This is a mixed Thief1-Acrobat1-Ninja1-Bard1. The Bard1 component has no level requisites. You cannot "owe stat points" to qualify for this class.
Gets 160 Rogue points per level, but no more than 40 points per level may be spent on a single ability. TANB's rogue chart is huge; it is the 4 component classes' rogue charts combined (with duplicates removed).
All of the "Song" abilties disallow the use of P actions while being used. They may be maintained next round for 1P action.
You may do certain replacements to the classes included in TANB, which affect the stat requirements as follows (these are cumulative):
Replace Thief1 w/ Thief2: +3 Dex
Replace Thief1 w/ Rogue3: +9 Dex
Replace Thief1 w/ Monk1 ("MANB1" class): +3 Str, +3 Dex, +3 Wis, on HD lose a "-" and lose 1d6 per level.
Replace Thief1 w/ Monk1S ("SANB1" class): +6 Str, +6 Dex, +3 Con, +6 Wis, on HD lose a "-" and lose 1d6 per level.
Replace Acrobat1 w/ Assassin1: +3 Str, +3 Dex
Replace Ninja1 w/ Ninja1JG: +3 Str, +3 Dex, +3 Con, on HD lose a "-" and lose 1d6 per level.
Replace Bard1 w/ Bard1N: +3 Dex, +3 Wis, on HD lose a "-", replace spell progression w/ Bard1N progression
Replace Bard1 w/ Bard2: +3 Dex, +3 Int, on HD lose a "-" and lose 1d6 per level, replace spell progression w/ Bard2 progression
Replace Bard1 w/ Bard3: +3 Dex, +3 Chr, on HD lose a "-" and lose 1d6 per level, replace spell progression w/ Bard3 progression
Level 1: Gain "Thieves' Cant" language.
Level 1: Gets Barbarian Dex bonus.
Level 1: +1 weapon prof/level
Level 1: Cast Druid spells, spheres are as Druid.
Level 4: +(LVL*2-5)/3 (round down) nonweapon proficiencies