
Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 2-- --- ---
3 3 2½- --- ---
4 6 21- --- ---
5 10 22- --- ---
6 20 33- --- ---
7 30 33½ --- ---
8 50 331 --- ---
9 100 332 --- ---
10 150 332 ½-- ---
11 200 332 1-- ---
12 400 332 2-- ---
13 600 333 3-- ---
14 800 333 3½- ---
15 1000 333 31- ---
16 1200 333 32- ---
17 1400 333 32½ ---
18 1600 333 321 ---
19 1800 333 322 ---
20 2000 333 333 ---
21 2200 333 333 ½--
22 2400 333 333 1--
23 2600 333 333 2--
24 2800 333 333 2½-
25 3000 333 333 21-
26 3200 333 333 22-
27 3400 333 333 33-
28 3600 333 333 33½
29 3800 333 333 331
30 4000 333 333 332
31 4200 333 333 333
32 4400 444 443 333
33 4600 444 444 444
34 4800 555 554 444
35 5000 555 555 555
36 5200 666 666 666
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 10, Int 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Chemist}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate, Technology
Level 1: Identify Technological Items and how to use them (level*10)%
Level 1: +1 Knowledge proficiency per level.
Level 1: Resist Gravity, Telekinesis, falling damage
Level 2: Identify Object/Person's weight, home plane, home multiverse (quantum signature) by sight.
Level 3: Specialization in Enchantment gained.
Level 3: Immune distance distortion, teleport/plane-shifting traps/tricks/specials
Level 4: 1/d: Create Technological item of TechL=LVL
Level 5: Unusual materials are considered elements of E=S for your spells.
Level 6: Can create ioun stones as a GeoSage of 5 levels lower.
Level 7: Specialization in Alteration gained.
Level 8: Identify Alchemical/Chemical item and (at a -50% penalty) function (level-7)*10%
Level 9: Identify plane and multiverse by sight.
Sample Technology Levels (copied from [A10]):
0 -10X No basic tools
1 -9X Basic tools; Basic shelter; Basic herbal medicine; Cultivation of plants; Recognition of seasons
2 -8Xe Wheel; Use of fire; Star recognition; Constellations; Basic metallurgy; Pulleys; Levers; Basic anatomy; Alchemy
3 -8Xs Basic astronomy and navigation; Windmills; Water wheels; Microscope/Magnifying Lens; Animal husbandry
4 -8Xl Recognition of other planets; Basic mechanics; Flood control; Cell theory; Classification of compounds
5 -7X Solar system mechanics; Steam power; Crude weather prediction; Geologic history; Fossils
6 -6Xe Detailed anatomy; Crude surgery (leeches!)
7 -6Xs Simple chemistry
8 -6Xl Simple atomic theory; Organic chemistry
9 -5X Hydroelectric power; Light-bulbs; Radio; X-rays
10 -4Xe Celestial mechanics; Heating and cooling systems; Heavy machinery; Tanks; Basic genetics/microbiology
11 -4Xs Stellar evolution; Transistors and Basic electronics; Theory of diseases (bacteriology); Earthquake prediction
12 -4Xl Radio astronomy; Solid state electronics; Telephones; Basic artificial limbs; Microwave theory
13 -3X Relativity; Internal combustion; Simple Computers; DNA/gene research; Basic artificial organs; Organ transplants
14 -2Xe Basic astronautics (planet to moon); Unmanned space probes; Simple internet; Fission; Lasers
15 -2Xs Manned spaceflight (planet to planet); Environmental suits; Simple cyberware/bioware; Fusion
16 -2Xl Unmanned interstellar probes; Advanced cyberware/bioware; Clones; Cold fusion
17 -1X Impulse; Manner interstellar travel; Gene surgery; Weather modification; Antimatter reactors
18 0Xe SemiWarp; Basic subspace mechanics; Micromolecular circuitry; Gravity control; Replicators; Phasers
19 0Xs Warp; Dilithium; Deflector shields; Transporters; Tractor beams; Tricorders; Positional Stabilizer
20 0Xl MicroWarp; Automation control systems; SFG; Cloaking Device; Temporal / alternate timeline theory