| Banned
| Unbanned
| Game Changers added
| Other Notes
February 2025
| Ad Nauseam
| • Commander Brackets Beta Initial 40 cards on the "Game Changers" list added (see column to left). (I will eventually need to add a "Game Changers removed" column as well I suppose.)
| Ancient Tomb
| Bolas's Citadel
| Chrome Mox
| Cyclonic Rift
| Demonic Tutor
| Drannith Magistrate
| Enlightened Tutor
| Expropriate
| Fierce Guardianship
| Force of Will
| Gaea's Cradle
| Glacial Chasm
| Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
| Grim Monolith
| Imperial Seal
| Jeska's Will
| Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
| Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy
| Lion's Eye Diamond
| Mana Vault
| Mox Diamond
| Mystical Tutor
| Opposition Agent
| Rhystic Study
| Serra's Sanctum
| Smothering Tithe
| Survival of the Fittest
| Tergrid, God of Fright
| Thassa's Oracle
| The One Ring
| The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
| Trinisphere
| Trouble in Pairs
| Underworld Breach
| Urza, Lord High Artificer
| Vampiric Tutor
| Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
| Winota, Joiner of Forces
| Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
September 2024
| Dockside Extortionist
| • The Rules Committee ("RC") gives management of Commander to Wizards of the Coast. (A week after the bans, due to controversy.)
| Jeweled Lotus
| Mana Crypt
| Nadu, Winged Wisdom
September 2021
| Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
| Worldfire
| • (minor change) Previous Rule 10 (commanders are subject to the legend rule), which was redundant, is removed. (Actual gameplay doesn't change from this.) Rule 11 renumbered to Rule 10.
July 2021
| Hullbreacher
| • Dungeons are legal.
April 2021
| • Learn cards cannot retrieve Lesson cards, due to no sideboards.
June 2020
| Cleanse
| • WotC announcement on these bans
| Crusade
| • Commanders now "die" like other creatures. If a commander has an ability which triggers on it dying or going to exile, it will trigger before heading to the command zone.
| Imprison
| Invoke Prejudice
| Jihad
| Pradesh Gypsies
| Stone-Throwing Devils
May 2020
| • Commander banlist no longer uses Vintage banlist as a baseline. (e.g. Lurrus of the Dream-Den is banned in Vintage but not in Commander.)
April 2020
| Flash
| Lutri, the Spellchaser
July 2019
| Iona, Shield of Emeria
| Painter's Servant
| Paradox Engine
April 2019
| • Added Rule 0: These are the official rules of Commander. Local groups are welcome to modify them as they see fit. If you'd like an exception to these rules, especially in an unfamiliar environment, please get the approval of the other players before the game begins.
| • Rule 13 reworded for clarification: Abilities which bring card(s) you own from outside the game into the game (such as Wishes; Spawnsire of Ulamog; Karn, the Great Creator) do not function in Commander.
March 2018
| • Brawl format is introduced as a Commander variant that uses only Standard-legal cards.
December 2017
| [temporary: Silver border cards]
| • Silver border cards were legal for 45 days (December 1, 2017 to January 15, 2018). The cards that were banned during this time were: Ashnod's Coupon, Double Cross, Double Deal, Double Dip, Double Play, Double Take, Enter the Dungeon, Magical Hacker, Mox Lotus, Once More With Feeling, R&Ds Secret Lair, Richard Garfield, Staying Power, Time Machine.
April 2017
| Leovold, Emissary of Trest
| Protean Hulk
| • Oathbreaker format introduced. (Date uncertain; it was sometime in 2017.)
September 2016
| • The optional sideboard rule (allowing a 10 card sideboard) in House Rules on was removed.
January 2016
| Prophet of Kruphix
| • Rule 4 (mana generation restriction) removed; decks may now generate mana of any colour.
March 2015
| • The "tuck rule" was changed. If your commander would go into the library or your hand, you may choose to put it into the command zone.
January 2015
| • Face down commanders still deal commander damage when they attack.
September 2014
| Braids, Cabal Minion
| Kokusho, the Evening Star
| • "Banned as Commander" is eliminated.
| Erayo, Soratami Ascendent
| Metalworker
| Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
June 2014
| [cards of type Conspiracy]
February 2014
| Sylvan Primordial
September 2013
| • Optional section on replaced with House Rules section. (The main impact of this change is that there won't be any endorsement of sideboards as an 'official optional' rule.)
| • Tiny Leaders created as a variant format. (date uncertain; it was sometime in 2013)
April 2013
| Trade Secrets
| Staff of Domination
January 2013
| • Confirmation: Extort adds no colored mana symbols to a card outside of its reminder text, and therefore is legal for play in Commander decks of any color or colors (as long as the card it appears on is otherwise legal, of course).
September 2012
| Kokusho, the Evening Star (as General)
| Kokusho, the Evening Star
| • Before this update, Kokusho was banned (since February 2008). It became legal in the 99 with this update.
| Primeval Titan
| Worldfire
June 2012
| Griselbrand
| Sundering Titan
September 2011
| Erayo, Soratami Ascendant (as General)
| Lion's Eye Diamond
| • Before this update, Shahrazad was allowed as an exception to the "Commander follows Vintage banlist" rule.
| Shahrazad
June 2011
| Worldgorger Dragon
December 2010
| Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
| • "EDH" is now called "Commander" by Wizards, with the announcement of their original Commander set to be released in June 2011.
| • A general's color identity amended to include symbols in the textbox, so cards like Thelon of Havenwood can be a general now.
June 2010
| Channel
| Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary (as General)
| Staff of Domination
| Tolarian Academy
May 2010
| • Re-clarified "Wish rule" that wishes may retrieve cards from the sideboard if the optional sideboard rule is in use.
December 2009
| Painter's Servant
| Grindstone
September 2009
| Riftsweeper
| • The command zone is adopted for generals. (Generals now move to the command zone instead of Exile.)
June 2009
| Fastbond
| Gifts Ungiven
| Braids, Cabal Minion (as General)
March 2009
| Metalworker
| Crucible of Worlds
| Tinker
| Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
December 2008
| Time Vault
September 2008
| Grindstone
| Test of Endurance
| • Card-specific rules removed (e.g. Rune-Tail, Kitsune Attendant).
| Karakas
| Lion's Eye Diamond
| Protean Hulk
| Riftsweeper
June 2008
| Limited Resources
February 2008
| Kokusho, the Evening Star
| Recurring Nightmare
November 2007
| Beacon of Immortality
July 2007
| • Riftsweeper errata'd so it can't target generals in removed-from-game zone.
March 2007
| Coalition Victory
| • Duel Commander (aka French EDH) created as a variant format. (date uncertain)
| Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary (as General)
November 2006
| Heartless Hidetsugu (as General)
| (Updates from here and earlier are from various sources: Dreamwizards, Alaska Magic.) (Might not be reliable?)
| Kaervek the Merciless (as General)
| Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (as General)
May 2006
| Yawgmoth's Bargain
February 2006
| Heartless Hidetsugu (as General)
| • (Date for this Kaervek the Merciless ban is uncertain.)
| Kaervek the Merciless (as General)
| Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (as General)
December 2005
| Crucible of Worlds
| • Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant is errata'd to trigger at 1.5 times your initial starting life.
| Shahrazad
| • The alternate casting cost on Fifth Dawn's Bringer cycle is exempted. (They can be played in mono-colored decks, this gets reversed on September 2008.)
October 2005
| [Unique Portal/Starter cards]
| • Starter Level sets Starter 1999, Starter 2000, Portal, Portal Second Age, and Portal Three Kingdoms become legal in Vintage (and thus Commander).
April 2005
| Ancestral Recall
| • Formation of the EDH Rules Committee (sometimes abbreviated "RC"). (Date uncertain; see here.) The Rules Committee manages the EDH/Commander banlist until September 2024.
| Balance
| Black Lotus
| Biorhythm
| Chaos Orb
| Falling Star
| Library of Alexandria
| Mox Emerald
| Mox Jet
| Mox Pearl
| Mox Ruby
| Mox Sapphire
| Panoptic Mirror
| Sway of the Stars
| Time Walk
| Upheaval
| Worldgorger Dragon
| [Ante cards]
October 2004
| Beacon of Immortality
| Burning Wish
| • Wishes and Ring of Ma'ruf can only fetch cards that were exiled during the course of play.
| Cunning Wish
| • (Date for this Beacon of Immortality ban is uncertain.)
| Death Wish
| Enlightened Wish
| Living Wish
| Ring of Ma'ruf
May 2003
| Burning Wish
| • Basic lands unrestricted.
| Cunning Wish
| • (Date for this Ring of Ma'ruf ban is uncertain.)
| Death Wish
| Golden Wish
| Living Wish
| Ring of Ma'ruf
October 2002
| Test of Endurance
| • Basic lands were restricted at this time. Nonbasic hate was out, so Blood Moon, Back to Basics, Primal Order, and Ruination might have been banned at this time as well.
| [Collector's Edition]
| • Life totals begin at (200/number of players). Any player who takes 21 points of damage from a single General loses the game.
| [Poker cards]
| • Cards unique to Starter 1999, Starter 2000, Portal, Portal Second Age, and Portal Three Kingdoms are not legal in Vintage, and thus are not legal in Commander. This gets reversed in October 2005.
| [Silver border cards]
| [Unique Portal/Starter cards]
July 1996
| • "Elder Dragon Legend Wars" (by Jesus M. Lopez) is published in The Duelist.
June 1994
| • Adam Staley creates the "Highlander" format (date uncertain). (source)