Gets Barbarian Dex and Exceptional Con (or the reverse if you prefer).
Gets 70 Rogue points per level.
Level 1: Open hand number of attacks is level/2. Open hand base damage is 1d(4*level). Open hand to hit bonus is (Dex bonus)+(Str bonus)+2. Open hand damage bonus is (Dex bonus)+(Str bonus)+2. DM Note: This is not the normal damage calculation. Your open hands are considered a +level magical weapon.
Level 1: If Open Hands hit exceeds what is needed, target is stunned for 1d6 r (save vs. para at penalty equal to amount hit by). If Open Hands stuns, chance to kill is (level)*4+20-(target's AC)% (no save)
Level 1: +level dmg with weapons
Level 1: Natural AT is +2*level
Level 1: Base movement rate is (12+2*level)"
Level 1: Against area effects that give a save for ½: the monk takes no damage if he makes his save. This is not used for non-(hp) damaging effects.
Level 1: 1bV: Knock away up to 10+level*2 missile weapons. Makes a save vs. paralyzation with penalty equal to the number of magical plusses the weapon has.
Level 1: One Martial Arts style; +2 Martial Arts maneuvers /level
Level 1: 1V: Lay on hands 1d6+level hp, 1/t
Level 1: Immune ESP, Beguiling, Hypnosis, Charm, Suggestion, Poison, Psionic Blast, Disease, Slow, Geas, Quest.
Level 1: One open hand attack that hit, 1/t: Quivering Palm: Slain (no save), if target's HD/level <= monk's level*2, and target's hp <.=monk's hp*3.
Level 1: Subtract level*10' from falling damage.
Level 2: +(level/2) V actions.
Level 3: +(level/3) P actions.
Level 6: Takes half damage from a spell (that gives no save) if save is failed