Can access Psi0 and Psi10 powers. See [Q10] for rules and powers.
PSPs = (LVL+Str+Dex+Con+Int+Wis-60)*3.
These are in Psi0 or Psi10 points. Note that the Psi0 powers will appear to be quite cheap, since Psi0 and Psi10 points are normally not 1 to 1 compatible.
These PSPs are each 2 Psi1 PSPs for conversion purposes.
Psi10 powers marked with a asterisk ( * ) can be used as a 0 action.
Your "KiL" is 2 times your CL (i.e. you count as a "Monk" in [Q0]).
The progression given is for Psi10. You can also pick Psi0 powers, in the following (somewhat non-standard) way:
SL=1, 2, 3 can be used for Psi0 minors.
SL=4, 5, 6 can be used for Psi0 majors.
SL=7, 8, 9 can be used for Psi0 grands.
This class also gets the standard Mystic0 abilities: (DM note: These are unchanged from the normal Mystic0 class.)
Level 1: One Martial Arts style (may not be custom).
Level 1: +1 Martial Arts maneuver slot per level.
Level 1: +1 AC per level if not wearing armor.
Level 1: +1" to movement rate per level.
Level 1: +1 dmg with open hand attacks per level. Base number of open hand attacks = (level+3)/4.
Level 1: Gets 1 "Any Monk or Acrobat" pick per level. Gets 40 rogue points per level.
Level 2: Cannot be surprised. Always attack first even if party loses initiative.
Level 4: 1V, 1/d: Cure Con*level hp of damage. This may be broken up into smaller amounts over the day if desired.
Level 6: Speak with Animals continuous.
Level 8: Resist Magic and Breath Weapons.
Level 9: Gets another Martial Arts style. It may be custom, even if you already have a custom style.
Level 9: Smash: 0: Get -5 to hit, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 9: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=0 for small, N=1 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.
Level 10: Speak with Anyone continuous.
Level 12: Immune to Enchantment/Charm spells, Resist Psionics.
Level 12: (level-11)*4% iPR
Level 14: 2V: Leave the Multiverse, physically travel up to 1V action relative distance (even through objects), then reappear.
Level 14: 0, touch, 5/d: Gentle Touch. Choose an effect: Charm, Cureall, Death, Quest, Paralysis. You get one of each per day. None of these effects have a saving throw.