This class mixes several classes together. Let N be the number of classes and the G be the number of groups among your classes. N+G must be equal to LVL+1 or less. So at level 1 you are single-classed, and at level 2 you may mix 2 classes of the same group together. At level 3 you can be 3 classes in the same group, or 2 classes in 2 groups.
You may mix together normally illegal combinations, but you must be a possible alignment (from levels 1 to 8, see below).
The XP chart given for MixerDM is used, instead of the calculated mix. You do calculate the HD, TH, and saves of the mix.
The stat requirements is the highest number for each stat, plus 1 for each additional requirement from other classes in that stat. HNCL/Level is considered a "stat requirement" and is calculated the same way.
Normally, don't mix in classes that are higher XP than the MixerDM class at that level. You can, but then you must calculate the normal mixed XP for that level, but divide by 5 instead of the normal 10 for the extra classes.
This class cannot mix in classes from the Custom, Concordant, or Monster groups, and cannot be mixed into other classes.
Level 9: You are considered two "adjacent" alignments for fulfilling alignment restrictions for the MixerDM class. They must share the first or second alignment component, and one of these must be your real alignment.
Level 12: All classes no longer have an alignment restriction for the MixerDM class.
Level 18: You may now mix in classes from the Monster group. Remember to add 1 to the "G" factor above if you do this.