| #
| Spell
| 1
| xx2 AC (true double AC, no shift from 10)
| 1
| 2
| iunWaWR CCL*5%
| 1
| 3
| May use Psi-2 Reverse Psionic Enchantments, these cost no PSPs to use.
| 4
| iuEaXR CCL*5%; ixGR CCL%
| 1
| 5
| Get a (non-adjustable) saving throw of 21-HCL vs. Concordant spells
| 1
| 6
| +CCL set Int. You may add CCL instances of the "Elemental" Racial Adjective for no cost. Free wild talent in Psi15.
| 7
| +1 11th in memorization in a Wizard group class (even if off right side of chart)
| 1
| 8
| MF/PF/TF cannot be raised within sight of you. 1X, defile MF/PF/TF in the area by 1: Capital F Fix on self.
| 1
| 9
| Loop Stability. You may pick this ability twice; the second time gives you Time/Reality Stability.
| 10
| 1X, may borrow (i.e. 1bX action): Add a [C] section effect on someone.
| 2
| 1
| Mouth's X: Pixelate a target (XR to resist)
| 2
| 2
| 1X+1F, may borrow: Capital I Insist (this can in turn be "Really Objected To").
| 3
| May use Psi-2 Reverse Psionic Enchantments even if "Banhammered".
| 2
| 4
| Alley effect CCL*10' r
| 2
| 5
| CCL instances of the "Uncommoner3" class Level 1 ability (at DL X)
| 6
| Set Int = CCL^2.
| 2
| 7
| Your racial abilities and magic items cost half the normal number of actions to use.
| 2
| 8
| Can do these action conversions: 1M -> 1P, 2P -> 1QP, 2 QP -> 1 QQP, 2 QQP -> 1 QQQP, etc.
| 1
| 1X: Loop port to a destination in the multiverse that doesn't match your quantum signature, defiling CCL' r of that multiverse to match yours.
| 3
| 2
| QX Haste: You get +1QX action.
| 3
| 3
| May use Psi-2 Reverse Psionic Enchantments on your Concordant progressions (a Concordant 1st is considered an 11th, a Concordant 2nd is considered an 12th, ...)
| 4
| CCL instances of the same Class Adjective. It stacks with itself, even if it normally doesn't.
| 3
| 5
| Free material componenting of Concordant spells, once per round.
| 3
| 6
| 1N, 1/r: Counterspell a non-Concordant effect.