Can cast Priest spells or Psi11W spells. Gets Chr bonus to progression.
Can weapon specialize using Non-War column.
"rhp" is "relative hit points", what the DM uses for summons to indicate their health (usually listed as 10/10).
MTG White spells from White Priest class:
Death Ward (SL=1): 1bM, cannot act next segment: Avoid a slay effect on someone.
Healing Salve (SL=1): One target is cured 30 hp, or (1bM action) prevent the next 30 dmg to a target.
Circle of Protection (SL=2): When cast, name a school/sphere/psi freq. Lose 1 spell slot: Immune to 1 effect of that school/sphere/psi freq.
Disenchant (SL=2): Dispel an effect.
Reverse Damage (SL=3): 1bM: One effect that's damaging you heals you for that amount instead.
Resurrection (SL=4): Resurrect someone who's been killed within the past CL s.
Old MTG White spells from Wizard of the Coast class (you can use these):
Angel's Grace (SL=1): 1bM: Damage that would put you below 1 hp this segment puts you at 1 hp
Abeyance (SL=2): Target cannot use M actions this segment (Will save)
Arenson's Aura (SL=3): 0, sacrifice a maintained effect: Dispel a maintained effect.
Congregate (SL=4): Target gains 10*N hp, where N is the number of people in the party+summons
Angelic Chorus (SL=5): Whenever you summon a creature, cure it's hp on yourself
Beacon of Immortality (SL=6): Double current hp (like a Tenser's, but a different source)
Look at Me, I'm the DCI (SL=7): An effect is banned from the room (x1 Special)
Reverse the Sands (SL=8): Switch current hp totals with someone (no save)
Blessed Wind (SL=9): Target's current hp becomes 200.