554 321
18 2160 555 554 321
19 2430 555 554 322
20 2700 555 554 333
21 2970 555 554 444
22 3240 555 555 555
23 3510 666 666 666
24 3780 776 666 666
25 4050 777 766 666
26 4320 777 776 666
27 4590 777 777 666
28 4860 777 777 776
29 5130 777 777 777
30 5400 887 777 777
31 5670 888 777 777
32 5940 888 877 777
33 6210 888 887 777
34 6480 888 888 777
35 6750 888 888 877
36 7020 888 888 887
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DS2
Gets Wisdom bonus as bonus Wizard spells. This bonus is in addition to any Wisdom bonus for Priests.
Level 1: 1M,1P: Steal Strength from the Land (100 yard radius). This gives you back 1 spell level and lowers the local PF and MF by 1 each.
[Spell progression as Black Robe for now, this may change]

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 4 2-- --- ---
3 8 21- --- ---
4 16 22- --- ---
5 32 221 --- ---
6 64 222 --- ---
7 120 322 1-- ---
8 250 332 2-- ---
9 400 333 21- ---
10 600 333 32- ---
11 850 433 321 ---
12 1100 444 321 ---
13 1350 444 322 ---
14 1600 444 432 ---
15 1850 544 432 1--
16 2100 555 432 2--
17 2350 655 443 2--
18 2600 655 443 21-
19 2850 655 543 22-
20 3100 655 544 32-
21 3350 655 544 321
22 3600 665 554 322
23 3850 666 654 332
24 4100 776 655 432
25 4350 776 655 443
26 4600 777 665 543
27 4850 777 665 554
28 5100 887 666 654
29 5350 887 776 655
30 5600 888 777 665
31 5850 888 777 766
32 6100 988 887 776
33 6350 999 888 777
34 6600 999 988 887
35 6850 999 999 888
36 7100 999 999 999
Requisites: Str 9, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Elf0
Reference: RC0-25
Cannot specialize.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Level 1: +1 slot in Weapon Mastery per level.
Level 1: Fighting Withdrawal: 2V: Disengage melee combat without receiving a parting shot.
Level 9: Smash: 0: Get -5 to hit, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 9: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=0 for small, N=1 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.
Level 12: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it twice for each attack.
Level 24: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it three times for each attack.
Level 36: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it four times for each attack.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.2 1-- --- ---
3 2.4 2-- --- ---
4 4.8 2-- --- ---
5 9.5 21- --- ---
6 19 21- --- ---
7 38 32- --- ---
8 76 32- --- ---
9 150 421 --- ---
10 300 421 --- ---
11 450 422 --- ---
12 600 422 --- ---
13 750 432 1-- ---
14 900 432 1-- ---
15 1050 433 2-- ---
16 1200 433 2-- ---
17 1350 433 21- ---
18 1500 433 21- ---
19 1650 443 22- ---
20 1800 443 22- ---
21 1950 444 33- ---
22 2100 444 33- ---
23 2250 444 441 ---
24 2400 444 441 ---
25 2550 555 442 ---
26 2700 555 442 ---
27 2850 555 442 1--
28 3000 555 442 1--
29 3150 555 552 1--
30 3300 555 552 1--
31 3450 555 553 21-
32 3600 555 553 21-
33 3750 555 553 32-
34 3900 555 553 32-
35 4050 555 553 321
36 4200 555 553 321
Requisites: Int 12, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: S&S2
Level 1: +1 slot in every "History" proficiency per level.
Level 2: Legend Lore | Identify Magic/Psi item | Identify Innate item | Identify Technological Item | Identify Artifact = 50*(LVL-1)%.
Level 3: Time-Reality Stability.
Level 4: Resist Time/Chronomancy and Anti-Time.
Level 5: 1M, 1/t: Locate a specific history book (same plane).
Level 9: 1M, 1/d: Summon a Time Elemental (any existant type).
Level 12: 1M, 1/t: Locate a specific history book (same multiverse).
Level 16: 1M, 1/t: Time Travel any distance (up to a temporal barrier).
Level 17: Immune Time/Chronomancy and Anti-Time.
Level 18: 1M, 1/d: Summon a Time Elemental, Anti-Time Elemental, or Time Elemental Grue (any existant or non-existant type).
Level 21: 1M, 1/t: Locate a specific history book (same omniverse).
Level 25: 1M, 1/t: Time Travel any distance (can cross one natural temporal barrier).

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 2.25 2-- --- -
3 4.5 21- --- -
4 9 32- --- -
5 18 421 --- -
6 35 431 --- -
7 60 432 --- -
8 95 432 1-- -
9 145 533 2-- -
10 220 543 21- -
11 440 543 32- -
12 660 554 321 -
13 880 554 322 -
14 1100 554 322 1
15 1320 554 422 2
16 1540 555 432 2
17 1760 555 532 2
18 1980 555 533 2
19 2200 555 543 2
20 2420 555 543 3
21 2640 555 554 3
22 2860 555 555 4
23 3080 555 555 5
24 3300 666 655 5
25 3520 666 666 6
26 3740 777 766 6
27 3960 777 777 7
28 4180 888 877 7
29 4400 888 888 8
30 4620 999 988 8
31 4840 999 999 9
32 5060 AAA A99 9
33 5280 AAA AAA A
34 5500 BBB BAA A
35 5720 BBB BBB B
36 5940 CCC CCC C
Requisites: Dex 16, Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH1-26
See "Specialist Wizards"
Level 1: Can consider any 1st edition illusionist spell (in PH1, UA1, etc.) as "Illusion" school.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
May specialize as seen in the beginning of the [PC2] section.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: RC0-19
Cannot specialize.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 22.5 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH1-25
May specialize as seen in the beginning of the [PC2] section.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 2-- --- ---
3 3 2˝- --- ---
4 6 21- --- ---
5 10 22- --- ---
6 20 33- --- ---
7 30 33˝ --- ---
8 50 331 --- ---
9 100 332 --- ---
10 150 332 ˝-- ---
11 200 332 1-- ---
12 400 332 2-- ---
13 600 333 3-- ---
14 800 333 3˝- ---
15 1000 333 31- ---
16 1200 333 32- ---
17 1400 333 32˝ ---
18 1600 333 321 ---
19 1800 333 322 ---
20 2000 333 333 ---
21 2200 333 333 ˝--
22 2400 333 333 1--
23 2600 333 333 2--
24 2800 333 333 2˝-
25 3000 333 333 21-
26 3200 333 333 22-
27 3400 333 333 33-
28 3600 333 333 33˝
29 3800 333 333 331
30 4000 333 333 332
31 4200 333 333 333
32 4400 444 443 333
33 4600 444 444 444
34 4800 555 554 444
35 5000 555 555 555
36 5200 666 666 666
Requisites: Con 10, Int 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Chemist}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate
Level 1: Identify Technological Items and how to use them (level*10)%
Level 1: +1 Knowledge proficiency per level.
Level 1: Resist Gravity, Telekinesis, falling damage
Level 2: Identify Object/Person's weight, home plane, home multiverse (quantum signature) by sight.
Level 3: Specialization in Enchantment gained.
Level 3: Immune distance distortion, teleport/plane-shifting traps/tricks/specials
Level 4: 1/d: Create Technological item of TechL=LVL
Level 5: Unusual materials are considered elements of E=S for your spells.
Level 6: Can create ioun stones as a GeoSage of 5 levels lower.
Level 7: Specialization in Alteration gained.
Level 8: Identify Alchemical/Chemical item and (at a -50% penalty) function (level-7)*10%
Level 9: Identify plane and multiverse by sight.
Sample Technology Levels (copied from [A10]):
0 -10X No basic tools
1 -9X Basic tools; Basic shelter; Basic herbal medicine; Cultivation of plants; Recognition of seasons
2 -8Xe Wheel; Use of fire; Star recognition; Constellations; Basic metallurgy; Pulleys; Levers; Basic anatomy; Alchemy
3 -8Xs Basic astronomy and navigation; Windmills; Water wheels; Microscope/Magnifying Lens; Animal husbandry
4 -8Xl Recognition of other planets; Basic mechanics; Flood control; Cell theory; Classification of compounds
5 -7X Solar system mechanics; Steam power; Crude weather prediction; Geologic history; Fossils
6 -6Xe Detailed anatomy; Crude surgery (leeches!)
7 -6Xs Simple chemistry
8 -6Xl Simple atomic theory; Organic chemistry
9 -5X Hydroelectric power; Light-bulbs; Radio; X-rays
10 -4Xe Celestial mechanics; Heating and cooling systems; Heavy machinery; Tanks; Basic genetics/microbiology
11 -4Xs Stellar evolution; Transistors and Basic electronics; Theory of diseases (bacteriology); Earthquake prediction
12 -4Xl Radio astronomy; Solid state electronics; Telephones; Basic artificial limbs; Microwave theory
13 -3X Relativity; Internal combustion; Simple Computers; DNA/gene research; Basic artificial organs; Organ transplants
14 -2Xe Basic astronautics (planet to moon); Unmanned space probes; Simple internet; Fission; Lasers
15 -2Xs Manned spaceflight (planet to planet); Environmental suits; Simple cyberware/bioware; Fusion
16 -2Xl Unmanned interstellar probes; Advanced cyberware/bioware; Clones; Cold fusion
17 -1X Impulse; Manner interstellar travel; Gene surgery; Weather modification; Antimatter reactors
18 0Xe SemiWarp; Basic subspace mechanics; Micromolecular circuitry; Gravity control; Replicators; Phasers
19 0Xs Warp; Dilithium; Deflector shields; Transporters; Tractor beams; Tricorders; Positional Stabilizer
20 0Xl MicroWarp; Automation control systems; SFG; Cloaking Device; Temporal / alternate timeline theory

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 2.5 21- --- ---
3 5 22- --- ---
4 10 321 --- ---
5 15 432 --- ---
6 25 432 1-- ---
7 50 543 2-- ---
8 75 543 21- ---
9 100 654 32- ---
10 150 654 321 ---
11 200 665 432 ---
12 300 665 432 1--
13 750 666 543 2--
14 1000 666 654 3--
15 1250 666 665 4--
16 1500 666 666 5--
17 1750 666 666 6--
18 2000 666 666 61-
19 2500 666 666 62-
20 3000 666 666 63-
21 3500 666 666 64-
22 4000 666 666 651
23 4500 666 666 662
24 5000 666 666 663
25 5500 666 666 664
26 6000 666 666 665
27 6500 666 666 666
28 7000 766 666 666
29 7500 776 666 666
30 8000 777 666 666
31 8500 777 766 666
32 9000 777 776 666
33 9500 777 777 666
34 10000 777 777 766
35 10500 777 777 776
36 11000 777 777 777
Requisites: Int 9, Chr 9
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DS2
Gets Wisdom bonus as bonus Wizard spells. This bonus is in addition to any Wisdom bonus for Priests.
Level 1: 1M,1P: Give Strength to a Land (level/6 mile radius). This allows Druids to recover their spells, animals to live there, etc. It may take several uses of this ability if the local land is particularly hostile or has been completely drained.
Level 3: May cast Priest spells of Necromancy & Healing spheres as if they are 2 spell levels higher.
Level 4: 3M,3P: Restore PF of local area by 1 to a maximum of 10.
Level 9: 6M,6P: Restore MF of local area by 1 to a maximum of 10.
Level 9: May cast Priest spells of Necromancy & Healing spheres as if they are 1 spell level higher.
Level 16: 10M,10P: Restore TF of local area by 1 to a maximum of 10.
Level 27: May cast Priest spells of Necromancy & Healing spheres at the same spell level.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

Red Robe1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2.5 1-- --- ---
2 5 2-- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 18 321 --- ---
5 36 431 --- ---
6 50 432 --- ---
7 90 432 1-- ---
8 180 433 2-- ---
9 350 433 21- ---
10 500 543 221 ---
11 700 544 332 ---
12 900 544 342 1--
13 1100 555 442 11-
14 1300 555 442 21-
15 1500 655 452 211
16 1750 655 553 211
17 2000 655 553 321
18 2250 665 553 322
19 2500 665 554 332
20 2750 665 554 433
21 3000 665 554 444
22 3250 665 555 544
23 3500 665 555 555
24 3750 666 655 555
25 4000 666 666 555
26 4250 666 666 665
27 4500 666 666 666
28 4750 776 666 666
29 5000 777 766 666
30 5250 777 777 666
31 5500 777 777 776
32 5750 777 777 777
33 6000 887 777 777
34 6250 888 877 777
35 6500 888 888 777
36 6750 888 888 887
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: C* or *N
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DLA1
Specialized in Invocation. Has Enchantment and Necromancy as opposite schools.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 3-- --- ---
4 10 31- --- ---
5 25 32- --- ---
6 50 43- --- ---
7 80 431 --- ---
8 115 532 --- ---
9 155 543 --- ---
10 205 543 1-- ---
11 280 553 2-- ---
12 380 654 3-- ---
13 500 654 31- ---
14 700 755 32- ---
15 900 765 43- ---
16 1100 765 431 ---
17 1300 775 532 ---
18 1500 875 543 ---
19 1700 876 543 1--
20 1900 976 553 2--
21 2100 987 654 3--
22 2300 987 654 31-
23 2500 997 755 32-
24 2700 997 765 43-
25 2900 998 765 431
26 3100 998 775 532
27 3300 999 876 543
28 3500 999 877 553
29 3700 999 987 654
30 3900 999 988 664
31 4100 999 998 765
32 4300 999 999 765
33 4500 999 999 876
34 4700 999 999 887
35 4900 999 999 998
36 5100 999 999 999
Requisites: Dex 16, Int 15, Wis 14
Alignment: any
HD/level: &0
Weapon Prof.: 0+level/9
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Dragon
Level 1: Read Languages (25+5*level)%.
Level 1: Legend Lore (15+5*level)%.
Level 1: Immune to detrimental effects from reading magical/psionic tomes.
Level 1: Read/Write/Speak 1 language, plus 1 more every 4 levels.
Level 1: One knowledge non-weapon proficiency per level for free. Can instead (for each slot) add 20% to Read Languages or 10% to Legend Lore.
Level 1: +(level/2, round up) on all knowledge-based proficiency checks.
Level 1: Considered specialized in the school of Divination. You may select an additional school to be specialized; in this case, you must also select an opposite school.
Level 9: Object Reading 1/d.
Level 10: Truename 1/w.
Level 12: Contact Other Plane 1/d.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 1-- --- ---
3 5 2-- --- ---
4 10 2-- --- ---
5 20 21- --- ---
6 40 31- --- ---
7 60 32- --- ---
8 80 321 --- ---
9 125 431 --- ---
10 200 432 1-- ---
11 350 433 2-- ---
12 650 433 21- ---
13 950 443 22- ---
14 1250 444 33- ---
15 1550 444 431 ---
16 1850 554 442 ---
17 2150 555 442 1--
18 2450 555 543 2--
19 2750 555 554 21-
20 3050 555 555 32-
21 3350 555 555 321
22 3650 555 555 322
23 3950 555 555 332
24 4250 555 555 333
25 4550 555 555 433
26 4850 555 555 443
27 5150 555 555 444
28 5450 555 555 544
29 5750 555 555 554
30 6050 555 555 555
31 6350 665 555 555
32 6650 666 655 555
33 6950 666 666 555
34 7250 666 666 665
35 7550 766 666 666
36 7850 777 666 666
Requisites: Int 15, Wis 15, Chr 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: S&S2
Level 1: Specialized (2nd edition version) in Divination; pick an opposite.
Level 1: Can cast Priest Divination sphere spells as if they were Wizard Divination school spells.
Level 3: 1M: Message
Level 5: Can cast Psi2 Clairsentient powers as if they were spells (Minor = SL2, Major = SL5, Grand = SL8, Super = SL11). You do not get the Divination specialization bonus for this. These powers do not cost PSPs, they require no roll, and cannot power-score.
Level 6: 1M: Sending
Level 9: 1M: Demand
Level 18: 1M, 1/t: Avoid an Avoid Fate (only if the results of the Avoid Fate would harm you)

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 10 2-- --- ---
3 30 3-- --- ---
4 60 31- --- ---
5 100 42- --- ---
6 150 421 --- ---
7 210 532 --- ---
8 280 532 1-- ---
9 360 543 2-- ---
10 450 543 21- ---
11 550 554 32- ---
12 660 554 321 ---
13 780 554 432 ---
14 910 554 432 1--
15 1050 554 443 2--
16 1200 554 443 21-
17 1360 554 443 32-
18 1530 554 443 321
19 1710 554 443 332
20 1900 554 443 333
21 2100 554 444 333
22 2310 554 444 433
23 2530 554 444 443
24 2760 554 444 444
25 3000 555 444 444
26 3250 555 544 444
27 3510 555 554 444
28 3780 555 555 444
29 4060 555 555 544
30 4350 555 555 554
31 4650 555 555 555
32 4960 655 555 555
33 5280 665 555 555
34 5610 666 555 555
35 5950 666 655 555
36 6300 666 665 555
Requisites: Dex 0, Con 0, Chr 0 (10)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH3-48
Level 1: Charisma bonus in spells.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 9, Wis 6, Chr 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
A spellbinder is a double (Collective) specialist in Illusion and Enchantment. Spells from either school cost ˝ of a spell.
You must select 2 opposite schools (must be major schools).

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

White Robe1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2.5 1-- --- ---
2 5 2-- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 20 32- --- ---
5 38 421 --- ---
6 55 422 --- ---
7 100 432 1-- ---
8 200 433 2-- ---
9 400 433 21- ---
10 600 443 221 ---
11 800 444 332 1--
12 1000 444 443 21-
13 1250 555 443 21-
14 1500 555 443 21-
15 1750 555 553 221
16 2000 555 554 221
17 2250 555 554 332
18 2500 555 554 333
19 2750 555 554 443
20 3000 555 554 444
21 3250 555 555 544
22 3500 555 555 554
23 3750 666 655 555
24 4000 666 666 655
25 4250 666 666 666
26 4500 777 766 666
27 4750 777 777 766
28 5000 777 777 777
29 5250 877 777 777
30 5500 887 777 777
31 5750 888 777 777
32 6000 888 877 777
33 6250 888 887 777
34 6500 888 888 777
35 6750 888 888 877
36 7000 888 888 887
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DLA1
Specialized in Abjuration. Has Illusion and Necromancy as opposite schools.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes

Witch Doctor

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 2-- --- ---
3 2 21- --- ---
4 4 22- --- ---
5 8 221 --- ---
6 16 222 --- ---
7 32 222 1-- ---
8 64 222 2-- ---
9 128 222 21- ---
10 256 222 22- ---
11 450 322 22- ---
12 650 332 221 ---
13 850 333 222 ---
14 1050 333 322 ---
15 1250 333 332 ---
16 1450 433 333 1--
17 1650 443 333 2--
18 1850 444 333 3--
19 2050 444 433 3--
20 2250 444 443 3--
21 2450 444 444 31-
22 2650 444 444 42-
23 2850 444 444 43-
24 3050 444 444 44-
25 3250 544 444 44-
26 3450 554 444 44-
27 3650 555 444 441
28 3850 555 544 442
29 4050 555 554 443
30 4250 555 555 444
31 4450 555 555 544
32 4650 555 555 554
33 4850 555 555 555
34 5050 666 555 555
35 5250 666 666 555
36 5450 666 666 666
Requisites: Int 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Can specialize in a school, but pick 2 opposites.
Level 1: Can read scrolls of any spell level without "blowing your head off".
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as per Ranger1.
Level 8: Can create potions as per an Alchemist of ˝ the Witch Doctor's level.

[PC2] Wizard Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 10 2-- --- ---
3 30 21- --- ---
4 60 32- --- ---
5 100 321 --- ---
6 150 332 --- ---
7 210 432 1-- ---
8 280 433 2-- ---
9 360 443 21- ---
10 450 443 32- ---
11 550 444 321 ---
12 660 444 332 ---
13 780 444 432 1--
14 910 444 433 2--
15 1050 444 443 21-
16 1200 444 443 32-
17 1360 444 444 321
18 1530 444 444 332
19 1710 444 444 433
20 1900 444 444 444
21 2100 544 444 444
22 2310 554 444 444
23 2530 555 444 444
24 2760 555 544 444
25 3000 555 554 444
26 3250 555 555 444
27 3510 555 555 544
28 3780 555 555 554
29 4060 555 555 555
30 4350 655 555 555
31 4650 665 555 555
32 4960 666 555 555
33 5280 666 655 555
34 5610 666 665 555
35 5950 666 666 555
36 6300 666 666 655
Requisites: Dex 0, Con 0, Int 0 (10)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH3-52
May specialize in a school, pick an opposite.
Level 1: Intelligence bonus for spells.
Level 1: Scribe Scroll feat.
Level 1: Read/Write Draconic proficiency.
Level 5: LVL/5 bonus feats. These feats must be a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or Spell Mastery.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

All Priests

Specialty Priest: Any Priest class (except the "0" classes) can be specialty priests. XP, hp, and other data do not change.
You get more Requisites (see the Specialty Priest table), these cumulatively add with your normal Priest class.
If you end up with three of the same requisite (such as "WWW"), you need a 27 in that ability score to qualify.
Sacrifices: This is a version of material componenting. All priests can do the following ("DL" is "Dungeon Level"):
# F actions, sacrifice a DL # monster or magic item: Gain a # level spell in your memorization. You must at least level # to do this. Certain sacrifices (the stereotypical virgin priestess, a powerful opposite-aligned magic item, or whatever) may be higher DL than normal.
Conversion to your order: This is another version of material componenting. It works just like Sacrifices above, except you convert a DL # monster/NPC (not item) to your order, and you can do it at any level if you have a temple established.
DL is roughly one-third the converted NPC's level (round up). The character must be willing, and if he leaves the order or dies within # weeks, the spell energy is taken away (or you owe the god that much spell energy if you've already used it).
Followers: Priests may also use followers as Psi1 PSPs which can be used for Psionic Enchantments only. Each follower gives (his experience level + 1)^2 PSPs per day.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 78
1 0 a-- --- --
2 1.75 0a- --- --
3 3.5 10a --- --
4 7 20a b-- --
5 14 310 bc- --
6 28 420 abc --
7 56 530 abc --
8 112 641 0ab c-
9 224 752 0ab c-
10 399 863 0ab c-
11 574 974 0ab cd
12 749 A85 10a bc
13 924 B96 20a bc
14 1099 CA7 30a bc
15 1274 DB8 40a bc
16 1624 EC9 50a bc
17 1799 FDA 610 ab
18 2149 GEB 720 ab
19 2499 HFC 830 ab
20 2849 IGD 940 ab
21 3199 JHE A50 ab
22 3549 KIF B60 ab
23 3899 LJG C71 0a
24 4249 MKH D82 0a
25 4599 NLI E93 0a
26 4949 OMJ FA4 0a
27 5649 PNK GB5 0a
28 6349 QOL HC6 0a
29 7049 RPM ID7 0a
30 7749 SQN JE8 10
31 8449 TRO KF9 20
32 9149 USP LGA 30
33 9849 VTQ MHB 40
34 10549 WUR NIC 50
35 11249 XVS OJD 60
36 12649 YWT PKE 70
Requisites: Wis 11, Chr 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d3
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/2
To Hit Table: 1˝xPri
Save Table: 1˝xPri
Reference: DM
After selecting your spheres, apply the following changes:
Drop Astral, Chaos, Sun, Travelers, War, Weather. These are always unavailable spheres to you.
Increase Creation, Law, and Protection by 1 category (unavailable to minor, minor to major, major to grand).
Guardian and Wards become Grand.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Beast Cleric

Level KXP Priest
123 456 78
1 0 0-- --- --
2 1.5 00- --- --
3 3 000 --- --
4 6 000 0-- --
5 12 000 00- --
6 24 000 000 --
7 48 000 000 0-
8 96 100 000 0-
9 192 110 000 0-
10 342 111 000 0-
11 492 111 100 0-
12 642 111 110 0-
13 792 111 111 0-
14 942 111 111 1-
15 1092 221 111 1-
16 1392 222 211 1-
17 1542 222 222 1-
18 1842 222 222 2-
19 2142 333 222 2-
20 2442 333 333 2-
21 2742 333 333 3h
22 3042 444 433 3g
23 3342 444 444 4f
24 3642 555 554 4e
25 3942 555 555 5d
26 4242 666 666 5c
27 4842 666 666 6b
28 5442 777 777 7a
29 6042 888 888 80
30 6642 999 999 91
31 7242 AAA AAA A2
32 7842 BBB BBB B3
33 8442 CCC CCC C4
34 9042 DDD DDD D5
35 9642 EEE EEE E6
36 10842 FFF FFF F7
Requisites: Wis 11
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM
Treat this as a Cleric (1 or 2) with a different XP and spell progression.
This class does get the free Material Componenting of Cleric.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 0-- --- -
2 1.5 1-- --- -
3 3 20- --- -
4 6 21- --- -
5 12 220 --- -
6 25 221 --- -
7 50 322 0-- -
8 100 332 1-- -
9 200 333 20- -
10 300 443 21- -
11 400 443 320 -
12 500 444 321 -
13 600 554 322 -
14 700 555 332 -
15 800 655 333 -
16 900 655 443 0
17 1000 665 443 1
18 1100 665 443 2
19 1200 765 444 2
20 1300 765 444 3
21 1400 765 554 3
22 1500 765 554 4
23 1600 776 654 4
24 1700 876 655 4
25 1800 876 655 5
26 1900 877 665 5
27 2000 887 666 5
28 2100 887 776 5
29 2200 887 776 6
30 2300 888 777 6
31 2400 888 887 6
32 2500 988 887 6
33 2600 998 888 7
34 2700 999 888 8
35 2800 999 998 8
36 2900 999 999 9
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Cleric0
Reference: RC0-13
Priest Spells: Get 1 Grand, 3 Major, 6 Minor spheres.
Level 1: Turn Undead, see [S3]
Level 1: May use 1 instance of material componenting per spell as a 0 action. You lose this ability if you are a Specialty Priest.
Level 9: Can construct religious stronghold, cost is ˝ due to religious help. Must contain temple/cathedral/church at least 2500 sq.ft. If cleric clears area, gains 9 sp/inhabitant from trade/taxes/tithes
Level 9: Detect Deception: can sense lies and see through all illusions with 1M.
Level 9: Loan: Can transfer hit points from self to any creature or group of creatures within sight (1M action). Cannot raise above max hp.
Level 15: Divine Voice: 1M+1P+1V action: all within 180' save vs. spell or Entralled (as spell). Cleric can issue a Mass Suggestion as well.
Level 18: Divine Strength: Can adjust Wis, Str, and Chr as follows: 1M action: one stat raised to equal the cleric's level or +1; the two other stats are reduced by 2; lasts for 1 r/level; maintained effect.
Level 27: Divine Will: Can throw off any one non-godly effect per day; the effect simply does not function on the cleric.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 1.5 20- --- -
3 3 21- --- -
4 6 320 --- -
5 13 331 --- -
6 27.5 332 0-- -
7 55 332 1-- -
8 110 333 20- -
9 225 443 21- -
10 450 443 320 -
11 675 544 321 -
12 900 655 322 -
13 1125 666 422 0
14 1350 666 532 1
15 1575 666 642 1
16 1800 777 643 1
17 2025 777 753 2
18 2250 888 864 2
19 2475 998 864 2
20 2700 999 875 2
21 2925 999 986 2
22 3150 999 996 3
23 3375 999 997 3
24 3600 999 998 3
25 3825 999 998 4
26 4050 999 999 4
27 4275 999 999 5
28 4500 999 999 6
29 4725 999 999 7
30 4950 999 999 8
31 5175 999 999 9
32 5400 AAA A99 9
33 5625 AAA AAA 9
34 5850 AAA AAA A
35 6075 BBB BAA A
36 6300 BBB BBB B
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: non-TN
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: PH1-20
Priest Spells: Get 1 Grand, 3 Major, 6 Minor spheres.
Level 1: Turn Undead, see [S3]
Level 1: May use 1 instance of material componenting per spell as a 0 action. You lose this ability if you are a Specialty Priest.
Level 9: Can construct religious stronghold, cost is ˝ due to religious help. Must contain temple/cathedral/church at least 2500 sq.ft. If cleric clears area, gains 9 sp/inhabitant from trade/taxes/tithes
Level 9: Detect Deception: can sense lies and see through all illusions with 1M.
Level 9: Loan: Can transfer hit points from self to any creature or group of creatures within sight (1M action). Cannot raise above max hp.
Level 15: Divine Voice: 1M+1P+1V action: all within 180' save vs. spell or Entralled (as spell). Cleric can issue a Mass Suggestion as well.
Level 18: Divine Strength: Can adjust Wis, Str, and Chr as follows: 1M action: one stat raised to equal the cleric's level or +1; the two other stats are reduced by 2; lasts for 1 r/level; maintained effect.
Level 27: Divine Will: Can throw off any one non-godly effect per day; the effect simply does not function on the cleric.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 1.5 20- --- -
3 3 21- --- -
4 6 320 --- -
5 13 331 --- -
6 27.5 332 0-- -
7 55 332 1-- -
8 110 333 20- -
9 225 443 21- -
10 450 443 320 -
11 675 544 321 -
12 900 655 322 -
13 1125 666 422 0
14 1350 666 532 1
15 1575 666 642 1
16 1800 777 643 1
17 2025 777 753 2
18 2250 888 864 2
19 2475 998 864 2
20 2700 999 875 2
21 2925 999 986 2
22 3150 999 996 3
23 3375 999 997 3
24 3600 999 998 3
25 3825 999 998 4
26 4050 999 999 4
27 4275 999 999 5
28 4500 999 999 6
29 4725 999 999 7
30 4950 999 999 8
31 5175 999 999 9
32 5400 AAA A99 9
33 5625 AAA AAA 9
34 5850 AAA AAA A
35 6075 BBB BAA A
36 6300 BBB BBB B
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: PH2-33
Priest Spells: Get 1 Grand, 3 Major, 6 Minor spheres.
Level 1: Turn Undead, see [S3]
Level 1: May use 1 instance of material componenting per spell as a 0 action. You lose this ability if you are a Specialty Priest.
Level 9: Can construct religious stronghold, cost is ˝ due to religious help. Must contain temple/cathedral/church at least 2500 sq.ft. If cleric clears area, gains 9 sp/inhabitant from trade/taxes/tithes
Level 9: Detect Deception: can sense lies and see through all illusions with 1M.
Level 9: Loan: Can transfer hit points from self to any creature or group of creatures within sight (1M action). Cannot raise above max hp.
Level 15: Divine Voice: 1M+1P+1V action: all within 180' save vs. spell or Entralled (as spell). Cleric can issue a Mass Suggestion as well.
Level 18: Divine Strength: Can adjust Wis, Str, and Chr as follows: 1M action: one stat raised to equal the cleric's level or +1; the two other stats are reduced by 2; lasts for 1 r/level; maintained effect.
Level 27: Divine Will: Can throw off any one non-godly effect per day; the effect simply does not function on the cleric.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 10 30- --- ---
3 30 32- --- ---
4 60 430 --- ---
5 100 432 --- ---
6 150 443 0-- ---
7 210 543 2-- ---
8 280 544 30- ---
9 360 554 32- ---
10 450 554 43- ---
11 550 655 432 ---
12 660 655 443 0--
13 780 665 543 2--
14 910 665 544 30-
15 1050 666 554 32-
16 1200 666 554 430
17 1360 666 655 432
18 1530 666 655 443
19 1710 666 665 544
20 1900 666 665 555
21 2100 666 666 555
22 2310 666 666 655
23 2530 666 666 665
24 2760 666 666 666
25 3000 766 666 666
26 3250 776 666 666
27 3510 777 666 666
28 3780 777 766 666
29 4060 777 776 666
30 4350 777 777 666
31 4650 777 777 766
32 4960 777 777 776
33 5280 777 777 777
34 5610 877 777 777
35 5950 887 777 777
36 6300 888 777 777
Requisites: Con 0, Wis 0 (10), Chr 0
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level*3/4
Save Table: Pri
Reference: PH3-29
Wisdom bonus to spell memorization.
Level 1: Spontaneous Casting: If using spell memorization, can replace any spell with a spell with "cure" in its name at will.
Level 1: Can Turn Undead.
Level 1: Extra Languages: Celestial (G), Abyssal (CE), and Infernal (LE).

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Cloistered Cleric1

Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 0-- --- -
2 0.8 10- --- -
3 1.6 210 --- -
4 3.2 321 --- -
5 6.4 432 0-- -
6 12.8 433 1-- -
7 25.6 443 20- -
8 51.2 444 31- -
9 100 444 42- -
10 200 444 430 -
11 300 444 441 -
12 400 544 442 -
13 500 554 443 -
14 600 555 444 0
15 700 655 544 1
16 800 665 554 2
17 900 666 555 3
18 1000 766 655 4
19 1100 776 665 5
20 1200 777 666 5
21 1300 877 766 6
22 1400 887 776 6
23 1500 888 777 6
24 1600 988 877 7
25 1700 998 887 7
26 1800 999 888 7
27 1900 A99 988 8
28 2000 AA9 998 8
29 2100 AAA 999 8
30 2200 BAA A99 9
31 2300 BBA AA9 9
32 2400 BBB AAA 9
33 2500 CBB BAA A
34 2600 CCC BBA A
35 2700 CCC CCB A
36 2800 CCC CCC C
Requisites: Int 6, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/9
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Pri
Reference: BoD4
Level 1: All Healing sphere spells cost ˝ of a spell to cast. Spells from the All, Divination, and Protection spheres cost 1 spell to cast. All other spells cost 2 spells to cast.
Level 1: All range "Touch" healing spells become "Sight".
Level 4: You may pick another sphere to cost only 1 spell each to cast.
Level 8: You may pick another sphere to cost only 1 spell each to cast. (total 2)
Level 9: All healing spells are doubled in effect.
Level 12: You may pick another sphere to cost only 1 spell each to cast. (total 3)
Level 16: You may pick another sphere to cost only 1 spell each to cast. (total 4)
Level 18: Automatically roll maximum on all variable healing spells.
Level 27: May heal characters above maximum at a rate of 10 per 1; e.g. if you cure someone by 40 over their max, they are now at 4 above their max. This rate gets better by 1 until the maximum (1 per 1) is reached at level 36. This does not affect set hit point effects such as Heal and Death's Door.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 0-- --- -
2 1.5 1-- --- -
3 3 20- --- -
4 6 21- --- -
5 12 220 --- -
6 25 221 --- -
7 50 322 0-- -
8 100 332 1-- -
9 200 333 20- -
10 300 443 21- -
11 400 443 320 -
12 500 444 321 -
13 600 554 322 -
14 700 555 332 -
15 800 655 333 -
16 900 655 443 0
17 1000 665 443 1
18 1100 665 443 2
19 1200 765 444 2
20 1300 765 444 3
21 1400 765 554 3
22 1500 765 554 4
23 1600 776 654 4
24 1700 876 655 4
25 1800 876 655 5
26 1900 877 665 5
27 2000 887 666 5
28 2100 887 776 5
29 2200 887 776 6
30 2300 888 777 6
31 2400 888 887 6
32 2500 988 887 6
33 2600 998 888 7
34 2700 999 888 8
35 2800 999 998 8
36 2900 999 999 9
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: any T
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Cleric0
Reference: RC0-28
Druids don't get to pick spheres: they get Plant, Animal as Grand; Healing, Weather, All as Major; Charm, Divination, Elemental, Protection, Sun as Minor. Druids may flip-flop 1 Major with 1 Minor if desired.
Level 1: May use 1 instance of material componenting per spell as a 0 action. You lose this ability if you are a Specialty Priest.
Level 1: Cannot destroy woodlands, avoid slaying wild animals
Level 1: Speak Druid language
Level 3: Identify Plant type; Identify Animal type; Identify pure water.
Level 3: Pass through overgrown areas without trace and at full movement rate.
Level 3: Gain 1 woodland language per level starting at 3rd. (centaur,dryad,elf,faun,gnome,green dragon,hill giant,lizard man,manticore,nixie,pixie,sprite,treant,etc.) Yes, you can use these as nonweapon proficiencies instead.
Level 7: Immunity to woodland Charms.
Level 7: Shape Change to Reptile/Fish, Bird, Mammal (each 1/day) 1M action, must be size T-L, heal 10%-60% hp
Level 9: Can construct religious stronghold, cost is ˝ due to religious help. Must contain temple/cathedral/church at least 2500 sq.ft. If cleric clears area, gains 9 sp/inhabitant from trade/taxes/tithes
Level 9: Detect Deception: can sense lies and see through all illusions with 1M.
Level 9: Loan: Can transfer hit points from self to any creature or group of creatures within sight (1M action). Cannot raise above max hp.
Level 12: Only 9 druids of this level in any region. If 9 of this level and advance, must fight one in spell/hand-to-hand combat, winner stays at 12th, loser goes to beginning of 11th.
Level 12: Gain three 1st to 9th level followers.
Level 13: Only 3 druids of this level in any region.
Level 14: Only 1 druid of this level in any region.
Level 14: Gain nine 11th level followers.
Level 15: Gain three 13th level followers, each has 4 bonus spell levels.
Level 15: 6 bonus spell levels, lost when advance to Level 16.
Level 15: Divine Voice: 1M+1P+1V action: all within 180' save vs. spell or Entralled (as spell). Cleric can issue a Mass Suggestion as well.
Level 16: Immunity to all poisons.
Level 16: Add level*10 to max age, considered "Young Adult" at all ages.
Level 16: Alter Appearance (NO action to use, at will). Cannot be detected by True Seeing or the like.
Level 17: Hibernate; Suspend Animation up to level*10 years.
Level 17: Enter Elemental plane of Earth; Conjure Water Elemental at will; Immune to all earth and water based effects.
Level 18: Enter Elemental plane of Fire; Conjure Air Elemental at will; Immune to all fire and air based effects.
Level 18: Divine Strength: Can adjust Wis, Str, and Chr as follows: 1M action: one stat raised to equal the cleric's level or +1; the two other stats are reduced by 2; lasts for 1 r/level; maintained effect.
Level 19: Enter Elemental plane of Water; Conjure Magma/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 20: Enter Elemental plane of Air; Conjure Ice/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 21: Enter Para-Elemental planes.
Level 22: Enter plane of Shadow; immune to Shadow-based effects.
Level 23: Enter any Inner plane; Roam Inner Plane Probability Lines (7th dim.); Enter Concordant Opposition; immune to Quasi-Elemental effects and Positive and Negative energy.
Level 27: Divine Will: Can throw off any one non-godly effect per day; the effect simply does not function on the cleric.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 2-- --- -
2 2 21- --- -
3 4 321 --- -
4 7.5 422 --- -
5 12.5 432 0-- -
6 20 432 1-- -
7 35 443 1-- -
8 60 443 20- -
9 90 543 21- -
10 125 543 320 -
11 200 553 321 0
12 300 554 432 1
13 750 655 543 2
14 1500 666 654 3
15 3000 666 666 6
16 3500 666 666 6
17 4000 666 666 6
18 4500 666 666 6
19 5000 666 666 6
20 5500 666 666 6
21 6000 666 666 6
22 6500 666 666 6
23 7000 666 666 6
24 7500 766 666 6
25 8000 776 666 6
26 8500 777 666 6
27 9000 777 766 6
28 9500 777 776 6
29 10000 777 777 6
30 10500 777 777 7
31 11000 888 777 7
32 11500 888 887 7
33 12000 888 888 8
34 12500 999 888 8
35 13000 999 998 8
36 13500 999 999 9
Requisites: Wis 12, Chr 15
Alignment: TN
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: PH1-20
Druids don't get to pick spheres: they get Plant, Animal as Grand; Healing, Weather, All as Major; Charm, Divination, Elemental, Protection, Sun as Minor. Druids may flip-flop 1 Major with 1 Minor if desired.
Level 1: Cannot destroy woodlands, avoid slaying wild animals
Level 1: Speak Druid language
Level 3: Identify Plant type; Identify Animal type; Identify pure water.
Level 3: Pass through overgrown areas without trace and at full movement rate.
Level 3: Gain 1 woodland language per level starting at 3rd. (centaur,dryad,elf,faun,gnome,green dragon,hill giant,lizard man,manticore,nixie,pixie,sprite,treant,etc.) Yes, you can use these as nonweapon proficiencies instead.
Level 7: Immunity to woodland Charms.
Level 7: Shape Change to Reptile/Fish, Bird, Mammal (each 1/day) 1M action, must be size T-L, heal 10%-60% hp
Level 12: Only 9 druids of this level in any region. If 9 of this level and advance, must fight one in spell/hand-to-hand combat, winner stays at 12th, loser goes to beginning of 11th.
Level 12: Gain three 1st to 9th level followers.
Level 13: Only 3 druids of this level in any region.
Level 14: Only 1 druid of this level in any region.
Level 14: Gain nine 11th level followers.
Level 15: Gain three 13th level followers, each has 4 bonus spell levels.
Level 15: 6 bonus spell levels, lost when advance to Level 16.
Level 16: Immunity to all poisons.
Level 16: Add level*10 to max age, considered "Young Adult" at all ages.
Level 16: Alter Appearance (NO action to use, at will). Cannot be detected by True Seeing or the like.
Level 17: Hibernate; Suspend Animation up to level*10 years.
Level 17: Enter Elemental plane of Earth; Conjure Water Elemental at will; Immune to all earth and water based effects.
Level 18: Enter Elemental plane of Fire; Conjure Air Elemental at will; Immune to all fire and air based effects.
Level 19: Enter Elemental plane of Water; Conjure Magma/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 20: Enter Elemental plane of Air; Conjure Ice/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 21: Enter Para-Elemental planes.
Level 22: Enter plane of Shadow; immune to Shadow-based effects.
Level 23: Enter any Inner plane; Roam Inner Plane Probability Lines (7th dim.); Enter Concordant Opposition; immune to Quasi-Elemental effects and Positive and Negative energy.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 2-- --- -
2 2 21- --- -
3 4 321 --- -
4 7.5 422 --- -
5 12.5 432 0-- -
6 20 432 1-- -
7 35 443 1-- -
8 60 443 20- -
9 90 543 21- -
10 125 543 320 -
11 200 553 321 0
12 300 554 432 1
13 750 655 543 2
14 1500 666 654 3
15 3000 666 666 6
16 3500 666 666 6
17 4000 666 666 6
18 4500 666 666 6
19 5000 666 666 6
20 5500 666 666 6
21 6000 666 666 6
22 6500 666 666 6
23 7000 666 666 6
24 7500 766 666 6
25 8000 776 666 6
26 8500 777 666 6
27 9000 777 766 6
28 9500 777 776 6
29 10000 777 777 6
30 10500 777 777 7
31 11000 888 777 7
32 11500 888 887 7
33 12000 888 888 8
34 12500 999 888 8
35 13000 999 998 8
36 13500 999 999 9
Requisites: Wis 12, Chr 15
Alignment: T* or *N
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: PH2-37
Druids don't get to pick spheres: they get Plant, Animal as Grand; Healing, Weather, All as Major; Charm, Divination, Elemental, Protection, Sun as Minor. Druids may flip-flop 1 Major with 1 Minor if desired.
Level 1: Cannot destroy woodlands, avoid slaying wild animals
Level 1: Speak Druid language
Level 3: Identify Plant type; Identify Animal type; Identify pure water.
Level 3: Pass through overgrown areas without trace and at full movement rate.
Level 3: Gain 1 woodland language per level starting at 3rd. (centaur,dryad,elf,faun,gnome,green dragon,hill giant,lizard man,manticore,nixie,pixie,sprite,treant,etc.) Yes, you can use these as nonweapon proficiencies instead.
Level 7: Immunity to woodland Charms.
Level 7: Shape Change to Reptile/Fish, Bird, Mammal (each 1/day) 1M action, must be size T-L, heal 10%-60% hp
Level 12: Only 9 druids of this level in any region. If 9 of this level and advance, must fight one in spell/hand-to-hand combat, winner stays at 12th, loser goes to beginning of 11th.
Level 12: Gain three 1st to 9th level followers.
Level 13: Only 3 druids of this level in any region.
Level 14: Only 1 druid of this level in any region.
Level 14: Gain nine 11th level followers.
Level 15: Gain three 13th level followers, each has 4 bonus spell levels.
Level 15: 6 bonus spell levels, lost when advance to Level 16.
Level 16: Immunity to all poisons.
Level 16: Add level*10 to max age, considered "Young Adult" at all ages.
Level 16: Alter Appearance (NO action to use, at will). Cannot be detected by True Seeing or the like.
Level 17: Hibernate; Suspend Animation up to level*10 years.
Level 17: Enter Elemental plane of Earth; Conjure Water Elemental at will; Immune to all earth and water based effects.
Level 18: Enter Elemental plane of Fire; Conjure Air Elemental at will; Immune to all fire and air based effects.
Level 19: Enter Elemental plane of Water; Conjure Magma/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 20: Enter Elemental plane of Air; Conjure Ice/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 21: Enter Para-Elemental planes.
Level 22: Enter plane of Shadow; immune to Shadow-based effects.
Level 23: Enter any Inner plane; Roam Inner Plane Probability Lines (7th dim.); Enter Concordant Opposition; immune to Quasi-Elemental effects and Positive and Negative energy.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 10 20- --- ---
3 30 21- --- ---
4 60 320 --- ---
5 100 321 --- ---
6 150 332 0-- ---
7 210 432 1-- ---
8 280 433 20- ---
9 360 443 21- ---
10 450 443 320 ---
11 550 544 321 ---
12 660 544 332 0--
13 780 554 432 1--
14 910 554 433 20-
15 1050 554 443 21-
16 1200 555 443 320
17 1360 555 544 321
18 1530 555 544 332
19 1710 555 554 433
20 1900 555 554 444
21 2100 555 555 444
22 2310 555 555 544
23 2530 555 555 554
24 2760 555 555 555
25 3000 655 555 555
26 3250 665 555 555
27 3510 666 555 555
28 3780 666 655 555
29 4060 666 665 555
30 4350 666 666 555
31 4650 666 666 655
32 4960 666 666 665
33 5280 666 666 666
34 5610 766 666 666
35 5950 776 666 666
36 6300 777 666 666
Requisites: Dex 0, Wis 0 (10)
Alignment: T* or *N
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 9+level/9
To Hit Table: +level*3/4
Save Table: Pri
Reference: PH3-33
Wisdom bonus to spell memorization.
Level 1: Extra Languages: Sylvan, Druid.
Level 1: Nature Sense: Identify plants and animals; Identify pure water.
Level 1: Animal Companion: Gets a natural familiar.
Level 2: Woodland Stride: Can move through overgrown areas.
Level 3: Trackless Step: Leaves no trail; cannot be tracked.
Level 4: Resist Nature's Lore: +4 saves vs. spell-abilities of feys (dryads, nymphs, sprites, etc.).
Level 5: Wild Shape: 1M, 1/d: Polymorph Self into a Small or Medium size animal. Regains hit points as if healed for a full day.
Level 6: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be used 2/d.
Level 7: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be used 3/d.
Level 8: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be a Large size animal.
Level 9: Venom Immunity: Immune to poison.
Level 10: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be used 4/d.
Level 11: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be a Tiny size animal.
Level 12: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be of a dire animal.
Level 13: A Thousand Faces: 1M: Alter Self.
Level 14: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be used 5/d.
Level 15: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be a Huge size animal.
Level 15: Timeless Body: Immune to aging. No longer ages naturally. Still dies at length of lifespan.
Level 16: Elemental Shape: 1M, 1/d: Shapechange into a normal element elemental (size L or smaller).
Level 18: Wild Shape (see level 5) can be used 6/d.
Level 18: Elemental Shape (see level 16) can be used 3/d.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 5 10- --- -
3 10 111 --- -
4 15 211 1-- -
5 25 221 11- -
6 50 222 111 -
7 100 322 211 1
8 200 332 221 1
9 300 333 222 1
10 400 433 322 2
11 500 443 332 2
12 600 444 333 2
13 700 544 433 3
14 800 554 443 3
15 900 555 444 3
16 1000 655 544 4
17 1100 665 554 4
18 1200 666 555 4
19 1300 766 655 5
20 1400 776 665 5
21 1500 777 666 5
22 1600 877 766 6
23 1700 887 776 6
24 1800 888 777 6
25 1900 988 877 7
26 2000 998 887 7
27 2100 999 888 7
28 2200 A99 988 8
29 2300 AA9 998 8
30 2400 AAA 999 8
31 2500 BAA A99 9
32 2600 BBA AA9 9
33 2700 BBB AAA 9
34 2800 CBB BAA A
35 2900 CCB BBA A
36 3000 CCC BBB A
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 15, Wis 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: Pri
Reference: BoD2
Can cast spells only from All, Detection, Healing, and Necromantic spheres. Healing spells cost ˝ of a spell each to cast.
Other spheres cannot be cast at all, but you may pick one sphere which can be cast as if opposite (at 2 spells per spell).
Level 1: May weapon specialize using the "Non-War" column.
Level 4: Great Swing: Can choose to make 1 attack per physical action (regardless of how many weapons the PC is using) instead of normal number of attacks. This "great swing" has no extra bonus to hit but does 5 times normal damage and has a 1% per level of fighter of instantly killing any one mortal target (as per assassination). Great swing is not cumulative with Rogue's Backstab or Assassin abilities, but can be used with missile or natural weapons.
Level 4: Detect Slimes, Molds, Jellies 40' cont.
Level 8: 1M: Identify potion.
Level 9: Can build a freehold and attract followers.
Level 9: Mental link with a number of lieutenants (followers that are Warriors of at least 4th level) equal to Fighter's level (this operates on its own unique psionic frequency).
Level 12: Can read Wizard scrolls (could already read Priest scrolls, just like any other Priest)
Level 12: Automatic proficiency in all weapons that the fighter has seen in operation (does not count as "free" slots, so 2 slots are still needed to single specialize, etc.).
Level 12: Can transfer 1/10 of total XP to one of the fighter's children upon natural (mental aging) death.
Level 16: Gain four 1st level Wizard spells in your memorization per day.
Level 18: Fighter's hit points are maximum (consider all hit die rolls to be maximum possible, even if the fighter has non-warrior classes).
Level 18: Can automatically hit any mortal creature with a non infinite negative Armor Class when using "Great Swing".
Level 18: Mental link to lieutenants now gives the lieutenants the ability to cast 1 first level priest spell per day (casting level = 1).
Level 20: Gain four 2nd level Wizard spells in your memorization per day.
Level 27: Raise Self: The fighter will be able to Raise Dead on himself 1 day after death (as long as the death was due to physical damage). This ability cannot be used more than once per year.
Level 27: Maximum age doubles (the fighter may be lowered 1-2 age categories).
Level 27: Ability to grant a total of (#followers) priest levels of spells (maximum spell level = 4) to followers (or himself). The spell recipient must be able to memorize the spells the question (be a ranger, have a priest class, etc.). The fighter may grant spells to himself, even if he cannot normally cast spells (in this case, caster level = 9).
Level 36: Fighter may have his "home plane" switched to that of his alignment.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 1.25 10- --- -
3 2.5 111 --- -
4 5 211 1-- -
5 10 221 11- -
6 20 222 111 -
7 40 322 211 1
8 80 332 221 1
9 160 333 222 1
10 320 433 322 2
11 480 443 332 2
12 640 444 333 2
13 800 544 433 3
14 960 554 443 3
15 1120 555 444 3
16 1280 655 544 4
17 1440 665 554 4
18 1600 666 555 4
19 1760 766 655 5
20 1920 776 665 5
21 2080 777 666 5
22 2240 877 766 6
23 2400 887 776 6
24 2560 888 777 6
25 2720 988 877 7
26 2880 998 887 7
27 3040 999 888 7
28 3200 A99 988 8
29 3360 AA9 998 8
30 3520 AAA 999 8
31 3680 BAA A99 9
32 3840 BBA AA9 9
33 4000 BBB AAA 9
34 4160 CBB BAA A
35 4320 CCB BBA A
36 4480 CCC BBB A
Requisites: Con 9, Wis 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: S&S2
Can cast spells only from All, Detection, Healing, and Necromantic spheres. Healing spells cost ˝ of a spell each to cast.
Other spheres cannot be cast at all, but you may pick one sphere which can be cast as if opposite (at 2 spells per spell).
Level 1: Healing proficiency cures 1d4+LVL hp.
Level 1: Your touch spells can affect up to LVL targets at one time (you must touch all targets within the same segment).
Level 1: 1V: Death's Door, maximum negative hp this is effective = -LVL^2.
Level 2: All friendly creatures within sight get +LVL/2 saves vs. poison.
Level 3: All friendly creatures within sight get +LVL/3 saves vs. disease.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Hell's Caretaker

Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 2-- --- -
2 4 31- --- -
3 8 420 --- -
4 12 531 a-- -
5 16 642 0b- -
6 20 653 1ac -
7 40 664 20b -
8 80 665 31a d
9 120 666 420 c
10 160 666 531 b
11 200 666 642 a
12 400 666 653 0
13 800 666 664 1
14 1000 666 665 2
15 1200 666 666 3
16 1400 666 666 4
17 1600 666 666 5
18 1800 666 666 6
19 2000 766 666 6
20 2200 776 666 6
21 2400 777 666 6
22 2600 777 766 6
23 2800 777 776 6
24 3000 777 777 6
25 3200 777 777 7
26 3400 877 777 7
27 3600 887 777 7
28 3800 888 777 7
29 4000 888 877 7
30 4200 888 887 7
31 4400 888 888 7
32 4800 888 888 8
33 5200 998 888 8
34 5600 999 988 8
35 6000 999 999 8
36 6200 999 999 9
TH Saves
+0  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+1  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+2 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+3 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+3 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+5 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
+6 16 12 13 11 12  7  6 12
+7 16 13 14 12 12  8  7 13
+7 16 14 14 13 13  9  8 14
+8 16 14 15 14 14 10  8 15
+9 17 15 16 14 14 10  9 16
+9 17 15 16 15 15 11 10 17
+10 17 16 16 15 16 12 10 18
+11 17 16 16 16 16 13 11 19
+11 17 16 16 16 16 14 12 20
Requisites: Str 13, Con 13, Wis 13
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/6
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: 2xPri
Reference: MTG {Planeshifted Demonologist}
Groups: Priest, Alternate
Turn Undead is Command for undead and demons, and Turn for golems (this is slightly unusual).
Knows a "Devil Summoning N" spell of every SL. It is Summoning sphere, and summons a creature of DL=N (Outer, always evil).
Level 1: "Caretaker ability": 1M, sacrifice a summon: Animate Dead a x0 or x1 dead creature the party has recently killed. This becomes your summon, and has the full stats and abilities it had in life. A being that is Beast of Xvim'd cannot be raised by this ability. The creature can never betray you, even from effects that steal or cause summons to become uncontrolled. If the sacrificed creature was a Camarid, the animated creature takes only that Camarid's summon slot.
Level 1: "Spawn Ability": 1M, sacrifice a x1 (or greater) summon: Summon N Camarids, where N is the sacrificed summon's DL. Camarids are DL I (type Water) creatures with AC 20, hp 10, TH +10, dmg 10. You are allowed to have up to your level in Camarid summon slots. Any extra Camarids are wasted (they disappear immediately). Camarids are x0 beings; thus you cannot sacrifice a Camarid to get a Camarid.
Level 1: aNR (Necromancy Resistance) of level*20%.
Level 1: Free Grand access in one of these spheres (choose one): Astral, Guardian, Necromancy, Summoning.
Level 4: Your turn undead chance is never worse than "20" (i.e. you never have a dash), regardless of the HD of the undead/demon.
Level 4: If you "Spawn" (see Level 1 ability) a Water type summon, you get 1 more Camarid than usual (DL+1 instead of DL).
Level 4: Choose another Grand access sphere from the choices in the level 1 ability.
Level 8: All of your weapons and armor are considered "Of the Planes" (Planar Stable).
Level 8: Choose another Grand access sphere from the choices in the level 1 ability.
Level 9: You may "Caretaker" (see the Level 1 ability) a x2 creature, but you need to do it twice (2M and sacrifice two summons), unless you are a x2 being yourself.
Level 12: Choose the last Grand access sphere from the choices in the level 1 ability.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Holy Order of Stars Evil1

Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 1.5 1-- --- -
2 3 20- --- -
3 6 21a --- -
4 12.5 220 --- -
5 20 331 a-- -
6 35 332 0-- -
7 60 332 1a- -
8 90 333 20- -
9 200 443 21a -
10 400 443 320 -
11 650 544 321 -
12 1000 655 321 a
13 1350 666 422 0
14 1700 666 432 1
15 2050 666 532 1
16 2400 666 542 1
17 2750 666 643 2
18 3100 666 654 3
19 3450 666 664 3
20 3800 666 665 3
21 4150 666 666 3
22 4500 666 666 4
23 4850 666 666 5
24 5200 666 666 6
25 5550 777 766 6
26 5900 777 777 6
27 6250 777 777 7
28 6600 888 877 7
29 6950 888 888 7
30 7300 888 888 8
31 7650 999 988 8
32 8000 999 999 8
33 8350 999 999 9
34 8700 AAA A99 9
35 9050 AAA AAA 9
36 9400 AAA AAA A
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DLA1
The three Holy Order of Stars classes (HOSE1, HOSG1, HOSN1) are just minor variations on Cleric1.
Treat them as Cleric1, but with different XP and spell progressions.
They do get the free material componenting for spells.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Holy Order of Stars Good1

Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 2 1-- --- -
2 4 20- --- -
3 7.5 21- --- -
4 15 220 --- -
5 25 331 --- -
6 40 332 0-- -
7 90 332 1-- -
8 160 333 20- -
9 250 443 21- -
10 500 443 320 -
11 750 544 321 -
12 1000 655 322 -
13 1250 666 422 -
14 1500 666 532 -
15 1750 777 542 0
16 2000 777 653 1
17 2250 888 663 1
18 2500 888 764 2
19 2750 888 764 3
20 3000 888 764 4
21 3250 888 765 5
22 3500 888 766 6
23 3750 888 777 7
24 4000 888 888 8
25 4250 999 988 8
26 4500 999 999 8
27 4750 999 999 9
28 5000 AAA A99 9
29 5250 AAA AAA 9
30 5500 AAA AAA A
31 5750 BBB BAA A
32 6000 BBB BBB A
33 6250 BBB BBB B
34 6500 CCC CBB B
35 6750 CCC CCC B
36 7000 CCC CCC C
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: any G
HD/level: +d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DLA1
The three Holy Order of Stars classes (HOSE1, HOSG1, HOSN1) are just minor variations on Cleric1.
Treat them as Cleric1, but with different XP and spell progressions.
They do get the free material componenting for spells.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Holy Order of Stars Neutral1

Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 1.5 2-- --- -
2 3 21- --- -
3 6 321 --- -
4 13 422 --- -
5 27.5 432 0-- -
6 55 432 1-- -
7 110 443 1-- -
8 225 443 20- -
9 450 543 21- -
10 675 543 320 -
11 900 553 321 0
12 1125 554 432 1
13 1350 655 432 1
14 1575 666 642 1
15 1800 666 643 1
16 2025 666 654 1
17 2250 766 654 2
18 2475 766 654 3
19 2700 766 654 4
20 2925 766 655 5
21 3150 766 666 6
22 3375 777 666 6
23 3600 777 776 6
24 3825 777 777 7
25 4050 888 877 7
26 4275 888 888 7
27 4500 888 888 8
28 4725 999 988 8
29 4950 999 999 8
30 5175 999 999 9
31 5400 AAA A99 9
32 5625 AAA AAA 9
33 5850 AAA AAA A
34 6075 BBB BAA A
35 6300 BBB BBB A
36 6525 BBB BBB B
Requisites: Wis 9
Alignment: any N
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DLA1
The three Holy Order of Stars classes (HOSE1, HOSG1, HOSN1) are just minor variations on Cleric1.
Treat them as Cleric1, but with different XP and spell progressions.
They do get the free material componenting for spells.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Life Master1

Level KXP Wizard/Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.77 2-- --- ---
3 3.54 21- --- ---
4 7 211 --- ---
5 14 221 1-- ---
6 28 222 2-- ---
7 56 333 2-- ---
8 112 333 31- ---
9 224 443 32- ---
10 448 444 431 ---
11 896 444 432 ---
12 1792 444 433 ---
13 3584 444 444 ---
14 3777 555 444 1--
15 4111 555 554 2--
16 4444 555 555 3--
17 4777 666 555 31-
18 5111 666 665 32-
19 5444 666 666 43-
20 5777 777 666 431
21 6111 777 776 432
22 6444 777 777 443
23 6777 888 777 444
24 7111 888 887 544
25 7444 888 888 554
26 7777 999 888 555
27 8111 999 998 655
28 8444 999 999 665
29 8777 AAA 999 666
30 9111 AAA AA9 766
31 9444 AAA AAA 776
32 9777 BBB AAA 777
33 10111 BBB BBB 877
34 10444 CCC BBB 887
35 10777 CCC CCC 888
36 11111 CCC CCC 999
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Chr 14
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d1+4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Death Master1}
Groups: Priest, Alternate
Does not get Wis bonus to spells.
Limited spell selection: Gets access to one School and one Sphere per level. The School at level 1 must be Abjuration and the Sphere at level 1 must be Healing.
Level 1: Have their own language called "The Language of Life".
Level 1: +1 XP for each grave blessed; +2 XP for each buried body.
Level 1: +1d12 undead turned when successfully roll Turn Undead.
Level 1: Immune Unlive.
Level 1: 5% per level resistance to Necromancy spells.
Level 2: +2 XP for assisting in a child birth.
Level 4: Speak with anyone with Int > 10 at will.
Level 7: Locate Person 1/d.
Level 9: Immune to Stun, reversed healing, and any undead touch effect.
Level 11: Immune to all Energy/Stat drains.

[PC3] Priest Group Classes

Orzhov Euthanist22 (MTG B/W)

Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 0-h --- ---
2 2.125 1-g --- ---
3 4.25 11- f-- ---
4 8.5 21- e-- ---
5 17 211 -e- ---
6 34 321 -d- ---
7 68 321 1-d ---
8 136 432 1-c ---
9 272 432 11- c--
10 544 543 21- b--
11 816 543 211 a--
12 1088 654 321 0--
13 1360 654 321 1--
14 1632 654 322 1--
15 1904 654 322 2--
16 2176 654 332 2c-
17 2448 654 333 2b-
18 2720 654 333 3a-
19 2992 654 433 30-
20 3264 654 433 31-
21 3536 654 443 31-
22 3808 654 444 31c
23 4080 654 444 32b
24 4352 654 444 42a
25 4624 655 444 420
26 4896 655 544 421
27 5168 655 554 421
28 5440 655 555 421
29 5712 655 555 431
30 5984 655 555 532
31 6256 665 555 532
32 6528 666 555 532
33 6800 666 655 532
34 7072 666 665 532
35 7344 666 666 532
36 7616 666 666 542
Requisites: Wis 18, Dex 14
Alignment: LE, NE, NG, or CN
HD/level: 2d2 {Wis}  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri/Rog
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Orzhov Necromancer22}
Groups: Priest, Rogue, Alternate
Hit Dice: "2d2 {Wis}" means you get Wis bonus to the HD for this class, not Con bonus. You may apply Exceptional or Barbarian Wis if you have it. You cannot choose to apply Con anyway.
Exceptional Dex bonus.
Grand in Priest Necromancy spells.
May have 1+LVL "Revive slots" instead of the usual one "Summon slot". An animated xM (multiplier M) being uses up M*M Revive slots.
A Revive is an animated (undead) monster with half the original monster's stats. It also has half the original monster's special abilities. It cannot be healed, but it regenerates at N hp/r (where N is it's DL rating).
A Revive of a Revive has 1/4 the original stats, and so on. Round stats down. If the resultant creature has 0 max hp, the Revive fails.
Level 1: Your weapons are Wounding (for each hit, it does an extra 1 point of damage per segment).
Level 1: 1D (even if D actions aren't being used): Slay the person that killed you (save)
New spell:
Revive N (Necromancy, SL N): Revive a DL=N monster.
Lvl Euthanist Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Assassination (-5% per HD/level of target) 0 0 Wis-13 Wis-15
1 any Assassin 1 ability - - - -
2 Song of Harming (1 dmg per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Wis-12 Wis-17
2 any Assassin 2 ability - - - -
3 any Rogue 3 ability - - - -
5 Detect Invisibility | Force Shapechange | Wrench ||| See through Dust of Disappearance 2M 0 Wis-12 Wis-20
7 Blink | Controlled Blink | Teleport | Teleport without Error M 15 Wis-12 Wis-14
7 Misdirection | Aura Alteration | Non-Detection M 20 Wis-10 Wis-18
8 Slay (target that you hit saves at +4, -1 per 10% made; or dies) M 0 Wis-13 Wis-19
12 Find the Path MV 0 Wis-9 Wis-13
15 Ethereal Spell | Ethereal Projection | Elemental Spell (project to an Elemental plane) 3M 35 Wis-19 Wis-25
24 Energy Drain+Destruction+Degenerate target ||| Put target in the Hole 1P+2M 0 Wis-19 Wis-25

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 0.9 20- --- -
3 1.8 31- --- -
4 3.6 320 --- -
5 7.2 321 --- -
6 14.4 332 0-- -
7 28.8 332 1-- -
8 57.6 333 20- -
9 115.2 333 21- -
10 230.4 333 32- -
11 410 333 33- -
12 590 433 330 -
13 770 443 331 -
14 950 444 332 -
15 1130 444 433 -
16 1310 444 443 -
17 1490 444 444 -
18 1670 544 444 0
19 1850 554 444 1
20 2030 555 444 2
21 2210 555 544 3
22 2390 555 554 4
23 2570 555 555 4
24 2750 555 555 5
25 2930 655 555 5
26 3110 665 555 5
27 3290 666 555 5
28 3470 666 655 5
29 3650 666 665 5
30 3830 666 666 5
31 4010 666 666 6
32 4190 766 666 6
33 4370 776 666 6
34 4550 777 666 6
35 4730 777 766 6
36 4910 777 776 6
Requisites: Wis 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Cleric0
Reference: DM
You get 1 Grand, 2 Major, and 5 Minor spheres. Your god may alter this amount.
Level 1: Can turn undead.
Level 1: Can turn lycanthropes as if they were undead (DM will assign turning values).
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as per Ranger1.
Level 2: 1M: Incite Berserker or Enraged status on your troops (not too useful for PCs).
Level 3: 1M: Swap 1 physical subability with one willing target for 1t. At level 9, swap your stat with up to 10 others (so all 10 of them get your old stat); you get back your choice of their 10.
Level 27: Pick one species (as per Ranger species enemy). You can turn that species as if it was undead (DM will assign turning values).

