Gets Barbarian Int and Wis.
Level N (each level) ¶: +1 Int and +1 Wis. This bonus cannot be used to qualify for the Hag0 class itself, and you can't 2 for 1 trade it away.
Casts Wizard and Priest spells. Gets the listed progression twice, once for Wizard (with Int bonus), and once for Priest (with Wis bonus).
Level 1 ¶: All items that cost <= LVL*3 gp cost 0 gp for you. This means you can have "Enough" or "Plenty" of those items.
Level 1: Occult Knowledge: Legend Lore 45+5*LVL%
Level 1: Sorcery: Can spend ½M+½V instead of 1M to cast spells
Level 1: (Green Hag) MPIRR LVL*10%.
Level 2: (Brine Hag) Can lose Green Hag, you gain: Curse shield (enemies take a curse each time they hit you; Spell save)
Level 3: (Scarwood Hag) Can lose Green or Brine Hag, gain: 1M: Unsummon a group of summons, or cause a group of henchmen to check morale.
Level 4: (Night Hag) Can lose Green, Brine, or Scarwood Hag, gain: 1M: Contact Outer Plane; and 1F, LVL/d: You Gate in a Larva, and it is under your control.
Ogre/Hag Clans:
Choose one Ogre/Hag Clan at levels 1, 9, 18, 27, and 36. [The names of these clans come from World of Warcraft.] Note that these differ from their Ogre0 class descriptions.
Bladespire: Specify a species enemy (broad monster type such as Dragons). Get x2 CL vs. that enemy.
Bloodmaul: The "LVL*3 gp costing 0" power becomes LVL*12 gp instead.
Boulderfist: MPIRR +LVL*5%.
Crushridge: +1/3 Size; +1 Int; +2 Wis; If you become a Scarwood Hag the Unsummon ability costs 1V instead of 1M.
Deadwind: +2 Int; 1M: Summon a DL=(LVL+1)/2 creature of Monster Type = 1d20+20.
Dreadmaul: Extra-Barbarian Int bonus.
Dunemaul: Immune Fire, Heat, Sand, Colorless Fire.
Duskbelch: Mouth's P or Mouth's M, 3/d: Breathe Darkness (1 group, dmg = half current hp, no save)
Dustbelcher: Mouth's P or Mouth's M, 1/h: Breathe Dust (1 group, dmg = half current hp, no save)
Firegut: +1 Henchman slot that you can fill will 3 DL=(LVL+3)/2 Ogres during reset time for free.
Gordok: +3 Int; Sustain Int.
Gordunni: Resist Priest Magic, Resist Negative
Laughing Skull: +1 Henchman slot that you can fill will 30 DL=(LVL+4)/3 Ogres during reset time for free.
Mo'grosh: You can't be targetted by NPC Parties. You ignore MR, SR, MReflection.
Mok'Nathal: +3 HNCL.
Mosh'ogg: +1 Chr; If you are an Brine Hag you get +1M action.
Spirestone: +(LVL+2)/3 Normal Ioun Stones for free.
Splinter Fist: +3 saves; You do not generate "?" in underground caves/dungeons.
Stonemaul: x2 CL with Invocation spells.
Stonegullet: Resist Acid; 1M: Summon a (DL+1)/2 Black Dragon or Drake.
Torchbelcher: When you read a scroll, if it has more than one spell on it, they all resolve at once.
Urok: Use d10's instead of d6's for Hit Dice.
Warmaul: +1 Henchman slot, can use War Priest/Meat Helm's Henchmen table, no reduction in cost though