Warrior Picks

Level KXP
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 400
10 500
11 600
12 700
13 800
14 900
15 1000
16 1100
17 1200
18 1300
19 1400
20 1500
21 1600
22 1700
23 1800
24 1900
25 2000
26 2100
27 2200
28 2300
29 2400
30 2500
31 2600
32 2700
33 2800
34 2900
35 3000
36 3100
Gets one pick per level:
# picks Ability
1 #Attacks = level if creatures being fought are less than LVL HD
1 +1 to # of attacks with all attack forms (weapon, natural, etc.)
1 +LVL damage
1 +LVL TH or dmg vs. a creature type
1 +LVL*3" bonus to movement rate
1 Add d+LVL to the damage dice with one weapon type
1 Backstab = x(LVL+2)/2
1 Exceptional stat bonus
1 Leave no footprints, actually 1 inch above ground when walking, immune pits/slides/etc.
1 LVL slots each in Direction Sense, Tracking, Survival
1 Nonmagical weapons and armor are at half monetary cost for you
1 Specialization, Weapon
1 Warrior # Attacks
1 x2 Str bonus instead of x3/2 when wielding weapon 2-handed
2 +LVL to hit
2 +LVL weapon proficiencies
2 +LVL*100 item XP in Weapon flags per day
2 Aura of Protection (as per Paladin)
2 Bind wounds is LVL hp (can’t bind an already bound wound)
2 Can affect creatures that require a +LVL-1 weapon to hit
2 Considered 1 size larger for what size weapons you can wield
2 Get +LVL melee TH & dmg vs. a target for every other person also meleeing that target
2 Lay on Hands (as Paladin or Monk)
2 Magical weapons and armor (including individual flags) are at half cost for you
2 Subtract 1 from what you need to roll to autohit target
2 Weapon Specialization, #Att as Barbarian
3 Barbarian1 Constitution bonus
3 Barbarian1 Dexterity bonus
3 True Point Blank as per Arch-Archer
4 +1 Feat per level
4 Barbarian1 Strength bonus
5 +1 Henchmen or Mount slot
5 Species Enemy every level as per Strider
5 Swashbuckler #Att =(LVL+2)/2 melee only
6 Extra-Bar stat bonus