[PC3] Priest Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 456 78
1 0 1-- --- --
2 1.7 11- --- --
3 3.4 111 --- --
4 6.8 222 0-- --
5 13.6 222 1-- --
6 27.2 222 20- --
7 54.4 222 21- --
8 108.8 222 220 --
9 200 222 221 --
10 500 222 222 0-
11 800 222 222 1-
12 1100 222 222 2-
13 1400 332 222 2-
14 1700 333 322 2-
15 2000 333 332 2-
16 2300 333 333 2-
17 2600 333 333 3-
18 2900 333 333 3-
19 3200 443 333 30
20 3500 444 433 31
21 3800 444 444 31
22 4100 444 444 41
23 4400 554 444 41
24 4700 555 544 41
25 5000 555 555 41
26 5300 555 555 51
27 5600 555 555 52
28 5900 665 555 52
29 6200 666 655 52
30 6500 666 666 52
31 6800 666 666 62
32 7100 776 666 62
33 7400 777 766 62
34 7700 777 777 62
35 8000 777 777 72
36 8300 777 777 73
Requisites: Str 9, Int 10, Wis 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Mon
Reference: DS2/DM
You get 3 Grand, 4 Major, and 0 Minor spheres. Your god may alter this amount.
Level 1: Can turn undead.
Level 1: Immune to the effects of Ego of your multiplier or less.
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as if a Fighter2, and use the "Spec War" line in Number of Attacks table.
Level 4: 0, (level-3)/d: Become immune to any 1 effect of your multiplier or less for 1 segment. Lose your next available 1P action (you are in effect borrowing it from the future).
Level 8: 1M: Your multiplier becomes x2 for this round only.
Level 9: 1M: Symbol (as spell).
Level 27: 2M: Your multiplier becomes x3 for this round only.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes

All Rogue Classes

Level 1: +2 TH from behind. This is addition to the normal +2 TH from behind.
Level 1: When it is gained, the ability "Read Magic" may be replaced with "Ability to Weapon Specialize" for the Rogue. In this case, use the "Specialist Non-Warrior" progression in [P4]. 50% in this ability means you are single specialized, 100% means double, 150% means triple, etc. This ability does also give base proficiency in the weapon, and you may spend weapon slots to increase specialization instead of increading the Ability to Specialize ability.
All Rogues get 40 Rogue points per level unless indicated. You may "save" Rogue points for higher level abilities later.
If you have more than one instance of the same Rogue ability, just use the better rating (they don't combine in any way).
Averaging Option: You get no Rogue points, instead, add this to each ability: +(Your level)*10-(level you gained ability)*5
All Rogue abilities that are beneficial (Blink, Heal, Time Shift, Speed, etc.) affect only the rogue (Range 0, not Touch).
Rogue abilities that seem to have duration (such as Levitate) last for 1 turn per use.
Rogue abilities are resisted using IR (Innate Resistance).
The effective spell level of a Rogue ability is the level you get it at divided by 3, round up, with a maximum of 9.
A Rogue ability turns off if the PF (Physical Factor) is lower than this calculated spell level.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.25 (none)
3 2.5 (none)
4 5 (none)
5 10 (none)
6 20 (none)
7 45 (none)
8 75 (none)
9 125 (none)
10 180 (none)
11 250 (none)
12 500 (none)
13 750 (none)
14 1000 (none)
15 1250 (none)
16 1500 (none)
17 1750 (none)
18 2000 (none)
19 2250 (none)
20 2500 (none)
21 2750 (none)
22 3000 (none)
23 3250 (none)
24 3500 (none)
25 3750 (none)
26 4000 (none)
27 4250 (none)
28 4500 (none)
29 4750 (none)
30 5000 (none)
31 5250 (none)
32 5500 (none)
33 5750 (none)
34 6000 (none)
35 6250 (none)
36 6500 (none)
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 16
Alignment: non-LG/CG
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: UA1-23
Level 1: Gets Barbarian Dex bonus.
Lvl Acrobat Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Vaulting || Passwall V 45 Dex-12 Dex-16
1 Jumping | Levitate | Flight V 20 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Attack (+1 TH per 10% made this segment) V 5 Dex-12 Dex-15
1 Evasion (0, make by 5% per amount hit: no dmg from weapon) V 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Feather Falling || Body Control V 20 Dex-12 Dex-14
1 any Thief 1 ability - - - -
1 any Assassin 1 ability - - - -
1 any Monk 1 ability - - - -
2 any Ninja 1 ability - - - -
2 Tightrope Walking | Water Walking | Shadow Walking | Dimension Walking V 75 Dex-11 Dex-15
3 Lower Encumbrance | Zero Encumbrance | No Armor Penalty P 10 Str-13 Str-18
4 any Bard 4 ability - - - -
4 any Thief 4 ability - - - -
5 Missile Deflection | Missile Reflection | Spell Deflection | Volley (0: Immune to attack) V 10 Dex-12 Dex-15
6 Coordination (+1 per 20% made to Coordination) M 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
6 Balance (+1 per 20% made to Balance) M 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
7 Blink | Controlled Blink | Teleport | Teleport without Error M 15 Wis-12 Wis-14
8 Efficiency (+1 per 20% made to Efficiency) M 0 Int-9 Int-12
8 Muscle (+1 and +1 per 20% made to Muscle for 1t) M 0 Int-9 Int-12
9 Dispel Exhaustion ||| Heal P 10 Con-18 Con-25
10 Invisibility | Improved Invisibility | Dust of Disappearance MV 20 Int-12 Int-14
12 Speed (x2 move) | Speed (+1 V) | Speed (+1 P) | Speed (+1 M) VV 15 Dex-12 Dex-15
15 Energy Control | Adaptation | Immune to Hostile Environments PV 5 Con-9 Con-12
18 Reverse Gravity | Adjust Gravity VM 0 Dex-13 Dex-17
27 Otto's Irresistance Dance | Control Physicals MPV 0 Chr-16 Chr-22

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.5 (none)
3 3 (none)
4 6 (none)
5 12 (none)
6 25 (none)
7 50 (none)
8 100 (none)
9 200 (none)
10 300 (none)
11 425 (none)
12 575 (none)
13 750 (none)
14 1000 (none)
15 1500 (none)
16 2000 (none)
17 2500 (none)
18 3000 (none)
19 3500 (none)
20 4000 (none)
21 4500 (none)
22 5000 (none)
23 5500 (none)
24 6000 (none)
25 6500 (none)
26 7000 (none)
27 7500 (none)
28 8000 (none)
29 8500 (none)
30 9000 (none)
31 9500 (none)
32 10000 (none)
33 10500 (none)
34 11000 (none)
35 11500 (none)
36 12000 (none)
Requisites: Str 12, Dex 12, Int 11
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH1-28
Level 1: Poison Use proficiency (1 slot per 4 levels, round up).
Level 1: Cannot have any hirelings until Level 4.
Level 1: Can weapon specialize (using "Spec Non-War" line)
Level 4: Allowed to have lower level assassins as hirelings.
Level 8: Allowed to have lower level rogues as hirelings.
Level 9: Can speak Level-8 additional languages from the following list: LG,LN,LE,NG,TN,NE,CG,CN,CE,Druid,Thieves' Cant. Can never learn more than Int-14 alignment languages.
Level 12: Allowed to have any hirelings.
Level 14: (Guildmaster) Only 1 of this level per area.
Level 14: Has 7-28 guild members. 75% chance a guild member will leave if guildmasters change.
Level 15: Only 1 of this level per continent.
Lvl Assassin Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Assassination (-5% per HD/level of target) 0 0 Wis-13 Wis-15
1 Spying - 10 Int-11 Int-14
1 Backstab (each 30% = x1) (increases 10/level) 0 50 Int-6 Int-20
1 Disguise | Alter Appearance VP 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
1 Impersonation (Physical/Personality/Mannerisms) - 10 Chr-10 Chr-12
1 Find/Remove Wizard Abjurations/Priest Protections VM 0 Dex-13 Dex-18
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
2 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
2 any 1st level Ninja ability - - - -
3 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
4 Alter Self | Change Self | Veil VM 10 Int-13 Int-18
4 any 4th level (or lower) Thief ability - - - -
5 Mislead | Disappearance M 15 Int-12 Int-16
6 Touch : Chill/Pain | Para/Vampiric | Energy Drain M 20 Str-9 Str-15
6 any 4th level (or lower) Bard ability - - - -
7 Misdirection | Aura Alteration | Non-Detection M 20 Wis-10 Wis-18
8 Meld into Shadows/Mirrors/Crowds || Disperse VM 25 Str-9 Str-14
8 Feign Death ||| Feign Undeath V 40 Con-9 Con-10
9 Finger of Death | Slay Living | Power Word Kill MM 0 Int-14 Int-17
10 Illusionary Double M 10 Chr-11 Chr-12
12 Dimensional Folding M 40 Int-7 Int-20
15 Psychic Impersonation || Soul/Spirit Impersonation - 15 Wis-9 Wis-14
18 Shadow Magic | Shadow Walk | Shadow Flight VM 0 Int-16 Int-19
27 Destruction/Mordenkainen's Disjunction PMM 0 Int-18 Int-24

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.8 (none)
3 3.6 (none)
4 7.5 (none)
5 15 (none)
6 30 (none)
7 60 (none)
8 110 (none)
9 200 (none)
10 300 (none)
11 450 (none)
12 650 (none)
13 900 (none)
14 1150 (none)
15 1400 (none)
16 1650 (none)
17 1900 (none)
18 2150 (none)
19 2400 (none)
20 2650 (none)
21 2900 (none)
22 3150 (none)
23 3400 (none)
24 3650 (none)
25 3900 (none)
26 4150 (none)
27 4400 (none)
28 4650 (none)
29 4900 (none)
30 5150 (none)
31 5400 (none)
32 5650 (none)
33 5900 (none)
34 6150 (none)
35 6400 (none)
36 6650 (none)
Requisites: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8+1
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: BoD4
Level 1: Tracking as per Ranger of half the Bandit's level.
Level 1: Use the "Non-Spec War" column for number of attacks.
Level 1: # Attacks = level vs. creatures with less than 1 HD.
Lvl Bandit Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Climb Walls | Climb Overhangs | Climb Upside Down V 60 Str-9 Str-13
1 Hide in Shadows | Hide amongst People or Trees | Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 0 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Find/Remove Traps: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase | Pro. M 5 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Pass without Trace || Etherealness || Probability Travel MV 0 Chr-15 Chr-21
1 Escape Bonds | Binding | Imprisonment/Time Stop || Get out of Put Down a Hole PV 0 Str-14 Str-16
1 Any Scout 1 or Bounty Hunter 1 or Yakuza 1 ability - - - -
2 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
3 Lower Encumbrance | Zero Encumbrance | No Armor Penalty P 10 Str-13 Str-18
4 Mislead | Disappearance M 15 Int-12 Int-16
6 Distraction | Mislead | Forget | Mirage Arcana M 15 Wis-13 Wis-16
8 Any Scout 8 or Bounty Hunter 8 or Yakuza 8 ability - - - -
10 Locate (anything unique) Across Planes | Clairvoyance there | TWE there M 0 Int-12 Int-15
13 Preparation (Ability to use +1 action of any type next segment per 50% made) F 0 Wis-18 Wis-22
16 Enhancement (add how much you made by to your next Rogue ability roll within 1r) F 0 Chr-18 Chr-22

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Priest
123 45
1 War5/Rog5 1-- --
2 2 2-- --
3 4 3-- --
4 8 31- --
5 16 32- --
6 25 33- --
7 40 331 --
8 60 332 --
9 85 333 --
10 110 333 1-
11 150 333 2-
12 200 333 3-
13 400 333 31
14 600 333 32
15 800 333 33
16 1000 433 33
17 1200 443 33
18 1400 444 33
19 1600 544 43
20 1800 544 44
21 2000 554 44
22 2200 555 44
23 3000 555 55
24 3800 665 55
25 4600 666 55
26 5400 666 65
27 6200 666 66
28 7000 776 66
29 7800 777 76
30 8600 777 77
31 9400 887 77
32 10200 888 87
33 11000 888 88
34 11800 998 88
35 12600 999 98
36 13400 999 99
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 15, Chr 15
Alignment: T* or *N
HD/level: & (-1) d6
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH1-117
(Optional, you can still use points if you like): Gets no Rogue points, instead, add this to each ability: +(Your level)*10-(level you gained ability)*5
All of the "Song" abilties disallow the use of P actions while being used. They may be maintained next round for 1P action.
Cast Druid spells, spheres are as Druid.
Level 4: +(LVL*2-5)/3 (round down) nonweapon proficiencies
Lvl Bard Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Legend Lore | Identify 0 | M 0 Int-13 Int-15
1 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 5 Int-9 Int-14
1 Musical Inspiration | Emotion (increases 5/level) VM 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Summon Animals V 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Charm/Influence Reaction M 10 Chr-8 Chr-12
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
2 Song of Healing (1 hp per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Wis-12 Wis-17
2 Empathy | ESP M 15 Wis-10 Wis-18
3 Song of Courage (+1 Morale per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Chr-13 Chr-18
4 Song of Vines (save at -1/5% made or Entangled) P*M 10 Dex-14 Dex-19
4 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions ||| Truename M 20 Wis-9 Wis-12
5 Song of Battle (+1 TH,dmg,or saves per 10% made) P*M 10 Str-15 Str-20
6 Hypnosis/Command M 25 Chr-13 Chr-15
6 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
7 Suggestion | Domination | Eyebite VM 10 Int-13 Int-14
8 Sending | Demand M 10 Int-9 Int-12
8 Telepathy | Telepathic Projection M 15 Wis-10 Wis-12
9 Object Reading VM 0 Int-12 Int-20
10 Telekinesis (5 lb. per 1% made) M 10 Int-13 Int-17
12 Disharmonic Blast (1 dmg per 1% made) P*M 10 Con-16 Con-22
15 Find the Path MM 20 Wis-10 Wis-15
18 Contact Other Plane | Foresight MM 0 Chr-15 Chr-18
27 Astral Spell MMM 40 Int-18 Int-24

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Wizard
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 1.25 1-- ---
3 2.5 2-- ---
4 5 21- ---
5 10 31- ---
6 20 32- ---
7 40 321 ---
8 70 331 ---
9 110 332 ---
10 160 332 1--
11 220 333 1--
12 440 333 2--
13 660 333 21-
14 880 333 31-
15 1100 333 32-
16 1320 433 321
17 1540 443 331
18 1760 444 332
19 1980 444 432
20 2200 444 443
21 2420 444 444
22 2640 554 444
23 2860 555 444
24 3080 555 544
25 3300 555 554
26 3520 555 555
27 3740 665 555
28 3960 666 555
29 4180 666 655
30 4400 666 665
31 4620 666 666
32 4840 776 666
33 5060 777 666
34 5280 777 766
35 5500 777 776
36 5720 777 777
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 13, Chr 15
Alignment: T* or *N
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH2-41
Bard2 gets 40 Rogue points per level.
All of the "Song" abilties disallow the use of P actions while being used. They may be maintained next round for 1P action.
Cast Wizard spells, may (2nd edition) specialize, pick an opposite.
Level 4: +(LVL*2-5)/3 (round down) nonweapon proficiencies
Lvl Bard Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Legend Lore | Identify 0 | M 0 Int-13 Int-15
1 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 5 Int-9 Int-14
1 Musical Inspiration | Emotion (increases 5/level) VM 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Summon Animals V 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Charm/Influence Reaction M 10 Chr-8 Chr-12
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
2 Song of Healing (1 hp per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Wis-12 Wis-17
2 Empathy | ESP M 15 Wis-10 Wis-18
3 Song of Courage (+1 Morale per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Chr-13 Chr-18
4 Song of Vines (save at -1/5% made or Entangled) P*M 10 Dex-14 Dex-19
4 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions ||| Truename M 20 Wis-9 Wis-12
5 Song of Battle (+1 TH,dmg,or saves per 10% made) P*M 10 Str-15 Str-20
6 Hypnosis/Command M 25 Chr-13 Chr-15
6 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
7 Suggestion | Domination | Eyebite VM 10 Int-13 Int-14
8 Sending | Demand M 10 Int-9 Int-12
8 Telepathy | Telepathic Projection M 15 Wis-10 Wis-12
9 Object Reading VM 0 Int-12 Int-20
10 Telekinesis (5 lb. per 1% made) M 10 Int-13 Int-17
12 Disharmonic Blast (1 dmg per 1% made) P*M 10 Con-16 Con-22
15 Find the Path MM 20 Wis-10 Wis-15
18 Contact Other Plane | Foresight MM 0 Chr-15 Chr-18
27 Astral Spell MMM 40 Int-18 Int-24

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Bard
123 456 7
1 0 --- --- -
2 10 2-- --- -
3 30 3-- --- -
4 60 32- --- -
5 100 43- --- -
6 150 43- --- -
7 210 442 --- -
8 280 443 --- -
9 360 443 --- -
10 450 444 2-- -
11 550 444 3-- -
12 660 444 3-- -
13 780 444 42- -
14 910 444 43- -
15 1050 444 43- -
16 1200 544 442 -
17 1360 554 443 -
18 1530 555 443 -
19 1710 555 554 -
20 1900 555 554 -
21 2100 555 554 0
22 2310 555 554 1
23 2530 555 554 2
24 2760 555 554 3
25 3000 555 554 4
26 3250 555 555 4
27 3510 555 555 5
28 3780 655 555 5
29 4060 665 555 5
30 4350 666 555 5
31 4650 666 655 5
32 4960 666 665 5
33 5280 666 666 5
34 5610 666 666 6
35 5950 766 666 6
36 6300 776 666 6
Requisites: Dex 0, Int 0, Chr 0 (10)
Alignment: T* or *N
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/9
To Hit Table: +level*3/4
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH3-26
Gets spell progression and Chr bonus to spells.
Level 1: Bardic Music, see PH3 page 28.
Level 1: Legend Lore, make a LVL+(Int modifier) check vs. DC of 10, 20, 25, or 30.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes

Beast Thief

Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1 (none)
3 2 (none)
4 4 (none)
5 8 (none)
6 16 (none)
7 32 (none)
8 64 (none)
9 128 (none)
10 228 (none)
11 328 (none)
12 428 (none)
13 528 (none)
14 628 (none)
15 728 (none)
16 928 (none)
17 1028 (none)
18 1228 (none)
19 1428 (none)
20 1628 (none)
21 1828 (none)
22 2028 (none)
23 2228 (none)
24 2428 (none)
25 2628 (none)
26 2828 (none)
27 3228 (none)
28 3628 (none)
29 4028 (none)
30 4428 (none)
31 4828 (none)
32 5228 (none)
33 5628 (none)
34 6028 (none)
35 6428 (none)
36 7228 (none)
Requisites: Dex 11
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: DM
Level 1: For an extra M action, any Rogue ability may be used up to level*10 feet away.
Lvl Beast Thief Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Take ˝ dmg from an Attack | Spell | Psi Power | Innate (|| Take 0 damage) V 5 Con-16 Con-20
1 Charm/Influence Reaction | Taunt M 10 Chr-12 Chr-14
1 Detect Noise | Clairaudience M 15 Wis-8 Wis-20
1 Find/Remove Traps: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase | Pro. (amount made = #' away) M 0 Dex-14 Dex-19
1 ("Twist") Find/Remove Wizard Abjurations/Priest Protections | Psionic Protections VM 0 Dex-14 Dex-19
1 Move Silently | Passwall | Immovability V 0 Dex-15 Dex-18
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase (amount made = #' away) VM 5 Dex-12 Dex-16
1 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 0 Int-9 Int-14
2 Empathy | ESP M 15 Wis-10 Wis-18
2 X-ray vision | Use innate ability through wall (amount made/10 is #' through wall) M 0 Str-10 Str-20
3 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
4 Find/Remove Tricks: x1 multiplier || x2 multiplier ||| x3 mult. (amount made=#' away) M 5 Dex-18 Dex-25
4 Distraction | Mislead | Forget | Mirage Arcana M 15 Wis-13 Wis-16
5 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing ||| Know Truename MM 0 Wis-12 Wis-20
6 All-Around Sight | Locate Object | Treasure Finding M 25 Wis-15 Wis-19
6 Suggestion | Domination | Eyebite M 10 Int-10 Int-14
7 Disembodied Hands | Unseen Servant | Invisible Stalker P 30 Chr-10 Chr-20
8 Teleport | Teleport without Error || Teleport Other to Self (no save) M 5 Int-16 Int-17
8 Wraithform | Dream Travel V 25 Con-15 Con-17
9 Find/Remove Specials: x1 multiplier | x2 mult. | x3 mult. (amount made = #' away) VV 20 Dex-18 Dex-22
10 Telekinesis (5 lb. per 1% made) M 10 Int-13 Int-17
12 Mass Weird / Mass Chaos / Mass Maze MP 0 Chr-23 Chr-25
15 Reverse Gravity | Adjust Gravity VM 0 Dex-13 Dex-17
18 Time Shift ||| Time Travel VMM 15 Int-17 Int-25
27 Shift a racial innate power you have to a random power (determined by DM) F 0 Con-20 Con-25

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes

Bounty Hunter1

Level KXP Wiz/Pri
1 0 (1 SL, max SL=1)
2 2.5 (2 SL, max SL=1)
3 5 (3 SL, max SL=1)
4 12.5 (4 SL, max SL=2)
5 25 (5 SL, max SL=2)
6 50 (6 SL, max SL=2)
7 100 (7 SL, max SL=3)
8 175 (8 SL, max SL=3)
9 300 (9 SL, max SL=3)
10 450 (10 SL, max SL=4)
11 600 (11 SL, max SL=4)
12 750 (12 SL, max SL=4)
13 900 (13 SL, max SL=5)
14 1200 (14 SL, max SL=5)
15 1500 (15 SL, max SL=5)
16 1800 (16 SL, max SL=6)
17 2100 (17 SL, max SL=6)
18 2400 (18 SL, max SL=6)
19 2700 (19 SL, max SL=7)
20 3000 (20 SL, max SL=7)
21 3300 (21 SL, max SL=7)
22 3600 (22 SL, max SL=8)
23 3900 (23 SL, max SL=8)
24 4200 (24 SL, max SL=8)
25 4500 (25 SL, max SL=9)
26 4800 (26 SL, max SL=9)
27 5100 (27 SL, max SL=9)
28 5400 (28 SL, max SL=10)
29 5700 (29 SL, max SL=10)
30 6000 (30 SL, max SL=10)
31 6300 (31 SL, max SL=11)
32 6600 (32 SL, max SL=11)
33 6900 (33 SL, max SL=11)
34 7200 (34 SL, max SL=12)
35 7500 (35 SL, max SL=12)
36 7800 (36 SL, max SL=12)
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13
Alignment: non-G
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: BoD4
Tracking as per Ranger; Full damage vs. any creature when subduing; Level 1: +1 weapon prof/level
Gets experience level in Divination spell levels (Wiz or Pri) per day. Max spell level = (Bounty Hunter level)/3, round up.
Lvl Bounty Hunter Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase VM 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Move Silently || Immovability V 10 Dex-13 Dex-16
1 Hide in Shadows || Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 5 Dex-11 Dex-16
1 Backstab (each 30% = x1) (increases 10/level) 0 50 Int-6 Int-20
1 ("Twist") Find/Remove Wizard Abjuration/Priest Protection (-1% per CL) V 0 Dex-16 Dex-20
1 Spying - 10 Int-11 Int-14
1 Disguise | Alter Appearance M 25 Chr-11 Chr-13
2 Assassination (-5% per HD/level of target) 0 0 Wis-13 Wis-15
2 Attack (+1 TH per 10% made this segment) V 5 Dex-12 Dex-15
3 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 0 Int-9 Int-14
4 Song of Vines (save at -1/5% made or Entangled) (see Bard for notes about Songs) P*M 10 Dex-14 Dex-19
4 Legend Lore | Identify 0 | M 0 Int-13 Int-15
5 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
6 All-Around Sight | Locate Object | Treasure Finding M 25 Wis-15 Wis-19
6 Invisibility | Improved Invisibility | Dust of Disappearance M 20 Int-12 Int-14
7 Polymorph Self | Polymorph Other | Polymorph Object | Shapechange PP 10 Con-15 Con-18
8 Clairvoyance | X-Ray Vision M 10 Wis-10 Wis-20
8 Teleport | Teleport without Error || Teleport Other to Self (no save) M 5 Int-16 Int-17
9 Finger of Death | Slay Living | Power Word Kill MM 0 Int-14 Int-17
10 Locate (anything unique) Across Planes | Clairvoyance there MV 5 Int-12 Int-15
12 Find the Path MV 0 Wis-9 Wis-13
15 Energy Control | Adaptation | Immune to Hostile Environments PV 5 Con-9 Con-12
18 Control Movements | Control Physicals | Control Mentals MM 0 Chr-18 Chr-20
27 Destruction/Mordenkainen's Disjunction PMM 0 Int-18 Int-24

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 120 (none)
9 300 (none)
10 600 (none)
11 900 (none)
12 1200 (none)
13 1500 (none)
14 1800 (none)
15 2100 (none)
16 2400 (none)
17 2700 (none)
18 3000 (none)
19 3300 (none)
20 3600 (none)
21 3900 (none)
22 4200 (none)
23 4500 (none)
24 4800 (none)
25 5100 (none)
26 5400 (none)
27 5700 (none)
28 6000 (none)
29 6300 (none)
30 6600 (none)
31 6900 (none)
32 7200 (none)
33 7500 (none)
34 7800 (none)
35 8100 (none)
36 8400 (none)
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 9, Con 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Halfling0
Reference: RC0-26
Gets "Level:" abilities of Fighter0.
Level 1: +1 Hobby proficiency per level.
Level 9: Resist Magic and Breath Weapons.
Halfling0 still gets the normal level 9, 18, 27, 36 picks in addition to the table below.
Lvl Ability
1 Any Rogue 1 ability
2 Any Rogue 1 ability
3 Any Rogue 2 ability
4 Any Rogue 3 ability
5 Any Rogue 4 ability
6 Any Rogue 5 ability
7 Any Rogue 6 ability
8 Any Rogue 7 ability
16 Any Rogue 10 ability
24 Any Rogue 15 ability
32 Any Rogue 27 ability

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes

Holy Monk1

Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2.7 (none)
3 5.7 (none)
4 12 (none)
5 27 (none)
6 57 (none)
7 117.6 (none)
8 240 (none)
9 420 (none)
10 600 (none)
11 840 (none)
12 1140 (none)
13 1500 (none)
14 2100 (none)
15 2700 (none)
16 3300 (none)
17 3900 (none)
18 4500 (none)
19 5100 (none)
20 5700 (none)
21 6300 (none)
22 6900 (none)
23 7500 (none)
24 8100 (none)
25 8700 (none)
26 9300 (none)
27 9900 (none)
28 10500 (none)
29 11100 (none)
30 11700 (none)
31 12300 (none)
32 12900 (none)
33 13500 (none)
34 14100 (none)
35 14700 (none)
36 15300 (none)
Requisites: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 11, Wis 16
Alignment: LG, LN, or NG
HD/level: +d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Monk1}
Groups: Rogue, Alternate
Level 1: Open hand to hit bonus is (Dex bonus)+(Str bonus)+2. Open hand damage bonus is (Str bonus).
Level 1: If Open Hands hit exceeds what is needed by 5, target is stunned for 1d6 r (save vs. para)
Level 1: If Open Hands stuns, chance to kill is (level)*3+(target's AC)% (no save)
Level 1: Natural AT is 10+level
Level 1: Base movement rate is (14+level)"
Level 1: Against area effects that give a save for ˝: the monk takes no damage if he makes his save. This is not used for non-(hp) damaging effects.
Level 1: 1V (may borrow from next segment): Knock away missile weapons. The missile weapons must be size M or less and must be directed at the monk or a target within 10'. The monk makes a save vs. paralyzation with a penalty equal to the number of magical plusses the weapon has, if successful, the weapon is deflected. The monk can knock away a maximum of 10 missiles, plus 1/level.
Level 1: One Martial Arts style; +1 Martial Arts maneuver slot /level
Level 2: Mask the mind from ESP and similar effects: chance is 66%+2%/level.
Level 3: Speak with animals (continuous).
Level 4: Immunity to disease and slow effects (continuous).
Level 4: Self healing (laying on hands): LVL*LVL hp, can be done once per day.
Level 4: The monk may fall 30' without taking damage if within 1' of a wall.
Level 5: +1V action.
Level 5: Open hands are considered a +1 weapon to hit.
Level 6: The monk may fall 40' without taking damage if within 4' of a wall.
Level 6: Empathy once per day.
Level 7: Invisibility (psi freq. 0) level times per day.
Level 8: Resistamce to Charm, +4 (or 18 Int) vs. psionic attacks
Level 8: Retarded Aging, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Geas/Quest
Level 8: Body Control, level/2 turns/day.
Level 9: Quivering Palm 1/d: If target's HD/level is equal to or less than monk's level, if hp of target is equal to or less than 2 times monk's hp, if target is not undead, if an open hand attack hits, then monk can command target to die at any time within 1 day per level (no save).
Level 9: HyperMental: +1M for 1 round, -1M for next 2 rounds.
Lvl Holy Monk Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Move Silently | Passwall | Immovability V 0 Dex-15 Dex-18
1 Curing (1 hp per 2%), self or others V 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
1 Restore stat damage (1 per 5%), self or others V 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
1 Detect Noise | Clairaudience M 15 Wis-8 Wis-20
1 Climb Walls | Climb Overhangs | Climb Upside Down V 60 Str-9 Str-13
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase VM 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Find/Remove Traps: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase | Pro. M 5 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Hide in Shadows || Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 5 Dex-11 Dex-16
2 Remove Slow/Sleep | Disease | Poison/Blindness | Paralysis/Hold | Curse V 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
2 Concealment/Blending | Misdirection | Non-Detection M 20 Wis-12 Wis-14
3 Tightrope Walking | Water Walking | Shadow Walking | Dimension Walking V 75 Dex-11 Dex-15
4 Restore level drains (1 per 10%), self or other V 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
4 Clearness of Thought (get a 2nd die roll on any 1 effect /r) MM 0 Wis-18 Wis-25
5 Escape Bonds | Escape Binding | Escape Imprisonment/Time Stop P 50 Str-12 Str-14
6 Hold Breath | Hold Life P 15 Con-15 Con-17
6 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
7 Blink | Controlled Blink M 20 Wis-12 Wis-17
8 Intuition (+1 per 20% made to Intuition) M 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
8 Willpower (+1 per 20% made to Willpower) M 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
9 Inner Focus (+1 Str/Dex/Con for 1r per 10% made) M 5 Wis-10 Wis-20
10 Chi Power (cast a Shukenja spell of spell level SL) (penalty = -SL*50%) (#=SL) #M 0 Wis-12 Wis-36
12 Speed (x2 move) | Speed (+1 V) | Speed (+1 P) | Speed (+1 M) VV 15 Dex-12 Dex-15
15 Energy Control | Adaptation | Immune to Hostile Environments PV 30 Con-9 Con-12
18 Elemental Form | Para-Ele Form | Quasi-Ele Form ||| Semi-Ele Form PP 40 Con-24 Con-24
27 Body Freedom (transfer action types freely; Str Int, Dex Wis, Con Chr) FFF 0 Chr-36 Chr-54
Exp Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
Open Hand Dmg: 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6+1 2d4 2d4+1 2d6 3d4 2d6+1 3d4+1 4d4 4d4+1 5d4 6d4 5d6 8d4
Open Hand #Att: 1/1 1/1 1/1 5/4 5/4 3/2 3/2 3/2 2/1 2/1 5/2 5/2 5/2 3/1 3/1 4/1 4/1

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes

Luck Master

Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2.5 (none)
3 5 (none)
4 10 (none)
5 20 (none)
6 42.5 (none)
7 70 (none)
8 110 (none)
9 160 (none)
10 220 (none)
11 440 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 880 (none)
14 1100 (none)
15 1320 (none)
16 1540 (none)
17 1760 (none)
18 1980 (none)
19 2200 (none)
20 2420 (none)
21 2640 (none)
22 2860 (none)
23 3080 (none)
24 3300 (none)
25 3520 (none)
26 3740 (none)
27 3960 (none)
28 4180 (none)
29 4400 (none)
30 4620 (none)
31 4840 (none)
32 5060 (none)
33 5280 (none)
34 5500 (none)
35 5720 (none)
36 5940 (none)
TH Saves
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+0  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+1  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+1  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+2  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+2  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+3  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+3  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+4 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
+4 10 13 11  7 13  8 12  6
+5 11 14 11  8 14  9 13  7
+5 12 15 12  9 14  9 14  7
+6 13 16 13 11 15 10 15  8
+6 14 16 14 13 15 11 16  9
+7 15 16 15 14 16 12 17  9
+7 16 16 16 16 16 13 18 10
+8 16 16 16 16 16 13 19 11
+8 16 17 16 16 16 14 20 11
Requisites: Dex 18, Int 9, Wis 9, Chr 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: 2xRog
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue
Level N (every level): Luckstone effect (stacks with itself) for one type of die roll (to hit, damage, saves, etc.)
Level 1: +LVL Luck (the ability score)
(DM note: None of the Rogue abilities in the Rogue chart are new.)
Lvl Luck Master Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Attack (+1 TH per 10% made this segment) V 5 Dex-12 Dex-15
1 Avoid Trap (entire party): Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase V 10 Int-10 Int-16
1 Damage (+1 dmg per 10% made this segment; or multiply dmg by x(1+rating/200)) V 0 Str-15 Str-18
1 Ducking (+1 saves per 10% made this segment) V 0 Wis-15 Wis-18
1 Evasion (see Acrobat) ||| Spell Evasion | Psi Evasion | Innate Evasion V 0 Dex-14 Dex-18
1 Situational awareness: Cannot be surprised, reduce Backstab/Backstrike on you by 1 multiplier. - - - -
1 Take ˝ dmg from an Attack | Spell | Psi Power | Innate (|| Take 0 damage) V 5 Con-16 Con-20
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
3 Duplicate a Psi5 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Chr-15 Chr-20
4 Sense Danger | Precognition | Choose Future | x1 Avoid Fate VM 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
4 Any Rogue 4 ability - - - -
5 Avoid Trick (entire party): Mech.|Magic/Psi|OutPhase - 5 Int-12 Int-18
6 Effect Evasion (each 1% = +1 saves) 1V to use - 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
7 Avoid Fate x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | etc. 2bM -20 Wis*2-50 Wis*2-50
8 Any Subability (+1 per 25% made to that subability) M 0 Int-14 Int-17
9 0,1/r: Get +(amount made) on next Rogue ability - 0 NA NA
9 Avoid Special (entire party): x1 | x2 | x3 etc. - 0 Int-16 Int-22
14 Avoid Spirit/Conc Effect (entire party): x1 || x2 || x3 etc. - -5 Int-22 Int-30
14 Get save vs effects w/ no save, base=+0+items, each 5% is +1 - 0 Wis-20 Wis-25
16 Enhancement (add how much you made by to your next Rogue ability roll within 1r) F 0 Chr-18 Chr-22

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2.25 (none)
3 4.75 (none)
4 10 (none)
5 22.5 (none)
6 47.5 (none)
7 98 (none)
8 200 (none)
9 350 (none)
10 500 (none)
11 700 (none)
12 950 (none)
13 1250 (none)
14 1750 (none)
15 2250 (none)
16 2750 (none)
17 3250 (none)
18 3750 (none)
19 4250 (none)
20 4750 (none)
21 5250 (none)
22 5750 (none)
23 6250 (none)
24 6750 (none)
25 7250 (none)
26 7750 (none)
27 8250 (none)
28 8750 (none)
29 9250 (none)
30 9750 (none)
31 10250 (none)
32 10750 (none)
33 11250 (none)
34 11750 (none)
35 12250 (none)
36 12750 (none)
Requisites: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 11, Wis 15
Alignment: L any
HD/level: +d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH1-30
Level 1: Open hand to hit bonus is (Dex bonus)+(Str bonus)+2. Open hand damage bonus is (Str bonus).
Level 1: If Open Hands hit exceeds what is needed by 5, target is stunned for 1d6 r (save vs. para)
Level 1: If Open Hands stuns, chance to kill is (level)*3+(target's AC)% (no save)
Level 1: +level/2 dmg with weapons
Level 1: Natural AC is 11-level
Level 1: Base movement rate is (14+level)"
Level 1: Against area effects that give a save for ˝: the monk takes no damage if he makes his save. This is not used for non-(hp) damaging effects.
Level 1: 1V (may borrow from next segment): Knock away missile weapons. The missile weapons must be size M or less and must be directed at the monk or a target within 10'. The monk makes a save vs. paralyzation with a penalty equal to the number of magical plusses the weapon has, if successful, the weapon is deflected. The monk can knock away a maximum of 10 missiles, plus 1/level.
Level 1: Feign death for 2 turns per level, once per day.
Level 1: Pass over rough terrain at full movement rate.
Level 1: One Martial Arts style; +1 Martial Arts maneuver slot /level
Level 2: Mask the mind from ESP and similar effects: chance is 66%+2%/level.
Level 3: Speak with animals (continuous).
Level 4: Immunity to disease and slow effects (continuous).
Level 4: Self healing (laying on hands): 1 hp/level, can be done once per day.
Level 4: The monk may fall 30' without taking damage if within 1' of a wall.
Level 5: +1V action.
Level 5: Open hands are considered a +1 weapon to hit.
Level 5: Mind over body for 1 day per level.
Level 5: Body equilibrium for 1 round per level, once per day.
Level 6: The monk may fall 40' without taking damage if within 4' of a wall.
Level 6: Empathy once per day.
Level 7: Invisibility (psi freq. 0) level times per day.
Level 7: Can convert M -> V actions.
Level 7: Molecular Manipulation X turns/day at level Y, X*Y=14*(monk's level).
Level 8: Resistamce to Charm, +4 (or 18 Int) vs. psionic attacks
Level 8: Retarded Aging, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Geas/Quest
Level 8: Body Control, level/2 turns/day.
Level 9: Quivering Palm 1/d: If target's HD/level is equal to or less than monk's level, if hp of target is equal to or less than 2 times monk's hp, if target is not undead, if an open hand attack hits, then monk can command target to die at any time within 1 day per level (no save).
Level 9: Lose the V action gained at Level 5, gain one P action.
Level 9: HyperMental: +1M for 1 round, -1M for next 2 rounds.
Lvl Monk Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Move Silently | Passwall | Immovability V 0 Dex-15 Dex-18
1 Jumping | Levitate | Flight V 20 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Evasion (0, make by 5% per amount hit: no dmg from weapon) V 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Detect Noise | Clairaudience M 15 Wis-8 Wis-20
1 Climb Walls | Climb Overhangs | Climb Upside Down V 60 Str-9 Str-13
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase VM 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Find/Remove Traps: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase | Pro. M 5 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Hide in Shadows || Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 5 Dex-11 Dex-16
2 Attack (+1 TH per 10% made this segment) V 5 Dex-12 Dex-15
2 Concealment/Blending | Misdirection | Non-Detection M 20 Wis-12 Wis-14
3 Tightrope Walking | Water Walking | Shadow Walking | Dimension Walking V 75 Dex-11 Dex-15
4 Clearness of Thought (get a 2nd die roll on any 1 effect /r) MM 0 Wis-18 Wis-25
4 Contortion | Elasticity | Become Liquid-Form VM 10 Dex-10 Dex-14
5 Escape Bonds | Escape Binding | Escape Imprisonment/Time Stop P 50 Str-12 Str-14
6 Hold Breath | Hold Life P 15 Con-15 Con-17
6 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
7 Blink | Controlled Blink M 20 Wis-12 Wis-17
8 Intuition (+1 per 20% made to Intuition) M 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
8 Willpower (+1 per 20% made to Willpower) M 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
9 Inner Focus (+1 Str/Dex/Con for 1r per 10% made) M 5 Wis-10 Wis-20
10 Ki Power (cast a Wu Jen spell of spell level SL) (penalty = -SL*50%) (#=SL) #M 0 Int-12 Int-36
12 Speed (x2 move) | Speed (+1 V) | Speed (+1 P) | Speed (+1 M) VV 15 Dex-12 Dex-15
15 Energy Control | Adaptation | Immune to Hostile Environments PV 30 Con-9 Con-12
18 Elemental Form | Para-Ele Form | Quasi-Ele Form ||| Semi-Ele Form PP 40 Con-24 Con-24
27 Body Freedom (transfer action types freely; Str Int, Dex Wis, Con Chr) FFF 0 Chr-36 Chr-54
Exp Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
Open Hand Dmg: 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6+1 2d4 2d4+1 2d6 3d4 2d6+1 3d4+1 4d4 4d4+1 5d4 6d4 5d6 8d4
Open Hand #Att: 1/1 1/1 1/1 5/4 5/4 3/2 3/2 3/2 2/1 2/1 5/2 5/2 5/2 3/1 3/1 4/1 4/1

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 10 (none)
3 30 (none)
4 60 (none)
5 100 (none)
6 150 (none)
7 210 (none)
8 280 (none)
9 360 (none)
10 450 (none)
11 550 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 780 (none)
14 910 (none)
15 1050 (none)
16 1200 (none)
17 1360 (none)
18 1530 (none)
19 1710 (none)
20 1900 (none)
21 2100 (none)
22 2310 (none)
23 2530 (none)
24 2760 (none)
25 3000 (none)
26 3250 (none)
27 3510 (none)
28 3780 (none)
29 4060 (none)
30 4350 (none)
31 4650 (none)
32 4960 (none)
33 5280 (none)
34 5610 (none)
35 5950 (none)
36 6300 (none)
Requisites: Str 0, Dex 0, Wis 0
Alignment: L any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 12+level/9
To Hit Table: +level*3/4
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH3-37
Level 1: Unarmed Strike: Double class TH bonus when attacking unarmed. Base damage is 1d(LVL*2/3+6).
Level 1: Stunning Attack: A monk has the ability to stun a creature damaged by her unarmed attacks.
Level 1: Evasion: Can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. (Takes 0 dmg if made save for ˝)
Level 2: Deflect Arrows: Gains the Deflect Arrows feat, even if she doesn't have the prerequisite Dexterity score.
Level 3: Fast Movement: Moves faster then normal.
Level 3: Still Mind: +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and effects from the Enchantment school
Level 4: Slow Fall: A monk within arm's reach of a wall can use the wall to slow her descent.
Level 5: +(LVL-1)/4 AC.
Level 5: Purity of Body: Gains immunity to all diseases except for magical diseases such as mummy rot and lycanthropy.
Level 6: Improved Trip: Gains Improved Trip feat.
Level 7: Wholeness of Body: Can cure up to twice her current level in hit points each day, and can spread this healing out among several uses.
Level 7: Leap of the Clouds: Jumping distance (vertical or horizontal) is not limited according to her height.
Level 9: Improved Evasion: Monk's evasion ability improves: takes only ˝ damage on a failed save.
Level 10: Ki Strike: Unarmed attack is empowered with ki. The unarmed strike damage from such an attack can deal damage to a creature with damage reduction, such as a wight, as if the blow were made with a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus.
Level 11: Diamond Body: Gains immunity to poison of all kinds.
Level 12: Abundant Step: Can slip magically between spaces, as per the spell dimension door, once per day.
Level 13: Diamond Soul: Spell resistance = level +10.
Level 15: Quivering Palm: Can use the quivering palm. This terrifying attack allows the monk to set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can then be fatal if the monk so desires.
Level 17: Timeless Body: No longer suffers ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged.
Level 17: Tongue of the Sun and Moon: A monk of 17th level or above can speak with any living creature.
Level 19: Empty Body: Can assume an ethereal state for 1 round per level per day, as per the spell etherealness.
Level 20: Perfect Self: Forevermore treated as an outsider (extraplanar creature) rather then a humanoid.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 120 (none)
9 240 (none)
10 360 (none)
11 480 (none)
12 600 (none)
13 720 (none)
14 840 (none)
15 960 (none)
16 1080 (none)
17 1200 (none)
18 1320 (none)
19 1440 (none)
20 1560 (none)
21 1680 (none)
22 1800 (none)
23 1920 (none)
24 2040 (none)
25 2160 (none)
26 2280 (none)
27 2400 (none)
28 2520 (none)
29 2640 (none)
30 2760 (none)
31 2880 (none)
32 3000 (none)
33 3120 (none)
34 3240 (none)
35 3360 (none)
36 3480 (none)
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 13, Wis 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Thief0
Reference: 0D&D
Level 1: One Martial Arts style (may not be custom).
Level 1: +1 Martial Arts maneuver slot per level.
Level 1: +1 AC per level if not wearing armor.
Level 1: +1" to movement rate per level.
Level 1: +1 dmg with open hand attacks per level. Base number of open hand attacks = (level+3)/4.
Level 1: Gets 1 "Any Monk or Acrobat" pick per level. Gets 40 rogue points per level.
Level 2: Cannot be surprised. Always attack first even if party loses initiative.
Level 4: 1V, 1/d: Cure Con*level hp of damage. This may be broken up into smaller amounts over the day if desired.
Level 6: Speak with Animals continuous.
Level 8: Resist Magic and Breath Weapons.
Level 9: Gets another Martial Arts style. It may be custom, even if you already have a custom style.
Level 9: Smash: 0: Get -5 to hit, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 9: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=0 for small, N=1 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.
Level 10: Speak with Anyone continuous.
Level 12: Immune to Enchantment/Charm spells, Resist Psionics.
Level 12: (level-11)*4% iPR
Level 14: 2V: Leave the Multiverse, physically travel up to 1V action relative distance (even through objects), then reappear.
Level 14: 0, touch, 5/d: Gentle Touch. Choose an effect: Charm, Cureall, Death, Quest, Paralysis. You get one of each per day. None of these effects have a saving throw.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 0.7 (none)
3 1.4 (none)
4 2.8 (none)
5 5.6 (none)
6 11.2 (none)
7 22.4 (none)
8 44.8 (none)
9 89.6 (none)
10 179.2 (none)
11 310 (none)
12 450 (none)
13 590 (none)
14 730 (none)
15 870 (none)
16 1010 (none)
17 1150 (none)
18 1290 (none)
19 1430 (none)
20 1570 (none)
21 1710 (none)
22 1850 (none)
23 1990 (none)
24 2130 (none)
25 2270 (none)
26 2410 (none)
27 2550 (none)
28 2690 (none)
29 2830 (none)
30 2970 (none)
31 3110 (none)
32 3250 (none)
33 3390 (none)
34 3530 (none)
35 3670 (none)
36 3810 (none)
Requisites: Dex 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
To Hit Table: Thief0
Save Table: Thief0
Reference: DM
Gets 30 Rogue points per level. Still gets the "Any Rogue" picks at 9th, 18th, 27th, and 36th.
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as per Ranger1.
Lvl Scout Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Open/Close Locks: (-5% per TechLvl of the Lock) (-10% per SL of the Lock) V 0 Dex-13 Dex-17
1 Move Silently || Immovability | Avoid Clairnasience V 5 Dex-14 Dex-17
1 Hide in Shadows | Hide amongst People or Trees | Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 0 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Spying || Reflecting Pool - || F 5 Int-12 Int-15
1 Climb Walls | Climb Overhangs | Climb Upside-Down | Climb in Mid-Air V 55 Str-10 Str-14
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Evasion (0, make by 5% per amount hit: no dmg from weapon) V 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
3 Disguise | Alter Appearance M 25 Chr-11 Chr-13
4 Invisibility | Improved Invisibility M 0 Int-13 Int-18
4 Distraction | Mislead | Forget | Mirage Arcana M 15 Wis-13 Wis-16
5 Legend Lore | Identify 0 | M 0 Int-13 Int-15
6 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 0 Int-9 Int-14
7 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
8 Free Action / Remove Paralysis / Remove Domination P 5 Con-8 Con-16
6 All-Around Sight | Locate Object | Treasure Finding M 25 Wis-15 Wis-19
10 Sending | Demand M 10 Int-9 Int-12
12 Teleport | Teleport without Error || Teleport Other to Self (no save) M 5 Int-16 Int-17
18 Psychic Impersonation || Soul/Spirit Impersonation - 15 Wis-9 Wis-14
27 Astral Spell MMM 40 Int-18 Int-24

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes

Shadow Elf0

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 4 2-- --- ---
3 8 21- --- ---
4 16 22- --- ---
5 32 221 --- ---
6 64 322 --- ---
7 120 332 1-- ---
8 250 432 2-- ---
9 400 443 2-- ---
10 600 543 21- ---
11 850 653 32- ---
12 1100 654 321 ---
13 1350 764 432 ---
14 1600 765 432 1--
15 1850 875 543 2--
16 2100 876 543 21-
17 2350 886 654 32-
18 2600 887 654 321
19 2850 887 765 432
20 3100 888 765 443
21 3350 888 765 444
22 3600 888 765 544
23 3850 888 765 554
24 4100 888 765 555
25 4350 888 766 555
26 4600 888 766 655
27 4850 888 766 665
28 5100 888 766 666
29 5350 888 776 666
30 5600 888 777 666
31 5850 888 777 766
32 6100 888 777 776
33 6350 888 777 777
34 6600 888 887 777
35 6850 888 888 877
36 7100 888 888 888
Requisites: Dex 9, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Elf0
Reference: GAZ13 {Planeshifted Elf0}
Groups: Rogue, Alternate
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Lvl Ability
1 Any Rogue 1 ability
2 Any Rogue 1 ability
3 Any Rogue 2 ability
4 Any Rogue 3 ability
5 Any Rogue 4 ability
6 Any Rogue 5 ability
7 Any Rogue 6 ability
8 Any Rogue 7 ability
16 Any Rogue 10 ability
24 Any Rogue 15 ability
32 Any Rogue 27 ability

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.1 (none)
3 2.2 (none)
4 4.4 (none)
5 8.8 (none)
6 17.6 (none)
7 35.2 (none)
8 70.4 (none)
9 140.8 (none)
10 250 (none)
11 400 (none)
12 550 (none)
13 700 (none)
14 850 (none)
15 1000 (none)
16 1150 (none)
17 1300 (none)
18 1450 (none)
19 4150 (none)
20 4350 (none)
21 4700 (none)
22 5050 (none)
23 5400 (none)
24 5750 (none)
25 6100 (none)
26 6450 (none)
27 6800 (none)
28 7150 (none)
29 7500 (none)
30 7850 (none)
31 8200 (none)
32 8550 (none)
33 8900 (none)
34 9250 (none)
35 9600 (none)
36 9950 (none)
Requisites: Dex 12, Con 12, Chr 18, Cml 18
Alignment: T any (or) C any (or) any S
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: DM
Gets 30 Rogue points per level. May pick a Specialty Priest choice in Cypho or other God of Love.
This Rogue Chart *is* complete; this class does not get higher level Rogue abilities on its own. It does get the normal "Any Rogue 9", "Any Rogue 18", etc. picks that all Rogues get.
Lvl Slut1 Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Kiss to Charm Monster (save) | Blow Kiss (Charm Monster 30' away) || Arousal M 30 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Mount |||| Nothing Happens (you and target do nothing for next segment) V 0 Dex-9 Dex-12
1 Slap (does dmg to one target = % made by) P 20 Str-0 Str-12
1 Unbutton/Untie (one item is de-equipped) |||| Power Word Strip (hits everything) V 10 Wis-0 Wis-12
1 Fascinate | Mislead | Misdirection | Innate Turning | Confusion | Taunt M 0 Int-0 Int-12
1 Flash | Weakness | Blindness | Symbol of Stunning | Power Word Stun P 30 Con-0 Con-12
1 Comeliness (+1 per 5% made) | Phantasmal Lover | Leomund's Tiny Brothel F 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 any Acrobat1 ability - - - -

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.3 (none)
3 2.6 (none)
4 5.2 (none)
5 10.4 (none)
6 20.8 (none)
7 41.6 (none)
8 83.2 (none)
9 166.4 (none)
10 320 (none)
11 580 (none)
12 840 (none)
13 1100 (none)
14 1360 (none)
15 1620 (none)
16 1880 (none)
17 2140 (none)
18 2400 (none)
19 2660 (none)
20 2920 (none)
21 3180 (none)
22 3440 (none)
23 3700 (none)
24 3960 (none)
25 4220 (none)
26 4480 (none)
27 4740 (none)
28 5000 (none)
29 5260 (none)
30 5520 (none)
31 5780 (none)
32 6040 (none)
33 6300 (none)
34 6560 (none)
35 6820 (none)
36 7080 (none)
Requisites: Dex 10, Wis 8
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: 2xRog
Reference: DM
Gains all Dex-based Rogue abilities.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.2 (none)
3 2.4 (none)
4 4.8 (none)
5 9.6 (none)
6 20 (none)
7 40 (none)
8 80 (none)
9 160 (none)
10 280 (none)
11 400 (none)
12 520 (none)
13 640 (none)
14 760 (none)
15 880 (none)
16 1000 (none)
17 1120 (none)
18 1240 (none)
19 1360 (none)
20 1480 (none)
21 1600 (none)
22 1720 (none)
23 1840 (none)
24 1960 (none)
25 2080 (none)
26 2200 (none)
27 2320 (none)
28 2440 (none)
29 2560 (none)
30 2680 (none)
31 2800 (none)
32 2920 (none)
33 3040 (none)
34 3160 (none)
35 3280 (none)
36 3400 (none)
Requisites: Dex 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Thief0
Reference: RC0-21
Level N (every level): Get one "Any Rogue level N" pick. This is in addition to the normal levels 9, 18, 27, 36 picks that all Rogues get.

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.25 (none)
3 2.5 (none)
4 5 (none)
5 10 (none)
6 20 (none)
7 42.5 (none)
8 70 (none)
9 110 (none)
10 160 (none)
11 220 (none)
12 440 (none)
13 660 (none)
14 880 (none)
15 1100 (none)
16 1320 (none)
17 1540 (none)
18 1760 (none)
19 1980 (none)
20 2200 (none)
21 2420 (none)
22 2640 (none)
23 2860 (none)
24 3080 (none)
25 3300 (none)
26 3520 (none)
27 3740 (none)
28 3960 (none)
29 4180 (none)
30 4400 (none)
31 4620 (none)
32 4840 (none)
33 5060 (none)
34 5280 (none)
35 5500 (none)
36 5720 (none)
Requisites: Dex 9
Alignment: non-LG/CG
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH1-27
Level 1: Gain "Thieves' Cant" language.
Lvl Thief Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Pick Pockets/Shoplifting | Palm | Present P 15 Dex-12 Dex-16
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase VM 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Find/Remove Traps: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase | Pro. M 5 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Move Silently || Immovability V 10 Dex-13 Dex-16
1 Hide in Shadows || Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 5 Dex-11 Dex-16
1 Detect Noise | Clairaudience M 15 Wis-8 Wis-20
1 Climb Walls | Climb Overhangs | Climb Upside Down V 60 Str-9 Str-13
1 Backstab (each 40% = x1) (increases 10/level) 0 70 Int-6 Int-20
2 Mimic Voices || Tongues M 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
2 Distraction M 20 Wis-13 Wis-16
3 Contortion | Elasticity | Become Liquid-Form VM 10 Dex-10 Dex-14
4 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 0 Int-9 Int-14
4 Deeppockets | Vanish M 10 Int-6 Int-18
5 Sense Danger | Precognition | Choose Future VM 30 Wis-8 Wis-11
6 All-Around Sight | Locate Object | Treasure Finding M 25 Wis-15 Wis-19
6 Detect Illusion | Magic | Psi/Anti-Magic | Godly M 30 Int-12 Int-15
7 Blink | Controlled Blink M 20 Wis-12 Wis-17
8 Read Magic (Wizard/Priest) ||| Read Magic (Concordant) M 15 Int-13 Int-15
8 Wraithform | Dream Travel V 25 Con-15 Con-17
9 Clairvoyance | X-Ray Vision M 10 Wis-10 Wis-20
9 Find/Remove Tricks: x1 multiplier || x2 multiplier ||| x3 multiplier (| do this 90' away) M 5 Dex-18 Dex-25
10 Invisibility | Improved Invisibility M 0 Int-13 Int-18
12 Phase Door | Dimension Door M 5 Int-9 Int-20
15 Probability Travel MM 20 Int-13 Int-20
18 Shape Alteration/Polymorph Object | Shapechange MM 5 Con-13 Con-20
27 Time Shift VMM 20 Int-16 Int-24

[PC4] Rogue Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 1.25 (none)
3 2.5 (none)
4 5 (none)
5 10 (none)
6 20 (none)
7 40 (none)
8 70 (none)
9 110 (none)
10 160 (none)
11 220 (none)
12 440 (none)
13 660 (none)
14 880 (none)
15 1100 (none)
16 1320 (none)
17 1540 (none)
18 1760 (none)
19 1980 (none)
20 2200 (none)
21 2420 (none)
22 2640 (none)
23 2860 (none)
24 3080 (none)
25 3300 (none)
26 3520 (none)
27 3740 (none)
28 3960 (none)
29 4180 (none)
30 4400 (none)
31 4620 (none)
32 4840 (none)
33 5060 (none)
34 5280 (none)
35 5500 (none)
36 5720 (none)
Requisites: Dex 9
Alignment: non-LG
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH2-38
Level 1: Gain "Thieves' Cant" language.
Lvl Thief Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Pick Pockets/Shoplifting | Palm | Present P 15 Dex-12 Dex-16
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase VM 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Find/Remove Traps: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase | Pro. M 5 Dex-12 Dex-17
1 Move Silently || Immovability V 10 Dex-13 Dex-16
1 Hide in Shadows || Meld in Shadows/Mirrors V 5 Dex-11 Dex-16
1 Detect Noise | Clairaudience M 15 Wis-8 Wis-20
1 Climb Walls | Climb Overhangs | Climb Upside Down V 60 Str-9 Str-13
1 Backstab (each 40% = x1) (increases 10/level) 0 70 Int-6 Int-20
2 Mimic Voices || Tongues M 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
2 Distraction M 20 Wis-13 Wis-16
3 Contortion | Elasticity | Become Liquid-Form VM 10 Dex-10 Dex-14
4 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 0 Int-9 Int-14
4 Deeppockets | Vanish M 10 Int-6 Int-18
5 Sense Danger | Precognition | Choose Future VM 30 Wis-8 Wis-11
6 All-Around Sight | Locate Object | Treasure Finding M 25 Wis-15 Wis-19
6 Detect Illusion | Magic | Psi/Anti-Magic | Godly M 30 Int-12 Int-15
7 Blink | Controlled Blink M 20 Wis-12 Wis-17
8 Read Magic (Wizard/Priest) ||| Read Magic (Concordant) M 15 Int-13 Int-15
8 Wraithform | Dream Travel V 25 Con-15 Con-17
9 Clairvoyance | X-Ray Vision M 10 Wis-10 Wis-20
9 Find/Remove Tricks: x1 multiplier || x2 multiplier ||| x3 multiplier (| do this 90' away) M 5 Dex-18 Dex-25
10 Invisibility | Improved Invisibility M 0 Int-13 Int-18
12 Phase Door | Dimension Door M 5 Int-9 Int-20
15 Probability Travel MM 20 Int-13 Int-20
18 Shape Alteration/Polymorph Object | Shapechange MM 5 Con-13 Con-20
27 Time Shift VMM 20 Int-16 Int-24

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi1
1 0 1-- -
2 3.75 2-- -
3 7.5 3-- -
4 15 31- -
5 30 32- -
6 60 33- -
7 120 43- -
8 240 44- -
9 480 441 -
10 800 442 -
11 1600 443 -
12 2400 544 -
13 3200 554 -
14 4000 555 -
15 4800 655 -
16 5600 665 -
17 6400 666 -
18 7200 666 1
19 8000 666 2
20 8800 666 3
21 9600 666 4
22 10400 666 5
23 11200 666 6
24 12000 766 6
25 12800 776 6
26 13600 777 6
27 14400 777 7
28 15200 877 7
29 16000 887 7
30 16800 888 7
31 17600 888 8
32 18400 988 8
33 19200 998 8
34 20000 999 8
35 20800 999 9
36 21600 999 9
Requisites: Con 14, Int 15, Wis 15, Chr 24
Alignment: L any (or) T any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM
See [Q1] for rules and powers. This is a variant Psi1 class.
Psionic Strength = (Int+Wis+Chr)/3*(Level+9)*2 (This is double the PSPs of Psi1 class)
Can "material component" Psi1 powers by spending 1V action. The doubled power does not cost extra PSPs.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Priest   Psi-2
123 456  mMG
1 0 1-- ---  1--
2 2 1-- ---  2--
3 4 2-- ---  3--
4 8 20- ---  4--
5 16 21- ---  41-
6 32 21- ---  42-
7 64 32- ---  43-
8 128 320 ---  44-
9 180 321 ---  441
10 225 321 ---  442
11 275 332 ---  443
12 330 332 0--  444
13 390 332 1--  544
14 455 332 1--  554
15 525 333 2--  555
16 600 333 20-  655
17 680 333 21-  665
18 765 333 21-  666
19 855 333 32-  766
20 950 333 32-  776
21 1050 333 33-  777
22 1155 433 33-  877
23 1265 443 33-  887
24 1380 444 33-  888
25 1500 444 43-  988
26 1625 444 44-  998
27 1755 444 440  999
28 1890 444 441  A99
29 2030 444 442  AA9
30 2175 444 443  AAA
31 2325 444 444  BAA
32 2480 544 444  BBA
33 2640 554 444  BBB
34 2805 555 444  CBB
35 2975 555 544  CCB
36 3150 555 554  CCC
Requisites: Str 6, Dex 8, Chr 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Adept3}
Groups: Psionicist, Alternate
Considered 3rd edition (gets a Feat at 1st level).
Gets Wisdom bonus for spell progression.
PSPs = Dex*2+Str+Chr-40+(Dex-5)*(level-1)/2
Has "cotangents" instead of "tangents". 3 cotangents is a "Detract".
If you are Detracted to someone, you are considered Dust of Disappearanced to them, and they cannot directly target you or your effects.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi(-1)
1 0 1-- -
2 3.75 2-- -
3 7.5 3-- -
4 15 4-- -
5 22.5 41- -
6 37.5 51- -
7 75 52- -
8 112.5 62- -
9 150 63- -
10 187.5 73- -
11 225 74- -
12 450 741 -
13 675 841 -
14 1125 851 -
15 1500 852 -
16 1950 952 -
17 2400 962 -
18 3000 A62 1
19 3750 A72 1
20 4500 A73 1
21 6000 B83 2
22 7500 C84 2
23 9000 D94 2
24 10500 E95 3
25 12000 FA5 3
26 13500 GA6 3
27 15000 HB6 4
28 16500 IB7 4
29 18000 JC7 4
30 19500 KC8 5
31 21000 LD8 5
32 22500 MD9 5
33 24000 NE9 6
34 25500 OEA 6
35 27000 PFA 6
36 28500 QFB 7
Requisites: Str 10 (one 16), Dex 10 (one 16), Con 10 (one 16), Int 3, Wis 3, Chr 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4,d6,d6,d6,d8,d8,d8,d10,…
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM
See [Q(-1)] for rules and powers.
Anti-Psionic Strength = (Str+Dex+Con)/3*(level+9).
Gets 1 Attack or Defense every level.
Level 1: May use Anti-Psionic Enchantments, which divide 1 spell into several smaller lower level spells.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi0
1 0 1-- -
2 3 2-- -
3 6 3-- -
4 12 4-- -
5 24 5-- -
6 48 51- -
7 96 52- -
8 192 53- -
9 384 54- -
10 600 55- -
11 900 651 -
12 1200 652 -
13 1500 653 -
14 1800 654 -
15 2100 655 -
16 2400 765 1
17 2700 765 2
18 3000 765 3
19 3300 765 4
20 3600 765 5
21 3900 766 5
22 4200 766 6
23 4500 776 6
24 4800 777 6
25 5100 777 7
26 5400 877 7
27 5700 887 7
28 6000 888 7
29 6300 888 8
30 6600 988 8
31 6900 998 8
32 7200 999 8
33 7500 999 9
34 7800 A99 9
35 8100 AA9 9
36 8400 AAA 9
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 9, Con 9, Int 8
Alignment: any
HD/level: +d6
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/6
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Mon
Reference: DM
See [Q0] for rules and powers.
KiL (Ki Level) = (highest Psi0 level)*3 + (highest Monk1 level)*2 + (highest Wild Talent level).
P0Ps = Str + Dex + Con + Wis - 40 + KiL
These are restored at 1 per round until the maximum per turn (equal to KiL) is reached.
1 P0P = 20 Psi1 points = 2 Psi9 track points for purposes of Psi11 conversion.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi1
1 0 1-- -
2 2.5 2-- -
3 5 3-- -
4 10 4-- -
5 15 41- -
6 25 51- -
7 50 52- -
8 75 62- -
9 100 63- -
10 125 73- -
11 150 74- -
12 300 741 -
13 450 841 -
14 750 851 -
15 1000 852 -
16 1300 952 -
17 1600 962 -
18 2000 A62 1
19 2500 A72 1
20 3000 A73 1
21 3500 B83 2
22 4000 C84 2
23 4500 D94 2
24 5000 E95 3
25 5500 FA5 3
26 6000 GA6 3
27 6500 HB6 4
28 7000 IB7 4
29 7500 JC7 4
30 8000 KC8 5
31 8500 LD8 5
32 9000 MD9 5
33 9500 NE9 6
34 10000 OEA 6
35 10500 PFA 6
36 11000 QFB 7
Requisites: Str 3, Dex 3, Con 9, Int 10 (one 16), Wis 10 (one 16), Chr 10 (one 16)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10,d10,d8,d8,d6,d6,d6,d4,…
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Drag78-26
See [Q1] for rules and powers.
Psionic Strength = (Int+Wis+Chr)/3*(Level+9)
Level 1: May use Psionic Enchantments, which convert several low-level spells to a higher level one.
Level 1: Spend 1 Non-Weapon proficiency: Permanently raise two abilities' CL by 1 (or +2 CL to one ability). You may not more than double your level doing this.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi1
1 0 1-- -
2 1.1 2-- -
3 2.2 3-- -
4 4.4 4-- -
5 8.8 5-- -
6 17.6 51- -
7 35.2 52- -
8 70.4 53- -
9 140.8 54- -
10 281.6 55- -
11 500 66- -
12 720 77- -
13 940 88- -
14 1160 881 -
15 1380 882 -
16 1600 883 -
17 1820 884 -
18 2040 885 -
19 2260 886 -
20 2480 887 -
21 2700 888 -
22 2920 999 -
23 3140 AAA -
24 3360 BBB -
25 3580 BBB 1
26 3800 BBB 2
27 4020 BBB 3
28 4240 BBB 4
29 4460 BBB 5
30 4680 BBB 6
31 4900 BBB 7
32 5120 BBB 8
33 5340 BBB 9
34 5560 BBB A
35 5780 BBB B
36 6000 CCC C
Requisites: Int 6 (one 9), Wis 6 (one 9), Chr 0
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8,d8,d6,d6,d4,d4,d4,d2,…
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/7
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM
See [Q1] for rules and powers.
Psionic Strength = (highest of Int,Wis,Chr)*2/3*(level+9)
Gets 1 Attack or Defense every level.
Level 1: May use Psionic Enchantments, which convert several low-level spells to a higher level one.
Level 1: Spend 1 Non-Weapon proficiency: Permanently raise two abilities' CL by 1 (or +2 CL to one ability). You may not more than double your level doing this.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi2
1 0 3-- -
2 2.2 5-- -
3 4.4 7-- -
4 8.8 91- -
5 16.5 A1- -
6 30 B2- -
7 55 C2- -
8 100 D3- -
9 200 E31 -
10 400 F41 -
11 600 G41 -
12 800 H52 -
13 1000 I52 -
14 1400 J62 -
15 1800 K63 -
16 2200 L73 1
17 2600 M73 1
18 3000 N84 1
19 3400 O84 1
20 3800 P94 2
21 4200 Q95 2
22 4600 RA5 2
23 5000 SA5 2
24 5400 TB6 3
25 5800 UB6 3
26 6200 VC6 3
27 6600 WC7 3
28 7000 XD7 4
29 7400 YD7 4
30 7800 ZE8 4
31 8200 [E8 4
32 8600 \F8 5
33 9000 ]F9 5
34 9400 ^G9 5
35 9800 _G9 5
36 10200 `HA 6
Requisites: Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15
Alignment: L any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Psi
Reference: PHBR5-8
See [Q2] for rules and powers.
PSPs = Wis*2+Int+Con-40+(Wis-5)*(level-1)
Level 1: +1 Nonweapon Proficiency per level. These slots may be spent on existing Psi2 powers (not additional ones). Each slot increases a power's check score both by 1, or you can roll an extra 1d20 (choose better result).

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi3
123 456 789
1 0 0-- --- ---
2 10 1-- --- ---
3 30 2-- --- ---
4 60 20- --- ---
5 100 21- --- ---
6 150 210 --- ---
7 210 321 --- ---
8 280 321 0-- ---
9 360 322 1-- ---
10 450 322 10- ---
11 550 332 21- ---
12 660 332 210 ---
13 780 433 221 ---
14 910 433 221 0--
15 1050 433 322 1--
16 1200 443 322 10-
17 1360 443 332 21-
18 1530 444 332 210
19 1710 444 333 211
20 1900 444 433 221
21 2100 444 433 222
22 2310 444 433 332
23 2530 444 444 333
24 2760 544 444 444
25 3000 555 555 444
26 3250 666 555 555
27 3510 766 666 666
28 3780 777 777 777
29 4060 888 888 887
30 4350 999 999 998
31 4650 AAA AAA AAA
32 4960 CBB BBB BBB
33 5280 DDD DCC CCC
34 5610 EEE EEE EEC
35 5950 GGG FFF FFF
36 6300 HHH HHH HHH
Requisites: Str 0 (10), Dex 0 (10), Con 0 (10), Int 0 (10), Wis 0 (10), Chr 0 (10)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Psi
Reference: PsiHB3-8
See [Q3] for rules and powers.
Psi3 PSPs = (2*Level*Level-Level+1)/4+Stat/4
Gets a stat bonus of your choice to progression.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes

Psi7 (Undead)

Level KXP Psi7
1 0 2-- -
2 3.3 4-- -
3 6.6 6-- -
4 13.2 71- -
5 24.75 73- -
6 45 75- -
7 82.5 77- -
8 150 88- -
9 300 981 -
10 600 983 -
11 900 985 -
12 1200 987 -
13 1500 998 -
14 2100 A99 -
15 2700 AAA -
16 3300 BBA -
17 3900 CBB -
18 4500 CCB 1
19 5100 CCC 2
20 5700 DCC 3
21 6300 DDC 4
22 6900 DDD 5
23 7500 EDD 6
24 8100 EED 7
25 8700 EEE 8
26 9300 FEE 9
27 9900 FFE A
28 10500 FFF B
29 11100 GFF C
30 11700 GGF D
31 12300 GGG E
32 12900 HGG F
33 13500 HHG G
34 14100 HHH H
35 14700 IIH H
36 15300 III I
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
+1  5  4  8  2  3  1  0  2
+1  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
+2  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  5  9  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
+4  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
+5  7  7  9  4  5  4  2  5
+5  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
+6  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
+7  8  8 10  5  6  5  3  6
+7  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
+8  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
+9  8 10 11  6  7  6  4  8
+9  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
+10  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
+11  9 11 12  7  9  7  5  9
+11  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
Requisites: Con 9, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d13
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/6
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM
Groups: Psionicist
The new Psi7 is Undead psionics. The previous Psi7 (Concordant/Godly Psi) has been moved to [X7] and is no longer a psionic frequency.
See [Q7] for rules and powers.
As a Psi7 character, you are still alive, but are imbuing yourself with undead-type powers. Psi7 by itself does not make you vulnerable to Turn Undead.
PSPs (Psi7) = (LVL+3)*30.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes


Level KXP Psi10
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 22.5 43- --- ---
6 40 431 --- ---
7 60 542 --- ---
8 90 653 --- ---
9 135 653 1-- ---
10 250 764 2-- ---
11 375 875 3-- ---
12 750 986 4-- ---
13 1500 986 41- ---
14 1900 A97 52- ---
15 2400 AA8 63- ---
16 2800 AA9 74- ---
17 3200 AAA 851 ---
18 3600 AAA 962 ---
19 4000 AAA A73 ---
20 4400 AAA A84 ---
21 4800 AAA A95 ---
22 5200 AAA AA6 1--
23 5600 AAA AA7 2--
24 6000 AAA AA8 3--
25 6400 AAA AA9 4--
26 6800 AAA AAA 5--
27 7200 AAA AAA 6--
28 7600 AAA AAA 71-
29 8000 AAA AAA 82-
30 8400 AAA AAA 93-
31 8800 AAA AAA A4-
32 9200 AAA AAA A5-
33 9600 AAA AAA A6-
34 10000 AAA AAA A7-
35 10400 AAA AAA A81
36 10800 AAA AAA A92
Requisites: Int 10, Wis 10, Chr 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/5
To Hit Table: Psi
Save Table: Psi
Reference: RoleAids
See [Q10] for rules and powers.
Psi10 (class) PSPs = (LVL+Int+Wis-20)*5.
1 Psi10 PSP = 2 Psi1 PSPs. Points are regained at (Int+Wis)/2 per hour, or (total multipliers of beings within 100') per hour
Disciplines: Empa = Empathy, Pyro = Pyromancy, Somn = Somniomancy, Telep = Telepathy, TK = Telekinetics
Powers marked with a asterisk ( * ) can be used as a 0 action.
Old PSP system (no longer used):
Sum up the multipliers of all living things (including yourself) within level*3' of you.
Take the lower of this and your level. This is your maximum number of P10Ps.
When someone leaves, you lose his contribution, when someone enters, you gain that amount.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes

Psionic Mystic0/10

Level KXP Psi0/Psi10
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 6 21- --- ---
4 12 32- --- ---
5 24 43- --- ---
6 48 431 --- ---
7 96 542 --- ---
8 180 653 --- ---
9 360 653 1-- ---
10 540 764 2-- ---
11 720 875 3-- ---
12 900 986 4-- ---
13 1080 986 41- ---
14 1260 A97 52- ---
15 1440 AA8 63- ---
16 1620 AA9 74- ---
17 1800 AAA 851 ---
18 1980 AAA 962 ---
19 2160 AAA A73 ---
20 2340 AAA A84 ---
21 2520 AAA A95 ---
22 2700 AAA AA6 1--
23 2880 AAA AA7 2--
24 3060 AAA AA8 3--
25 3240 AAA AA9 4--
26 3420 AAA AAA 5--
27 3600 AAA AAA 6--
28 3780 AAA AAA 71-
29 3960 AAA AAA 82-
30 4140 AAA AAA 93-
31 4320 AAA AAA A4-
32 4500 AAA AAA A5-
33 4680 AAA AAA A6-
34 4860 AAA AAA A7-
35 5040 AAA AAA A81
36 5220 AAA AAA A92
TH Saves
+1  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
+1  5  4  8  2  3  1  0  2
+2  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
+3  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  5  9  3  4  2  1  3
+4  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
+5  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
+5  7  7  9  4  5  4  2  5
+6  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
+7  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
+7  8  8 10  5  6  5  3  6
+8  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
+9  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
+9  8 10 11  6  7  6  4  8
+10  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
+11  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
+11  9 11 12  7  9  7  5  9
+12  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 18, Chr 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Mystic0}
Groups: Rogue, Psionicist, Alternate
For abilities, see next page.

[PC5] Psionicist Group Classes

Psionic Mystic0/10 Abilities

Can access Psi0 and Psi10 powers. See [Q10] for rules and powers.
PSPs = (LVL+Str+Dex+Con+Int+Wis-60)*3.
These are in Psi0 or Psi10 points. Note that the Psi0 powers will appear to be quite cheap, since Psi0 and Psi10 points are normally not 1 to 1 compatible.
These PSPs are each 2 Psi1 PSPs for conversion purposes.
Psi10 powers marked with a asterisk ( * ) can be used as a 0 action.
Your "KiL" is 2 times your CL (i.e. you count as a "Monk" in [Q0]).
The progression given is for Psi10. You can also pick Psi0 powers, in the following (somewhat non-standard) way:
SL=1, 2, 3 can be used for Psi0 minors.
SL=4, 5, 6 can be used for Psi0 majors.
SL=7, 8, 9 can be used for Psi0 grands.
This class also gets the standard Mystic0 abilities: (DM note: These are unchanged from the normal Mystic0 class.)
Level 1: One Martial Arts style (may not be custom).
Level 1: +1 Martial Arts maneuver slot per level.
Level 1: +1 AC per level if not wearing armor.
Level 1: +1" to movement rate per level.
Level 1: +1 dmg with open hand attacks per level. Base number of open hand attacks = (level+3)/4.
Level 1: Gets 1 "Any Monk or Acrobat" pick per level. Gets 40 rogue points per level.
Level 2: Cannot be surprised. Always attack first even if party loses initiative.
Level 4: 1V, 1/d: Cure Con*level hp of damage. This may be broken up into smaller amounts over the day if desired.
Level 6: Speak with Animals continuous.
Level 8: Resist Magic and Breath Weapons.
Level 9: Gets another Martial Arts style. It may be custom, even if you already have a custom style.
Level 9: Smash: 0: Get -5 to hit, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 9: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=0 for small, N=1 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.
Level 10: Speak with Anyone continuous.
Level 12: Immune to Enchantment/Charm spells, Resist Psionics.
Level 12: (level-11)*4% iPR
Level 14: 2V: Leave the Multiverse, physically travel up to 1V action relative distance (even through objects), then reappear.
Level 14: 0, touch, 5/d: Gentle Touch. Choose an effect: Charm, Cureall, Death, Quest, Paralysis. You get one of each per day. None of these effects have a saving throw.

[PC8] Monster Group Classes

Astral Construct3

Level KXP Psi3
123 456 789
1 1 (owe) c-- --- ---
2 8 0-- --- ---
3 27 1-- --- ---
4 64 2-- --- ---
5 125 3c- --- ---
6 216 30- --- ---
7 343 31- --- ---
8 512 32- --- ---
9 729 33c --- ---
10 1000 330 --- ---
11 1300 331 --- ---
12 1600 332 --- ---
13 1900 333 c-- ---
14 2200 333 0-- ---
15 2500 333 1-- ---
16 2800 333 2-- ---
17 3100 333 3c- ---
18 3400 333 30- ---
19 3700 333 31- ---
20 4000 333 32- ---
21 4300 333 33c ---
22 4600 333 330 ---
23 4900 333 331 ---
24 5200 333 332 ---
25 5500 333 333 c--
26 5800 333 333 0--
27 6100 333 333 1--
28 6400 333 333 2--
29 6700 333 333 3c-
30 7000 333 333 30-
31 7300 333 333 31-
32 7600 333 333 32-
33 7900 333 333 33c
34 8200 333 333 330
35 8500 333 333 331
36 8800 333 333 332
Requisites: Str 6+level, Dex 4+level, Con 5+level, Int 2+level, Wis 3+level, Chr 1+level
Alignment: any
HD/level: & 1d0+level
Weapon Prof.: & 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM / PsiHB3
This class can be considered Psionicist group in addition to Monster group if you have ArchPsi1, Psi3 or PsychicWarrior3 class.
Gets Psi3 powers (at a rather slow rate). Gets a stat bonus of your choice to the progression.
Psi3 PSPs = (LVL*LVL+LVL*10+Stat-14)/4. Example: Level 1 character with a Stat=18 has (1*1+1*10+18-14)/4 = 3 PSPs.
Also gets 1 ACP (Astral Construct Point) per level. These ACPs return at a rate of LVL/4+1 per turn, round down.
Level 1: Enemies need a +2 weapon to hit you.
Level 1: You may use Astral Projection; but in this case, you cannot use P actions or physically attack at all.
Level 1: Pick an ability below. Even though these mechanics are "5th edition"-like, these are not "5th edition" picks for Custom5.
   I. ˝M, 1 ACP: Twist an effect on a target (use ER to resist)
   II. 1M, 1 ACP: Combine two groups of enemies into one group (no save).
   III. 1M, 1 ACP: Lock a door; it requires an Open Locks roll at -25*LVL, a combined Str (using the MR calculation) check at -10*LVL, or LVL Knock spells to open the door. If using "?" (Question Marks) in the dungeon for wandering encounters, you can alternatively simply erase a "?".
Level 3: Pick another ability from I-III above. If you pick an ability more than once, M action costs go to V, V costs go to 0 (zero
Level 5: Pick another ability from I-III above. See Level 3 for repeated picks note.
Level 9: Pick an ability below:
   IV. ˝M, 2 ACP: Remove a BlahR from 1 target, Halve the irrBlahR from 1 target, or Halve the BlahR from a group (no ER)
   V. 1M, 3 ACP: Become Insubstantial for 1 turn; you can pass through objects/walls (including Wall spells, but not Wards)
   VI. 1M, 3 ACP: One group Stopped (cannot move or use V actions) (InnR to resist). If used against 1 target, gets no InnR.
Level 11: Pick another ability from I-VI above. See Level 3 for repeated picks note.
Level 13: Pick another ability from I-VI above. See Level 3 for repeated picks note.
Level 18: Pick an ability below:
   VII. ˝M, 4 ACP: Remove a racial ability or immunity from a group (ER to resist). If used against 1 target, gets no ER.
   VIII. 1M, 5 ACP: Time Stop (as spell, use InnR to resist). If used against 1 target, gets no InnR.
   IX. 1M, 6 ACP: Restore the MF/PF/TF/PsiF/TechF in area, Tempus Lawfulness, repair other forms of discontinuities/tears
Level 20: Pick another ability from I-IX above. See Level 3 for repeated picks note.
Level 22: Pick another ability from I-IX above. See Level 3 for repeated picks note.
Level 27: Pick an ability below (you will get only one pick from this chart):
   X. ˝M, 8 ACP:
   XI. 1M, 9 ACP: Become Immaterial for 1 turn: Insubstantial (see V above), immune to matter & energy, can't be targetted.
   XII. 1M, 10 ACP:

[PC8] Monster Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 128 (none)
9 180 (none)
10 225 (none)
11 275 (none)
12 330 (none)
13 390 (none)
14 455 (none)
15 525 (none)
16 600 (none)
17 680 (none)
18 765 (none)
19 855 (none)
20 950 (none)
21 1050 (none)
22 1155 (none)
23 1265 (none)
24 1380 (none)
25 1500 (none)
26 1625 (none)
27 1755 (none)
28 1890 (none)
29 2030 (none)
30 2175 (none)
31 2325 (none)
32 2480 (none)
33 2640 (none)
34 2805 (none)
35 2975 (none)
36 3150 (none)
TH Saves
+0 (total = 27, max = 9)
+1 (total = 30, max = 10)
+2 (total = 33, max = 11)
+3 (total = 36, max = 12)
+4 (total = 39, max = 13)
+5 (total = 42, max = 14)
+6 (total = 45, max = 15)
+7 (total = 48, max = 16)
+8 (total = 51, max = 17)
+8 (total = 54, max = 18)
+9 (total = 57, max = 19)
+9 (total = 60, max = 20)
+10 (total = 63, max = 21)
+10 (total = 66, max = 22)
+11 (total = 69, max = 23)
+11 (total = 72, max = 24)
+12 (total = 75, max = 25)
+12 (total = 78, max = 26)
Requisites: Chr 9 (also see description)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d7
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/2
To Hit Table: Cust
Save Table: Cust
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Uncommoner3}
Groups: Custom, Monster, Alternate
Each Level: The DM rolls a random class from the full Collective. You get the following:
1. One of the (non-"Level:") lines of text that defines the class. If there is none, the DM will make up something (like an Exceptional stat or something). If the ability references LVL or CL, it improves with your Collectivizer3 level.
2. All "Level:" abilties of that exact level from that class (even if non-pickable). If there are none, you get one lower level ability chosen by the DM (usually one of the better ones). If it references LVL or CL, it improves with your Collectivizer3 level.
3. The difference in spell progression from the previous level to this level (e.g. if the previous level was 322 and the new level is 3321, you would get 0101 as your progression). This progression does not improve with level; it's a one time deal (you will probably collect a lot of different progressions tho!). If the progression has a stat bonus, you may use it, but you get only one bonus for each stat (for all of your progressions). If multiple progressions use the same stat, you can split your bonus amongst them as you see fit.
4. Take the class's highest Requisite and add LVL in that stat to this class's Requisites. (For example, if your first pick was Fighter1, this class now requires Str 1 and Chr 9). This has a maximum equal to the actual Requisite for the class (e.g. if you get Fighter1 at level 20, you'll add 9 to the Str requirement, not 20). This may cause you to "owe" quite a few stat points. You may spend your stat point for going up in level before the DM checks which class to add.
Other notes about this class:
N1. If you are picking up Collectivizer3 class beyond level 1, all you have to meet is the Chr 9 requirement. Then the DM will do all the class stuff and you'll have higher requirements from now on.
N2. If you get a Rogue group class, you get (level of this pick)*2*LVL Rogue points. The "level of this pick" doesn't go up with level, but LVL does. (e.g. if you got Rogue group classes at levels 4, 5, and 7, you get 32*LVL Rogue points per level). It is possible the Rogue class you pick may increase this, for example, a reasonable non-"Level:" line of text for one of the "-eer" classes would be 20*LVL Rogue points, since they give 60*LVL Rogue points instead of 40*LVL.
N3. If you get a Psionicist group class, you get the PSP difference from previous level to this level (e.g. calculate your pool as if one level lower, and subtract it from your calculated pool for this level). Your pool does not increase in size. If you get an Ioun Stone of PSPs you can transfer PSPs between pools.

