Boros Swiftblade (MTG R/W)


123 456 789

1 0 2-- --- --- +0
2 5.125 21- --- --- +1
3 10.25 22g --- --- +2
4 20.5 221 g-- --- +3
5 41 222 f-- --- +4
6 82 322 1f- --- +5
7 164 332 2e- --- +6
8 328 333 21e --- +7
9 656 333 32d --- +8
10 1312 433 321 --- +9
11 1968 444 321 --- +10
12 2624 444 322 d-- +11
13 3280 444 432 c-- +12
14 3936 544 432 1-- +13
15 4592 555 432 2c- +14
16 5248 655 443 2b- +15
17 5904 655 443 21- +16
18 6560 655 543 22b +17
19 7216 655 544 32a +18
20 7872 655 544 321 +19
21 8528 665 554 322 +20
22 9184 666 654 332 +21
23 9840 776 655 432 +22
24 10496 776 655 443 +23
25 11152 777 665 543 +24
26 11808 777 665 554 +25
27 12464 887 666 654 +26
28 13120 887 776 655 +27
29 13776 888 777 665 +28
30 14432 888 777 766 +29
31 15088 988 887 776 +30
32 15744 999 888 777 +31
33 16400 999 988 887 +32
34 17056 999 999 888 +33
35 17712 999 999 998 a +34
36 18368 999 999 999 1 +35
37 36736 999 999 999 2 +36
38 55104 999 999 999 3 +37
39 73472 999 999 999 4 +38
45 183680 A99 999 999 9 +44
54 348992 AAA AAA AAA 91 +53
63 514304 AAA AAA AAA A9 +62
72 679616 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +71
Requisites: Str 14, Dex 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Chr 14,
  Class Slots 2
Alignment: NG, CG, CN, or LE
HD/level: d8 (or Others +0d+6)
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Reference: DM
Groups: Warrior, Wizard, Priest
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+5
RSW: level+5
PP: level+5
BW: level+5
Spell: level+8
Fort: level+2
Reflex: level+5
Will: level+5
Hit Dice: "Others +0d+6" means you add 6 to all your other classes' HD types.
Specialized in Wizard Invocation school. Grand in Priest Healing Sphere.
Level 3: 1M: Remove "summoning sickness" and/or "teleport sickness" from target.
Level 4: 1M: You will win initiative next segment.
Level 9: 1M: Target gains Free Action until end of turn.
New MTG Spells (count as Wizard Invocation, Priest Healing, or Psi11R/W):
Duergar Assailant (SL=1): Summon CL Dwarves of DL I; As each one dies, it deals 10 dmg or 1 rdmg to one target.
Double Cleave (SL=2): One target does double physical damage this segment (this spell has duration 1 segment)
Lightning Helix (SL=2): Deal 30 fire dmg to one target, cure another target 30 hp.
Energy Bolt N (SL=N, min SL=3): Deal 10*(N-2) magic dmg to one group, cure that amount to another target
Glory of Warfare (SL=4): Your subordinates get +2 offensive DL on the top of each segment, and +2 defensive DL on the bottom of each segment.
Master Warcraft (SL=4): 1bM: A group of monsters changes their mind who they attack (you decide who, but it must be one of their enemies).
Brightflame N (SL=N, min SL=5): Deal 10*(N-4) dmg to a group, you cure the total amount of damage done (to all creatures) to one target.
Reflect Damage (SL=5): 1bM: Reflect all damage done by one effect to one target.
Waves of Aggression (SL=5): Your subordinates can use 2S+1V actions this segment (this spell has duration 1 segment)