Orzhov Necromancer (MTG B/W)

Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-g --- ---
2 2.875 11- f-- ---
3 5.75 21- e-- ---
4 11.5 211 -e- ---
5 23 321 -d- ---
6 46 321 1-d ---
7 92 432 1-c ---
8 184 432 11- c--
9 368 543 21- b--
10 736 543 211 a--
11 1104 654 321 0--
12 1472 654 321 1--
13 1840 654 322 1--
14 2208 654 322 2--
15 2576 654 332 2c-
16 2944 654 333 2b-
17 3312 654 333 3a-
18 3680 654 433 30-
19 4048 654 433 31-
20 4416 654 443 31-
21 4784 654 444 31c
22 5152 654 444 32b
23 5520 654 444 42a
24 5888 655 444 420
25 6256 655 544 421
26 6624 655 554 421
27 6992 655 555 421
28 7360 655 555 431
29 7728 655 555 532
30 8096 665 555 532
31 8464 666 555 532
32 8832 666 655 532
33 9200 666 665 532
34 9568 666 666 532
35 9936 666 666 542
36 10304 666 666 642
TH Saves
+0  8  7  6  3  6  1  2  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  1  3  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  2  3  3
+2  9  8  7  4  7  2  4  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  3  4  4
+3 10  9  7  6  8  3  5  5
+4 11 10  8  7  9  4  5  5
+5 11 10  9  8  9  4  6  6
+5 12 10  9  9  9  5  6  6
+6 12 11 10 10 10  5  7  7
+7 13 11 10 11 10  6  7  7
+7 13 12 11 12 11  6  8  8
+8 13 12 12 13 11  7  8  8
+9 14 13 13 14 11  7  9  9
+9 14 13 13 14 12  8  9  9
+10 14 13 14 14 12  8 10 10
+11 15 14 14 14 13  9 10 10
+11 15 14 14 14 13  9 11 11
Requisites: Wis 20, Chr 14
Alignment: LE, NE, NG, or CN
HD/level: 2d1 {Wis}  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Pri/Rog
Reference: DM
Groups: Priest
Hit Dice: "2d1 {Wis}" means you get Wis bonus to the HD for this class, not Con bonus. You may apply Exceptional or Barbarian Wis if you have it. You cannot choose to apply Con anyway.
Exceptional Wis bonus.
Grand in Priest Necromancy and Healing spells.
May have 3+LVL "Revive slots" instead of the usual one "Summon slot". An animated xM (multiplier M) being uses up M*M Revive slots.
A Revive is an animated (undead) monster with half the original monster's stats. It also has half the original monster's special abilities. It cannot be healed, but it regenerates at N hp/r (where N is it's DL rating).
A Revive of a Revive has 1/4 the original stats, and so on. Round stats down. If the resultant creature has 0 max hp, the Revive fails.
Level 3: ½M: Cure LVL hp.
Level 3: ½M: Deal LVL negative energy dmg to one target (no save; aNR to avoid).
Level 9: ½M: Cure LVL*(LVL-8) hp to a group or to 6 targets.
Level 9: ½M: Deal LVL*(LVL-8) negative energy dmg to a group or 6 targets (no save; aNR to avoid).
New spells:
Revive N (Necromancy, SL N): Revive a DL=N monster.