[PC8] Monster Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0.5 (owe) (none)
2 1 (none)
3 2 (none)
4 4 (none)
5 8 (none)
6 16 (none)
7 30 (none)
8 60 (none)
9 120 (none)
10 220 (none)
11 320 (none)
12 420 (none)
13 520 (none)
14 620 (none)
15 720 (none)
16 820 (none)
17 920 (none)
18 1020 (none)
19 1120 (none)
20 1220 (none)
21 1320 (none)
22 1420 (none)
23 1520 (none)
24 1620 (none)
25 1720 (none)
26 1820 (none)
27 1920 (none)
28 2020 (none)
29 2120 (none)
30 2220 (none)
31 2320 (none)
32 2420 (none)
33 2520 (none)
34 2620 (none)
35 2720 (none)
36 2820 (none)
Requisites: Dex 13
Alignment: any E (or) any S
HD/level: & d4
Weapon Prof.: & 4+level/4
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Half0
Reference: 0D&D
This class can be considered Rogue group in addition to Monster group if you have Halfling0, Scout, or Thief0 class.
(Some sort of Rogue chart, temporary rule is to use Scout or Halfling0, your choice)

[PC8] Monster Group Classes


Level KXP Psi7
1 5 (owe) 1--
2 6 2--
3 8 3--
4 11 4--
5 15 41-
6 30 42-
7 60 43-
8 120 44-
9 240 441
10 480 442
11 730 443
12 980 444
13 1230 544
14 1480 554
15 1730 555
16 1980 655
17 2230 665
18 2480 666
19 2730 666
20 2980 666
21 3230 666
22 3480 666
23 3730 666
24 3980 666
25 4230 666
26 4480 666
27 4730 666
28 4980 666
29 5230 666
30 5480 666
31 5730 666
32 5980 666
33 6230 666
34 6480 666
35 6730 666
36 6980 666
Requisites: Dex 6, Con 9, Int 9, Wis 6
Alignment: any N (or) any E
HD/level: & +++d8
Weapon Prof.: & 4+level/9
To Hit Table: Mon +4 levels
Save Table: Mon +4 levels
Reference: DM / MM1
Level 1: Immune to Turn Undead.
Level 1: Enemies need a +LVL weapon to hit you. To ignore this restriction, monsters divide their HD by (LVL+4), not 4.
Level 1: Base AT is +9+LVL.

[PC8] Monster Group Classes


Level KXP Spells
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 128 (none)
9 180 (none)
10 225 (none)
11 275 (none)
12 330 (none)
13 390 (none)
14 455 (none)
15 525 (none)
16 600 (none)
17 680 (none)
18 765 (none)
19 855 (none)
20 950 (none)
21 1050 (none)
22 1155 (none)
23 1265 (none)
24 1380 (none)
25 1500 (none)
26 1625 (none)
27 1755 (none)
28 1890 (none)
29 2030 (none)
30 2175 (none)
31 2325 (none)
32 2480 (none)
33 2640 (none)
34 2805 (none)
35 2975 (none)
36 3150 (none)
Requisites: Chr 0
Alignment: any
HD/level: ++d4
Weapon Prof.: 9+level
To Hit Table: +level*2
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Commoner3}
Groups: Monster, Alternate
Each Level: The DM rolls a Monster Summoning result of DL=LVL/3 (round up). You gain the racial abilities of what the DM rolls. (You don't actually summon anything, the roll is just to determine what you get.)
Level 9: Divide the cost of Intelligent Magic Items (from [E7]) by (LVL-7).

[PC8] Monster Group Classes


Level KXP Psi7
1 2.5 (owe) 1--
2 4 2--
3 7 3--
4 10 4--
5 15 5--
6 30 51-
7 60 52-
8 120 53-
9 240 54-
10 480 55-
11 730 65-
12 980 66-
13 1230 661
14 1480 662
15 1730 663
16 1980 664
17 2230 665
18 2480 666
19 2730 666
20 2980 666
21 3230 666
22 3480 666
23 3730 666
24 3980 666
25 4230 666
26 4480 666
27 4730 666
28 4980 666
29 5230 666
30 5480 666
31 5730 666
32 5980 666
33 6230 666
34 6480 666
35 6730 666
36 6980 666
TH Saves
+3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+4  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+5  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+6  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+7  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+8  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+9  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+10  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+11  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+12  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+13  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+14  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+15  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+16  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+17  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+18  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+19  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Requisites: Dex 12, Con 9, Wis 9
Alignment: any N (or) any E
HD/level: & +d8
Weapon Prof.: & 3+level/6
To Hit Table: Mon +2 levels
Save Table: Mon +2 levels
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Spectre0}
Groups: Monster, Alternate
These are Wraiths of the (Barney'd) goddess Velonya (goddess of Fertility and Death). They have the unusual property that beings life drained by them immediately rise up as Wraiths, with hardly any delay.b
Gets a Psi7 (Undead psionics) progression. PSPs (Psi7) = (LVL+2)*20.
Level 1: Immune to Turn Undead.
Level 1: Enemies need a +LVL-1 weapon to hit you. To ignore this restriction, monsters divide their HD by your LVL (with a minimum of 4), not the usual 4.
Level 1: Base AT is +4+LVL.
Level 1: You energy drain 1 level with every attack (even through weapons).
Level 1: If you kill someone by energy draining them, you can raise him as a Wraith0/7 with their previous stats. He becomes available next segment. You have LVL-1 "Revive" slots, each one can hold one Wraith0/7. You still have your regular Summon slot in addition, which can be used as an additional Revive slot if desired. You get the raise even if you used a energy drain source other than the Wraith0/7 ability (you cast an Energy Drain spell, for example). You can dismiss a Revive with a 0 action. If you raise a Wraith0/7 and don't have a Revive slot available, they become free-roaming undead, but they cannot harm you (as you are his master).
Level 4: You energy drain 1 level whenever someone hits you (for each hit, if you have stoneskins or were immune to the attack, the level drain doesn't occur).

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

All Mini-Classes

"Mini-Classes" are a way for PCs to spend XP on things other than classes. Mini-Classes are not actually classes, but do use some of the mechanics of normal classes.
1. Each PC has 2 Mini-Class slots, which are different than (and in addition to) normal Class slots. You cannot pick the same Mini-Class twice. Mini-Classes do not affect "single classedness". Your character cannot consist solely of Mini-Classes; you must have at least one real class (x0 beings and "Normal Men" can ignore this rule).
2. Each Mini-Class has an XP cost and a level, like a normal class. The highest level you can have in a Mini-Class is HNCL (with no modifiers whatsover; it's your actual highest level).
3. Mini-Classes give nothing other than what they indicate. Unless noted, they do not give stat points, hit dice, or anything else that levels normally give. They cannot absorb negative level drain.
4. Mini-Classes do not have pre-requisites, but some abilities might be useless if you have low stats in the wrong place.
5. Mini-Classes with progressions do not get stat bonus innately, but a bonus could be added by some other means.
6. You may use Class Adjectives and "Level Books" on Mini-Classes. DM note: This seems rather inefficient though.
7. There are "Alternate" forms of every Mini-Class listed to the right of the normal Mini-Class; so effectively there are two Mini-Classes per page. However, you cannot take a Mini-Class and it's Alternate form at the same time. DM note: This was done primarily to fill white space (otherwise these sheets would be rather narrow with lots of empty space).
Other ideas for Mini-Classes that aren't done yet: CL, Turn Undead.
These will never become Mini-Classes: Number of Attacks, ML.

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Ability Score Points (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 1 +1 ability score point (+1)
2 2 +1 ability score point (+2)
3 4 +1 ability score point (+3)
4 8 +1 ability score point (+4)
5 16 +1 ability score point (+5)
6 32 +1 ability score point (+6)
7 64 +1 ability score point (+7)
8 128 +1 ability score point (+8)
9 256 +1 ability score point (+9)
10 400 +1 ability score point (+10)
11 600 +1 ability score point (+11)
12 800 +1 ability score point (+12)
13 1000 +1 ability score point (+13)
14 1200 +1 ability score point (+14)
15 1400 +1 ability score point (+15)
16 1600 +1 ability score point (+16)
17 1800 +1 ability score point (+17)
18 2000 +1 ability score point (+18)
19 2200 +1 ability score point (+19)
20 2400 +1 ability score point (+20)
21 2600 +1 ability score point (+21)
22 2800 +1 ability score point (+22)
23 3000 +1 ability score point (+23)
24 3200 +1 ability score point (+24)
25 3400 +1 ability score point (+25)
26 3600 +1 ability score point (+26)
27 3800 +1 ability score point (+27)
28 4000 +1 ability score point (+28)
29 4200 +1 ability score point (+29)
30 4400 +1 ability score point (+30)
31 4600 +1 ability score point (+31)
32 4800 +1 ability score point (+32)
33 5000 +1 ability score point (+33)
34 5200 +1 ability score point (+34)
35 5400 +1 ability score point (+35)
36 5600 +1 ability score point (+36)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+0 and 1 held)
+1 ability score point (+1 and 1 held)
+1 ability score point (+2 and 1 held)
+1 ability score point (+3 and 1 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+3 and 2 held)
+1 ability score point (+4 and 2 held)
+1 ability score point (+5 and 2 held)
+1 ability score point (+6 and 2 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+6 and 3 held)
+1 ability score point (+7 and 3 held)
+1 ability score point (+8 and 3 held)
+1 ability score point (+9 and 3 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+9 and 4 held)
+1 ability score point (+10 and 4 held)
+1 ability score point (+11 and 4 held)
+1 ability score point (+12 and 4 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+12 and 5 held)
+1 ability score point (+13 and 5 held)
+1 ability score point (+14 and 5 held)
+1 ability score point (+15 and 5 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+15 and 6 held)
+1 ability score point (+16 and 6 held)
+1 ability score point (+17 and 6 held)
+1 ability score point (+18 and 6 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+18 and 7 held)
+1 ability score point (+19 and 7 held)
+1 ability score point (+20 and 7 held)
+1 ability score point (+21 and 7 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+21 and 8 held)
+1 ability score point (+22 and 8 held)
+1 ability score point (+23 and 8 held)
+1 ability score point (+24 and 8 held)
You have a "held/sustained" stat (your choice) (+24 and 9 held)
+1 ability score point (+25 and 9 held)
+1 ability score point (+26 and 9 held)
+1 ability score point (+27 and 9 held)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Armor Class (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.3 +1 AC (+1)
2 0.6 +1 AC (+2)
3 1.2 +1 AC (+3)
4 2.4 +1 AC (+4)
5 4.8 +1 AC (+5)
6 9.6 +1 AC (+6)
7 19.2 +1 AC (+7)
8 38.4 +1 AC (+8)
9 76.8 +1 AC (+9)
10 120 +1 AC (+10)
11 180 +1 AC (+11)
12 240 +1 AC (+12)
13 300 +1 AC (+13)
14 360 +1 AC (+14)
15 420 +1 AC (+15)
16 480 +1 AC (+16)
17 540 +1 AC (+17)
18 600 +1 AC (+18)
19 660 +1 AC (+19)
20 720 +1 AC (+20)
21 780 +1 AC (+21)
22 840 +1 AC (+22)
23 900 +1 AC (+23)
24 960 +1 AC (+24)
25 1020 +1 AC (+25)
26 1080 +1 AC (+26)
27 1140 +1 AC (+27)
28 1200 +1 AC (+28)
29 1260 +1 AC (+29)
30 1320 +1 AC (+30)
31 1380 +1 AC (+31)
32 1440 +1 AC (+32)
33 1500 +1 AC (+33)
34 1560 +1 AC (+34)
35 1620 +1 AC (+35)
36 1680 +1 AC (+36)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+2)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+4)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+6)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+8)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+10)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+12)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+14)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+16)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+18)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+20)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+22)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+24)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+26)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+28)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+30)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+32)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+34)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+36)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+38)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+40)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+42)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+44)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+46)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+48)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+50)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+52)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+54)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+56)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+58)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+60)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+62)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+64)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+66)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+68)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+70)
+2 AT; you don't get AT from armor (+72)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Damage (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.3 +1 damage (with weapons) (+1)
2 0.6 +1 damage (with weapons) (+2)
3 1.2 +1 damage (with weapons) (+3)
4 2.4 +1 damage (with weapons) (+4)
5 4.8 +1 damage (with weapons) (+5)
6 9.6 +1 damage (with weapons) (+6)
7 19.2 +1 damage (with weapons) (+7)
8 38.4 +1 damage (with weapons) (+8)
9 76.8 +1 damage (with weapons) (+9)
10 120 +1 damage (with weapons) (+10)
11 180 +1 damage (with weapons) (+11)
12 240 +1 damage (with weapons) (+12)
13 300 +1 damage (with weapons) (+13)
14 360 +1 damage (with weapons) (+14)
15 420 +1 damage (with weapons) (+15)
16 480 +1 damage (with weapons) (+16)
17 540 +1 damage (with weapons) (+17)
18 600 +1 damage (with weapons) (+18)
19 660 +1 damage (with weapons) (+19)
20 720 +1 damage (with weapons) (+20)
21 780 +1 damage (with weapons) (+21)
22 840 +1 damage (with weapons) (+22)
23 900 +1 damage (with weapons) (+23)
24 960 +1 damage (with weapons) (+24)
25 1020 +1 damage (with weapons) (+25)
26 1080 +1 damage (with weapons) (+26)
27 1140 +1 damage (with weapons) (+27)
28 1200 +1 damage (with weapons) (+28)
29 1260 +1 damage (with weapons) (+29)
30 1320 +1 damage (with weapons) (+30)
31 1380 +1 damage (with weapons) (+31)
32 1440 +1 damage (with weapons) (+32)
33 1500 +1 damage (with weapons) (+33)
34 1560 +1 damage (with weapons) (+34)
35 1620 +1 damage (with weapons) (+35)
36 1680 +1 damage (with weapons) (+36)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+1)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+2)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+3)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+4)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+5)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+6)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+7)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+8)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+9)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+10)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+11)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+12)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+13)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+14)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+15)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+16)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+17)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+18)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+19)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+20)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+21)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+22)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+23)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+24)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+25)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+26)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+27)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+28)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+29)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+30)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+31)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+32)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+33)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+34)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+35)
+1 damage per die (with spells / psionics) (+36)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Hit Dice / Hit Points (Mini-Classes)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.5 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 1d4)
2 1 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 2d4)
3 2 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 3d4)
4 4 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 4d4)
5 8 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 5d4)
6 16 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 6d4)
7 32 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 7d4)
8 64 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 8d4)
9 128 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 9d4)
10 200 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 10d4)
11 300 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 11d4)
12 400 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 12d4)
13 500 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 13d4)
14 600 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 14d4)
15 700 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 15d4)
16 800 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 16d4)
17 900 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 17d4)
18 1000 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 18d4)
19 1100 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 19d4)
20 1200 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 20d4)
21 1300 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 21d4)
22 1400 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 22d4)
23 1500 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 23d4)
24 1600 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 24d4)
25 1700 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 25d4)
26 1800 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 26d4)
27 1900 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 27d4)
28 2000 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 28d4)
29 2100 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 29d4)
30 2200 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 30d4)
31 2300 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 31d4)
32 2400 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 32d4)
33 2500 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 33d4)
34 2600 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 34d4)
35 2700 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 35d4)
36 2800 Hit Dice & 1d4 (total HD = & 36d4)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +6)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +12)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +18)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +24)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +30)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +36)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +42)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +48)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +54)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +60)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +66)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +72)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +78)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +84)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +90)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +96)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +102)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +108)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +114)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +120)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +126)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +132)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +138)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +144)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +150)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +156)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +162)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +168)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +174)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +180)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +186)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +192)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +198)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +204)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +210)
Hit Points +6 (total hp = +216)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Kits / Feats (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.8 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+1)
2 1.6 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+2)
3 3.2 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+3)
4 6.4 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+4)
5 12.8 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+5)
6 25.6 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+6)
7 51.2 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+7)
8 102.4 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+8)
9 204.8 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+9)
10 320 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+10)
11 480 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+11)
12 640 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+12)
13 800 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+13)
14 960 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+14)
15 1120 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+15)
16 1280 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+16)
17 1440 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+17)
18 1600 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+18)
19 1760 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+19)
20 1920 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+20)
21 2080 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+21)
22 2240 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+22)
23 2400 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+23)
24 2560 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+24)
25 2720 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+25)
26 2880 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+26)
27 3040 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+27)
28 3200 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+28)
29 3360 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+29)
30 3520 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+30)
31 3680 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+31)
32 3840 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+32)
33 4000 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+33)
34 4160 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+34)
35 4320 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+35)
36 4480 +1 kit (still limited to total kits = LVL) (+36)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+1)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+2)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+3)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+4)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+5)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+6)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+7)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+8)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+9)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+10)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+11)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+12)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+13)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+14)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+15)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+16)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+17)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+18)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+19)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+20)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+21)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+22)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+23)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+24)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+25)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+26)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+27)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+28)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+29)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+30)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+31)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+32)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+33)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+34)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+35)
+1 feat (can go beyond limit with this) (+36)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Priest Spell Progression (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Priest
123 456 789
1 1.2 CL=(1 or HNCL); know 1 school 2-- --- ---
2 2.4 CL=(2 or HNCL); know 2 schools 3-- --- ---
3 4.8 CL=(3 or HNCL); know 3 schools 32- --- ---
4 9.6 CL=(4 or HNCL); know 4 schools 43- --- ---
5 19.2 CL=(5 or HNCL); know 5 schools 432 --- ---
6 38.4 CL=(6 or HNCL); know 6 schools 443 --- ---
7 76.8 CL=(7 or HNCL); know 7 schools 543 2-- ---
8 153.6 CL=(8 or HNCL); know 8 schools 544 3-- ---
9 307.2 CL=(9 or HNCL); know 9 schools 554 32- ---
10 480 CL=(10 or HNCL); know 10 schools 554 43- ---
11 720 CL=(11 or HNCL); know 11 schools 655 432 ---
12 960 CL=(12 or HNCL); know 12 schools 655 443 ---
13 1200 CL=(13 or HNCL); know 13 schools 665 543 2--
14 1440 CL=(14 or HNCL); know 14 schools 665 544 3--
15 1680 CL=(15 or HNCL); know 15 schools 666 554 32-
16 1920 CL=(16 or HNCL); know 16 schools 666 554 43-
17 2160 CL=(17 or HNCL); know 17 schools 666 655 432
18 2400 CL=(18 or HNCL); know 18 schools 666 655 443
19 2640 CL=(19 or HNCL); know 19 schools 666 665 544
20 2880 CL=(20 or HNCL); know 20 schools 666 665 555
21 3120 CL=(21 or HNCL); know 21 schools 666 666 555
22 3360 CL=(22 or HNCL); know 22 schools 666 666 655
23 3600 CL=(23 or HNCL); know 23 schools 666 666 665
24 3840 CL=(24 or HNCL); know 24 schools 666 666 666
25 4080 CL=(25 or HNCL); know 25 schools 766 666 666
26 4320 CL=(26 or HNCL); know 26 schools 776 666 666
27 4560 CL=(27 or HNCL); know 27 schools 777 666 666
28 4800 CL=(28 or HNCL); know 28 schools 777 766 666
29 5040 CL=(29 or HNCL); know 29 schools 777 776 666
30 5280 CL=(30 or HNCL); know 30 schools 777 777 666
31 5520 CL=(31 or HNCL); know 31 schools 777 777 766
32 5760 CL=(32 or HNCL); know 32 schools 777 777 776
33 6000 CL=(33 or HNCL); know 33 schools 777 777 777
34 6240 CL=(34 or HNCL); know 34 schools 877 777 777
35 6480 CL=(35 or HNCL); know 35 schools 887 777 777
36 6720 CL=(36 or HNCL); know 36 schools 888 777 777
123 456 7
2-- --- -
21- --- -
321 --- -
422 --- -
432 --- -
432 1-- -
443 1-- -
443 2-- -
543 21- -
543 32- -
553 321 -
554 432 1
655 543 2
666 654 3
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
666 666 6
766 666 6
776 666 6
777 666 6
777 766 6
777 776 6
777 777 6
777 777 7
888 777 7
888 887 7
888 888 8
999 888 8
999 998 8
999 999 9

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Proficiencies (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.3 +1 proficiency (+1)
2 0.6 +1 proficiency (+2)
3 1.2 +1 proficiency (+3)
4 2.4 +1 proficiency (+4)
5 4.8 +1 proficiency (+5)
6 9.6 +1 proficiency (+6)
7 19.2 +1 proficiency (+7)
8 38.4 +1 proficiency (+8)
9 76.8 +1 proficiency (+9)
10 120 +1 proficiency (+10)
11 180 +1 proficiency (+11)
12 240 +1 proficiency (+12)
13 300 +1 proficiency (+13)
14 360 +1 proficiency (+14)
15 420 +1 proficiency (+15)
16 480 +1 proficiency (+16)
17 540 +1 proficiency (+17)
18 600 +1 proficiency (+18)
19 660 +1 proficiency (+19)
20 720 +1 proficiency (+20)
21 780 +1 proficiency (+21)
22 840 +1 proficiency (+22)
23 900 +1 proficiency (+23)
24 960 +1 proficiency (+24)
25 1020 +1 proficiency (+25)
26 1080 +1 proficiency (+26)
27 1140 +1 proficiency (+27)
28 1200 +1 proficiency (+28)
29 1260 +1 proficiency (+29)
30 1320 +1 proficiency (+30)
31 1380 +1 proficiency (+31)
32 1440 +1 proficiency (+32)
33 1500 +1 proficiency (+33)
34 1560 +1 proficiency (+34)
35 1620 +1 proficiency (+35)
36 1680 +1 proficiency (+36)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+2)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+4)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+6)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+8)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+10)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+12)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+14)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+16)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+18)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+20)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+22)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+24)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+26)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+28)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+30)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+32)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+34)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+36)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+38)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+40)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+42)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+44)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+46)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+48)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+50)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+52)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+54)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+56)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+58)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+60)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+62)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+64)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+66)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+68)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+70)
+2 proficiencies (all from this class must be same) (+72)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Psionic Progression (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Psi
1 2 CL=(1 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 1-- -
2 4 CL=(2 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 2-- -
3 8 CL=(3 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 3-- -
4 16 CL=(4 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 4-- -
5 32 CL=(5 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 41- -
6 64 CL=(6 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 51- -
7 128 CL=(7 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 52- -
8 256 CL=(8 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 62- -
9 512 CL=(9 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 63- -
10 800 CL=(10 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 73- -
11 1200 CL=(11 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 74- -
12 1600 CL=(12 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 741 -
13 2000 CL=(13 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 841 -
14 2400 CL=(14 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 851 -
15 2800 CL=(15 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 852 -
16 3200 CL=(16 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 952 -
17 3600 CL=(17 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist 962 -
18 4000 CL=(18 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist A62 1
19 4400 CL=(19 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist A72 1
20 4800 CL=(20 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist A73 1
21 5200 CL=(21 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist B83 2
22 5600 CL=(22 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist C84 2
23 6000 CL=(23 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist D94 2
24 6400 CL=(24 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist E95 3
25 6800 CL=(25 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist FA5 3
26 7200 CL=(26 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist GA6 3
27 7600 CL=(27 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist HB6 4
28 8000 CL=(28 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist IB7 4
29 8400 CL=(29 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist JC7 4
30 8800 CL=(30 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist KC8 5
31 9200 CL=(31 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist LD8 5
32 9600 CL=(32 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist MD9 5
33 10000 CL=(33 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist NE9 6
34 10400 CL=(34 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist OEA 6
35 10800 CL=(35 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist PFA 6
36 11200 CL=(36 or HNCL); PSPs = ˝ of normal Psionicist QFB 7
1-- -
2-- -
3-- -
21- -
22- -
32- -
33- -
43- -
321 -
331 -
332 -
432 -
442 -
443 -
543 -
432 1
433 1
443 2
444 2
444 3
544 3
544 4
554 4
555 4
555 5
655 5
665 5
666 5
666 6
766 6
776 6
777 6
777 7
877 7
887 7
888 7

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Rogue Abilities (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.6 One Level 1 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (20)
2 1.2 One Level 2 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (40)
3 2.4 One Level 3 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (60)
4 4.8 One Level 4 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (80)
5 9.6 One Level 5 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (100)
6 19.2 One Level 6 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (120)
7 38.4 One Level 7 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (140)
8 76.8 One Level 8 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (160)
9 153.6 One Level 9 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (180)
10 240 One Level 10 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (200)
11 360 One Level 11 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (220)
12 480 One Level 12 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (240)
13 600 One Level 13 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (260)
14 720 One Level 14 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (280)
15 840 One Level 15 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (300)
16 960 One Level 16 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (320)
17 1080 One Level 17 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (340)
18 1200 One Level 18 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (360)
19 1320 One Level 19 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (380)
20 1440 One Level 20 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (400)
21 1560 One Level 21 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (420)
22 1680 One Level 22 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (440)
23 1800 One Level 23 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (460)
24 1920 One Level 24 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (480)
25 2040 One Level 25 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (500)
26 2160 One Level 26 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (520)
27 2280 One Level 27 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (540)
28 2400 One Level 28 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (560)
29 2520 One Level 29 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (580)
30 2640 One Level 30 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (600)
31 2760 One Level 31 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (620)
32 2880 One Level 32 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (640)
33 3000 One Level 33 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (660)
34 3120 One Level 34 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (680)
35 3240 One Level 35 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (700)
36 3360 One Level 36 Rogue ability, 20 rogue points (720)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
40 rogue points (40)
40 rogue points (80)
40 rogue points (120)
40 rogue points (160)
40 rogue points (200)
40 rogue points (240)
40 rogue points (280)
40 rogue points (320)
40 rogue points (360)
40 rogue points (400)
40 rogue points (440)
40 rogue points (480)
40 rogue points (520)
40 rogue points (560)
40 rogue points (600)
40 rogue points (640)
40 rogue points (680)
40 rogue points (720)
40 rogue points (760)
40 rogue points (800)
40 rogue points (840)
40 rogue points (880)
40 rogue points (920)
40 rogue points (960)
40 rogue points (1000)
40 rogue points (1040)
40 rogue points (1080)
40 rogue points (1120)
40 rogue points (1160)
40 rogue points (1200)
40 rogue points (1240)
40 rogue points (1280)
40 rogue points (1320)
40 rogue points (1360)
40 rogue points (1400)
40 rogue points (1440)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Saving Throws (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.4 +1 all saves (+1 all saves)
2 0.8 +1 all saves (+2 all saves)
3 1.6 +1 all saves (+3 all saves)
4 3.2 +1 all saves (+4 all saves)
5 6.4 +1 all saves (+5 all saves)
6 12.8 +1 all saves (+6 all saves)
7 25.6 +1 all saves (+7 all saves)
8 51.2 +1 all saves (+8 all saves)
9 102.4 +1 all saves (+9 all saves)
10 160 +1 all saves (+10 all saves)
11 240 +1 all saves (+11 all saves)
12 320 +1 all saves (+12 all saves)
13 400 +1 all saves (+13 all saves)
14 480 +1 all saves (+14 all saves)
15 560 +1 all saves (+15 all saves)
16 640 +1 all saves (+16 all saves)
17 720 +1 all saves (+17 all saves)
18 800 +1 all saves (+18 all saves)
19 880 +1 all saves (+19 all saves)
20 960 +1 all saves (+20 all saves)
21 1040 +1 all saves (+21 all saves)
22 1120 +1 all saves (+22 all saves)
23 1200 +1 all saves (+23 all saves)
24 1280 +1 all saves (+24 all saves)
25 1360 +1 all saves (+25 all saves)
26 1440 +1 all saves (+26 all saves)
27 1520 +1 all saves (+27 all saves)
28 1600 +1 all saves (+28 all saves)
29 1680 +1 all saves (+29 all saves)
30 1760 +1 all saves (+30 all saves)
31 1840 +1 all saves (+31 all saves)
32 1920 +1 all saves (+32 all saves)
33 2000 +1 all saves (+33 all saves)
34 2080 +1 all saves (+34 all saves)
35 2160 +1 all saves (+35 all saves)
36 2240 +1 all saves (+36 all saves)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
+3 distributed among save categories (+3 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+6 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+9 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+12 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+15 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+18 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+21 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+24 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+27 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+30 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+33 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+36 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+39 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+42 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+45 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+48 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+51 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+54 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+57 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+60 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+63 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+66 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+69 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+72 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+75 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+78 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+81 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+84 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+87 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+90 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+93 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+96 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+99 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+102 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+105 distributed)
+3 distributed among save categories (+108 distributed)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

To Hit (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Total
1 0.4 +1 to hit (+1 to hit)
2 0.8 +1 to hit (+2 to hit)
3 1.6 +1 to hit (+3 to hit)
4 3.2 +1 to hit (+4 to hit)
5 6.4 +1 to hit (+5 to hit)
6 12.8 +1 to hit (+6 to hit)
7 25.6 +1 to hit (+7 to hit)
8 51.2 +1 to hit (+8 to hit)
9 102.4 +1 to hit (+9 to hit)
10 160 +1 to hit (+10 to hit)
11 240 +1 to hit (+11 to hit)
12 320 +1 to hit (+12 to hit)
13 400 +1 to hit (+13 to hit)
14 480 +1 to hit (+14 to hit)
15 560 +1 to hit (+15 to hit)
16 640 +1 to hit (+16 to hit)
17 720 +1 to hit (+17 to hit)
18 800 +1 to hit (+18 to hit)
19 880 +1 to hit (+19 to hit)
20 960 +1 to hit (+20 to hit)
21 1040 +1 to hit (+21 to hit)
22 1120 +1 to hit (+22 to hit)
23 1200 +1 to hit (+23 to hit)
24 1280 +1 to hit (+24 to hit)
25 1360 +1 to hit (+25 to hit)
26 1440 +1 to hit (+26 to hit)
27 1520 +1 to hit (+27 to hit)
28 1600 +1 to hit (+28 to hit)
29 1680 +1 to hit (+29 to hit)
30 1760 +1 to hit (+30 to hit)
31 1840 +1 to hit (+31 to hit)
32 1920 +1 to hit (+32 to hit)
33 2000 +1 to hit (+33 to hit)
34 2080 +1 to hit (+34 to hit)
35 2160 +1 to hit (+35 to hit)
36 2240 +1 to hit (+36 to hit)
Alternate Effect Alternate Total
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+2)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+4)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+6)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+8)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+10)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+12)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+14)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+16)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+18)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+20)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+22)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+24)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+26)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+28)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+30)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+32)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+34)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+36)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+38)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+40)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+42)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+44)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+46)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+48)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+50)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+52)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+54)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+56)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+58)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+60)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+62)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+64)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+66)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+68)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+70)
+2 to hit with one weapon, or against one enemy type (+72)

[PC10] Mini-Classes Group

Wizard Spell Progression (Mini-Class)

Level KXP Effect Wizard
123 456 789
1 1.6 CL=(1 or HNCL); know 1 school 1-- --- ---
2 3.2 CL=(2 or HNCL); know 2 schools 2-- --- ---
3 6.4 CL=(3 or HNCL); know 3 schools 21- --- ---
4 12.8 CL=(4 or HNCL); know 4 schools 32- --- ---
5 25.6 CL=(5 or HNCL); know 5 schools 421 --- ---
6 51.2 CL=(6 or HNCL); know 6 schools 422 --- ---
7 102.4 CL=(7 or HNCL); know 7 schools 432 1-- ---
8 204.8 CL=(8 or HNCL); know 8 schools 433 2-- ---
9 409.6 CL=(9 or HNCL); know 9 schools 433 21- ---
10 640 CL=(10 or HNCL); know 10 schools 443 22- ---
11 960 CL=(11 or HNCL); know 11 schools 444 33- ---
12 1280 CL=(12 or HNCL); know 12 schools 444 441 ---
13 1600 CL=(13 or HNCL); know 13 schools 555 442 ---
14 1920 CL=(14 or HNCL); know 14 schools 555 442 1--
15 2240 CL=(15 or HNCL); know 15 schools 555 552 1--
16 2560 CL=(16 or HNCL); know 16 schools 555 553 21-
17 2880 CL=(17 or HNCL); know 17 schools 555 553 32-
18 3200 CL=(18 or HNCL); know 18 schools 555 553 321
19 3520 CL=(19 or HNCL); know 19 schools 555 553 331
20 3840 CL=(20 or HNCL); know 20 schools 555 554 332
21 4160 CL=(21 or HNCL); know 21 schools 555 554 442
22 4480 CL=(22 or HNCL); know 22 schools 555 555 443
23 4800 CL=(23 or HNCL); know 23 schools 555 555 553
24 5120 CL=(24 or HNCL); know 24 schools 555 555 554
25 5440 CL=(25 or HNCL); know 25 schools 555 555 555
26 5760 CL=(26 or HNCL); know 26 schools 666 655 555
27 6080 CL=(27 or HNCL); know 27 schools 666 666 655
28 6400 CL=(28 or HNCL); know 28 schools 666 666 666
29 6720 CL=(29 or HNCL); know 29 schools 777 766 666
30 7040 CL=(30 or HNCL); know 30 schools 777 777 766
31 7360 CL=(31 or HNCL); know 31 schools 777 777 777
32 7680 CL=(32 or HNCL); know 32 schools 888 877 777
33 8000 CL=(33 or HNCL); know 33 schools 888 888 877
34 8320 CL=(34 or HNCL); know 34 schools 888 888 888
35 8640 CL=(35 or HNCL); know 35 schools 999 988 888
36 8960 CL=(36 or HNCL); know 36 schools 999 999 999
123 456 789
1-- --- ---
-1-- --- ---
-2- --- ---
1-1 --- ---
2-2 --- ---
21- 1-- ---
22- 2-- ---
221 -1- ---
322 -2- ---
322 1-1 ---
332 2-2 ---
332 21- 1--
333 22- 2--
433 321 -1-
443 332 -2-
444 333 1-1
444 333 2-2
444 333 312
444 433 322
544 443 323
554 444 333
555 555 443
555 555 553
555 555 554
555 555 555
666 655 555
666 666 655
666 666 666
777 766 666
777 777 766
777 777 777
888 877 777
888 888 877
888 888 888
999 988 888
999 999 999

[P5] Kits

You get 1 kit per 2nd edition class. You may purchase extra kits at 4 nonweapon proficiencies each, if you have fewer kits than your highest level number. You may have the same kit more than once, but the stat requirement increases.
Req: Requisites. S=Str, D=Dex, K=Con, I=Int, W=Wis, C=Chr, M=Cml, H=HNCL (Highest level). These have a requirement of 9, unless two of the same letter appears, then it's 18. If you have the same kit twice, the requirements double. If you have the same kit three times, they triple, etc.
Bonus Prof: All kits give one bonus proficiency, listed here. Some give more, these are listed under the "Effect" entry.
Kits Removed from this List: Adventurer (XP), Animal Master (Familiar), Barbarian (Exc stats), Champion (Wpn spec), Duplicator, Martial Arts, Myrmidon (Wpn spec), Rider (Familiar), Runner (+1V), The Trick, Weapon Master (+ to #Att)

Name Req Effect Bonus Prof Source
Academician IW +3 NPC reactions; +level Int checks; +level Wis checks; -1 TH penalty Spellcraft PHBR4
Acrobat DS +2 AC; 3 Tumbling slots, 3 Tightrope Walking slots, 3 Jumping slots Juggling S&P2
Amazon S +2 TH in first round; +2 dmg in first round Riding S&P2
Artificier DIS X^3 / (your level) days: Build a Tech Level X item Engineering PHBR17
Assassin IW Detect Poison 5*level% cont.; Backstab x2; 1 Healing slot; 1 Herbalism slot Poison Use S&P2
Beggar C +1 nonweapon prof.; Pick Pockets 10*level%; -4 NPC reactions Disguise S&P2
Bladesinger SKDI +1/+1 TH/dmg with one weapon type; -1 TH all other weapons; +lvl/2+1 AC Dancing PHBR8
Cavalier C +2 mental saves; +1 weapon prof. Heraldry S&P2
Diplomat IWC +2 NPC reactions; x2 starting money; Charm/Influence Reaction 5*level% Debating S&P2
Explorer WI 2 Survival slots; Deeppockets cont. DirectionSense S&P2
Feat (none) Gain a feat from 3rd edition, even if your class isn't 3rd edition (none) DM
Geomancer IC Legend Lore (other crystal spheres) 10*level%, (alternate primes) 5*level% Planetology CGR1
Gladiator SK +1 TH; Considered 1/3 of a size class larger for weapons (e.g. M -> M/L) Blind Fighting S&P2
Golemmaster IW 1M,1V: Turn Golem; +4/+4 TH/dmg vs. Golems; Level 12: Manual/Golems Stonemasonry PHBR16
Guardian WC +1 TH/dmg/saves and opponents -2 saves in a specified 1 sq. mile area Local History PHBR11
Healer W 1P: Cure Tiny Wounds (1 hp); +1 hp per die with Cure spells; -1 wpn prof. Healing PHBR9
Hedge Wizard I 1 hour of F actions: Neutralize Poison; 1/d, Level 7: Brew random potion Brewing PHBR10
Jester IC +1 Chr; 1 Juggling slot; 1 Comedy slot; 1 Acting slot Singing S&P2
Loremaster IW Legend Lore 5*level%; Operate Item 5*level%; Persuasion 5*level% Ancient History PHBR7
Mariner I x2 TH with nets; 1F: Friends (aquatic only) WeatherSense S&P2
Merchant IC +1 NPC reactions; 3 Appraisal slots; +10% gp when selling items Appraisal S&P2
Mystic W XM: +2 to any one subability score for X/2 rounds; 1 Meditation slot Astrology S&P2
Noble C +2 NPC reactions; 1F: Bluff (save); 1 Language slot Etiquette S&P2
Outlaw SK You have a hidden location secret to everyone else Set Snares S&P2
Pacifist Priest W +2 Chr; halve your number of weapon proficiencies (round loss up) Meditation PHBR3
Peasant Hero W Give and receive shelter (see Knight class); 0, 1/d: +/-(5+level)% to 1 roll Agriculture S&P2
Pirate KD +1 TH at sea; -2 NPC reactions; 1 weapon slot with ship-based weapon Navigation S&P2
Psiologist IWK +2*level PSPs in Psi2; +1 prof. slot in a Psi2 power per 2 levels; -1 TH Harness Subc. WatW2
Pugilist SD +4 TH unarmed; Can parry unarmed as if had a weapon NaturalFighting S&P2
Resist-Evader DW Opponents get -(your level)*2-10% blahR and -4 saves vs. your effects MR Evasion DM
Savage K +3 nonweapon proficiencies; -2 NPC reactions Hunting S&P2
Scholar I +1 Int checks; +1 Wis checks; +4 Knowledge proficiencies History S&P2
Scout W +1 all nonweapon checks when outdoors; Move Silently 10*level% Tracking S&P2
Sharpshooter D +1/+1 TH/dmg with missiles; x1.5 wpn slots, extra only for missile weapons Bowyer/Fletch. S&P2
Smuggler W 3 Appraisal slots; 1F: Make small object invisible; 1F: Locate Object 30' Forgery S&P2
Soldier K +1 nonweapon proficiency; 1/w: Gain a level^2 gp weapon Weaponsmith S&P2
Spy IC +2 NPC reactions; 1 Disguise slot; Spying 10*level% Trailing S&P2
Swashbuckler DI +2 AC; +2 NPC reactions; Ambidextrous Tumbling S&P2
Thug S +1 dmg; 0, -level TH this segment: +level dmg this segment Gaming S&P2
Troubleshooter IW 1F: Find a flaw in a house's / person's / security system's defenses Observation PHBR2

[P6] Proficiencies, Weapon

Weapon Proficiencies are given from your class. If you have multiple classes, you get the highest base amount among all of them, but you do get the rate for each class.
Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiencies can be converted to each other, see [P8.2].
You may spend 3 Weapon Proficiencies to buy a Feat (see [P11]).
A "half-plus" is either +1 to hit or +1 damage. You must set how these plusses are distributed when you take a proficiency. You may take a proficiency twice to have two different "sets" of half-plusses (can't use both at same time).
In the Notes column below: & means you can take multiples, * means you must specify weapon/race
Proficiencies removed from this list: Defender, Exceptional stats, Magnetic Weapon Use, Martial Arts Use, Missile Deflection, Movement, Offensive Dexterity, Quickness, Shield Proficiency, Speed Proficiency, Spell to Weapon Conduction, Stun/Incapacitate Race, Wild Fighting, Wrestling

[P6.1] Weapon Proficiencies List

Name Notes Description
Ambidexterity   Off-hand penalty is equal to On-hand penalty
Blind-fighting   -2 instead of -4 when attacking blind
Charging   +2 TH when attacking while running at someone
Close-quarter Fighting   No penalty when fighting in a small area
Extreme Range   One more range bracket (Extreme Long), -8 TH
Fast Drawing   +1 Att on first round with missile weapon
Kicking   Can use 1 V action to kick (1d2 dmg)
Mount's Weaponry Use * Can use a mount's hooves, bite, etc.
Natural Fighting   +1 Att/r, +2 TH with natural weapons
Point Blank Range   Double damage at ˝ short range with bow
Poison/Acid/Oil Use   Can efficiently use poisons, acid, oil
Prone Fighting   -2 instead of -4 when attacking prone
Punching   #Att is 2 instead of 1 with fists
Pushing   Str contest, loser pushed back 5' (might fall)
Slay Race &* +2 half-plusses vs. one race (dragon,giant,etc.)
Throwing   No penalty when throwing non-weapon object
Thrown/Missile Assassination * Can assassinate with a missile weapon
Thrown/Missile Backstabbing * Can backstab with a missile weapon
Two-Weapon Fighting   On/Off hand penalty gains +2/+2 (can't be bonus)
War/Siege Machine Proficiency   Proficient with siege machines
Weapon Group Prof. (broad) * (4 slots) Proficient with a broad group
Weapon Group Prof. (tight) * (2 slots) Proficient with a tight group
Weapon Improvisation   Can construct better weapons from scratch
Weapon Mastery &* +1 half-plus with a weapon (combines w/Spec.) (limit=highest level)
Weapon Proficiency * Proficient with a weapon with on-hand
Weapon Proficiency (dbl) * Acts as a buffer vs. -1 slot penalty w/off hand
Weapon Specialization (sng) * +3 half-plusses & higher #Att (need Weapon Prof)
Weapon Specialization (dbl) * +3 more half-plusses (need sng Spec.)
Weapon Specialization (trp) * Acts as a buffer vs. -1 slot penalty w/off hand
Wild Fighting * +1 AC & +1 dmg/hit penalty to get +1 TH/+1 dmg

[P6] Proficiencies, Weapon

[P6.2] Number of Attacks Table (Weapon Specialization)

Dagger Dart Small
Bow Other
Wpn **
1-6 --- --- --- --- 1-11 1/1 1/1 1/2 2/1 3/1 4/1 2/1 1/1 1/1
7-12 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 --- 3/2 1/1 1/2 3/1 4/1 5/1 2/1 3/2 2/1
13-18 6-10 7-12 8-14 9-16 12-23 2/1 3/2 1/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 3/1 2/1 3/1
19-24 11-15 13-18 15-21 17-24 --- 5/2 2/1 3/2 5/1 6/1 7/1 4/1 2/1 4/1
25-30 16-20 19-24 22-28 25-32 24-35 3/1 2/1 3/2 6/1 7/1 8/1 4/1 5/2 5/1
31-36 21-25 25-30 29-35 33-36 --- 7/2 5/2 2/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 5/1 3/1 6/1
--- 26-30 31-36 36 --- 36 4/1 3/1 2/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 6/1 3/1 7/1
--- 31-35 --- --- --- --- 9/2 3/1 5/2 9/1 10/1 11/1 6/1 7/2 8/1
--- 36-40 --- --- --- --- 5/1 7/2 5/2 10/1 11/1 12/1 7/1 4/1 9/1
--- 41* --- --- --- --- 11/2 4/1 3/1 11/1 12/1 13/1 8/1 4/1 10/1
* This column extends to level 41 because of +5 level shift from Cavalier weapon of choice.
** This column multiplies the base rate of the weapon (e.g. if this column says 3/2 and the base number of attacks for the weapon is normally 2/1, you get 3/2 x 2/1 = 3/1).
The following classes can specialize and use the "Specialist Barb1/Cav1" line:
Anti-Paladin, Barbarian, Gladiator (melee only; otherwise use normal specialization).
The following classes can specialize and use the "Specialist Warrior" line:
All Warriors, Templar, Bounty Hunter, Psi7, Psi8, Psi11B, Psi11W, All Concordants.
The following classes can specialize and use the "Specialist Non-Warrior" line:
Death Master, Elf, Witch Doctor, HOSG, HOSN, HOSE, Shaman, certain Specialty Priests, Assassin, Dungeoneer, Halfling, certain Rogues (8th lvl ability), Scout, Psi1A, Psi4A, Psi6, Psi9, Psi9A.

[P6.3] Two-Weapon Fighting

For more combat options (such as fighting with very large or very small weapons), see [C7].
When fighting with two weapons, you suffer a TH penalty based on Dex, as seen below.
This penalty may be reduced or avoided by using the Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity weapon proficiencies.
  To Hit Penalty
Dex Dominant ("on") hand Recessive ("off") hand
0-5 -4 -6
6-8 -3 -5
9-15 -2 -4
16-18 -1 -3
19-21 -0 -2
22-24 -0 -1
25+ -0 -0
The off hand is considered to be 1 slot less for level of specialization or proficiency (Dbl->Sng, Sng->Prof., Prof.->Non-Prof.).
In addition, your number of attacks may be different on your off hand, determined by the edition of your Warrior class:
Edition #Attacks in off hand
0 Normal
1 Normal
2 1/1 *
3 1/1 *
4 Use Non-Spec War in [P6.2] *
5 1/1 *
* Unless your normal (on-hand) rate is worse than this, of course.

[P6.4] Two-Handed Fighting

If a PC uses a melee weapon two-handed, the Str bonuses (to hit and damage) is multiplied by 1.5, round down.
For each additional hand beyond the second, add 0.5 to this multiplier (e.g. when using one weapon 4-handed you multiply your Str bonus by 2.5).
To make the rules simple here, you may use any weapon two-handed, even non-sensible ones (like a thrown dart). You cannot use anything else with these hands, not even a shield.

[P6.5] Throwing Weird Weapons

Any weapon may be thrown. Weapons that are not meant to be thrown (e.g. a Long Sword) get a To Hit penalty equal to their weight in pounds (round down).
The "fire rate" of such a weapon uses "Other Wpn" in [P6.2] with a base number of attacks equal to 1/1 if the weapon is your size class or larger, 2/1 if the weapon is smaller than you.
You can in addition be throwing the weapon two-handed using [P6.4]; this may counteract some of the To Hit penalty (and give you more damage!).
If you throw an ammo that is meant to fired using another weapon (e.g. throwing an arrow), halve the die type of the damage (e.g. a 1d6 arrow can be thrown for 1d3 damage).
If you throw a weapon that has no damage rating at all (e.g. throwing a bow), treat it as a club of 1 size smaller.

[P6.8] Odd Limbs

If you are using an odd limb (a tentacle, a branch, a foot that has opposable digits, etc.) to hold a weapon, multiply your Str score (not bonus) by 0.5 with this weapon.
If you use two such odd limbs to wield the same weapon, you get normal Str.
Beyond two limbs, add 0.5 to your Str bonus (not score) multiplier for each extra limb, just like in [P6.4]. Effectively, you lose 1 limb compared to normal arms when using many limbs (e.g. when using one weapon with 4 tentacles you multiply your Str bonus by 2).

[P11] Feats

On this table, "bTH" means "base To Hit" (or "base Attack Bonus"), which is only from your classes.
Feat Type Prerequisite Benefit
Alertness General - +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Ambidexterity General Dex 15 Ignore TH penalties for using an off hand.
Armor Proficiency (heavy) General (medium) [Collective Ruling] No rogue penalties in heavy armor
Armor Proficiency (light) General - [Collective Ruling] No rogue penalties in light armor
Armor Proficiency (medium) General (light) [Collective Ruling] No rogue penalties in medium armor
Blind-Fight General - Can reroll the miss chance percentile roll one time
Brew Potion Item Cr. Level 3 Can create a potion of any spell of 3rd level or lower in 1 day
Cleave General Power Att. If drop a creature, +1 attack against another (only 1/round)
Combat Casting General - +4 bonus to Concentration checks made to cast a spell
Combat Reflexes General - +Dex mod #Att vs. defenseles enemies (max 1 attack per enemy)
Craft Magic Arms and Armor Item Cr. Level 5 Can create magic weapons, armor, or shields (1 day per 1000 gp)
Craft Rod Item Cr. Level 9 Can create rods (1 day per 1000 gp)
Craft Staff Item Cr. Level 12 Can create staves (1 day per 1000 gp)
Craft Wand Item Cr. Level 5 Can create wands (1 day per 1000 gp)
Craft Wondrous Item Item Cr. Level 3 Can create miscellaneous magic items (1 day per 1000 gp)
Deflect Arrows General Imp. Unarm. Need empty hand. Reflex save vs. DC 20+plusses to deflect (1/r)
Dodge General Dex 13 +1 AC vs. one opponent (change on each of your actions)
Empower Spell Metamag. - Spell does +50% effect. Spell has +2 SL.
Endurance General - +4 endurance checks
Enlarge Spell Metamag. - Spell has x2 range. Spell has +1 SL.
Extend Spell Metamag. - Spell has x2 duration. Spell has +1 SL
Extra Turning Special - [Collective Ruling] +1 CL with Turn Undead
Exotic Weapon Proficiency General bTH +1 [Collective Ruling] +3 weapon proficiencies
Expertise General Int 13 Choose 0 ≤N≤5. You get -N TH and +N AC (change on your action)
Far Shot General Point Blank Ranged weapons are x2 range
Flyby Attack General Flying Can use partial action while moving
Forge Ring Item Cr. Level 12 Can create rings (1 day per 1000 gp)
Great Cleave General Cleave As Cleave but no limit to number of times
Great Fortitude General - +2 Fort saves
Heighten Spell Metamag. - Choose an N, spell has +N SL and is considered a +N SL spell
Improved Bull Rush General Power Att. Do not draw attack of opportunity when bull rushing
Improved Critical General bTH +8 Double threat range with weapon (does not stack with itself)
Improved Disarm General Expertise Do not draw attack of opportunity when disarming
Improved Initiative General - +4 initiative
Improved Trip General Expertise +1 attack if you succussfully trip someone
Improved Two-Weapon Fight. General bTH +9 +1 attack with off-hand weapon (max 2)
Improved Unarmed Strike General - Considered "armed" even when unarmed
Iron Will General - +2 Will saves
Leadership General Level 6 [Collective Ruling] You can command a bunch of people J
Lightning Reflexes General - +2 Reflex saves
Martial Weapon Proficiency General - The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Maximize Spell Metamag. - All variable effects of a spell are maximized. Spell has +3 SL.
Mobility General - +4 AC vs. parting attacks
Mounted Archery General MountedC. Halve penalties when using a ranged weapon while mounted
Mounted Combat General Ride skill 1/round: Can make a Ride check to negate a hit to your mount
Multiattack General 3+ nat. att. Secondary attacks are at -2 TH (instead of -5 TH)
Multidexterity General Dex 15 No penalties in off hands
Multiweapon Fighting General 3+ hands Reduce penalties in off-hands by 2
Point Blank Shot General - +1 TH, +1 dmg with ranged weapons up to 30'
Power Attack General Str 13 Choose N ≤ bTH. -N TH and +N dmg. (change on your action)
Precise Shot General Point Blank Can use missile weapons in melee without -4 TH penalty
Quick Draw General bTH +1 Can draw weapon as a free action
Quicken Spell Metamag. - 1 quickened spell can be cast for free per round. Spell has +4 SL.
Rapid Shot General Point Blank +1 #Att with a ranged weapon (max 2)
Ride-By Attack General MountedC. While charging, can move again past target (max move = speed x2)
Run General - Move at x5 instead of x4 speed while running
Scribe Scroll Item Cr. Level 1 Can create scrolls (1 day per 1000 gp)
Shield Proficiency General - Can use a shield and suffer only the standard penalties.
Shot on the Run General PointB.,Dod. Move before and after an attack with ranged (max move = speed)
Silent Spell Metamag. - Spell does not have V component. Spell has +1 SL.
Simple Weapon Proficiency General - Make attack rolls with simple weapons normally.
Skill Focus General - +2 bonus with a skill
Spell Penetration General - +2 CL vs. SR
Spell Focus General - Your spells of a school have +2 DC on saves
Spell Mastery Special Wizard Can refer to a number of spells = Int mod. without using spellbook
Spirited Charge General Ride-By Att. x2 melee dmg while mounted and charging (x3 with a lance)
Spring Attack General Dodge,Mob. Move before and after an attack with melee (max move = speed)
Still Spell Metamag. - Spell does not have S component. Spell has +1 SL.
Stunning Fist General bTH +8 Get only one attack, if hits, enemy Fort saves or stunned for 1 round
Sunder General Power Att. When you strike at an opponent’s weapon, no attack of opportunity
Toughness General - +3 hp
Track General - Tracking
Trample General Mounted C. Mount can trample over opponent (1 hoof attack)
Two-Weapon Fighting General - TH penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced by 2.
Weapon Finesse General bTH +1 Can use Dex instead on Str on TH rolls with a weapon
Weapon Focus General bTH +1 +1 TH with a weapon (does not stack with itself)
Weapon Specialization Special - +2 dmg with a weapon (does not stack with itself)
Whirlwind Attack General SpringA Can replace all attacks with 1 attack on all opponents within 5'

[C1] THAC0 (Attack bonus)

[C1] THAC0 (1st & 2nd Edition converted to 3rd Edition)

  Attacks as: ----- ("0" classes) ----- ----- (Godly classes) -----
Level War Wiz Pri Rog Psi Cust Mon Ftr0 M-U0 CTD0 Conc DemiGod
1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +22 +33++3
2 +1 +0 +1 +0 -1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +24 +36++6
3 +2 +0 +1 +1 -1 +2 +3 +2 +1 +1 +26 +39++9
4 +3 +1 +2 +1 -1 +3 +4 +3 +1 +2 +28 +42++12
5 +4 +1 +3 +2 +0 +4 +5 +3 +2 +3 +30 +45++15
6 +5 +1 +3 +2 +0 +5 +6 +4 +3 +3 +32 +48++18
7 +6 +2 +4 +3 +0 +6 +7 +5 +3 +3 +34 +51++21
8 +7 +2 +5 +3 +0 +7 +8 +5 +3 +4 +36 +54++24
9 +8 +2 +5 +4 +1 +8 +9 +6 +3 +5 +38 +57++27
10 +9 +3 +6 +4 +1 +8 +10 +7 +4 +5 +40 +60++30
11 +10 +3 +7 +5 +1 +9 +11 +7 +5 +5 +42 +63++33
12 +11 +3 +7 +5 +1 +9 +12 +8 +5 +6 +44 +66++36
13 +12 +4 +8 +6 +2 +10 +13 +9 +5 +7 +46 +69++39
14 +13 +4 +9 +6 +2 +10 +14 +9 +5 +7 +48 +72++42
15 +14 +4 +9 +7 +2 +11 +15 +10 +6 +7 +50 +75++45
16 +15 +5 +10 +7 +2 +11 +16 +11 +7 +8 +52 +78++48
17 +16 +5 +11 +8 +3 +12 +17 +11 +7 +9 +54 +81++51
18 +17 +5 +11 +8 +3 +12 +18 +12 +7 +9 +56 +84++54
19 +18 +6 +12 +9 +3 +13 +19 +13 +7 +9 +58 +87++57
20 +19 +6 +13 +9 +3 +13 +20 +13 +8 +10 +60 +90++60
21 +20 +6 +13 +10 +4 +14 +21 +14 +9 +11 +62 +93++63
22 +21 +7 +14 +10 +4 +14 +22 +15 +9 +11 +64 +96++66
23 +22 +7 +15 +11 +4 +15 +23 +15 +9 +11 +66 +99++69
24 +23 +7 +15 +11 +4 +15 +24 +16 +9 +12 +68 +102++72
25 +24 +8 +16 +12 +5 +16 +25 +17 +10 +13 +70 +105++75
26 +25 +8 +17 +12 +5 +16 +26 +17 +11 +13 +72 +108++78
27 +26 +8 +17 +13 +5 +17 +27 +18 +11 +13 +74 +111++81
28 +27 +9 +18 +13 +5 +17 +28 +18 +11 +14 +76 +114++84
29 +28 +9 +19 +14 +6 +18 +29 +18 +11 +15 +78 +117++87
30 +29 +9 +19 +14 +6 +18 +30 +19 +12 +15 +80 +120++90
31 +30 +10 +20 +15 +6 +19 +31 +19 +13 +15 +82 +123++93
32 +31 +10 +21 +15 +6 +19 +32 +19 +13 +16 +84 +126++96
33 +32 +10 +21 +16 +7 +20 +33 +19 +13 +17 +86 +129++99
34 +33 +11 +22 +16 +7 +20 +34 +20 +13 +17 +88 +132++102
35 +34 +11 +23 +17 +7 +21 +35 +20 +14 +17 +90 +135++105
36 +35 +11 +23 +17 +7 +21 +36 +20 +15 +18 +92 +138++108

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.1] Saving Throws - Para./Poison/Death (PPD)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 4 4 8 5 5
2 5 4 8 6 5
3 5 4 9 6 6
4 6 4 9 6 6
5 7 5 10 6 6
6 8 5 10 7 6
7 8 5 11 7 7
8 9 6 11 7 7
9 10 6 12 7 7
10 11 6 12 8 7
11 11 7 13 8 8
12 12 7 13 8 8
13 13 7 13 8 8
14 14 7 14 9 8
15 14 8 14 9 9
16 14 8 14 9 9
17 14 8 15 9 9
18 15 9 15 10 9
19 15 9 16 10 10
20 15 9 16 10 10
21 15 10 16 10 10
22 15 10 16 11 11
23 15 10 16 11 11
24 15 11 16 12 11
25 15 11 16 12 12
26 15 12 16 13 13
27 16 12 16 13 14
28 16 12 17 14 15
29 16 13 17 14 15
30 16 13 17 15 15
31 16 14 17 15 16
32 16 14 17 16 16
33 16 14 17 16 16
34 16 15 17 16 16
35 16 15 17 16 16
36 17 16 17 16 16
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
6 5 7 5 10 6
6 5 7 5 10 6
6 5 7 5 10 6
8 5 7 5 12 10
8 6 9 7 12 10
8 7 9 7 12 10
10 7 9 7 14 14
10 7 9 7 14 14
10 7 11 9 14 14
12 8 11 9 16 16
12 9 11 9 16 16
12 9 11 9 16 16
12 9 12 11 16 16
12 10 12 11 16 16
12 10 12 11 16 16
13 11 12 11 16 16
13 11 13 13 16 16
13 11 13 13 16 16
13 12 13 13 16 16
13 12 13 13 16 16
13 13 14 14 16 16
14 13 14 14 16 16
14 13 14 14 16 16
14 14 14 14 16 16
14 14 15 15 16 16
14 14 15 15 16 16
14 15 15 15 16 16
15 15 15 15 16 16
15 15 16 16 16 16
15 15 16 16 16 16
15 16 16 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 16 16

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.2] Saving Throws - Rod/Staff/Wand (RSW)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 2 7 4 4 3
2 2 7 4 4 4
3 3 8 5 5 4
4 4 8 5 5 5
5 5 9 6 6 5
6 5 9 6 6 6
7 6 10 7 7 6
8 7 10 7 7 7
9 8 10 7 8 7
10 8 11 8 8 8
11 9 11 8 9 8
12 10 12 9 9 9
13 11 12 9 10 9
14 11 13 9 10 10
15 12 13 10 11 10
16 12 13 10 11 11
17 13 14 11 12 11
18 13 14 11 12 12
19 14 14 12 13 12
20 14 15 12 13 13
21 14 15 13 14 13
22 14 15 13 14 14
23 14 15 13 15 14
24 14 16 14 15 14
25 15 16 14 15 14
26 15 16 14 16 15
27 15 16 15 16 15
28 15 16 15 16 15
29 15 16 15 16 16
30 15 16 15 16 16
31 16 16 16 16 16
32 16 16 16 16 16
33 16 17 16 16 16
34 16 17 16 16 16
35 16 17 16 17 16
36 16 17 16 17 16
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
5 4 6 4 9 5
5 4 6 4 9 5
5 4 6 4 9 5
7 5 6 5 11 8
7 5 8 6 11 8
7 6 8 6 11 8
9 6 8 6 13 11
9 7 8 7 13 12
9 7 10 8 13 12
11 7 10 8 15 14
11 8 10 8 15 14
11 8 10 9 15 14
12 9 11 10 15 14
12 9 11 10 15 14
12 9 11 10 15 14
12 10 11 11 15 14
12 10 12 12 15 14
12 11 12 12 15 14
13 11 12 12 15 14
13 11 13 13 15 14
13 12 13 13 15 14
13 12 13 13 15 14
13 13 14 14 15 14
14 13 14 14 15 14
14 14 14 14 15 14
14 14 15 15 15 14
14 14 15 15 15 14
14 15 15 15 15 14
15 15 15 15 15 14
15 15 16 16 15 14
15 15 16 16 15 14
15 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.3] Saving Throws - Petrif./Polymorph (PP)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 3 5 5 6 8
2 4 5 6 6 8
3 4 5 6 6 8
4 5 6 6 7 8
5 6 6 7 7 9
6 7 7 7 7 9
7 7 7 8 7 9
8 8 7 9 8 9
9 9 8 9 8 10
10 10 8 9 8 10
11 10 9 10 8 10
12 11 9 10 9 10
13 12 9 10 9 11
14 13 10 11 9 11
15 13 10 11 9 11
16 14 11 11 10 11
17 14 11 12 10 12
18 14 11 12 10 12
19 14 12 13 10 12
20 15 12 13 11 12
21 15 13 13 11 13
22 15 13 14 11 13
23 15 13 14 12 13
24 15 13 14 12 13
25 15 14 15 13 14
26 15 14 15 13 14
27 15 14 15 14 14
28 15 14 16 14 15
29 16 15 16 15 16
30 16 15 16 15 16
31 16 15 16 16 16
32 16 15 16 16 16
33 16 16 16 16 16
34 16 16 16 16 16
35 16 16 16 16 16
36 16 16 16 16 16
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
4 5 4 5 8 5
4 5 4 5 8 5
4 5 4 5 8 5
6 5 5 5 10 8
6 5 6 7 10 8
6 7 6 7 10 8
8 7 6 7 12 11
8 7 7 7 12 11
8 7 8 9 13 12
10 7 8 9 14 14
10 9 8 9 15 14
10 9 9 9 15 14
11 9 10 11 15 14
11 9 10 11 15 14
11 10 10 11 15 14
12 11 11 11 15 14
12 11 12 13 15 14
12 11 12 13 15 14
12 11 12 13 15 14
12 12 12 13 15 14
13 13 13 14 15 14
13 13 13 14 15 14
13 13 13 14 15 14
13 13 14 14 15 14
13 14 14 15 15 14
14 14 14 15 15 14
14 14 15 15 15 14
14 14 15 15 15 14
14 15 15 16 15 14
15 15 15 16 15 14
15 15 16 16 15 14
15 15 16 16 15 14
15 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14
16 16 16 16 15 14

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.4] Saving Throws - Breath Weapon (BW)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 1 3 2 2 2
2 2 3 3 3 2
3 3 4 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 3 3
5 5 4 4 3 3
6 6 5 5 4 4
7 7 5 5 4 4
8 8 6 6 4 4
9 9 6 6 4 5
10 10 6 6 5 5
11 11 7 7 5 5
12 12 7 7 5 6
13 13 8 7 5 6
14 14 8 8 6 6
15 14 8 8 6 7
16 14 9 9 6 7
17 14 9 9 6 7
18 14 10 10 7 8
19 14 10 10 7 8
20 15 10 11 7 8
21 15 11 11 8 9
22 15 11 12 8 9
23 15 12 12 9 9
24 15 12 13 9 10
25 15 12 13 10 11
26 15 13 14 11 12
27 15 13 14 12 13
28 15 14 14 13 14
29 15 14 15 13 15
30 15 14 15 14 15
31 15 15 15 15 15
32 15 15 15 16 15
33 15 15 16 16 16
34 16 16 16 16 16
35 16 16 16 16 16
36 16 16 16 16 16
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
3 2 2 2 5 3
3 3 3 3 6 4
4 3 3 3 6 4
5 3 3 3 8 7
5 3 4 4 9 8
6 4 5 5 9 8
7 5 5 5 11 11
7 5 5 5 12 11
8 5 6 6 12 11
9 5 7 7 14 15
9 6 7 7 14 15
10 7 7 7 15 15
10 7 8 8 15 15
10 7 9 9 15 15
11 7 9 9 15 15
11 8 9 9 15 15
11 9 10 10 15 15
12 9 11 11 15 15
12 9 11 11 15 15
12 9 11 11 15 15
12 10 12 12 15 15
13 11 13 13 15 15
13 11 13 13 15 15
13 11 13 13 15 15
14 12 14 14 15 15
14 13 14 14 15 15
14 13 14 15 15 15
15 13 15 15 15 15
15 14 15 15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15 15
16 15 15 16 15 15
16 15 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.5] Saving Throws - Spell (Sp)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 1 6 3 3 3
2 1 7 4 4 3
3 2 7 4 4 4
4 3 7 4 5 4
5 4 8 5 5 4
6 4 8 5 6 5
7 5 9 6 6 5
8 6 9 6 7 5
9 7 9 7 7 6
10 7 10 7 8 6
11 8 10 8 8 6
12 9 11 8 9 7
13 10 11 8 9 7
14 10 11 9 10 7
15 11 12 9 10 8
16 11 12 9 11 8
17 12 13 10 11 9
18 12 13 11 12 9
19 13 13 11 12 10
20 13 14 12 13 10
21 14 14 12 13 11
22 14 15 12 14 11
23 15 15 13 14 12
24 15 15 13 14 12
25 15 15 13 14 13
26 15 15 14 15 13
27 15 16 14 15 14
28 15 16 14 15 14
29 15 16 15 15 15
30 15 16 15 16 15
31 15 16 15 16 16
32 15 16 16 16 16
33 16 16 16 16 16
34 16 16 16 16 16
35 16 16 16 16 16
36 16 17 16 16 16
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
2 3 3 3 6 3
3 3 3 3 6 3
3 4 4 4 7 4
4 4 4 4 9 7
5 4 5 5 9 7
5 6 5 5 10 8
6 6 6 6 12 11
7 6 6 6 12 11
7 7 7 7 12 11
8 7 7 7 15 15
9 9 8 8 15 15
9 9 8 8 15 15
9 9 9 9 15 15
10 9 9 9 15 15
10 9 10 10 15 15
10 12 10 10 15 15
11 12 11 11 15 15
11 12 11 11 15 15
11 12 12 12 15 15
12 12 12 12 15 15
12 14 13 13 15 15
12 14 13 13 15 15
13 14 13 13 15 15
13 14 13 14 15 15
13 15 14 14 15 15
13 15 14 14 15 15
14 15 14 14 15 15
14 15 14 15 15 15
14 16 15 15 15 15
14 16 15 15 15 15
15 16 15 15 15 15
15 16 15 16 15 15
15 16 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15
16 16 16 16 15 15

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.6] Saving Throws - Fortitude (Fort)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 1 0 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 1 1
3 2 0 0 1 2
4 2 1 1 1 2
5 3 1 1 2 2
6 3 2 2 2 3
7 4 2 2 3 3
8 4 2 2 3 4
9 5 3 3 3 4
10 5 3 3 4 4
11 6 4 4 4 5
12 6 4 4 5 5
13 7 4 4 5 6
14 7 5 5 5 6
15 8 5 5 6 6
16 8 6 6 6 7
17 9 6 6 7 7
18 9 6 6 7 8
19 10 7 7 7 8
20 10 7 7 8 8
21 11 8 8 8 9
22 11 8 8 9 9
23 12 8 8 9 10
24 12 9 9 9 10
25 13 9 9 10 10
26 13 10 10 10 11
27 14 10 10 11 11
28 14 10 10 11 12
29 15 11 11 11 12
30 15 11 11 12 12
31 16 12 12 12 13
32 16 12 12 13 13
33 17 12 12 13 14
34 17 13 13 13 14
35 18 13 13 14 14
36 18 14 14 14 15
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
1 0 0 0 2 0
1 0 0 1 2 0
2 0 0 1 3 0
2 1 1 1 3 1
3 1 1 2 4 1
3 2 2 2 4 2
4 2 2 3 5 2
4 2 2 3 5 2
5 3 3 3 6 3
5 3 3 4 6 3
6 4 4 4 7 3
6 4 4 5 7 3
7 4 4 5 7 3
7 5 5 5 7 3
8 5 5 6 7 3
8 6 6 6 7 3
9 6 6 7 7 3
9 6 6 7 7 4
10 7 7 7 7 4
10 7 7 8 8 4
11 8 8 8 8 4
11 8 8 9 8 4
12 8 8 9 8 4
12 9 9 9 8 4
13 9 9 10 8 4
13 10 10 10 8 4
14 10 10 11 8 5
14 10 10 11 8 5
15 11 11 11 9 5
15 11 11 12 9 5
16 12 12 12 9 5
16 12 12 13 9 5
17 12 12 13 9 5
17 13 13 13 9 5
18 13 13 14 9 5
18 14 14 14 9 6

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.7] Saving Throws - Reflex (Refl)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 1 1 0 2 0
2 1 1 0 3 0
3 2 1 1 3 0
4 2 2 1 4 1
5 2 2 1 4 1
6 3 3 2 5 1
7 3 3 2 5 2
8 4 3 2 6 2
9 4 4 3 6 2
10 4 4 3 7 3
11 5 5 3 7 3
12 5 5 4 8 3
13 6 5 4 8 4
14 6 6 4 9 4
15 6 6 5 9 4
16 7 7 5 10 5
17 7 7 5 10 5
18 8 7 6 11 5
19 8 8 6 11 6
20 8 8 6 12 6
21 9 9 7 12 6
22 9 9 7 13 7
23 10 9 7 13 7
24 10 10 8 14 7
25 10 10 8 14 8
26 11 11 8 15 8
27 11 11 9 15 8
28 12 11 9 16 9
29 12 12 9 16 9
30 12 12 10 17 9
31 13 13 10 17 10
32 13 13 10 18 10
33 14 13 11 18 10
34 14 14 11 19 11
35 14 14 11 19 11
36 15 15 12 20 11
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
1 1 0 2 1 1
1 1 0 3 1 1
2 1 1 3 2 2
2 2 1 4 2 2
2 2 1 4 2 2
3 3 2 5 3 3
3 3 2 5 3 3
4 3 2 6 4 4
4 4 3 6 4 4
4 4 3 7 4 4
5 5 3 7 5 4
5 5 4 8 5 4
6 5 4 8 5 4
6 6 4 9 5 4
6 6 5 9 5 4
7 7 5 10 5 4
7 7 5 10 5 5
8 7 6 11 5 5
8 8 6 11 5 5
8 8 6 12 6 5
9 9 7 12 6 5
9 9 7 13 6 5
10 9 7 13 6 5
10 10 8 14 6 5
10 10 8 14 6 5
11 11 8 15 6 6
11 11 9 15 6 6
12 11 9 16 6 6
12 12 9 16 7 6
12 12 10 17 7 6
13 13 10 17 7 6
13 13 10 18 7 6
14 13 11 18 7 7
14 14 11 19 7 7
14 14 11 19 7 7
15 15 12 20 7 7

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C2T] Saving Throws (Transposed)

[C2T.8] Saving Throws - Will (Will)

Wizard Priest Rogue Psionicist
1 0 1 2 0 1
2 0 1 3 0 2
3 1 2 3 0 2
4 1 2 4 1 3
5 1 3 4 1 3
6 2 3 5 1 4
7 2 4 5 2 4
8 2 4 6 2 5
9 3 5 6 2 5
10 3 5 7 3 6
11 3 6 7 3 6
12 4 6 8 3 7
13 4 7 8 4 7
14 4 7 9 4 8
15 5 8 9 4 8
16 5 8 10 5 9
17 5 9 10 5 9
18 6 9 11 5 10
19 6 10 11 6 10
20 6 10 12 6 11
21 7 11 12 6 11
22 7 11 13 7 12
23 7 12 13 7 12
24 8 12 14 7 13
25 8 13 14 8 13
26 8 13 15 8 14
27 9 14 15 8 14
28 9 14 16 9 15
29 9 15 16 9 15
30 10 15 17 9 16
31 10 16 17 10 16
32 10 16 18 10 17
33 11 17 18 10 17
34 11 17 19 11 18
35 11 18 19 11 18
36 12 18 20 11 19
Magic-User0 Cleric0
Thief0 Dwarf0
0 1 2 0 0 1
0 1 3 0 0 1
1 2 3 0 0 1
1 2 4 1 1 2
1 3 4 1 1 2
2 3 5 1 1 2
2 4 5 2 2 3
2 4 6 2 2 3
3 5 6 2 2 3
3 5 7 3 3 4
3 6 7 3 3 4
4 6 8 3 3 4
4 7 8 4 3 4
4 7 9 4 3 4
5 8 9 4 3 4
5 8 10 5 3 4
5 9 10 5 3 4
6 9 11 5 3 4
6 10 11 6 4 5
6 10 12 6 4 5
7 11 12 6 4 5
7 11 13 7 4 5
7 12 13 7 4 5
8 12 14 7 4 5
8 13 14 8 4 5
8 13 15 8 4 5
9 14 15 8 4 5
9 14 16 9 5 6
9 15 16 9 5 6
10 15 17 9 5 6
10 16 17 10 5 6
10 16 18 10 5 6
11 17 18 10 5 6
11 17 19 11 5 6
11 18 19 11 5 6
12 18 20 11 5 6

0 19
1 20
1 21
2 22
2 23
3 24
3 25
4 26
4 27
5 28
5 29
6 30
6 31
7 32
7 33
8 34
8 35
9 36
9 37
10 38
10 39
11 40
11 41
12 42
12 43
13 44
13 45
14 46
14 47
15 48
15 49
16 50
16 51
17 52
17 53
18 54

[C6] Priests Affecting Undead

It takes 1M and 1V action to turn undead. Outer-planar creatures, Lycanthropes, and Golems may also be turned.
"#" (a number) means you need to roll that number or greater on 1d20 to get a "T" result.
"T" means you turn 1d12 of that type of undead. They cannot attack you or your party.
"D" means you turn, destroy, or command (your choice) Nd12 of that type of undead. (N=number after the "D")

    Pri Lvl
Undead HD -2 -1 0
Skeleton 1 19 16 13
Zombie 2 20 17 14
Ghoul 3 - 18 15
Shadow 4 - 19 16
Wight 5 - 20 17
Ghast 6 - - 18
Wraith 7 - - 19
Mummy 8 - - 20
Spectre 9 - - -
Vampire 10 - - -
Ghost 11 - - -
Phantom 12 - - -
Haunt 13 - - -
Spirit 14 - - -
Nightshade 15 - - -
Lich 16 - - -
Demi-Lich 18 - - -
Special 1 21 - - -
Special 2 25 - - -
Special 3 30 - - -
Special 4 36 - - -
Special 5 43 - - -
Special 6 51 - - -
Special 7 62 - - -
Priest Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 7 4 T T D D D2
11 9 6 4 T T D D
12 11 8 6 4 T T D
13 12 10 8 6 4 T T
14 13 12 10 8 6 4 T
15 14 13 12 10 8 6 4
16 15 14 13 12 10 8 6
17 16 15 14 13 12 10 8
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
- 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
- - 20 19 18 17 16 15
- - - 20 19 18 17 16
- - - - 20 19 18 17
- - - - - 20 19 18
- - - - - - 20 19
- - - - - - - 20
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Priest Level
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3
D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 D3 D3 D3
D D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 D3 D3
D D D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 D3
T D D D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3
T T D D D2 D2 D2 D2 D2
4 T T D D D2 D2 D2 D2
6 4 T T D D D2 D2 D2
8 6 4 T T D D D2 D2
10 8 6 4 T T D D D2
12 10 8 6 4 T T D D
13 12 10 8 6 4 T T D
14 13 12 10 8 6 4 T T
15 14 13 12 10 8 6 4 T
16 15 14 13 12 10 8 6 4
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
- 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
- - 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
- - - - 20 19 18 17 16
- - - - - - - 20 19
- - - - - - - - -
Priest Level
18 19 20 21
D3 D3 D3 D4
D3 D3 D3 D3
D3 D3 D3 D3
D3 D3 D3 D3
D3 D3 D3 D3
D3 D3 D3 D3
D2 D3 D3 D3
D2 D2 D3 D3
D2 D2 D2 D3
D2 D2 D2 D2
D2 D2 D2 D2
D D2 D2 D2
D D D2 D2
8 7 6 5
9 8 7 6
10 9 8 7
11 10 9 8
12 11 10 9
13 12 11 10
15 14 13 12
18 17 16 15
- - 20 19

[C6] Priests Affecting Undead

    Priest Level
Undead HD 22 23 24 25 26
Skeleton 1 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
Zombie 2 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
Ghoul 3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4
Shadow 4 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4
Wight 5 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4
Ghast 6 D3 D3 D3 D3 D4
Wraith 7 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3
Mummy 8 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3
Spectre 9 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3
Vampire 10 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3
Ghost 11 D2 D3 D3 D3 D3
Phantom 12 D2 D2 D3 D3 D3
Haunt 13 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2
Spirit 14 D D D D D
Nightshade 15 T T T T T
Lich 16 4 3 2 1 T
Demi-Lich 18 5 4 3 2 1
Special 1 21 6 5 4 3 2
Special 2 25 7 6 5 4 3
Special 3 30 8 7 6 5 4
Special 4 36 9 8 7 6 5
Special 5 43 11 10 9 8 7
Special 6 51 14 13 12 11 10
Special 7 62 18 17 16 15 14
Special 8 72 - - - 20 19
Special 9 83 - - - - -
Special 10 95 - - - - -
Priest Level
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D3 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D3 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4
D2 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4
D D2 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4 D4
T D2 D2 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4
T D D D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3 D3
T T D D D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D3
1 T T T T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
2 1 T T T T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
3 2 1 T T T T2 T2 T2 T2
4 3 2 1 T T T T2 T2 T2
6 5 4 3 2 1 T T T2 T2
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 T
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
- - - - 20 19 18 17 16 15
- - - - - - - - - -
(this is for Priests who turn @ 2x level)
38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6
D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6
D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6 D6
D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6 D6
D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6
D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6
D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6
D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6
D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6
D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6
D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5
D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5
D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5
D3 D3 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D5 D5
T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T4 T4 T4
T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T4 T4
T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T4
T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3
2 T T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
7 5 3 1 T T2 T2 T2 T2
13 11 9 7 5 3 1 T T2
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4

[C6.6] Turning Specialization

Any priest may during a reset declare a specific type of undead to be "specialized against".
You get +level on the d20 turning roll and +level/2 on the d12 "number of effected" roll. (Applies to each die if multiple)
You may instead simply double your level on this table against that type of undead.
Against all other undead types, you get a penalty of -level on the d20 roll and -level/2 on each d12 roll.

