
Level KXP Rog/Tech/Psi8
123 456 789
1 0 ½½- --- ---
2 2.25 1½½ --- ---
3 4.5 11½ --- ---
4 9 21½ --- ---
5 18 21½ ½-- ---
6 36 211 ½-- ---
7 72 211 ½½- ---
8 144 221 ½½- ---
9 288 221 1½½ ---
10 450 222 1½½ ---
11 675 222 11½ ---
12 900 222 11½ ½--
13 1125 222 111 ½--
14 1350 322 211 ½--
15 1575 322 211 1--
16 1800 332 221 1½-
17 2025 332 221 11-
18 2250 332 221 11½
19 2475 333 222 111
20 2700 433 322 211
21 2925 443 332 221
22 3150 444 333 222
23 3375 544 433 322
24 3600 554 443 332
25 3825 555 444 333
26 4050 655 544 433
27 4275 665 554 443
28 4500 666 555 444
29 4725 766 655 544
30 4950 776 665 554
31 5175 777 666 555
32 5400 877 766 655
33 5625 887 776 665
34 5850 888 777 666
35 6075 988 877 766
36 6300 998 887 776
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  2  0
+1  5  4  5  3  4  1  3  0
+2  5  5  5  3  4  1  4  1
+3  7  6  7  5  5  2  5  1
+3  7  6  7  5  6  3  5  2
+5  9  8  9  6  7  3  6  2
+5  9  8  9  7  7  4  7  3
+6  9  9  9  7  8  5  8  3
+7 11 10 11  8  9  5  8  4
+7 11 10 11  9 10  6  9  4
+8 11 11 11  9 10  6 10  5
+9 13 12 13 11 11  7 11  5
+9 13 12 13 11 12  7 11  6
+11 14 13 14 12 13  8 12  6
+11 14 13 14 13 13  9 13  7
+12 14 14 14 13 14  9 14  7
+13 15 14 15 14 14 10 14  8
+13 15 15 15 15 14 11 15  8
Requisites: Dex 13, Int 9, Chr 13
Alignment: L any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/4
To Hit Table: 1½xCTD0
Save Table: 1½xThf0
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue, Technology
Gets Exceptional Dex and Chr.
Can cast Rogue spells and the Technology school (Wizard spells). Specialized in Bard school (Rogue spells) and Technology school (Wizard spells).
Can specialize in weapons using "Non-War" line.
There is a "Create Technological Item" spell of each spell level; each spell creates an item of TechL = SL (material componenting may be used to double the TL). The item cannot weigh more than level^2 pounds, or it has some flaw which requires upkeep and/or repair to keep it operating effectively. The spell effect will end in level turns unless a Permanency spell is used.
Note that creating a temporary machine which creates a real machine is perfectly legal.
Level 1: +1 technological proficiency per level, see Psi8.
Level 1: May use Psi8 minors as if they were 2nd level spells.
Level 7: May use Psi8 majors as if they were 5th level spells.
Level 16: May use Psi8 grands as if they were 8th level spells.
Level 54: May use Psi8 supers as if they were 11th level spells.
Each level, get one "5th edition" pick from the choices below.
This class does not get Rogue points unless Rogue abilities are taken off this chart.
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A +(LVL+1)/2 Chr; Sustain Chr
B Detect/Identify Technology; Can operate Spelljamming Helms
C Detect Lie or Undetectable Lie (1 at a time, cont.)
D Sell items for 64+LVL% of value instead of 50%
E Any Rogue 1 ability; +10*LVL Rogue points (this may be taken multiple times)
Level 4: Pick two Arcane5 Level 1-3, one Secret Agent5 Level 1-3, or one Psi16 minor
Level 5-7: F Can "Frugal" potions (+50% to number of uses)
G 1M, 1/t: Teleport Without Error (can move up to LVL/3 planes distant)
H nM: Repair a broken magic/psi/tech item, n=(XP value)/1000 (round up)
I Nonmagical items (all types) are one-third cost for you
J Any Rogue 5 ability; +10*LVL Rogue points (this may be taken multiple times)
Level 8: Pick two Arcane5 Level 5-7, one Secret Agent5 Level 5-7, or two Psi16 minors
Level 9-12: K Immune to Capital E Extract, Empathy, ESP, Forget, Mental Surgery, Telepathy
L Ignore MR with your Rogue spells
M Immune to Blow Your Head Off, Twilight, Ego Domination, Retributive Strikes
N 3F, 1/t: Remove Capital B Blasted or Capital M Mauled from someone
O Any Rogue 9 ability; +10*LVL Rogue points (this may be taken multiple times)
Level 13: Pick two Arcane5 Level 9-12, one Secret Agent5 Level 9-12, or one Psi16 major
Level 14-18: P 1bM, 1/r: Counterspell
Q 1bM, 1/r: Fork
R Immune to LVL elements/eelements (doesn't "spread")
S Get +1 IM (Instantaneous Mental) action per turn.
T Any Rogue 14 ability; +10*LVL Rogue points (this may be taken multiple times)
Level 18: Pick two Arcane5 Level 14-18, one Secret Agent5 Level 14-18, or two Psi16 majors
Level 20-26: U 1M, 1/d: Summon LVL DL=10 other Arcane5 NPCs to assist you
V 400F, 1/d: Create a magic item of <= LVL*400 XP value
W 1N, 1/s: Capital O Object to a time or loop travel effect. It cannot be used again this turn
X Use "Mixed Classing" to mix one (known) class from the Lost or Technology group into this class
Y Any Rogue 20 ability; +10*LVL Rogue points (this may be taken multiple times)
Z Pick 1 Level 14-18 (or lower) pick from any "5th Edition" class (this may be picked multiple times)
Level 27-36: Pick two Arcane5 Level 20-26, one Secret Agent5 Level 20-26, or one Psi16 grand