Quintessential FMCTP6

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A.:
123 456 789 jk L
1 0 20- --- --- --- 20- --- --- -- - 2-- --
2 9 31- --- --- --- 31- --- --- -- - 3-- --
3 27 320 --- --- --- 320 --- --- -- - 30- --
4 54 431 --- --- --- 431 --- --- -- - 41- --
5 90 432 0-- --- --- 432 0-- --- -- - 42- --
6 135 443 1-- --- --- 443 1-- --- -- - 43- --
7 189 543 20- --- --- 543 20- --- -- - 53- --
8 252 544 31- --- --- 544 31- --- -- - 54- --
9 324 554 320 --- --- 554 320 --- -- - 540 --
10 729.6 654 431 --- --- 654 431 --- -- - 641 --
11 1094.4 655 432 0-- --- 655 432 0-- -- - 652 --
12 1459.2 665 443 1-- --- 665 443 1-- -- - 653 --
13 1824 765 543 20- --- 765 543 20- -- - 753 --
14 2188.8 766 544 31- --- 766 544 31- -- - 764 --
15 2553.6 776 554 32- --- 776 554 32- -- - 764 --
16 2918.4 876 654 430 --- 876 654 430 -- - 864 0-
17 3283.2 877 655 431 --- 877 655 431 -- - 875 1-
18 3648 887 665 442 --- 887 665 442 -- - 875 2-
19 4012.8 987 765 543 --- 987 765 543 -- - 975 3-
20 4377.6 988 766 543 0-- 988 766 543 0- - 986 3-
21 4742.4 998 776 554 1-- 998 776 554 1- - 986 4-
22 5107.2 A98 876 654 2-- A98 876 654 2- - A86 4-
23 5472 A99 877 654 3-- A99 877 654 3- - A97 4-
24 5836.8 AA9 887 665 3-- AA9 887 665 3- - A97 5-
25 6201.6 BA9 987 765 40- BA9 987 765 40 - B97 5-
26 6566.4 BAA 988 765 41- BAA 988 765 41 - BA8 5-
27 6931.2 BBA 998 776 42- BBA 998 776 42 - BA8 6-
28 7296 CBA A98 876 53- CBA A98 876 53 - CA8 6-
29 7660.8 CBB A99 876 53- CBB A99 876 53 - CB9 6-
30 8025.6 CCB AA9 887 54- CCB AA9 887 54 - CB9 7-
31 8390.4 DCB BA9 987 640 DCB BA9 987 64 0 DB9 70
32 8755.2 DCC BAA 987 641 DCC BAA 987 64 1 DCA 71
33 9120 DDC BBA 998 652 DDC BBA 998 65 2 DCA 82
34 9484.8 EDC CBA A98 753 EDC CBA A98 75 3 ECA 83
35 9849.6 EDD CBB A98 753 EDD CBB A98 75 3 EDB 83
36 10214.4 EDD CBB A98 764 EDD CBB A98 76 4 EDB 84
TH Saves
+0  8  7  6  3  6  1  2  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  1  3  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  2  3  3
+3  9  8  7  4  7  2  4  4
+4 10  9  7  5  8  3  4  4
+5 10  9  7  6  8  3  5  5
+6 11 10  8  7  9  4  5  5
+7 11 10  9  8  9  4  6  6
+8 12 10  9  9  9  5  6  6
+9 12 11 10 10 10  5  7  7
+10 13 11 10 11 10  6  7  7
+11 13 12 11 12 11  6  8  8
+12 13 12 12 13 11  7  8  8
+13 14 13 13 14 11  7  9  9
+14 14 13 13 14 12  8  9  9
+15 14 13 14 14 12  8 10 10
+16 15 14 14 14 13  9 10 10
+17 15 14 14 14 13  9 11 11
Requisites: Str 20, Dex 20, Int 20,
Wis 20, Chr 20,
Class Slots 4
Alignment: any
HD/level: d20
Weapon Prof.: 9+level/6
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War/Wiz/Pri/Rog/Psi
Reference: DM
Groups: Custom
Gets 4 picks per level below.
