Scarlet Pimpernel / Liberator

Level KXP Rogue   War
123 456  123 4
1 0 2-- ---  1-- -
2 3.85 31- ---  2-- -
3 7.7 41- ---  21- -
4 15.4 52- ---  31- -
5 30.8 621 ---  32- -
6 61.6 731 ---  321 -
7 123.2 832 ---  431 -
8 246.4 942 1--  432 -
9 492.8 A52 1--  432 1
10 800 B53 2--  443 1
11 1170 C63 21-  543 2
12 1540 D73 21-  544 2
13 1910 E74 32-  544 3
14 2280 F84 321  554 3
15 2650 G95 321  555 3
16 3020 H95 321  555 4
17 3390 IA6 321  655 4
18 3760 JB6 421  665 4
19 4130 KB7 421  666 4
20 4500 LC7 531  666 5
21 4870 MD8 532  766 5
22 5240 ND8 532  776 5
23 5610 OE9 642  777 5
24 5980 PF9 643  777 6
25 6350 QFA 743  777 7
26 6720 RGA 753  877 7
27 7090 SHB 753  887 7
28 7460 THB 854  888 7
29 7830 UIC 864  888 8
30 8200 VJC 964  988 8
31 8570 WJD 965  998 8
32 8940 XKD 975  999 8
33 9310 YLE A75  999 9
34 9680 ZLE A75  A99 9
35 10050 ZMF B86  AAA A
36 10420 ZNG C97  BBB B
TH Saves
+3  6  4  5  4  3  2  2  1
+4  7  5  6  5  4  3  2  1
+5  8  5  7  6  4  3  3  2
+6  8  6  7  7  5  4  3  2
+7  9  7  8  8  6  4  4  2
+8 10  8  9  9  7  5  4  3
+9 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  3
+10 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  3
+11 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  4
+12 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  4
+13 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  4
+14 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  5
+15 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  5
+16 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  5
+17 15 13 14 14 12  9  8  6
+18 15 14 14 14 13 10  8  6
+19 15 14 15 15 13 10  8  6
+20 15 14 15 15 14 11  9  7
Requisites: Dex 18, Int 16, Chr 16
Alignment: CG (overwrite)
HD/level: +‡d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: War +3 levels
Save Table: War +3 levels
Reference: DM {Mirror Scarlet Huntsman}
Groups: Warrior, Rogue, Mirror
For Alignment, "(overwrite)" means this class requires CG alignment, but it overwrites all of your other alignment restrictions to be CG as well.
For HD, "‡" means an additional HD at level 2 (i.e. this class gets 2 HD at level 2).
Exceptional Str and Barbarian Dex bonus.
Can specialize in one Warrior or Rogue school, with no opposite.
Gets one "Any Rogue" pick per level, plus an extra "Any Rogue 1" pick at level 1. 60+40*level Rogue points.
Level 1: 1M: Alter Appearance (cannot be seen through except by immunity to Mirage Arcana)
Level 1: 1M, 1/t: Locate Person or Object.
Level 1: Trailing, City Knowledge, Spying proficiencies.
Level N (every level): Choose a species type (see list below). You resist effects (not attacks) vs. that species type. You may pick the same species type more than once; each pick is cumulative.
Species choices: Alien, Alternate Reality creatures, Animal, Arctic, Avian, Beholder, Cloud, Cold-Using, Concordant group, Creatures of 1 alignment, Creatures of 1 plane, Cthulhoid Horror, Dragon, Eelemental, Elemental, Faerie, Far Realm, Fire-Using, Giant, Giant-Class, Golem, Group of Classes, Hound, Humanoid, Immortal, Inner Planar, Insect, Leech, Lycanthrope, Magic-Using, Mind Flayer World, Mutant, Nightmare Dimension, NPC, Ooze, Other Timeline/Multiverse, Outer, Plant, Psionic, Rakshasa World, Regenerating, Reptile, Size Class (choose one), Space, Spirit of the Land, Tarrasque World, Technological, Undead, Unlive, Virus, Water, Weird, Wurm.
Level 1: Surprise 90% of time.
Level 1: 1V, spend X*Y^2 gp, make a Chr check at -Y^2: "Buy off" X Henchmen of DL=Y. They will not attack you or your allies. If you buy them off again (with another V action and gold), they join your side.
Level 1: May have a Familiar.
Level 1: May throw missile weapons with both hands.
Level 2: 1M, 1/t: Find the Path.
Level 3: NR (LVL-2)*20%
Level 4: 1M: Shadow Door (move from one shadow to another you know of within 360 yards); 1F: Shadow Gate
Level 5: Dust of Appearance 30'r cont.
Level 6: Attract 2-20 followers, usually DL V+ Humanoids.
Level 7: Ignore Non-detection cont.
Level 8: 1M, 1/t: Escape a Maze; 1M, 1/t: Ignore Distance Distortion; 1M, 1/t: Ignore Mirage Arcana; 1M, 1/t: Force Shapechange.
Level 9: 1M, 1/t: Find the Path across Planes and Time (but not Timelines/Loop).
Level 10: You and your party do not leave a trail and cannot be tracked or trailed, except by a Strider/Huntsman of double your level or a Ranger of triple your level. If out of visual sight, your party cannot be Located or Find the Pathed to.
Level 11: Cosmic Awareness cont.