[C7] Combat Options

For more combat options (such as wielding two weapons, throwing weird weapons, using weapons in non-arm limbs), see [P6].

[C7.1] Size of Weapons which can be wielded

The following table gives how much Strength you need to wield two weapons of the same size.
For the purposes of this rule, shields are considered a weapon.
If you are Enlarged, read 1 line larger. If you are Diminished, read 1 line smaller.
This table assumes you are wielding two weapons of the same size, and you are specialized in them
  Str / Dex needed to wield two weapons one-handed:
Race Size U T S M L H G F E D
U 3 / 0 8 / 0 18 / 9 33 / 18 53 / 20 78 / 27 108 / 29 143 / 31 183 / 36 228 / 38
T 0 / 0 6 / 0 12 / 0 24 / 9 42 / 18 66 / 20 96 / 27 132 / 29 174 / 35 222 / 36
S 0 / 9 2 / 0 9 / 0 16 / 0 30 / 9 51 / 18 79 / 24 114 / 27 156 / 33 205 / 35
M/S 0 / 16 0 / 7 5 / 0 13 / 0 22 / 0 39 / 11 64 / 22 97 / 24 138 / 31 187 / 33
M 0 / 18 0 / 9 4 / 0 12 / 0 20 / 0 36 / 9 60 / 20 92 / 22 132 / 29 180 / 31
M/L 0 / 20 0 / 11 3 / 0 11 / 0 18 / 0 33 / 6 56 / 18 87 / 20 126 / 27 173 / 29
L 0 / 27 0 / 18 0 / 9 6 / 0 15 / 0 24 / 0 42 / 9 69 / 18 105 / 22 150 / 27
L/H 0 / 29 0 / 20 0 / 11 5 / 0 14 / 0 22 / 0 39 / 7 65 / 16 100 / 20 144 / 25
H 0 / 36 0 / 27 0 / 18 0 / 9 8 / 0 18 / 0 28 / 0 48 / 9 78 / 18 118 / 20
G 0 / 45 0 / 36 0 / 27 0 / 18 0 / 9 10 / 0 21 / 0 32 / 0 54 / 9 94 / 18
F 0 / 54 0 / 45 0 / 36 0 / 27 0 / 18 0 / 9 12 / 0 24 / 0 48 / 0 84 / 9
Str adjustments ("secondary weapon" is the smaller of the two):  
You are wielding the weapon two-handed (nothing off-hand) -8
You have nothing in the off-hand or it's 3+ sizes smaller -6
Your secondary weapon is 2 sizes smaller -4
Your secondary weapon is 1 size smaller -2
You are NOT specialized in the weapons +1 per weapon not specialized
Your race gets racial bonus with main weapon -1
Main weapon made & balanced specifically for you (x3 cost) -1
Main weapon is cursed -3
Main weapon is Dancing or Intelligent -1
Wielding a third weapon or more +X, where X is weight (in pounds) of extra weapons
Example 1: Human (size M) wielded a two-handed sword (size L) two-handed needs a 20-8 = 12 Str.
Example 2: Human (size M) wielding a two-handed sword (size L) and a long sword (size M) needs a 20-2 = 18 Str.
Example 3: Hill Giant (size H) wielding a class F club (size F) and a dagger (size S) needs a 48-6 = 42 Str and 18 Dex.
Example 4: Halfling (size S) with Psi9 Extra Limb wielding three long swords (size L, 4 pounds) needs a 16+4 = 20 Str.

[C7] Combat Options

[C7.2] Combat Maneuvers

Any character may use these combat maneuvers.
Average Damage
If, in a single action, you would have to roll at least 10 dice when rolling damage (assuming everything hits), you may declare yourself to be using this rule.
Instead of rolling damage, you may simply do average damage with each die.
This rule is useful if you have many weapon attacks, or for large fireball-type spells.
The average of XdY is X*(Y+1)/2.
You may spend one attack to "bash" an enemy. First, roll to hit normally.
If you hit, you do one-quarter normal damage, and then the opponent makes a Str or Con check (his choice), with a penalty equal to your Strength score. Apply +/-5 adjustment based on the Size class difference between you and the target (if you are L and he is S, he gets a -10 penalty). If he fails, he is stunned for 1 segment.
Bypassing Armor
You may spend 1M action while doing an attack in an attempt to bypass armor.
Roll a level check (with Int bonus from [P2]), if you fail, the attack is normal.
If you succeed, the target's AC shift from is 10 halved (so a -6 AC becomes 2).
Called Shot (Selective Targetting)
You may attack a specific part of a target, this causes a -4 to hit penalty. Damage is done normally.
The effects of a Called Shot vary, generally the creature will be impared in the use that body part, depending on the amount of damage done. If it was an arm, the creature will suffer -1 to hit per point of damage for this round.
This is a brutal form of disarming which attempts to destroy an item instead of removing it. You can cleave any item you can directly see and could possibly hit with your weapon. Roll a "called shot" (see above), but Cleaving causes no damage.
The item rolls an item saving throw [C2.3] against Normal Blow, with a penalty equal to how much damage you have done.
If it fails, the item loses 100*X of its XP value, where X is how much it missed the save by. If item had no XP value (or had less than 100*X), it is destroyed.
Each loss of 1000 XP value will typically cause a magical weapon or armor to lose a half-plus on both sides (so they get -1/-1).
You may Cleave an item that isn't on a creature (such as hitting an evil temple altar), in this case, the target AC is 10.
You may spend an attack in an attempt to disarm. You can disarm only things which are very easy to remove (weapon, shield, helmet, but not armor). Roll a "called shot" (see above), but Disarming causes no damage.
The opponent rolls a Str check, with a penalty equal to how much damage would have been done. If the weapon was wielded two-handed, the opponent gets 1˝x his Str score.
If he fails, the weapon or shield has been disarmed.
The disarmed item flies 2d10 feet off in a random direction. No one can react fast enough to pick up the item this half-segment, unless the DM has ruled it landed right at someone's feet (so they could use a 1V action to pick it up).
Note that cursed items cannot be disarmed. Artifacts and items which have ego-dominated the opponent may be disarmed, but the opponent gets double his Str score for the Str check.
You may spend 1Z action to "disbelieve" something.
Make an Int or Wis check (your choice), if you succeed, the target will be revealed to be false if it is illusionary.
Certain illusions (e.g. Mirage Arcana, Dust of Disappearance, Feign Death) cannot be disbelieved.
If someone in a psionic link disbelieves something, he can send this information to the others to give them a +10 bonus.
You may attempt to disbelieve something more than once.
You may spend 1V action (may borrow from the future), to be "Dodging".
Against one enemy (which you declare when you dodge), you gain your Dex bonus to AC a second time, plus an extra +4.
You also gain this bonus to your saving throws vs. any effect (even non-Area effects) from that target.
You may spend 1V to kick. Roll to hit with Str bonus, the damage is 1d2 base (for size S-M) or 2d4 (for size L).
A group of creatures may Overbear against one target.
The group rolls a single hit roll (using their best THAC0), with +1 per creature involved.
They then do their best damage, with +1 damage per creature involved.
They have held the creature down, and can do that damage automatically in the future with 1P action.
The held creature cannot use V actions, but he can attack the overbearing creatures with P and M actions.
At any time (including during opponent's action) you may be declaring to be "parrying", as long as you have a weapon or shield.
You lose 1P action from your remaining actions, but this does not count against what actions you may perform this segment.
Choose either your highest level divided by 2, or your highest Warrior level. You gain that as an AC bonus this turn.
If you are in a position to backstab someone, you may sap them to try to knock them out.
Roll to hit with a -4 to hit penalty (without the usual behind or backstab bonuses). Calculate damage normally.
Multiply damage by 5 if an actual Sap or Garrote weapon is used. Otherwise, multiply damage by 2 if the weapon is blunt.
There is a ((damage) - (target's Con))*5% chance of the target being knocked unconscious, for a number of minutes equal to how much the roll was made by. Only 1/10 of the damage is real.
Shield Bash
You may attack with a shield. You lose the AC adjustment from the shield until the next impulse.
The amount of damage a shield does is in section [E] (1d4 for a medium shield, 1d6 for a large shield).
Shield bashing does not require a proficiency to use, but you cannot specialize in shield bashing.
You may "subdue" an enemy. All melee damage done is reduced to half (round down), with only half of that amount being real damage (the other half is temporary damage).
If the enemy is reduced to 0 hp, he is "subdued" and will immediately surrender.
If the enemy takes any real damage before being subdued, he cannot be subdued.
If the enemy has a Morale rating of 20 (Fearless), he cannot be subdued.
You cannot subdue with missile weapons, spells, or psionics. You may use martial arts to subdue.

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.0] Level 0 Wizard Spells (Cantrips)

SL # Name School Effect Source
0 3B-1 Arcane Mark Meta Place magical writings in area {Touch, 1 group} PH3
0 3B-2 Bee Cnj Honeybee appears; 90% likely to sting someone {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-3 Belch Evo Target belches {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-4 Blink (cantrip) Evo Target blinks its eyes {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-5 Bluelight Cnj 5' radius dim light {1 group} UA1
0 3B-6 Bug Cnj Insect appears; Pinches if appears on someone {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-7 Change Alt Turns one animal/plant into another (similar) {1 target} UA1
0 3B-8 Chill Evo Chills one target -40° C {1 target} UA1
0 3B-9 Clean Abj Cleans one area {1 group} UA1
0 3B-10 Color Evo Colors one target {1 target} UA1
0 3B-11 Colored Lights Alt, Ill One 12", two 6", three 4", or four 3" dim lights {1-4 targets} UA1
0 3B-12 Cough Evo Target coughs {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-13 Creak Evo Creaking sound (like rusty door hinges) UA1
0 3B-14 Curdle Enc Hastens spoilage or wilting {1 object} UA1
0 3B-15 Dampen Evo Dampens one area {1 group} UA1
0 3B-16 Dancing Lights (cantrip) Ill 1-4 illusionary lights, you can move them around {1 group} PH3
0 3B-17 Daze Enc Target makes no actions next segment (save) {1 creature} PH3
0 3B-18 Detect Magic (cantrip) Meta Detect magic (type/power require 1r to get) 60' {self only} PH3
0 3B-19 Detect Poison Div Detect poisons within 22+3L' r {self only} PH3
0 3B-20 Dim Alt, Ill Light source sheds only half normal light {1 target} UA1
0 3B-21 Dirty Evo Dirties an area {1 group} UA1
0 3B-22 Disrupt Undead Nec 1d6 dmg positive (no save); Only affects undead {1 creature} PH3
0 3B-23 Distract Enc All within sight look at a spot within 10' of caster {1+ creatures} UA1
0 3B-24 Dry Abj Dries one area {1 group} UA1
0 3B-25 Dust Abj Dusts (removes dirt) from an area {1 group} UA1
0 3B-26 Dusty Evo Makes an area dusty {1 group} UA1
0 3B-27 Exterminate Abj 1 dmg disintegration to a small creature (save) {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-28 Firefinger Alt, Evo 1 dmg fire (save) {1 target} UA1
0 3B-29 Flare Evo -1 TH (no save) {1 creature} PH3
0 3B-30 Flavor Enc Changes the flavor of a target {1 target} UA1
0 3B-31 Footfall Ill Footsteps sound UA1
0 3B-32 Freshen Enc Refreshes spoiled food; stops spoilage {1 object} UA1
0 3B-33 Gather Alt Gathers (sorts) small objects in area {1 group} UA1
0 3B-34 Ghost Sound Ill Can create sounds in area PH3
0 3B-35 Giggle Enc Target giggles {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-36 Gnats Cnj Cloud of gnats; Distracts 1d4 s (save) {1 group} UA1
0 3B-37 Groan Ill Groaning sound UA1
0 3B-38 Hairy Alt Causes hair / hair-like growth to thicken {1 target} UA1
0 3B-39 Haze Alt, Ill -1 TH; +1 saves; +5% Hide in Shadows in area UA1
0 3B-40 Hide Ill Hides one small object from view {1 object} UA1
0 3B-41 Knot Alt Rope-like object becomes (hard) knotted {1 object} UA1
0 3B-42 Light (cantrip) Evo Object glows w/ light 20' r (No blindness/AC adj.) {Touch, 1 object} PH3
0 3B-43 Mage Hand Alt Telekinesis 5 lbs. {1 object} PH3
0 3B-44 Mask Alt, Ill Target's face changes appearance {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-45 Mending (cantrip) Alt Repairs a small tear or break {1 object} PH3
0 3B-46 Mirage Ill Target area appears as something else {1 group} UA1
0 3B-47 Moan Ill Moaning sound UA1
0 3B-48 Mouse Cnj Mouse appears {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-49 Mute Alt Turns one small mineral object into another {1 object} UA1
0 3B-50 Nod Evo Target nods {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-51 Noise Ill Sounds in area as caster chooses {1 group} UA1
0 3B-52 Open/Close Alt Opens or closes a (unlocked) door or container {1 object} PH3
0 3B-53 Palm Ill Caster can hide an object in his hand {Touch, 1 object} UA1
0 3B-54 Polish Alt Polishes (makes smooth) an object {1 object} UA1
0 3B-55 Present Alt Teleports a small object to caster's hand {1 object} UA1
0 3B-56 Prestidigitation (cantrip) Meta Minor "magic tricks" (hide objects,play music,…) PH3
0 3B-57 Rainbow (cantrip) Alt, Ill Creates a colorful rainbow; save or look at it 1-4s {1 group} UA1
0 3B-58 Rattle Ill Rattling sound (like chains) UA1
0 3B-59 Ravel Alt Unravels / unstitches an object {1 object} UA1
0 3B-60 Ray of Frost Cnj, Evo 1d3 dmg cold (no save) {1 target} PH3
0 3B-61 Read Magic (cantrip) Meta Can read magical writings at 1 page per minute {self only} PH3
0 3B-62 Resistance Abj +1 saves {Touch, 1 target} PH3
0 3B-63 Salt Evo Salts a target {1 target} UA1
0 3B-64 Scratch Evo Target scratches himself {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-65 Shine Alt Makes an object shine; remove rust, corrosion {1 object} UA1
0 3B-66 Smokepuff Evo Small cloud of smoke appears {1 group} UA1
0 3B-67 Sneeze Evo Target sneezes {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-68 Sour Evo Makes a target taste sour {1 target} UA1
0 3B-69 Spice Evo Adds ginger, pepper, bay, garlic, parsely to obj {1 object} UA1
0 3B-70 Spider Cnj Spider appears; 5% chance of poisonous {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-71 Spill Alt Causes contents of a container to spill out {1 object} UA1
0 3B-72 Sprout Alt Causes plants to sprout seeds/flowers {1 group} UA1
0 3B-73 Stitch Alt Sew seams in cloth or leather {1 group} UA1
0 3B-74 Sweeten Evo Adds suger, honey, syrup to object {1 object} UA1
0 3B-75 Tangle Alt Rope-like object becomes tangled {1 object} UA1
0 3B-76 Tap Evo Tapping/Rapping sound UA1
0 3B-77 Tarnish Alt Object becomes tarnished (rusted/corroded) {1 object} UA1
0 3B-78 Thump Ill Thump sound (like something fell) UA1
0 3B-79 Tie Alt Tie a (easy) knot in a rope or rope-like object {1 object} UA1
0 3B-80 Tweak Cnj Unseen finger/thumb pinches target {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-81 Twitch Evo Target twitches {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-82 Two-D'lusion Ill Wall of illusion; static (non-changing) {1 group} UA1
0 3B-83 Unlock Cnj Unlocks a simple lock {1 object} UA1
0 3B-84 Untie Alt Unties a rope object (nullifies Tie, Knot, Tangle) {1 object} UA1
0 3B-85 Warm Evo Warms one target +40° C {1 target} UA1
0 3B-86 Whistle Evo Whistling sound (sharp or eerie, not a cat-call) UA1
0 3B-87 Wilt Enc Wilts a plant; Plant creatures take 1 dmg (save) {1 target} UA1
0 3B-88 Wink Enc Target winks {1 creature} UA1
0 3B-89 Wrap Alt Wraps (bundles and secures) a group of objects {1 group} UA1
0 3B-90 Yawn Evo Target yawns; Vulnerable to Sleep 1r {1 creature} UA1

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.1] Level 1 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
1 3B-1 Affect Normal Fire   Reduce or enlarge normal fires PH2
1 3B-2 Affect Normal Fires Alt, Ele Double or halve the effect of a fire {1 group} PH1
1 3B-3 Alarm   4 hour +˝h/level If anyone enter the area of effect the spell let out an alarm PH2
1 3B-4 Alarm (1) Evo Any creature who approaches triggers a sound {1 group} UA1
1 3B-5 Alarm (3) Abj Sends mental alarm to you if creature approach {1 group} PH3
1 3B-6 Alley Summoning I Cnj, Wild Summons a DL II alley monster, under your control, 1% chance per segment of losing control DM
1 3B-7 Analyze Div Learn 1 characteristic of an item (magic/psi/tech) {Touch, 1 object} RC0
1 3B-8 Animate Rope Alt Animates 1 rope-like object {1 object} PH3
1 3B-9 Anti-Magic Shell 1 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 DM
1 3B-10 Armor   AC6 until 8+1/level points of damage had been sustained by subject PH2
1 3B-11 Armor (1) Cnj, Abj AC 8 source; +8+L or +2L hp (even above max) {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
1 3B-12 Armor (2) Cnj, Abj AC 6 source {Touch, 1 creature} PH2
1 3B-13 Armor 1 Abj +CL*2 current hp DM
1 3B-14 Audible Glamer Ill Makes sounds at target location PH1
1 3B-15 Blink Wounding   Caster "blinks" randomly if struck by weapon DM? (i?)
1 3B-16 Burning Hand   1d3+2/level hp fire damage PH2
1 3B-17 Burning Hands (1) Alt, Ele L dmg fire (no save) PH1
1 3B-18 Burning Hands (2) Alt, Ele 1d3+2L dmg fire (save:˝) PH2
1 3B-19 Burning Hands (3) Alt, Ele Ld4 dmg fire (save:˝) PH3
1 3B-20 Cantrip ALL Can cast 1 cantrip (Wiz 0) per round as Z action PH2
1 3B-21 Cause Fear Nec Fear (save) {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-22 Chain Lightning 1 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd1 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
1 3B-23 Change Self Ill Change appearance to anything +/- 1' in size {self only} PH1
1 3B-24 Charm Person Enc Charm 1 humanoid {1 creature} PH1
1 3B-25 Charming I Enc Charms a monster, gets a new save every round DM
1 3B-26 Chill Touch Nec Add "Save or 1d4 dmg & 1 Str loss" to unarmed {self only} PH2
1 3B-27 Chromatic Orb Evo, Ill 1=Pearly (1d4; light in area; save or blinded for L r or until leaves area)
2=Ruby (1d6, save or -1 Str and -1 Dex for 1 r)
3=Flame (1d8; save or 2 fire dmg)
4=Amber (1d10; save or blinded 1d4+4 r)
5=Emerald (1d12; save or nauseated until leaves area)
6=Turquoise (2d8; save or magnetised 3d4 r)
7=Sapphire (2d4; save or paralyzed 5d4 r)
10=Amethyst (slowed 2d4 r (no save); save or petrified)
12=Ashen (paralyzed 1d4+1 r (no save); save or slain) {1 creature}
1 3B-28 Color Spray Alt, Ill Unc. if <L; Blind if <L+3; Stun if >L+2 (save if >6) {1d6 creatures} PH1
1 3B-29 Comprehend Languages Alt Read/Write (not speak) 1 language {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-30 Cone of Cold 1 Inv CLd2+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
1 3B-31 Confuse Language   Confuses the speech of one creature or confuses the language on one written object PH2
1 3B-32 Conjure Spell Component Cnj Material componenting costs 1Z instead of 1V {self only} TM2
1 3B-33 Create Item I Cnj Creates an item of <= CL gp value, lasts for 2 turns DM
1 3B-34 Dancing Light   Creates lights which appears to be torches or will-o-wisp or one human shaped light globe PH2
1 3B-35 Darkness Alt, Ill Magical darkness; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
1 3B-36 Death Spell 1 Nec Slay 1d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
1 3B-37 Detect/Identify Magic Div Detect Magic; 1M, 1/t: Identify Magic Item/Effect DM
1 3B-38 Detect Illusion Div, Ill Can detect and automatically disbelieve illusions {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-39 Detect Invisibility Div, Ill Det. invisible, astral, ethereal, hidden, out/phase {1 creature} PH1
1 3B-40 Detect Magic   Detect magic in area of effect PH2
1 3B-41 Detect Magic (1) Div Gives school and general power level within 60' {self only} PH1
1 3B-42 Detect Secret Doors Div Detect secret/hidden/concealed doors/containers {self only} PH3
1 3B-43 Detect Undead Div, Nec Detects undead within 60+10L' {self only} PH2
1 3B-44 Dispel Exhaustion 1 Alt Restore 5% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 1 for 1 round DM
1 3B-45 Endure Elements Abj -5 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-46 Enlarge Alt +/- 10*CL% size {1 target} PH1
1 3B-47 Erase Alt Removes writing from pages, it can erase explosive runes, glyph of warding, sepia snake sigil and wizard mark PH1
1 3B-48 Feather Fall Alt Cause the fall of one individual to become more gentle and no damage is suffered upon landing PH1
1 3B-49 Feeblemind 1 Enc -5 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packet of 5) (save per packet) DM
1 3B-50 Find Familiar Cnj, Enc See [S4], or finds your familiar {1 creature} PH1
1 3B-51 Fire Burst Alt, Evo L dmg fire (save) {1 group} TM2
1 3B-52 Fire Shield 1 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 10% dmg back DM
1 3B-53 Fireball 1 Inv CLd2 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
1 3B-54 Firewater Alt Turns water into a flammable (2d6) substance UA1
1 3B-55 Fist of Stone Alt, Ele Str 18 with unarmed attacks {self only} TM2
1 3B-56 Floating Disc Evo Can carry 100L lbs.; Moves at caster's rate {1 group} RC0
1 3B-57 Friends   The caster appears more friendly, +2d4 Chr PH2
1 3B-58 Gaze Reflection Alt, Ill Any gaze/eye attack reflection upon enemy {self only} PH2
1 3B-59 Globe of Invulnerability 1 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 DM
1 3B-60 Grease Evo Anyone within the area must roll saving throw or slip and fall PH2
1 3B-61 Hold Portal Alt Hold a door securely closed for spell duration PH2
1 3B-62 Hornung's Guess Div, WM Know how many persons/objects of one type {1 group} TM2
1 3B-63 Hypnotism Enc, Ill Suggestion (two saves, fails if both fail) {1d6 creatures} PH1
1 3B-64 Identify   Identifies magical items PH2
1 3B-65 Inaudibility Ill Make no sound when walking (reduces wandering monsters) DM
1 3B-66 Jump   Caster can jump farther and into more height whit this spell PH2
1 3B-67 Jump (1) Alt Can jump 30'; Has 1+L/3 jumps {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-68 Jump (2) Alt Can jump 30' {Touch, 1 creature} PH2
1 3B-69 Lasting Breath Alt Can hold breath for duration {L creatures} TM2
1 3B-70 Light Alt, Ill Magical light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
1 3B-71 Lightning Bolt 1 Inv CLd2 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
1 3B-72 Mage Armor Cnj, Abj +4 AC {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-73 Magic Missile   Ball of energy causing 1d4+1 hp damage, you can cast one per every other level you have PH2
1 3B-74 Magic Missile (0) Evo (2*L+3)/5 missiles; 1d6+1 dmg force (no save) {1+ creatures} RC0
1 3B-75 Magic Missile (1) Evo (L+1)/2 missiles; 1d4+1 dmg force (no save) {1+ creatures} PH1
1 3B-76 Magic Missile 1 Inv (CL+1)/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
1 3B-77 Magic Weapon Alt, Enc Weapon has +1/+1 TH/dmg {Touch, 1 object} PH3
1 3B-78 Melt Alt Melts snow or ice {1 group} UA1
1 3B-79 Mending   Mends broken, cut or otherwise apart object PH2
1 3B-80 Message Alt Pointed individual receive message and can reply to it PH2
1 3B-81 Metallic Orb Evo, Ill 1=Lead (1d6; -3 to base movement rate (save))
2=Tin (1d8; Chill L r (save))
3=Bronze (1d10; Cold 2'r, dmg=1d6 (save:0))
4=Copper (1d12; Hypnotism L r (save))
6=Silver (2d6; -2 Con 1 d (no save); Stun L r (save))
8=Electrum (2d8; -20% MR 1 d (no save); -10% RR 1 d (no save); Feeblemind (save))
9=Gold (2d10; Weakness (no save); Dispel E/N/G(save))
11=Steel (2d12; Color Spray 5'r; Prismatic Spray 5'r)
13=Platinum (3d8; Maze (no save); Imprisonment (save)) {1 creature}
1 3B-82 Metamorphose Liquid   Metamorphoses liquid into an other liquid ToM
1 3B-83 Metamorphose Liquids Alt Turns one liquid into another (nonmagical) {Touch, 1 group} TM2
1 3B-84 Monster Swarm Summoning I Cnj Summons CL*4.5 (round down) DL 0 monsters DM
1 3B-85 Mount Cnj Summons a horse/camel/elephant mount {1 creature} UA1
1 3B-86 Murdock's Feathery Flyer Alt Can glide {self only} TM2
1 3B-87 Nahal's Reckless Dweomer Evo, WM L% desired spell you know; else Wild Surge TM2
1 3B-88 Nauseating Gas Enc Area effect: Nauseated (-5 all actions) (Fort save) DM
1 3B-89 Nystul's Magical Aura   Makes an object radiate magic PH2
1 3B-90 Nystul's Magic Aura Ill Target is considered a magical item {Touch, 1 target} PH1
1 3B-91 Nystul's Undetectable Aura Ill Object immune to detect spells {Touch, 1 object} PH3
1 3B-92 Obscuring Mist Cnj Everything has cover to each other {1 group} PH3
1 3B-93 Panic Enc Target is Panicked (50% flee, 50% taunted towards you) (Will save) DM
1 3B-94 Patternweave Div Know what jumble of objects is supposed to be {1 group} TM2
1 3B-95 Phantasmal Force Ill Area is sq'; Visual only {1 group} PH1
1 3B-96 Phantom Armor Alt, Ill AC 3 source; +L hp (even above max); +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
1 3B-97 Poisonous Claws Nec Natural fighting has poison (CL*4 dmg, save for CL) DM
1 3B-98 Power Word Blind 1 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -160 (no save) DM
1 3B-99 Power Word Kill 1 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -120 (no save) DM
1 3B-100 Power Word Stun 1 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -320 (no save) DM
1 3B-101 Precipitation Alt Light rain in area {1 group} UA1
1 3B-102 Prepared Blast Meta Your next spell has -CL saves, -CL*5% MR (or) +CL/2 to CL DM
1 3B-103 Prismatic Wall 1 Abj 1 Prismatic color DM
1 3B-104 Protection from Chaos Abj +2 AC, +2 saves vs. evil; Prevents bodily contact {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-105 Protection from Evil Abj +2 AC, +2 saves vs. evil; Prevents bodily contact {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-106 Protection from Good   Good creatures fight with penalties, protect from possession and mental control, protect from conjured beings PH2
1 3B-107 Push Cnj Push up to 50L lbs.; Can knock over (save) {1 target} PH1
1 3B-108 Radiation Resistance Abj RR 60+CL*5% [duration 1 hour] DM
1 3B-109 Ray of Enfeeblement (3) Nec -1d6-L/2 Str (save) {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-110 Ray of Enfeeblement 1 Cha -5 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
1 3B-111 Read Illusionist Magic Div, Ill Can read/identify illusionist writings/scrolls {self only} UA1
1 3B-112 Read Magic   With this spell the wizard can read magical scripts PH2
1 3B-113 Reduce Alt -10L% size (max reduction = 50%) {1 target} PH3
1 3B-114 Reverse Magic I   Casts effect's reverse if 1st level & in range DM? (i?)
1 3B-115 Run Enc (L+1)/2 targets; Move rate doubles {Touch, 1+ creatures} UA1
1 3B-116 Scales Abj DR (CL*2)/+(CL/2) [duration 1 day] DM
1 3B-117 Shield   Negates magical missile attacks, provides AC2 vs. hand-hurled missiles, AC3 vs. device-propelled missiles and AC4 vs. other attack, grants +1 saving throw vs. frontal attack PH2
1 3B-118 Shield (1) Evo, Abj Immune Force; AC2 source; +1 saves {self only} PH1
1 3B-119 Shield (3) Abj +7 AC; +3 area saves {self only} PH3
1 3B-120 Shield 1 Abj AT +4 source DM
1 3B-121 Shock Bolt {reverse: Grave Bolt} Evo CLd4 lightning {grave} damage, area 30' line, no save DM
1 3B-122 Shocking Grasp Alt, Ele 1d8+L dmg electricity (no save) {Touch, 1 target} PH1
1 3B-123 Silent Image Ill Area is 10' cubes; Illusion sight component only {1 group} PH3
1 3B-124 Sleep   Affect 2d4 HD, but monster with more than a 4+3 HD are unaffected, there is no saving throw against this spell PH2
1 3B-125 Sleep (0) Enc 2d8 HD slept (no save); max HD/creature=4+1 RC0
1 3B-126 Sleep (1) Enc 4d4 HD slept (no save); max HD/creature=4+2 {1 group} PH1
1 3B-127 Snilloc's Snowball   Snowball causing 1d3 damage or 1d6 vs. fire dwelling or using creature FRA
1 3B-128 Spell Turning 1 Abj Turns the next CL/7 SL's of spells DM
1 3B-129 Spider Climb Alt Climb Walls 200%; No Material componenting {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-130 Spook Ill Fear; Target gets a save each round {1 creature} UA1
1 3B-131 Stepping Stones   Creates stones in midair, can be stepped on DM? (i?)
1 3B-132 Summon Monster I Cnj Summons a DL 1 creature to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-133 Taunt Enc One or more creatures of 1 type taunted (save) {1 group} PH2
1 3B-134 Tenser's Floating Disc Evo Can carry 100L lbs.; Moves at rate 6 {1 group} PH1
1 3B-135 Tenser's Transformation 1 Alt +5% of max hp to current hp, -3 TH melee DM
1 3B-136 True Strike Div Your next attack is at +20 TH {self only} PH3
1 3B-137 Unseen Servant Cnj Invisible servant, can carry 40 lbs. {1 group} PH1
1 3B-138 Ventriloquism Ill Ventriloquism {1 target} PH1
1 3B-139 Wacky Ball 1 / Normal / ˝ Evo Ld2 dmg normal element (save: ˝) {1 group} DM
1 3B-140 Wall of Fog Alt, Ill Blocks sight (incl. Infravision) PH1
1 3B-141 Wish 1 Meta Wish for a SL=0 Wizard spell DM
1 3B-142 Wizard Mark Alt Makes a permanent mark on target object {1 group} UA1
1 3B-143 Write Evo Can copy 1 page of magical writings per hour. Does a rough copy of a spell so it can be properly inscribed later. A character may inscribe his caster level in spell levels each day into a format he can memorize from. {1 object} PH1

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.2] Level 2 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
2 3B-1 Alley Summoning II Cnj, Wild Summons a DL IV alley monster, under your control, 2% chance per segment of losing control DM
2 3B-2 Alter Self Alt, Ill Alter Appearance; +/- 50% size; Fly 3"; Swim {self only} UA1
2 3B-3 Anti-Magic Shell 2 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 1 DM
2 3B-4 Arcane Lock Abj Locks a look/container {Touch, 1 object} PH3
2 3B-5 Armor 2 Abj +CL*4 current hp DM
2 3B-6 Bind Alt, Enc Animates 1 rope-like object {1 object} UA1
2 3B-7 Blindness Ill Blindness (save); can be dispelled/cured {1 creature} PH2
2 3B-8 Blindness/Deafness Alt Blindness or Deafness (caster's choice) (save) {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-9 Blur   Enemies fight with penalties against blurred wizard PH2
2 3B-10 Blur (1) Ill +4 AC; +1 saves {self only} PH1
2 3B-11 Blur (3) Ill 20% WR vs. creatures without True Sight {self only} PH3
2 3B-12 Bull's Strength Alt +1d4+1 Str {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-13 Chain Lightning 2 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd2 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
2 3B-14 Chaos Shield Abj Protection from your own wild surges (get save) {self only} TM2
2 3B-15 Charming II Enc Charms up to 2 monsters, gets a new save every turn DM
2 3B-16 Cone of Cold 2 Inv CLd4+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
2 3B-17 Cone of Eldritch Shards {Acid} Evo CLd6 eldritch shards {acid} damage, area 40' cone, no save DM
2 3B-18 Continual Flame Ill Magical flame (illusionary); no heat {Touch, 1 object} PH3
2 3B-19 Continual Light Alt Magical light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
2 3B-20 Create Item II Cnj Creates an item of <= CL^2 gp value, lasts for 4 turns DM
2 3B-21 Darkness 15' Radius   Cause surrounding to become engulfed in total darkness PH2
2 3B-22 Darkness, 15' radius Alt Magical darkness {1 group} PH2
2 3B-23 Darkvision Alt Can see in darkness {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-24 Daylight Evo Object sheds daylight 60' r {Touch, 1 object} PH3
2 3B-25 Deafness Ill Deafness (save); can be dispelled/cured {1 creature} PH1
2 3B-26 Death Spell 2 Nec Slay 2d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
2 3B-27 Deeppocket   Extradimensional space which can contains more mass than the pocket would indicate PH2
2 3B-28 Deeppockets Alt, Enc Extradimensional space (100 lbs.) {Touch, 1 object} UA1
2 3B-29 Detect Evil   Detect the presence of evil PH2
2 3B-30 Detect Evil (0) Div Detect evil / evil intent 60' {self only} RC0
2 3B-31 Detect Evil (2) Div Detect evil / evil intent 180' {self only} PH2
2 3B-32 Detect Good   Detect the presence of goodness PH2
2 3B-33 Detect/Identify Psionics Div Detect Psionics; 1M, 1/t: Identify Psionic Item/Effect DM
2 3B-34 Detect Psionics Div Detect Psionics 60' {self only} DM
2 3B-35 Detect Thoughts Div Detect surface thoughts 60' {self only} PH3
2 3B-36 Dispel Exhaustion 2 Alt Restore 10% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 2 for 1 round DM
2 3B-37 Dispel Radiation Abj Dispels Radiation (1 target = auto success) {1 group} DM
2 3B-38 Endurance Alt +1d4+1 Con {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-39 Entangle (0) Enc Animates a rope; can entangle a creature (save) {1 object} RC0
2 3B-40 ESP   Detect the surface thoughts of other beings PH2
2 3B-41 ESP (0) Div Can read surface thoughts (no save) {1+ creatures} RC0
2 3B-42 ESP (1) Div Can read surface thoughts (no save) {1+ creatures} PH1
2 3B-43 Fascinate Ill Charmed and Fascinated (save) {1 creature} UA1
2 3B-44 Feeblemind 2 Enc -10 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
2 3B-45 Fire Shield 2 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 25% dmg back DM
2 3B-46 Fireball 2 Inv CLd4 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
2 3B-47 Flaming Sphere Evo Move rate 3; 2d6 dmg fire (save if not directly hit) {1 group} PH3
2 3B-48 Fluid Movement Abj +CL Reflex saves DM
2 3B-49 Fog Cloud Alt, Ill Blocks sight (incl. infravision) {1 group} PH3
2 3B-50 Fool's Gold   Copper coins seems to be gold coins PH2
2 3B-51 Fools' Gold Alt, Ill 4000L gp value {1 group} PH1
2 3B-52 Forget Enc Forget (L+2)/3 minutes, or 1 specific memory PH1
2 3B-53 Glitterdust   Save vs. Spell or blinded PH2
2 3B-54 Glitterdust (2) Cnj Blind 1d4+1 r (save) PH2
2 3B-55 Glitterdust (3) Cnj Blind L r (save) PH3
2 3B-56 Globe of Invulnerability 2 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 1 DM
2 3B-57 Hornung's Baneful Deflector Evo Missile vs. you: it hits a random creature in 15' {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
2 3B-58 Hypnotic Pattern   24 HD of creature kept captive by this spell, if the victim is harmed the spell breaks PH2
2 3B-59 Hypnotic Pattern (1) Ill 24 HD looking at pattern are Hypnotized PH1
2 3B-60 Hypnotic Pattern (3) Ill 2d4+L HD looking at pattern are Fascinated {1 group} PH3
2 3B-61 Improved Phantasmal Force Ill Area is sq'; Sight and sound {1 group} PH1
2 3B-62 Insatiable Thirst Enc Save or drink anything nearby {1 creature} TM2
2 3B-63 Invisibility Ill Invisibility; attacking ends spell {Touch, 1 target} PH1
2 3B-64 Irritation Alt -4 AC; -2 TH; -1 Dex; -1 Cml until 1V spent {1 creature} UA1
2 3B-65 Knock Alt Open locked/barred/held/wizard locked doors {1 group} PH1
2 3B-66 Know Alignment Div Detect alignment 30L' on 1 creature /r {1+ creatures} UA1
2 3B-67 Leomund's Trap Ill Illusionary trap, can be "disarmed" to avoid {Touch, 1 object} PH1
2 3B-68 Levitate   Subject can alter his altitude, but cannot fly horizontally without aid PH2
2 3B-69 Levitate (1) Alt Can levitate up/down at normal movement rate {1 creature} PH1
2 3B-70 Lightning Bolt 2 Inv CLd4 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
2 3B-71 Locate Object   Pinpoint the location of a known general object PH2
2 3B-72 Locate Object (1) Div Locate one object {1 object} PH1
2 3B-73 Locate Object (3) Div Locate one object {1 object} PH3
2 3B-74 Lock   Lock a door PH2
2 3B-75 Magic Missile 2 Inv (CL+1) missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
2 3B-76 Magic Mouth Alt Object speaks up to 25 words, can set up trigger {1 object} PH1
2 3B-77 Magic Resistance Abj MR 50+CL*5% [duration 2 hours] DM
2 3B-78 Mask Alignment & Blend In Ill You appear to be another alignment / part of enemy's group DM
2 3B-79 Maximilian's Earthen Grasp   Stony arm reach for the target and grasp him penalizing him in fight ToM
2 3B-80 Maximillan's Earthen Grasp Alt Arm holds target, has double caster's hp {1 creature} TM2
2 3B-81 Melf's Acid Arrow   2d4 point of acid damage, acid last more if caster is more experienced, the arrow must hit the target PH2
2 3B-82 Melf's Acid Arrow (1) Evo Roll TH +1: (3+L/3)d4+1 dmg acid (no save) {1 target} UA1
2 3B-83 Melf's Acid Arrow (3) Cnj Roll TH: (2+2*L/3)d4 dmg acid (no save) {1 target} PH3
2 3B-84 Minor Image Ill Area is 10' cubes; Illusion: sight & sound {1 group} PH3
2 3B-85 Mirror Image   Conjures illusionary images of the caster, enemies don't know which is the caster PH2
2 3B-86 Mirror Image (0) Ill Creates 1d4 images of yourself {self only} RC0
2 3B-87 Mirror Image (3) Ill Creates 1d4+L/3 images of yourself {self only} PH3
2 3B-88 Misdirection Ill Redirects divination spells {1 target} PH3
2 3B-89 Monster Summoning 2 Cnj Summon a DL=0 monster DM
2 3B-90 Monster Swarm Summoning II Cnj Summons CL*4 DL I monsters DM
2 3B-91 Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier Abj Know Align / Detect Evil/Lie give random results {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
2 3B-92 Notched Blast Meta Your next spell is "held" (release as 0), no spells until released DM
2 3B-93 Obscure Object Abj Hides object from location/detection/scrying {Touch, 1 object} PH3
2 3B-94 Past Life Div Know dead's former appearance & last minute {Touch, 1 target} TM2
2 3B-95 Power Word Blind 2 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -120 (no save) DM
2 3B-96 Power Word Kill 2 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -90 (no save) DM
2 3B-97 Power Word Stun 2 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -240 (no save) DM
2 3B-98 Prismatic Wall 2 Abj 2 Prismatic colors DM
2 3B-99 Protection from Arrows Abj -10 dmg /missile attack, unless +L/5+1 or better {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-100 Protection from Cantrip   Cantrip Protect and area or creature from cantrips PH2
2 3B-101 Protection from Cantrips Abj Immune to 0 level spells (Cantrips or Orisons) {Touch, 1 target} UA1
2 3B-102 Protection from Paralysis Abj Immune to paralysis, slow, hold {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
2 3B-103 Pyrotechnics Alt, Ele Blindness within 120' (save); obscures vision PH1
2 3B-104 Ray of Enfeeblement   Target reduced to strength 5 unless save is made PH2
2 3B-105 Ray of Enfeeblement (1) Enc Loses 25+2L% Str and physical dmg done {1 creature} PH1
2 3B-106 Ray of Enfeeblement (2) Enc Str goes to 5, -1 per die physical dmg {1 creature} PH2
2 3B-107 Ray of Enfeeblement 2 Cha -10 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
2 3B-108 Remove Scent Ill You (or 1 target) has no scent (reduces wandering monsters) DM
2 3B-109 Resist Elements Abj -12 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-110 Ride the Wind Alt Carried by wind at 12" (save) {L creatures} TM2
2 3B-111 Rope Trick Alt Creates 30' rope, top is extradimensional space. If the extra-dimensional space is ruptured (due to Anti-Magic or whatever), the contents will be dumped to the Astral plane. The rope that the spell creates is extremely difficult to destroy by physical means. PH1
2 3B-112 Scare   Creatures with fewer than 6 HD are terrified, only elves, half-elves and priests get saving throw PH2
2 3B-113 Scare (1) Enc Fear (save) {1 creature} PH1
2 3B-114 Scare (3) Nec Fear (save); Creatures > 5 HD are immune {1 group} PH3
2 3B-115 See Invisibility Div Detect invisible/astral/ethereal 100+10L' {self only} PH3
2 3B-116 Sense Shifting Alt Sensory affects of your SL 1-3 spells change {self only} TM2
2 3B-117 Shatter Alt Object(s) destroyed (save vs. crushing blow) {1 group} PH2
2 3B-118 Shield 2 Abj AT +8 source DM
2 3B-119 Snilloc's Snowball Swarm   1d3 hp/level of ice damage or 1d6/level vs. fire dwelling or using creature FRA
2 3B-120 Spectral Hand Nec Can use 1 touch at range per round (roll TH+2). The hand can be re-used, but it must return to the caster so he can touch it. The hand does not need to roll to hit. The hand itself can be attacked (AC 0, has 2 hit points per caster level). The spell level limit is removed. PH2
2 3B-121 Spell Turning 2 Abj Turns the next CL/6 SL's of spells DM
2 3B-122 Stinking Cloud Evo, Cnj Nauseated (save) PH1
2 3B-123 Strength Alt +1d8 Str {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
2 3B-124 Summon Monster II Cnj 1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 creatures to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-125 Summon Swarm Cnj Summons rats,bats,spiders,etc. 1d4+L/3 dmg/r PH2
2 3B-126 Tail Alt Grow an extra tail [lose spell slot while running] DM
2 3B-127 Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter   Various negative effect as victim collapses into gales of laughter PH2
2 3B-128 Tasha's Hideous Laughter Enc Do nothing (save) {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-129 Tasha's Uncont. Hideous Laughter Evo -2 Str and Dazed (save) {1 creature} UA1
2 3B-130 Tenser's Transformation 2 Alt +10% of max hp to current hp, -2 TH melee DM
2 3B-131 Time Stop 2 Alt Stops time for 1 segment DM
2 3B-132 Ultravision Alt, Ill Ultravision 300' {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
2 3B-133 Undetectable Alignment   Protect from alignment probing magic PH2
2 3B-134 Vocalize Alt Can cast spells without Verbal components {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
2 3B-135 Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / ˝ Evo Ld4 dmg normal element (save: ˝) {1 group} DM
2 3B-136 Web Evo Save & Str check: Miss 1 = Slow; Miss 2 = Held {1 group} PH1
2 3B-137 Whip Evo Whip, 0,1/r to swing: Fear animals; Disarm (save) {1 object} UA1
2 3B-138 Whispering Wind Alt, Ill Send 12 word message or cause a sound {1 group} UA1
2 3B-139 Wish 2 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 1 Wizard spell DM
2 3B-140 Wizard Lock Alt Magically locks door/lock {Touch, 1 group} PH1
2 3B-141 Zephyr Evo Gentle breeze; holds back clouds/vapor {1 group} UA1

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.3] Level 3 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
3 3B-1 Air Breathing   Underwater creatures can breathe normal air PH2
3 3B-2 Alacrity   Speed up casting of spell ToM
3 3B-3 Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown   Learns the ingredients of a magical item or chemical mixture ToM
3 3B-4 Alley Summoning III Cnj, Wild Summons a DL VI alley monster, under your control, 3% chance per segment of losing control DM
3 3B-5 Anti-Magic Shell 3 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 2 DM
3 3B-6 Armor 3 Abj +CL*6 current hp DM
3 3B-7 Augmentation I   Augments the damage inflicted by spells of level 1-3 ToM
3 3B-8 Blink   Caster phases thus other cannot hit him PH2
3 3B-9 Blink (2) Alt 0, 1/r: Uncontrolled Blink somewhere within 10' PH2
3 3B-10 Blink (3) Alt You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. PH3
3 3B-11 Blink (DM) Alt 0, 1/r: Blink; The location is not random (caster has control). If you blink away after meleeing with a creature, it gets a parting shot (but it cannot turn around first). DM
3 3B-12 Chain Lightning 3 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd3 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
3 3B-13 Charming III Enc Charms up to 3 monsters, gets a new save every hour DM
3 3B-14 Clairaudience Div Same plane PH2
3 3B-15 Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Div Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. PH3
3 3B-16 Clairvoyance Div Same plane PH2
3 3B-17 Cone of Cold 3 Inv CLd6+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
3 3B-18 Create Item III Cnj Creates an item of <= CL^3 gp value, lasts for 8 turns DM
3 3B-19 Death Spell 3 Nec Slay 3d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
3 3B-20 Delay Death Enc;Nec Can act normally at up to -10 hp PHBR4
3 3B-21 Delude Alt Conceals alignment PH2
3 3B-22 Detect Innates Alt Detects innate powers DM
3 3B-23 Dispel Exhaustion 3 Alt Restore 25% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 3 for 1 round DM
3 3B-24 Dispel Illusion Abj;Ill Dispels illusions in area PH1
3 3B-25 Dispel Magic Abj Dispels magic, (10+CL-enemyCL)*5% in area or auto 1 effect PH2
3 3B-26 Dispel Magic 3 Enc Dispel 1 magic effect DM
3 3B-27 Displacement Ill WR 50% PH3
3 3B-28 Enslave Person Enc As Charm Person, except the effect cannot be thrown off by being damaged, and there is no daily save check. DM
3 3B-29 Explosive Runes Alt;Evo 6d4+6 dmg force or fire (save: ˝) PH2
3 3B-30 Far Reaching I   Increase the range of spell of 1-2 level by 50% and 3 level by 25% ToM
3 3B-31 Feeblebody Alt Str and Con are reduced to 1d4 each (Spell save) DM
3 3B-32 Feeblemind 3 Enc -15 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
3 3B-33 Feign Dead   Subject appears dead for 1 hour+1t/level PH2
3 3B-34 Feign Death Nec People think you're dead PH2
3 3B-35 Fire Shield 3 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 50% dmg back DM
3 3B-36 Fireball Evo CLd6 dmg fire (save: ˝) in area PH2&3
3 3B-37 Fireball 3 Inv CLd6 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
3 3B-38 Flame Arrow Cnj +1 fire dmg to 2*CL arrows; or throw CL/5 missiles for 5d6 PH2&3
3 3B-39 Fly Alt Fly at 18" PH2&3
3 3B-40 Gaseous Form Alt Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. PH3
3 3B-41 Gentle Repose Nec Preserves one corpse. PH3
3 3B-42 Globe of Invulnerability 3 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 2 DM
3 3B-43 Greater Magic Weapon Alt +1/three levels (max +5). PH3
3 3B-44 Gust of Wind   Causes wind to blow from caster direction with 30 mile per hour speed PH2
3 3B-45 Halt Undead Nec Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level. PH3
3 3B-46 Haste Alt +1 P, +1V to one group PH2
3 3B-47 Hold Person Enc Holds up to 4 people PH2&3
3 3B-48 Hold Undead Nec Holds up to 3 undead PH2
3 3B-49 Illusionary Script Ill Only intended creatures can read the message PH2
3 3B-50 Illusory Script Ill Only intended reader can decipher. PH3
3 3B-51 Immediate Monster Summoning III Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL I monster without summoning sickness DM
3 3B-52 Infravision Alt Target gains infravision PH2
3 3B-53 Invisibility 15' Radius   Causes anyone in area of effect to become invisible PH2
3 3B-54 Invisibility Sphere Ill Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. PH3
3 3B-55 Invisibility, 10' Radius Ill Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. PH2
3 3B-56 Item Alt Makes one object 1/12 normal size PH2
3 3B-57 Keen Edge Alt Doubles normal weapon's threat range. PH3
3 3B-58 Leomund's Tiny Hut   4h + 1h/lv It can hold up to 7 being. The temperature is normal, protects from elements, outsiders cannot be peer into it. Do not stops missiles or magic PH2
3 3B-59 Lightning Bolt Evo Electricity deals 1d6 damage/level. PH2&3
3 3B-60 Lightning Bolt 3 Inv CLd6 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
3 3B-61 Lorloveim's Creeping Shadow   Elongate caster shadow. Through the shadow caster can hear, see and speak. ToM
3 3B-62 Magic Circle against C/E/G/L Abj As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. PH3
3 3B-63 Magic Missile 3 Inv (CL+1)*3/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
3 3B-64 Major Image Ill As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. PH3
3 3B-65 Maximilian's Stony Grasp   Stony arm reach for the target and grasp him penalizing him in fight ToM
3 3B-66 Melf's Minute Meteor   Long lasting spell conjuring many magical stones, can be aimed at multiple target, causes 1d4 point of damage per meteors, has to be thrown PH2
3 3B-67 Melf's Minute Meteors Evo CLd4 dmg earth to one target (no save) PH2
3 3B-68 Minor Malison   Worsen one's saving throws ToM
3 3B-69 Monster Summoning 3 Cnj Summon a DL=1 monster DM
3 3B-70 Monster Summoning I Cnj Summons 2d4 DL 1 monsters PH2
3 3B-71 Monster Swarm Summoning III Cnj Summons CL*3.5 (round down) DL II monsters DM
3 3B-72 Nondetection Abj Hides subject from divination, scrying. PH2&3
3 3B-73 Non-Detection   Protect from detection for 1 hour/level PH2
3 3B-74 Paralyzation Ill Paralyzation (area) (save) (max HD = 2*CL) PH1
3 3B-75 Phantom Steed Cnj Magical horse appears for 1 hour/level. PH2&3
3 3B-76 Power Word Blind 3 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -80 (no save) DM
3 3B-77 Power Word Kill 3 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -60 (no save) DM
3 3B-78 Power Word Stun 3 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -160 (no save) DM
3 3B-79 Prismatic Sphere 3 Abj 1 Prismatic color DM
3 3B-80 Prismatic Wall 3 Abj 3 Prismatic colors or 1 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
3 3B-81 Protection from Elements Abj Absorb 12 damage/level from one kind of energy. PH3
3 3B-82 Protection from Evil 10' Radius   Like the protection from Evil spell PH2
3 3B-83 Protection from Good 10' Radius   Like the protection from Good spell PH2
3 3B-84 Protection from Normal Missiles Abj Duration CL turns PH2
3 3B-85 Psionic Resistance Abj PsiR 40+CL*5% [duration 3 hours] DM
3 3B-86 Put Out of Misery Nec Target being at negative hp that would die if unattended is slain (no save) DM
3 3B-87 Ray of Enfeeblement 3 Cha -15 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
3 3B-88 Secret Page Alt Changes one page to hide its real content. PH2&3
3 3B-89 Sepia Snake Sigil Cnj Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader. PH2&3
3 3B-90 Shield 3 Abj AT +12 source DM
3 3B-91 Shrink Item Alt Object shrinks to one-twelfth size. PH3
3 3B-92 Skullcap Abj +CL Will saves; +CL*2 Personality/Ego score DM
3 3B-93 Sleet Storm Cnj Hampers vision and movement. PH3
3 3B-94 Slow (2) Alt x1/2 move rate, x1/2 #att, -4 AC, -4 TH, lose Dex mods PH2
3 3B-95 Slow (3) Alt CL subjects can use only 1S/segment, -2 AC, -2 melee rolls. PH3
3 3B-96 Spectral Force Ill Illusion containing visual, thermal, olfactory and sound components PH2
3 3B-97 Spell Turning 3 Abj Turns the next CL/5 SL's of spells DM
3 3B-98 Spellshaping I Meta Move a spell effect on target to yourself (they get save) DM
3 3B-99 Sphere of Composition Evo CLd8 dmg, picks normal/para/quasi most vuln to, 50' sphere DM
3 3B-100 Spirit Armor   AC4, +3 on saves, ToM
3 3B-101 Squaring the Circle   Alter the shape of spells of level 1-5 ToM
3 3B-102 Steal Breath Nec Target living creature loses 50% hp (save to lose 10% hp) DM
3 3B-103 Suggestion Enc Compels subject to follow stated course of action. PH2&3
3 3B-104 Summon Monster III Cnj Calls outsider (DL 3) to fight for you. PH3
3 3B-105 Tangetongue   Confuses verbal communication PH2
3 3B-106 Tenser's Transformation 3 Alt +25% of max hp to current hp, -1 TH melee DM
3 3B-107 Third Arm Growth Alt Grow an extra arm or leg [lose spell slot while running] DM
3 3B-108 Time Stop 3 Alt Stops time for 1d2 segments DM
3 3B-109 Tongues Alt;Div Speak any language. PH2&3
3 3B-110 Vampiric Touch Nec Touch deals 1d6/two caster levels; caster gains dmg as hp. PH2&3
3 3B-111 Wacky Ball 3 / Normal / ˝ Evo Area CLd6 dmg normal element (save: ˝) DM
3 3B-112 Water Breathing Alt Subjects can breathe underwater. PH2&3
3 3B-113 Wind Wall (3) Alt Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. PH3
3 3B-114 Wind Wall (2)   10' wide*5' high/level Stop small insect and birds, gases, breath weapon. Hinder missile fire PH2
3 3B-115 Wish 3 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 2 Wizard spell DM
3 3B-116 Wizard Sight   Caster's sense if someone is a spellcaster and can determine if he/she is a priest or a wizard. Caster can detect magic in objects ToM
3 3B-117 Wraithform Alt;Ill Target becomes ethereal; need +1 weapon to hit PH2

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.4] Level 4 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
4 3B-1 Alley Summoning IV Cnj, Wild Summons a DL VIII alley monster, under your control, 4% chance per segment of losing control DM
4 3B-2 Anti-Magic Shell 4 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 3 DM
4 3B-3 Arcane Eye Div Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.) PH3
4 3B-4 Armor 4 Abj +CL*8 current hp DM
4 3B-5 Bestow Curse Alt -6 to an ability; -4 TH/saves/checks; or 50% lose each action PH3
4 3B-6 Chain Lightning 4 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd4 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
4 3B-7 Charm Monster Enc Makes monster believe it is your ally. PH2&3
4 3B-8 Cone of Cold 4 Inv CLd8+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
4 3B-9 Confusion Enc Confuses targets, who can wander away, attack friend or do nothing PH2&3
4 3B-10 Contagion Nec Infects subject with chosen disease. PH2&3
4 3B-11 Death Spell 4 Nec Slay 4d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
4 3B-12 Detect Scrying Div Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. PH2&3
4 3B-13 Dig Evo; Alt Caster can dig 125 cubic feet per round PH2
4 3B-14 Dilation I   Increase area of effect of spells of level 1-3 by 25% ToM
4 3B-15 Dimension Door Alt Does cause summoning sickness. You can look through the door, but cannot accurately target weapons through it. Spells cannot be cast through the door. Unwilling creatures are allowed a save to avoid the effect. If two dimension doors intersect, they will disappear, and the two ends of the effects that aren't intersecting become one "long distance" dimension door. It is possible to create a (higher level) version of the spell where one or both ends of the spell can move. PH2&3
4 3B-16 Dimensional Anchor Abj Bars extradimensional movement. PH3
4 3B-17 Dispel Exhaustion Ill Up to 4 people: Recover 50% lost hp and Haste. Yes, since this is an Illusion, one of the targets CAN disbelieve the effect and it turns off. This is usually not a good idea. PH1
4 3B-18 Dispel Exhaustion 4 Alt Restore 50% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 4 for 1 round DM
4 3B-19 Dispel Magic 4 Enc Dispel 2 magic effects DM
4 3B-20 Dispel Psionics Abj Dispels Psionics DM
4 3B-21 Divination Enhancement   Increase the duration and range of divination spells by 50%, spells must be of 1-4 level ToM
4 3B-22 Emotion Enc Arouses strong emotion in subject. PH2&3
4 3B-23 Enchanted Weapon Enc Weapon gets +1/+1 PH2
4 3B-24 Enervation Nec Subject gains CL/4 negative levels. PH2
4 3B-25 Evard's Black Tentacles Cnj 1d4 +1/level tentacles grapple randomly within 15 ft. PH2&3
4 3B-26 Extension I Alt +50% duration on a spell PH2
4 3B-27 Far Reaching II   Increase the range of spells of 1-2 level by doubling it, and 3 level by 50%, 4 level by 25% ToM
4 3B-28 Fear Enc Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. PH2&3
4 3B-29 Feeblemind 4 Enc -20 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
4 3B-30 Fire Charm Enc Use a fire to charm a group of monsters PH2
4 3B-31 Fire Gate   Transportation between large fires, up to 50 m/level away FRA
4 3B-32 Fire Shield Evo; Alt Creatures attacking you take fire damage; resist heat or cold. PH2&3
4 3B-33 Fire Shield 4 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 75% dmg back DM
4 3B-34 Fire Trap Evo; Abj Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level damage. PH2&3
4 3B-35 Fireball 4 Inv CLd8 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
4 3B-36 Fumble Enc Drop held items PH2
4 3B-37 Globe of Invulnerability 4 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 3 DM
4 3B-38 Greater Malison   Worsens one's saving throws ToM
4 3B-39 Hallucinatory Terrain Ill Makes one type of terrain appear like another PH2&3
4 3B-40 Ice Storm   3d10 point of ice damage PH2
4 3B-41 Illusionary Wall Ill Makes a wall that looks like whatever you want PH2
4 3B-42 Illusory Wall Ill Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through PH3
4 3B-43 Immediate Monster Summoning IV Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL II monster without summoning sickness DM
4 3B-44 Improved Invisibility Ill As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. PH2&3
4 3B-45 Leomund's Secure Shelter   1d4+1 hour + 1 hour/level Conjure a cottage. It withstands winds, but has no cooling or heating apparatus. Resist fire, as it was stone. The doors and windows are wizard locked, the entrance points are alarmed. An unseen servant is conjured with the cottage. PH2
4 3B-46 Lesser Geas Enc Commands subject of 7 HD or less. PH3
4 3B-47 Lightning Bolt 4 Inv CLd8 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
4 3B-48 Locate Creature Div Indicates direction to familiar creature. PH3
4 3B-49 Magic Mirror Enc; Div Acts as a crystal ball PH2
4 3B-50 Magic Missile 4 Inv (CL+1)*2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
4 3B-51 Mask of Death   A dead body appears to be someone else. ToM
4 3B-52 Massmorph Ill, Alt Group of monsters appear to be trees PH2
4 3B-53 Minor Creation Cnj Creates one cloth or wood object. PH2&3
4 3B-54 Minor Globe of Invulnerability Abj Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects. PH2&3
4 3B-55 Minor Spell Turning   A lesser version of the spell turning spell ToM
4 3B-56 Monster Summoning 4 Cnj Summon a DL=2 monster DM
4 3B-57 Monster Summoning II Cnj Summons a DL II monster (maintained effect) PH2
4 3B-58 Monster Swarm Summoning IV Cnj Summons CL*3 DL III monsters DM
4 3B-59 Mordenkainen's Celerity   Adds 25% to duration of any spell of 1-3 level which affects movement ToM
4 3B-60 Original Stoneskin 4 Abj Block the next 1 P action of attacks DM
4 3B-61 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere   A globe of force can contain an individual. Nothing can pass in or out. PH2
4 3B-62 Phantasmal Killer Ill Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage. PH2&3
4 3B-63 Plant Growth Alt Doubles plants PH2
4 3B-64 Polymorph Other Alt Gives one subject a new form. PH2&3
4 3B-65 Polymorph Self Alt You assume a new form (no innate abilities) PH2&3
4 3B-66 Power Word Blind 4 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -40 (no save) DM
4 3B-67 Power Word Kill 4 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -30 (no save) DM
4 3B-68 Power Word Stun 4 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -80 (no save) DM
4 3B-69 Prismatic Sphere 4 Abj 2 Prismatic colors DM
4 3B-70 Prismatic Wall 4 Abj 4 Prismatic colors or 2 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
4 3B-71 Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer Alt Add 3 spell levels (any combination) to memorization PH2&3
4 3B-72 Ray of Enfeeblement 4 Cha -20 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
4 3B-73 Remove Curse Abj Frees object or person from curse. PH2&3
4 3B-74 Scrying Div Spies on subject from a distance. PH3
4 3B-75 Shadow Conjuration Ill Duplicate any 0th-3rd SL Conjuration spell PH3
4 3B-76 Shadow Monsters Ill Summon a DL V monster (maintained), but it's only 20% real PH2
4 3B-77 Sharp Alt Target is Sharped (loses a limb at random) (PP save) DM
4 3B-78 Shield 4 Abj AT +16 source DM
4 3B-79 Shout Evo Deafens all within cone and deals 2d6 damage. PH2&3
4 3B-80 Solid Fog Alt Blocks vision and slows movement. PH2&3
4 3B-81 Spell Turning 4 Abj Turns the next CL/4 SL's of spells DM
4 3B-82 Stoneskin (1) Alt 1 Stoneskin that stops any 1 attack sequence (1P of actions). There is no leak damage. UA1
4 3B-83 Stoneskin (2) Alt 4+CL/2 stoneskins; they "leak": Each hit on a Stoneskin "leaks" damage equal to the magical plusses of the weapon used (or HD/4 if the attacker is a creature). A miss knocks off a Stoneskin, but causes no leak damage. Special damaging effects (fireball, etc.) knock off 1 stoneskin per packet of damage (so a magic missile spell knocks off 1 stoneskin per missile).
Optional House Rule: A natural "1" doesn't knock off a stoneskin; a natural "20" knocks off a stoneskin and causes full damage.
4 3B-84 Stoneskin (3) Abj Stops blows: DR 10/+5 [max 10*CL dmg absorbed] PH3
4 3B-85 Summon Lycantrope   Summons lycantrope but gives no control over the creature ToM
4 3B-86 Summon Monster IV Cnj Summons a DL IV monster (duration 1t) PH3
4 3B-87 Tenser's Transformation 4 Alt +50% of max hp to current hp DM
4 3B-88 Thunder Staff   Inst. Stuns Stuns or deafen creatures ToM
4 3B-89 Time Stop 4 Alt Stops time for 1d5 segments DM
4 3B-90 Turn Pebble to Boulder   A pebble turn into a boulder that causes 3d6+8 points of damage. For every 3 level above 7 the caster can enchant another pebble ToM
4 3B-91 Vacancy Alt; Ill Makes an area appear vacant PH2
4 3B-92 Wacky Ball 4 / Normal / ˝ Evo Ld8 dmg normal element (area) (save: ˝) DM
4 3B-93 Wall of Fire Evo Passing through wall deals 2d6+CL dmg fire PH2&3
4 3B-94 Wall of Ice Evo Passing through wall deals 2*CL or 3d10 dmg ice PH2&3
4 3B-95 Wish 4 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 3 Wizard spell DM
4 3B-96 Wizard Eye Div; Alt Invisible eye, can see through, moves at 3" rate PH2

