Exceptional Con.
Can cast Warrior spells or Earth spells (e.g. Stoneskin, Wacky Ball of Earth, Wall of Stone)
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC, do xx1.5 dmg.
Level 1: Tactical movement +1 instance
Level 1: Smash: 0: This segment, get -5 TH, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 1: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=1 for small, N=2 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 1: Can affect creatures that require +LVL-1 or better weapons to hit.
Level 2 ¶: Get one "Any Rogue LVL/2 pick" per even level. Gets 20*LVL Rogue points.
Level 3: Double Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 2, do xx2 dmg.
Level 5: Triple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 3, do xx2.5 dmg.
Level 6: WR, aWR, and "Immunity to Weapons" has no effect versus your attacks.
Level 7: Quadruple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 4, do xx3 dmg.
Level 9: Resist Magic.
Level 9: Quintuple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 5, do xx3.5 dmg.
Level 12 ¶: +6 HNCL
Level 12: Sextuple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 6, do xx4 dmg.
Level 18: Octuple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 7, do xx4.5 dmg.
Level 27: Nontuple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 8, do xx5 dmg.
Level 36: Dectuple Over Hit: If you hit someone and your TH bonus is greater than his AC times 9, do xx5.5 dmg.