Yuan-Ti / Snake Worshiper

Level KXP Priest
123 456 78
1 3.3 (owe) 0-- --- --
2 5.25 00- --- --
3 7.2 000 --- --
4 11.1 000 0-- --
5 20.2 000 00- --
6 39.05 000 000 --
7 74.8 000 000 0-
8 146.3 100 000 0-
9 295.8 110 000 0-
10 588.3 111 000 0-
11 880.8 111 100 0-
12 1173.3 111 110 0-
13 1465.8 111 111 0-
14 1758.3 111 111 1-
15 2050.8 221 111 1-
16 2343.3 222 211 1-
17 2635.8 222 222 1-
18 2928.3 222 222 2-
19 3220.8 333 222 2-
20 3513.3 333 333 2-
21 3805.8 333 333 3h
22 4098.3 444 433 3g
23 4390.8 444 444 4f
24 4683.3 555 554 4e
25 4975.8 555 555 5d
26 5268.3 666 666 5c
27 5560.8 666 666 6b
28 5853.3 777 777 7a
29 6145.8 888 888 80
30 6438.3 999 999 91
31 6730.8 AAA AAA A2
32 7023.3 BBB BBB B3
33 7315.8 CCC CCC C4
34 7608.3 DDD DDD D5
35 7900.8 EEE EEE E6
36 8193.3 FFF FFF F7
TH Saves
+1  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+2  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+3  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+4  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+5 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+6 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+7 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+8 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+9 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+10 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+11 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+12 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+13 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+14 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+15 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+16 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+17 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+18 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Con 12, Wis 15
Alignment: LN, LE, NE, or CE
HD/level: & +d9
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM
Groups: Priest, Monster
Gets Wis or Con bonus to spells.
Gets Exc Con bonus.
Level 1: Immune Poison and Charm.
Level 1: Infravision and Infrared Sight (Heat Vision).
Level 1: Detect Lie cont.
Level 1: Your bite is poisonous; it deals an extra LVL*5 poison dmg. Alternatively, you can make the poison deadly (they get a save vs. poison).
Level 1: 0, 1/r, gaze: Charm Person or Reptile (Will save)
Level 1: +1 additional Specialty Priest (GGL) pick.
Level 1: +1 tail.
Level 1: 10F, 1/reset: Brew 10 doses of a random potion of DL=LVL/2 (round up). The DM will determine what it is.
New Spells:
Poison Spittle N (one for each SL=N): Breathe poison: one group, dmg=(current hp)/(9-N), no save
Reptile Summoning N (one for each SL=N): Summons a DL=N+1 Reptile.
Sticks to Snakes N (one for each SL=N): Reptile Swarm Summoning for CL*(9-N)/3 reptiles of DL=N-1.