
Level KXP Legend
123 456 78
1 0 1-- --- --
2 1000 11- --- --
3 3000 111 --- --
4 6000 111 1-- --
5 10000 111 11- --
6 15000 111 111 --
7 21000 111 111 1-
8 28000 111 111 11
9 36000 221 111 11
10 44000 222 211 11
11 52000 222 222 11
12 60000 222 222 22
13 68000 333 222 22
14 76000 333 333 22
15 84000 333 333 33
16 92000 444 433 33
17 100000 444 444 44
18 108000 555 554 44
19 116000 555 555 55
20 124000 666 666 55
21 132000 666 666 66
22 140000 777 777 76
23 148000 777 777 77
24 156000 888 888 88
25 164000 999 999 99
26 172000 AAA AAA AA
27 180000 BBB BBB BB
28 186000 CCC CCC CC
29 192000 DDD DDD DD
30 198000 EEE EEE EE
31 204000 FFF FFF FF
32 212000 GGG GGG GG
33 220000 HHH HHH HH
34 228000 III III II
35 236000 JJJ JJJ JJ
36 244000 KKK KKK KK
TH Saves
+22 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
+24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
+26 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
+28 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
+30 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
+32 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
+34 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
+36 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
+38 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
+40 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
+42 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
+44 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
+46 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
+48 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
+50 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
+52 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
+54 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
+56 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Requisites: HNCL 27, Str 18, Dex 9, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: &+++++3d4
Weapon Prof.: 8+level
To Hit Table: Conc
Save Table: Conc
Reference: DM
Groups: Concordant (x2)
[X] Section stats
ihp +2
iTH +10
P Save +0
M Save +0
War +1
Rog +1
PPsi +0
Wiz +1
Pri +0
MPsi -1
Gets Barbarian Str, Dex, and Con.
Gets 1X action per round.
"LL" in the spells is "Legend level".
Legend gets a Rogue Ability -like chart. It gets 50 "Concordant" points per level; these are not Rogue points.
Lvl Legend Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Don't generate "?" in Dungeons | Always has initiative | Teleport No Delay V 20 Dex-25 Dex-27
1 Instantaneous an effect | all effects on 1 target | all effects in 800' V 10 Int-26 Int-29
1 Any 27th level Rogue ability (1 Concordant point = 2 Rogue points) - - - -
2 Monster Summoning for DL X (full ctrl) || Summon another Legend (no ctrl) M 50 Wis-33 Wis-33
3 Escape | Escape to Elemental Plane of Time | Escape to Ultraplanes 0 0 Con-45 Con-50
4 THAC0 becomes -infinity | AC -infinity | hp infinity P 0 Str-64 Str-65
8 Create/Destroy Conduit/Wormhole | to Alternate Reality | to Ultraplanes F 0 Chr-80 Chr-90
16 Can use +N extra actions if get only 1 action to respond to something nasty (N=number of pipes made) 0 0 Wis-99 Wis-99
24 Concordant Deflection | Reflection ( |||| Godly) ( ||||||||| Ultraplanar) X 0 Con-90 Con-100


Legend Spells

Level # Spell
1 1 All your effects have no save (incl. Scarab/Pro)
1 2 Can instead use LL/2 (round up) F actions /s
1 3 1M,1/d: Cast 10th lvl Wiz or 8th lvl Pri spell
1 4 Immune Ego/Domination of mult = to LL or less
1 5 Immune Head Blown Off, slain, crapped, Extract
1 6 1V: Lower all x1 effects on 1 target
1 7 +LL S actions
1 8 Truename is unreadable to mult = to LL or less
1 9 0,LL/d: One target gets -10*LL% irrBlahR (MPIRR)
2 1 Your non-Conc classes' spells/psi cost only ½M
2 2 0,LL/d: One target gets -10*LL% irrAllR
2 3 Immune to Set, Slain, Crapped, As You Are
2 4 0,1/d: Lady's Smile or Remove Lady's Smile 800'r
2 5 1M,1/d: Use Psi1/2/9/18 Super, PSPs=LL*100
2 6 Can target yourself N times for N times effect
2 7 Time-Reality Stability; 1M: Talk to Time-Ele
2 8 +1 XP or +1 item XP /r
2 9 +LL QA actions (1QA=1QV, 2QA=1QP, 3QA=1QM)
3 1 Can create custom class with no upper CXP limit
3 2 1M,1/d: Cast 11th lvl Wiz or 9th lvl Pri spell
3 3 1M: Dispel Concordant Spell, 100% success
3 4 +LL Full actions
3 5 0,LL/d: Ignore someone's Immunity to something
3 6 0,Lower Mult by 1: Target's Mult lowers by LL
3 7 0,LL/d: Mental Fury or Counter a Mental Fury
3 8 0,LL/d: Reset or Set (latter has No Resistance)
3 9 One 0th-1st lvl Hero or Lich or Villain spell
4 1 One 1st-2nd lvl Hero or Lich or Villain spell
4 2 Get LL Resets per Reset (doesn't stack w/self)
4 3 +LL*20% distributed among irrRMPIWR
4 4 1F,1/h: Locate Person/Obj at any point in time
4 5 1F,1/h: Speak with Person at any point in time
4 6 1V: Swap bodies with target permanently
4 7 Your race unique; imm Genocide; Wear any # items
4 8 Your phys att do full dmg regardless of immunity
4 9 1V: Lower one x2 effect. 1X: Lower all x2 effects on 1 target.
5 1 Your effects have no BlahR (except GR)
5 2 You can attack Familiars even if they're immune
5 3 Immune Down a Hole, Clone Insanity, Kill @ Birth
5 4 1V: Lower all x2 effects on 1 target
5 5 1M: Disable any # of Psi Freq 800'r (exc. 7/14)
5 6 MF/PF/TF Stability; 1M: Talk to Ultraplanar Cow
5 7 +LL Opposing actions
5 8 0: Can trade a Legend SL N for N Legend SLs.
5 9 0: Lower all x1 effects on LL^2 targets
6 1 Your non-Conc classes' spells/psi cost only ¼M
6 2 Casting multiple Wishes/Miracles doesn't harm MF
6 3 1M,1/d: Cast 12th lvl Wiz or 10th lvl Pri spell
6 4 1M: Disable all non-Conc classes 800'r
6 5 Get normal resistance to things with "No Resist"
6 6 Immune to 1st-3rd level Conc spells (except Bug)
6 7 LL of your non-Conc classes are put to level 36
6 8 0: Zero & Opposing actions cannot be used 800'r
6 9 1X, may borrow: Capital O Object
7 1 0,LL/d: Avoid Fate of multiplier = LL/3
7 2 One 3rd-4th level Hero or Lich or Villain spell
7 3 1F: Sever Sentinel/Bug/Lich's power connection
7 4 1M: Target loses this segment's actions
7 5 1P: Target cannot use F, S, M, or Opp actions
7 6 1V: Retroactively stop an action within last r
7 7 You can use +LL segments /r
7 8 No time paradox/oddities while time travelling
7 9 1X, may borrow: Capital I Insist
8 1 20 Resets of F actions,1/y: Create a x2 Artifact
8 2 Can ascend without Body of Followers requirement
8 3 Can ascend without Patron Diety requirement
8 4 1 Reset: Create Demi-Plane; your new home plane
8 5 One 1st level God spell, Worship Points = LL^2
8 6 +LL*5% GR (Godly Resistance vs.Conc/x2+ effects)
8 7 0: Target Legend loses Legend class & all spells
8 8 1 Reset: Pawn target creature (save)
8 9 1X, may borrow: Capital R Really Object