
Level KXP Warrior/Priest
123 456
1 0 0-- ---
2 10 1-- ---
3 30 10- ---
4 60 11- ---
5 100 110 ---
6 150 111 ---
7 210 211 0--
8 280 211 1--
9 360 221 1--
10 450 222 1--
11 550 222 2--
12 660 322 2--
13 780 332 2--
14 910 333 2--
15 1050 333 3--
16 1200 433 3--
17 1360 443 3--
18 1530 443 30-
19 1710 444 30-
20 1900 444 31-
21 2100 444 41-
22 2310 444 42-
23 2530 544 42-
24 2760 544 43-
25 3000 554 43-
26 3250 554 44-
27 3510 554 440
28 3780 555 440
29 4060 555 540
30 4350 555 541
31 4650 555 551
32 4960 655 551
33 5280 665 552
34 5610 666 552
35 5950 666 652
36 6300 666 653
TH Saves
+1  4  2  3  1  1  1  1  0
+2  5  2  4  2  1  1  1  0
+3  5  3  4  3  2  2  2  1
+4  6  4  5  4  3  2  2  1
+5  7  5  6  5  4  3  2  1
+6  8  5  7  6  4  3  3  2
+7  8  6  7  7  5  4  3  2
+8  9  7  8  8  6  4  4  2
+9 10  8  9  9  7  5  4  3
+10 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  3
+11 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  3
+12 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  4
+13 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  4
+14 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  4
+15 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  5
+16 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  5
+17 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  5
+18 15 13 14 14 12  9  8  6
Requisites: Wis 0, Warrior 3, Rogue 3
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 0+level
To Hit Table: +level
Save Table: War
Reference: DMG3-30
Groups: Warrior
Level 1: 1M: Detect Good.
Level 1: Poison Use proficiency.
Level 1: Dark Blessing: Add Chr modifier as a bonus to all saving throws.
Level 1: Can cast Priest/Warrior spells, gets Wisdom bonus.
Level 2: Smite Good: 0, 1/d: +(Chr bonus) TH, +LVL dmg with one attack vs. a good creature.
Level 3: Aura of Despair: All enemies within 10 feet get -2 on all saves.
Level 3: Can Command Undead as if a cleric of two levels lower.
Level 4: Sneak Attack: If you could theoretically backstab someone, deal an extra [(LVL-1)/3]d6 damage (this damage is not multiplied by anything). You many Sneak Attack with a backstab (again, the Sneak Attack damage is not multiplied). You may Sneak Attack with a ranged weapon if within 30 feet.
Level 5: Fiendish Servant: Gain a familiar from the following list: Bat, Cat, Horse, Pony, Rat, Raven, Toad (or any of their variants).