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.5] Level 5 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
5 3B-1 Advanced Illusion Ill Olfactory, visual, thermal and sound components. Follow a programmed pattern, no need for concentration PH2
5 3B-2 Airy Water   Liquid become less dense thus breathable PH2
5 3B-3 Alley Summoning V Cnj, Wild Summons a DL X alley monster, under your control, 5% chance per segment of losing control DM
5 3B-4 Animal Growth   One animal/two levels doubles in size, HD. PH3
5 3B-5 Animate Dead   Creates undead skeletons and zombies. PH3
5 3B-6 Animate Undead   Animates skeletons or zombies PH2
5 3B-7 Anti-Magic Shell 5 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 4 DM
5 3B-8 Anti-Radioactive Shell     DM (new)
5 3B-9 Armor 5 Abj +CL*10 current hp DM
5 3B-10 Attraction   Permanent Individuals drawn to the object PH2
5 3B-11 Avoidance   Permanent None can come closer than a foot to the object PH2
5 3B-12 Bigby's Interposing Hand   Hand provides 90% cover against one opponent. PH3
5 3B-13 Chain Lightning 5 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd5 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
5 3B-14 Chaos   Only fighters, enchanters and low intelligent monsters can save against this form of confusion PH2
5 3B-15 Cloudkill   Kills 3 HD or less; 4-6 HD save or die. PH3
5 3B-16 Cone of Cold   1d4+1 hp/level of ice damage in a cone shaped area PH2
5 3B-17 Cone of Cold 5 Inv CLd10+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
5 3B-18 Confusion No Save Enc Confusion one target (no save) DM
5 3B-19 Conjure Elemental   Conjures a 8 HD elemental PH2
5 3B-20 Contact Other Plane   Ask question of extraplanar entity. PH3
5 3B-21 Death Spell 5 Nec Slay 5d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
5 3B-22 Demi-Shadow Monster   Illusionary monsters, 1HD/level can be divided, 40% PH2
5 3B-23 Demishadow Monsters     PH2
5 3B-24 Dismissal   Send a creature back to it's own plane PH2
5 3B-25 Dispel Exhaustion 5 Alt Restore 75% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 5 for 1 round DM
5 3B-26 Dispel Innates     DM
5 3B-27 Dispel Magic 5 Enc Dispel 3 magic effects DM
5 3B-28 Distance Distortion   2t/level Height or length of passage appears longer or shorter PH2
5 3B-29 Dolor     UA1
5 3B-30 Dominate Person   Controls humanoid telepathically. PH3
5 3B-31 Domination   Completely controls one creature PH2
5 3B-32 Dream   Can deliver a message to a specific individual via dreams PH2
5 3B-33 Enslave Monster Enc As Charm Monster, except the effect cannot be thrown off by being damaged, and there is no daily save check. DM
5 3B-34 Extension II   Prolongs the duration of spells of 1-4 level by 50% PH2
5 3B-35 Extra Group +1 MetaMagic The next spell you cast will affect +1 groups of monsters DM
5 3B-36 Fabricate   Transforms raw materials into finished items. PH3
5 3B-37 False Vision   If caster know he is being scryied he can cast this spell and make himself and his surrounding undetectable from scrying PH2
5 3B-38 Far Reaching III   Increase the range of spell of level 1-3 by 150%, 4-5 level by 50% ToM
5 3B-39 Feeblemind   Subject's Int drops to 1. PH3
5 3B-40 Feeblemind 5 Enc -25 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
5 3B-41 Fire Shield 5 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 100% dmg back DM
5 3B-42 Fireball 5 Inv CLd10 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
5 3B-43 Force Shapechange   Force any spaheshifters back to it's original form PHBR2
5 3B-44 Globe of Invulnerability 5 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 4 DM
5 3B-45 Greater Shadow Conjuration   As shadow conjuration, but up to 4th level and 40% real. PH3
5 3B-46 Hold Monster   1d4 creature Paralyses creatures unless save is made PH2
5 3B-47 Immediate Monster Summoning V Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL III monster without summoning sickness DM
5 3B-48 Improved Free Action Enc Immune Capital S Stun, Stop, Hold, Paralysis, Summoning Sickness; Hold P,V actions DM
5 3B-49 Khazid's Procurement   Allows easy access to dangerous spell component ToM
5 3B-50 Leomund's Lamentable Belaborment   Draw subject to a discussion. As time goes on the either become confused, raged or lament their own foolishness PH2
5 3B-51 Leomund's Secret Chest   Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will. PH3
5 3B-52 Lesser Planar Binding   Traps outsider until it performs a task. PH3
5 3B-53 Lightning Bolt 5 Inv CLd10 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
5 3B-54 Lower Resistance   Lowers one's magic resistance ToM
5 3B-55 Magic Jar   Life force change between the caster and someone else PH2
5 3B-56 Magic Missile 5 Inv (CL+1)*5/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
5 3B-57 Magic Staff   Special by spell The staff stores spells ToM
5 3B-58 Major Creation   As minor creation, plus stone and metal. PH3
5 3B-59 Mask Quantum State Ill Makes your Quantum State appear to match the current Omniverse DM
5 3B-60 Mind Fog   Subjects in fog get -10 Wis, Will checks. PH3
5 3B-61 Monster Summoning 5 Cnj Summon a DL=3 monster DM
5 3B-62 Monster Summoning III   Summons 1d4 3rd level monsters PH2
5 3B-63 Monster Swarm Summoning V Cnj Summons CL*2.5 (round down) DL IV monsters DM
5 3B-64 Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound   Phantom dog can guard, attack. PH3
5 3B-65 Nightmare   Sends nightmares which causes 1d10 point of damage and leaves subject fatigued PH2
5 3B-66 Original Stoneskin 5 Abj Block the next 2 P actions of attacks DM
5 3B-67 Passwall   You can cast the spell below a person's feet, and they fall (no save because the spell is affecting the ground, not them). If the spell ends while someone is inside it, they are ejected to the closest end.  
5 3B-68 Persistent Image   As major image, but no concentration required. PH3
5 3B-69 Power Word Blind 5 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 0 (no save) DM
5 3B-70 Power Word Kill 5 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 0 (no save) DM
5 3B-71 Power Word Stun 5 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 0 (no save) DM
5 3B-72 Prismatic Bolt Ill Prismatic Spray on one target DM
5 3B-73 Prismatic Sphere 5 Abj 3 Prismatic colors or 1 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
5 3B-74 Prismatic Wall 5 Abj 5 Prismatic colors or 3 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
5 3B-75 Prying Eyes   1d4 floating eyes +1/level scout for you. PH3
5 3B-76 Rary's Telepathic Bond   Link lets allies communicate. PH3
5 3B-77 Ray of Enfeeblement 5 Cha -25 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
5 3B-78 Safeguarding   It protect the wizard from his own spells ToM
5 3B-79 Seeming   Changes the appearance of persons for 12 hour PH2
5 3B-80 Sending   Caster can send a brief message to a familiar person, and he can answer it PH2
5 3B-81 Shadow Door   Conjure an illusionary door and the caster “escapes” through it. The caster becomes invisible. PH2
5 3B-82 Shadow Evocation   Mimics evocation less than 5th level. PH3
5 3B-83 Shadow Magic   Illusionary evocation spells PH2
5 3B-84 Shield 5 Abj AT +20 source DM
5 3B-85 Shrink Animal   Reduce HD of an animal PH2
5 3B-86 Spell Turning 5 Abj Turns the next CL/3 SL's of spells DM
5 3B-87 Stone Shape   Permanently alter the form of stone PH2
5 3B-88 Summon Monster V   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
5 3B-89 Summon Shadow   Summons a shadow PH2
5 3B-90 Telekinesis   Lifts or moves 25 lb./level at long range. PH3
5 3B-91 Teleport   Instantly transports you anywhere. PH3
5 3B-92 Tempus Fugit Ill Yes, this spell does seem like a SUPER haste effect to those outside of the area of effect. Those inside get 6 full rounds of actions (including mentals!) for each 1 round of actions that the people outside get. If anyone enters or leaves the area of effect (or if the spell is dispelled), those who experience a "time frame shift" will have summoning sickness for 1r. The reverse will acts as super slow effect (useful as a x6 slow poison). Again, like Dispel Exhaustion, this effect is an Illusion, and someone inside can disbelieve it to turn it off. UA1
5 3B-93 Tenser's Transformation 5 Alt +75% of max hp to current hp, +1 TH melee DM
5 3B-94 Time Stop 5 Alt Stops time for 1d10 segments DM
5 3B-95 Transmute Mud to Rock   Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH3
5 3B-96 Transmute Rock to Mud   Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH3
5 3B-97 Twilight Enc Target is Twilighted for CL segments (Will save) DM
5 3B-98 Von Gasik's Refusal   1 hour/level Prevent unauthorized spellcaster from entering hallway, door or window ToM
5 3B-99 Wacky Ball 5 / Normal / ˝   Ld10, save: ˝ DM
5 3B-100 Wall of Force   The wall only stops spell effects, hurled objects, and breath weapons. People and psionic effects can pass through at no penalty. A "solid" Wall of Force (Force Field) would be an 8th level spell. PH2
5 3B-101 Wall of Iron   30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes. PH3
5 3B-102 Wall of Stone   20 hp/four levels; can be shaped. PH3
5 3B-103 Wish 5 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 4 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.6] Level 6 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
6 3B-1 Acid Fog   Fog deals acid damage. PH3
6 3B-2 Analyze Dweomer   Reveals magical aspects of subject. PH3
6 3B-3 Antimagic Field   Negates magic within 10 ft. PH3
6 3B-4 Anti-Magic Shell   All magic ceases to function inside the sphere. PH2
6 3B-5 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-5th)     PH2
6 3B-6 Anti-Magic Shell 6 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 5 DM
6 3B-7 Anti-Stat Field Alt Choose a stat. For 1 turn, all within 10' get set -CL to that stat (including you). DM
6 3B-8 Armor 6 Abj +CL*12 current hp DM
6 3B-9 Augmentation II   Augments the damage inflicted by spells of level 1-3 ToM
6 3B-10 Bigby's Forceful Hand   Push away target from the caster PH2
6 3B-11 Bloodstone's Spectral Steed   Summons vulture like flying creature which can transport the casters and others with him ToM
6 3B-12 Capital S Stun Ball Alt Area effect Capital S Stun (PPD save) DM
6 3B-13 Chain Lightning   1d6 hp/level of damage which lessen every time it hit another target, the electrical charge jump to the closest victim PH2
6 3B-14 Chain Lightning 6 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd6 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
6 3B-15 Circle of Death   Kills 1d4 HD/level. PH3
6 3B-16 Claw of the Umber Hulk   Subject can dig like an umber hulk, subject can attack with his now huge claw ToM
6 3B-17 Cone of Cold 6 Inv CLd12+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
6 3B-18 Conjure Animals   Twice the level of caster in HD of mammal can be conjured PH2
6 3B-19 Contigency   A spell will come into effect upon specific condition PH2
6 3B-20 Contingency   Each creature can only have 1 Contingency spell on him. If the contingency spell is dispelled, the effect inside it will be released. If a spell is released (due to triggering or dispelling), it will not take place until the end of the segment. The spell Chain Contingency CAN be cast upon a creature with Contingency, so the creature can benefit from both. The spell level limit is removed.  
6 3B-21 Control Water   Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water. PH3
6 3B-22 Control Weather   Changes weather in local area. PH3
6 3B-23 Create Water   Creates one 10-foot cube of water per spell level PH2
6 3B-24 Death Fog   Cause damage every round it contact with a creature PH2
6 3B-25 Death Spell   Affect max. 8+3 HD monster, those effected are slain without saving throw PH2
6 3B-26 Death Spell 6 Nec Slay 6d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
6 3B-27 Demishadow Magic     PH2
6 3B-28 Demi-Shadow Magic   Illusionary evocation spells PH2
6 3B-29 Dilation   Increase the area of effect of spells of 1-3 level by 50%, and 4-5 level by 25% ToM
6 3B-30 Disintegrate   Disintegrates a single victim PH2
6 3B-31 Dispel Exhaustion 6 Alt Restore 85% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 6 for 1 round DM
6 3B-32 Dispel Magic 6 Enc Dispel 4 magic effects DM
6 3B-33 DNA Scamble Blast Alt Area DNA Scamble (PP save) DM
6 3B-34 Enchant an Item   Essential spell for creating magical items PH2
6 3B-35 Ensnarement   Summons outer planar creature PH2
6 3B-36 Extension III   Prolongs the duration of spell of 1-3 level by doubling it and 4-5 level by 50% PH2
6 3B-37 Eyebite   Charm, fear, sicken or sleep one subject. PH3
6 3B-38 Feeblemind 6 Enc -30 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
6 3B-39 Fire Shield 6 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 125% dmg back DM
6 3B-40 Fireball 6 Inv CLd12 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
6 3B-41 Flesh to Stone   Makes living thing to become stone PH2
6 3B-42 Forest's Fiery Constrictor   A fiery snake manages to attack the target which causes 3d6 hp of fire damage round after the successful attack ToM
6 3B-43 Geas   Makes one a servant of the caster PH2
6 3B-44 Geas/Quest   As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. PH3
6 3B-45 Glassee   Makes wood, stone or metal transparent either for only himself or for anyone PH2
6 3B-46 Globe of Invulnerability   Immovable barrier that protect from 1-4 level spells PH2
6 3B-47 Globe of Invulnerability 6 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 5 DM
6 3B-48 Greater Dispelling   As dispel magic, but +20 on check. PH3
6 3B-49 Greater Shadow Evocation   As shadow evocation, but up to 5th level. PH3
6 3B-50 Guards and Wards   Array of magic effects protect area. PH3
6 3B-51 Immediate Monster Summoning VI Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL IV monster without summoning sickness DM
6 3B-52 Invisible Stalker   Conjures a 8 HD invisible stalker PH2
6 3B-53 Legend Lore   Provides information on past or mysterious events, objects or persons PH2
6 3B-54 Lightning Bolt 6 Inv CLd12 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
6 3B-55 Lorloveim's Shadowy Transformation   Turn object or creature into shadow. Shadowy things can be passed through. ToM
6 3B-56 Lower Water   Can alter the depth of water by 2'/level by shrinking it PH2
6 3B-57 Magic Missile 6 Inv (CL+1)*3 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
6 3B-58 Mass Haste   As haste, affects one/level subjects. PH3
6 3B-59 Mass Suggestion   Suggestion to one creature per level PH2
6 3B-60 Meteor Swarm 6 Inv 1 meteor dealing 4d1 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
6 3B-61 Mirage Arcana Ill This illusion will continue to trick even a disbelieving person.  
6 3B-62 Mislead   Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. PH3
6 3B-63 Monster Summoning 6 Cnj Summon a DL=4 monster DM
6 3B-64 Monster Summoning IV   Summons 1d3 4th level monsters PH2
6 3B-65 Monster Swarm Summoning VI Cnj Summons CL*2 DL V monsters DM
6 3B-66 Mordenkainen's Lucubration   Recall one spell of 1-5 level that has been cast in the past 24 hours. PH2
6 3B-67 Move Earth   Digs trenches and build hills. PH3
6 3B-68 No Save MetaMagic The next spell you cast does not have a saving throw DM
6 3B-69 Original Stoneskin 6 Abj Block the next 3 P actions of attacks DM
6 3B-70 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere   It has two application, the first is a Ray of Cold (1d4+2 hp/level) the second is a globe of cold shattering upon impact and causing 6d6 hp of damage PH2
6 3B-71 Part Water   Parts water or similar liquid apart forming a passage in it PH2
6 3B-72 Permanent Illusion   Makes a quite real and permanent illusion PH2
6 3B-73 Permanent Image   Includes sight, sound, and smell. PH3
6 3B-74 Planar Binding   As lesser planar binding, but up to 16 HD. PH3
6 3B-75 Planar Displace Alt Planar Displacement for 1 turn DM
6 3B-76 Planar Stability Alt Your items are planar stable for 1 day DM
6 3B-77 Power Word Blind 6 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 40 (no save) DM
6 3B-78 Power Word Kill 6 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 30 (no save) DM
6 3B-79 Power Word Stun 6 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 80 (no save) DM
6 3B-80 Prismatic Sphere 6 Abj 4 Prismatic colors or 2 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
6 3B-81 Prismatic Wall 6 Abj 6 Prismatic colors or 4 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
6 3B-82 Programmed Illusion   Illusion spring into life when a specific condition is fulfilled PH2
6 3B-83 Programmed Image   As major image, plus triggered by event. PH3
6 3B-84 Project Image   The caster may have his REAL spells originate from the image.  
6 3B-85 Raise Water   Cause tide or flood PH2
6 3B-86 Ray of Enfeeblement 6 Cha -30 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
6 3B-87 Really Put of Misery Nec Target being that is slain is Capital S Slain (no save) DM
6 3B-88 Reincarnation   Reincarnate a dead creature. PH2
6 3B-89 Repulsion   Creatures can't approach you. PH3
6 3B-90 Semi-Imprisonment Alt Target is Imprisoned for CL segments (no save) DM
6 3B-91 Shades   As shadow conjuration, but up to 5th level and 60% real. PH3
6 3B-92 Shield 6 Abj AT +24 source DM
6 3B-93 Spell Turning 6 Abj Turns the next CL/2 SL's of spells DM
6 3B-94 Stone to Flesh   Restores petrified creature. PH3
6 3B-95 Summon Monster VI   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
6 3B-96 Tenser's Transformation   The caster gains a number of phantom hit points equal to his maximum. He also gains a bonus +2 to hit with any weapon.  
6 3B-97 Tenser's Transformation 6 Alt +100% of max hp to current hp, +2 TH melee DM
6 3B-98 Time Stop 6 Alt Stops time for 1 round DM
6 3B-99 Transmute Water to Dust   Causes water to turn into dust PH2
6 3B-100 True Seeing   See all things as they really are. PH3
6 3B-101 Veil   Changes appearance of group of creatures. PH3
6 3B-102 Vorp Alt Target is Vorpalled (PP save) DM
6 3B-103 Wacky Ball 6 / Normal / ˝   Ld12, save: ˝ DM
6 3B-104 Wish 6 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 5 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.7] Level 7 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
7 3B-1 Acid Storm   It causes more damage as creatures remain under it ToM
7 3B-2 Alter Reality   (this version requires an illusion of what you want) PH1
7 3B-3 Alter Reality (1) Ill Will duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-6.  
7 3B-4 Anti-Magic Shell 7 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 6 DM
7 3B-5 Anti-Psionic Shell     DM
7 3B-6 Armor 7 Abj +CL*14 current hp DM
7 3B-7 Banishment   Force a creature or creatures back to its own plane. PH2
7 3B-8 Bigby's Grasping Hand   Grasp an opponent or slow down very big monsters PH2
7 3B-9 Bloodstone's Frightful Joining   Join the mind of the caster with an undead body ToM
7 3B-10 Chain Lightning 7 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd7 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
7 3B-11 Charm Plants   Charms plants PH2
7 3B-12 Clone   Clones a living person PH2
7 3B-13 Cone of Cold 7 Inv CLd14+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
7 3B-14 Control Undead   Caster can control undeads for a short period of time PH2
7 3B-15 Crap Enc Target is crapped (Will save) DM
7 3B-16 Create Normal Monsters     RC0
7 3B-17 Death Spell 7 Nec Slay 7d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
7 3B-18 Delayed Blast Fireball   A fireball with +1 bonus to any dice, and can be delayed for up to 5 rounds PH2
7 3B-19 Dispel Exhaustion 7 Alt Restore 90% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 7 for 1 round DM
7 3B-20 Dispel Magic 7 Enc Dispel 5 magic effects DM
7 3B-21 Drawmij's Instant Summons   The wizard can summon a prepared item into his hand PH2
7 3B-22 Duo-Dimension   Causes the caster to have only two dimension PH2
7 3B-23 Ethereal Jaunt   You become ethereal for 1 round/level. PH3
7 3B-24 Feeblemind 7 Enc -35 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
7 3B-25 Finger of Death   60 yard Slay one victim, there is saving throw vs. death PH2
7 3B-26 Fire Shield 7 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 150% dmg back DM
7 3B-27 Fireball 7 Inv CLd14 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
7 3B-28 First Level Magic-User Spells     PH1
7 3B-29 First Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 1st level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
7 3B-30 First Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 1st Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
7 3B-31 Forcecage   Hold creatures in cube of force. PH2
7 3B-32 Globe of Invulnerability 7 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 6 DM
7 3B-33 Greater Scrying   As scrying, but faster and longer. PH3
7 3B-34 Hatch the Stone from the Egg   Helps create a Philosopher's Stone ToM
7 3B-35 Immediate Monster Summoning VII Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL V monster without summoning sickness DM
7 3B-36 Insanity   Subject suffers continuous confusion. PH3
7 3B-37 Intensify Summoning   Help summon tougher monsters ToM
7 3B-38 Lightning Bolt 7 Inv CLd14 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
7 3B-39 Limited Wish   Will duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-6.  
7 3B-40 Magic Missile 7 Inv (CL+1)*7/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
7 3B-41 Malec-Keth's Flame Fist   Touch Touched individual suffer 1d4+2 hp of damage in the first round, and 1d4/level hp of damage on the following round ToM
7 3B-42 Mass Invisibility   Turns a 60m*60m area invisible, the area moves with the individuals within PH2
7 3B-43 Meteor Swarm 7 Inv 2 meteors each dealing 6d2 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
7 3B-44 Monster Summoning 7 Cnj Summon a DL=5 monster DM
7 3B-45 Monster Summoning V   Summons 1d3 5th level monster PH2
7 3B-46 Monster Swarm Summoning VII Cnj Summons CL*1.5 (round down) DL VI monsters DM
7 3B-47 Mordenkainen's Sword   5d4/5d6 Considered a +3 magical weapon, caster wields it as he were a fighter half the level as himself PH2
7 3B-48 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion   Door leads to extradimensional mansion. PH3
7 3B-49 MultiPrismatic Spray 7 Ill Roll 1 time on the Prismatic table DM
7 3B-50 Original Stoneskin 7 Abj Block the next 4 P actions of attacks DM
7 3B-51 Phase Door   An invisible passage opens in one wall like a Passage spell. The door can be used by the wizard, it opens when he enters and reopens when he leaves and then ceases to exit PH2
7 3B-52 Plane Shift   Up to eight subjects travel to another plane. PH3
7 3B-53 Power Word Blind 7 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 80 (no save) DM
7 3B-54 Power Word Kill 7 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 60 (no save) DM
7 3B-55 Power Word Stun 7 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 160 (no save) DM
7 3B-56 Power Word, Stun   Stuns creature with up to 150 hp. PH3
7 3B-57 Prismatic Beam Ill One target is hit by all 7 colors of Prismatic Spray DM
7 3B-58 Prismatic Sphere 7 Abj 5 Prismatic colors or 3 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
7 3B-59 Prismatic Spray   Seven multicolored ray flash from the caster hand, each causing different damage and other effects PH2
7 3B-60 Prismatic Wall 7 Abj 7 Prismatic colors or 5 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
7 3B-61 Ray of Enfeeblement 7 Cha -35 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
7 3B-62 Reverse Gravity   Objects and creatures fall upward. PH3
7 3B-63 Sequester   Protect from location and detection, and also turn the area invisible PH2
7 3B-64 Shadow Walk   The caster enter the Plane of Shadow travel in it and when he leaves he appear in a location he desired on the Prime Material Plane PH2
7 3B-65 Shadowcat   Caster can see, hear or even speak through this quasi-real cat. ToM
7 3B-66 Shield 7 Abj AT +28 source DM
7 3B-67 Simulacrum   Creates nearly perfect duplicate of anyone PH2
7 3B-68 Spell Turning (3)   Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster. PH3
7 3B-69 Spell Turning (2)   Turns a spell back to it's caster PH2
7 3B-70 Spell Turning 7 Abj Turns the next CL SL's of spells DM
7 3B-71 Statue   Turn caster to stone statue, in this state the caster sees, hears and smells normally. Caster can switch from statue state back to living and vice versa PH2
7 3B-72 Steal Enchantment   Transfer the enchantment of one spell to an another ToM
7 3B-73 Suffocate   Victims suffocate and takes 2d4 damage every round, worsen combat abilities ToM
7 3B-74 Summon Monster VII   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
7 3B-75 Teleport Any Object     RC0
7 3B-76 Teleport Without Error   No error in home plane, can teleport to another plane with difficulties PH2
7 3B-77 Tenser's Transformation 7 Alt +125% of max hp to current hp, +3 TH melee DM
7 3B-78 Time Stop 7 Alt Stops time for 1d2 rounds DM
7 3B-79 Vanish   As teleport, but affects a touched object. PH3
7 3B-80 Vision   Supernatural guidance PH2
7 3B-81 Volley     UA1
7 3B-82 Wacky Ball 7 / Normal / ˝   Ld20, save: ˝ DM
7 3B-83 Wish 7 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 6 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.8] Level 8 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
8 3B-1 Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting   Evaporates body moisture causing 1d8/level hp of damage ToM
8 3B-2 Airboat   Create an airboat from the clouds. It can transport individuals ToM
8 3B-3 Alter Reality (DM) Ill Will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-7 or any other spell of levels 0-6. DM (PH1)
8 3B-4 Anti-Magic Shell 8 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 7 DM
8 3B-5 Antipathy   2 hours/level Certain creatures or alignment are uncomfortable in area of effect and try to leave PH2
8 3B-6 Antipathy-Sympathy     PH2
8 3B-7 Armor 8 Abj +CL*16 current hp DM
8 3B-8 As You Will Be Chrono +1 ML for 1 turn, you will Twilight at end of effect (no resistance) DM
8 3B-9 Bigby's Clenched Fist   Various damage caused by an oversized fist PH2
8 3B-10 Binding   Array of techniques to imprison a creature. PH3
8 3B-11 Chain Lightning 8 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd8 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
8 3B-12 Cone of Cold 8 Inv CLd16+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
8 3B-13 Create Magical Monsters     RC0
8 3B-14 Death Spell 8 Nec Slay 8d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
8 3B-15 Demand   As sending, plus you can send suggestion. PH3
8 3B-16 Discern Location   Exact location of creature or object. PH3
8 3B-17 Dispel Exhaustion 8 Alt Restore 95% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 8 for 1 round DM
8 3B-18 Dispel Magic 8 Enc Dispel 6 magic effects DM
8 3B-19 Dust of Disappearance Ill Dust of Disappearance for 1 turn DM
8 3B-20 Ethereal Project Alt Ethereal Projection (Str->Dex, Int->Con, Wis->Chr) DM
8 3B-21 Etherealness   Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. PH3
8 3B-22 Extract Enc Extracts memories and thoughts from target (no save) DM
8 3B-23 Feeblemind 8 Enc -40 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
8 3B-24 Fire Shield 8 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 175% dmg back DM
8 3B-25 Fireball 8 Inv CLd16 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
8 3B-26 Force Field     RC0
8 3B-27 Glassteal   Turns crystalline substance into a transparent substance that has the unbreakability of actual steel. PH2
8 3B-28 Glassteel     PH2
8 3B-29 Globe of Invulnerability 8 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 7 DM
8 3B-30 Greater Planar Binding   As lesser planar binding, but up to 24 HD. PH3
8 3B-31 Gunther's Kaleidoscopic Strike   Targeted spellcasters loose spells from their memory ToM
8 3B-32 Homunculus Shield   Create a homunculus from a part of the mind of the caster. The creature can cast teleport, contingency and protective spell from the memory of the caster. ToM
8 3B-33 Horrid Wilting   Deals 1d8 damage/level within 30 ft. PH3
8 3B-34 Immediate Monster Summoning VIII Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL VI monster without summoning sickness DM
8 3B-35 Incendiary Cloud   Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round. PH3
8 3B-36 Incurse (Rewrite Out of Time) Chrono Target being or object is Rewritten out of time (i.e. Incursed) (RSW save) DM
8 3B-37 Iron Body   Your body becomes living iron. PH3
8 3B-38 Lightning Bolt 8 Inv CLd16 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
8 3B-39 Magic Missile 8 Inv (CL+1)*4 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
8 3B-40 Mass Charm   As charm monster, but all within 30 ft. PH3
8 3B-41 Maze   Victim trapped inside some maze, getting out depends on intelligence PH2
8 3B-42 Meteor Swarm 8 Inv 3 meteors each dealing 8d3 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
8 3B-43 Mind Blank   Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying. PH3
8 3B-44 Monster Summoning 8 Cnj Summon a DL=6 monster DM
8 3B-45 Monster Summoning VI   Summons 1d3 6th level monster PH2
8 3B-46 Monster Swarm Summoning VIII Cnj Summons CL*1 DL VII monsters DM
8 3B-47 MultiPrismatic Spray 8 Ill Roll 2 times on the Prismatic table DM
8 3B-48 Original Stoneskin 8 Abj Block the next 5 P actions of attacks DM
8 3B-49 Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere   Like the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere but can contain more mass and appear 1/16 of it's normal weight PH2
8 3B-50 Otto's Irresistible Dance   Forces subject to dance. PH3
8 3B-51 Permanency   ANY spell in the game can be made permanent. It is tricky to make an instantaneous spell permanent, but it can be done in conjuction with the Contingency spell. These effects will appear "frozen" in time (a Fireball would appear to be a solid ball of fire; Lightning Bolt would be a non-moving beam of solid lightning), and cause their damage for each round of contact. Spells that move by concentration will continue to move in same course and direction they were as soon as concentration is broken. Spells that do down after a certain condition (Armor, Stoneskin, Contingency) do not gain much by being made permanent (a permanent empty Stoneskin spell would not go down but also would not stop any further attacks). If a permanent spell is dispelled, the permanency effect fizzles (you don't need to dispel the permanency first). The 5% chance of Con loss occurs only when creating items. Oddly enough, there is a reverse to this spell (Instantaneous), that makes a spell's duration Instantaneous (causing it to expire immediately).  
8 3B-52 Polymorph any Object   Polymorphs a thing to an another. Duration depends on how radical the change is PH2
8 3B-53 Power Word Blind 8 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 120 (no save) DM
8 3B-54 Power Word Capital S Stun Enc Capital S Stuns a target with 130 current hp or less (no save) DM
8 3B-55 Power Word Kill 8 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 90 (no save) DM
8 3B-56 Power Word Stun 8 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 240 (no save) DM
8 3B-57 Power Word, Blind   Blinds 200 hp worth of creatures. PH3
8 3B-58 Prismatic Sphere 8 Abj 6 Prismatic colors or 4 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
8 3B-59 Prismatic Wall   Wall's colors have array of effects. PH3
8 3B-60 Prismatic Wall 8 Abj 8 Prismatic colors or 6 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
8 3B-61 Protection from Spells   Confers +8 resistance bonus. PH3
8 3B-62 Ray of Enfeeblement 8 Cha -40 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
8 3B-63 Screen   Illusion hides area from vision, scrying. PH3
8 3B-64 Second Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 2nd level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
8 3B-65 Second Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 2nd Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
8 3B-66 Serten's Spell Immunity   It protect others from spell by granting them bonuses on save PH2
8 3B-67 Shield 8 Abj AT +32 source DM
8 3B-68 Sink   Shrink someone into the earth PH2
8 3B-69 Solid Wall of Force   Stops spell effects, hurled objects, breath weapons, people, and psionic effects.  
8 3B-70 Spell Turning 8 Abj Turns the next CL*3/2 SL's of spells DM
8 3B-71 Summon Monster VIII   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
8 3B-72 Sunburst   Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 3d6 damage. PH3
8 3B-73 Symbol   Triggered runes have array of effects. PH3
8 3B-74 Sympathy   2 hours/level Certain creatures or alignment feel an overpowering urge to own or touch object PH2
8 3B-75 Tenser's Transformation 8 Alt +150% of max hp to current hp, +4 TH melee DM
8 3B-76 Time Stop 8 Alt Stops time for 1d3 rounds DM
8 3B-77 Time/Reality Stability Chrono Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save) DM
8 3B-78 Trap the Soul   Imprisons subject within gem. PH3
8 3B-79 Wacky Ball 8 / Normal / ˝   Ld30, save: ˝ DM
8 3B-80 Wish 8 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 7 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.9] Level 9 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
9 3B-1 Annihilation Protection Abj Immune Annihilation for 1 turn DM
9 3B-2 Anti-Magic Shell 9 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 8 DM
9 3B-3 Armor 9 Abj +CL*18 current hp DM
9 3B-4 Astral Projection   Projects you and companions into Astral Plane. PH3
9 3B-5 Astral Spell   The caster can enter the astral plane. PH2
9 3B-6 Bigby's Crushing Hand   As Bigby's interposing hand, but stronger. PH3
9 3B-7 Chain Contigency   Like the contingency, but holds more spell ToM
9 3B-8 Chain Lightning 9 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd9 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
9 3B-9 Cone of Cold 9 Inv CLd18+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
9 3B-10 Create Any Monster     RC0
9 3B-11 Crystalbrittle   Causes hard substances to turn into a fragile crystalline substance PH2
9 3B-12 Death Spell 9 Nec Slay 9d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
9 3B-13 Dispel Exhaustion 9 Alt Restore 96% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 9 for 1 round DM
9 3B-14 Dispel Magic 9 Enc Dispel 7 magic effects DM
9 3B-15 Dominate Monster   As dominate person, but any creature. PH3
9 3B-16 Elemental Aura   Element Protect from one element, it's plane, and it's creatures ToM
9 3B-17 Energy Drain   Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. PH3
9 3B-18 Estate Transference   Transfers a large area to the elemental planes ToM
9 3B-19 Extra Group +2 MetaMagic The next spell you cast will affect +2 groups of monsters DM
9 3B-20 Feeblemind 9 Enc -45 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
9 3B-21 Fire Shield 9 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 200% dmg back DM
9 3B-22 Fireball 9 Inv CLd18 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
9 3B-23 Foresight   Sixth sense warns of impending danger. PH3
9 3B-24 Freedom   Free creature imprisoned by the spell imprisonment. PH2
9 3B-25 Gate   Connects two planes for travel or summoning. PH3
9 3B-26 Globe of Invulnerability 9 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 8 DM
9 3B-27 Glorious Transmutation   Turns lead into gold with the help of Philosopher's stone ToM
9 3B-28 Heal     RC0
9 3B-29 Immediate Monster Summoning IX Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL VII monster without summoning sickness DM
9 3B-30 Imprisonment   Entombs subject beneath the earth PH3
9 3B-31 Lightning Bolt 9 Inv CLd18 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
9 3B-32 Magic Missile 9 Inv (CL+1)*9/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
9 3B-33 Mass Enslave Enc As Mass Charm, except the effect cannot be thrown off by being damaged, and there is no daily save check. DM
9 3B-34 Meteor Swarm   80d4 Eldritch Earth and Fire (no save, 4 groups) PH2
9 3B-35 Meteor Swarm 9 Inv 4 meteors each dealing 10d4 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
9 3B-36 Monster Summoning 9 Cnj Summon a DL=7 monster DM
9 3B-37 Monster Summoning VII   Summons 1d2 7th level monster PH2
9 3B-38 Monster Swarm Summoning IX Cnj Summons CL/2 (round down) DL VIII monsters DM
9 3B-39 Mordenkainen's Disjunction   Dispels magic, disenchants magic items. PH3
9 3B-40 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 9 Enc Disjunct 1 effect (any type) DM
9 3B-41 MultiPrismatic Spray 9 Ill Roll 3 times on the Prismatic table or 1 time on the MultiPrismatic table DM
9 3B-42 Original Stoneskin 9 Abj Block the next 6 P actions of attacks DM
9 3B-43 Power Word Blind 9 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 160 (no save) DM
9 3B-44 Power Word Crap Enc Target with 250 or less current hp is crapped (no save) DM
9 3B-45 Power Word Kill 9 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 120 (no save) DM
9 3B-46 Power Word Stun 9 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 320 (no save) DM
9 3B-47 Power Word, Kill   Kills one tough subject or many weak ones. PH3
9 3B-48 Prismatic Sphere   As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides. PH3
9 3B-49 Prismatic Sphere 9 Abj 7 Prismatic colors or 5 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
9 3B-50 Prismatic Wall 9 Abj 9 Prismatic colors or 7 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
9 3B-51 Protection from Alleys 10'r Abj, Wild Protection from Alleys DM
9 3B-52 Ray of Enfeeblement 9 Cha -45 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
9 3B-53 Really Really Put of Misery Chrono Target being that is Capital S Slain is removed from the timeline (no save) DM
9 3B-54 Refuge   Alters item to transport its possessor to you. PH3
9 3B-55 Shape Change   Changes the caster to someone else, he adopt it powers and vulnerabilities save that depends upon intelligence like spell use, magic resistance and the like PH2
9 3B-56 Shield 9 Abj AT +36 source DM
9 3B-57 Soul Bind   Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. PH3
9 3B-58 Spell Turning 9 Abj Turns the next CL*2 SL's of spells DM
9 3B-59 Succor   Transport the owner of a prepared item to the caster. It's reverse transport the caster to the individual. PH2
9 3B-60 Summon Monster IX   Calls outsider to fight for you PH3
9 3B-61 Teleportation Circle   Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. PH3
9 3B-62 Temporal Stasis   Puts subject into suspended animation. PH3
9 3B-63 Tenser's Transformation 9 Alt +175% of max hp to current hp, +5 TH melee DM
9 3B-64 Third Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 3rd level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
9 3B-65 Third Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 3rd Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
9 3B-66 Time Stop   Stops the flow of time for 1-3 minutes PH2
9 3B-67 Time Stop 9 Alt Stops time for 1d4 rounds DM
9 3B-68 Virus Charm   Like a charm person, but the charm spread like a virus PH2
9 3B-69 Wacky Ball 9 / Normal / ˝   Ld100, save: ˝ DM
9 3B-70 Wail of the Banshee   Kills one creature/level. PH3
9 3B-71 Weird   As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft PH3
9 3B-72 Wish   Will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-8 or any other spell of levels 0-7. Wish is NOT any more powerful than any other 9th level spell, it is simply more versatile (in fact, this makes the spell's effect weaker).
You may wish to increase stats. Current stat: 17 or below = +1; 18 to 19.9 = +0.1; 20 and up = +0.01 per wish. During a reset, you may use at most one wish on each stat, (or) two wishes on one stat (and none on the others).
9 3B-73 Wish 9 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 8 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.10] Level 10 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
10 3B-1 Afflict Dweomer Cnj Target cannot make saving throws (no save) HLC2:124
10 3B-2 Alter Quantum State Nec Changes your Quantum State to match the current Omniverse DM
10 3B-3 Aluap's Blizzard Inv, E-W (time in rounds squared) hull dmg (cold + negative) DM? (i)?
10 3B-4 Aluap's Curse Enc x2 or less magic item non-functional for 1 day DM? (i)?
10 3B-5 Aluap's Dragon Cnj, Evo 32 HD, immune 1st-5th spells, breathes annihlation DM? (i)?
10 3B-6 Analyze Monster Div know all pertinent info about monster & his race DM? (i)?
10 3B-7 Animate Dead Dweomer Nec Animates CL^2 HD of skeletons/zombies HLC2:129
10 3B-8 Animate Object Dweomer Alt Object is animated, has 1P, may use your melee abilities HLC2:123
10 3B-9 Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Abj, Enc your effects are non-dispellable (inc.shell) DM? (i)?
10 3B-10 Anti-Life Energy Nec lose 1 level/r in (large) affected area DM? (i)?
10 3B-11 Anti-Magic Shell 10 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 9 DM
10 3B-12 Armor 10 Abj +CL*20 current hp DM
10 3B-13 Banish Dweomer Abj Sends target to its home plane (no save, half MR/iMR) HLC2:121
10 3B-14 Bind Dweomer Cnj Target must undertake or refrain from a single action HLC2:125
10 3B-15 Bizarre Cnj, Wil random wild magic (wand of wonder) effects in large area DM? (i)?
10 3B-16 Bloodlust Nec vampiric regen (cumul. with self) 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-17 Burrow Alt, Ele can move/breathe any element, para, or quasi as if air DM? (i)?
10 3B-18 Camouflage Ill, Abj masks from up to x2 detection/divination effects DM? (i)?
10 3B-19 Chain Lightning 10 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd10 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
10 3B-20 Change Reality Alt Will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-9 or any other spell of levels 0-8.  
10 3B-21 Charm Dweomer Enc Charms a living or undead creature (no save) HLC2:125
10 3B-22 Cling Fire Enc aura on weapon, when hits: do weapon dmg each round auto. DM? (i)?
10 3B-23 Conceal Dweomer Ill Makes target undetectable by 1 particular spell HLC2:127
10 3B-24 Cone of Cold 10 Inv CLd20+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
10 3B-25 Conjure Dweomer Cnj Brings a very large amount of matter (pick an element) here HLC2:125
10 3B-26 Control Gravity Alt +- 1 G gravity per level in large area for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-27 Create Dweomer Evo Wall of any element, dmg = (2*CL)d8+(CL) (no save) HLC2:128
10 3B-28 Death Spell 10 Nec Slay 10d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
10 3B-29 Death's Speed Alt (1M concentration) go to 10 V, 10 P actions per round DM? (i)?
10 3B-30 Defensive Magic Abj +1 or better weapon to hit for 1t (cumul. w/self) DM? (i)?
10 3B-31 Delude Dweomer Ill Mirage Arcana on a target (can move), ignores high Int/Wis HLC2:127
10 3B-32 Destroy Dweomer Alt Item is destroyed (no item save) HLC2:123
10 3B-33 Dispel Dweomer Abj Disjoins any x1 effect (any type) (no save) HLC2:122
10 3B-34 Dispel Exhaustion 10 Alt Restore 97% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 10 for 1 round DM
10 3B-35 Dispel Magic 10 Enc Dispel 8 magic effects DM
10 3B-36 Down a Hole Alt Target is put Down a Hole (no save) DM
10 3B-37 Drain MF Alt Drains MF in area by 1 for 1 turn (note it is difficult to cast this spell if current MF is less than 10) DM
10 3B-38 Duplicate Monster Evo duplicate a x1 monster (not incl. classes) DM? (i)?
10 3B-39 Eridor's Ebony Bolt Inv 4 perm. hp loss/lvl, no MR, cannot be resisted DM? (i)?
10 3B-40 Eridor's Emerald Wall Evo anything touching wall is temporal stasised DM? (i)?
10 3B-41 Eridor's Planar Curtain Ill, Abj area is super-invisible unless on same plane DM? (i)?
10 3B-42 Fall Short Abj all spells with finite range cannot affect you for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-43 Feeblemind 10 Enc -50 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
10 3B-44 Fighting Magic Alt all creatures in area get +lvl TH, +lvl dmg for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-45 Fire Maze Ill, Inv maze spell on lvl creatures, each takes 10 fire dmg/r DM? (i)?
10 3B-46 Fire Shield 10 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 225% dmg back DM
10 3B-47 Fireball 10 Inv CLd20 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
10 3B-48 Forsee Dweomer Div Ask a question, gives cryptic answer if knowledge is guarded HLC2:126
10 3B-49 Fortify Dweomer Alt, Enc One ability or ability score is improved by 10-40% HLC2:123
10 3B-50 Fourth & Fifth Level Magic-User Spells     DM
10 3B-51 Fourth Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 4th level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
10 3B-52 Fourth Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 4th Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
10 3B-53 Globe of Invulnerability 10 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 9 DM
10 3B-54 Hurd's Obligation Cnj Targets are bound to report all treasure they found in area HLC2:136
10 3B-55 Imbue Dweomer Enc, Evo Give a creature a "Level:" ability up to Level=CL/2 HLC2:126
10 3B-56 Immediate Monster Summoning X Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL VIII monster without summoning sickness DM
10 3B-57 Insane Spell Caster Alt, Enc immune psi, +10 fighting lvls, +50% hp, 0M action DM? (i)?
10 3B-58 Kolin's Undead Legion Nec Animates 200 HD of skeletons/zombies remotely, same plane HLC2:136
10 3B-59 Kreb's Flaming Dragon Ill Creates an age 1d4+4 red dragon with 80% of statistics HLC2:137
10 3B-60 Kreb's Stately Veil Ill Target gains a Cml=CL, appears wealthy and impressive HLC2:137
10 3B-61 Lightning Bolt 10 Inv CLd20 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
10 3B-62 Magic Missile 10 Inv (CL+1)*5 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
10 3B-63 Mana Vampirism Enc, Inc can convert 4 hp -> 1 spell level at will for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-64 Mass Magic Jar Enc You Magic Jar into a whole group of targets (Magic Jar save), can use P/V actions through all of them at once, damage to any of them damages you DM
10 3B-65 Meteor Swarm 10 Inv 5 meteors each dealing 12d5 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
10 3B-66 Monster Summoning 10 Cnj Summon a DL=8 monster DM
10 3B-67 Monster Swarm Summoning X Cnj Summons CL/4 (round down) DL IX monsters DM
10 3B-68 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 10 Enc Disjunct 2 effects (any type) DM
10 3B-69 MultiPrismatic Spray 10 Ill Roll 4 times on the Prismatic table or 2 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
10 3B-70 Nazzer's Nullification Abj Creates a DMZ (Dispel Magic Zone) HLC2:137
10 3B-71 Negative Energy Ball Nec 30' radius: caster lvl energy drain, save for h DM? (i)?
10 3B-72 Neja's Irresistible Plea Enc Suggestion (no save) HLC2:138
10 3B-73 Neja's Toadstool Alt Turns target into a toadstool (no save) HLC2:138
10 3B-74 Neja's Unfailing Contempt Cnj When someone says something bad about caster: taunts area HLC2:139
10 3B-75 Original Stoneskin 10 Abj Block the next 7 P actions of attacks DM
10 3B-76 Phantom Dweomer Div Mirage Arcana on an area (immobile), ignores high Int/Wis HLC2:127
10 3B-77 Physical Alteration Alt, Met poly object with detail (can do circuitry, etc.) DM? (i)?
10 3B-78 Physical Loss Cha target loses 1P action for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-79 Power Word Blind 10 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 200 (no save) DM
10 3B-80 Power Word Fragment Cnj 1 body part of target is removed DM? (i)?
10 3B-81 Power Word Kill 10 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 150 (no save) DM
10 3B-82 Power Word Stun 10 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 400 (no save) DM
10 3B-83 Prismatic Solid Ill Add a "Special" to entire room of Prismatic-ness (1 prismatic effect per person per segment) DM
10 3B-84 Prismatic Sphere 10 Abj 8 Prismatic colors or 6 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
10 3B-85 Prismatic Wall 10 Abj 10 Prismatic colors or 8 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
10 3B-86 Psionic Shield Abj class VI/esper-blind but can still use psi for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-87 Ratecliffe's Deadly Finger Nec Slays all in area (those with HD>CL get a saving throw) HLC2:140
10 3B-88 Ray of Enfeeblement 10 Cha -50 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
10 3B-89 Reflect Dweomer Abj One action or effect is reflected to caster (no save) HLC2:122
10 3B-90 Resist Magic Abj +2%/lvl MR for 1t DM? (i)?
10 3B-91 Reveal Dweomer Div All "Detect" spells, Know whether Dust is in use within 30' HLC2:126
10 3B-92 Shadow Shape Ill Make a fake monster (AC 6, 80% of it's hp/dmg) HLC2:127
10 3B-93 Shield 10 Abj AT +40 source DM
10 3B-94 Ship In A Bottle Abj area iron flask (imprisonment) effect DM? (i)?
10 3B-95 Shock Field Abj fire shield, spells that go through 100-SL*5% failure DM? (i)?
10 3B-96 Slay Dweomer Nec Slays any one target or HD=CL total on multiple targets HLC2:129
10 3B-97 Spell Turning 10 Abj Turns the next CL*5/2 SL's of spells DM
10 3B-98 Strike Dweomer Evo (30*CL)d8 dmg to one target, any type of dmg, no save HLC2:129
10 3B-99 Summon Dweomer Cnj Summons a creature (your choice, not random) with HD < CL HLC2:125
10 3B-100 Tap Dweomer Nec Move CLdCL current hp from one target to another (no save) HLC2:129
10 3B-101 Tenser's Telling Blow Evo Three 20d8+20 force blasts: (1 no save) (1 save:˝) (1 save:0) HLC2:140
10 3B-102 Tenser's Transformation 10 Alt +200% of max hp to current hp, +6 TH melee DM
10 3B-103 Time Stop 10 Alt Stops time for 1d5 rounds DM
10 3B-104 Transform Dweomer Alt Shapechange permanently, to creature or object HLC2:124
10 3B-105 Transport Dweomer Alt Teleport without Error, ignores proof vs. Teleportation HLC2:124
10 3B-106 Wacky Ball 10 / Normal / ˝   Ld1000, save: ˝ DM
10 3B-107 Ward Dweomer Abj Become immune to one type of attack/element HLC2:122
10 3B-108 Wish 10 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 9 Wizard spell DM
10 3B-109 Wulf's Erasure Abj All writings/glyphs/symbols/books/scrolls in area erased HLC2:140
10 3B-110 Wulf's Rectification Abj Sends 1d4+1 targets to home plane (no save, -20% MR/iMR) HLC2:141
10 3B-111 Yunni's Herald Alt, Enc Message spell across planes, can move CL planes distant HLC2:141

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.11] Level 11 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
11 3B-1 Anti-Magic Shell 11 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 10 DM
11 3B-2 Armor 11 Abj +CL*22 current hp DM
11 3B-3 As You Are Nec target's XP divisor increased by 1 (reverse's minimum = 1)  
11 3B-4 As You Were Chrono Target's experience levels halve (round up) (no save) DM
11 3B-5 Bestow Save Alt, Wil get saves vs effects with no save 1t/lvl  
11 3B-6 Between Cnj, Tem time jump to any time and any place, no error  
11 3B-7 Black Tornado Nec, Alt negative energy ball with duration 1t/lvl and moves  
11 3B-8 Cell Disruption Alt 1 cumul. dmg/r, no MR, cannot be dispelled/disjoined  
11 3B-9 Chain Lightning 11 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd11 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
11 3B-10 Cone of Cold 11 Inv CLd22+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
11 3B-11 Continuous (one spell is continuous)     DM
11 3B-12 Create Demiplane Cnj creates a small demiplane for 1d/lvl  
11 3B-13 Create Undead Cnj, Nec create any 1 normal undead (demilich, vampire, etc.)  
11 3B-14 Crossbreed Alt crossbreeds successfully any two races  
11 3B-15 Death Spell 11 Nec Slay 11d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
11 3B-16 Discover Div, Tem continuous precognition 1r into future for 1t  
11 3B-17 Dispel Exhaustion 11 Alt Restore 98% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 11 for 1 round DM
11 3B-18 Dispel Magic 11 Enc Dispel 9 magic effects DM
11 3B-19 Divine Ascension Cnj (need to cast many times) don't need a patron deity  
11 3B-20 Duplicate Item Enc duplicate a x1 magic or psi item that uses charges  
11 3B-21 Duplicate Mechanism Alt duplicate a technology item  
11 3B-22 Feeblemind 11 Enc -55 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
11 3B-23 Fifth Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 5th level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
11 3B-24 Fifth Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 5th Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
11 3B-25 Fire Shield 11 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 250% dmg back DM
11 3B-26 Fireball 11 Inv CLd22 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
11 3B-27 Globe of Invulnerability 11 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 10 DM
11 3B-28 Immediate Monster Summoning XI Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL IX monster without summoning sickness DM
11 3B-29 Lightning Bolt 11 Inv CLd22 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
11 3B-30 Loop/Reality Stability Chrono Loop/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (no save) DM
11 3B-31 Magic Missile 11 Inv (CL+1)*11/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
11 3B-32 Mental Loss Cha target loses 1M action for 1t  
11 3B-33 Meteor Swarm 11 Inv 6 meteors each dealing 14d6 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
11 3B-34 Monster Summoning 11 Cnj Summon a DL=9 monster DM
11 3B-35 Monster Swarm Summoning XI Cnj Summons CL/8 (round down) DL X monsters DM
11 3B-36 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 11 Enc Disjunct 3 effects (any type) DM
11 3B-37 MultiPrismatic Spray 11 Ill Roll 5 times on the Prismatic table or 3 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
11 3B-38 Negation Blast Enc all x1 items within 30 yards turn off for 1t  
11 3B-39 Original Stoneskin 11 Abj Block the next 8 P actions of attacks DM
11 3B-40 Planet Swarm Evo target struck by 4 gas giants or 8 small planets (?!)  
11 3B-41 Power Word Blind 11 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 240 (no save) DM
11 3B-42 Power Word Kill 11 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 180 (no save) DM
11 3B-43 Power Word Stun 11 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 480 (no save) DM
11 3B-44 Prismatic Sphere 11 Abj 9 Prismatic colors or 7 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
11 3B-45 Prismatic Wall 11 Abj 11 Prismatic colors or 9 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
11 3B-46 Psionic Reflection Abj any undesired psionic effect is reflected for 1t  
11 3B-47 Ray of Enfeeblement 11 Cha -55 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
11 3B-48 Reconstruct Alt recreate any x1 or less item that was destroyed  
11 3B-49 Reset Self     DM
11 3B-50 Shield 11 Abj AT +44 source DM
11 3B-51 Spell Turning 11 Abj Turns the next CL*3 SL's of spells DM
11 3B-52 Step Out of It Inv, Meta see section [C] for effects DM
11 3B-53 Symbol Of Wizardry Enc all that look at symbol have their spells reset  
11 3B-54 Tenser's Transformation 11 Alt +225% of max hp to current hp, +7 TH melee DM
11 3B-55 Time Stop 11 Alt Stops time for 1d6 rounds DM
11 3B-56 Unlimited Wish     DM
11 3B-57 Wacky Ball 11 / Normal / ˝   Ld10000, save: ˝ DM
11 3B-58 Wish 11 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 10 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.12] Level 12 Wizard Spells

SL # Name School Effect Source
12 3B-1 Anti-Magic Shell 12 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 11 DM
12 3B-2 Armor 12 Abj +CL*24 current hp DM
12 3B-3 Chain Lightning 12 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd12 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
12 3B-4 Cone of Cold 12 Inv CLd24+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
12 3B-5 Death Spell 12 Nec Slay 12d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
12 3B-6 Dispel Exhaustion 12 Alt Restore 99% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 12 for 1 round DM
12 3B-7 Dispel Magic 12 Enc Dispel 10 magic effects DM
12 3B-8 Eighth & Ninth Level Magic-User Spells     DM
12 3B-9 Feeblemind 12 Enc -60 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
12 3B-10 Fire Shield 12 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 275% dmg back DM
12 3B-11 Fireball 12 Inv CLd24 fire dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
12 3B-12 Globe of Invulnerability 12 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 11 DM
12 3B-13 Immediate Monster Summoning XII Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL X monster without summoning sickness DM
12 3B-14 Lightning Bolt 12 Inv CLd24 lightning dmg to a group (save:˝) DM
12 3B-15 Magic Missile 12 Inv (CL+1)*6 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
12 3B-16 Meteor Swarm 12 Inv 7 meteors each dealing 16d7 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:˝ for fire) DM
12 3B-17 Monster Summoning 12 Cnj Summon a DL=10 monster DM
12 3B-18 Monster Swarm Summoning XII Cnj Summons CL/16 (round down) DL XI monsters DM
12 3B-19 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 12 Enc Disjunct 4 effects (any type) DM
12 3B-20 MultiPrismatic Spray 12 Ill Roll 6 times on the Prismatic table or 4 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
12 3B-21 Original Stoneskin 12 Abj Block the next 9 P actions of attacks DM
12 3B-22 Pixelate Reality Pixelate target (no save) DM
12 3B-23 Power Word Blind 12 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 280 (no save) DM
12 3B-24 Power Word Kill 12 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 210 (no save) DM
12 3B-25 Power Word Stun 12 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 560 (no save) DM
12 3B-26 Prismatic Sphere 12 Abj 10 Prismatic colors or 8 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
12 3B-27 Prismatic Wall 12 Abj 12 Prismatic colors or 10 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
12 3B-28 Ray of Enfeeblement 12 Cha -60 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
12 3B-29 Reset (Self or Other)     DM
12 3B-30 Shield 12 Abj AT +48 source DM
12 3B-31 Sixth Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 6th level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
12 3B-32 Sixth Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 6th Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
12 3B-33 Spell Turning 12 Abj Turns the next CL*7/2 SL's of spells DM
12 3B-34 Tenser's Transformation 12 Alt +250% of max hp to current hp, +8 TH melee DM
12 3B-35 Time Stop 12 Alt Stops time for 1d7 rounds DM
12 3B-36 Unchangeable Reality     DM
12 3B-37 Wacky Ball 12 / Normal / ˝   Ld100000, save: ˝ DM
12 3B-38 Wish 12 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 11 Wizard spell DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.0] Level 0 Priest Spells (Orisons)

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
0 3B-1 Bless Minor All Weapon is considered +0 (magical) weapon {1 object} DM
0 3B-2 Calm Cha Removes fear/confusion/enrage {1 creature} S&M2
0 3B-3 Courage   +1 TH with next to hit roll  
0 3B-4 Cure Minor Wounds Hea Cure 1 hp {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
0 3B-5 Cure Tiny Wounds Hea Cure 1 hp {Touch, 1 creature} DM
0 3B-6 Detect Magic Div Detect magic (type/power require 1r to get) 60' {self only} PH3
0 3B-7 Detect Poison Div Detect poisons within 22+3L' r {self only} PH3
0 3B-8 Flare Evo -1 TH (no save) {1 creature} PH3
0 3B-9 Guidance (3) Gua +1 with next stat check, to hit roll, or save {1 creature} PH3
0 3B-10 Know Direction Div Know direction of true north {self only} PH3
0 3B-11 Light Evo Object glows w/ light 20' r (No blindness/AC adj.) {Touch, 1 object} PH3
0 3B-12 Mending Cre Repairs a small tear or break {1 object} PH3
0 3B-13 Purify Food & Drink All Makes food & drink consumable & fresh {1 group} PH3
0 3B-14 Read Magic All Can read magical writings at 1 page per minute {self only} PH3
0 3B-15 Resistance Pro +1 saves {Touch, 1 target} PH3
0 3B-16 Virtue Gua +1 hp (even above max) {Touch, 1 creature} PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.1] Level 1 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
1 3B-1 Animal Companion Ani,Cha Make an animal your companion (not familiar) {1 creature} OA1
1 3B-2 Animal Friendship Ani,Cha Charm Animal (save) {1 creature} PH1
1 3B-3 Bane Cha All enemies get -1 TH and -1 fear saves (save) {1 group} PH3
1 3B-4 Barkskin 1 Pla,Pro AT +2 source DM
1 3B-5 Blade Barrier 1 Gua 3d3 dmg wall (shards) DM
1 3B-6 Bless (1) / Blight All +1 TH; +1 morale (or reverse) {1 target} PH1
1 3B-7 Bless (3) All All allies get +1 TH and +1 fear saves {1 group} PH3
1 3B-8 Bless 1 All +1 TH and saves DM
1 3B-9 Bless Water All,Ele Turns 1 pint of water into holy water {Touch, 1 object} PH3
1 3B-10 Call Lightning 1 Com,Ele (CL+2)d4 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
1 3B-11 Cantrip All Can cast 1 orison (Pri 0) per round as a Z action DM
1 3B-12 Cause Fear Cha Fear (save), max 6 HD {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-13 Ceremony All Coming of Age; Burial; Marriage; Consecrate {Touch, 1 target} UA1
1 3B-14 Combine All -4 AC; no Dex adj.; Add Pri CLs for effects {Touch, 1+ creatures} UA1
1 3B-15 Command Cha Suggestion for 1 word (save) {1 creature} PH2
1 3B-16 Command 1 Cha Target makes 1 save, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
1 3B-17 Comprehend Languages Tho,Div Read/Write (not speak) 1 language {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-18 Conjure Elemental 1 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=0 elemental DM
1 3B-19 Create Water Cre,Ele Create 4L gallons of water {1 group} PH2
1 3B-20 Creeping Doom 1 Sum 2 insect dmg DM
1 3B-21 Cure Light Wounds (1) Hea Cure 2d8 (choose 1 die) (or) 6 hp {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-22 Cure Light Wounds (3) Hea Cure 2d8+L (choose 1 die), reverse has save:˝ {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-23 Cure Wounds 1 Hea Cures 1d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 6 hp) DM
1 3B-24 Cure/Cause Nausea Hea Cures or causes nausea effects DM/internet?
1 3B-25 Curse Water All,Ele Turns 1 pint of water into unholy water {Touch, 1 object} PH3
1 3B-26 Death's Door 1 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to -10 hp DM
1 3B-27 Deathwatch Div,Nec Know how injured all in area is {1 group} PH3
1 3B-28 Detect Animals or Plants Ani,Pla,Div Detect one type of animal or plant 400+40L' {self only} PH3
1 3B-29 Detect Balance All,Div Detect balance/non-balance 60' {self only} UA1
1 3B-30 Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law Div Detect one of: chaos, evil, good, law 60' {self only} PH3
1 3B-31 Detect Danger Div Detect evil or traps 1 sq' /r {self only} RC0
1 3B-32 Detect Evil (0) All,Div Detect evil & evil intent 120' {self only} RC0
1 3B-33 Detect Evil (1) All,Div Detect evil & evil intent 120' {self only} PH1
1 3B-34 Detect Snares & Pits Div Detect snares & pits 40' {self only} PH1
1 3B-35 Detect Undead Div,Nec Detect undead 60' {self only} PH3
1 3B-36 Divine Favor All,Com +(L+2)/3 TH and dmg {self only} PH3
1 3B-37 Doom All -2 TH, dmg, stat checks, saves (save) {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-38 Endure Cold / Endure Heat Pro Immune to non-special cold/heat {Touch, 1 target} UA1
1 3B-39 Endure Elements Pro -5 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-40 Entangle (1) Pla Need plants to use; Slow (no save); Stop (save) {1 group} PH1
1 3B-41 Entropic Shield Pro,C Any missile has a 20% chance to miss you {self only} PH3
1 3B-42 Entwine Pla As Entangle, 1 target, -4 to save DM
1 3B-43 Faerie Darkness Pro +2 AC in darkness DM
1 3B-44 Faerie Fire (0) Wea -2 AC on L/5+1 targets {1+ targets} RC0
1 3B-45 Faerie Fire (1) Wea -2 AC {1 target} PH1
1 3B-46 Faerie Fire (3) Wea Dispels darkness/blur/displacement/invisibility {1 group} PH3
1 3B-47 Faerie Fire 1 Ele Target gets -2 AC DM
1 3B-48 Flame Strike 1 Com,Ele CL/2 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
1 3B-49 Goodberry Pla,Hea 8 berries can cure 1 hp or act as 1 full meal. 8 berries are always created. It takes 1 movement action to eat up to 40 berries. The berries can also be smeared upon a target and will still have their effect (this is useful for targets that cannot eat). {Touch, 8 objects} PH3
1 3B-50 Goodberry 1 Hea,Pla Creates 4 goodberries DM
1 3B-51 Heal 1 Hea Cure to 5% of max hp (max Heal 1 can cure at once = 15 hp) DM
1 3B-52 Hold Person/Monster 1 Cha Hold 3 person or 1 monster targets (save) DM
1 3B-53 Imbue with Spell Ability 1 All Imbue 1 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 0.25) DM
1 3B-54 Inflict Light Wounds Hea Cause 2d8+L (choose 1 die) (save:˝) {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-55 Invisibility to Animals Ani Invisibility only to animals {Touch, 1 target} PH1
1 3B-56 Invisibility to Undead Nec Invisibility only to undead {Touch, 1 target} PH3
1 3B-57 Invisibility to Unlive Nec Invisibility to Unlive DM
1 3B-58 Know Age Div Know age of target {1 target} TM2
1 3B-59 Know Time Div,Tim Know date and day TM2
1 3B-60 Light (0) Sun Light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} RC0
1 3B-61 Light (1) Sun Light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
1 3B-62 Locate Div Locate one known animal or plant {self only} RC0
1 3B-63 Locate Animals Div,Ani Locate any animals or 1 specific type {1 group} PH1
1 3B-64 Locate Animals or Plants Ani,Pla Locate one type of animal/plant 300+60L' {self only} PH2
1 3B-65 Magic Fang Com,Ani +1/+1 TH/dmg with one natural attack form {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-66 Magic Stone (1) Com (L+4)/5 stones get +1/+1 TH/dmg {1+ objects} UA1
1 3B-67 Magic Stone (3) Com 3 stones do 1d6 (2d6 vs. undead), have +1/+1 {Touch, 3 objects} PH3
1 3B-68 Magic Weapon Com Weapon has +1/+1 TH/dmg {Touch, 1 object} PH3
1 3B-69 Magical Stone Com 3 stones do 1d4 (2d4 vs. undead); considered +1 {Touch, 3 objects} PH2
1 3B-70 Miracle I All Duplicate any level 0 Wiz or Pri spell DM
1 3B-71 Nauseating Gas Charm Area effect: Nauseated (-5 all actions) (Fort save) DM
1 3B-72 Obscuring Mist Ele Everything has cover to each other {1 group} PH3
1 3B-73 Panic Charm Target is Panicked (50% flee, 50% taunted towards you) (Will save) DM
1 3B-74 Pass Without Trace Pla Can travel without leaving a trace {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-75 Penetrate Disguise Div Caster can see through target's disguise {1 creature} UA1
1 3B-76 Portent Div,Num Gets +1d7-4 to one die roll (know beforehand) {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
1 3B-77 Precipitation Wea Causes 1/100 inch of rain per segment {1 group} UA1
1 3B-78 Predict Weather (0) Div,Wea Detects upcoming weather {1 group} RC0
1 3B-79 Predict Weather (1) Div,Wea Detects upcoming weather PH1
1 3B-80 Protection from C/E/G/L Pro Protection from AL; +1 saves; AL -1 TH {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-81 Protection from Chaos L Protection from chaos; +2 saves; chaos -2 TH {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
1 3B-82 Protection from Evil (0) Pro Protection from evil; +1 saves; evil -1 TH {self only} RC0
1 3B-83 Protection from Evil (1) Pro Protection from evil; +2 saves; evil -2 TH {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-84 Protection from Fire 1 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*2 fire dmg DM
1 3B-85 Protection from Lightning 1 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*2 lightning dmg DM
1 3B-86 Purify Water All,Ele Purifies water {1 group} PH1
1 3B-87 Random Action C,Cha Confused (save) {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-88 Regenerate 1 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /t DM
1 3B-89 Remove Fear (0) Cha Removes fear; +L saves vs. fear {Touch, 1 creature} RC0
1 3B-90 Remove Fear (2) Cha Removes fear on (L+3)/4 Cr; +4 saves vs. fear {1+ creatures} PH1
1 3B-91 Resist [E=1 element] Elemental Pick an E=1 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
1 3B-92 Resist Cold (0) Pro Resist cold {Touch, 1 target} PH1
1 3B-93 Resist Cold (1) Pro All creatures in area get resist cold {1 group} RC0
1 3B-94 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 1 Ele,Pro Take -45% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
1 3B-95 Reverse Magic I All Casts effect's reverse if 1st level & in range DM/internet?
1 3B-96 Sanctuary (1) Pro Opponents must make save to attack target {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
1 3B-97 Shield of Faith Pro +2+(L/6) AC {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
1 3B-98 Shillelagh (2) Com,Pla Creates a club (2d4/1d4+1) +1/+0 {Touch, 1 object} PH2
1 3B-99 Shillelagh (3) Com,Pla Creates a club (1d10/1d10) +1/+1 {Touch, 1 object} PH3
1 3B-100 Speak with Animals Ani Can speak with animals. This spell does grant a sort of Knowledge subability score upon the target, so you do not actually have a conversation with a useless Int 0 plant. The target can convey what it has "seen","heard", and "felt" even though it may not be normally able of such sensation. Plants and Animals under a hostile influence (and all Dead) might not cooperate with the caster: they may tell lies or nothing at all. {1 group} PH1
1 3B-101 Speak with Astral Traveler Ast Communicate with astral creature {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
1 3B-102 Summon Monster I Sum Summons a DL 1 creature to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-103 Summon Nature's Ally I Sum,Ani Summons a DL 1 animal to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
1 3B-104 Sustain [ability score] Pro Choose an ability score, it is sustained for 1 hour DM
1 3B-105 Transfer Spell to Plant Pla Transfers one spell to originate from a plant DM/internet?
1 3B-106 Treat Light Wounds Hea Cure 10% of max hp {Touch, 1 creature} DM
1 3B-107 Weapon Bless Com +5/+5 TH/dmg on first attack {Touch, 1 object} OA1