Gets Int bonus to Wizard spell progession.
In the Wizard spell progression, "." means SL=10+1 (level 10 plus 1 level of feats) and ":" means 10+2 (level 10 plus 2 levels of feats).
Gets Wis bonus to Priest spells.
In the Priest spell progression, "j" means SL=9+1, "k" means SL=9+2, and "L" means SL=10+2 (not 9+3; I put in an extra space to make it more noticeable).
Gets Exceptional Dex.
Gets any "Any Rogue" pick and 80 Rogue points per level.
"¶" means this ability cannot itself be picked with a "Level:" or Rogue pick.
Gains access to one psionic frequency per level.
Gets Chr bonus to psionic progression.
PSPs = Chr*(Level+10).
(This is in Psi1 PSPs.)
Levels 1-5:
A. 0, 1/t: Ignore all damage from one source. {Berserker}
B. Backstab x(LVL+7)/4. {Brawler}
C. Can operate at negative hit points. {Knight of the Griffin}
D. Choose one specific weapon type. +LVL TH with that weapon. {Living Blade}
E. 1V: +LVL TH/dmg with one shot with a missile weapon {Master Bowman}
F. 1M, 1/effect: Target gets another save vs. a bad effect that's effecting him {Officer of War}
G. +1 TH in a specific weapon per level (can choose different weapons each level) {Peasant Hero}
H. 1M, 1/t: Summon Chr 1st level fighters, all of them together use 1 summon slot {Peasant Hero}
I. Additional +(LVL+1)/2 AC (round down) when using Armor Optimization {feats}
J. Barbarian Str bonus {DM}
Levels 1-5:
A. Add your Chr bonus to your saves, or to the DC of your spells' saves {Knight of the Staff}
B. All magic items cost x0.9 normal price for you {Arcane Craftsman}
C. Can cast Priest Animal and Plant sphere spells {Hedge Wizard}
D. Can cast Priest Divination sphere spells {Investigator}
E. Detect possession, magic jar, ego domination, etc. {Exorcist}
F. 1F: Duplicate a 1st level Rogue ability at LVL*10% {Entertainer}
G. Extra summon slot only for Air Elementals; "Summon Air Elemental N" is a spell. {Wind Mage}
H. Legend Lore / Sage Knowledge LVL*10% {Academic}
I. 0: Shift the elemental composition of a spell you're casting to Earth {Geomancer}
J. +1 spell per SL, only for fire-based spells {Pyromancer}
K. 1 attack that hits: Steal a spell from memorization, add to yours (Spell save, aMR) {Spelleater}
L. Water Breathing, freedom of movement in water, cast spells in water normally {Sea Mage}
Levels 1-5:
A. Always know exact location; cannot get lost in woods {Anchorite}
B. Buy potions and general equipment at half cost {Church Provisioner}
C. Can weapon specialize as a Warrior; count as a +LVL weapon {Divine Hammer}
D. Creatures you Charm and Undead you Turn are still charmed/turned even if attacked
E. Deal x2 damage vs. structures (physical or spells) {Proselyte}
F. Detect [C] Section Effect (SL=1): Detects that effect, each is a separate spell {Investigator}
G. Gather Information in cities quickly; 0,1/d: "Jobber" at a Job {Reformed Criminal}
H. Get a level=LVL Rogue ability and 20*LVL rogue points {Divine Revolutionary}
I. 1D or 1F, 1/t: Heal self {Redeemer}
J. Immune Curse; *Curse* becomes Curse; **Curse** becomes *Curse* {Pariah}
K. +LVL saves {Vengeful Survivor}
L. Your party gets +LVL/2 TH and +LVL" movement rate
Levels 1-5:
A. Can specialize in weapons as a Warrior. {Assassin}
B. 1 hour of walking around a city: Gain LVL^3 gp (picking up things off street) {Beggar}
C. Improve Exceptional Dex to Barbarian Dex bonus. {Barbarian}
D. ¶ Two "Level 1:" abilities from any class you know {Dilettente}
E. Always make Chr checks. {Diplomat}
F. Detect Lie cont.; Detect Hidden cont. {Inspector}
G. ¶ Get an extra "Any Rogue" pick per level. {Scout}
H. Bag of Holding; 1M: Locate Black Market in city {Smuggler}
I. Can backstab every attack (1N action) vs. Panicked person; 1M: Panic (Will save) {Spy}
J. +LVL TH {Thug} or +LVL TH and dmg with unarmed attacks {Brawler}
K. +LVL*5% money {Treasure Hunter}
L. Species Enemy as per Ranger1 {Avenger}
Levels 1-5:
A. 1N, take 1 dmg: Gain 1 PSP {Living Power}
B. Access to all frequencies, lose LVL powers per type (minor, major, etc.)
C. +LVL Chr, -LVL Wis {Imbalanced}
D. Ethereal Perception; Can cast psi effects into Ethereal {Ectoplasmic}
E. Gain +LVL SL's in a psionic progression {Fragmount}
F. Have access to Psi0 Quintessential Psion6 class {Hand of Thought}
G. Have access to Psi3 or Psi3.5 with Quintessential Psion6 class.
H. Immune disease, mental damage; Sustain Int, Wis, Chr {Healthy Mind}
I. -LVL dmg / energy effect {Traumatised}
J. Regain PSPs like the Psi10 class (people around you) {Infector}
K. Replace Chr bonus with Int bonus to progression {Touched}
L. +LVL Will saves; cannot generate Psionic links {Introvert}
Level 6: Pick from: Quintessential level 1-5 or 5th edition level 1-3
Levels 7-11:
K. 0, 1/t: Reroll a die, and choose the result. {Legend}
L. 1 borrowed P, 1/r: Deny N attacks from occuring, where N is your #Att. {Living Blade}
M. All in party get +LVL*2 AC/saves/TH/dmg while at home {Noble Defender}
N. All in party gets +LVL" movement rate. {Officer of War}
O. +LVL AC/saves if you haven't used a V action on your last segment {Swashbuckler}
P. "Save for ½" and "Save for a set amount of damage" becomes "Save for 0" for you. {Swashbuckler}
Q. Held P: Make 1 attack in response to a cast spell. They RSW save (DC=your dmg) or spell disrupted {feat}
R. 1M: Switch places with someone in sight (unwilling PP save) {feat}
S. +LVL*2 AC, -LVL*2 TH (toggle using 1V) {feat}
Levels 7-11:
M. Brew Potions: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in potions. {Alchemist}
N. Choose species enemy (see Strider1), your spells do x2 effect vs. them {Arcane Avenger}
O. Contingency is a SL=4 spell for you; can have 2 Contingencies at same time {Tattoo Mage}
P. 1F: Duplicate a Psi10 1st-3rd level ability {Fortune Teller}
Q. Dust of Disappearance cont. {Gutter Mage}
R. Get a Specialty Priest pick {Theologian}
S. +1 Research Point per day; 0,1/r: Add +1 SL metamagic to a spell for free {Theoretician}
T. Resist Priest spells {Society of Atheists}
U. Write Scrolls: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in scrolls. {normal ability}
Levels 7-11:
M. Can cast a spell through another person of same faith in your psionic link
N. Detect Lie, Know Real Truth cont. {Judge}
O. Get 2 instances of one of your GGL picks, they stack {Abandoned Child}
P. +LVL max hp; 1N, 1/d: Get 1G action this segment {Godslave}
Q. On the Turn Undead table, replace -'s with 20's. (You Turn any type of undead on a 20.)
R. Replace d12's with 3d6+LVL when determined number of creatures turned
S. 1P, sacrifice a held/bound creature: Get N SL's back in memorization (N=DL of creature)
T. XR LVL*5; 0, talking action, 1/h: Holy Word {Divine Emissary}
U. You have a Clone; +1QD action; +LVL TH {Twice-Born}
Levels 7-11:
M. +LVL Int; Legend Lore LVL*10% {Explorer}
N. Immune to terrain, hostile environments {Outlaw}
O. 1M: Find the Path; 1M: Locate Object; 1M: Locate Person {Pathfinder}
P. 1F, 1/reset: Create an item of any E=LVL/2 material, do not need to pay cost {Outcast}
Q. 1F, 1/reset: Create a Psi8 item with TechL=LVL; can have LVL of these items {Tinker}
R. Can buy property or businesses at half cost {Businessman}
S. Always get special treatment and respect from Local Ruler {Agent of the Crown}
T. Can attack with missiles in a way that people don't know where it's from {Commando}
U. 0, 1/d: +LVL TH and +LVL*2 damage this turn {Shadow Avenger}
Levels 7-11:
M. Can psionically affect Undead as if they weren't Undead {Necropath}
N. 1bM: Can use +1P action this segment {Invisible Friends}
O. Gain PSPs back at x2 rate; Mummy Racial Adj. {Psychic Mummy}
P. "High Frequency Sample" is a legal frequency to pick {Psi. Investigator}
Q. +1M action for psi; +LVL Nonweapon proficiencies {Personality Shard}
R. One psi frequency has half PSP costs, others double {Specialized Mind}
S. 1M: Summon a DL=LVL/2 Psionic monster.
T. When using a psi power, can spend an extra 1M: x2 effect {Obsessive}
U. You will not die at any negative hp total, still can't act {Left for Dead}
Level 12: Pick from: Quintessential level 1-11 or 5th edition level 1-7
Levels 13-17:
T. Putting on, taking off, or picking up items does not cost 1V {feat}
U. All of your attacks are Called Shots at no penalty {feat}
V. 1M: Target group gets -LVL AC/saves/TH/dmg {feat}
W. No limit to encumbrance. No armor penalties to rogue abilities {feat}
X. Immune Overbearing {feat}
Y. Your base # attacks is never worse than 1/1 {feat}
Z. No penalties in off-hand use, no matter how many arms {feat}
Levels 13-17:
V. Affect +1 group with area damaging spells; Material componenting is ½V {War Mage}
W. Create Monster VI (SL=6): Create a DL=1 monster, it's loyal, it's not a summon slot {Soulforger}
X. Eldritch Fire Shield (SL=6): Eldritch Fire damaging Shield (200% back) {Sun Mage}
Y. iMR LVL*5%; 1bM: Counter a Wizard spell {Wizard Hunter}
Z. "Power Word" spells have double hp range and affect an entire group {Wordbearer}
AA. Spells on "weird lists" are only 1 spell slot each (still need to know them) {Arcane Avatar}
Levels 13-17:
V. 1F, talk for 1s: Do a Legendary Officer Captain's Bluff (SFB) {Missionary}
W. Know which gods people worship by sight; 0, 1/d: Counter a Divine Intervention.
X. ½0, take SL^2 damage: Material Component a spell, may do more than once {Bloodchild}
Y. +1 summon slot.
Z. Your area effects only affect people you want them to (selective targetting)
AA. Your poisonous effects give no save.
Levels 13-17:
V. +LVL Luck; Luckstone effect {Gambler}
W. Free Specialty Priest pick in Flying Spaghetti Monster {Pirate}
X. Gain a Divine Companion (both a Familiar and an Animal Companion) {Divine Footpad}
Y. 1M: Learn a fact (e.g. a weakness) about a monster never seen before {Deep Tracker}
Z. Get xLVL dmg on someone who's at negative hp immediately (no delay) {Executioner}
AA. 0, when creating a Trap/Trick/Special: An additional -LVL*10% penalty to remove it.
Levels 13-17:
V. Can material component psionic powers (spend 1V)
W. Gain a Rogue chart at half your LVL, 30*LVL Rogue pts {Pspy)
X. +1QM action for psi
Y. +1 summon slot; 1M: Summon a DL=LVL/2 Golem. {Puppet Master}
Z. X7 is a legal "frequency" to pick, each power costs 4 slots
AA. X-7 is a legal "frequency" to pick, each power costs 5 slots
Level 18: Pick from: Quintessential level 1-17 or 5th edition level 1-11