
Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 90 111 --- ---
2 180 222 --- ---
3 270 222 1-- ---
4 360 333 2-- ---
5 450 444 21- ---
6 540 444 31- ---
7 630 444 32- ---
8 720 444 321 ---
9 900 555 332 ---
10 1800 555 432 1--
11 2700 555 433 2--
12 3600 555 543 21-
13 4500 555 543 22-
14 5400 555 543 221
15 6300 555 544 222
16 7200 555 554 322
17 8100 555 555 322
18 9000 555 555 332
19 9900 555 555 432
20 10800 555 555 433
21 11700 555 555 543
22 12600 555 555 554
23 13500 555 555 555
24 14400 666 666 555
25 15300 666 666 666
26 16200 777 777 666
27 17100 777 777 777
28 18000 888 888 777
29 18900 888 888 888
30 19800 999 999 888
31 20700 999 999 999
32 21600 AAA AAA 999
33 22500 AAA AAA AAA
34 23400 BBB BBB AAA
35 24300 BBB BBB BBB
36 25200 CCC CCC CCC
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+6  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+6 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+7 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+7 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+8 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+8 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Dex 11, Int 13, Chr 19
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: 2d2
Weapon Prof.: -1+level*2
To Hit Table: 1˝xWiz
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
This is a powerful version of Illusionist1.
Specialized in Illusion, pick an opposite.
Level 10: With a 7th level spell, you can create an illusion of a monster so real that persons fighting it actually gain XP from the "monster" if it is killed. Of course the illusion is capable of damaging it's enemy, as if it was a real version of the monster (any attempt to defeat this causes you to gain no XP from the encounter).
Level 20: With a 9th level spell, you can create illusionary potions which actually affect the persons drinking them. There is a 1% (non-adjustable) chance the drinker will somehow not be affected by the potion. In this case, the person will no longer be able to believe this power (or the Level 10 one, either). The person cannot control this in any way. The only way to avoid this result is with the Avoid Fate power. This power cannot be done earlier in the Challenger's career (even though he has 9th level spells at level 14).
Level 30: Any illusionary effect you create is in fact real. There is no way to distinguish the created item from a "real" one, except by using Psi14. Note that duplicating unique persons or items can be disastrous (due to Clone Insanity and Truename issues).