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.2] Level 2 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
2 3B-1 Aid Hea Bless; +2d8 (choose 1 die) hp (can above max) {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
2 3B-2 Animal Messenger Ani Sends animal to give message {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-3 Animal Trance Ani,Cha 2d6 HD of animals Fascinated (save) {1+ creatures} PH3
2 3B-4 Astral Awareness Ast Astral and Ethereal perception {self only} S&M2
2 3B-5 Barkskin Pro,Pla AC 6-L/4 source; +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} PH2
2 3B-6 Barkskin (1) Pro,Pla +1 AC; +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
2 3B-7 Barkskin 2 Pla,Pro AT +6 source, +1 saves vs. spell DM
2 3B-8 Blade Barrier 2 Gua 4d4 dmg wall (shards) DM
2 3B-9 Bless 2 All +2 TH and saves DM
2 3B-10 Bull's Strength Com +1d4+1 Str {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-11 Call Lightning 2 Com,Ele (CL+2)d6 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
2 3B-12 Calm Emotions Cha,L Calms emotions, max 6L creatures {1 group} PH3
2 3B-13 Chant All Friends get +1 TH/dmg/saves; Enemies get -1. This spell requires you to chant: you do not lose a mental action, but spells with a V component cannot be cast unless Vocalize is being used. {1 group} PH1
2 3B-14 Charm Person or Mammal Cha Charm one humanoid or mammal {1 creature} PH1
2 3B-15 Chill Metal Ele If metal armor causes 2d4 dmg cold /r {1 object} PH3
2 3B-16 Command 2 Cha Target makes 2 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
2 3B-17 Conjure Elemental 2 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=1 elemental DM
2 3B-18 Consecrate Nec +3 Turn Undead rolls; Undead -1 TH/dmg/saves {1 group} PH3
2 3B-19 Creeping Doom 2 Sum 10 insect dmg DM
2 3B-20 Cure Moderate Wounds (3) Hea Cure 4d8+L (choose 2 dice) (or) 12+L hp {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-21 Cure Wounds 2 Hea Cures 3d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 18 hp) DM
2 3B-22 Darkness Sun Magical darkness 20' r {Touch, 1 object} PH3
2 3B-23 Death Knell Nec Slain if <0 hp (save); you +1d8 hp, +2 Str, +1 CL {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-24 Death's Door 2 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to -1 hp DM
2 3B-25 Delay Poison Hea Delays affects of poisons contacted {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-26 Desecrate Nec -3 Turn Undead rolls; Undead +1 TH/dmg/saves {1 group} PH3
2 3B-27 Detect Charm Div Detect charm/dominate/possession/etc. 90' {self only} PH1
2 3B-28 Detect Life Div Detect life 10L'; doesn't give type {self only} UA1
2 3B-29 Detect Psionics Div Detect Psionics 60' {self only} DM
2 3B-30 Dispel Radiation Pro Dispels Radiation (1 target = auto success) {1 group} DM
2 3B-31 Double Resist [E=1 element] Elemental Pick an E=1 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
2 3B-32 Dust Devil Ele,Sum Dust Devil: AC 4, HD 2, hp 16, Mv 18, dmg 1d4 {1 creature} UA1
2 3B-33 Endurance Tra +1d4+1 Con {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-34 Enthrall Cha Save or treat you as Chr 21, won't attack {1 group} UA1
2 3B-35 Faerie Fire 2 Ele Target gets -4 AC DM
2 3B-36 Feign Death Nec,Cha This spell will cause all viewing the effect to save vs. spell at -level or not harm the target, believing it to be suitably dead/destroyed. {1 creature} PH1
2 3B-37 Find Traps Div Detect mechanical/magic traps 90'. Highlights in the caster's mind places where (if he were to walk or touch there) a trap would be released. It does not point out where the trap is or how to disarm it. Does not affect out-of-phase or psionic traps. {self only} PH1
2 3B-38 Fire Trap Wrd Magical trap: 1d4+L dmg fire (save:˝) {Touch, 1 object} PH1
2 3B-39 Flame Blade Com,Ele Creates a flame blade (1d4+4); +2 vs. undead {1 object} UA1
2 3B-40 Flame Strike 2 Com,Ele CLd2 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
2 3B-41 Flaming Sphere Ele Move rate 3; 2d6 dmg fire (save if not directly hit) {1 group} PH3
2 3B-42 Frisky Chest Wrd Object will move away from non-Caster. If (after moving for 6 rounds) what it is moving away from is keeping the same distance, the spell "turns that person off" and will no longer move away from him. This prevents the "Frisky Chariot" abuse. {Touch} TM2
2 3B-43 Gentle Repose Nec Corpse does not decay {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-44 Goodberry 2 Hea,Pla Creates 8 goodberries DM
2 3B-45 Heal 2 Hea Cure to 10% of max hp (max Heal 2 can cure at once = 62 hp) DM
2 3B-46 Heat Metal Ele If metal armor causes 2d4 dmg fire /r {1 object} PH1
2 3B-47 Hold Animal (3) Cha,Ani Hold (save); only vs. animal {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-48 Hold Person Cha Hold (save); 1 target: save at -2; 2 targets: at -1 {1-4 creatures} RC0
2 3B-49 Hold Person/Monster 2 Cha Hold 4 person or 2 monster targets (save) DM
2 3B-50 Holy Symbol (1) All Creates a holy symbol {Touch, 1 object} UA1
2 3B-51 Holy Symbol (DM) All Material componenting costs 1Z instead of 1V {self only} DM
2 3B-52 Imbue with Spell Ability 2 All Imbue 2 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 1) DM
2 3B-53 Inflict Moderate Wounds Hea Cause 4d8+L (choose 2 dice) (save:˝) {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-54 Know Alignment Div Detect alignment 30' on 1 creature /r {1+ creatures} PH1
2 3B-55 Lesser Restoration Hea Restores temporary lowering of 1 ability score {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-56 Locate Plants Div,Pla Detect plants 15L' {self only} PH1
2 3B-57 Make Whole Ele,L Repairs any item {1 object} PH3
2 3B-58 Messenger Ani Animal delivers message {1 creature} UA1
2 3B-59 Miracle II All Duplicate any level 1 Wiz or Pri spell DM
2 3B-60 Nap Tim After 1 h, have effect of 8 h rest {Touch, L creatures} TM2
2 3B-61 Obscurement Wea Limits sight to 2' to 8' PH1
2 3B-62 Produce Flame (2) Ele Fire; 1d4+1 dmg fire (no save) {1 group} PH2
2 3B-63 Produce Flame (3) Ele Fire from hands; 1d4+L/2 dmg fire (no save) {Touch} PH3
2 3B-64 Protection from Fire 2 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*4 fire dmg DM
2 3B-65 Protection from Lightning 2 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*4 lightning dmg DM
2 3B-66 Reflecting Pool Div,Ele Scry up to 1 plane away; Can cast Div through {1 object} UA1
2 3B-67 Regenerate 2 Nec Regenerates 2 hp /t DM
2 3B-68 Remove Degeneration/Wounded Nec Removes a Degeneration or Wounded effect DM
2 3B-69 Remove Paralysis (3) Hea Removes paralysis/hold/slow; up to 4 targets {1 group} PH3
2 3B-70 Resist [E=1 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=1 eelement, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
2 3B-71 Resist [E=2 element] Elemental Pick an E=2 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
2 3B-72 Resist Acid and Corrosion Pro Resist acid {Touch, 1 target} S&M2
2 3B-73 Resist Elements Abj -12 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
2 3B-74 Resist Fire (0) Pro +2 saves vs. fire; -1 dmg /die vs. fire {1 target} RC0
2 3B-75 Resist Fire (1) Pro Resist fire {Touch, 1 target} PH1
2 3B-76 Resist Fire / Resist Cold (2) Pro Resist fire and cold {Touch, 1 target} PH2
2 3B-77 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 2 Ele,Pro Take -50% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
2 3B-78 Shatter Ele,C Object(s) destroyed (save vs. crushing blow) {1 group} PH3
2 3B-79 Shield Other Pro,Gua +1 AC; +1 saves; ˝ of all dmg is taken by caster {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-80 Silence Ill Silence {1 group} PH3
2 3B-81 Silence 15' Radius Gua Silence. If cast upon an object and the object moves, the silence moves with it (just like a light spell). The reverse dispels silence and has no V component (only S). {1 group} RC0
2 3B-82 Slow Poison Hea Affect of poison delayed for duration {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
2 3B-83 Sound Burst Com,Ele 1d8 dmg sound (no save); Stun 1r (save) {1 group} PH3
2 3B-84 Spiritual Hammer Com Hammer attacks by itself 1/r; 1d6/1d4 +(L/3)/+0 PH1
2 3B-85 Spiritual Weapon Com Weapon attacks by itself 1/r; L dmg PH3
2 3B-86 Summon Monster II Sum 1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 creatures to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-87 Summon Nature's Ally II Sum,Ani 1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 animals to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
2 3B-88 Summon Swarm Sum Summons rats,bats,spiders,etc. 1d4+L/3 dmg/r PH3
2 3B-89 Treat Moderate Wounds Hea Cure 20% of max hp {Touch, 1 creature} DM
2 3B-90 Tree Shape Pla Assume tree form; +10 AC; Dex = 1; move = 0 {self only} PH3
2 3B-91 Trip Cha Anyone passing over object trips (save) {Touch, 1 object} PH1
2 3B-92 Undetectable Alignment Pro Conceals alignment {1 target} PH3
2 3B-93 Warp Wood Pla,Ele Warps wood; Can affect 1 large or L^2 small obj {1+ objects} PH1
2 3B-94 Withdraw All Get 1r of actions per 1s; only cure self & Div {self only} UA1
2 3B-95 Wood Shape Pla Reshape a wooden object {Touch, 1 object} PH3
2 3B-96 Wyvern Watch Gua Magical trap: Paralysis L r (save) {1 group} UA1
2 3B-97 Zone of Truth Wrd,Cha No one can lie in area {1 group} PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.3] Level 3 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
3 3B-1 Animate Dead Nec Creates undead skeletons and zombies. PH2&3
3 3B-2 Barkskin 3 Pla,Pro AT +10 source, +2 saves vs. spell DM
3 3B-3 Bestow Curse Pro -6 to an ability; -4 on TH/saves/checks; or 50% lose action PH3
3 3B-4 Blade Barrier 3 Gua 5d5 dmg wall (shards) DM
3 3B-5 Bless 3 All +3 TH and saves DM
3 3B-6 Blindness/Deafness Nec;Hea Makes subject blind or deaf. PH3
3 3B-7 Call Lightning Wea Directs lightning bolts ((CL+2)d8) during storms. You may cast this spell off of a Dust Devil instead of having a storm nearby. This expends the devil. PH2
3 3B-8 Call Lightning 3 Com,Ele (CL+2)d8 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
3 3B-9 Command 3 Cha Target makes 3 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
3 3B-10 Conjure Elemental 3 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=2 elemental DM
3 3B-11 Contagion Hea Infects subject with chosen disease. PH3
3 3B-12 Continual Flame Sun Makes a permanent, heatless torch. PH3
3 3B-13 Continual Light Sun Permanent light PH2
3 3B-14 Create Food and Water Cre Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level. PH3
3 3B-15 Creeping Doom 3 Sum 40 insect dmg DM
3 3B-16 Cure Blindness or Deafness Nec;Hea Cures Blindness or Deafness PH2
3 3B-17 Cure Disease Nec;Hea Cures Disease PH2
3 3B-18 Cure Serious Wounds Hea Cure 3d8+CL damage PH3
3 3B-19 Cure Wounds 3 Hea Cures 6d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 36 hp) DM
3 3B-20 Daylight Sun 60-ft. radius of bright light. PH3
3 3B-21 Death's Door Nec;Hea Puts target (at negative hp) to 0 hp (1 hp if material comp.) UA1
3 3B-22 Death's Door 3 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 0 hp DM
3 3B-23 Deeper Darkness Sun Object sheds absolute darkness in 60-ft. radius. PH3
3 3B-24 Detect Innates Div Detect innate abilities DM
3 3B-25 Diminish Plants Pla Reduces size or blights growth of normal plants. PH3
3 3B-26 Dispel Magic Pro Dispels magic, (10+CL-enemyCL)*5% in area or auto 1 effect PH2
3 3B-27 Dispel Magic 3 Com Dispel 1 magic effect DM
3 3B-28 Dominate Animal Ani;Cha Subject animal obeys silent mental commands. PH3
3 3B-29 Double Resist [E=1 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=1 eelement, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
3 3B-30 Double Resist [E=2 element] Elemental Pick an E=2 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
3 3B-31 Faerie Fire 3 Ele Target gets -6 AC DM
3 3B-32 Flame Strike 3 Com,Ele CLd4 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
3 3B-33 Flame Walk Ele Immune normal fire; Resist non-normal fire PH2
3 3B-34 Glyph of Warding Gua Inscription harms those who pass it. PH2&3
3 3B-35 Goodberry 3 Hea,Pla Creates 12 goodberries DM
3 3B-36 Greater Magic Fang Com One natural weapon gets +CL/3 TH & dmg PH3
3 3B-37 Heal 3 Hea Cure to 25% of max hp (max Heal 3 can cure at once = 250 hp) DM
3 3B-38 Helping Hand Nec Ghostly hand leads subject to you. PH3
3 3B-39 Hold Animal (2) Ani;Cha Holds up to 4 animals PH2
3 3B-40 Hold Person/Monster 3 Cha Hold 5 person or 3 monster targets (save) DM
3 3B-41 Imbue with Spell Ability 3 All Imbue 3 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 1) DM
3 3B-42 Inflict Serious Wounds Hea Touch attack, 3d8+CL damage PH3
3 3B-43 Invisibility Purge Div Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level. PH3
3 3B-44 Locate Object Div Senses direction toward object (specific or type).) PH2&3
3 3B-45 Magic Circle against C/E/G/L Pro As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. PH3
3 3B-46 Magic Vestment Pro Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement/three levels. PH3
3 3B-47 Magical Vestment Pro AT 4+CL/3 source PH2
3 3B-48 Meld into Stone Alt You and your gear merge with stone. PH2&3
3 3B-49 Miracle 3 All   DM
3 3B-50 Morality Guardian Force a Morale check on a group DM
3 3B-51 Negative Energy Protection Nec;Pro Subject resists level and ability drains. PH3
3 3B-52 Negative Plane Protection Nec;Pro Stops one negative energy attack PH2
3 3B-53 Neutralize Poison Hea;Nec Detoxifies venom in or on subject. PH2&3
3 3B-54 Obscure Object Div Masks object against divination. PH3
3 3B-55 Plant Growth Pla Grows vegetation, improves crops. PH2&3
3 3B-56 Poison Hea;Nec Touch deals 1d10 Con damage, repeats in 1 min. PH3
3 3B-57 Prayer Com Allies get +1 TH/dmg/saves; Enemies get -1 TH/dmg/saves PH2&3
3 3B-58 Protection from Elements Pro;Ele Absorb 12 damage/level from one kind of energy. PH3
3 3B-59 Protection From Fire Pro;Ele Immune normal fire; Absorb 12*CL dmg fire (or) Resist Fire PH2
3 3B-60 Protection from Fire 3 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*8 fire dmg DM
3 3B-61 Protection from Lightning 3 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*8 lightning dmg DM
3 3B-62 Put Out of Misery Nec Target being at negative hp that would die if unattended is slain (no save) DM
3 3B-63 Pyrotechnics Ele Blinds an area (save); obscures vision PH2
3 3B-64 Regenerate 3 Nec Regenerates 5 hp /t DM
3 3B-65 Remove Blindness/Deafness Nec;Hea Cures normal or magical conditions. PH3
3 3B-66 Remove Curse Nec;Hea Frees object or person from curse. PH2&3
3 3B-67 Remove Disease Nec;Hea Cures all diseases affecting subject. PH3
3 3B-68 Remove Paralysis (2) Nec;Hea Removes paralysis. This spell will also remove stun and summoning sickness effects. This spell also has a reverse (Paralysis) that will Paralyze target creature unless they make a save vs. PPD. PH2
3 3B-69 Resist [E=3 element] Elemental Pick an E=3 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
3 3B-70 Resist Ego Domination Thought +CL to Personality Score (duration 1 hour) DM
3 3B-71 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 3 Ele,Pro Take -55% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
3 3B-72 Searing Light Sun Ray deals 1d8/two levels, double against undead. PH3
3 3B-73 Snare Pla;Gua Creates a magical booby trap. PH2&3
3 3B-74 Speak with Dead Div;Nec Corpse answers one question/two levels. PH2&3
3 3B-75 Speak with Plants Div;Pla You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures. The target can convey what it has "seen","heard", and "felt" even though it may not be normally able of such sensation. Plants and Animals under a hostile influence (and all Dead) might not cooperate with the caster: they may tell lies or nothing at all. PH2&3
3 3B-76 Spike Growth Pla Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed. PH2&3
3 3B-77 Starshine Sun Illuminates area as if under starlight PH2
3 3B-78 Stone Shape Ele Sculpts stone into any form. PH2&3
3 3B-79 Striking Com Weapon gets +3/+3 RC0
3 3B-80 Summon Insects Ani;Sum Summons DL 3 insects PH2
3 3B-81 Summon Monster III Sum Calls DL 3 outsider to fight for you. PH3
3 3B-82 Summon Nature's Ally III Ani;Sum Calls DL 3 creature to fight. PH3
3 3B-83 Treat Serious Wounds Hea Cure 30% of max DM
3 3B-84 Tree Pla Polymorph self into a tree PH2
3 3B-85 Water Breathing Ele Subjects can breathe underwater. PH2&3
3 3B-86 Water Walk Ele Subject treads on water as if solid. PH2&3
3 3B-87 Wind Walk 3 Tra Levitation DM
3 3B-88 Wind Wall Ele Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.4] Level 4 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
4 3B-1 Abjure Sum Sends an extra-planar creature back home 50+(CL-ML)*5% PH2
4 3B-2 Animal Summoning I Sum; Ani Summons a DL I Animal (maintained) PH2
4 3B-3 Barkskin 4 Pla,Pro AT +14 source, +3 saves vs. spell DM
4 3B-4 Blade Barrier 4 Gua 6d6 dmg wall (shards) DM
4 3B-5 Bless 4 All +4 TH and saves DM
4 3B-6 Call Lightning 4 Com,Ele (CL+2)d10 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
4 3B-7 Call Woodland Beings Sum; Ani Summons several DL II Woodland Beings (duration=Chr r) PH2
4 3B-8 Cloak of Bravery Cha +4 saves vs. fear PH2
4 3B-9 Command 4 Cha Target makes 4 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
4 3B-10 Conjure Elemental 4 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=3 elemental DM
4 3B-11 Control Plants Cha; Pla Talk to and control plants & fungi. PH3
4 3B-12 Control Temperature, 10' Radius Wea +/- 10*CL degrees F PH2
4 3B-13 Control Water Ele Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water. PH3
4 3B-14 Creeping Doom 4 Sum 160 insect dmg DM
4 3B-15 Cure Critical Wounds Hea Cure 5d8+6 or 36 DM
4 3B-16 Cure Critical Wounds Hea Cure 4d8+CL PH3
4 3B-17 Cure Wounds 4 Hea Cures 10d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 60 hp) DM
4 3B-18 Death Ward Wrd; Nec Grants immunity to death spells and effects. PH3
4 3B-19 Death's Door 4 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 1 hp DM
4 3B-20 Detect Lie Div Detects lies PH2
4 3B-21 Dimensional Anchor Ast; Wrd Bars extradimensional movement. PH3
4 3B-22 Dimensional Folding   Can't start or end the spell where an object/person sits. TM2
4 3B-23 Discern Lies Div Reveals deliberate falsehoods. PH3
4 3B-24 Dismissal Sum Forces a creature to return to native plane. (save) PH3
4 3B-25 Dispel Magic 4 Com Dispel 2 magic effects DM
4 3B-26 Dispel Psionics Pro Cancels psionic effects DM
4 3B-27 Divination Div Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions. PH2&3
4 3B-28 Divine Power Com You gain TH bonus of Ftr=CL; 18 Str; +CL hp PH3
4 3B-29 Double Resist [E=3 element] Elemental Pick an E=3 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
4 3B-30 Faerie Fire 4 Ele Target gets -8 AC DM
4 3B-31 Fire Storm 4 Com,Ele (CL+2)/2 holy fire dmg, hits 1/2 of a group (no save) DM
4 3B-32 Flame Strike Com; Ele CLd6 holy fire dmg area (save:˝) PH3
4 3B-33 Flame Strike 4 Com,Ele CLd6 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
4 3B-34 Free Action Cha Immune stun, hold, paralysis, summoning sickness PH2
4 3B-35 Freedom of Movement Cha Subject moves normally despite impediments. PH3
4 3B-36 Giant Insect Ani Adds CL/2 HD to a group of insects (total HD gained=CL+2) PH2
4 3B-37 Giant Vermin Ani Turns insects into giant vermin. PH3
4 3B-38 Goodberry 4 Hea,Pla Creates 16 goodberries DM
4 3B-39 Greater Magic Weapon Com Weapon gains +(CL/3)/+(CL/3) PH3
4 3B-40 Hallucinatory Forest Pla Makes an illusionary forest PH2
4 3B-41 Heal 4 Hea Cure to 50% of max hp (max Heal 4 can cure at once = 500 hp) DM
4 3B-42 Hold Person/Monster 4 Cha Hold 6 person or 4 monster targets (save) DM
4 3B-43 Hold Plant Cha; Pla Holds plants PH2
4 3B-44 Imbue With Spell Ability Cha Transfer two 1st and one 2nd level spell to target PH2&3
4 3B-45 Imbue with Spell Ability 4 All Imbue 4 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 2) DM
4 3B-46 Immune [E=1 element] Elemental Pick an E=1 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
4 3B-47 Inflict Critical Wounds Hea 4d8+CL dmg PH3
4 3B-48 Lesser Planar Ally Sum Summons a DL IV outer-planar (payment determines duration) PH3
4 3B-49 Limited Heal Hea Heal, target must Fort save vs. # hp down (+10 per other effect) DM
4 3B-50 Lower Water Ele Lowers water level PH2
4 3B-51 Miracle 4 All   DM
4 3B-52 Neutralize Poison 4 Hea,Nec Cure 1 poison effect (reverse causes that many, save) DM
4 3B-53 Plant Door Ast; Pla Can enter into a tree PH2
4 3B-54 Produce Fire Ele 1d4+CL dmg fire (area) (no save) PH2
4 3B-55 Protection From Evil, 10' Radius Pro As per Pro. Evil but an area PH2
4 3B-56 Protection from Fire 4 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*12 fire dmg DM
4 3B-57 Protection From Lightning Pro; Wea Absorb 10*CL lightning (range 0) or Resist Lightning (touch) PH2
4 3B-58 Protection from Lightning 4 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*12 lightning dmg DM
4 3B-59 Quench Ele Extinguishes nonmagical fires or one magic item. PH3
4 3B-60 Reduce Twilighting Thought +LVL (not CL) to LVL for purposes of Twilighting (casting time 1 turn, cannot be reduced) (this spell does not Twilight) DM
4 3B-61 Regenerate 4 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /r DM
4 3B-62 Reincarnate Nec Brings dead subject back in a random body. PH3
4 3B-63 Remove Capital S Stun Hea, Nec Removes Capital S Stun DM
4 3B-64 Remove Curse 4 Hea,Nec Cure 1 curse effect (reverse causes that many, save) DM
4 3B-65 Repel Insects Cha; Pla Insects are forced away PH2
4 3B-66 Repel Vermin Cha; Pla Insects stay 10 ft. away. PH3
4 3B-67 Resist [E=2 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=2 eelement, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
4 3B-68 Resist [E=4 element] Elemental Pick an E=4 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
4 3B-69 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 4 Ele,Pro Take -60% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
4 3B-70 Restoration (3) Nec Restores level and ability score drains. PH3
4 3B-71 Rusting Grasp Com; Wea Your touch corrodes iron and alloys. PH3
4 3B-72 Scrying Div Spies on subject from a distance. PH3
4 3B-73 Sending Ast Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. PH3
4 3B-74 Sleet Storm Wea Hampers vision and movement. PH3
4 3B-75 Spell Immunity Pro Subject is immune to one spell per four levels PH2&3
4 3B-76 Spell Immunity 4 Pro Be immune to 1 spell by name DM
4 3B-77 Spike Stones Ele Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed. PH3
4 3B-78 Status Div Monitors condition, position of allies. PH3
4 3B-79 Sticks to Snakes Pla; Ani Turns 1d4+CL sticks into snakes PH2
4 3B-80 Summon Monster IV Sum Summons a DL IV monster (1 turn) PH3
4 3B-81 Summon Nature's Ally IV Sum Summons a DL IV animal (maintained) PH3
4 3B-82 Tongues Div Speak any language. This spell does not give the ability to read or write languages. PH2&3
4 3B-83 Treat Critical Wounds Hea Cure 40% of max DM
4 3B-84 Wind Walk 4 Tra Flying at 15" rate DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.5] Level 5 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
5 3B-1 Air Walk Ele Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle). PH2
5 3B-2 Animal Growth Ani One animal/two levels doubles in size, HD. PH2&3
5 3B-3 Animal Summoning II Sum; Ani Summons a DL II Animal (maintained) PH2
5 3B-4 Animate Dead Monsters Nec Animates CL dead monsters UA1
5 3B-5 Antiplant Shell Pla; Pro Keeps out plants PH2
5 3B-6 Atonement All Removes burden of misdeeds from subject. PH2&3
5 3B-7 Awaken Ani; Pla Animal or tree gains human intellect. PH3
5 3B-8 Barkskin 5 Pla,Pro AT +18 source, +4 saves vs. spell DM
5 3B-9 Blade Barrier 5 Gua 7d7 dmg wall (shards) DM
5 3B-10 Bless 5 All +5 TH and saves DM
5 3B-11 Break Enchantment Hea Remove enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. PH3
5 3B-12 Call Lightning 5 Com,Ele (CL+2)d12 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
5 3B-13 Circle of Doom Hea Deals 1d8 +1/level damage in all directions. PH3
5 3B-14 Command 5 Cha Target makes 5 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
5 3B-15 Commune All Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level. PH2&3
5 3B-16 Commune with Nature All; Pla Learn about terrain for one mile/level. PH2&3
5 3B-17 Conjure Elemental 5 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=4 elemental DM
5 3B-18 Conjure/Dismiss Normal Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Normal Elemental DM
5 3B-19 Control Winds Ele Change wind direction and speed. PH2&3
5 3B-20 Creeping Doom 5 Sum (1d2+4)*60 insect dmg DM
5 3B-21 Cure Deadly Wounds Hea Cure 8d8+10 or 58 dmg DM
5 3B-22 Cure Wounds 5 Hea Cures 15d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 90 hp) DM
5 3B-23 Death's Door 5 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 2 hp (can't go above max) DM
5 3B-24 Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law All; Com +4 bonus against attacks. (this short desc makes no sense!) PH3
5 3B-25 Dispel Evil All; Com Unsummons evil creatures (Outer-planar/summoned no save). If cast against 1 creature of the appropriate type, there is no saving throw. If cast against an evil area or a grouping of creatures, the save is at normal chances. PH2
5 3B-26 Dispel Evil 5 All Dispel 1 evil target DM
5 3B-27 Dispel Innates Pro Dispels Innates DM
5 3B-28 Dispel Magic 5 Com Dispel 3 magic effects DM
5 3B-29 Double Resist [E=2 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=2 eelement, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
5 3B-30 Double Resist [E=4 element] Elemental Pick an E=4 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
5 3B-31 Enhance Twilight Astral When Twilighting, you get 2 "minor benefits" instead of 1 (lasts for 1 use) DM
5 3B-32 Ethereal Jaunt Ast You become ethereal for 1 round/level. PH3
5 3B-33 Extra Group +1 Numbers The next spell you cast will affect +1 groups of monsters DM
5 3B-34 Faerie Fire 5 Ele Target gets -10 AC DM
5 3B-35 Fire Storm 5 Com,Ele (CL+2)d2 holy fire dmg, hits 1 group (no save) DM
5 3B-36 Flame Strike Ele CLd8 dmg holy fire area (save:˝) PH2
5 3B-37 Flame Strike Ele CLd6 dmg holy fire area (no save) PH3
5 3B-38 Flame Strike 5 Com,Ele CLd8 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
5 3B-39 Golem Cre Makes a golem (you need raw materials) UA1
5 3B-40 Goodberry 5 Hea,Pla Creates 20 goodberries DM
5 3B-41 Greater Command Cha As command, but affects one subject/level. PH3
5 3B-42 Hallow All Designates location as holy. PH3
5 3B-43 Heal 5 Hea Cure to 75% of max hp (max Heal 5 can cure at once = 750 hp) DM
5 3B-44 Healing Circle Hea Cures 1d8 +1/level damage in all directions. PH3
5 3B-45 Hold Person/Monster 5 Cha Hold 7 person or 5 monster targets (save) DM
5 3B-46 Ice Storm Ele Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. PH3
5 3B-47 Imbue with Spell Ability 5 All Imbue 5 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 2) DM
5 3B-48 Immune [E=2 element] Elemental Pick an E=2 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
5 3B-49 Improved Free Action Cha Immune Capital S Stun, Stop, Hold, Paralysis, Summoning Sickness; Hold P,V actions DM
5 3B-50 Insect Plague Ani; Sum Insect horde limits vision, inflicts damage, creatures flee. PH2&3
5 3B-51 Ironskin   Does not stop falling damage. Does not leak like Stoneskin. Any attack (hit or miss) knocks off an Ironskin, unless the roll was a natural 1. DK2
5 3B-52 Limited Cureall Hea Cureall, target must Fort save vs. # hp down (+10 per other effect) DM
5 3B-53 Limited Wish Com 5th level spell: will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-3 or Priest spell of levels 0-4. DM
5 3B-54 Magic Font Div Acts as a crystal ball PH2
5 3B-55 Mark of Justice Nec Designates action that will trigger curse on subject. PH3
5 3B-56 Miracle 5 All   DM
5 3B-57 Moonbeam Sun Beam of moonlight PH2
5 3B-58 MultiCure Critical Wounds   Cure Critical (3 targets) (r=sight) DM
5 3B-59 Neutralize Poison 5 Hea,Nec Cure 2 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
5 3B-60 Pass Plant Pla Move from one group of plants to another within 1 mile PH2
5 3B-61 Planar Stability Astral Your items are planar stable for 1 day DM
5 3B-62 Plane Shift Ast Up to eight subjects travel to another plane. PH2&3
5 3B-63 Protection from Fire 5 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*16 fire dmg DM
5 3B-64 Protection from Lightning 5 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*16 lightning dmg DM
5 3B-65 Quest All Target must go on quest (save) PH2
5 3B-66 Rainbow Sun Creates a rainbow bridge (or) CL bolts d8 dmg 1 target each PH2
5 3B-67 Raise Dead Nec Restores life to subject who died up to 1 day/level ago. What you get is the full character at 1 hit point (he can be healed), with no spells or psionic points. He loses 1 Con point permanently. PH2&3
5 3B-68 Regenerate 5 Nec Regenerates 2 hp /r DM
5 3B-69 Remove Coma Nec Removes the Coma effect DM
5 3B-70 Remove Curse 5 Hea,Nec Cure 2 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
5 3B-71 Resist [E=5 element] Elemental Pick an E=5 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
5 3B-72 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 5 Ele,Pro Take -65% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
5 3B-73 Resist Vulnerability Pro Target gains a Resist to something which can only be used to counter a Vulnerability (Duration 1 hour) DM
5 3B-74 Righteous Might Com Your size increases, and you gain +4 Str. PH3
5 3B-75 Slay Living Nec Touch attack kills subject. (save for 2d8+1 dmg instead) PH3
5 3B-76 Spell Immunity 5 Pro Be immune to 2 spells by name DM
5 3B-77 Spell Resistance Pro Subject gains +12 +1/level SR. PH3
5 3B-78 Summon Monster V Sum Summons a DL V monster (1 turn) PH3
5 3B-79 Summon Nature's Ally V Sum; Ani Summons a DL V animal (maintained) PH3
5 3B-80 Transmute Mud to Rock Ele Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH3
5 3B-81 Transmute Rock to Mud Ele Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH2&3
5 3B-82 Treat Deadly Wounds Hea Cure 50% of max hp DM
5 3B-83 Tree Stride Pla Step from one tree to another far away. PH3
5 3B-84 Troll-like Regeneration Nec You Troll-like Regenerate at CL hp per round DM
5 3B-85 True Seeing Div See all things as they really are. This spell can see anything except: Dust of Disappearance, Divine/Artifact Effects, objects hidden and also under False Seeing. PH2&3
5 3B-86 Unhallow All Designates location as unholy. PH3
5 3B-87 Vulnerable Resistance Pro Target gains a Vulnerability to something which can only be used to counter a Resistance (Duration 1 hour) DM
5 3B-88 Wall of Fire Ele Passing through wall deals 2d6 +1/level. PH3
5 3B-89 Wall of Stone Ele 20 hp/four levels; can be shaped. PH3
5 3B-90 Wall of Thorns Pla Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass. PH3
5 3B-91 Wind Walk 5 Tra Flying at 36" rate DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.6] Level 6 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
6 3B-1 Animal Summoning III     PH2
6 3B-2 Animate Object     PH2
6 3B-3 Animate Objects   Objects attack your foes. PH3
6 3B-4 Anti-Animal Shell     PH2
6 3B-5 Antilife Shell   10-ft. field hedges out living creatures. PH3
6 3B-6 Banishment   Banishes 2 HD/level extraplanar creatures. PH3
6 3B-7 Barkskin 6 Pla,Pro AT +22 source, +5 saves vs. spell DM
6 3B-8 Blade Barrier   Blades encircling you deal 1d6 damage/level. PH3
6 3B-9 Blade Barrier 6 Gua 8d8 dmg wall (shards) DM
6 3B-10 Bless 6 All +6 TH and saves DM
6 3B-11 Call Lightning 6 Com,Ele (CL+2)d14 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
6 3B-12 Command 6 Cha Target makes 6 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
6 3B-13 Commune with Barney'd God All, Ast Commune with someone in the Demiplane of Barney'd Gods DM
6 3B-14 Conjure Animals     PH2
6 3B-15 Conjure Elemental 6 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=5 elemental DM
6 3B-16 Conjure Fire Elemental     PH2
6 3B-17 Conjure/Dismiss Para Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Para Elemental DM
6 3B-18 Create Undead   Ghouls, shadows, ghasts, wights, or wraiths. PH3
6 3B-19 Creeping Doom 6 Sum (1d3+5)*80 insect dmg DM
6 3B-20 Cure Wounds 6 Hea Cures 21d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 126 hp) DM
6 3B-21 Death's Door 6 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 4 hp (can't go above max) DM
6 3B-22 Dispel Evil 6 All Dispel 2 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
6 3B-23 Dispel Magic 6 Com Dispel 4 magic effects DM
6 3B-24 Double Resist [E=5 element] Elemental Pick an E=5 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
6 3B-25 Ethereal Project Astral Ethereal Projection (Str->Dex, Int->Con, Wis->Chr) DM
6 3B-26 Etherealness   Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. PH3
6 3B-27 Faerie Fire 6 Ele Target gets -12 AC DM
6 3B-28 Feeblemind     PH1
6 3B-29 Find the Path   Shows most direct way to a location. PH3
6 3B-30 Fire Seeds   Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. PH3
6 3B-31 Fire Storm 6 Com,Ele (CL+2)d5 holy fire dmg, hits 1+1/2 groups (no save) DM
6 3B-32 Flame Strike 6 Com,Ele CLd10 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
6 3B-33 Forbiddance   Denies area to creatures of another alignment. PH3
6 3B-34 Geas/Quest   As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. PH3
6 3B-35 Goodberry 6 Hea,Pla Creates 24 goodberries DM
6 3B-36 Greater Dispelling   As dispel magic, but up to +20 on check. PH3
6 3B-37 Greater Glyph of Warding   As glyph of warding, but up to 10d8 damage or 6th level spell. PH3
6 3B-38 Harm   Subject loses all but 1d4 hp. PH3
6 3B-39 Heal Hea Cure all dmg + disease,blind,insanity,feeblemind PH1
6 3B-40 Heal 6 Hea Cure to 100% of max hp (max Heal 6 can cure at once = 1000 hp) DM
6 3B-41 Heroes' Feast   Food for one creature/level cures and blesses. PH3
6 3B-42 Hold Life Nec Hold Life (immune XP drain, sustain levels) DM
6 3B-43 Hold Person/Monster 6 Cha Hold 8 person or 6 monster targets (save) DM
6 3B-44 Imbue with Spell Ability 6 All Imbue 6 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 3) DM
6 3B-45 Immune [E=3 element] Elemental Pick an E=3 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
6 3B-46 Ironwood   Magical wood is strong as steel. PH3
6 3B-47 Liveoak   Oak becomes treant guardian. PH3
6 3B-48 Mass Remove Curse   Remove Curse on 6 targets or 1 group DM
6 3B-49 Mass Remove Paralysis     DM
6 3B-50 Miracle 6 All   DM
6 3B-51 MultiCure Deadly Wounds Hea Cure 8d8+10 or 58 to 6 different targets DM
6 3B-52 Neutralize Poison 6 Hea,Nec Cure 3 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
6 3B-53 No Save Combat The next spell you cast does not have a saving throw DM
6 3B-54 Part Water     PH2
6 3B-55 Planar Ally   As lesser planar ally, but up to 16 HD. PH3
6 3B-56 Protection from Fire 6 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*20 fire dmg DM
6 3B-57 Protection from Lightning 6 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*20 lightning dmg DM
6 3B-58 Really Put of Misery Nec Target being that is slain is Capital S Slain (no save) DM
6 3B-59 Regenerate 6 Nec Regenerates 5 hp /r DM
6 3B-60 Remove *Curse* Nec Removes *Curse*, Capital C Curse (but not Ancient Foul Curse) DM
6 3B-61 Remove Curse 6 Hea,Nec Cure 3 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
6 3B-62 Repel Wood   Pushes away wooden objects. PH3
6 3B-63 Resist [E=3 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=3 eelement, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
6 3B-64 Resist [E=6 element] Elemental Pick an E=6 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
6 3B-65 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 6 Ele,Pro Take -70% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
6 3B-66 Speak With Monsters     PH2
6 3B-67 Spell Immunity 6 Pro Be immune to 3 spells by name DM
6 3B-68 Spellstaff   Stores one spell in wooden quarterstaff. PH3
6 3B-69 Stone Tell   Talk to natural or worked stone. PH3
6 3B-70 Summon Monster VI   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
6 3B-71 Summon Nature's Ally VI   Calls creature to fight. PH3
6 3B-72 Transmute Water to Dust     PH2
6 3B-73 Transport via Plants   Move instantly from one plant to another of the same species. PH3
6 3B-74 Treat Harmful Wounds Hea Cure 60% of max hp DM
6 3B-75 Turn Wood     PH2
6 3B-76 Unaging Time You do not age this day (Duration 1 day) DM
6 3B-77 Weather Summoning     PH2
6 3B-78 Wind Walk   You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. PH3
6 3B-79 Wind Walk 6 Tra Flying at 63" rate DM
6 3B-80 Word of Recall   Teleports you back to designated place. PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.7] Level 7 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
7 3B-1 Animate Rock     PH2
7 3B-2 Astral Spell     PH2
7 3B-3 Barkskin 7 Pla,Pro AT +26 source, +6 saves vs. spell DM
7 3B-4 Blade Barrier 7 Gua 9d9 dmg wall (shards) DM
7 3B-5 Blasphemy   Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonevil subjects. PH3
7 3B-6 Bless 7 All +7 TH and saves DM
7 3B-7 Call Lightning 7 Com,Ele (CL+2)d16 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
7 3B-8 Changestaff   Your staff becomes a treant on command. PH3
7 3B-9 Chariot of Sustarre     PH2
7 3B-10 Command 7 Cha Target makes 7 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
7 3B-11 Commune with Hole / Time of Legends All, Ast Commune with someone in the Hole or Time of Legends DM
7 3B-12 Confusion     PH2
7 3B-13 Conjure Earth Elemental     PH2
7 3B-14 Conjure Elemental 7 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=6 elemental DM
7 3B-15 Conjure/Dismiss Quasi Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Quasi Elemental DM
7 3B-16 Control Weather   Changes weather in local area. PH3
7 3B-17 Creeping Doom   If the doom is attacked, subtract the damage from it's hit point total, even with gross (area-affecting) spells. For example a fireball will not kill a creeping doom, even though each individual bug has 1 hit point. PH1
7 3B-18 Creeping Doom 7 Sum (1d4+6)*100 insect dmg DM
7 3B-19 Cure Wounds 7 Hea Cures 28d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 168 hp) DM
7 3B-20 Cureall Hea Cure all dmg + remove all non-divine ailments RC0
7 3B-21 Death's Door 7 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 8 hp (can't go above max) DM
7 3B-22 Destruction   Kills subject and destroys remains. PH3
7 3B-23 Dictum   Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonlawful subjects. PH3
7 3B-24 Dispel Evil 7 All Dispel 3 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
7 3B-25 Dispel Magic 7 Com Dispel 5 magic effects DM
7 3B-26 Earthquake   Intense tremor shakes 5-ft./level radius. PH2
7 3B-27 Escape Travelers You Escape from current situation DM
7 3B-28 Exaction     PH2
7 3B-29 Faerie Fire 7 Ele Target gets -14 AC DM
7 3B-30 Fire Storm   Causes 2d8 + 1d8 per level holy fire damage to the area of effect. This is Outer-Planar Fire, and normal Protection from Fire has no effect. PH1
7 3B-31 Fire Storm 7 Com,Ele (CL+2)d8 holy fire dmg, hits 2 groups (no save) DM
7 3B-32 Flame Strike 7 Com,Ele CLd12 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
7 3B-33 Gate   Connects two planes for travel or summoning. PH2
7 3B-34 Goodberry 7 Hea,Pla Creates 28 goodberries DM
7 3B-35 Greater Restoration   As restoration, plus restores all levels and ability scores PH3
7 3B-36 Greater Scrying   As scrying, but faster and longer. PH3
7 3B-37 Heal 7 Hea Cure to 125% of max hp (max Heal 7 can cure at once = 1250 hp) DM
7 3B-38 Hold Person/Monster 7 Cha Hold 9 person or 7 monster targets (save) DM
7 3B-39 Holy Word   Double the Hit Dice brackets. A creature does not have to "hear" the spell in order for it to take effect. PH1
7 3B-40 Holy Word   Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nongood subjects. PH3
7 3B-41 Imbue with Spell Ability 7 All Imbue 7 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 3) DM
7 3B-42 Immune [E=4 element] Elemental Pick an E=4 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
7 3B-43 Miracle 7 All   DM
7 3B-44 MultiHeal Hea Cure all dmg + disease,blind,insanity,feeblemind (6 targets) DM
7 3B-45 MultiSymbol 7 Com Do 1 MultiSymbol effect DM
7 3B-46 Neutralize Poison 7 Hea,Nec Cure 4 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
7 3B-47 Phoenix Sanctuary Pro You take half damage from any source (duration 1 turn, cannot be made permanent) DM
7 3B-48 Protection from Death Pro,Nec Immune to slain and Slain DM
7 3B-49 Protection from Fire 7 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*24 fire dmg DM
7 3B-50 Protection from Lightning 7 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*24 lightning dmg DM
7 3B-51 Raise Dead Fully Nec What you get is the full character at full hit points, but with no spells or psionic points. He loses 1 Con point permanently. RC0
7 3B-52 Refuge   Alters item to transport its possessor to you. PH3
7 3B-53 Regenerate Nec This spell will cause the target to regenerate at 1 hp/r for 1 t, as well as it's normal (limb/organ-replacing) function. The reverse will remove the "indestructible" flag from indestructible hit points. PH1
7 3B-54 Regenerate 7 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /s DM
7 3B-55 Reincarnation Nec,Ani What you get is the character at half normal level and hit points, with no spells or psionic points. No Con points are lost. The lost levels are regained at 1 per day. The true form of the creature is the new one from this effect, it requires an Alter Reality/Wish to switch forms. PH1
7 3B-56 Remove Curse 7 Hea,Nec Cure 4 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
7 3B-57 Repulsion   Creatures can't approach you. PH3
7 3B-58 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 7 Ele,Pro Take -75% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
7 3B-59 Restoration (1)   Removes all lost levels, not just one. Also restores ability score drains. Does not age caster or target. PH1
7 3B-60 Resurrection Nec What you get is the full character at 1 hit point, with the spells and psionic points he had when killed. He loses 1 Con point, which can be restored with a Restoration or other means. PH1
7 3B-61 Spell Immunity 7 Pro Be immune to 4 spells by name DM
7 3B-62 Succor     PH2
7 3B-63 Summon Monster VII   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
7 3B-64 Summon Nature's Ally VII   Calls creature to fight. PH3
7 3B-65 Sunbeam   Beam blinds and deals 3d6 damage. PH3
7 3B-66 Sunray     PH2
7 3B-67 Symbol   Triggered runes have array of effects. PH2
7 3B-68 Time/Reality Stability Time Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save) DM
7 3B-69 Transmute Metal to Wood   Metal within 40 ft. becomes wood. PH3
7 3B-70 Treat Caused Wounds Hea Cure 70% of max hp DM
7 3B-71 Wind Walk     PH2
7 3B-72 Wind Walk 7 Tra Flying at 96" rate DM
7 3B-73 Wish Cnj Duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-6. RC0
7 3B-74 Word of Chaos   Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects. PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.8] Level 8 Priest Spells (Quest spells)

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
8 3B-1 Abundance Cre/Pla Wooded area grows as if 25 years has passed TOM2
8 3B-2 Air Of Permanence Tim Targetted creature/object no longer ages naturally ?
8 3B-3 Alter Climate Wea Permanently changes the type of climate in 40 sq.mi. ?
8 3B-4 Animal Horde Ani/Sum Summon your choice of 10*level HD of animals TOM2
8 3B-5 Animal Shapes   One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal. PH3
8 3B-6 Antimagic Field   Negates magic within 10 ft. PH3
8 3B-7 Barkskin 8 Pla,Pro AT +30 source, +7 saves vs. spell DM
8 3B-8 Blade Barrier 8 Gua 10d10 dmg wall (shards) DM
8 3B-9 Bless 8 All +8 TH and saves DM
8 3B-10 Call Lightning 8 Com,Ele (CL+2)d18 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
8 3B-11 Circle Of Sunmotes Sun All friends get leveld6 hp,+1/+1 TH/dmg; enemies get reverse TOM2
8 3B-12 Cloak of Chaos   +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against lawful spells. PH3
8 3B-13 Command 8 Cha Target makes 8 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
8 3B-14 Command Plants   Plants animate and vegetation entangles. PH3
8 3B-15 Conformance Law/Num Unlikely results (<50%) never occur, likely results always occur 6t TOM2
8 3B-16 Conjure Elemental 8 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=7 elemental DM
8 3B-17 Conjure Greater Elemental Ele Conjures a 36 HD Elemental Lord (x2 being) ?
8 3B-18 Conjure/Dismiss Semi Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Semi Elemental DM
8 3B-19 Create Greater Undead   Mummies, spectres, vampires, or ghosts. PH3
8 3B-20 Create Oasis Ele Creates a permanent oasis of water, air, fire, or earth ?
8 3B-21 Creeping Doom 8 Sum (1d5+7)*120 insect dmg DM
8 3B-22 Cure Wounds 8 Hea Cures 36d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 216 hp) DM
8 3B-23 Death Plague Nec/War Creates deadly plague (10-40% death rate over 10 d) ?
8 3B-24 Death's Door 8 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 16 hp (can't go above max) DM
8 3B-25 Discern Location   Exact location of creature or object. PH3
8 3B-26 Dispel Evil 8 All Dispel 4 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
8 3B-27 Dispel Magic 8 Com Dispel 6 magic effects DM
8 3B-28 Disruption All Target priest cannot regain 5th-7th level spells for 1 week DK2
8 3B-29 Duplicate Monster Cre Duplicate a x1 monster (not incl. classes) ?
8 3B-30 Elemental Swarm Ele/Sum Summons (level) 36 HD elementals of chosen type (not semi-) TOM2
8 3B-31 Etherwalk Ast/Tra Teleport caster & 50*level others to Ethereal, +3 V while there TOM2
8 3B-32 Extra Group +2 Numbers The next spell you cast will affect +2 groups of monsters DM
8 3B-33 Faerie Fire 8 Ele Target gets -16 AC DM
8 3B-34 Fear Contagion Cha/War All within 240' are feared (no save), effect is contagious 1t TOM2
8 3B-35 Finger of Death   Kills one subject. PH3
8 3B-36 Fire Storm   Deals 1d6 fire damage/level. PH3
8 3B-37 Fire Storm 8 Com,Ele (CL+2)d11 holy fire dmg, hits 3 groups (no save) DM
8 3B-38 Flame Strike 8 Com,Ele CLd14 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
8 3B-39 Forever Minions Nec All dead in area raise as zombies in 1r; spell is permanent ?
8 3B-40 Goodberry 8 Hea,Pla Creates 32 goodberries DM
8 3B-41 Greater Planar Ally   As lesser planar ally, but up to 24 HD. PH3
8 3B-42 Hasten Crops Pla Crops grow in area at 3 times normal rate; spell is permanent ?
8 3B-43 Heal 8 Hea Cure to 150% of max hp (max Heal 8 can cure at once = 1500 hp) DM
8 3B-44 Health Blessing Hea/Nec 50 creatures immune disease, +4 saves, can cast 2 cure lights TOM2
8 3B-45 Highway Tra All in 1000 sq.yd. fly at 90" TOM2
8 3B-46 Hold Person/Monster 8 Cha Hold 10 person or 8 monster targets (save) DM
8 3B-47 Holy Aura   +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells. PH3
8 3B-48 Holy Bolt Com Dispels undead, evil, outer-planar & 20 dmg/lvl ?
8 3B-49 Imago Interrogation Ast/Div Caster's spirit can travel through time/planes while asleep TOM2
8 3B-50 Imbue with Spell Ability 8 All Imbue 8 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 4) DM
8 3B-51 Implosion/Inversion Num/Com Each round for 1t, caster can implode 1 target (save -4) TOM2
8 3B-52 Insect Host Ani/Sum All within 300 yards take 5*level damage per round; duration 1d DK2
8 3B-53 Interdiction Wrd Friends +1/+1 TH/dmg, +1/+2 AC/saves, +4d6 hp; enemies get reverse TOM2
8 3B-54 Lady's Smile Num/Tho Can choose result of 1 die roll within 2r ?
8 3B-55 Mass Heal   As heal, but with several subjects. PH3
8 3B-56 Mindnet Tho Get telepathic contact with 10 chosen creatures (any plane) (no save) TOM2
8 3B-57 Miracle 8 All   DM
8 3B-58 MultiSymbol 8 Com Do 2 MultiSymbol effects DM
8 3B-59 Natural Independence Pro/Tra Can survive any area's natural surroundings ?
8 3B-60 Neutralize Poison 8 Hea,Nec Cure 5 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
8 3B-61 Planar Quest Ast Safely go to any known location in multiverse; immune to terrain TOM2
8 3B-62 Planar Vassal Sum Summons an opposite-aligned creature; it must follow orders DK2
8 3B-63 Preservation Wrd Building gets x3 Hp, pro. evil, anti-teleport zone TOM2
8 3B-64 Prolific Vegetation Pla All plants grow 1 year worth in 1 day; duration is 30d ?
8 3B-65 Protection from Fire 8 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*28 fire dmg DM
8 3B-66 Protection from Lightning 8 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*28 lightning dmg DM
8 3B-67 Really Really Put of Misery Time Target being that is Capital S Slain is removed from the timeline (no save) DM
8 3B-68 Regenerate 8 Nec Regenerates 2 hp /s DM
8 3B-69 Remove Curse 8 Hea,Nec Cure 5 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
8 3B-70 Repel Metal or Stone   Pushes away metal and stone. PH3
8 3B-71 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 8 Ele,Pro Take -80% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
8 3B-72 Revelation Div Continuous Legend Lore, True Seeing, Detect Lie, Tongues, Telepathy TOM2
8 3B-73 Reverse Gravity   Objects and creatures fall upward. PH3
8 3B-74 Reverse Winds Ele/Wea Total control of all wind & air within 600 yards ?
8 3B-75 Reversion Tim Reverses all effects of last round TOM2
8 3B-76 Robe Of Healing Hea Get 20 1d4+4 healing effects (self or other) every round for 1h TOM2
8 3B-77 Selective Reincarnation Nec As Reincarnation, but the being has choice over what form he returns as DM
8 3B-78 Shield of Law   +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells. PH3
8 3B-79 Shooting Stars Com/Sun All enemies within 120' take 6d10+192 (no save) (fire+lightning) TOM2
8 3B-80 Siege Wall Cre/Gua Building gets -2/die dmg, x2 Hp, all enemies inside get -1 V action TOM2
8 3B-81 Spell Immunity 8 Pro Be immune to 5 spells by name DM
8 3B-82 Sphere Of Security Pro Friends get +2 AC,+2 saves, +50% MR, 4 Pro.scroll effects 1h TOM2
8 3B-83 Spiral Of Degeneration C/Tho All x1 items within 50' turn off, all lose 1 spell/r, 1h TOM2
8 3B-84 Stalker Cre/Gua Summon six 22 HD shambling mounds TOM2
8 3B-85 Storm Legion Wea/War Can move up to (100*level) HD in a storm cloud ?
8 3B-86 Storm Of Vengeance Ele/War No spellcasting, lvld6 acid, 48d8 lightning, 3*lvld10 ice TOM2
8 3B-87 Summon Monster VIII   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
8 3B-88 Summon Nature's Ally VIII   Calls creature to fight. PH3
8 3B-89 Sunburst   Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 3d6 damage. PH3
8 3B-90 Transformation Num Friends: controlled blink 1/r, TWE 1/r, shadow walk (no action) TOM2
8 3B-91 Treat Terrible Wounds Hea Cure 80% of max hp DM
8 3B-92 UltraCureAll Hea As Cureall but full set of phantom hit points. DM
8 3B-93 Undead Plague Nec Summon 1000 skeletons TOM2
8 3B-94 Unholy Aura   +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against good spells. PH3
8 3B-95 Warband Quest Cha/War Quest 200 creatures (save -4), they get +2*level hp TOM2
8 3B-96 Ward Matrix Wrd Up to 6 locations physically connected, get each other's wards/pro. TOM2
8 3B-97 Whirlwind   Cyclone inflicts damage and can pick up creatures. PH3
8 3B-98 Wild Weather C/Wea Weather changes drastically every round for 1 day/level ?
8 3B-99 Wind Walk 8 Tra Flying at 135" rate DM
8 3B-100 Wolf Spirits Ani/Sum Summon 2*lvld6 wolf spirits (AC-18,hp76,+2 wpn to hit,undead) TOM2

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.9] Level 9 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
9 3B-1 Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Pro your effects are non-dispellable (inc.shell) DM/internet?
9 3B-2 Antipathy   Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. PH3
9 3B-3 Astral Projection   Projects you and companions into Astral Plane. PH3
9 3B-4 Barkskin 9 Pla,Pro AT +34 source, +8 saves vs. spell DM
9 3B-5 Between Ast/Tra time jump to any time any place, no error DM/internet?
9 3B-6 Blade Barrier 9 Gua 11d11 dmg wall (shards) DM
9 3B-7 Bless 9 All +9 TH and saves DM
9 3B-8 Call Lightning 9 Com,Ele (CL+2)d20 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
9 3B-9 Cleanse All change the alignment of target to be same as yours DM/internet?
9 3B-10 Command 9 Cha Target makes 9 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
9 3B-11 Conjure Elemental 9 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=8 elemental DM
9 3B-12 Creeping Doom 9 Sum (1d6+8)*140 insect dmg DM
9 3B-13 Cure Wounds 9 Hea Cures 45d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 270 hp) DM
9 3B-14 Death's Door 9 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 32 hp (can't go above max) DM
9 3B-15 Dispel Evil 9 All Dispel 5 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
9 3B-16 Dispel Magic 9 Com Dispel 7 magic effects DM
9 3B-17 Down a Hole Astral Target is put Down a Hole (no save) DM
9 3B-18 Duplicate Item Cre duplicate a x1 magic or psi item that uses charges DM/internet?
9 3B-19 Duplicate Mechanism Cre duplicate a technology item DM/internet?
9 3B-20 Energy Drain   Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. PH3
9 3B-21 Erase Truename Astral Erases target's Truename (no save) DM
9 3B-22 Faerie Fire 9 Ele Target gets -18 AC DM
9 3B-23 Fire Storm 9 Com,Ele (CL+2)d14 holy fire dmg, hits 4 groups (no save) DM
9 3B-24 Flame Strike 9 Com,Ele CLd16 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
9 3B-25 Foresight   Sixth sense warns of impending danger. PH3
9 3B-26 Goodberry 9 Hea,Pla Creates 36 goodberries DM
9 3B-27 Heal 9 Hea Cure to 175% of max hp (max Heal 9 can cure at once = 1750 hp) DM
9 3B-28 Hold Person/Monster 9 Cha Hold 11 person or 9 monster targets (save) DM
9 3B-29 Imbue with Spell Ability 9 All Imbue 9 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 4) DM
9 3B-30 Implosion   Kills one creature/round. PH3
9 3B-31 Miracle   Requests a deity's intercession. PH3
9 3B-32 Miracle 9 All   DM
9 3B-33 Mountainous Barrier Ele creates a line of mountains (level) miles long DK2
9 3B-34 MultiSymbol 9 Com Do 3 MultiSymbol effects DM
9 3B-35 Neutralize Poison 9 Hea,Nec Cure 6 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
9 3B-36 Petition All auto make next divine intervention roll DM/internet?
9 3B-37 Pocket Dimension Ast/Cre creates a small sub-plane in the Astral DM/internet?
9 3B-38 Protection from Fire 9 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*32 fire dmg DM
9 3B-39 Protection from Lightning 9 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*32 lightning dmg DM
9 3B-40 Regenerate 9 Nec Regenerates 4 hp /s DM
9 3B-41 Remove Curse 9 Hea,Nec Cure 6 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
9 3B-42 Reset Self Hea Reset self DM
9 3B-43 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 9 Ele,Pro Take -85% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
9 3B-44 Rift Nec all undead within 360 yards have x10 hp; duration 3 d DK2
9 3B-45 Shambler   Summons 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you. PH3
9 3B-46 Shapechange   Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round. PH3
9 3B-47 Soul Bind   Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. PH3
9 3B-48 Spell Immunity 9 Pro Be immune to 6 spells by name DM
9 3B-49 Summon Monster IX   Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
9 3B-50 Summon Nature's Ally IX   Calls creature to fight. PH3
9 3B-51 Sympathy   Object or location attracts certain creatures. PH3
9 3B-52 Treat Ultra Wounds Hea Cure 90% of max hp DM
9 3B-53 True Resurrection   As resurrection, plus remains aren't needed. PH3
9 3B-54 Unlimited Wish ? Duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-8. DM
9 3B-55 Wind Walk 9 Tra Flying at 180" rate DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.10] Level 10 Priest Spells

SL # Name Sphere Effect Source
10 3B-1 Barkskin 10 Pla,Pro AT +38 source, +9 saves vs. spell DM
10 3B-2 Blade Barrier 10 Gua 12d12 dmg wall (shards) DM
10 3B-3 Bless 10 All +10 TH and saves DM
10 3B-4 Call Lightning 10 Com,Ele (CL+2)d22 lightning dmg (save:˝) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
10 3B-5 Command 10 Cha Target makes 10 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
10 3B-6 Conjure Elemental 10 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=9 elemental DM
10 3B-7 Creeping Doom 10 Sum (1d7+11)*160 insect dmg DM
10 3B-8 Cure Wounds 10 Hea Cures 55d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 330 hp) DM
10 3B-9 Death's Door 10 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 64 hp (can't go above max) DM
10 3B-10 Dispel Evil 10 All Dispel 6 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
10 3B-11 Dispel Magic 10 Com Dispel 8 magic effects DM
10 3B-12 Faerie Fire 10 Ele Target gets -20 AC DM
10 3B-13 Fire Storm 10 Com,Ele (CL+2)d17 holy fire dmg, hits 5 groups (no save) DM
10 3B-14 Flame Strike 10 Com,Ele CLd18 holy fire dmg (save:˝) DM
10 3B-15 Goodberry 10 Hea,Pla Creates 40 goodberries DM
10 3B-16 Heal 10 Hea Cure to 200% of max hp (max Heal 10 can cure at once = 2000 hp) DM
10 3B-17 Hold Person/Monster 10 Cha Hold 12 person or 10 monster targets (save) DM
10 3B-18 Imbue with Spell Ability 10 All Imbue 10 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 5) DM
10 3B-19 MultiSymbol 10 Com Do 4 MultiSymbol effects DM
10 3B-20 Neutralize Poison 10 Hea,Nec Cure 7 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
10 3B-21 Protection from Fire 10 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*36 fire dmg DM
10 3B-22 Protection from Lightning 10 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*36 lightning dmg DM
10 3B-23 Regenerate 10 Nec Regenerates 8 hp /s DM
10 3B-24 Remove Curse 10 Hea,Nec Cure 7 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
10 3B-25 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 10 Ele,Pro Take -90% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
10 3B-26 Spell Immunity 10 Pro Be immune to 7 spells by name DM
10 3B-27 Wind Walk 10 Tra Flying at 231" rate DM

[Q-2] Deficiency Psionics (Psi. Freq. -2)

Psi-2 Devotions (Minors)

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 Adrenalin Drain Metab Con-3 8+4/r 6 Str,Dex,or Con dmg 6 to all three DM
2 Anti-Astral Projection Port Int 6+2/h Anti-Astral Projection Colorless pool nearby DM
3 Biogiveback Metab Con-2 6+3/r +2 dmg/att; +level/3 TH bonus +level TH bonus instead DM
4 Cause Disease Metab Con-3 12 Cause Disease Cause 2 diseases DM
5 Cell Adjustment Metab Con-3 1/hp max 20*level hp /r; disease=+5 PSPs Half cost in PSPs DM
6 Decelerate Metab Con-2 10+10/m Target loses next action (save) next 2 actions DM
7 Deflect Kinet Int 4 Deflect a melee attack -- DM
8 Detract Telep Wis Int+1/r -2 check if resisting Maintained 4r for free DM
9 Gird M-Psi Int-3 2*M/m Set off someone's trigger prematurely -- DM
10 Half Pain Metab Con-3 7 Take half damage from one person for 1t -- DM
11 Inertial Improver Kinet Con-3 7+5/r +1 to #Atts in your group (everyone) Missiles do +1 die of dmg DM
12 Magnify M-Psi Wis-5 25M+M/r Mult. power (Max=level/5+1) M+1, no extra cost DM
13 NoBlink Port Int+1 7+3/r Blinking does not function within 100' within 1000' DM
14 Receptacle M-Psi Wis-5 1/r Gem:1/100gp;Item:(2W+I+C-40)*L -- DM
15 Reduced Strength Metab Wis-3 2S+S/r Strength dmg, Max=level Max=2*level DM
16 Replacement Metab Con-3 6+3/r Ignore displacement Ignore mirror images DM
17 Reverse Carapace Metab Int 5+1/r -level AC; +(11-level) Dex No AC loss DM
18 Sight Less Telep Con-3 C+5/m Blindness (save) Deafness (save) DM
19 Sound Less Telep Con-2 C+4/t Deafness (save) Blindness (save) DM
20 Taste Less Telep Con-2 C+4/t Cannot taste, drink potions, eat pills (save) Target cannot smell DM
21 Time Diminish Port Int-7 54/r -3 M, -3 P, -3 V (save) -1 more each type DM
22 Time Halve Port Int-1 22/s Lose one instance of "Q" on all action types -4 AC/save; -2 TH DM
23 Ungraft Weapon Metab Con-5 10+1/r Unconnect weapon from body; -1/-1 Penalty is -4/-4 DM
24 Weakness of the Land Metab Con-2 10+2/r 25 dmg, -3 TH, -3 dmg, -25% MR Lasts 5r after maint. DM

[Q-2] Deficiency Psionics (Psi. Freq. -2)

Psi-2 Sciences (Majors)

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 Acidify Kinet Con-3 18 (level)d6 acid dmg (save:˝) (2*level)d6 acid damage DM
2 Complete Harming Metab Con 30 Harm at end of round (not segment) Harm at end of segment DM
3 Degenerate Metab Con-4 18+6/t Degenerate (LVL /s) 2*LVL /s DM
4 Endorphin Drain Metab Chr-6 16+8/r 6 Int,Wis,or Chr dmg 6 to all three DM
5 Energy Release Metab Con-2 1/die +CL to CL on your next damaging power -- DM
6 Fate Less Telep Con-5 C+5/t You and biggest enemy in area take 0 dmg -- DM
7 Inprobability Travel Port Int 20+8/h Go to Anti-Astral physically Colorless pool nearby DM
8 Insens. to Psychic Imp. Clair Wis-4 12+2/m Resist Psionics Resist Anti-Psionics DM
9 Life Field Metab Con-8 40 All in party all healed for LVL hp 2*LVL hp instead DM
10 Reintegrate Kinet Wis-4 40 Cure a disintegrate Cure an annihilate DM
11 Split Body M-Psi Wis-5 40+6/r +1 P action +1 more P action DM

Psi-2 High Sciences (Grands)

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 A/B Acceleration Metab Con-6 20/r +CL A actions /r (range sight) B instead of A DM
2 Alter Reality All Any-10 250 Alter Reality or Psi-1 major Double CL effect DM
3 Eelemental Composition Metab Con-4 24+3/r Can be any Normal/Para/Quasi Eele Can be Semi Eele DM
4 Grand Acidify Kinet Con-5 27 CLd20 acid damage Use d30's DM
5 Legendary Drain Metab Chr-24 24+12/r 6 Cml, Luck, or CL dmg 6 all three DM
6 Mass Detract Telep Wis L+1/r L=sum of targets' levels PSP cost halved DM
7 Steal Actions M-Psi *Auto* 0 Steal an action (save) -- DM
8 Ultrasword [-X] Telep Chr-5 20 Ignore non-racial immunity to psionics -- DM
9 Weakness of the World Metab Con-6 10/r -9/-9 AC/saves, -25% RR/MR/PsiR Lasts 5r after maint. DM
10 Weapon Familiarity Clair Int-8 200/d +1 slot in every weapon prof +LVL feats DM

Psi-2 Supers

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 C/X Acceleration Metab Chr-10 30/r +CL C actions /r (range sight) Can convert 14C -> 1X DM
2 Change Reality All Any-20 400 Change Reality or Psi-1 grand Double CL effect DM
3 Magic Inertial Improver Port Dex-18 70/r Spells give no save in your group -- DM
4 Planetary Acidify Kinet Con-25 3600 Acidifies 1 planet or moon (!) 2 planets or moons! DM
5 Public Access Lock Clair Int-20 90/r Your truename is unknowable Thoughts unknowable too DM
6 Spirit on the Ground Telep Chr-15 1/week Cannot use M actions; can use 2P/s Can use 3P /s DM

[Q-1] Unnatural Psionics (Psi. Freq. -1)

Basic Psi-1 Information

The reverse of Psi1. It is considered "AntiPsionic" power. You MUST be insane to have Anti-Psionics.
PSI-1 CLASS: Anti-Psionic Strength = (Str+Dex+Con)/3*(level+9).
WILD TALENTS: Anti-Psionic Strength = 64+level+(Str+Dex+Con-36)*(exceptional+1)
where "exceptional" is the number of physical stats (Str, Dex, Con) of 16 or above.
Wild Talent Power Progression:
  Potential Number of:
Str+Dex+Con Minor Major Grand Att+Def
0-7 1 0 0 1
8-15 2 0 0 2
16-23 2 1 0 3
24-31 3 1 0 4
32-39 4 1 0 5
40-47 4 2 0 6
48-55 4 2 1 7
56-63 5 2 1 8
64-71 6 3 1 9
72-79 7 3 1 10
80+ 8 4 2 11
It takes 1 nonweapon proficiency slot for a Minor, 3 slots for a Major, and 6 slots for a Grand to obtain 1st level of mastery.
Thereafter, 1/2 a slot will increase a power's level of mastery by 1.
Attacks and Defenses cost: A=1, B=0, C=˝, D=1˝, E=2, U=2˝, F=0, G=˝ , H=1, I=1˝, J=2, X=2˝ (in slots).
Psionicists get the number of powers seen in their progression at no proficiency cost, and their level of mastery is equal to their experience level. They could purchase higher levels of mastery (adding to their level).
When you downgrade, you get (old SL-1)^2 spell levels which can be used only for spells of lower level (of at least SL 1).
e.g. a 9th level spell is converted to 64 spell levels (and can be used as eight 8th's, for example).
Spell Level: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Downgrade Cost: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

[Q-1] Unnatural Psionics (Psi. Freq. -1)

Anti-Psionic Rampart

Str+Dex Save Immune Untarg Immov Zombie Taunt Euphor
0-5 19 01-55 56-75 76-91 92-97 98-99 00
6-10 17 01-45 46-63 64-78 79-93 94-97 98-00
11-15 15 01-36 37-52 53-65 66-88 89-94 95-00
16-20 13 01-28 29-42 43-54 55-82 83-90 91-00
21-25 11 01-21 22-33 34-43 44-75 76-85 86-00
26-30 9 01-15 16-25 26-34 35-67 68-79 80-00
31-35 7 01-10 11-18 19-25 26-58 59-72 73-00
36-40 5 01-06 07-12 13-18 19-48 49-64 65-00
41-45 3 01-03 04-07 08-11 12-37 38-55 56-00
46+ 1 01 02-03 04-06 07-25 26-45 46-00
Immune: Creature cannot be affected by or use psionics for 1d6 weeks. Can still use anti-psionics.
Untarg: Creature cannot be targetted by psionics (friendly or not) for 1d8 days. Range 0 effects still work.
Immov: Creature is immovable by all means (flight, walking, teleporting, etc.) for 1d12 hours. He cannot make Dex checks or make any saving throw that gives a Dex bonus.
Zombie: Creature can use actions only to do the things he did last segment for 1d20 turns.
Taunt: Creature is Taunted (as per the Kender ability) to the Psionic Rampart attacking player for 1d30 minutes.
Euphor: Creature is euphoric and cannot harm another person (as if he was a Cavalier at negative hp) for 1d100 rounds.

[Q-1] Unnatural Psionics (Psi. Freq. -1)

Psi-1 Minor Powers

Body Fluidity 1/r +level saves; +level TH with weapons
Body Over Mind 5/d Lose LVL mental ability score points, distribute among physical ability scores
Brainwave Adjustment 1 Change your Truename; You are knocked out of Contact, PsiLinks, etc.
Cell Rearrangement N Heals/Harms N% of max hp; Max N = level*5; Cure/Cause Curse = 20/70
Clairnasience 5/r 40' range per level
Clearcognition 1/r Can use all 5 senses normally, even if some outside effect is blinding them
Darknesses 1 Target has -2 saves, deafness (save) for 1 turn
Detection of Anti-Magic 3/r Detect Anti-Magic
Expediation 5/r Weight Allow. = Str of level+12; +level TH; Elasticity
Object Writing 1/r Item must make item saving throw or destroyed
Premature Trigger 10 Set off someone else's trigger prematurely (no save, ER resists)
Resume Animation 6 Remove one instance of Paralysis, Stun, Hold, etc. on yourself
Reverse ESP 2/r 0, 1/r: Target hears your thoughts and must save or insane.
Steadiness 3/t Immune Telekinsesis, Falling Damage, Teleport Away, Gates/DimDoors
Visibility 3/t Everything within 30'r is visible (counters hidden and Disappearance too)

Psi-1 Major Powers

Dimensional Folding 25 Dimensional Folding (as spell)
Effects Resistance 10/h +level*5% ER; others you target -level*5% ER; no selective targetting penalties
Energy Amplification 1/HD Add dice to a damaging effect which is resolving (Max = level) only on 1 target
Hand-to-Hand Resistance 10/h +level*5% aWR; others you target -level*5% aWR; no selective targetting penalties
Imp. Cell Rearrangement N As Cell Rearrangement but range=10*level'; Max N = level*10
Inverse Astral Projection 10/t Inverse Astral Projection
Inverse Magic Jar 20/r Another being can use your body
Mass Mental Freedom 10+HD Max = 5 creatures; Removes charm, hypnosis, sleep, dominate, etc.
Mental Paralysis Bolt 15+HD Save -6; 1 creature cannot use M actions for CL rounds; Max HD = 2*level
Moving Concentration 5/d Can convert 1M -> 1P+1V each round if desired
Physical Surgery N*10 Pick 1: Halve hp & slow (N=1), Ray/Enfeeblement (N=5), Insanity (N=6); all have save
Shape Alteration Other 3+W W=weight/100; Polymorph Other (save)

[Q-1] Unnatural Psionics (Psi. Freq. -1)

Psi-1 Grand Powers

Anti-Psionic Disruption 40/r No Anti-Psi powers (any freq.) can be used in 50' r
Decay 50 1=Decay (item save), 2=Freedom, 5=Instantaneous, 7=Tempus Lawfulness
Endowment 100 Give someone else (who is insane) Psi-1
Energy Solidity 3/HD As per Energy Amplification but entire effect is amplified
Power Transfer 100*N N: Minor=1, Major=2, Grand=3, Super=4; Object's Anti-Psi Strength = ˝ of caster's
Quick Physical Acceleration 35/r +1 QP action
Quick Anti-Psi Acceleration 35/r +1 QM action which can be used only for anti-psionics
Reattachment 20*SL One effect that someone/something can per unit of time is considered "not used" yet
Swing Acceleration 35/r +1 S action

Psi-1 Super Powers

Cellular Cure / Cause X Up to X targets: Heal or Harm X hp; You may target someone more than once (!)
Insist 40 [0 action] Counters a counterspell; that same type of counterspell can't be used again
Limitation 1000 1 target: -CL/9 to max # of classes or # psi.freq. (no resistance)
No Resistance (Physical) 400 1 target: Lowers all physical immunites; lowers all WR, aWR; halves iWR, iaWR
Rapid Swing 80/r All your weapons are Ninja Speeded (x2 #Att), add one to multiplier if already have it
Villain Element 600 Casts any one 1st level Villain spell

[Q0] Martial Arts / Ki Powers (Psi. Freq. 0)

General Psi0 Information

KiL (Ki Level) = (highest Psi0 level)*3 + (highest Monk1 level)*2 + (highest Wild Talent level).
P0Ps = Str + Dex + Con + Wis - 40 + KiL
These are restored at 1 per round until the maximum per turn (equal to KiL) is reached.
1 P0P = 20 Psi1 points = 2 Psi9 track points for purposes of Psi11 conversion.
Psi0 and Monk1 get a progression (this replaces the "1 Martial Arts slot per level" in the Collective). You may downgrade if desired.
Wild Talents must buy these using Martial Arts slots (1 for Minor, 2 for Major, 3 for Grand, 4 for Super). They get the ability to take 1 power per level, levels 1-9 is Minor, 10-18 is Major, 19-27 is Grand, 28-36 is Super. You may take lesser types if desired.
In the "Act" column below (which is the actions needed to perform the maneuver), read "patt" as "punch attack" and "katt" as "kick attack".
Read "One attack:" on the Effects tables below as "Gain and do one attack, if successful, do the following:". You don't actually do damage with the attack unless noted.

[Q0] Martial Arts / Ki Powers (Psi. Freq. 0)

Psi0 Minor Powers

# Power P0P Action Effect
1 Acting 0 0 Acting, Spying, Disguise proficiencies; KiL*10% chance to resist Detect Lie spell
2 Armory 0 0 Armor Optimization, Armor/Weapon Identification, Armor/Weapon Repair proficiencies
3 Arrow Cutting 1 1V You get a Dex check (with penalty = enemy's level) for each missile shot at you this round
4 Binding 0 1V Tie up a helpless/surrendered foe so they cannot escape by physical means
5 Bowyer 0 0 Bowyer/Fletcher proficiency; 1 week of F actions: Make a nonmagical +1/+0 bow.
6 Calligraphy 1 0 Copy documents; Can copy magical writings at KiL% success, (100-KiL)% destroy original
7 Catfall 1 1P Land on feet, get a Dex check versus each die of the falling damage
8 Choke 1 1P One attack: Each round target makes Con check or unconscious, maintain by using 1V
9 Classical Literature 0 0 Legend Lore KiL%
10 Climbing 1 1V Gain Climb Walls rating of KiL*10% for the round
11 Contortion 1 1V Escape Bonds (but not from Binding power above); can squeeze through small gaps
12 Dance 0 0 Dancing, Juggling, Mime proficiencies; Can communicate without using spoken words
13 Double Attack 1 1att Do two attacks, each rolls 1d10 to hit, these cannot be traded in to do something else
14 Disable Limb 1 1P One attack: One limb cannot be used by target for 1t (no save)
15 Disarm 1 1P One attack: Target is disarmed (no save)
16 Entangle 1 1P One attack: Do one attack of dmg; -1 segment that target can use per round; maintain 1V
17 Fast-draw 1 0 1 of your weapon attacks occurs at start of round; can pick up 1 weapon without using 1V
18 Focus: Skill 1 1M +1 slot in a non-weapon proficiency (even if you don't have the proficiency) for 1r
19 Forced March 1 0 +KiL to movement rate for the day
20 Grapple 1 1P One attack: Do KiL + Str bonus (to damage) dmg every round, maintain by using 1V
21 Hawking 0 0 Can train a hawk to hunt or spy (not as good as a familiar, but close)
22 Horsemanship 1 1V Horsemanship proficiency; Keeps mount under control in difficult situations
23 Hurling 1 1P One attack: Throw any weapon (incl. weapons not meant to be thrown) without hit penalty
24 Kippup 1 0 Stand up without using a V action.
25 Leaping 1 1V Jump KiL*5' horizontally or KiL*2' vertically
26 Maka Wara 0 0 Each time someone hits you with an unarmed attack, he takes 1 damage back.
27 Medicine I 1 1V Choose one: Cure KiL hp; Cure Wounding; Repair disabled limb
28 Meditation -3 1 turn +KiL mental saves & Immune Fear for 1t; x2 normal healing/regenation rate in non-combat
29 Music 0 0 Music Composition, Instrumental, Singing proficiencies
30 Piercing Thrust 1 0 Do maximum damage with a piercing weapon attack.
31 Reverse Cut 0 0 Can attack to side or behind at no penalty (don't have to turn around)
32 Rhetoric 0 0 Fast-talking, Negotiation, Preaching proficiencies
33 Silent Garrote 1 1P One attack: Choke as above (you must be in Backstab position); Silence 15'r for duration.
34 Silent Kill 1 1P One attack: Do a x2 Backstab (you must be in Backstab position); Silence 15'r for that 1s.
35 Smashing Blow 1 1att Double the "to hit" roll with a blunt attack; Natural 19-20 is automatic hit.
36 Stealthy Movement 1 1V Gain Move Silently and Hide in Shadows ratings of KiL*10% for the round
37 Strike 1 0 Add your Str hit and damage bonus a second time for all attacks for this segment
38 Swimming 1 1M Can swim underwater for the round with no chance of drowning; Resist Water for 1 round
39 Tea Ceremony X 1 turn Give to other Psi0-users in room a total of X Psi0 points, this may be above max for 1 turn
40 Theology 0 0 Religion proficiency; Detect divine beings
41 Throw 1 1P Make one attack, if successful, throw target level*10' in one direction, he takes falling dmg
42 Trip 1 1att One attack: Do KiL dmg; target is down but may spend 1V to get back up
43 Unarmed Combat 0 0 +level TH and dmg with unarmed combat

[Q0] Martial Arts / Ki Powers (Psi. Freq. 0)

Psi0 Major Powers

# Power P0P Action Effect
1 Air Throw 3 1P,1V One attack: Target takes KiL*5' falling damage
2 Backflip Kick 2 1katt One kicking attack to opponent's back (not a backstab): Normal damage.
3 Buffalo Punch 2 2patt One punching attack: x3 normal damage.
4 Concealment 2 1M Invisibility
5 Death Touch 3 1P One attack: Death (save vs. PPD)
6 Double Dread Kick 2 2katt,1V Two kicking attacks: Each does normal damage and knocks the target back KiL'
7 Double-Hit Kick 2 0 Repeat damage of last kicking attack to same target
8 Double-Hit Knee 2 1katt Two kicking attacks: Normal damage; both must be vs. same target.
9 Dragon Kick 2 1P One kicking attack: That attack does Hp (hull points) instead of hp; target knocked down
10 Dragon Punch 2 1P One punching attack: That attack does Hp (hull points) instead of hp; target knocked down
11 Ear Pop 2 2patt (The 2att from seperate limbs) One attack: Target stunned and deaf (each save vs. PP)
12 Fire and Stones 2 2att (The 2att from seperate limbs) One attack: Destroys enemy's weapon (item save)
13 Flash Kick 3 1P,1V One kicking attack at +KiL to hit, ignores stoneskins/ironskins: x10 damage, knockdown
14 Flying Knee Thrust 2 1katt,1V One kicking attack: x2 normal damage.
15 Flying Thrust Kick 3 2katt,1V One kicking attack: x5 normal damage, knocked down.
16 Focus: Magic Resistance 3 0 KiL*5% MR for 1r
17 Focus: Stay Conscious X 0 Stay Conscious at negative hp; X = -(current hp)/2, round up
18 Foot Sweep 2 1katt One kicking attack: Normal damage, target is knocked down
19 Forward Flip Knee 2 1katt One kicking attack to opponent's back of head (not backstab) at -4 TH: Normal damage.
20 Handstand Kick 2 1katt,1V One kicking attack: Normal damage, with a bonus equal to your movement rate (in inches)
21 Head Butt 2 1HeadP One attack: Do double normal punching damage with your head.
22 Hundred Hand Slap 3 1F Ten punching attacks: Each does normal punching damage; all must be vs. same target
23 Hurricane Kick 2 1P,1V Do 1 attack on each target in a KiL*5' line: Normal damage plus knocked down.
24 Hyper Fist 3 1patt Three punching attacks: Each does normal punching damage; all must be vs. same target
25 Lightning Leg 3 1P,1M Ten kicking attacks: Each does normal kicking damage; all must be vs. same target
26 Lightning Stroke 3 1V Each time you miss this round you may reroll (you are actually making new 2nd attacks)
27 Medicine II 2 1V Choose one: Restore 1 stat point; Cure Disease; Neutralize Poison
28 Monkey Grab Punch 3 2patt One punch attack at +KiL to hit, cannot be parried/countered/dodged: Do normal damage.
29 Power Uppercut 2 2patt One punch attack at +KiL to hit: Do normal damage.
30 Precision Strike 0 0 All your weapons gain (+0)d(+2) on damage.
31 Rekka Ken 3 0 Ability to use 2P actions (but only for unarmed combat) this segment.
32 Returning Hurl 3 1P Hurling (above); if weapon has chain attached it has end-of-round returning.
33 San He 3 0 For 1r: Immovability; cannot be knocked back/down; cannot use V actions
34 Shockwave 3 1F Earthquake KiL' r (as spell)
35 Slide Kick 2 1katt One kicking attack, auto hits if target is not flying: Normal damage, target is knocked down
36 Spinning Back Fist 2 1patt,1V One punch attack: That attack does x2 damage.
37 Spinning Clothesline 3 1P One punching attack on each target within KiL'r: Do normal damage.
38 Spinning Knuckle 3 0 Repeat damage of last punching attack on same target
39 Stepping Front Kick 2 3katt,1V Two kicking attacks, second autohits if first hits: Normal damage, target knocked back KiL'
40 Toughskin 0 0 +KiL/2 AC bonus
41 Triple Strike 3 3att (The 3att from seperate limbs) Three attacks at same target at +KiL to hit: Normal dmg.
42 Whirlwind Kick 3 1P One kicking attack on each target within KiL'r: Do normal damage.
43 Wounded Knee 3 1katt One kicking attack: Target loses 1V action per round for 1t.

[Q0] Martial Arts / Ki Powers (Psi. Freq. 0)

Psi0 Grand Powers

# Power P0P Action Effect
1 Acid Breath 5 MouthP Breathe Acid (as per dragon)
2 Air Hurricane Kick 4 1P,1V Do 1 attack on each target in a KiL*5' line even in air: Normal damage plus knocked down.
3 Channel-strike 4 0 One attack: Normal results of attack. All Channel-strike in round must be vs. same target.
4 Chi Kung Healing X 1M Cure X*KiL hp to one target
5 Cobra Charm 4 EyeP Gaze, target must save vs. RSW or he cannot use any actions next segment, maintain 1M
6 Divination 6 1 turn Ask the DM a question, answer is given as (choose one:) 1 English word or cryptic phrase
7 Energy Reflection 5 1V As Arrow Cutting (above), except vs. magical missiles (even vs. Meteor Swarms & such)
8 Extendable Limbs 0 0 Your limbs can extend an extra KiL'
9 Fireball 4 1M KiLd6 dmg, KiL' radius (fire damage) (save:˝, if made save again for 0)
10 Flaming Dragon Punch 4 1P Dragon Punch (above); Do an extra set of hull damage (elemental fire damage) (save:˝)
11 Focus: Ability 6 1F +1 to an ability score for 1t
12 Ghost Form 6 1M Out-of-phase for 1r (cannot affect or be affected by solid objects), maintain 1M and 1 P0P
13 Great Wall of China 6 1P,1V KiL kicking attacks distributed among targets within KiL'r: Do normal damage.
14 Iceblast 5 1M KiLd4 dmg in a KiL*5' line (ice damage) (save:˝)
15 Improved Fireball 6 1M KiLd8 dmg, KiL' radius (fire damage) (save:˝, if made save again for 0)
16 Mind Reading 4 1M ESP; Know what the target is going to do next round
17 Musical Accomplishment 4 MouthP Allies can reroll (choose one:) missed to hit, missed saves, missed BlahR rolls (for 1m)
18 Regeneration 0 0 Regenerate KiL hp per round (given as KiL/10 hp per segment)
19 Shock Treatment 0 0 Immune Lightning; 1 P0P, 1V: Deal KiL damage to one target (save: ˝)
20 Sonic Boom 4 1M KiLd4 dmg, KiL' radius (sound damage) (save:˝, if made save again for 0)
21 Spinning Foot Sweep 4 1katt One kicking attack on each target within KiL'r: Normal damage, targets are knocked down
22 Storm Hammer 5 1P,1V One attack: Target takes KiL*10' falling damage
23 Stunning Shout 6 MouthP Target must save vs. PP or stunned 1d(KiL) segments
24 Telepathy 4 1M Telepathy (as spell)
25 TurboSpinningClothesline 6 1P Two attacks on each target within KiL'r: Do normal damage.
26 Yoga Flame 4 MouthP Breathe Fire (as per dragon)
27 Yoga Teleport 6 1M Tesseract (as spell effect), KiL% chance of not being stunned afterwards

Psi0 Super Powers

# Power P0P Action Effect
1 Flying Fireball 8 1M,1V KiLd8 dmg in a KiL' radius (fire damage) (save:˝)
2 Focus: Resist Death X 0 Stay Alive (but probably unconscious) past -10 hp; X = -(current hp)/2, round down
3 Inferno Strike 7 1F KiLd20 dmg, KiL*3' radius (fire damage) (save:˝), center at caster (who doesn't take dmg)
4 Repeating Fireball 3*X 1M Throw X Fireballs (see above)
5 Thunderclap 8 1M KiLd12 dmg, KiL' radius (sound damage) (save:˝, if made save again for 0)
6 Zen No Mind 10 0 Ability to use 2M actions per segment

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Basic Psi1 Information

PSI1 CLASS: Psionic Strength = (Int+Wis+Chr) / 3 * (Level+9)
WILD TALENTS: Psionic Strength = 64 + level + (Int+Wis+Chr-36) * (exceptional+1)
where "exceptional" is the number of mental stats(Int,Wis,Chr) of 16 or above.
Wild Talent Power Progression:
  Potential Number of:
Int+Wis+Chr Minor Major Grand Att+Def
0-7 1 0 0 1
8-15 2 0 0 2
16-23 2 1 0 3
24-31 3 1 0 4
32-39 4 1 0 5
40-47 4 2 0 6
48-55 4 2 1 7
56-63 5 2 1 8
64-71 6 3 1 9
72-79 7 3 1 10
80+ 8 4 2 11
It takes 1 nonweapon proficiency slot for a Minor, 3 slots for a Major, and 6 slots for a Grand to obtain 1st level of mastery.
Thereafter, 1/2 a slot will increase a power's level of mastery by 1.
Attacks and Defenses cost: A=1, B=0, C=˝, D=1˝, E=2, U=2˝, F=0, G=˝ , H=1, I=1˝, J=2, X=2˝ (in slots).
Psionicists get the number of powers seen in their progression at no proficiency cost, and their level of mastery is equal to their experience level. They could purchase higher levels of mastery (adding to their level).
PSIONIC ENCHANTMENTS (spend 1 spell of each level below to get new spell level)
Spell Level, Wizard: 0 1 2 3 4-8 9 10 11 12 13
Spell Level, Priest: 0 1 2 3 4-6 7 8 9 10 11
Upgrade Cost: 400 800 200 150 100 150 200 800 1800 3200

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psionic Blast / Ultra Blast

  Save for Range
Int+Wis 10yd 20yd 30yd
0-5 20 19 18
6-10 18 17 16
11-13 16 15 14
14-17 14 13 12
18-21 12 11 10
22-25 10 9 8
26-29 8 7 6
30-33 6 5 4
34-35 4 3 2
36-37 2 1 0
38+ 0 -1 -2
Save Modifiers
Additions Subtractions
wizard +1 panicked -1
priest +2 enraged -1
elf +2 confused -2
Intell. Fort. +2 hopeless -3
mind blank +2 stunned -3
psionicist +3 using psi power -4
dwarf +4 using ESP -5
halfling +4 asleep -6
helm/telepathy +4 unconscious -6
Tower/Iron Will +6 feebleminded (Int=0-5)
mind bar +6 insane NA
Int+Wis Death Coma Sleep Stun Confuse Enrage Panic Feeble 2Insanity 1Insanity 1Insanity
0-5 01-77 78-91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
6-9 01-10 11-83 84-92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
10-13 01 02-15 16-84 85-93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
14-17 01 02 03-11 12-85 86-94 95 96 97 98 99 00
18-21 01 02 03 04-17 18-86 87-95 96 97 98 99 00
22-25 01 02 03 04 05-18 19-87 88-96 97 98 99 00
26-29 01 02 03 04 05 06-19 20-88 89-97 98 99 00
30-33 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-20 21-89 90-98 99 00
34-35 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08-26 27-85 86-99 00
36-37 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09-22 23-90 91-00
38+ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-23 24-00
Duration - 2d6 d 5d4 t 2d4 t 1d4 t 2d4 r 2d4 r perm. perm. 2d6 w 1d4 w
Int+Wis Save Death Coma Stun Confuse Feeblemind 1Insanity 2Insanity 3Insanity 4Insanity 5Insanity
0 NA - - - - - - - - - -
1-5 20 01-19 20-36 37-51 52-64 65-75 76-84 85-91 92-96 97-99 00
6-10 19 01-16 17-34 35-50 51-63 64-74 75-83 84-90 91-95 96-98 99-00
11-15 18 01-12 13-26 27-43 44-57 58-69 70-79 80-87 88-93 94-97 98-00
16-20 17 01-09 10-20 21-34 35-50 51-64 65-75 76-84 85-91 92-96 97-00
21-25 16 01-07 08-16 17-27 28-40 41-55 56-68 69-79 80-88 89-95 96-00
26-30 15 01-05 06-12 13-21 22-32 33-45 46-60 61-73 74-84 85-93 94-00
31-35 14 01-04 05-09 10-16 17-25 26-36 37-50 51-66 67-80 81-91 92-00
36-40 13 01-03 04-07 08-13 14-21 22-31 32-43 44-57 58-74 75-88 89-00
41-45 12 01-02 03-05 06-10 11-17 18-26 27-37 38-50 51-66 67-84 85-00
46+ 11 01 02-04 05-09 10-16 17-25 26-36 37-49 50-64 65-81 82-00
Dur. - - 2d4 d 10d6r 6d6 r Perm. Perm. Perm. Perm. Perm. Perm.

