Rakdos Speedster (MTG B/R)

Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 2.375 (none)
3 4.75 (none)
4 9.5 (none)
5 19 (none)
6 38 (none)
7 76 (none)
8 152 (none)
9 304 (none)
10 608 (none)
11 912 (none)
12 1216 (none)
13 1520 (none)
14 1824 (none)
15 2128 (none)
16 2432 (none)
17 2736 (none)
18 3040 (none)
19 3344 (none)
20 3648 (none)
21 3952 (none)
22 4256 (none)
23 4560 (none)
24 4864 (none)
25 5168 (none)
26 5472 (none)
27 5776 (none)
28 6080 (none)
29 6384 (none)
30 6688 (none)
31 6992 (none)
32 7296 (none)
33 7600 (none)
34 7904 (none)
35 8208 (none)
36 8512 (none)
TH Saves
+0  5  7  6  3  6  0  2  1
+0  6  7  6  3  7  1  3  1
+1  6  8  6  4  7  1  3  2
+1  6  8  7  4  7  1  4  2
+2  6  9  7  4  8  2  4  3
+2  7  9  7  5  8  2  5  3
+3  7 10  7  5  9  3  5  4
+3  7 10  8  6  9  3  6  4
+4  7 10  8  6  9  3  6  5
+4  8 11  8  6 10  4  7  5
+5  8 11  9  7 10  4  7  6
+5  8 12  9  7 11  5  8  6
+6  8 12  9  8 11  5  8  7
+6  9 13 10  8 11  5  9  7
+7  9 13 10  8 12  6  9  8
+7  9 13 11  9 12  6 10  8
+8  9 14 11  9 13  7 10  9
+8 10 14 11 10 13  7 11  9
Requisites: Dex 20, Wis 14
Alignment: NE, CE, CN, or LN
HD/level: AC-10  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 7+level/6
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog/Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue
Hit Dice: This class doesn't get HD, only hp, so you don't apply Con bonus. Multiply your level by AC-10 to get your hp. You can treat it as "0d6+AC-10" if something else is affecting your HD/level.
Barbarian Dex bonus.
Has 75+25*LVL Rogue points.
Moving costs you only ½V action. (This effectively doubles your movement rate.)
Level 1: 1M: Summon a kobold (AC 10, hp 10, TH +1, dmg 1). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Level 4: 2M+½V: Target gets -4*LVL TH, dmg, AC, and saves until end of round.
Level 4: 1M: Summon a goblin (AC 20, hp 10, TH +20, dmg 20). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Level 9: 1M: Summon a ball lightning (AC 20, hp 10, TH +60, dmg 60). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Lvl Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 +rating/50 A actions /r this turn || B actions || C actions 1F 0 Dex-20 Dex-25
1 Controlled Blink | Controlled Blink 10'r (unwilling get PP save) ½V 50 Wis-14 Wis-14
1 Do rating/50 physical attacks with one weapon ½P 50 Str-10 Str-18
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
2 Any Rogue Level 2 ability - - - -
3 Any Rogue Level 3 ability - - - -
4 Any Rogue Level 4 ability - - - -
5 Any Rogue Level 5 ability - - - -
6 Any Rogue Level 6 ability - - - -
7 Any Rogue Level 7 ability - - - -
8 Any Rogue Level 8 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -