This class has two alternate versions (so it has three versions total). "Version1" is the "Normal" version; the others are "Alternates".
| You may take more than one form of this Mini-class. Each still costs 1 Mini-class slot.
| All of these R's are irreducible.
| Version 1: * Distribute among: CR, aCR, NR, aNR, TechR, WR, aaRR, aaMR, RDeflection, MDeflection
| Version 2: ** Distribute among: ER, aER, aTechR, aWR, aaPR, aaIR, PDeflection, IDeflection, RReflection, MReflection
| Version 3: *** Distribute among: XR, aXR, aaNR, aaWR, oRR, oMR, oPR, oIR, PReflection, IReflection
| Where "o" prefix is "offensive" BlahR: You reduce their BlahR by your oBlahR. If you still have some oBlahR left over (or if they don't have that BlahR): Roll your oBlahR, if you make it, you do x2 effect.