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psi1 Minor Powers

Animal Telepathy 1/r 1=mamm,5=bird,6=rept,8=fish,10=spider,14=plant
Antipathy-Sympathy 35/h Antipathy-Sympathy (as spell)
Automaton 10/r Animate Object (as spell)
Body Equilibrium 1/r Water Walking, Feather Fall, Lessen Weight
Body Weaponry 1/r +level AC, +level unarmed damage
Cell Adjustment 1/hp Max.# hp = level*5, Cure Disease=20/70
Clairaudience 5/r 30'range per level
Clairvoyance 5/r 20'range per level
Command 5 Command (as spell)
Detect Danger 1/r 10+10*level% direction, 5+5*level% distance
Detection of Good/Evil 2/r 20+10*level% exact alignment, 10*level% objects
Detection of Life 4/r Gives dir.,dist.,size class (30'range per level)
Detection of Magic 3/r Gives type, school/sphere, and approx. level
Domination 5+HD/r Save; Psionic gets control of all actions
Empathic Control 1/HD Save-3; Emotion (as spell); no limit to HD
Empathy 3 Gives basic emotions of all in 10'wide path
ESP 2/r ESP (as spell)
Expansion 5/r Max.Press=Str of level+12, +level dmg, +level'
Hypnosis 1/HD Level>10 or Int16=save; Max.HD=ä(level)
Invisibility 3/t Mental Invisibility, affects ä(level) in HD
Levitation 3/t Levitate (as spell)
Lights 1/t Faerie Fire, Dancing Lights, Light
Locate 5/t Locate object, person, or type of creature
Memory Protection 1/d Immune to Forget,Feeblemind,Incantatrix effects
Microkinesis 1/s Telekinesis on a small object (max wt = level lbs.)
Mind Over Body 5/d No need for food,water,sleep for 2*level days
Molecular Agitation 1/r 1 dmg 1st r, 2 dmg 2nd r, etc. (max.dmg=level)
Movement Acceleration 10/r +1V Action
Object Reading 1/r Detects psychic impressions left on an object
Postcognition 1/fact Can see into past, double chances of Precog.
Precognition 1/fact Int+Wis+level*level-factor% chance correct
Psionic Trigger 10/d Contingency for 1 psi power (still need points)
Rapport 5/r 1=Share Memories, 3=Detect Lie, 4=Mind Scan
Reduction 2/t -level' until 1', then halve size each time
Sense 5/t See in darkness/fog, Hear in silenced/loud room
Spirit Speak 10/r Speak with Dead (as spell)
Suspend Animation 6 Ceases life functions for max of (level) weeks
Sens. to Psychic Imp. 1/r Gives freq., type, and field of all psi in area
Tap Psionic Link 7/r Can listen into Psi Link if within 30*level'
Telekinetic Barrier 5N /t Take -N dmg per physical attack (max N = level)
Telekinetic Blade 5/r Base damage CLdCL, considered +CL/3 weapon, mental weapon
Telep. Ventriloquism 1/' Save-3; Target actually says desired phrase
Tongues 20+6/r Tongues (as spell); 1 language/level

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psi1 Major Powers

Astral Projection 10 Astral Spell (as spell)
Aura Alteration 10/F/h F=#AL places moved, Remove Curse,Geas,Quest=8*SL
Aura Reading 3 Detect alignment, classes, skills, exact hp
Body Control 2/t Water Breathing, Resist environment 1 HD/level
Cellular Restoration 8 Reattaches severed limb, fixes damaged organ
Controlled Blinking 5/r Blink 10'/level each round (no action after 1st)
Deflection 1/% /h Energy (non-Physical) Reflection, max=level*10%
Dimension Door 10 Dimension Door (as spell); 90'/level
Dimension Walk 1/t Cover 30 miles in (40-level) minutes
Dispel Exhaustion 14 Mental Surgery (1) but all in psi link affected
Energy Control 1/HD Max.=level in HD damage, must be energy attack
Energy Dissipation 20 Take half damage from an energy attack
Etherealness 6/t Caster+50*level lbs. in Ethereal Plane
Flying 9/t Fly (as spell)
Foresight 18 Foresight (as spell)
Geas 40 Geas (as spell)
Improved Cell Adj. 1/hp Cell Adj. but range=10'*level, Max.hp=10*level/r
Improved Invisibility 9/t Invisibility but can attack and remain Invis.
Magic Jar 20 Magic Jar (as spell), save penalty -1/level
Mass Domination 10+HD Save-4; Max.=5 creatures of level HD
Mental Surgery 10*lvl 1=Dispel Exhaustion,5=Feeblemind,6=Cure Insanity
Mind Bar 5/d Immune to Ench/Cha,Magic Jar,Domination,Invis.
Molecular Manipulation 50 Makes object weak: 1=cord,5=chain,7=wood,9=metal
Molecular Rearrangement 10/lb. 1=soft,4=brass,7=bronze,10=steel,13=Mithril
Pass-Way 20/' Can pass through any material or Wall spell (no harm)
Paralysis Bolt 15+HD Save-6; 1 creature, Max.HD=2*level
Physical Acceleration 20/r +1P Action
Probability Travel 10/P P=#planes removed, fail=21-level%
Psionic Cage 50 Reverse Wards (no one can leave)
Shape Alteration 3+W W=weight/1000, Polymorph Self (as spell)
Standing Concentration 5/d Can convert 1P+1V Action to 1M if desired each r
Submit Illusion 12/t Submit a Spectral Force to subject's mind
Telekinesis 3/r Max.Weight=3*sum(level), accel. 2"/r move rate
Telempathic Projection 6 Empathy, but can send an emotion
Telepathy 1/r Operates up to 186,000 miles away on same plane
Telepathic Projection 1/r+HD Suggestion, Possession=2*Int+Wis+Chr points
Teleportation 20+1/% Teleport (as spell), can adjust roll by 1%/point
Transmutation 10 One effect in next turn can be changed to another element
True Sensory Input 4/r True Seeing (as spell), but all 5 senses
Wards 50 Pro.Evil&Scrying, no one can enter, break=150pts
X-ray Vision 15/r As per ring of X-ray vision

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psi1 Grand Powers

Amplification 10*#cr Save; Sleep d6+3 hr, Gain (Int+Wis+Chr)*2 points
Amplify Power 10N +N to CL (or) +N*10% effect to next Psi1 power (max N=CL)
Death Stare 75 Save-6; Death; Stun 2d4r if over 2*level HD
Energy Cancel 3/HD As Energy Control but removes entire area effect
Energy Jar 15/HD As Energy Control, can throw affect yourself once for 1M
Endowment 100 Gain psionics, one row lower on table above
God Voice Ventrilo. 25/r Loud "god voice", deafness (save), suggestion (save)
Grand Domination 3*HD/r Save at penalty equal to level; no HD limit
Interdimensional Space 40+1/h Rope Trick (as spell); duration limit=1h/level
Limited Wish 320 Limited Wish (as spell)
Mental Acceleration 30/r +1M Action (can be used for anything)
Power Transfer 100*T T:Minor=1,Major=2,Grand=3, Object=˝*Caster Psi
Preservation 50 1=Preserve,2=Trap Soul,5=Permanency,7=Stasis
Psionic Acceleration 20/r +1M Action (must be used on natural psionics)
Psionic Amplification 8*Mult Multiplies a power; Max.=level/4+1
Psionic Disruption 40/r No psi powers (any freq.) can be used in 50'r
Restoration 60 Restoration, Restores Items, Stops dual-nature
Severance 20*SL Save; stops use of any 1 ability in creature
Shade 100 Creates a ghost/shade of person who died here, half powers
Suppression 3/r Cannot use or be affected by psionics, all psi effects drop

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psi1 Super Powers

Cellular Heal/Harm X up to X targets: Heal or Harm X% of max hp
Counterspell 40*SL [0 action to use] Counters a Magic/Psi/Innate
Energy Dampen 1/HD/d Permanent Energy Cancel on self or 100'cu area
Full Acceleration 50/r +1 Full Action /r
Hero Element 700 Casts any one 1st level Hero spell
Legend Element 400 Casts any one 1st level Legend spell
Mental Deceleration 100*N Target loses next N mental actions (no save)
No Resistance 400 1 target: Lowers Class VI,PsiR,Defense X for 1t
Opposing Acceleration 60/r +1 Opposing Action /r
Physical Deceleration 50*N Target loses next N physical actions (no save)
Quick Mental Accel. 60/r +1 QM Action /r
Rapid Fire 80/r x2 number of Psi1 attacks/r, stacks with itself
Shotokan Spirit 60/r Know and can use all Psi0 minor/major/grand powers
Sinanju Spirit 60/r Know and can use all Martial Arts powers
Super Domination 10*HD Dominate one target (no save, no PsiR, no Wis)
Telekinetic Crush X 1 target: X*X*X telekinetic damage (no save)
Versatility 1000 Permanent: +1 max. # of classes or # psi.freq.
Wish 480 Wish (as spell), or any Psi2 Dev/Sci/High Sci

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psionic vs. Psionic in Mental Combat

J.Tower of
Iron Will=10
1- 25 A.Psionic Blast=20 3 7 4 1 0
B.Mind Thrust=4 12 4 0 0 1
C.Ego Whip=7 8 3 0 0 0
D.Id Insinuation=10 1 6 8 1 1
E.Psychic Crush=14 2% 0% 0% 0% 0%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 6 10 8 4 2
26- 50 A.Psionic Blast=20 6 9 6 2 0
B.Mind Thrust=4 15 6 1 0 2
C.Ego Whip=7 12 4 0 0 0
D.Id Insinuation=10 2 8 10 3 3
E.Psychic Crush=14 5% 2% 1% 0% 0%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 12 19 15 8 3
51- 75 A.Psionic Blast=20 10 12 9 4 1
B.Mind Thrust=4 18 9 2 2 3
C.Ego Whip=7 17 6 1 1 1
D.Id Insinuation=10 4 11 13 7 6
E.Psychic Crush=14 9% 4% 2% 1% 0%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 18 27 21 12 5
76-100 A.Psionic Blast=20 15 16 13 7 2
B.Mind Thrust=4 22 13 5 4 5
C.Ego Whip=7 23 9 3 2 3
D.Id Insinuation=10 7 15 17 12 10
E.Psychic Crush=14 14% 7% 5% 3% 2%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 24 34 26 16 8
101-125 A.Psionic Blast=20 21 21 18 11 4
B.Mind Thrust=4 26 18 9 7 8
C.Ego Whip=7 30 13 6 4 6
D.Id Insinuation=10 11 20 22 18 15
E.Psychic Crush=14 20% 11% 9% 6% 4%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 30 40 30 20 12
126-150 A.Psionic Blast=20 28 27 18 16 7
B.Mind Thrust=4 30 24 9 11 12
C.Ego Whip=7 38 18 6 7 10
D.Id Insinuation=10 16 26 22 25 21
E.Psychic Crush=14 27% 16% 9% 10% 7%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 36 45 33 24 18
151-175 A.Psionic Blast=20 36 34 31 22 11
B.Mind Thrust=4 34 31 25 15 17
C.Ego Whip=7 47 24 15 11 15
D.Id Insinuation=10 22 33 35 33 28
E.Psychic Crush=14 35% 22% 20% 15% 11%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 42 50 36 28 24
Attack Mode T (Psionic Touch): As per attack mode A, but range touch, affects only one target, and there is no saving throw.
Attack Mode V (SuperBlast): This attack theoretically should exist based on its existence in Psi2. It would cost 250 attack points and have the same effect that it has in Psi2.
Defense Mode X (UltraShield): Costs 20 defense points per round to use; you cannot attack or be attacked psionically in any frequency.

[Q1] Natural (1st edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 1)

Psionic Attack Upon Defenseless Psionic

Defender's Original Psionic Strength
10-59 60-109 110-159 160-209 210-259 260-309 310+
1- 25 A.Psionic Blast=20 D C C 15 10 5 5
B.Mind Thrust=4 W W 40 35 30 25 20
C.Ego Whip=7 30 25 20 15 10 5 5
D.Id Insinuation=10 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
E.Psychic Crush=14 72% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 S P W 40 30 20 10
26- 50 A.Psionic Blast=20 S D C C 15 10 5
B.Mind Thrust=4 W W W 40 35 30 25
C.Ego Whip=7 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
D.Id Insinuation=10 R 40 35 30 25 20 15
E.Psychic Crush=14 75% 62% 52% 42% 32% 22% 12%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 I S P W 40 30 20
51- 75 A.Psionic Blast=20 W S D C C 15 10
B.Mind Thrust=4 P W W W 40 35 30
C.Ego Whip=7 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
D.Id Insinuation=10 R R 40 35 30 25 20
E.Psychic Crush=14 79% 65% 55% 45% 35% 25% 15%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 K I S P W 40 30
76-100 A.Psionic Blast=20 P W S D C C 15
B.Mind Thrust=4 P P W W W 40 35
C.Ego Whip=7 P 40 35 30 25 20 15
D.Id Insinuation=10 R R R 40 35 30 25
E.Psychic Crush=14 84% 69% 59% 49% 39% 29% 19%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 K K I S P W 40
101-125 A.Psionic Blast=20 K P W S D C C
B.Mind Thrust=4 P P P W W W 40
C.Ego Whip=7 I P 40 35 30 25 20
D.Id Insinuation=10 R R R R 40 35 30
E.Psychic Crush=14 90% 74% 64% 54% 44% 34% 24%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 K K K I S P W
126-150 A.Psionic Blast=20 K K P W S D C
B.Mind Thrust=4 P P P P W W W
C.Ego Whip=7 I I P 40 35 30 25
D.Id Insinuation=10 R R R R R 40 35
E.Psychic Crush=14 97% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 K K K K I S P
151-175 A.Psionic Blast=20 K K K P W S D
B.Mind Thrust=4 K P P P P W W
C.Ego Whip=7 I I I P 40 35 30
D.Id Insinuation=10 R R R R R R 40
E.Psychic Crush=14 99% 87% 77% 67% 57% 47% 37%
U.Ultrablast=75/100 K K K K K I S
Code Effect
# Psionic attack points lost, beyond 0 attack pts = hp dmg
C Confused for 2d4 rounds
D Dazed for 1d4 turns, no psionic or other mental activity
I Idiocy, Int = 1d4, psionic ability lost, curable with Heal spell
K Killed
P Permanent loss of one random Psi1 power, and Dazed as above
R Robot, mind under control of attacker, save can be made every 2d4 weeks
S Sleeping in coma for 1d4 weeks
W Wounded, One random Psi1 power lost for 2d4 weeks
If the subject is immune to the effect (or the effect is redundant/meaningless), treat letters as a "40" instead

[Q2] Proficiency (2nd edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 2)

Basic Psi2 Information

Psi2 Psionicists:
PSPs = Wis*2+Int+Con-40+(Wis-5)*(level-1)
Wild Talents:
PSPs = Int+Wis+Con+4*level
Wild Talents Potential Number of:
Int+Wis+Con Devotions
High Sci
0-14 1 0 0 1
15-29 2 0 0 2
30-44 3 1 0 3
45-59 4 2 0 4
60-74 5 3 1 5
75+ 6 4 2 6
Minimum Level: 0 3 8 0
It takes 1 nonweapon proficiency slot for a Devotion, 3 slots for a Science or Meta-Psionic Devotion, and 6 slots for a Meta-Psionic Science or High Science. This gives 1st level of mastery in that power.
There are no prerequisites for any power for both Wild Talents and Psionicists.
A "power score" is making the roll by 10. There are no terrible failures. If you fail, you spend no PSPs.
Each additional proficiency slot spent for a power does 1 of three things (choose 1 per slot spent):
1. Roll an extra 1d20 for check, and choose best roll.
2. Get a +1 on the target check number.
3. Increase the level of mastery (caster level) by 1. You cannot have more than double your level in CL (max = equal to level for Wild Talents).

[Q2] Proficiency (2nd edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 2)

Psi2 Combat

MAC (Mental Armor Class) = 25-Wis (Wis below 15 gives MAC of 10)
Use Int as if it was Balance (under Dex) to adjust MAC.
MTHAC0 (Mental THAC0) = 21-(Psi2 level)
Use Wis as if it was Efficiency (under Str) to adjust MTHAC0.
    MAC adjustment for defenses ("-" means better MAC)
#Att dmg Mind
Tower of
Iron Will
Psionic Blast 4 1 -3 +2 -5 +4 +3 -6
Mind Thrust 3 1 +5 +3 -2 -3 -5 -5
Ego Whip 2 2 +3 +4 +2 -4 -3 -4
Id Insinuation 3 2 -5 -3 -1 +2 +5 -7
Psychic Crush 2 3 +1 -4 +4 -1 -2 -8
Ultrablast 3 3 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 0
"dmg" is how many Tangents are gained on the target. 3 Tangents equal 1 Contact at which time each hit has the effect listed in the power descriptions. This system is not used against those who do not have frequency 2 psionics; the only way to get contact on them is by using Contact, Passive Contact or Mass Contact.
There will be ways of (with items) adjusting MAC and MTHAC0 in the future.
PSIONIC ENCHANTMENTS (spend 1 spell of each level below to get new spell level)
Spell Level, Wizard: 0 1 2-10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Spell Level, Priest: 0 1 2-9 9 10 11 12 13 14
Upgrade Cost: 200 400 100 400 900 1600 2500 3600 4900

[Q2] Proficiency (2nd edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 2)

Psi2 Devotions (Minors)

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 Absorb Disease Metab Con-3 12 Moves a disease to psionic Destroys a disease PHBR5
2 Accelerate Metab Con-2 10+10/m Haste Super Haste (+2 P/V) WatW2
3 Acceptance Telep Int 10+2/t Captives become passive/docile Betray each other DSDK2
4 Adrenalin Control Metab Con-3 8+4/r +1d6 Str,Dex,or Con +1d6 to all three PHBR5
5 Aging Metab Con-7 15 (level)d4 years aged (level)d10 years PHBR5
6 Alignment Stabilization Telep Wis-1 15+10/d Keeps alignment from changing Maintenance 5/d DSDK2
7 All-Round Vision Clair Wis-3 6+4/m Can see in all directions Infravision gained PHBR5
8 Alter Features Metab Con-1 6+3/t Alter Self Change Self WatW2
9 Amnesia Telep Wis-2 C+5/r Amnesia Free Maint. 1d10 d WatW2
10 Animate Object Kinet Int-3 8+3/m Animates object;move rate 6 Animation is smooth PHBR5
11 Animate Shadow Kinet Wis-3 7+3/m Animates shadow;no effect Range is 100y PHBR5
12 Astral Projection Port Int 6+2/h Go to Astral with silver cord Color pool nearby PHBR5
13 Attraction Telep Wis-4 C+8/m Strong attraction for thing Obsession for thing PHBR5
14 Aversion Telep Wis-4 C+8/t Strong aversion for thing Afraid of thing PHBR5
15 Awe Telep Chr-2 C+4/r Won't attack caster (save) No save PHBR5
16 Ballistic Attack Kinet Con-2 5 Roll TH; (level)d4 damage (level)d8 damage PHBR5
17 Beast Mastery Telep Wis-3 20+H/d Control beast (Max.Int=level) 5 PSPs initial cost DSDK2
18 Biofeedback Metab Con-2 6+3/r -2 dmg/att;+level/3 AC bonus +level AC bonus PHBR5
19 Blink Port Int+1 7+3/r Blink Blink Wounding 1/r WatW2
20 Body Control Metab Con-4 7+5/m Breathe,move normally; 0 dmg terrain Can change environ. PHBR5
21 Body Equilibrium Metab Con-3 2+2/m Water Walking, Feather Fall 1 d w/o Maintenance PHBR5
22 Body Weaponry Metab Con-3 9+4/r Convert arm to weapon Weapon is +1/+0 PHBR5
23 Bone Reading Clair Wis-1 15 Know who died in this spot See last 10 min of life WatW2
24 Cannibalize M-Psi Con -8*Con +8 PSPs/Con;Con returns 1/w +8 PSPs PHBR5
25 Carapace Metab Int 5+1/r +level AC; -(11-level) Dex No Dex loss DSDK2
26 Catfall Metab Dex-2 4 30'fall:no dmg;other @ h dmg 50'fall:no dmg PHBR5
27 Cause Decay Metab Con-2 4 Item falls apart(save vs.acid) No save allowed PHBR5
28 Cause Sleep Metab Wis-2 9+2/r Sleep (save) No memory of sleep WatW2
29 Cell Adjustment Metab Con-3 1/hp 20*level hp:1r;disease=+5 PSPs Half cost in PSPs PHBR5
30 Chameleon Power Metab Con-1 6+3/m Can match surroundings well +15% HS PHBR5
31 Chemical Stimulation Metab Con-4 9+6/r level dmg acid (items save) No item saves PHBR5
32 Cognitive Trance M-Psi Int 4 Photographic Memory; cannot use V +4 Int checks 1 d WatW2
33 Combat Mind Clair Int-4 5+4/r +level/3(round up) group init. Psionic:+level/3 AC PHBR5
34 Compact Kinet Wis-1 4 Reduce object volume 90% Reduce volume 95% DSDK2
35 Conceal Thoughts Telep Wis 5+3/m Gain contest vs.ESP,Probe,etc. Imm to those powers PHBR5
36 Concentrate Water Kinet Con-3 10 Make 1-9 gal.water from area Double water amount DSDK2
37 Contact Telep Wis Int+1/r -2 check if resisting Maintained 4r for free PHBR5
38 Control Body Kinet Con-2 8+8/r Control all P,V actions Auto. win Contest PHBR5
39 Control Flames Kinet Wis-1 6+3/r x2/ 2 fire; move 9; (level)d4 x3/ 3 fire; (level)d6 PHBR5
40 Control Light Kinet Int 12+4/m Dim or brighten light Maintenance 1/r PHBR5
41 Control Sound Kinet Int-5 5+2/m Dampen,disguise,increase sound Maintenance 1/r PHBR5
42 Control Wind Kinet Con-4 16+10/r 5*level Mph; change dir. 10*level Mph PHBR5
43 Convergence M-Psi Wis 8 10y: All PSPs in link combine CLs in link combine PHBR5
44 Create Sound Kinet Int-7 8+3/r Audible Glamer (as spell) Double level PHBR5
45 Cryokinesis Kinet Wis 8+7/r Molecular Agitation but cold 1d3/r 2d3/r WatW2
46 Danger Sense Clair Wis-3 4+3/t Know if danger nearby Know distance PHBR5
47 Daydream Telep Wis C+3/r Mind wanders;+20% Thief Abil. +30% Thief Abilities PHBR5
48 Deflect Kinet Int 4 Deflect a missile -- WatW2
49 Dimension Blade Port Con-1 6+5/r Weapon ignores natural AC; +2/+2 x2 dmg WatW2
50 Dimension Walk Port Con-2 8+4/t Move 30 miles in (40-level)m Halve time PHBR5
51 Dimensional Door Port Con-1 4+2/r Can't see destination:stun 1r No stun PHBR5
52 Dimensional Screen Port Con-3 9+6/r Spherical Dim Door around you -- WatW2
53 Displacement Metab Con-3 6+3/r As per Displacer Beast AC bonus is +4 PHBR5
54 Double Pain Metab Con-3 7 All dmg phantom x2 for 1t SS or unc. each hit PHBR5
55 Dream Travel Port Wis-4 1/25M/P Move up to 500M in (48-lvl)t Halve time PHBR5
56 Duo-Dimension Port Con-2 11+4/r No thickness Wpn is Dim Blade WatW2
57 Ectoplasmic Form Metab Con-4 9+9/r Pass through solid objects Maintenance 3/r PHBR5
58 Ego Whip [C] Telep Wis-3 4 -5 rolls; Max spell=3rd: 1d4r Max spell=1st: 1d6 r PHBR5
59 Empathy Telep Wis C+1/r Sense emotions Subject of emotions PHBR5
60 Empower (weak version) M-Psi Wis-12 25+50X Object PSP=(Dev+2*Sci+3)*L -- PAoA2
61 Enhanced Strength Metab Wis-3 2S+S/r Increase strength, Max=level Max=2*level PHBR5
62 Enhancement M-Psi Wis-3 30+8/m +2 check in 1 Disc;others -1 Others not reduced PHBR5
63 Environment Clair Int-2 5 Mental image of object's loc. 1m of observation DSDK2
64 ESP Telep Wis-4 C+6/r Know surface thoughts Maintained 1r for free PHBR5
65 Ethereal Traveler Port Wis-4 15+2/r Wraithform (as spell) Maintained free 24h DSDK2
66 Expansion Metab Con-2 6+1/r Increase dimension by 50%/r Increase by 100%/r PHBR5
67 False Sensory Input Telep Int-3 C+4/m Change sensory input slightly Any false perception PHBR5
68 Feel Light Clair Wis-3 7+5/m Can feel light;+4 vs. gaze Feel in all directions PHBR5
69 Feel Moisture Clair Wis-3 5+1/m Can detect water & amount Maintained free 4h DSDK2
70 Feel Sound Clair Wis-3 5+3/m Can feel sound;+2 vs. sonic Thief DN 10*level% PHBR5
71 Fighting Trance M-Psi Wis-1 4+1/r +1 AC/saves/TH; -1 power checks another +1 WatW2
72 Flesh Armor Metab Con-3 8+4/r +roll AC, Max=level +1 more AC PHBR5
73 Focus Forgiveness Telep Wis-3 10+2/h Temporarily forget Quest,Geas Maintenance cost 1/h DSDK2
74 Forced Symmetry Metab Int-2 12 Makes 2 halves of body same Change is permanent DSDK2
75 Ghost Writing Kinet Wis-2 8+3/m Write 5 words/r:remote paper Write 15 words/r DSDK2
76 Gird M-Psi Int-3 2*M/m Maintain powers w/o conc. Maintain in sleep PHBR5
77 Graft Weapon Metab Con-5 10+1/r Connect weapon to body; +1/+1 Bonus is +4/+4 PHBR5
78 Hear Light Clair Wis-3 6+3/m Can hear light Can hear infrared PHBR5
79 Heightened Senses Metab Con 5+1/m Triple sensory sensitivity 1 sense increased 1d PHBR5
80 Hivemind M-Psi Wis-1 2 Gain 4*level PSPs from insects Gain 8*level PSPs DSDK2
81 Identity Penetration Telep Wis-3 C+6/m See through polymorph,illusion -- PHBR5
82 Immovability Metab Con-5 9+6/r Need 10*roll in Str to move Impossible to move PHBR5
83 Impossible Task Telep Wis-1 10+5/d Believes task is impossible Maintained free 1m DSDK2
84 Incarnation Awareness Telep Wis-4 C+13/r Gain info. about 1 past life/r All past lives in 1r PHBR5
85 Inertial Barrier Kinet Con-3 7+5/r Melee:delay 1r;Mis.:-dice dmg Mis.:-dice-1 dmg PHBR5
86 Inflict Pain Telep Con-4 C+2/r -4 TH; no spells (save) unc. 1d10r (save) PHBR5
87 Insect Mind Telep Int-2 7+1/m +2 Chr with insects Maintained free 1d DSDK2
88 Intensify M-Psi ***-3 5S+1/r +S Int,Wis,or Con,-S other 2 Cost is 3S+1/r PHBR5
89 Invincible Foes Telep Wis-3 C+5/r Next hit drops target 1t -- PHBR5
90 Invisibility Telep Int-5 C+2/r/P Makes someone invisible Superior Invisibility PHBR5
91 Iron Will M-Psi Wis 8+3/m Can fully act up to -10 hp Can act up to -15 hp WatW2
92 Know Course Clair Int-2 5+4/h Find the Path Radial Navigation WatW2
93 Know Direction Clair Int 1 Know which way is North Maintained for 1 day PHBR5
94 Know Location Clair Int 10 Gives simple idea of location Learn exact location PHBR5
95 Levitation Kinet Wis-3 12+2/m Up/down move rate 6 Move rate 12 PHBR5
96 Lend Health Metab Con-1 4 Transfer hp from psionic Target gets double PHBR5
97 Life Detection Telep Int-2 3+3/m Detect Life (as spell) -- PHBR5
98 Magnetize Kinet Int-1 2W Metal obj magnetised L r (W=weight) No Str check allowed WatW2
99 Magnify M-Psi Wis-5 25M+M/r Mult. power (Max=level/5+1) M+1, no extra cost PHBR5
100 Martial Trance M-Psi Wis-3 7 +1 checks; no P,V actions Only lose P actions PHBR5
101 Mass Manipulation Kinet Int-3 9+9/r Modify weight -75% to +100% -90% to +300% WatW2
102 Mental Barrier [H] Telep Wis-2 3 Costs no action to use No contact for 2r PHBR5
103 Mind Bar Telep Int-2 6+4/m 75% vs. Ench/Cha;immune Telep. +5 in contests PHBR5
104 Mind Blank [F] Telep Wis-7 0 Costs no action to use -- PHBR5
105 Mind Over Body Metab Wis-3 10/d/P Don't need food,water,sleep Don't need rest after PHBR5
106 Mind Thrust [B] Telep Wis-2 2 Lose 1 power 2d6d -- PHBR5
107 Molecular Agitation Kinet Wis 7+6/r Destroy object in 5r (save-10) Destroy in 3r PHBR5
108 Molecular Bonding Kinet Int-1 5+4/m Join 2 objects at molecular level 6 sq" /r 24 sq" /r WatW2
109 Molecular Manipulation Kinet Int-3 6+5/m Object is weakened (-2 save/r) (-4 save/r) PHBR5
110 Momentum Theft Kinet Int-2 5+ Stop (200 lbs, each x2 is +5 PSPs) Held for 1r WatW2
111 Mysterious Traveler Telep Wis-1 2 False rumors about his travels Rumors continue 3d DSDK2
112 Opposite Reaction Kinet Con-1 5 Missile returns at attacker Breaks missile DSDK2
113 Passive Contact Telep Wis-1 2*Int+1/h Like Contact, cheaper to maintain Empathy with target WatW2
114 Phase Port Wis-1 6+6/r Out of phase; cannot attack x2 move rate WatW2
115 Phase Object Port Wis-3 10+5/r Object out of phase May disintegrate WatW2
116 Pheromone Discharge Metab Int 5+1/m Smells like an insect Maintained free 4d6h DSDK2
117 Phobia Amplification Telep Wis-2 C+4/r Strong Fear of thing (save) No save PHBR5
118 Photosynthesis Metab Con+1 5+2/t Regen 1 hp/r in sunlight Sustenence in sun WatW2
119 Plant Mind Telep Int-4 11+2/m +2 Chr when dealing with plants Free maint. 1 d WatW2
120 Pocket Dimension Port Wis 14+3/t 5' cube extradimensional space 10' cube WatW2
121 Poison Sense Clair Wis 1 Detects presence of poison Gives type of poison PHBR5
122 Post-Hyp. Suggestion Telep Int-3 C+Lvl Long-term Suggestion Check not reduced PHBR5
123 Predestination Clair Wis-3 20+5/yD Gives vague feeling of destiny Can peer twice as far DSDK2
124 Probability Manipulation M-Psi Int-4 10 +4 to next die roll +4 next 3 die rolls WatW2
125 Prolong M-Psi Con-4 5+2/r Range & area of powers +50% Range & area +100% PHBR5
126 Psionic Inflation M-Psi Wis-5 20+3/m All powers double cost & main. Triple cost & main. PHBR5
127 Psionic Residue M-Psi Wis-3 15 Get 10% PSPs spent by others +10 PSPs DSDK2
128 Psionic Sense M-Psi Wis-3 4+1/m Detect Psi: PSPs,Dir.,Dist. Does all frequencies PHBR5
129 Psionic Vampirism M-Psi Wis-3 C+8+3/r Drain CL PSPs from target /r Double effect WatW2
130 Psychic Blade M-Psi Con-2 7+X+X/r Blade: 1d6/1d6 +2/+X, stun 1d6r (save) 1d10/1d10 WatW2
131 Psychic Drain M-Psi Wis-6 10P+C Drain W,I,C:10 PSPs;Amnesia 2w No Amnesia PHBR5
132 Psychic Impersonation Telep Wis 10+3/h Match other's thought patterns Cannot be detected PHBR5
133 Psychic Messenger Telep Con-4 4+3/r Send Illusion of self to area Can look like other PHBR5
134 Radial Navigation Clair Int-3 4+7/h Know dist./dir. to start point Can retrace to start PHBR5
135 Receptacle M-Psi Wis-5 1/r Gem:1/100gp;Item:(2W+I+C-40)*L -- PHBR5
136 Reduction Metab Con-2 D+1/r -1' per PSP until 1', then halve Double effect PHBR5
137 Repugnance Telep Wis-5 C+8/r Hatred for something (save) No save PHBR5
138 Reptile Mind Telep Int-1 5+1/m +2 Chr with reptiles Charms reptiles DSDK2
139 Retrospection M-Psi Wis-4 120 Similir to Commune spell -- PHBR5
140 Return Flight Kinet Con-1 3 Missile becomes returning Attack again if miss DSDK2
141 Rigidity Metab Con-2 8+3/r -1/r TH,Init,AC penalty Start at -3 DSDK2
142 Safe Path Clair Wis-4 8+5/m +4 Dex checks; Resist Traps Auto make next save WatW2
143 See Ethereal Clair Wis-5 4+2/m Can see into border Ethereal See into full Ethereal WatW2
144 See Magic Clair Wis-3 6+6/m Detect Magic Know exact type WatW2
145 See Sound Clair Wis-3 6+3/m Can see sound Maintenance 1/r PHBR5
146 Send Thoughts Telep Int-1 C+2/r Send thoughts;no spells (save) No save PHBR5
147 Sensitivity to Observation Clair Wis 5 Know when you're watched Knows location WatW2
148 Sensory Suppression Telep Int-2 C+4/r Blindness and Deafness Loses all 5 senses WatW2
149 Shadow Walk Port Con+1 9 Travel between shadows 1000 yd 2 miles WatW2
150 Share Strength Metab Con-4 6+2/r Transfer 2 Str:1 target Str Transfer 1:1 PHBR5
151 Sight Link Telep Con-3 C+5/m Can see through other eyes Sound Link gained PHBR5
152 Soften Kinet Int 4+3/r Weapon -1TH,-1dmg,-1save/r Double rate PHBR5
153 Sound Link Telep Con-2 C+4/t Can hear through other ears Sight Link gained PHBR5
154 Spatial Distortion Port Int-4 8+4/m Distance Distortion 20'cu Double effect WatW2
155 Spider Touch Metab Dex-1 4+2/m Spider Climb +2 Dex WatW2
156 Spirit Sense Clair Wis-3 10 Senses presence of spirits Knows exact location PHBR5
157 Splice M-Psi Int-2S 5S+S/r Do combined powers as 1 Mental +2 checks when used PHBR5
158 Stasis Field M-Psi Con-3 20+X/r Slows down time by x60 -- PHBR5
159 Static Discharge Kinet Int-3 5+5/r 1d4+1 dmg lightning, cumulative per r 1d6+1 instead WatW2
160 Strength of the Land Metab Con-2 10+2/r +25 hp,+3 TH,+3 dmg,25% MR Lasts 5r after maint. DSDK2
161 Summon Object Port Int-4 30 Summon a simple object max 100 lbs. Half PSP cost WatW2
162 Suppress Fear Telep Wis+1 5 Remove Fear; +4 vs. fear for 1 t +1 TH WatW2
163 Suspend Animation Metab Con-3 12 Suspend animation (level)w Aware; can awaken PHBR5
164 Synaptic Static Telep Int-4 15+10/r Must contest to use psionics +1 contest for static PHBR5
165 Taste Link Telep Con-2 C+4/t Can taste through other mouth Scent Link gained PHBR5
166 Telempathic Projection Telep Wis-2 C+4/r Send emotions Can change emotion PHBR5
167 Teleport Lock Port Int-1 8+2/r Target cannot teleport (no save) -- WatW2
168 Teleport Object Port Int-3 T+20 Teleports 1 nonliving object Automake saves 2d DSDK2
169 Teleport Trigger Port Int+1 2/h Activates Teleport (no action) No dist. Check Mod. PHBR5
170 Thought Shield [G] Telep Wis-3 1 Costs no action to use -- PHBR5
171 Time Dilation Port Int-7 54/r +3 M, +3 P, +3 V; not cumul. w/ Haste +1 more each type WatW2
172 Time Duplicate Port Int-1 22/s Can use 2M/2P/2V/6Z next segment +4 AC/save; +2 TH WatW2
173 Time Shift Port Int 16+3/rS Move into future;Max=(level)r Add 1r to Max PHBR5
174 Time/Space Anchor Port Int 5+1/m Cannot be teleported -- PHBR5
175 Trail of Destruction Clair Wis-2 10+3/m Detect use of Defiling magic Know which spells DSDK2
176 True Worship Telep Wis-1 5 Tells god worshiped & temple Knows all in range DSDK2
177 Truthear Telep Wis 4+2/m Detect Lie (as spell) Knows real truth PHBR5
178 Watcher's Ward Clair Int-2 6+2/h Can't be surprised; Detect Danger Know location danger WatW2
179 Weather Prediction Clair Int-2 10 Accurate weather forecast 24h Weather forecast 1w DSDK2
180 Wrench M-Psi Wis-4 15+8/r Undead:-level AC;cannot drain -2 init. penalty PHBR5

[Q2] Proficiency (2nd edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 2)

Psi2 Sciences (Majors)

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 Animal Affinity Metab Con-4 15+4/m Take random animal's attribute Take 2 attributes PHBR5
2 Appraise M-Psi Int-4 14 Gives chances of success Reroll 3 future dice PHBR5
3 Aura Alteration M-Psi Wis-4 10 Disguise AL,level (level)h -- PHBR5
4 Aura Sight Clair Wis-4 9+9/m Learn 2 auras (AL or level) Learn 4 auras PHBR5
5 Banishment Port Int-1 30+10/r Target in pocket;returns @ end Cannot gate/teleport PHBR5
6 Clairaudience Clair Wis-3 6+4/m Clairaudience (as spell) Gain Clairvoyance PHBR5
7 Clairvoyance Clair Wis-4 7+4/m Clairvoyance (as spell) Gain Clairaudience PHBR5
8 Complete Healing Metab Con 30 Heal (as spell) in (24-level)h Heal in (60-3*level)m PHBR5
9 Create Object Kinet Int-4 16+3/r Creates temporary small object Object is permanent PHBR5
10 Death Field Metab Con-8 40 Set amount of dmg(others save) You take ˝ amount PHBR5
11 Detection Clair Wis-2 15+6/m Detect Object 90', expands 30'/r Know concentration WatW2
12 Detonate Kinet Con-3 18 (level)d6 damage (save:˝) (2*level)d6 damage PHBR5
13 Domination Telep Wis-4 2C+2C/r Get control of all actions Maintenance halved PHBR5
14 Disintegrate Kinet Wis-4 40 Disintegrate 8 cu.' (save) (save-5);16 cu.' PHBR5
15 Ejection Telep Wis-4 2S Break contact;lose 1 power 1t Opp. lose 1 power 1t PHBR5
16 Empower M-Psi Wis-12 50+100X Object PSP=(4*Dev+6*Sci+10)*L -- PHBR5
17 Endorphin Control Metab Chr-6 16+8/r +1d6 Int,Wis,or Chr +1d6 to all three DM
18 Energy Containment Metab Con-2 1/die Absorb max 1 die/lvl;glow:-2AC 0 dmg from energy PHBR5
19 Fate Link Telep Con-5 C+5/t Both take same dmg Range unlimited PHBR5
20 Hallucination Telep Int-3 C+6/r Create image in target's mind 20% of dmg is real WatW2
21 Id Insinuation [D] Telep Wis-4 5 Target loses all actions 1d4r Turn on allies 1d4r PHBR5
22 Intellect Fortress [I] Telep Wis-3 4 Costs no action to use -- PHBR5
23 Kinetic Control Kinet Int-3 15+7/r Take only 2+leak vs. physical attacks Reflect 1d10 dmg WatW2
24 Life Draining Metab Con-3 11+5/r Drain level hp/r;add to caster level*3 hp/r PHBR5
25 Mass Domination Telep Wis-6 C+2L/r Up to 5 creatures Dominated Range 100y PHBR5
26 Metamorphosis Metab Con-6 21+1/t Polymorph Self(even to object) Max 3*caster's mass PHBR5
27 Mindflame Telep Wis-6 30 <=8 HD Stun 2d6 r; >8 HD Dazed 1d3 r <=16 HD; >16 HD WatW2
28 Mindlink Telep Wis-5 C+8/m Send thoughts to each other 1 Probe question PHBR5
29 Mindwipe Telep Int-6 C+8/r -level/4 Int/Wis/Level (save) No save PHBR5
30 Molecular Rearrangement Kinet Int-5 20+10/h Change an object 1 ounce/hr Become extraordinary PHBR5
31 Nerve Manipulation Metab Con-3 14 Touch: Pain 1d3 r Stun 1d2 r WatW2
32 Object Reading Clair Wis-5 16 Detect Psi. Imp. of owners Know race,AL,age PHBR5
33 Poison Simulation Metab Con-2 16 Resist Poison; next attack is poisonous -2 on save WatW2
34 Precognition Clair Wis-5 24 Sees a possible future outcome Reroll 3 future dice PHBR5
35 Probability Travel Port Int 20+8/h Go to Astral physically Color pool nearby PHBR5
36 Probe Telep Wis-5 C+9/r True answer:1 question/r (save) 2 questions/r PHBR5
37 Project Force Kinet Con-2 10 (level)d6 damage (save:˝) Knock down M target PHBR5
38 Psionic Blast [A] Telep Wis-5 10 Lose 80% hp in mind (save) Unc. 1t (save) PHBR5
39 Psychic Clone M-Psi Wis-8 50+5/r Ghostly mental body;can move Ectoplasmic Form PHBR5
40 Psychic Crush [E] Telep Wis-4 7 (level)d8 damage (save) No save PHBR5
41 Psychic Surgery M-Psi Wis-5 C+10/t Make Perm./Remove Telep. (1/t) 1 power/5r PHBR5
42 Regenerate Metab Con-4 18+6/t Regenerate Natural healing x2 WatW2
43 Sens. to Psychic Imp. Clair Wis-4 12+2/m Detect Psi. Imp. of Area Gets very clear vision PHBR5
44 Shadow-form Metab Con-6 12+3/m Become normal shadow (mv 6) Monster shadow PHBR5
45 Spirit Lore Clair Int-3 30+8/r Can Commune with Spirits Knowledgeable spirit WatW2
46 Split Personality M-Psi Wis-5 40+6/r +1 Mental action +1 more M action PHBR5
47 Subjective Reality M-Psi Wis-5 35+7/m Immune to 1 specific type of effect Can change /r WatW2
48 Summon Planar Creature Port Int-4 45*#PL Choice of plane but not exact Creature not angry PHBR5
49 Summon Planar Energies Port Int 32 3d12 dmg no resistance 4d12 dmg no resist WatW2
50 Superior Invisibility Telep Int-5 C+5/r/P No sound,smell; attack breaks Improved Invisibility PHBR5
51 Suppress Magic M-Psi Con-4 30+X/r Anti-Magic Shell (SL=X) 60' r Dispel-Magic Zone WatW2
52 Switch Personality Telep Con-4 C+30 Switch bodies (perm.);-1Con/d -1 Con/w PHBR5
53 Telekinesis Kinet Wis-3 W+hW/r Object move rate 6 Can move 2nd object PHBR5
54 Telekinetic Barrier Kinet Con-3 18+10/r Wall of Force Free maintain 3r WatW2
55 Telekinetic Flight Kinet Wis-4 15+4/m Fly 18" Fly 24" WatW2
56 Teleport Port Int 20+ Teleport (same plane) PSP cost -20% PHBR5
57 Teleport Other Port Int-2 20+ +10 PSPs per creature moved PSP cost -20% PHBR5
58 Time Travel Port Int-3 50+8/h Travel 1 yr; each x10 is +10 PSPs -- WatW2
59 Tower of Iron Will [J] Port Wis-2 6 Costs no action to use Area 10' radius PHBR5
60 True Sight Clair Wis-4 15+9/m True Sight Know Alignment WatW2
61 Ultrablast [U] Telep Wis-10 75 Fail1:Unc.2d6t;Fail2:lose Psi <= 3HD:death (save) PHBR5
62 Wormhole Port Int-2 48+16/r Dim Door 10 mi; Each x10 is +12 PSPs Half maintenance WatW2

[Q2] Proficiency (2nd edition) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 2)

Psi2 High Sciences (Grands)

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 Alter Reality All Any-10 250 Alter Reality or Psi1 major Double CL effect DM
2 Conductive Clairvoyance Clair Wis-9 15/r Can use Psi powers through it Move effect at 18" DM
3 Cosmic Awareness Clair Wis-6 10/r Detect "Everything" CL*30' Range is sight WatW2
4 Elemental Composition Metab Con-4 24+3/r Can be any Normal/Para/Quasi Ele Can be Semi Ele WatW2
5 Energy Cancel Metab Con-6 1/die Cancels entire energy effect Autocancel all this s DM
6 Grand Detonate Kinet Con-5 27 CLd20 shards damage Use d30's DM
7 Legendary Control Metab Chr-24 24+12/r +1d6 Cml, Luck, or CL +1d6 all three DM
8 Lend Actions M-Psi *Auto* 0/perm [0 action]: Lend an action -- DM
9 Mass Contact Telep Wis L+1/r L=sum of targets' levels PSP cost halved WatW2
10 Megakinesis Kinet Wis-4 X/r TK, X=(lbs.)*(speed in ")/lvl^2 PSP cost halved WatW2
11 Nonweapon Familiarity Clair Int-8 200/d +1 slot in every nonweapon prof +1 every weapon prof DM
12 Physical Acceleration Metab Con-6 20/r +1 P action /r (range sight) +1 QP action /r DM
13 Planar Transportation Port Int-4 65 Teleport anywhere in multiverse No summ. sickness WatW2
14 Strength of the World Metab Con-6 10/r +9/+9 AC/saves, +25% RR/MR/PsiR Lasts 5r after maint. DM
15 Time Shift Other Port Int-S*3 S*6 Time Shift other S r (no save) -CL*5% to PsiR roll DM
16 Ultrashield [X] Telep Chr-5 20 Cannot attack / be attacked w/ Psi Can still attack DM
17 Weapon Familiarity Clair Int-4 100/d Proficient with all weapons Single Spec with all DM

Psi2 Supers

# Power Disip. Check PSPs Effect Power Score Source
1 Cellular Heal/Harm Metab Con-13 X X targets: Heal/Harm X% of max X*2% of max DM
2 Change Reality All Any-20 400 Change Reality or Psi1 grand Double CL effect DM
3 Fluidity M-Psi *Auto* 0/perm [0 action]: Swap 2 stats -- DM
4 Lady's Smirk M-Psi Chr-15 400/d Autoroll 1 on Prof.& Psi2 checks Auto power score DM
5 Magic Inertial Barrier Port Dex-18 70/r Spell delayed 1 s if hitting you Delayed 2 s DM
6 Mental Acceleration Metab Chr-10 30/r +1 M action /r (range sight) +1 QM action /r DM
7 Personal Acceleration Metab Chr-10 30/r +1 Swing action /r (range 0) +2 S actions DM
8 Planetary Detonate Kinet Con-25 3600 Detonates 1 planet or moon (!) 2 planets or moons! DM
9 Public Access Key Clair Int-20 90/r Target's Truename is visual (!) Thoughts visible too DM
10 Spirit in the Sky Telep Chr-15 1/week No physical body, can use 2 M /s Can use 3 M /s DM
11 Superblast [V] Telep Str-20 250 All in 1 mile insane (no PsiR) 2 mile radius DM
12 Trans-Planar Contact Telep Wis N+2/r N=(lvl)*(# planes +1); (no PsiR) PSP cost halved DM

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

Basic Psi3 Information

Psi3 Wild Talents
There are two methods for "Wild Talents" in Psi3. Neither require you to pick a discipline. Your Caster Level (CL) is half of your highest level. You may switch between methods during a reset.
Wild Talent Method 1
This method does not require feats.
Wild Talent Psi3 Calculation = Stat+HNCL-12
where "Stat" is any ability score you choose, and "HNCL" is "Highest Non-Concordant Level" (e.g. the highest level among your classes).
Use the progression below for powers gained (no stat bonus). Can trade one 1st for four 0th level powers.
You can never access powers greater than SL=7 with this wild talent.
HNCL Psi3 Wild
123 456 7
0-2 1-- --- -
3-5 2-- --- -
6-8 21- --- -
9-11 32- --- -
12-14 321 --- -
15-17 432 --- -
18-20 432 1-- -
21-23 543 2-- -
24-26 543 21- -
27-29 654 32- -
30-32 654 321 -
33-34 765 432 -
36+ 765 432 1
Wild Talent Method 2
This method requires feats, but you are not limited by how many powers you have, and you can get higher level powers faster.
Wild Talent Psi3 Calculation = (Str+Dex+Con+Int+Wis+Chr-60) / 6 + HNCL*3
You get no powers for "free", you need to spend feats.
Each feat spent gives your highest level in Psi3 power levels. A 0 level Psi3 power costs Ľ of a power level.
You need to be at least level equal to double the power level to use a power (e.g. you need to be 2nd level to use a 1st level power).
You can never access powers greater than SL=9 with this wild talent.

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.0] Level 0 Psi3 Powers

## Level 0 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Bolt Metcre You create a short-lived bolt, arrow or bullet. PsiHB3
2 Burst Psyport Target speed improves by 5 ft. for one round. PsiHB3
3 Catfall Psyport You recover well from a fall. PsiHB3
4 Control Shadow Psykin You control a normal shadow like a puppet. PsiHB3
5 Daze Telep Creature loses next action. PsiHB3
6 Detect Psionics Clasen You detect the presence of psionic activity. PsiHB3
7 Distract Telep Subject's mind wanders, imparting -1 penalty on some actions. PsiHB3
8 Elfsight Psymet You have lowlight vision. PsiHB3
9 Far Hand Psykin Minor telekinesis PsiHB3
10 Far Punch Psykin Telekinetic punch deals 1 damage. PsiHB3
11 Finger of Fire Metcre You deal 1d3 fire damage to one foe. PsiHB3
12 Float Psyport You buoy a target in water or other liquid. PsiHB3
13 Inkling Clasen You are 50% likely to know whether an intended action is good or bad. PsiHB3
14 Know Direction Clasen You know which way is north. PsiHB3
15 Lesser Natural Armor Psymet You gain +1 natural armor bonus. PsiHB3
16 Missive Telep You send a one-way telepathic message to subject. PsiHB3
17 My Light Psykin Your eyes emit 20-ft. cone of light. PsiHB3
18 Talons Psymet Your unarmed attacks do +1 damage. PsiHB3
19 Telempathic Projection Telep You modify subject's emotions. PsiHB3
20 Trinket Metcre You create a short-lived trinket. PsiHB3
21 Verve Psymet You gain 1 temporary hit point. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.1] Level 1 Psi3 Powers

## Level 1 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Astral Construct I Metcre Creates astral construct to fight for you. PsiHB3
2 Attraction Telep Subject has mild attraction you specify. PsiHB3
3 Biocurrent Psykin Continuous bioelectrical current deals 1d4 electrical dmg/r to up to 2 cr. PsiHB3
4 Biofeedback Psymet Self control allows you to take some damage as subdual damage. PsiHB3
5 Bite of the Wolf Psymet Your base bite attack does 1d8 damage. PsiHB3
6 Call Weaponry Psyport Never lack for a weapon. PsiHB3
7 Charm Person Telep Makes one person your friend. PsiHB3
8 Combat Precognition Clasen You gain a +1 insight bonus to AC. PsiHB3
9 Compression Psymet You shrink 10%/level (max -50%). PsiHB3
10 Conceal Thoughts Telep You conceal your motives. PsiHB3
11 Control Light Psykin Control light levels up or down 20%/level. PsiHB3
12 Control Object Psykin You telekinetically animate a small object. PsiHB3
13 Create Sound Psykin You create the sound you desire. PsiHB3
14 Demoralize Telep Foes suffer -1 penalty on some actions. PsiHB3
15 Destiny Dissonance Clasen Your touch hurts your opponent's mind, dealing 1d8 subdual damage. PsiHB3
16 Disable Telep Subjects incorrectly believe they are disabled. PsiHB3
17 Dissipating Touch Psyport Touch deals 1d8 damage. PsiHB3
18 Empathic Transfer Psymet You absorb others' hurts. PsiHB3
19 Empathy Telep You know the subject's surface emotions. PsiHB3
20 Expanded Vision Clasen Wider vision allows you to see more. PsiHB3
21 Feather Fall Psyport Objects or creatures fall slowly. PsiHB3
22 Feel Light Psymet You use tactile sensation to see. PsiHB3
23 Feel Sound Psymet You use tactile sensation to hear. PsiHB3
24 Firefall Metcre Fiery sparks deal 1d4 fire damage in 10 ft. radius. PsiHB3
25 Grease Metcre Makes 10 ft. square or one object slippery. PsiHB3
26 Hammer Psymet Touch deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. PsiHB3
27 Hear Light Psymet You use auditory sensation to see. PsiHB3
28 Hustle Psymet You gain one extra partial action. PsiHB3
29 Identify Clasen Identify single feature of psionic item. PsiHB3
30 Know Location Clasen You know, generally, where you are. PsiHB3
31 Lesser Cell Adjustment Psymet You heal 1d8 hp, +1 to next poison/disease save, or heal 1 ability point. PsiHB3
32 Lesser Concussion Psykin Pummel foe for 1d6 damage. PsiHB3
33 Lesser Metaphysical Wpn Clasen Weapon gains +1 bonus. PsiHB3
34 Lesser Mind Link Telep You forge a limited mental bond with another creature. PsiHB3
35 Minor Creation Metcre Creates one cloth or wood object. PsiHB3
36 Molecular Agitation Psykin You heat a creature or object. PsiHB3
37 Object Reading Clasen You know about an object's past. PsiHB3
38 Psycholuminesence Clasen Object sheds 20-ft. radius light. PsiHB3
39 See Sound Psymet You use visual sensation to hear. PsiHB3
40 Sense Link Telep You sense what the subject senses (one sense) PsiHB3
41 Skate Psyport Target slides (skillfully) along the ground as if ice. PsiHB3
42 Spider Climb Psyport Target can walk on walls and ceilings. PsiHB3
43 Steadfast Gaze Clasen Gaze attacks hold no terror for you. PsiHB3
44 Stomp Psykin Shock waves in the ground knock your foes prone. PsiHB3
45 Vigor Psymet You gain 3 temporary hit points. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.2] Level 2 Psi3 Powers

## Level 2 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Animal Affinity Psymet You possess one ability score or the natural armor of a chosen animal. PsiHB3
2 Astral Construct II Metcre Create astral construct to fight for you. PsiHB3
3 Augury Clasen You find out if intended actions will be good or bad. PsiHB3
4 Aversion Telep Subject has aversion you specify. PsiHB3
5 Body Equilibrium Psymet You can walk on nonsolid surfaces. PsiHB3
6 Brain Lock Telep Subject cannot move or take any mental actions. PsiHB3
7 Burning Ray Metcre Fiery ray deals 3d6 damage to foe. PsiHB3
8 Cell Adjustment Psymet You heal 3d6 dmg, bonus to next poison/disease save, or heal 2 ability pts. PsiHB3
9 Chameleon Psymet Gain a +10 enhancement bonus to Hide checks. PsiHB3
10 Clairaudience/Clairvoy. Clasen Hear or see at a distance. PsiHB3
11 Claws of the Bear Psymet You gain a claw attack that inflicts 1d12 damage. PsiHB3
12 Combat Prescience Clasen +2 insight bonus to your attack roll. PsiHB3
13 Concussion Psykin Pummel foe for 3d6 damage. PsiHB3
14 Control Body Psykin You take rudimentary control of foe's limbs. PsiHB3
15 Control Flames Psykin You control heat and movement of a fire. PsiHB3
16 Control Wind Psykin Wind increased/decreased by up to 10 mph + 5 mph/level. PsiHB3
17 Darkvision Clasen You can see in the dark. PsiHB3
18 Detect Thoughts Telep You detect subject's surface thoughts. PsiHB3
19 Ecto Puppet Metcre You directly control an astral construct. PsiHB3
20 Ectoplasmic Cocoon Metcre You encapsulate a foe so it can't move. PsiHB3
21 Expansion Psymet You grow +10%/level (max +100%). PsiHB3
22 Glide Psyport Subject glides at speed of 20. PsiHB3
23 Inflict Pain Telep Your mental attack deals 3d6 damage. PsiHB3
24 Intrusive Sense Link Telep Subject senses what you sense. PsiHB3
25 Invisibility Psykin Subject is invisible for 10 min./level or until it attacks. PsiHB3
26 Knock Psyport Opens locked or psionically locked doors. PsiHB3
27 Levitate Psyport Subject moves up and down at your direction. PsiHB3
28 Painful Touch Psymet Your unarmed attacks deal extra 1d6 subdual damage. PsiHB3
29 Psionic Lock Psyport Psionically locks a portal or chest. PsiHB3
30 Recall Pain Clasen Foe takes damage from painful memory. PsiHB3
31 See Invisibility Clasen Reveals invisible creatures or objects. PsiHB3
32 Sense Psychoportation Psyport Know when others use this discipline. PsiHB3
33 Sensitivity to Psychic Imp. Clasen You can find out about an area's past. PsiHB3
34 Sever the Tie Psykin You deal 3d8 damage to undead in 10 ft. radius. PsiHB3
35 Sudden Minor Creation Metcre Quickly create cloth or wood object. PsiHB3
36 Suggestion Telep Compels subject to follow suggested action. PsiHB3
37 Sustenance Psymet You can go without food and water. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.3] Level 3 Psi3 Powers

## Level 3 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Astral Construct III Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
2 Astral Steed Psyport Astral steed appears for one hour/level. PsiHB3
3 Bite of the Tiger Psymet Your base bite attack does 2d8 damage. PsiHB3
4 Charm Monster Telep Makes monster believe it is your ally. PsiHB3
5 Claws of the Vampire Psymet Your base unarmed attack does 1d8 damage. You heal the same amount. PsiHB3
6 Cone of Sound Psykin Sonic energy inflicts 5d4 sonic damage. PsiHB3
7 Control Sound Psykin You can create very specific sounds. PsiHB3
8 Create Food and Water Metcre Feeds three humans or one horse/level. PsiHB3
9 Crisis of Breath Telep You disrupt the target's breathing. PsiHB3
10 Danger Sense Clasen +2 bonus vs. trap. PsiHB3
11 Dimension Slide Psyport Instantly move to any spot you can see in Close range. PsiHB3
12 Displacement Psymet Attacks miss subject 50% of the time. PsiHB3
13 Duodimensional Hand Psymet Your unarmed attacks do slashing damage with an increased crit range. PsiHB3
14 Ectoplasmic Form Psymet Your amorphous form is hard to hurt. PsiHB3
15 False Sensory Input Telep You falsify one of the target's senses. PsiHB3
16 Fate Link Telep You link the fates of two targets. PsiHB3
17 Fly Psyport Subject flies at speed of 90. PsiHB3
18 Greater Concussion Psykin Pummel foe for 5d6 damage. PsiHB3
19 Improved Biofeedback Psymet You take charge of your body's damage. PsiHB3
20 Invisibility Purge Clasen Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level. PsiHB3
21 Lesser Domination Telep Forces subject to obey your will. PsiHB3
22 Metaphysical Weapon Metcre Weapon gains +3 enhancement bonus. PsiHB3
23 Mind Link Telep You have a mental bond with others. PsiHB3
24 Negate Psionics Psykin Cancels psionic powers and effects. PsiHB3
25 Nondetection Clasen Hides subject from Clairsentient powers, and remote viewing. PsiHB3
26 Poison Sense Clasen Sense poison in 30-ft. radius. PsiHB3
27 Rejuvenation Psymet You heal 1 point temp. ability damage/hour. PsiHB3
28 Remote View Clasen You see subject from a distance. PsiHB3
29 Schism Telep Splits your mind into two independently functional parts. PsiHB3
30 Time Hop Psyport Subject hops forward in time 3d6 rounds. PsiHB3
31 Ubiquitous Vision Clasen You have all-around vision. PsiHB3
32 Undead Sense Clasen You sense the presence of undead. PsiHB3
33 Whitefire Metcre Deals 5d4 fire damage in 20 ft. radius. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.4] Level 4 Psi3 Powers

## Level 4 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Amplified Invisibility Psykin Attack once and stay unseen. PsiHB3
2 Anchored Navigation Clasen You navigate from a fixed reference point that you mentally sense. PsiHB3
3 Astral Construct IV Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
4 Aura Sight Clasen You can read things in other's auras. PsiHB3
5 Detect Remote Viewing Clasen You know when others spy on you remotely. PsiHB3
6 Dimension Door Psyport Teleports you and 500 lb., 90 ft./level. PsiHB3
7 Dimensional Anchor Psyport Bars extradimensional movement. PsiHB3
8 Dismiss Ectoplasm Metcre Dissipates ectoplasmic targets. PsiHB3
9 Dismissal Psyport Forces a creature to return to a native plane. PsiHB3
10 Dissolving Touch Psymet Your acid touch deals 7d6 acid damage. PsiHB3
11 Divination Clasen Gain specific advice for proposed actions. PsiHB3
12 Domination Telep Subject obeys your will. PsiHB3
13 Fabricate Metcre Transforms raw goods to finished items. PsiHB3
14 Fatal Attraction Telep Implants death urge in target. PsiHB3
15 Fate of One Clasen You can reroll a bad roll. PsiHB3
16 Forced Mind Link Telep Creates mental bond with unwilling target. PsiHB3
17 Freedom of Movement Psyport Move normally despite impediments. PsiHB3
18 Immovability Psymet You are almost impossible to move. PsiHB3
19 Inertial Barrier Psykin Subject gains damage reduction (10/+5). PsiHB3
20 Mass Concussion Psykin Foes take 7d4 damage in 20 ft. radius. PsiHB3
21 Mindwipe Telep Target's recent experiences wiped away. PsiHB3
22 Polymorph Self Psymet You assume a new form. PsiHB3
23 Psychofeedback Psymet You can use power points to boost your Str, Con, and/or Dex ability mods. PsiHB3
24 Quintessence Metcre You collapse a bit of time into a physical substance. PsiHB3
25 Tailor Memory Telep False memory implanted in target. PsiHB3
26 Telekinesis Psykin Lift or move 25 lb./level at long range. PsiHB3
27 Wall of Ectoplasm Metcre You create a protective barrier. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.5] Level 5 Psi3 Powers

## Level 5 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Adapt Body Psymet You adapt your body to hostile environments. PsiHB3
2 Astral Construct V Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
3 Baleful Teleport Psyport Destructive teleport deals 9d6 damage. PsiHB3
4 Brilliant Blast Psykin Light blast inflicts 9d4 damage in 20' radius. PsiHB3
5 Catapsi Telep Psychic static is a drag on power manifestation. PsiHB3
6 Clairtangency Psykin You can use Far Hand at any distance. PsiHB3
7 Ectoplasmic Armor Metcre You gain a +10 armor bonus. PsiHB3
8 Ectoplasmic Shambler Metcre Fog-like predator engulfs foes, dealing 2 dmg/r to foes while surrounded. PsiHB3
9 Energy Barrier Psymet You convert energy attacks to harmless light. PsiHB3
10 Graft Weapon Psymet A weapon becomes a natural part of you. PsiHB3
11 Greater Domination Telep Subject obeys your will. PsiHB3
12 Incarnate Metcre You make some psionic effects permanent. PsiHB3
13 Major Creation Metcre As Minor Creation, plus stone and metal. PsiHB3
14 Metaconcert Telep Mental concert of 2+ psions increases the total power of the participants. PsiHB3
15 Metamorphosis Psymet You take the form of creatures and objects. PsiHB3
16 Mind Probe Telep You discover the target's secret thoughts. PsiHB3
17 Molecular Rearrangement Psykin You transmute one metal to another. PsiHB3
18 Natural Armor Psymet You gain +4 natural armor bonus. PsiHB3
19 Power Resistance Clasen You gain power resistance. PsiHB3
20 Psychic Vampire Psykin Your touch attacks drains 2 power points/level from foe, which you gain. PsiHB3
21 Recall Agony Clasen Foe takes more damage from painful memory. PsiHB3
22 Sending Psyport Delivers short message anywhere instantly. PsiHB3
23 Sense Psionics Clasen You sense psionic powers and effects. PsiHB3
24 Teleport Psyport Instantly transports you anywhere. PsiHB3
25 Teleport Trigger Psyport Predetermined event triggers teleport. PsiHB3
26 True Seeing Clasen See all things as they really are. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.6] Level 6 Psi3 Powers

## Level 6 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Ablating Psykin You are buffered from one Negate Psionics effect. PsiHB3
2 Astral Construct VI Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
3 Aura Alteration Telep Targets seems something it is not. PsiHB3
4 Banishment Psyport Banishes extraplanar creatures. PsiHB3
5 Breath of the Dragon Psymet Breath fire for 11d4 damage. PsiHB3
6 Disintegrate Psykin One creature or object vanishes. PsiHB3
7 Ethereal Jaunt Psyport You become ethereal for one round/level. PsiHB3
8 Flaming Shroud Metcre Encased foe takes 11d6 fire damage. PsiHB3
9 Greater Biocurrent Psykin Continuous bioelectrical current, 4d6 electrical dmg/r to up to 4 creatures. PsiHB3
10 Improved Fabricate Metcre As Fabricate, but ten times as much. PsiHB3
11 Improved Fly Psyport Subject flies at speed of 180. PsiHB3
12 Improved Vigor Psymet You gain 13 temporary hit points. PsiHB3
13 Mass Suggestion Telep Many targets follow suggested action. PsiHB3
14 Mind Switch Telep You switch minds with another. PsiHB3
15 Null Psionics Field Psykin Negates psionics within 10 ft. PsiHB3
16 Precognition Clasen More in-depth than Divination. PsiHB3
17 Remote View Trap Clasen Enemy remote viewers take 4d4 damage. PsiHB3
18 Retrieve Psykin You teleport to your hand an item you can see. PsiHB3
19 Shield of Prudence Clasen +6 insight bonus to AC. PsiHB3
20 Suspend Life Psymet Your life functions slow to imperceptibility. PsiHB3
21 Trace Teleport Psyport Learn origin or goal of subject's Teleport. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.7] Level 7 Psi3 Powers

## Level 7 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Astral Construct VII Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
2 Contingency Metcre Sets trigger condition for another power. PsiHB3
3 Divert Teleport Psyport Choose destination for another's Teleport. PsiHB3
4 Emulate Power Clasen Manifest any psion power 6th-level and less. PsiHB3
5 Energy Conversion Psymet You convert energy attacks to one ray energy attack of your own. PsiHB3
6 Etherealness Psyport Travel to the Ethereal Plane with companions. PsiHB3
7 Fission Psymet You briefly duplicate yourself. PsiHB3
8 Imp. Anchored Navigation Clasen You can navigate from a fixed point even across planar boundaries. PsiHB3
9 Improved Telekinesis Psykin Lift or move 50 lb./level at long range. PsiHB3
10 Insanity Telep Subject is permanently wacky. PsiHB3
11 Mass Cocoon Metcre Ectoplasmic Cocoon, but bigger. PsiHB3
12 Mass Domination Telep Many targets subject to your will. PsiHB3
13 Oak Body Psymet You body becomes living wood. PsiHB3
14 Phase Door Psyport Invisible passage through wood or stone. PsiHB3
15 Plane Shift Psyport Up to eight subjects travel to another plane. PsiHB3
16 Reddopsi Psykin Foe's power rebounds on her. PsiHB3
17 Sequester Clasen Subject invisible to sight and remote viewing. PsiHB3
18 Teleport Without Error Psyport As Teleport with no off-targets. PsiHB3
19 True Concussion Psykin Pummels foe for 13d6 damage. PsiHB3
20 Ultrablast Telep Your mental scream deals 13d4 damage. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.8] Level 8 Psi3 Powers

## Level 8 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Astral Construct VIII Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
2 Dream Travel Psyport You travel to other places through dreams. PsiHB3
3 Foresight Clasen Psionic senses warn you of impending danger. PsiHB3
4 Hypercognition Clasen You can deduce almost anything. PsiHB3
5 Improved Clairtangency Psykin You use Telekinesis at any distance. PsiHB3
6 Improved Etherealness Psyport Stay ethereal longer. PsiHB3
7 Iron Body Psymet Your body becomes living iron. PsiHB3
8 Mind Blank Telep Subject immune to mental/emotional effects, scrying, and remote viewing. PsiHB3
9 Mind Seed Telep Target slowly becomes you. PsiHB3
10 Mind Store Metcre Store your personality against future need. PsiHB3
11 Molecular Manipulation Psykin You increase or decrease an object's base hardness by 5. PsiHB3
12 Recall Death Clasen Foe vividly recalls its future death, and dies. PsiHB3
13 Shadow Body Psymet You become a living shadow (not the creature). PsiHB3
14 Telekinetic Sphere Psykin Mobile force globe protects one subject. PsiHB3
15 Teleportation Circle Psyport Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. PsiHB3
16 Temporal Acceleration Psyport Your time frame accelerates for two rounds. PsiHB3
17 True Creation Metcre As Major Creation but items are permanent. PsiHB3
18 True Domination Telep Dominated subjects less likely to defy your will. PsiHB3

[Q3] 3rd Edition Psionics (Psi. Freq. 3)

[Q3.9] Level 9 Psi3 Powers

## Level 9 Powers Discip. Short Description Source
1 Affinity Field Psymet Effects that affect you also affect others. PsiHB3
2 Apopsi Telep You delete the psionic power of another. PsiHB3
3 Astral Construct IX Metcre Astral construct fights for you. PsiHB3
4 Astral Projection Psyport Projects you and friends into Astral Plane. PsiHB3
5 Confidante Telep You and another are permanently mentally bonded. PsiHB3
6 Detonation Psykin Pummels foe for 17d6 damage. PsiHB3
7 Dissolution Psykin You Disintegrate really large objects or creatures. PsiHB3
8 Genesis Metcre You instigate a new demiplane in the Astral Plane. PsiHB3
9 Greater Emulation Metcre Manifest any power 8th-level or less. PsiHB3
10 Metafaculty Clasen Subject cannot hide name or location from you. PsiHB3
11 Microcosm Telep Target explores imaginary world at the expense of the real one. PsiHB3
12 Monster Domination Telep Dominates any creature for less time. PsiHB3
13 Probability Travel Psyport You and friends physically enter Astral. PsiHB3
14 Psychic Surgery Telep Repair psychic dmg, impart knowledge of new powers, and similar things. PsiHB3
15 Shapechange Psymet You become any creature, change one/round. PsiHB3
16 Temporal Velocity Psyport Your time frame accelerates for 3d4 rounds. PsiHB3
17 Thrall Telep Target is your slave forever. PsiHB3
18 Time Regression Psyport Relive the last four rounds. PsiHB3
19 True Metabolism Psymet Regenerate 10 points/round for one minute. PsiHB3
20 True Telekinesis Psykin Lift or move 500 lb./level at long range. PsiHB3

[Q7] Undead Psionics (Psi. Freq. 7)

Psi7 Minor Powers

# PSPs Description
1 2 Curse (Spell save)
2 2 Doesn't cost an additional action to use, just your eye's P or M action: Gaze to Charm (save)
3 2 Duplicate a SL 0-1 Necromancy effect (Wizard or Priest)
4 -10 to max Fear aura (anyone who enters your group) (Will save)
5 -10 to max Immunity to cold
6 -10 to max Immunity to disease
7 -10 to max Immunity to emotional effects
8 -10 to max Immunity to sleep, fatigue, and exhaustion
9 2/r Improved Invisibility to Undead
10 2 Moan: One group is feared (Will save)
11 -10 to max Need not breathe
12 -10 to max Need not eat or drink
13 -10 to max Need not sleep; Unaging
14 -10 to max People need a +CL weapon to hit you
15 -10 to max Pick a stat. Whenever you touch someone, they take (CL+1)/2 ability damage to that stat (PPD save)
16 2 Summon a DL I Undead
17 -10 to max Whenever you touch someone, they get a disease (PPD save)
18 -10 to max You Turn Undead at +1 level, +CL to the d20 roll, and +CL/2 to the d12 roll

Psi7 Major Powers

# PSPs Description
1 5 Duplicate a SL 0-3 Necromancy effect (Wizard or Priest) or a SL 1 ProtoLich spell
2 -25 to max Immunity to ability drain
3 -25 to max Immunity to all mind-affecting effects
4 -25 to max Immunity to critical hits
5 -25 to max Immunity to paralysis and stun
6 -25 to max Immunity to poison
7 5/t Incorporealness (+20 AC, you can pass through walls, can pick up objects, but cannot attack)
8 5 Magic Jar / Possession (Will save)
9 -25 to max Regenerate at CL-3 hp /s
10 5 Slay Living (save)
11 5 Summon a DL IV Undead
12 -25 to max Vampiric Regen (CL-3)*10% of damage you deal
13 -25 to max Whenever you touch someone, they are aged CLd4 years (PPD save)
14 -25 to max Whenever you touch someone, they are energy drained (CL+3)/6 levels (no save)
15 -25 to max Whenever you touch someone, they are paralyzed (PP save)
16 5 Wither limbs (like a Sharpness effect) (CL-3 PP saves, each missed save is one lost limb)
17 5 Wrench
18 -25 to max You emit a stench like a ghast

[Q7] Undead Psionics (Psi. Freq. 7)

Psi7 Grand Powers

# PSPs Description
1 8 Death Spell a group (total CL*CL HD, max HD affected = CL)
2 8 Duplicate a SL 0-5 Necromancy effect (Wizard or Priest) or a SL 2 ProtoLich spell
3 -40 to max Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects)
4 -40 to max Immunity to death or slay effects
5 -40 to max Immunity to energy drain and negative levels
6 -40 to max Immunity to Turn Undead
7 8 Summon a DL VII Undead
8 8 Target is energy drained CL/2 levels (no save)
9 -40 to max Whenever you touch someone, they get Mummy Rot (no save)

Psi7 Super Powers

# PSPs Description
1 11 As You Are
2 11 Duplicate a SL 0-7 Necromancy effect (Wizard or Priest) or a SL 3 ProtoLich spell
3 11 Summon a DL X Undead
4 -55 to max When you die, you go to the Negative Energy Plane, and will reform on the Prime the next day
5 -55 to max You do not go unconscious and stay offensive at any negative hp total (but will still die)
6 -55 to max Your unarmed attacks are Vile damage and hard to heal (healing effects are divided by CL-16)

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Basic Psi10 Information

Psi10 (class) PSPs = (LVL+Int+Wis-20)*5
Psi10 (wild) PSPs = (LVL+Int+Wis-13)*2
1 Psi10 PSP = 2 Psi1 PSPs. Points are regained at (Int+Wis)/2 per hour, or (total multipliers of beings within 100') per hour
Disciplines: Empa = Empathy, Pyro = Pyromancy, Somn = Somniomancy, Telep = Telepathy, TK = Telekinetics
Powers marked with an asterisk ( * ) can be used as a 0 action.
Level requirement for SL's for Wild Talents:
SL1=1, SL2=4, SL3=8, SL4=12, SL5=17, SL6=22
Wild Talent Progression:
Int+Wis+level Psi10
123 456
14-18 2-- ---
19-21 4-- ---
22-24 6-- ---
25-30 71- ---
31-35 82- ---
36-40 93- ---
41-45 A31 ---
46-50 A42 ---
51-55 A53 ---
56-60 A63 1--
61-65 A64 2--
66-70 A74 3--
71-75 A84 31-
76-80 A85 32-
81-85 A85 43-
86-90 A95 431
91-95 A96 432

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Psi10 First Level Powers (minors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Affect Normal Fires Pyro 1/r Affect Normal Fires RAPsi
2 Awaken Somn 2 Wakes someone up (removes a sleep effect) RAPsi
3 Detect Evil Empa 3 Detect Evil 3r RAPsi
4 Detect Lie * Telep 2/r Detect Lie RAPsi
5 Detect Lie II * Empa 3 Detect Lie 1r, Undetectable Lie doesn't work, instead gives save (at +5 bonus) RAPsi
6 Dispel Exhaustion Telep 5 Target heals 25% of damage taken RAPsi
7 Distract Telep 5/r Target cannot cast spells (save vs. spell) RAPsi
8 Dream Interpretation Somn 2 Interprets a dream; gives some insight RAPsi
9 Extrasensory Scan Telep 2/r Detect Life, Detect Psionics RAPsi
10 Feather Fall * TK 2/r Feather Fall RAPsi
11 Heat I Pyro 1/r Target takes 1d4 dmg /r RAPsi
12 Hide Emotion * Telep 3/r Undetectable emotion; immune ESP; +3 saves vs. emotion-changing effects RAPsi
13 Ignite Pyro 4 Burns an object (item save vs. fire) RAPsi
14 Instant Sleep Somn 1 Caster goes to sleep; gets x1.5 benefit per unit time RAPsi
15 Lift TK w*S/r TK up/down only; w = ln(weight in lbs.); S = ln(speed in ") RAPsi
16 Light Pyro 3/r Light RAPsi
17 Manipulate TK D/r Fine-control TK; max weight = CL lbs.; D = Dex score desired (max = Wis) RAPsi
18 Melt Pyro 5/r Melts an object (item save vs. fire), metal armors get -2 AT RAPsi
19 Resistance to Sleep Somn 2/h Immune Sleep RAPsi
20 Sleeping Awareness Somn 1/h Aware of surroundings while sleeping RAPsi
21 Sleeping Levitation Somn 1/h Levitate while sleeping (do not need to sleep on ground) RAPsi
22 Slide TK ˝*w*S/r TK horizontal across floor only (max incline = CL*5°); same w and S as Lift RAPsi
23 Spook Telep 5 Fear (save vs. spell at -CL/3) RAPsi
24 Suggest Telep 8 Suggestion (save) RAPsi
25 Tongues * Telep 3/r Tongues RAPsi
26 Wakefulness Somn 1/d Need not sleep; doesn't gain natural resets while not sleeping RAPsi

