
Level KXP Wizard/Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 5.5 2-- --- ---
3 11 21- --- ---
4 22 32- --- ---
5 44 421 --- ---
6 88 422 --- ---
7 176 432 1-- ---
8 352 433 2-- ---
9 600 433 21- ---
10 1100 443 22- ---
11 1650 444 33- ---
12 2200 444 441 ---
13 2750 555 442 ---
14 3300 555 442 1--
15 3850 555 552 1--
16 4400 555 553 21-
17 4950 555 553 32-
18 5500 555 553 321
19 6050 555 553 331
20 6600 555 554 332
21 7150 555 554 442
22 7700 555 555 443
23 8250 555 555 553
24 8800 555 555 554
25 9350 555 555 555
26 9900 666 655 555
27 10450 666 666 655
28 11000 666 666 666
29 11550 777 766 666
30 12100 777 777 766
31 12650 777 777 777
32 13200 888 877 777
33 13750 888 888 877
34 14300 888 888 888
35 14850 999 988 888
36 15400 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  4  6  2  2  2  2  0
+2 10  4  8  4  2  2  2  0
+4 10  6  8  6  4  4  4  2
+6 12  8 10  8  6  4  4  2
+8 14 10 12 10  8  6  4  2
+10 16 10 14 12  8  6  6  4
+12 16 12 14 14 10  8  6  4
+14 18 14 16 16 12  8  8  4
+16 20 16 18 18 14 10  8  6
+18 22 16 20 20 14 10  8  6
+20 22 18 20 22 16 12 10  6
+22 24 20 22 24 18 12 10  8
+24 26 22 24 26 20 14 12  8
+26 28 22 26 28 20 14 12  8
+28 28 24 26 28 22 16 12 10
+30 28 24 28 28 22 16 14 10
+32 28 26 28 28 24 18 14 10
+34 30 26 28 28 24 18 16 12
Requisites: Str 26, Int 14, Wis 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: & 2d20
Weapon Prof.: 4+level*2
To Hit Table: War*2
Save Table: & War*2
Reference: DM
Groups: Warrior
Weapon specializes using the "Barbarian" line.
Gets Rogue abilities at 40 points per level; abilities are below.
Gets spells; these cost 1M to cast (no 1P needed) and cannot use material componenting.
Wizard Schools: Abjuration, Alteration, Divination. Priest Spheres: Astral, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Travelers, Wards. All other spells are opposite (2 spells from memorization to cast).
Level 1: Does not suffer secondary target penalties.
Level 1: Does not suffer from secondary weapon/arm penalties.
Level 1: Is not hit by parting shots when leaving melee.
Level 1: Can affect creatures that require +LVL or better weapons to hit.
Level 2: Troll-like Regeneration at LVL/2 hp/s.
Level 2: Immune to fear.
Level 3: Immune to disease and curses.
Level 3: 1M: Sense Danger.
Level 5: All-Around Attack: 1P: Attack every target within (level*2)' with one attack.
Level 6: WR, aWR, and "Immunity to Weapons" has no effect versus your attacks.
Level 9: 1M: Your Efficiency, Balance, or Fitness becomes (LVL*2+9) for this round only.
Level 9: 0: Delay any (non-hp damaging) harmful effect by (LVL-8) segments. At the end of that time, the effect resolves.
Lvl Survivalist Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 ("Twist") Find/Remove Wizard Abjuration/Priest Protection (-1% per CL) V 0 Dex-16 Dex-20
1 Evasion (0, make by 5% per amount hit: no dmg from weapon) V 10 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Hold Breath || Hold Life 0 50 Con-12 Con-15
3 Any Rogue 3 ability - - - -
4 Missile Deflection | Missile Reflection | Spell Deflection | Volley V 20 Dex-9 Dex-12
7 Dispel Exhaustion ||| Heal M 0 Con-14 Con-18
9 Any Rogue 9 ability - - - -
11 Ask the Local Lord | Highest Lvl in Plane | Chosen God | Ultraplanar | DM a question VM 0 Chr-11 Chr-21
16 Escape Bonds | Escape Binding | Escape Imprisonment/Time Stop P 50 Str-12 Str-14
22 Energy Control | Adaptation | Immune to Hostile Environments PV 30 Con-9 Con-12