
Level KXP
1 0 (varies)
2 5 (varies)
3 10 (varies)
4 20 (varies)
5 40 (varies)
6 80 (varies)
7 160 (varies)
8 300 (varies)
9 600 (varies)
10 1000 (varies)
11 1500 (varies)
12 2000 (varies)
13 2500 (varies)
14 3000 (varies)
15 3500 (varies)
16 4000 (varies)
17 4500 (varies)
18 5000 (varies)
19 5500 (varies)
20 6000 (varies)
21 6500 (varies)
22 7000 (varies)
23 7500 (varies)
24 8000 (varies)
25 8500 (varies)
26 9000 (varies)
27 9500 (varies)
28 10000 (varies)
29 10500 (varies)
30 11000 (varies)
31 11500 (varies)
32 12000 (varies)
33 12500 (varies)
34 13000 (varies)
35 13500 (varies)
36 14000 (varies)
TH Saves
+0 (total = 27, max = 9)
+1 (total = 30, max = 10)
+2 (total = 33, max = 11)
+3 (total = 36, max = 12)
+4 (total = 39, max = 13)
+5 (total = 42, max = 14)
+6 (total = 45, max = 15)
+7 (total = 48, max = 16)
+8 (total = 51, max = 17)
+8 (total = 54, max = 18)
+9 (total = 57, max = 19)
+9 (total = 60, max = 20)
+10 (total = 63, max = 21)
+10 (total = 66, max = 22)
+11 (total = 69, max = 23)
+11 (total = 72, max = 24)
+12 (total = 75, max = 25)
+12 (total = 78, max = 26)
Requisites: (none)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Cust
Save Table: Cust
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Emulator}
Groups: Custom, Alternate
You duplicate the powers of up to LVL+3 Mini-classes (see [PC10]). You get your full XP (in Minulator class) for each of these Mini-classes to see what level you are. The minimum level is 1 and the maximum level is LVL.
You can take each Mini-class only once, however, you are allowed to take both the Normal and the Alternate form for the same Mini-class at the same time (this is a violation of the normal Mini-class rules).
You are allowed to take actual Mini-classes themselves for your character normally, and can even select Mini-classes that you have as part of your Minulator class. (You are not considered to "have" a particular Mini-class, even if it's part of a Minulator class).
Level 9: You may choose three instances of a given Mini-class, in one of these combinations: Normal-Normal-Alternate or Normal-Alternate-Alternate. This can be done for multiple Mini-classes. Some Mini-classes (such as Jobber) allow the Normal and Alternate form to be taken, in these cases, you may have Normal-Normal-Normal or Alternate-Alternate-Alternate.
Level 18: You may choose four instances of a given Mini-class in any combination. This can be done for multiple Mini-classes.
Level 27: You may choose five instances of a given Mini-class in any combination. This can be done for multiple Mini-classes.
Level 36: You may choose six instances of a given Mini-class in any combination. This can be done for multiple Mini-classes.