Luckier (Random Rogue #115354)

Level KXP Wizard
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 3 1-- ---
3 6 2-- ---
4 13 21- ---
5 26 31- ---
6 49 32- ---
7 90 321 ---
8 167 331 ---
9 298 332 ---
10 511 332 1--
11 735 333 1--
12 994 333 2--
13 1272 333 21-
14 1596 333 31-
15 1938 333 32-
16 2282 433 321
17 2627 443 331
18 2973 444 332
19 3405 444 432
20 3757 444 443
21 4116 444 444
22 4501 554 444
23 4895 555 444
24 5298 555 544
25 5701 555 554
26 6105 555 555
27 6510 665 555
28 6916 666 555
29 7322 666 655
30 7729 666 665
31 8136 666 666
32 8544 776 666
33 8953 777 666
34 9362 777 766
35 9773 777 776
36 10183 777 777
TH Saves
+0  5  4  6  2  3  0  2  0
+1  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+2  6  5  6  3  4  1  3  0
+3  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+4  6  6  7  3  5  2  4  1
+5  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+6  7  7  7  4  6  3  5  2
+7  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+8  7  8  8  4  7  3  6  2
+9  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+10  8  9  8  5  8  4  7  3
+11  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+12  8 10  9  5  9  5  8  4
+13  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+14  9 11  9  6 10  6  9  4
+15  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+16  9 12 10  6 11  7 10  5
+17 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
Requisites: (none)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: Rog
Reference: DM Random, Manny 12/08/07
Groups: Rogue, Random
Level N (every level): Luckstone effect (stacks with itself)
Level 1: Base movement rate is (14+level)"
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as per Ranger1.
Level 1: Death Attack: If have seen target for 3 rounds, can make 1 attack to paralyze or kill (Fort save).
Level 1: Free Martial Arts style; +2 maneuvers per level.
Level 1: Thieves' Cant.
Level 4: Immunity to disease and slow effects (continuous).
Level 7: Effect Evasion (each 1% = +1 saves) 1V to use
Level 7: Invisibility (psi freq. 0) level times per day.
Level 7: Leap of the Clouds: Jumping distance (vertical or horizontal) is not limited according to her height.
Level 9: HyperMental: +1M for 1 round, -1M for next 2 rounds.
Level 9: Lose the V action gained at Level 5, gain one P action.
Level 12: 1M: Disable all non-Rogue classes in your group (RSW save for each class)
Level 15: BOMBS!: 1P, 1 charge (have LVL charges /d): LVL*(2m4) technological damage, area (no save, TechR to resist)
Level 19: Always get special treatment and respect from Local Ruler {Agent of the Crown}
Level 22: Can instead use LL/2 (round up) F actions /s

Gets 24 Rogue points per level, see table below:
Lvl Rogue Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Assassination (-5% per HD/level of target) 0 0 Wis-13 Wis-15
1 Jumping | Levitate | Flight V 20 Dex-11 Dex-15
1 Pass without Trace || Etherealness || Probability Travel MV 0 Chr-15 Chr-21
1 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 5 Int-9 Int-14
2 Controlled Blink | Controlled Blink 10'r (unwilling get PP save) ½V 50 Wis-14 Wis-14
3 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
4 any Rogue 4 ability - - - -
4 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
7 Any Rogue 7 ability - - - -
7 Any Rogue Level 7 ability - - - -
7 oCR || oaCR || oaaCR 0 20 Dex+Con-28 Dex+Con-38
16 Any Rogue 10 ability
18 Backstave (N/2% of your dmg is vile) || Stun (save=N-100) - 0 Wis-26 Wis-32
18 Contact Other Plane | Foresight MM 0 Chr-15 Chr-18
18 Summon (and control) Blue Time Elemental | Red | Silver | Green | Yellow | Purple | Gold M -150 Chr-1 Chr-125
27 Destruction/Mordenkainen's Disjunction ||| Put Target Down a Hole PMM 0 Int-19 Int-25