
Level KXP Wizard/Psi8
123 456 789
1 0 ½½½ --- ---
2 8 1½½ --- ---
3 12 1½½ ½-- ---
4 18 2½½ ½-- ---
5 27 21½ ½-- ---
6 41 21½ ½½- ---
7 61 211 ½½- ---
8 92 221 ½½- ---
9 137 221 1½½ ---
10 206 222 1½½ ---
11 308 222 11½ ---
12 462 222 11½ ½--
13 692 222 111 ½--
14 1038 322 211 ½--
15 1557 322 211 1½-
16 2336 332 221 1½-
17 3000 332 221 11-
18 4000 332 221 11½
19 5000 333 222 111
20 6000 433 322 211
21 7000 443 332 221
22 8000 444 333 222
23 9000 544 433 322
24 10000 554 443 332
25 11000 555 444 333
26 12000 655 544 433
27 13000 665 554 443
28 14000 666 555 444
29 15000 766 655 544
30 16000 776 665 554
31 17000 777 666 555
32 18000 877 766 655
33 19000 887 776 665
34 20000 888 777 666
35 21000 988 877 766
36 22000 998 887 776
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 10, Int 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 7+level
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Technology
Specialized in Technology school; pick an opposite.
There is a "Create Technological Item" spell of each spell level; each spell creates an item of TechL = SL (material componenting may be used to double the TL). The item cannot weigh more than level^2 pounds, or it has some flaw which requires upkeep and/or repair to keep it operating effectively. The spell effect will end in level turns unless a Permanency spell is used.
Note that creating a temporary machine which creates a real machine is perfectly legal.
Level 1: +1 technological proficiency per level, see Psi8.
Level 1: May use Psi8 minors as if they were 2nd level spells.
Level 6: May use Psi8 majors as if they were 5th level spells.
Level 15: May use Psi8 grands as if they were 8th level spells.
Level 54: May use Psi8 supers as if they were 11th level spells.