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Psi10 Second Level Powers (minors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Active Telepathy Telep 5/r Telepathy RAPsi
2 Beam of Light Pyro 5/r Line of Blindness (all in area save vs. spell or blinded) RAPsi
3 Bend TK ˝*S/r Bend an object; S = Str score desired (max = Int) RAPsi
4 Break TK S/r Break an object (item save); S = Str score desired (max = Int) RAPsi
5 Chameleon * Telep 7/r +4 set Chr RAPsi
6 Confuse Telep 14 Confusion (save) RAPsi
7 Contingency Awaken Somn 3 Set a contingency for conditions to wake up RAPsi
8 Cool * Pyro 8/r Keeps object at a normal temperature; Imm. to increase temperature change RAPsi
9 Darkness Pyro 7/r Darkness (can target someone to blind them, they get a save) RAPsi
10 Detect Charm * Empa 8 Detect Charm,Suggestion,Domination,Control Actions,Magic Jar,Geas,Quest RAPsi
11 Detect Motive * Telep 10 Gives motive for why someone is asking the way he is RAPsi
12 Dream Somn 3 Sleeping target has a dream (caster has no control) RAPsi
13 Emotion Read Telep 10 Read emotional state RAPsi
14 Empathy Empa 10 Sense needs, drives, emotions of target RAPsi
15 Enforced Sleep Somn 2/target Sleep 3*CL r (save vs. spell); max HD affected /target = CL RAPsi
16 Extinguish Pyro 10 Puts out a fire, or dispel a fire-based spell (Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, etc.) RAPsi
17 False Emotion * Telep 7/r Give off a false emotional state, true emotion is undetectable RAPsi
18 Fear Telep 17 Fear (save vs. spell at -CL/3); Fumble (save vs. spell) RAPsi
19 Feeblemind Telep 10 Feeblemind (save) RAPsi
20 Fire Protection * Pyro 8/r Resist Fire RAPsi
21 Floating Disc TK w/r Floating Disc; w = log(weight in lbs.) RAPsi
22 Healing Empa 15 Take X dmg, which regen at 1 hp/r: Target is cured X hp (max X = 24) RAPsi
23 Homeostasis * Pyro 1/r Resist non-magical Heat and Cold RAPsi
24 Intensify Fire * Pyro 10/r Doubles the damage of an existing fire effect RAPsi
25 Jump * TK J Jump J" (max J = CL*4) RAPsi
26 Know Alignment * Telep 12 Know Alignment RAPsi
27 Levitate TK 5/r Levitation RAPsi
28 Message Somn 4 Sends a message; same plane RAPsi
29 Mind Read * Telep 20/r Read surface thoughts of target RAPsi
30 Pain Erase Telep 8/r Target heals 25% of damage taken; Take only 75% of damage received RAPsi
31 Pillar of Fire Pyro 10/r Makes a column of fire (10' wide by 10*CL' high), 1d10 dmg RAPsi
32 Prolonged Wakefulness Somn 2/d Need not sleep; only 1 natural reset per 2 days while not sleeping RAPsi
33 Push TK ˝*S/r Push an object; S = Str score desired (max = Int) RAPsi
34 Remove Fear Telep 8 Remove Fear RAPsi
35 Shield * TK A/r AT +10+A source (max A = CL) RAPsi
36 Talk in Sleep Somn 4 Sleeping target talks in his sleep (presumably about his dream) RAPsi
37 Troubled Sleep Somn 4/h Fear (save vs. spell); if sleeping, target has nightmares RAPsi
38 Untroubled Sleep Somn 2/h Cannot be targetted by Somniomancy effects while sleeping RAPsi
39 Warmth * Pyro 8/r Keeps object at a normal temperature; Imm. to decrease temperature change RAPsi
40 Wind TK 3/r Gust of Wind RAPsi

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Psi10 Third Level Powers (majors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Accelerated Sleep Somn 4/h While sleeping/resting, get x(CL+4)/5 benefit per unit time RAPsi
2 Alertness Somn 3/h Target has half chances of surprise RAPsi
3 Animal Communication * Telep 12/r Speak with Animals RAPsi
4 Automaton Telep 21/r Control target's V actions (save) RAPsi
5 Burn Pyro 13 Target takes (4+CL/3)d6 fire dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
6 Chill Metal Pyro 11 Chill Metal RAPsi
7 Clairvoyant Dreaming Somn 10 Clairvoyance (caster is sleeping while doing this) RAPsi
8 Comprehend Languages Empa 7/r Comprehend Languages RAPsi
9 Confound * Telep 15/r Telepathy/ESP/etc. on you give false set of thoughts RAPsi
10 Control Telep 30/r Control target's P actions (save); Caster cannot use M actions RAPsi
11 Crush TK 10 Crush an item (item save vs. crushing blow) RAPsi
12 Detect Invisible Creatures Telep 15/r Detect Life; Detect Invisibility; Detect Dust of Disappearance RAPsi
13 Dream Protection Somn 5/h Immune to Somniomancy effects while sleeping RAPsi
14 Emotion Write Telep 9/r Change target's emotional state (save) RAPsi
15 Enforced Wakefulness Somn 1/3t Target cannot sleep (and does not get natural resets) RAPsi
16 Fire Curtain Pyro 9/r Circular wall of fire around caster, 3d6 dmg RAPsi
17 Fire Missiles Pyro 10 Shoot (CL-2)/2 fire missiles, each does 1d4+1 fire dmg RAPsi
18 Freeze Pyro 13 Target takes (4+CL/3)d6 cold dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
19 Ground * Pyro 8/r Immune Lightning, must be touching the ground RAPsi
20 Heat Metal Pyro 11 Heat Metal RAPsi
21 Heat Ray Pyro 12 Line, all in area CLd6 heat dmg (save:˝), immunity to non-magical heat works RAPsi
22 Hold Telep 5/r Hold Monster (save) RAPsi
23 Identification Somn 15 Identify any x1 item (magic, psi, techonology, etc.) RAPsi
24 Impact TK 12 (CL+3)d8 telekinetic dmg; one target; no save RAPsi
25 Insanity Telep 16/r Target gets Int set to 3; Insanity (save for each) RAPsi
26 Know Alignment II * Empa 17 Know Alignment, Unknowable Alignment doesn't work, instead gives a save RAPsi
27 Locale Somn 12 Gives Local Area Knowledge (as per proficiency) in unknown area RAPsi
28 Masks * Telep 20/r Immune Telepathy/ESP/etc. RAPsi
29 Pain Block Telep 15/r Target heals 50% of damage taken; Take only 50% of damage received RAPsi
30 Rapport Telep 10/r Telepathy, can read target's memories RAPsi
31 Remote Sensing Telep 17/r Have access to all senses of the target RAPsi
32 Remove Fear II Empa 8 Remove Fear, target is immune to fear for 1 turn RAPsi
33 Shatter TK 6 Crush an item (item save vs. crushing blow); only vs. size S or smaller items RAPsi
34 Sleeping Automaton Somn 15 Control P and V actions on a sleeping target RAPsi
35 Static Charge Pyro 10 Target takes (2+CL/3)d4 lightning dmg, this effect can be Delayed Blasted RAPsi
36 Throw TK 8 Throw a small object to deal (CL+4)d6 dmg to a target (don't need to roll to hit) RAPsi
37 Ventriloquism * Telep 18/r Ventriloquism RAPsi
38 Wall of Fire Pyro 13 Wall of Fire, 3d6 dmg RAPsi

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Psi10 Fourth Level Powers (majors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Agony Telep 10/r -3 Int, -4 Wis, -3 saves, -3 TH, -3 dmg, can't use magic/psi, slow (save each) RAPsi
2 Chill TK w*T/r Lower temperature in object; w = ln(weight in lbs.); T = ln(change °F) RAPsi
3 Dream Projection Somn 10 Can control details of a sleeping target's dream RAPsi
4 Dream Reading Somn 6/r Can view the dreams of sleeping target RAPsi
5 Dream Suggestion Somn 18 Suggestion (CL/2 saves vs.spell) RAPsi
6 Energy Armor * Pyro 7/r AT +10 source, destroy any weapon that strikes you (save vs. lightning) RAPsi
7 Fire Stream Pyro 18/r Choose 1 target within 120' per segment, it takes 6d6 fire dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
8 Forerunners Somn 16 Precognition (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
9 Friends * Empa 15 Set Chr 19 for CL/3 turns RAPsi
10 Heat II TK w*T/r Raise temperature in object; w = ln(weight in lbs.); T = ln(change °F) RAPsi
11 Kinetic Wall TK 8/r Immobile wall that blocks missile and melee weapons; must spend 1V to pass RAPsi
12 Masquerade Empa 1/h Caster has the mind-set and thought patterns of another RAPsi
13 Memory Read Telep 8/r Read memories of target RAPsi
14 Memory Protection * Telep 5/r Immune to Memory stealing, mind reading, Capital E Extract RAPsi
15 Mental Erasure Telep 30 Forget (save at -5-CL/3) RAPsi
16 Mental Guard Somn 12/h Imm. Charm,Confusion,Fear,Feeblemind,Possession,Soul Trap,Suggestion RAPsi
17 Nightmare Somn 18 Target does not gain next natural reset, takes 1d10 dmg (save vs. spell) RAPsi
18 Power Shift * Telep 1/d Your psionic powers appear to be a different form of energy (magic, innate, etc.) to Detection effects DM
19 Scare Empa 15 Fear 1d3+CL/2 r, target must save every round (even if made previous saves) RAPsi
20 Sensitivity to Psychic Imp. Empa 20 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions RAPsi
21 Sleep of Healing Somn 21 Target sleeps this segment, cure CL/2 hp, disease, blind, feeblemind, insanity RAPsi
22 Slow TK 3/r Slow; -1P action (save for each) RAPsi
23 Stasis * Somn 18 Feign Death (can be used on willing others) RAPsi
24 Static Discharge Pyro 35 All in caster's group (except caster) take (10+CL/3)d6 lightning dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
25 Waking Nightmare * Somn 5/r Target is immune to emotion changes and hallucinations RAPsi
26 Walking Sleep Somn 10/h Target is fully aware and can use Z and V actions while asleep RAPsi

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Psi10 Fifth Level Powers (grands)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Charm Person Empa 15 Charm Person (make CL saves) RAPsi
2 Cleave * TK N/r Mental weapon: Use 1M to get #Att=2, dmg=1dN, considered +N/5 wpn RAPsi
3 Dream of Communion Somn 30 Contact other Plane (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
4 Dream Quest Somn 30 Quest/Geas (save vs. spell) RAPsi
5 Dream Travel Somn 50 Teleport (same plane) (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
6 Fire Blast Pyro 26 One group takes (8+CL/5)d6 fire dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
7 Fire Strands Pyro 22 Web spell, everyone within takes Xd6 dmg /r, X is # sizes larger than size T RAPsi
8 Fly * TK S/r Fly at S*3" RAPsi
9 Hypnotism Empa 20 Hypnosis (make CL saves) RAPsi
10 Kinetic Dome TK 10/r Kinetic Wall (see above) but is a hemisphere RAPsi
11 Lightning Bolt Pyro 24 Lightning Bolt, CLd6 dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
12 Madness Somn 35 Nightmare (see above); Target gains 1 insanity (save vs. spell) RAPsi
13 Memory Write Telep 65 Change a memory in a target (save) RAPsi
14 Mind Block Telep 17/h Can't be mentally targetted; auto make Will/Mental saves; can't be scryed RAPsi
15 Mindreave Telep 70 Target gets Int set to 3; Insanity; lose all spells; lose all PSPs (save for each) RAPsi
16 Object Reading Empa 35 Object Reading RAPsi
17 Plane Shift Somn 55 Plane Shift (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
18 Prescient Dream Somn 62 Precognition about a person or item, more exact information than Forerunners RAPsi
19 Resistance Shift * Empa 1/d Your psionic powers are resisted using a different resistance (MR, IR, etc., but not anti's or GR/XR) DM
20 Sleep Guard Somn 15 Contigency Awaken, wake up and do a Psi10 power (chosen ahead of time) RAPsi
21 Suggestion Empa 17 Suggestion (make CL saves) RAPsi
22 Transportation Somn 50+15P Teleport (same plane) (P=# of people) (all in the effect are sleeping this seg.) RAPsi

[Q10] Empathic (Role Aids) Psionics (Psi. Freq. 10)

Psi10 Sixth Level Powers (grands)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Animate Fire Pyro 15/r Turn fire into 2^(X+1) HD fire elemental, where X is the # sizes beyond size T RAPsi
2 Astral Dreaming Somn 55+15P Astral spell (P=# of people) (all in the effect are sleeping this segment) RAPsi
3 Compress TK 10/r Target gets -1 size (max weight affected = 2^CL pounds) RAPsi
4 Disintegrate TK 15 Disintegrate (save) RAPsi
5 Dream of Death Somn 55 Death Spell 5d20 HD (save vs. Death Magic), sleeping targets get no save RAPsi
6 Energy Quench Pyro 40 Death Spell 4d20 HD (save vs. Death Magic), works on undead and golems RAPsi
7 Enlarge TK 10/r Target gets +1 size (max weight affected = 2^CL pounds) RAPsi
8 Group Mind * Telep 15/r Group has each other's proficiencies, feats, kits, memories, thoughts RAPsi
9 Mind Quench Telep 51 Death Spell 3d20 HD (save vs. Death Magic), creatures w/ Int 1-8 get no save RAPsi
10 Mindwipe Telep 65 Wipe all memories in target (save) RAPsi
11 Sleeping Wish Somn 60 Duplicate a SL 1-5 Psi10 power (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
12 Summon Fire Elemental Pyro 40+5/r Summons a 12 HD Fire Elemental, or gain control of someone's Fire Ele. RAPsi
13 Telempathic Projection Empa 21 All others around you can sense your thoughts, feelings, emotions RAPsi
14 Telepathy Empa 10/r Telepathy (across planes) RAPsi
15 Trigger Telep 70 Delayed Blast Mind Quench, only 1 target, will go off on a set condition RAPsi

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.0] Assumed Equipment

All PCs may have the following without it being written down on their sheet and without paying for it:
pieces of string, a 1' long stick, 3 small rocks, chalk, 1 wax candle, 1 hat, 3 cloaks, 1 belt, 2 pairs of soft low boots, 1 small pouch, three 1'x2' scraps of fabric, and 1 strip of beef jerky.
If these items are used or destroyed in a gaming session, they are replaced at game reset for no cost. All of the items in question must be ordinary and have no real value. These items are also assumed to weigh nothing (for playing convenience). If the PC was specifically stripped of all items (being captured or whatever), he does not have access to these items.
Other items, even those that cost nothing (such as a wooden pole) are NOT assumed to be carried by the PC unless noted on his character sheet.
In certain high-level campaigns, all normal equipment (rope, oil, even simple weapons and cheap gems) is assumed to be carried by the character at no cost and at no encumbrance (unless it weighs more than 5 pounds). Ask the DM before assuming this rule is in effect.

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.1] Adventuring Gear

Item Cost Wt
Acid, Flask of 30 1
Acid, Metal-eating, 1 Vial 50 0.2
Adventure Pack, Beginner 25 15
Adventure Pack, Mid-lvl 250 20
Adventure Pack, High-lvl 2500 25
Adventure Pack, Über 25000 0
Air bladder 15 2
Alchemist's Fire, Flask of 20 1
Aniseed, vial (stops dogs) 0.2 0
Antitoxin (vial) 50 1
Arrow, Major grapple 10 1
Arrow, Minor grapple 6 0.6
Artisan's Tools 5 5
Astrolabe 8 1
Axe, Hatchet 2 3
Axe, Ice 10 4
Backpack (Leather) 2 2
Bag, Leather 0.08 0.5
Bag, Tanglefoot 50 4
Barrel, Wooden, 50 gal 1 20
Barrel, Metal, 50 gal 3 50
Basket, large 0.3 1
Basket, small 0.05 0.1
Bath Oil (pint) 1 0
Beads, Prayer 1 0.5
Bedroll 0.1 5
Bell 1 0
Belt pouch, large 1 1
Belt pouch, small 0.7 0.5
Bird cage 2 5
Blanket 0.05 3
Blinding Powder 10 0
Block and tackle 5 5
Bolt case 1 1
Book, 100 Paper 400 15
Book, 100 Papyrus 160 20
Book, 100 Parchment 220 20
Book, 100 Vellum 400 20
Bottle or flask 0.3 0
Box, Iron, Large 15 75
Box, Iron, Small 8 35
Bucket 0.3 4
Caltrops (10) 3 1
Candle, Tallow 0.01 0.5
Candle, Wax 0.1 0.5
Item Cost Wt
Candle snuffer 0.06 1.5
Cane, Walking 2 6
Canvas (/sq.yd.) 0.4 1
Case, Bone, Map/Scroll 5 5
Case, Leather, Map/Scroll 1.5 2.5
Cask 0.05 10
Cards, Marked, Deck 5 0.2
Catstink, (vial) 40 0
Chain, Iron, 1', Fine, Small 2 0.5
Chain, Iron, 1', Heavy 1 10
Chain, Iron, 1', Light 0.5 5
Chain, Iron, 1', Medium 0.8 8
Chalk, Powder 0.01 0.2
Chalk, Stick 0.01 0.2
Charcoal, 10 lb bag of 2 10
Charcoal, Bundle 0.02 0
Chest, Wooden, Large 1.6 50
Chest, Wooden, Small 0.8 25
Chisel 1 3
Chisels, lock, set of 3 2 1
Climber's kit 80 5
Coal, 10 lb bag of 10 10
Cologne/perfume, 1 oz 1 1
Comb 0.1 0.5
Cord, 10' 0.1 0.2
Crampons 4 3
Crowbar 0.6 4
Dagger, Climbing 5 1
Dice, 1 pair of 0.2 0.5
Dice, 1 pair of,loaded 2 0.5
Disguise kit 50 8
Dissection Instruments 10 5
Dog Pepper, Packet 0.1 0
Drill, Iron 5 5
Earspoon 0.02 1
Fire-starting bow 0.8 0.5
Fishhook 0.01 0
Fishing net (/sq.ft.) 1 1
Flint and steel 0.1 0.3
Funnel, Small 0.03 0.1
Glass (/sq.ft.) 5 2
Glass Bottle 10 0.1
Glass Cutter, Handled 120 1
Grappling Iron 3 2
Glue, 2 oz pot of 0.05 1
Item Cost Wt
Grapnel 7 7.5
Grappling hook 0.8 4
Grindstone 0.05 1
Hacksaw 2 2
Hacksaw, Folding 3 1
Hacksaw Blade 0.6 0
Hairbrush 0.07 0.5
Hammer, Small 2 1
Hammock 2 2
Healer's kit 50 1
Hinge-Removing set 30 1
Horn 1 1
Hourglass 25 0.5
Housebreaker's Harness 25 2
Hunting Trap, Bear (L) 12 15
Hunting Trap, Rabbit (S) 4 3
Incense, Stick 1 0.1
Ink, 2 oz pot of 1 1
Ink, Disappearing 5 1
Inkpen 0.1 0
Insect Repellant 5 1
Jar, Glass 5
Keg, Wooden 5 gal 0.15 25
Keymaking Set 40 6
Ladder, Rope, 30' 8 8
Ladder, Wood, 12' 0.05 20
Lamp, Hand (w/ mirror) 10 1
Lamp, Hand Warming 0.2 0.3
Lamp, Oil 2 1
Lantern 10 3
Lantern, Beacon 150 50
Lantern, Bullseye 12 3
Lantern, Hooded 7 2
Lantern, Waterproof 50 3
Lard, Pint of 0.01 2
Leeches, jar of 10 2
Limewood Strips (10) 0.03 cp 0
Listening Cone (Brass) 2 0.3
Lock, Good 100 1
Lock, Poor 20 1
Magnifying glass 100 0.5
Mallet 2 1
Manacles, Pair of, & key 5 2
Map of the known world 1 1
Map or scroll case 0.8 0.5

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.1] Adventuring Gear (cont.)

Item Cost Wt
Map-Making kit 35 3
Marble, Airy Water 5' r 360 0
Marble, Continual Light 90 0
Marble, Silence 15' r 900 0
Marbles, Regular bag (30) 0.02 cp 1
Merchant's scale 2 1
Mess/Cooking kit 8 8
Metal file 2 1
Mini Blade 0.05 cp 0
Mirror, Large, Metal 10 10
Mirror, Small, Metal 2 0.1
Mirror, Small, Silver 20 2
Mirror, Small, Steel 5 0.5
Nails, Iron, 10 0.01 1
Oil, flask, Greek fire 10 2
Oil, flask, Incendiary 10 2
Oil, flask, Lamp 0.06 1
Oil, flask, Scented 0.4 1
Padlock & key 5 2
Padlock w/ needle trap 12 2
Pail 0.07 1
Paint, 1 gallon of 2 10
Paint brush, Fine 1 1
Paint brush, Large 0.7 4
Paint brush, Medium 0.5 2
Paper (per sheet) 2 0
Papyrus, (per sheet) 0.8 0
Parchment, (per sheet ) 1 0
Perfume, per vial 5 0.1
Pen, Fine, Wooden 0.05 0.3
Pen, Quill 0.01 0.2
Pick axe, Mining 6 5
Pick Tooth, 5 score of 0.01 0.1
Piton 0.03 0.5
Pen, Fine, Metal 0.1 0.5
Pipe, Smoking 0.01 0.5
Pipeweed, 8 oz 1 0.5
Pliers 1 2.5
Pole, 10' 0.01 10
Pouch, Belt, Large 1 1
Pouch, Belt, Small 0.8 0.5
Pulley 25 0.5
Purse 0.01 0.2
Quiver (12 arrows/20 qu.) 1 0.5
Quiver, 12 arrows cap 0.8
Item Cost Wt
Quiver, 20 arrows cap 1.2 4
Quiver, 20 bolts cap 1.5 3.5
Quiver, 40 bolts cap 1 6
Ram, Portable 10 20
Razor 1 0.5
Ring, Pin, Iron 2 0
Ring, Pin, Silver 10 0
Ring, Razor, Iron 2 0
Ring, Razor, Silver 10 0
Rocket, Signal 25 3
Rope, 50' 1 5
Rope, 50' hemp 0.5 7.5
Rope, 50' superior 1 10
Rope, 50' silk 15 5
Sack, Large 0.3 0.5
Sack, Small 0.01 0.1
Saw, One man 2 3
Saw, Two man 12 20
Scabbard, False 12 1
Scabbard, Sword 3 1.5
Scissors 0.05 1
Sealing Wax (per lb) 1 1
Sewing needle 0.5 0
Sheath, Dagger or knife 0.6 0.5
Sheath, Wrist 0.3 0
Shovel 2 6
Signal whistle 0.8 0.1
Signet ring/personal seal 5 0.1
Skeleton Key 10 0
Skin, Water/wine 0.15 0.5
Slate and Chalk 10 1
Sledge 1 10
Sleep Gas (bottle) 20 1
Smokestick 20 1
Soap,5 oz bar of 0.02 0.3
Soap (per lb) 0.5 1
Spade/shovel 2 6
Spike, Climbing, Iron 0.05 0.4
Spike, Iron, Large 0.01 0.5
Spyglass 1000 2
Stake, Wooden 0.01 0.1
String,50' 0.01 1
Sundial 8 50
Sunrod 2 1
Symbol, Holy 25 0.1
Item Cost Wt
Symbol, Holy, Iron 2 3
Symbol, Holy, Silver 50 2
Symbol, Holy, Wooden 0.07 1
Tent, Adequate, Large 75 75
Tent, Adequate, Medium 50 60
Tent, Adequate, Small 30 50
Tent, Good, Large 200 100
Tent, Good, Medium 120 80
Tent, Good, Small 75 60
Tent, Poor, Large 30 60
Tent, Poor, Medium 20 45
Tent, Poor, Small 10 35
Tent, Superior, Large 400 150
Tent, Superior, Medium 300 100
Tent, Superior, Small 200 75
Thieves' picks & tools 25 1
Thieves' tools,masterwork 100 2
Thunderstone 30 1
Tinder Box w/ flint & steel 2 0.5
Tindertwig (Match) 1 0
Torch, Normal 0.01 2
Torch, Small, 3 0.01 1
Tree Bed 8 8
Tree Seat 15 16
Vellum, 1 sheet 8 0.1
Vial, Ceramic 1 2.5
Vial, Crystal 3 3
Vial, Metal 5 4
Wallet 1 0.5
Water, Holy, Vial 25 0.1
Water, Unholy, Vial 25 0.1
Water Clock 1000 200
Wax (block) 0.03 0
Wax, Candle, lb 1 1
Wax, Sealing, lb 2 1
Weaponblack (vial) 2 0.2
Wheel, Prayer 3 10
Wheelbarrow 15 20
Whetstone 0.02 0.5
Whistle 1 0.5
Wig 2 0.5
Wineskin 0.8 0.5
Winter Blanket 0.5 3
Wire Cutters 1 0.2
Woodland Suit 35 5

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.4] Provisions

Item Cost Wt
Ale, gallon 0.2  
Ale, pint of 0.1  
Ale, dark,pint of 0.03  
Banquet, per person 10  
Beer,heavy,pint 0.1  
Beer,light,pint of 0.04  
Beer, small, pint 0.05  
Brandy,pint of 0.1  
Bread,loaf of 0.01 2.5
Butter per lb. 0.2 1
Cheese 0.4  
Cider,pint of 0.08  
Cider, Tun (250 gal) 8 2050
Dry Rations (7 days) 10  
Egg or Fresh Vegetables 0.01  
Eggs (100) 0.8  
Eggs (24) 0.2  
Figs (lb) 0.3 1
Firewood (day) 0.01  
Fish, Herring, Salted, 100 1  
Fish, Pickled, Barrel 3  
Flour,10 lb bag of 0.6 10
Food, Merchant's meal 0.1  
Food, Rich meal 1  
Grain, Horse meal, 1 day 0.01 5
Grog, Pint of 0.03  
Herbs (Common, lb) 0.05 1
Honey (lb) 0.5  
Juice, Apple, Pint of 0.01  
Juice, Grape, Pint of 0.01  
Juice, Orange, Pint of 0.01  
Juice, Tomato, Pint of 0.01  
Mead, Pint of 0.5  
Meals, Common, 1 day 0.3  
Meals, Good, 1 day 0.5  
Meals, Poor, 1 day 0.1  
Meat for 1 meal 0.1  
Milk, Cow, Pint of 0.02  
Milk, Goat, Pint of 0.01  
Nuts (lb) 1 1
Raisins (lb) 0.2 1
Rations, Iron, 1 week 5 7
Rations, Standard, 1 wk 3 20
Rice (lb) 0.2 1
Rum, Pint of 0.05  
Item Cost Wt
Salt (lb) 0.1 1
Small Beer (gallon) 0.05  
Soup, quart 0.05  
Spice, Exotic (saffron, ...) 15 1
Spice, Rare (pepper, ...) 2 1
Spice, Uncom. (cinnamon) 1 1
Sugar, Coarse (lb) 1 1
Tea,pint of 0.01  
Water, Spring, Pint of 0.01  
Wine, Common, pitcher 0.2  
Wine, Good, Pint of 0.1  
Wine, Good, Tun (250 gal) 20 2050
Wine, Quart 1 3
Wine, Watered, Pint of 0.06  

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.5] Livestock/Animals

Item Cost Wt
Ape 150 350
Boar 10 100
Bull 20 1000
Calf 5 50
Camel 10 900
Capon 0.03  
Cat 0.5 10
Chicken 0.03 10
Cow 10 750
Dog,guard 20 80
Dog,hunting 17 65
Dog,lap 5 50
Dog,sled 10 80
Dog,war 30 95
Donkey 8 800
Dove 0.3 2
Dragonnel 45000 10000
Eel,giant 4500 8000
Elephant,labor 200 10000
Elephant,war 300 12000
Falcon,trained 600 8
Giant strider 7500 1100
Goat 1 60
Goose 0.05  
Griffon 35000 8000
Guinea hen 0.02  
Hawk,large 40 40
Hawk,small 15 7
Hippocampus 20000 4000
Hippogriff 32000 2000
Horse,draft 30 800
Horse,heavy war 300 1300
Horse,light war 120 700
Horse,medium war 180 900
Horse,riding 25 600
Hunting cat 10000 175
Lama 30 650
Mule 20 700
Ox 15 1000
Partridge 0.05  
Peacock 0.5  
Pegasus 40000 1000
Pigeon 0.01 1.5
Pigeon, homing 100  
Piglet 1 10
Item Cost Wt
Pig 3 300
Pony,riding 15 400
Pony,war 25 450
Ram 4  
Roc 30000 25000
Sea horse 15000 1500
Sheep 2 50
Songbird 0.04 1
Swan 0.5  
Unicorn 500000 800
Wyvern 25000 6000
Yak 9 480

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.6] Tack and Harness

Item Cost Wt Source
Barding, Banded 400 150 RC0
Barding, Chain 150 60 RC0
Barding, Field 600 400 RC0
Barding, Half brigandine 500 100 PH2
Barding, Joust 700 500 RC0
Barding, Leather 40 25 RC0
Barding, Padded, Full 150 60 PH2
Barding, Padded, Half 100 40 PH2
Barding, Plate 500 300 RC0
Barding, Plate, Full 2000 500 PH2
Barding, Plate, Half 800 250  
Barding, Scale 75 40 RC0
Barding, Scale, Full 1000 300 PH2
Barding, Scale, Half 500 200 PH2
Barding, Splint 400 400  
Bit & Bridle 1.5 2 PH1
Halter 0.05 0.1 PH2
Harness 1.2 10 PH1
Harness, Cart 2 10 PH2
Horseshoes (installed) 1 10 PH2
Leash, Dog 0.5 1 AWRC2
Saddle, Pack 5 15 PH2
Sabble, Riding 10 35 PH1
Saddle Bags,large 4 8 PH1
Saddle Bags,small 3 5 PH1
Saddle Blanket 0.3 4 PH1
Yoke, Horse 5 15 PH2
Yoke, Ox 3 20 PH2

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.11] Transports

Item Cost Wt
Barge 500  
Barge/Raft, Small 50  
Barge/Raft, Small (/sq.yd.) 1 10
Boat, Collapsible 500 60
Boat, River 4000 RC0
Boat, Sailing 2000 RC0
Boat, Small 75 90
Boat, Long 150 25000
Canoe, Small 30 80
Canoe, Large 50 120
Canoe, War 100 160
Caravel 10000  
Cart 50 80
Carriage, Common 150  
Carriage, Ornamental 7000  
Chariot, Riding 200 400
Chariot, War 500 500
Coach, Royal 200 1800
Coaster 5000  
Cog 10000  
Curragh 500  
Dog-sled 30 70
Drakkar 25000  
Dromond 15000  
Galleon 50000  
Galley, Large 25000 275000
Galley, Small 10000 225000
Galley, War 40000 250000
Kayak 250 50
Knarr 3000  
Lifeboat, Ship's 1000  
Longship 10000  
Oar 0.5 5
Oar, Galey 10  
Paddle 0.3 3.5
Raft or small keelboat 100  
Raft, Professional (/sq.ft.) 1  
Sail 20  
Sedan Chair 100  
Ship, Merchant, Large 15000 250000
Ship, Merchant, Small 5000 200000
Ship, Sailing, Large 20000  
Ship, Sailing, Small 5000  
Ship, War 20000 300000
Troop Transport 30000  
Item Cost Wt
Wagon, Closed 250 2000
Wagon, Open 150 1500
Wagon Wheel 5  

[E1] General Equipment

[E1.12] Hirelings/Services

Item Cost /day
Alchemist 10
Animal Trainer 3
Archer (longbow) 0.1
Archer (shortbow) 0.05
Armor repair 12
Armorer 5
Artillerist 0.12
Bath 0.03
Bearer/Porter 0.01
Blacksmith 3
Boatwright 0.1
Bowyer/Fletcher 1
Captain 15
Carpenter 0.03
Clerk (per letter) 0.2
Crossbowman 0.05
Doctor, Leech or bleeding 3
Engineer-Architect 5
Engineer-Artillerist 7
Engineer-Sapper/Miner 7
Footman, Heavy 0.05
Footman, Light 0.03
Footman, Pikeman 0.08
Grain/Stabling for horse 0.5
Guide, City 0.5
Habilar, Heavy 0.08
Habilar, Light 0.05
Horse grooming 0.3
Horseman, Archer 0.15
Horseman, Crossbowman 0.1
Horseman, Heavy 0.15
Horseman, Light 0.08
Horseman, Medium 0.1
Jeweler-Gemcutter 5
Lantern/Torchbearer 0.1
Laundry (load) 0.01
Leather Worker 0.02
Lieutenant 8
Limner 1
Linkboy 0.01
Mason 0.04
Messenger 2
Messenger, in city 0.1
Minstrel 3
Month,city,Common room 20
Source Cost /day
Month,city,Poor room 0.6
Month, Common room 12
Month, Double room 58
Month, Latrine, Separate 2
Month, Poor room 0.8
Month, Private room 29
Mourner 0.2
Night, Common room 0.5
Night, Double room 2
Night, Poor room 0.05
Night, Private/Good room 1
Night guard 15
Pack Handler 0.02
Sapper/Miner 0.1
Sage 100
Serjeant 4
Scribe 0.5
Ship Crew, Marines 0.08
Ship Crew, Mates 1
Ship Crew, Oarsmen 0.12
Ship Crew, Sailors 0.05
Ship Master 15
Slinger 0.08
Spy 60
Steward/Castellan 30
Tailor 0.02
Teamster (/mile) 0.05
Teamster w/wagon (/mile) 0.1
Valet/Lackey 0.03
Weapon Maker 5
Weapon repair 9
Weaver 0.02
Week, Common room 3
Week, Double room 9
Week, Poor room 0.2
Week, Private room 4

[E2] Weapons

[E2.1] Weapons Table Notes

Cost: In gold pieces (gp).
Weight: In pounds (lbs).
Size: See [C7.1] for what size weapons you can wield. "*"=2 hands to fire; "n"=no hands to use; "s"=several people to operate; "^"=mounted weapon (or lose 1 die type).
#Att: Base number of attacks. "1" is "Other Weapon" (except for Swords), "2" is "Dagger" (except for Bows), "3" is "Dart". "*"=2 hands to reload; "n"=auto-reloads/doesn't need hands; "!"=no more than this #Att possible except by magic/psionics
Size -M: Damage to Size M and smaller targets. "e" dice are open-ended (if you roll max, roll again and add that to result).
Size L+: Damage to Size L and larger targets.
Critical: Critical range / multiplier. If none is given, assume 20/x2.
Stat (Optional): Which stats are used for TH/dmg for this weapon. Usually [C5] is used instead of this column. "SR" is "Strength Rating" of the weapon (not the user). "Nat" is "Natural" (Str+Dex+2).
Type: B=Blunt, E=Entangling, I=Injecting, P=Piercing, S=Slashing, X=eXplosive
SpeedF (Optional): Speed Factor, which modifies your initiative. Rarely used.

[E2.2] Weapons Table

Weapon Cost Weight Size #Att Size -M Size L+ Critical Stat Type SpeedF Source New?
Aklys 2 4 S 1* 1d6 1d3 20/x2 Dex B/E 4 UA1  
Armor, Spiked Leather 30 25 Mn 1n! 1d3 1d3 ? ˝Str,Nat P 1    
Arquebus 500 10 M 1/2* powder powder 20/x2 Dex P/X 15 PH2  
" Ammo: Gun/Black Powder 25 1 - - 1e12 1e12 ? - X - DM  
" Ammo: Smoke/Gray Powder 10 1 - - 1e10 1e10 ? - X - PH2  
" Ammo: White/Flash Powder 5 1 - - 1e8 1e8 ? - X - DM  
Arquebus, Caviler 450 11 M 1/3* 1e8 1e8 ? Dex P/X 12 FRA2  
Arquebus, Musket 800 20 M 1/3* 1e12 1e12 ? Dex P/X 17 FRA2  
Axe, Battle 5 6 M 1 1d8 1d8 20/x2 Str S 7 RC0  
Axe, Battle [3E] 10 7 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Axe, Broad 30 14 L 1 1d10 1d10 20/x2 Str S 10    
Axe, Great 40 50 L 1 1d12 1d12 20/x2 Str S 14    
Axe, Great, Huge 300 400 H 1 1d30 1d30 ? Str S 28    
Axe, Greataxe [3E] 20 20 L ? 1d12 1d12 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Axe, Hand 1 4 M 1 1d6 1d6 20/x2 Str S 4 RC0  
Axe, Handaxe [3E] 6 5 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Axe, Orc Double [3E] 60 25 L 1* 1d8,1d8 1d8,1d8 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Axe, Throwing 2 3 S 3/2 1d6 1d4 ? ˝Str,Dex S 3    
Axe, Throwing [3E] 8 4 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Axe, Two-handed 15 10 L 1 1d10 2d8 ? Str S 9    
Axe, Waraxe, Dwarven [3E] 30 15 M ? 1d10 1d10 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Axe, Woodcutter's 0.5 4 M 1 1d6 1d4 ? Str S 4    
Ballista 75 600 H 1/2 1d10+6 1d10+6 ? SR P 60 RC0  
Ballista, Heavy 6000 2000 Gs 1/3s round round ? SR P 60    
" Ammo: Heavy Ballista Round 5 30 H - 4d10 5d10 ? - P -    
Ballista, Light 750 200 Hs 1/2s round round ? SR P 40    
" Ammo: Light Ballista Round 3 16 L - 3d8 4d8 ? - P -    
Bat'leth (Klingon) 20 10 L 1 2d8 4d4 ? Str S/P 9 i/Al-  
Belaying Pin 0.02 2 S 1 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str B 4    
Blowgun, <2' 3 0.6 S 2 needle needle 20/x2 ˝Dex P 1 RC0  
Blowgun, 4' 3 1 M 2 needle needle 20/x2 ˝Dex P 4 UA1  
Blowgun, 7' 5 2 L 2 needle needle 20/x2 Dex P 5 UA1  
" Ammo: Needle, Barbed 0.03 0 T - 1d3 1d2 20/x2 - P -    
" Ammo: Needle, Hollow 0.02 0 T - 1 1 ? - P/I -    
" Ammo: Needle, Standard 0.01 0 T - 1d2 1 20/x2 - P - UA1  
Blowgun, Metsubishi 2 1 S 1/2 powder powder ? ˝Dex X 11    
" Ammo: Powder, Ashes/Dust 0 0 T - 0 0 ? - X -    
" Ammo: Powder, Pepper 0.04 0 T - 0 0 ? - X -    
Blunderbus 500 12 M 1/2 1e4 1e4 ? Dex P/X 15 FRA2  
Bo Stick 0.02 4 M 1 1d6 1d4 20/x2 Str B 3    
Bola 0.5 0.5 M 1 1d3 1d2 20/x2 Dex B/E 8 RC0  
Bombard 20000 2000 H 1/3 2e20 2e20 ? Dex B/X 20 FRA2  
Boomerang 1 2 S 1 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ˝Str,Dex B 2    
Bore 150 300 H 1/2 1d6+14 1d6+14 ? SR P 30 RC0  
Boulder, Giant 0 5000 F 1! 8d12 16d8 20/x2 Str,Dex B 30    
Boulder, Huge 0 1000 G 1! 4d12 8d8 20/x2 Str,Dex B 20    
Boulder, Large 0 200 H 1! 2d12 4d8 20/x2 Str,Dex B 10    
Boulder, Medium 0 50 L 1! 1d12 2d8 20/x2 Str,Dex B 5    
Boulder, Small 0 10 M 1! 1d6 1d8 20/x2 Str,Dex B 3    
Bow, Compound Long 100 3 L* 2* arrow arrow 20/x2 SR,Dex P 7 PH1  
Bow, Compound Short 75 2 M* 2* arrow arrow 20/x2 SR,Dex P 6 PH1  
Bow, Great 125 8 H* 2* arrow arrow ? SR,Dex P 10    
Bow, Long 40 3 L* 2* arrow arrow 20/x2 SR,Dex P 8 RC0  
" Ammo: Arrow, Large 0.5 0.4 L - 1d10 1d10 ? - P -    
Bow, Longbow [3E] 75 3 L ? arrow arrow 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
" Ammo: Arrow [3E] 0.05 0.15 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Bow, Longbow, Composite [3E] 100 3 L ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Bow, Pellet 50 2 M* 3/2* pellet pellet ? ˝SR,Dex B 8    
" Ammo: Pellet 0.02 0.2 S - 2d4 1d6+2 ? - B -    
Bow, Pixie 50 1 S* 2* arrow arrow ? Dex P 4    
" Ammo: Arrow, Pixie, Flight 0.01 0 T - 1d4 1d2 ? - P -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Pixie, Forget 0.1 0 T - 0 0 ? - P/I -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Pixie, Sleep 1 0 T - 0 0 ? - P/I -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Pixie, War 0.5 0 T - 1d4+1 1d4+1 ? - P -    
Bow, Short 25 2 M* 2* arrow arrow 20/x2 SR,Dex P 7 RC0  
" Ammo: Arrow, Armor Piercer 0.25 0.2 S - 1d4+3 1d4+2 ? - P/I? -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Barbed 0.1       1d6 1d6 ?   P/S      
" Ammo: Arrow, Blunt Head 0.01 0.3     1d3 1d3 ?   P/B      
" Ammo: Arrow, Broad Head 0.1       1d6+1 1d6 ?          
" Ammo: Arrow, Corded (120') 3 2.5     1d3 1d2 ?   P/E      
" Ammo: Arrow, Flaming 2.5 0.4     1d6+1 2d4 ?   P/X      
" Ammo: Arrow, Flight (Normal) 0.02 0.2 S - 1d6 1d6 ? - P - PH1  
" Ammo: Arrow, Frog Crotch 0.5 0.2 S - 1d6 1d3 ? - P/S -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Grappling (120') 5 3     1d4 1d3 ?   P/E      
" Ammo: Arrow, Humming Bulb 0.5 0.2 S - 1d2 1d2 ? - B/X -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Hunting 0.01 0.1 S - 1d4 1d4 ? - P -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Leaf Head 1 0.2 S - 1d8 1d6 ? - P -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Sheaf/War 0.2 0.3 M - 1d8 1d8 ? - P -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Spiral 0.5       1d6+1 1d6+1 ?   P/I      
" Ammo: Arrow, Stonetip/Crude 0 0.3 S - 1d5 1d5 ? - P -    
" Ammo: Arrow, Wooden 0 0.1     1d5 1d3 ?          
Bow, Shortbow [3E] 30 2 M ? arrow arrow 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
" Ammo: Arrow [3E] 0.05 0.15 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Bow, Shortbow, Composite [3E] 75 2 M ? 1d6 1d6 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Bow, Sword 2000 80 H* 1* sword sword ? SR,Dex P 20    
Buckler, Spiked 10 5 S 1! 1d4 1d3 ? Str P 4 UA1  
Caltrop 0.2 0.2 S 5! 1 1d2 20/x2 Dex P 2 UA1  
Caltrop, Tetsu-bishi 0.25 0.3 S 5! 1d4 1d4 ? Dex P 4    
Catapult, Giant 16000 12000 Fs 1/4s boulder boulder ? SR B 80    
Catapult, Hand 250 16 M 1/2* stone stone ? SR B 12    
Catapult, Heavy 2000 2000 Gs 1/3s boulder boulder ? SR B 60    
Catapult, Heavy [0E] 250 1800 H 1/6 1d10+10 1d10+10 ? SR B 180 RC0  
Catapult, Light 1500 1000 Hs 1/2s boulder boulder ? SR B 40    
Catapult, Light [0E] 150 1200 H 1/5 1d8+8 1d8+8 ? SR B 120 RC0  
Cestus / Punch-cutter 1 1 S 1 1d+2 1d+2 ? Str,Nat S 1 RC0  
Chain, Heavy, 4' 16 12 M 1 1d6 1d4 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/E 8    
Chain, Heavy, 8' 32 24 L 1 1d6+1 1d6 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/E 12    
Chain, Light, 4' 12 4 M 1 1d4 1d3 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/E 3    
Chain, Light, 8' 24 8 L 1 1d4+1 1d4 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/E 5    
Chain, Spiked [3E] 25 15 L ? 2d4 2d4 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Chain, Whipping 10 4 M 1 1d8 1d6 ? Str B/S 6    
Club 0 3 M 1 1d6 1d3 ? Str B 4 RC0  
Club (thrown) 0 3 M 1 1d6 1d3 ? ˝Str,Dex B 5    
Club [3E] 0 3 M ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Club, Giant 0 200 G 1 4d10 4d8 ? Str B 32    
Club, Greatclub [3E] 5 10 L ? 1d10 1d10 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Club, Huge 0 50 H 1 3d8 3d6 ? Str B 16    
Club, Large / Great 0 12 L 1 2d6 2d4 ? Str B 8    
Club, Spiked 1 4 M 1 1d8 1d6 ? Str B/P 6    
Club, Spiked (thrown) 1 4 M 1 1d8 1d6 ? ˝Str,Dex B/P 7    
Club, Spiked, Large 8 16 L 1 2d8 2d8 ? Str B/P 12    
Crossbow, Flame Thrower 300 20 L 1/2 powder powder ? Dex X * 10 i/Bla  
Crossbow, Hand 300 3 S 1* quarrel quarrel ? ˝SR,Dex P 5 UA1  
" Ammo: Quarrel, Hand 1 0.1 T - 2d3 2d2 ? - P - UA1  
Crossbow, Hand [3E] 100 3 T ? 1d4 1d4 19-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Crossbow, Heavy 50 8 L 1* quarrel quarrel ? SR,Dex P 10 RC0  
" Ammo: Quarrel, Heavy 0.2 0.3 M - 2d6 2d8 ? - P - RC0  
Crossbow, Heavy [3E] 50 9 M ? quarrel quarrel 19-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
" Ammo: Quarrels [3E] 1 1 S ? 1d10 1d10 NA ? P ? PH3  
Crossbow, Light 30 5 M 1* quarrel quarrel ? ˝SR,Dex P 7 RC0  
" Ammo: Quarrel, Armor Piercer 1 0.3 S - 1d4+4 1d8+4 ? - P -    
" Ammo: Quarrel, Light 0.1 0.2 S - 2d4 2d6 ? - P - RC0  
Crossbow, Light [3E] 35 6 S ? quarrel quarrel 19-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
" Ammo: Quarrels [3E] 0.1 0.1 T ? 1d8 1d8 NA ? P ? PH3  
Crossbow, Light, Double Shot 70 8 M 2* quarrel quarrel ? ĽSR,Dex P 9    
Crossbow, Repeating 160 16 L 2* quarrel quarrel ? SR,Dex P 8    
Crossbow, Repeating [3E] 250 16 M ? 1d8 1d8 19-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Dagger / Dirk 2 1 S 1(2) 1d4 1d3 ? Str P/S 2 PH1  
Dagger [3E] 2 1 T ? 1d4 1d4 19-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Dagger [0E] 3 1 S 1 1d4 1d4 ? Str P/S 2 RC0  
Dagger, Averaging 7 0.5 S 1 (2) 1d2+1 1d2+1 ? Str P/S ? DM 3.2
Dagger, Long 4 2 S 1(1˝) 1d5 1d4 ? Str P/S 3    
Dagger, Parrying 5 1 S 1 1d3 1d2 ? ˝Str P 2    
Dagger, Punching [3E] 2 2 T ? 1d4 1d4 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Dagger, Silver 30 1 S 1 1d4 1d4 ? Str P/S 2 RC0  
Dart (thrown) 0.5 0.5 S 3 1d3 1d2 ? ˝Str,Dex P 2 PH1  
Dart [3E] 0.5 0.5 S ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Dart, Barbed (thrown) 1 1 S 2 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str,Dex P 4    
Fang 3 3 S 1 1d6 1d4 ? Str P 4    
Flail, Dire [3E] 90 20 L ? 1d8,1d8 1d8,1d8 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Flail, Footman's 15 15 L 1 1d6+1 2d4 ? Str B 7 PH1  
Flail, Heavy [3E] 15 20 L ? 1d10 1d10 19-20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Flail, Horseman's 8 5 M^ 1^ 1d6+1 1d6+1 ? Str B 6 PH1  
Flail, Light [3E] 8 5 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Flindbar 8 6 M 3/2 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/E 4    
Fly Swatter, Giant 10 30 H 3/2 1d10 1d6 ? ˝Str,Dex B 10    
Gaff/Hook 2 2 S 1 1d4 1d3 ? Str,Nat P 2    
Garrot 0.5 0.1 S* 1 1d4 1d6 ? Str E 2 UA1  
Gauntlet, Spiked [3E] 5 2 T ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Goblin Stick 5 8 L 1 1d4 1d6 ? Str P 7    
Grenade, Dust 0.1 0.2 S 1 0 0 ? Dex X 2    
Grenade, Flashpowder 30 0.2 S 1 1 1 ? Dex X 2    
Grenade, Pepper 1 0.2 S 1 0 0 ? Dex X 2    
Grenade, Poison Smoke 12 0.2 S 1 1d2 1 ? Dex X 2    
Guisarme [3E] 9 15 L ? 2d4 2d4 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Gunsen / Fan, War 4 1 S 1 1d3 1d2 ? ˝Str S 2    
Halfspear [3E] 1 3 M ? 1d6 1d6 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Hammer, Gnome Hooked [3E] 20 6 M ? 1d6,1d4 1d6,1d4 x3/x4 ? B/P ? PH3  
Hammer, Great 32 40 H 1 2d8 2d6 ? Str B 13    
Hammer, Light [3E] 1 2 S ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Hammer, Lucern 7 15 L 1 2d4 1d6 ? Str B 9 PH1  
Hammer, Sledge 10 10 M 1 1d6+1 1d4+1 ? Str B 8    
Hammer, Throwing 4 2.5 M ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? B ? RC0  
Hammer, Throwing (thrown) 4 2.5 M 3/2 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str,Dex B 4 RC0  
Hammer, War 1 5 M 1(1) 1d6 1d6 ? Str B 4 RC0  
Hammer, Warhammer [3E] 12 8 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? B ? PH3  
Harpoon 5 5 L 1 2d4 2d6 ? ˝Str,Dex P/E 6 UA1  
Javelin 0.5 2 M 3/2 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str,Dex P 4 PH1  
Javelin & Atlatl 1 3 M 1 1d6 1d6 ? ˝Str,Dex P 5 UA1  
Javelin [3E] 1 2 M ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Javelin [0E] 1 2 M 3/2 1d6 1d6 ? ˝Str,Dex P 4 RC0  
Javelin, Uchi-ne 2 1 S 2 1d4 1d3 ? ˝Str,˝Dex P 3    
Jitte 0.5 1 S 1 1d4 1d2 ? Str E/B 2    
Jo Stick 0.03 4 M 1 1d6 1d3 ? Str B 2    
Kama [3E] 2 2 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Kama, Halfling [3E] 2 1 T ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Kawanaga / Grappling Hook 12 2 M 1 1d3 1d2 ? Dex E 7    
Kick-Slasher 7 3 Sn 1 1d4+1 1d6+1 ? ˝Str S 2    
Kiseru / Iron Pipe 3 1 S 1 1d4 1d3 ? Str B 3    
Knife 0.5 0.5 S 1(2) 1d3 1d3 ? Str P/S 2 UA1  
Knuckles, Brass 2 1 S 1 1d3 1d2 ? Str,Nat B 1    
Kukri [3E] 8 1 T ? 1d4 1d4 18-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Kumade / Rake 1 2 M 1 1d5 1d4 ? Str S 4    
Kyoketshogi / Bladed Rope 2 1 M 1 1d4 1d4 ? Str S/E 5    
Lajatang 7 6 L 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str S 6    
Lance [0E] 10 18 L 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str P 9 RC0  
Lance, Dragon, Large 320 300 G^ 1!^ 3d20 6d12 ? Str,˝Dex P 36    
Lance, Dragon, Small 80 39 H^ 1!^ 2d12 4d8 ? Str,˝Dex P 17    
Lance, Flight 6 5 L^ 1!^ 1d6+1 2d6-1 ? ˝Str,˝Dex P 5 PH1  
Lance, Heavy [3E] 10 10 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Lance, Heavy Horse 15 15 L^ 1!^ 1d8+1 3d6 ? Str P 8    
Lance, Jousting 20 20 L^ 1!^ 1d3-1 1d2-1 ? ˝Str P/B 10    
Lance, Light [3E] 6 5 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Lance, Light Horse 6 5 L^ 1!^ 1d6 1d8 ? Str P 6    
Lance, Medium Horse 10 10 L^ 1!^ 1d6+1 2d6 ? Str P 7    
Lasso 0.5 2 L 1 0 0 ? Dex E 10 UA1  
Mace 5 3 M 1 1d6 1d6 ? Str B 5 RC0  
Mace, Footman's 8 10 M 1 1d6+1 1d6 ? Str B 7 PH1  
Mace, Great 11 12 L 1 2d8 2d6 ? Str B 8    
Mace, Heavy [3E] 12 12 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Mace, Horseman's 5 6 M^ 1^ 1d8 1d6 ? Str B 6 PH1  
Mace, Light [3E] 5 6 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Machete 2 3 S 1 1d6 1d5 ? Str S 3    
Machete, Parang 8 5 M 1 1d8 1d6 ? Str S 4    
Main-Gauche 3 2 S 1 1d4 1d3 ? Str P/S 2    
Man Catcher 30 8 L 1 1d2 1d2 ? ˝Str E 7 UA1  
Maul 5 10 L 1 2d4 1d10 ? Str B 9    
Monomolecular Blade 3000 1 M ? 3d0 3d0 20/x4 ˝Str P ? DM 3.2
Morning Star 10 12 M 1 2d4 1d6+1 ? Str P/B 7 PH1  
Morningstar [3E] 8 8 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x2 ? B/P ? PH3  
Nekode / Climbing Claws 3 5 S 1 1d4 1d3 ? Str,Nat S 1    
Net 5 10 M 1 0 0 ? Dex E 10 RC0  
Net [3E] 20 10 M ? - - 20/x2 ? E ? PH3  
Nunchaku 4 3 M 1 1d6 1d6 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/S 3    
Nunchaku, Halfling [3E] 2 1 T ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Nunchaku, Three-piece rod 6 5 M 1 1d8 1d8 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/S 7    
Nunchuka [3E] 2 2 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Oil, Greek Fire (flask) 10 2 S 1 2d8 2d10 ? ˝Dex X 8    
Oil, Lamp (barrel) 5 100 L 1/2 8d6 8d8 ? ˝Dex X 16    
Oil, Lamp (flask) 0.06 1 S 1 2d6 2d8 ? ˝Dex X 8 RC0  
Pick, Footman's 8 6 M 1 1d6+1 2d4 ? Str P 7 PH1  
Pick, Heavy [3E] 8 6 M ? 1d6 1d6 20/x4 ? P ? PH3  
Pick, Horseman's 7 4 M^ 1^ 1d6+1 1d6 ? Str P 5 PH1  
Pick, Light [3E] 4 4 S ? 1d4 1d4 20/x4 ? P ? PH3  
Pike 3 8 L 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str P 4 RC0  
Pole Arm 7 15 L 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str P/S 8 RC0  
Pole Arm, Awl Pike 5 12 L 1 1d6 1d12 ? Str P 13 PH1  
Pole Arm, Bardiche 7 12 L 1 2d4 2d6 ? Str S 9 PH1  
Pole Arm, Bec de corbin 8 10 L 1 1d8 1d6 ? Str P/B 9 PH1  
Pole Arm, Bill-Guisarme 7 15 L 1 2d4 1d10 ? Str P/S 10 PH1  
Pole Arm, Fauchard 5 7 L 1 1d6 1d8 ? Str P/S 8 PH1  
Pole Arm, Fauchard-fork 8 9 L 1 1d8 1d10 ? Str P/S 8 PH1  
Pole Arm, Glaive 6 8 L 1 1d6 1d10 ? Str S 8 PH1  
Pole Arm, Glaive [3E] 8 15 L ? 1d10 1d10 20/x3 ? S ? PH3  
Pole Arm, Glaive-Guisarme 10 10 L 1 2d4 2d6 ? Str P/S 9 PH1  
Pole Arm, Guisarme 5 8 L 1 2d4 1d8 ? Str S 8 PH1  
Pole Arm, Guisarme-Voulge 8 15 L 1 2d4 2d4 ? Str P/S 10 PH1  
Pole Arm, Halberd 7 15 L 1 1d10 2d6 ? Str P/S 9 RC0  
Pole Arm, Halberd [3E] 10 15 L ? 1d10 1d10 20/x3 ? P/S ? PH3  
Pole Arm, Halberd, Great 25 35 H 1 1d12 2d8 ? Str P/S 12    
Pole Arm, Hook Fauchard 10 8 L 1 1d4 1d4 ? Str P/S/E 9 UA1  
Pole Arm, Military Fork 4 8 L 1 1d8 2d4 ? Str P 7 PH1  
Pole Arm, Nagimaki 6 6 L 1 1d6 1d8 ? Str S 6    
Pole Arm, Naginata 8 10 L 1 1d8 1d10 ? Str S 7    
Pole Arm, Partisan 10 8 L 1 1d6 1d6+1 ? Str P 9 PH1  
Pole Arm, Ranseur 6 7 L 1 2d4 2d4 ? Str P 8 PH1  
Pole Arm, Ranseur [3E] 10 15 L ? 2d4 2d4 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Pole Arm, Spetum 5 7 L 1 1d6+1 2d6 ? Str P 8 PH1  
Pole Arm, Tetsubo 2 7 L 1 1d8 1d8 ? Str B 7    
Pole Arm, Voulge 5 12 L 1 2d4 2d4 ? Str S 10 PH1  
Poleaxe 5 12 L 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str S 6 RC0  
Ram 500 6000 Fs 1!s 2d8+16 2d12+24 ? SR B/P 50    
Ram Catcher 20 20 L 1 1d8 1d8 ? ˝Str,˝Dex E 15    
Ram, Battering 100 300 H 1/2 1d6+8 1d6+8 ? SR B/P 30 RC0  
Ribald 1200 80 L 12/24* 1e4 1e4 ? Dex P/X 16 FRA2  
Rock (thrown) 0 1 S 1 1d3 1d3 ? Dex B 1 RC0  
Sai 0.5 2 S 1 1d4 1d2 ? Str P/B 2    
Sang kauw 5 10 M 1 1d8 1d6 ? Str S/P 7    
Sap / Blackjack 1 0.5 S 1 1d3 1d2 ? Str B 2 RC0  
Sap [3E] 1 3 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Scissors, Two-Handed 60 20 L* 1 1d12 1d12 ? Str S/P 18    
Scourge 1 2 S 1 1d4 1d2 ? ˝Str,˝Dex S/E 5    
Scythe 5 8 M 1 1d6+1 1d8 ? Str P/S 8    
Scythe [3E] 10 12 L ? 2d4 2d4 20/x4 ? P/S ? PH3  
Scythe, Great 40 16 L 1 1d10+1 1d12 ? Str P/S 12    
Shaken 2 0.5 S 2 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str,Dex P 4    
Shield, Horned 15 11 M 1 1d2 1d2 ? ˝Str B 7 RC0  
Shield, Knife 65 13 M 1 1d4+1 1d4+1 ? ˝Str P/B 8 RC0  
Shield, Large 14 20 L 1 1d6 1d4 ? ˝Str B 9    
Shield, Medium 7 10 M 1 1d4 1d3 ? ˝Str B 6    
Shield, Small 3 5 S 1 1d3 1d2 ? ˝Str B 4    
Shield, Sword 200 19 M 1 1d4+2 1d4+2 ? ˝Str P 9 RC0  
Shield, Tower / Body 10 15 L 1 1d5 1d4 ? ˝Str B 8    
Shield, Tusked 200 24 M 1 1d4+1 1d4+1 ? ˝Str B/P 10 RC0  
Shuriken [3E] 1 0.1 T ? 1 1 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Shuriken, Giant / Sword, Star / Krull Glaive 80 6 M 1 1d6 1d8 ? ˝Str,Dex P 8    
Shuriken, Spike 3 0.1 S 3 1d4 1d3 ? ˝Str,Dex P 4    
Shuriken, Star, Large 4 0.3 S 2 1d4 1d4 ? ˝Str,Dex P 4    
Shuriken, Star, Medium 3 0.2 S 3 1d3 1d3 ? ˝Str,Dex P 3    
Shuriken, Star, Small 2 0.1 S 4 1d2 1d2 ? ˝Str,Dex P 2    
Siangham [3E] 3 1 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Siangham, Halfling [3E] 2 1 T ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Siangkam 2 0.5 S 1 1d4+1 1d4 ? Str P/S 3    
Sickle 0.6 3 S 1 1d4+1 1d4 ? Str S 4    
Sickle [3E] 6 3 S ? 1d6 1d6 20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sickle, Kama 1 2 S 1 1d6 1d4 ? Str S 4    
Sickle, Kusari-gama 3 3 S 1 1d6 1d4 ? Str S/E 6    
Sickle, Large 2 6 M 1 2d4 2d4-1 ? Str S 8    
Sickle, Throwing 1 3 S 1(1˝) 1d4+1 1d4 ? Str S 4    
Sling 0.05 0.1 S 1 stone stone ? ˝Str,Dex B 6 RC0  
" Ammo: Bullet 0.01 0.2 T ? 1d4+1 1d6+1 20/x2 ? B ? PH1  
" Ammo: Stone 0 0.1 T ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? B ? RC0  
Sling [3E] 0 0 S ? 1d4 1d4 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
" Ammo: Bullet [3E] 0.005 0.25 T ? NA NA NA ? B ? PH3  
Sode garami 5 5 M 1 1d4 1d3 ? ˝Dex E 7    
Sow 750 4000 Fs 1!s 2d8+8 2d12+36 ? SR P 60    
Spear 0.8 5 M 1(1˝) 1d6 1d8 ? Str P 6 RC0  
Spear, Chained / Chijiriki 6 6 M 1 1d6 1d8 ? Str P/E 8    
Spear, Concealed / Shakujo Yari 5 5 M 1(1˝) 1d6 1d8 ? Str P 6    
Spear, Large 3 20 L 1(1˝) 2d6 2d8 ? Str P 9    
Spear, Long 1 7 L 1(1˝) 1d8 1d10 ? Str P 7    
Spear, Longspear [3E] 5 9 L ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Spear, Shortspear [3E] 2 5 L ? 1d8 1d8 20/x3 ? P ? PH3  
Staff Sling (melee) 0.2 2 M 1 1d4 1d4 ? Str B 5 UA1  
Staff Sling (missile) 0.2 2 M* 1 stone stone ? ˝Str,Dex B 11 UA1  
" Ammo: Staff Sling Bullet 0.02 0.4 S - 2d4 1d6+2 ? - B - UA1  
" Ammo: Staff Sling Stone 0 0.3 S - 1d8 2d4 ? - B - UA1  
Staff, Quarter 0 4 L 1 1d6 1d6 ? Str B 4 RC0  
Staff, Quarterstaff [3E] 0 4 L ? 1d6,1d6 1d6,1d6 20/x2 ? B ? PH3  
Starwheel 1000 5 S 1/2 1e4 1e4 ? Dex P/X 10 FRA2  
Starwheel, Pepper Box 10000 15 M 1/2 1e4 1e4 ? Dex P/X 30 DM  
Stiletto 0.5 0.5 S 1 1d3 1d3 ? Str P 2    
Stinkpot 0.1 0.5 S - 1d3 1d3 ? - X -    
Sword, Bastard 25 10 M 1 2d4 2d8 ? Str S 6 RC0  
Sword, Bastard [3E] 35 10 M ? 1d10 1d10 19-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sword, Broad / Medium 10 4 M 1 2d4 1d6+1 ? Str S 5 PH1  
Sword, Class-F 3000 1000 F 1 4d20 12d12 ? Str S 33    
Sword, Claymore 40 12 L 1 3d3 4d4 ? Str S 8    
Sword, Claymore, Averaging 50 11 L 1 3d4 3d4 ? Str S ? DM 3.2
Sword, Cutlass 12 4 M 1 1d6 1d8 ? Str S 5    
Sword, Drusus 50 3 M 1 1d6+1 1d8+1 ? Str S 3    
Sword, Falchion 17 8 M 1 1d6+1 2d4 ? Str S 5 UA1  
Sword, Falchion [3E] 75 16 L ? 2d4 2d4 18-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sword, Great 800 240 G 1 4d10 6d12 ? Str S 22    
Sword, Greatsword [3E] 50 15 L ? 2d6 2d6 19-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sword, Huge 200 60 H 1 2d10 3d12 ? Str S 15    
Sword, Katana 100 6 M 1 1d10 1d12 ? Str S 4    
Sword, Khopesh 10 7 M 1 2d4 1d6 ? Str S 9 UA1  
Sword, Long 15 4 M 1 1d8 1d12 ? Str S 5 PH1  
Sword, Long, Averaging 25 3 M 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str S ? DM 3.2
Sword, Longsword [3E] 15 4 M ? 1d8 1d8 19-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sword, Ninja-to 40 5 S 1 1d8 1d6 ? Str S 3    
Sword, Normal 10 6 M 1 1d8 1d8 ? Str S 3 RC0  
Sword, Pixie 30 1 T 1 1d4 1d5 ? Str S/P 2    
Sword, Rapier 15 4 M 1 1d6+1 1d8+1 ? Str P 4    
Sword, Rapier [3E] 20 3 M ? 1d6 1d6 18-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Sword, Sabre 17 5 M 1 1d6+1 1d8+1 ? Str S 4    
Sword, Scimitar 15 4 M 1 1d8 1d8 ? Str S 5 PH1  
Sword, Scimitar [3E] 15 4 M ? 1d6 1d6 18-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sword, Scimitar, Great 45 16 L 1 2d6 4d4 ? Str S 9    
Sword, Short 7 3 S 1 1d6 1d8 ? Str P 3 RC0  
Sword, Short [3E] 10 3 S ? 1d6 1d6 19-20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Sword, Two Bladed [3E] 100 30 L ? 1d8,1d8 1d8,1d8 19-20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Sword, Two-Handed 50 15 L 1 1d10 3d6 ? Str S 10 PH1  
Sword, Two-Handed [0E] 15 10 L 1 1d10 1d10 ? Str S 10 RC0  
Sword, Two-Handed, Averaging 60 14 L 1 2d8 2d8 ? Str S ? DM 3.2
Sword, Wakizashi 30 3 S 1 1d8 1d8 ? Str P 4    
Sword, Wooden (Boku-toh) 0.5 3     1d4 1d2 ?          
Torch (lit / thrown) 0.1 1 S 1 1d8 1d8 ? Dex B/X 5 RC0  
Trebuchet 5000 3000 Gs 1/3s boulder boulder ? SR B 70    
Trebuchet [0E] 400 2400 G 1/6 1d12+13 1d12+13 ? SR B 240 RC0  
Trident 15 5 L 1 1d6+1 3d4 ? Str P 7 PH1  
Trident [3E] 15 5 M ? 1d8 1d8 20/x2 ? P ? PH3  
Trident [0E] 5 2.5 M 1 1d6 1d6 ? Str P 2 RC0  
Tui-fa/Tonfa 1 2 S 1 1d6 1d4 ? ˝Str B 4    
Urgrosh, Dwarven [3E] 50 15 L ? 1d8,1d6 1d8,1d6 20/x3 ? S/P ? PH3  
Whip [3E] 1 2 S ? 1d2 1d2 20/x2 ? S ? PH3  
Whip, Metal 4 7.5 M 1 1d4+1 1d4 ? Str S/E 9    
Whip, Rawhide 0.1 2 M 1 1d2 1d2 ? ˝Str E 8 RC0  
Yo-Yo, Iron (Sharp) 35 3 M 1 2d4-1 2d4-1 ? ˝Str,˝Dex S/E 12 Octopussy  
Yo-Yo, Stone (Blunt) 25 4 M 1 2d4 2d4-2 ? ˝Str,˝Dex B/E 14    

[E2] Weapons

[E2.4] Unusual Sized Weapons

This is the procedure to alter a weapon's size. First you must figure out "N":
Weapon is:
2 sizes smaller than normal: N=1/4
1 size smaller than normal: N=1/2
normal size: N=1
1 size larger than normal: N=2
2 sizes larger than normal: N=4
3 sizes larger than normal: N=8
Cost: multiply by N^2.
Weight: multiply by N^3.
Speed Factor: multiply by N.
Damage: adjust by (+1)d(+2) per size class difference; e.g. 2d4 becomes 3d6.
1dS becomes 1d(S/2-1) when lowered by one size (e.g. 1d8 becomes 1d3); fractional die types round up.
Crit range: +1 to crit range (not multiplier) per size class difference; if range is already 20 and is being lowered, lower the multiplier by 1 instead; with a minimum of 20/x2.
Sample Weapons: Cost Weight Size Type Speed S-M L
Arquebus +1 size 2000 80 L P/X 30 2000000000000 2000000000000
Battle Axe +1 size 20 56 L S 14 2d10 2d10
Battle Axe +2 size 80 448 H S 28 3d12 3d12
Bow, Short -1 size 8 0.25 S P 4 1d3 1d3
Dagger -1 size 1 0.25 T P 1 1d1 1d1
Sickle +1 size 3 24 M S 8 2d6+1 2d6
Sword, Long -2 size 1 0.0625 T S 1 1d1 1d2
Sword, Long -1 size 4 0.5 S S 3 1d3 1d5
Sword, Long +1 size 60 32 L S 10 2d10 2d14
Sword, Long +2 size 240 256 H S 20 3d12 3d16
Sword, Long +3 size 960 2048 G S 40 4d14 4d18
Sword, Two-Hand, +1 size 200 120 H S 20 2d12 4d8

[E3] Armor

[E3.1] Body Armor Table

Name Cost AT Bulk Weight Rogue Dex Mod. Source Notes
Augmented Mail 100 +6 fairly 45 -45    
Banded Mail 90 +6 bulky 35 -50 PH1  
Banded Mail (0) 50 +5 bulky 45 -45 RC0  
Bar Mail 100 +6 fairly 45 -50    
Brigandine 60 +4 fairly 35 -35    
Brigandine, Metal 1750 +10 fairly 29 -65 Angband  
Chain Mail 75 +5 fairly 40 -40 PH1  
Chain Mail 800 +7 fairly 22 -50 Angband  
Chain Mail (0) 40 +4 fairly 40 -40 RC0  
Chain Mail, Augmented 1200 +8 fairly 27 -55 Angband  
Chain Mail, Bar 1500 +9 fairly 28 -60 Angband  
Chain Mail, Elven 3000 +5 non- 20 -20    
Chain Mail, Double 1500 +8 fairly 25 -55 Angband  
Chain Mail, Drow Elf 6000 +5 non- 25 -15    
Chain Mail, Rusty 550 +7 fairly 20 -55 Angband  
Cloak 3 +1 non- 1 0 Angband Can be worn with armor
Cloak, Elven 3000 +2 non- 1 0 Angband Can be worn with armor
Cloak, Ethereal 2500 +0 non- 0 10 Angband Can be worn with armor
Cloak, Fur 200 +2 non- 3 -5 Angband Can be worn with armor
Cloak, Shadow 7500 +3 non- 1 15 Angband " " " " " ; Resist Dark/Light
Cord 4 +2 non- 8 -10    
Cord 200 +3 non- 8 -15 Angband  
Do-Maru 1020 +10 fairly 29 -50 Angband  
Double Chain Mail 100 +6 fairly 45 -40    
Field Plate 2000 +8 very 60 -95 UA1  
Filthy Rags 1 +1 non- 2 0 Angband  
Full Plate 4000 +9 bulky 70 -90 UA1  
Full Plate 5000 +13 very 38 -65 Angband  
Haramakido 1320 +9 fairly 28 -45 Angband  
Hide 1 +4 bulky 30 -60    
Hide, Rhino 400 +4 bulky 11 -50 Angband  
Jacket, Leather 700 +6 non- 13 -20 Angband  
Junk Mail (1=N=7) N*N*2 +N bulky N*10 -N*10 DM  
Leather 5 +2 non- 15 0 PH1  
Leather (0) 2 +2 fairly 20 0 RC0  
Leather, Bezainted 35 +4 fairly 25 -40    
Leather, Halfling 50 +2 non- 9 +5    
Leather, Hard 150 +3 non- 10 -5 Angband  
Leather, Hard Studded 250 +4 non- 11 -10 Angband  
Leather, Soft 3 +1 non- 10 +5    
Leather, Soft 18 +2 non- 8 -0 Angband  
Leather, Soft Studded 35 +3 non- 9 -5 Angband  
Leather, Scale Mail 20 +3 non- 22 -10    
Leather, Spiked 25 +3 fairly 25 -50    
Leather, Studded 15 +3 fairly 20 -30 PH1  
Leather, Studded,Gnome 75 +3 non- 18 0    
Lamellar, Metal 2500 +12 bulky 34 -50 Angband  
O-yoroi 1150 +12 bulky 32 -60 Angband  
Padded 4 +2 fairly 10 -25 PH1  
Padded 30 +2 fairly 6 -20 Angband  
Padded,Gnome 20 +2 non- 9 -10    
Paper Mail 50 +2 non- 3 -0 Angband  
Plate Mail 400 +7 bulky 50 -75 PH1  
Plate Mail (0) 60 +6 bulky 50 -50 RC0  
Plate Mail, Adamantite 20000 +20 bulky 42 -75 Angband  
Plate Mail, Bronze 300 +6 bulky 45 -70 UA1  
Plate Mail, Dwarven 6000 +8 fairly 55 -40    
Plate Mail, Mithril 10000 +14 bulky 15 -50 Angband  
Plate Mail, Partial 2000 +11 bulky 26 -95 Angband  
Ribbed Plate 6000 +14 very 38 -100 Angband  
Ring Mail 30 +3 fairly 30 -40 PH1  
Ring Mail 550 +6 fairly 20 -55 Angband  
Robe 4 +1 non- 2 -10 Angband  
Scale Mail 45 +4 fairly 40 -50 PH1  
Scale Mail (0) 30 +3 fairly 30 -30 RC0  
Scale Mail, Coin Mail 1000 +4 fairly 50 -60    
Scale Mail, Leather 40 +3 fairly 20 -25    
Scale Mail, Leather 500 +6 fairly 14 -40 Angband  
Scale Mail, Metal 600 +7 fairly 25 -45 Angband  
Scale Mail, Sea Elf 800 +4 non- 20 -15    
Splint Mail 80 +6 bulky 40 -50 PH1  
Splint Mail 950 +10 bulky 25 -70 Angband  
Spring Mail 45 +4 bulky 33 -20 DM +5' jumping; 0, 1/r: Kippup
Suit Armor 250 +9 bulky 75 -75 RC0  

[E3] Armor

[E3.2] Shield Table

Name Cost AC Bulk Weight Rogue Str Mod. Source Size
Shield, Buckler 1 +1* non- 3 -15 UA1 T
Shield, Huge 40 +3 bulky 20 -60   H
Shield, Knight 250 +5 bulky 16 -65 Angband L
Shield, Large/Body/Tower 10 +2 fairly 15 -50 PH1 L
Shield, Large Leather 120 +3 fairly 10 -55 Angband L
Shield, Large Metal 400 +4 fairly 12 -60 Angband L
Shield, Medium 7 +1 non- 10 -45 RC0 M
Shield, Small 3 +1 non- 5 -40 PH1 S
Shield, Small Leather 30 +2 non- 5 -50 Angband M
Shield, Small Metal 50 +3 fairly 10 -55 Angband M
Shield of Deflection 5000 +7 non- 10 -35 Angband M

[E3.3] Helmet Table

Name Cost AC Bulk Weight Rogue Str Mod. Source Size
Cap, Hard Leather 12 +1 non- 2 -5 Angband  
Cap, Metal 30 +2 fairly 2 -10 Angband  
Crown, Golden 500 +0 fairly 3 -5 Angband  
Crown, Iron 200 +0 fairly 2 -5 Angband  
Crown, Jewel Encrusted 1000 +0 fairly 4 -10 Angband  
Helm, Basinet 8 +0 non- 5 0    
Helm, Closed Face 20 +0 non- 8 0    
Helm, Coif/Chain Hood 15 +0 non- 7 0    
Helm, Great 30 +0 fairly 10 0 PH1  
Helm, Iron 75 +3 bulky 8 -15 Angband  
Helm, Open Face 18 +0 non- 8 0    
Helm, Small 10 +0 non- 4 0 PH1  
Helm, Steel 220 +3 fairly 6 -10 Angband  
Jingasa 60 +2 fairly 3 -10 Angband  
Kabuto 300 +4 bulky 8 -20 Angband