Selesnya Sagittar (MTG G/W)

Level KXP Priest
123 456 78
1 0 a-- --- --
2 3.125 0-- --- --
3 6.25 0a- --- --
4 12.5 10- --- --
5 25 20a --- --
6 50 210 --- --
7 100 320 --- --
8 200 321 --- --
9 400 321 a-- --
10 800 321 0-- --
11 1200 432 0-- --
12 1600 432 1-- --
13 2000 432 1a- --
14 2400 432 10- --
15 2800 543 20- --
16 3200 543 21- --
17 3600 543 21a --
18 4000 543 210 --
19 4400 654 320 --
20 4800 654 321 --
21 5200 654 321 a-
22 5600 654 321 0-
23 6000 665 432 0-
24 6400 665 432 1-
25 6800 666 543 1-
26 7200 666 543 2-
27 7600 666 543 2a
28 8000 666 543 20
29 8400 666 543 21
30 8800 666 543 22
31 9200 666 543 32
32 9600 666 654 32
33 10000 666 654 33
34 10400 666 665 43
35 10800 666 665 44
36 11200 666 666 54
TH Saves
+0  8  4  5  2  3  1  1  2
+1  8  4  6  3  4  1  1  3
+2  9  5  6  3  4  2  2  3
+3  9  5  6  4  4  2  2  4
+4 10  6  7  5  5  3  2  4
+5 10  6  7  6  5  3  3  5
+6 11  7  8  7  6  4  3  5
+7 11  7  9  8  6  4  4  6
+8 12  8  9  9  7  5  4  6
+9 12  8 10 10  7  5  4  7
+10 13  9 10 11  8  6  5  7
+11 13 10 11 12  9  6  5  8
+12 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  8
+13 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  9
+14 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  9
+15 14 12 14 14 11  8  7 10
+16 15 13 14 14 12  9  7 10
+17 15 13 14 14 12  9  8 11
Requisites: Str 14, Dex 14, Wis 16
Alignment: LG, NG, CG, or TN
HD/level: others +1d+0  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War/Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Selesnya Druid22}
Groups: Warrior, Priest, Alternate
Hit Dice: "&+1d+0" means you add 1 to all your other classes' number of HD per level. This class directly gives 0 hp. Exception: If this is your only class, you get 2d0 per level. (You cannot take this option if you have more than one class.)
For "m" based classes (e.g. HD=2m0), just add 1d0 (so your HD becomes 2m0+1d0).
Example: Multiclassed Fighter1 level 1 / Selesnya Sagittar level 1, with +2 Con bonus. The fighter gives 24 hp (2d10+2*2). The Sagittar gives 0 hp. The character has 12 hp (24+0 divided by 2).
Exceptional Wis bonus.
Has an "Animal Companion" slot. This is a monster who is allied to you and stays with you even between resets. It has 1/10 your XP and may be single classed. It may use items. Unlike a familiar it may be damaged. You play the Animal Companion.
Animal Companions may be dismissed during reset. Animal Companions don't disappear when dismissed (or killed), they leave a corpse. Anyone can convert Familiar slots to Animal Companion slots.
Specialized in Animal, Plant, and War spheres. Spells of these spheres cost ½M to cast.
Level 1: You may have your spells (from the Selesnya Sagittar class) resisted using CR (Charm Resistance) instead of MR. Spend 1F action to switch this.
Level 1: Do double damage to creatures in your group when using a bow (this doubles everything, not just the arrow base damage).
Level 1: +LVL*2 TH with bows.
Level 1: Your bow attacks use the "Dagger" line for number of attacks.
Level 2: xLVL range with bows.
Level 14: +1 Animal Companion slot.
New spell:
Find Animal Companion (Animal/Charm, SL 1): Summons an Animal Companion with DL=CL/2 (round up).