Forgotten Lord13

Level KXP Spells
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 6 21- --- ---
4 12 22- --- ---
5 24 221 --- ---
6 48 222 --- ---
7 96 322 1-- ---
8 192 332 2-- ---
9 384 333 21- ---
10 600 333 32- ---
11 900 433 321 ---
12 1200 444 321 ---
13 1500 444 322 ---
14 1800 444 432 ---
15 2100 544 432 1--
16 2400 555 432 2--
17 2700 655 443 2--
18 3000 655 443 21-
19 3300 655 543 22-
20 3600 655 544 32-
21 3900 655 544 321
22 4200 665 554 322
23 4500 666 654 332
24 4800 776 655 432
25 5100 776 655 443
26 5400 777 665 543
27 5700 777 665 554
28 6000 887 666 654
29 6300 887 776 655
30 6600 888 777 665
31 6900 888 777 766
32 7200 988 887 776
33 7500 999 888 777
34 7800 999 988 887
35 8100 999 999 888
36 8400 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  7  6  5  3  3  1  2  2
+1  7  6  5  3  3  1  3  3
+2  7  6  5  4  4  2  3  3
+3  8  7  6  5  4  2  4  4
+3  9  8  7  5  5  3  4  4
+4  9  8  7  6  6  3  5  5
+5 10  9  8  7  6  4  5  5
+5 10  9  8  7  7  4  6  6
+6 11 10  9  8  7  5  6  6
+7 12 11 10  9  8  5  7  7
+7 12 11 10  9  9  6  7  7
+8 12 11 10 10  9  6  8  8
+9 12 12 11 10  9  7  8  8
+9 12 12 11 10 10  7  9  9
+10 12 12 11 11 10  8  9  9
+11 13 12 12 11 12  8 10 10
+11 13 12 13 11 12  9 10 10
+12 13 12 13 12 12  9 11 11
Requisites: Int 13, Chr 13
Alignment: AL, AC, AG, or AE
HD/level: 1 HD with 10 hp (1d12 with "offer" of 10)
Weapon Prof.: = (Str score)/2 + level
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0/M-U0/Clr0/Thf0
Reference: DM
Groups: Lost
You (as a character) get 1P+1M+1V as your base actions instead of 1S+1V.
Gains the use of one school or sphere (Warrior, Wizard, Priest, or Rogue) per level. Cannot cast spells from schools/spheres it doesn't have at all (they are not "Opposite", they are "Not Available"). Alternatively, can learn one psionic power (of any frequency you know) instead of a school/sphere pick. This power doesn't cost PSPs to use, but it still costs a spell slot of SL=2 (minor), 5 (major), or 8 (grand). If it costs a variable amount of PSPs to use, you have 10*LVL PSPs (Psi1 scale) per usage.
Can weapon specialize, using the Ranger1 line.
Gets one Rogue pick every odd level. Gets 30*LVL Rogue points.
Level 1 ¶: Choose one "good" unused pick and one "bad" unused pick. These sort of work like weak John picks. The list follows, feel free to suggest other possibilities:
Good-1. Overwrite the XP table for one of your classes to be the "set XP table". DM Note: This XP table is what Forgotten Lord itself uses.
Good-2. You can use the ability scores table from Collective 0.6. You do get the bonus P/V actions for high Dex and the bonus M actions for high Re+Wis+Pr. You can also use the "Simplified Wis bonus" table.
Good-3. Number of class slots = 10.
Good-4. You may use (pick one): Mixed races, Race adjectives, Mixed classing (There are limits to which classes can be Mixed together, see the DM), or Class adjectives.
Good-5. You automatically have Exceptional in any stat that has a requirement of 13 or higher in any of your classes. You automatically have Barbarian in any stat that has a requirement of 18 or higher in any of your classes.
Good-6. When researching something that's already written in the full Collective (you aren't actually researching something new), it costs only ½ of a Research Point each.
Good-7. If your race matches your class, you get x+0.5 (+50%) XP.
Good-8. You have access to the complete Kit list, including broken Kits like Adventurer and Duplicator.
Good-9. You have access to the complete Familiar list, including broken Familiars like Egg and Weasel.
Good-10. You may access X4 (old Psi4) or X24 (old Psi24) as a Wild Talent slot (Mini Class slot). X4 uses the old multipliers (x1.5/x2/x3/x4) and X24 uses the old costs (1/2/3/4).
Bad-1. You must spend 1/4 of your Nonweapon Proficiencies on Occupations or Hobbies (see [P8]).
Bad-2. You must spend a P action in addition to an M action when casting a spell, unless the spell's SL is LVL/4 or less. Spells of SL=10 or higher require 2M actions to cast. Psionic Super powers require 2M actions to use.
Bad-3. You are limited in Armor and Weapon choices by your classes (e.g. Druids must use "natural" armors and wooden shields, Wizards are very limited in Armor and Weapon selection). Armor is most restrictive, Weapons are least restrictive.
Bad-4. Your weapons cannot do more bonus damage than their base dmg plus magical plusses (so a sword +1/+1 that's 1d8 base dmg cannot do more than 18 dmg, regardless of additions).
Bad-5. Material componenting of spells costs money (for materials), equal to (SL+1)^2 gp per use. Your Wishes and Wish-like effects must be "worded properly".
Bad-6. You are required to keep track of your encumbrance, which may lower your movement rate, or make you not able to move at all.
Bad-7. You are required to keep track of your food and water.
Bad-8. You must "take the offer" on Hit Dice. (1d2=1.5, 1d3=2, 1d4=3, 1d6=5, 1d8=6, 1d10=8, 1d12=10)
Bad-9. You cannot use Exceptional, Barbarian, or better stat bonuses at all.
Bad-10. When multi-classed, you must divide XP evenly between your classes.
Level 1: 1/reset (during reset): Choose some of your ability scores. You may reroll them using 4d6 (drop the lowest die) or 3d8 (reading 7's and 8's as 6's).
Level 1: Time/Loop Reality Stability.
Level 1: Legend Lore / Knowledge of other timelines (other Loops) LVL*15%
Level 9: Immune to Incursion, Loop Incursion, and Banhammer Bombs.
Level 9, 18, 27, and 36 ¶: Choose another good unused pick and another bad unused pick, as per level 1.