| #
| Spell Name
| Spell Description
| 1
| Acidic Bite/Sting
| Once per round can bite or sting for acid damage (CL*20 acid dmg)
| 9
| 2
| Acrobat Abilities
| Abilities as per an Acrobat0 of level = LVL/2 (round up) [Note: Acrobat0 is a Collective 3.7 class]
| 9
| 3
| Call Strange
| 1M: Summon a DL=CL/2 (round up) monster, of the Weird subtype
| 4
| Conceal Location
| You can't be targetted
| 9
| 5
| Create Psionic Items
| 40F, 1/reset: Create CL*CL*100 XP of psionic items (DM rolls a random Psi frequency)
| 9
| 6
| Create Variant
| One Class Adjective (it's free, but the max XP divisor increase = CL/10)
| 7
| Degeneration
| A group degenerates CL hp per segment
| 9
| 8
| Destroy Undead
| Turn Undead (turn/destroy only) at LVL=CL+2
| 9
| 9
| Eel Breath
| Mouth's P, CL/d: Breathe an EE=CL/3 (round up) eelement for 1/2 current hp dmg, BW save for 1/4
| 10
| Eel Form
| 1P: Polymorph into any known Eel type, max age category = CL/2 (round up)
| 9
| 11
| Extra Attacks
| +1 number of attacks with each weapon
| 9
| 12
| Grant Effect Points
| Target is imbued with one 9th level Antemortal0 spell (this slot stays spent as long as he has it)
| 13
| Growl
| Mouth's P: All targets in a group lose half current hp (no save)
| 9
| 14
| Improve Ability Score
| +CL*2 to one stat
| 9
| 15
| Increase Group
| Pick a spells or psionic power that hits a group. Affect +1 group of creatures with that effect.
| 16
| Increased Movement
| +CL" Move Rate; +2V actions
| 9
| 17
| Innate Resistance
| 35+3*CL% IR
| 9
| 18
| Lab
| 1M, CL/d: Legend Lore
| 19
| Lightning Spit
| Mouth's P, CL/d: Spit Lightning on a group (20*LVL dmg)
| 9
| 20
| Luch
| Whenever you touch, attack, or are touched or attacked, they are intoxicated/drunk (Fort save)
| 9
| 21
| Manifestation Short
| The death of target person will not cause his next clone to stand up
| 22
| Mortal Vulnerability
| 1M: Target becomes vulnerable to a specific magic, psionic, or innate effect (by name)
| 9
| 23
| Necromantic Suite
| 1M: Cast your CL/2 in SL's of Necromantic effects (Wiz/Pri)
| 9
| 24
| Nonweapon Mastery
| +LVL*2 Nonweapon proficiencies
| 25
| Psionic Resistance
| 40+4*CL% PR
| 9
| 26
| Reduce
| 1F: Lower target's ability score by CL for 1 turn; 1M: Dispel a SL 0 to (CL+3)/2 effect
| 9
| 27
| Relic Creation
| 10F, 1/reset: Create a random x2 item of XP value LVL*500
| 28
| Saves
| +LVL*3 Saves
| 9
| 29
| Second Life
| 1D: Resurrect self back in town (1 turn delay)
| 9
| 30
| Shape Reality, Alt. Loop
| 25F, 1/reset: Loop Travel (shift LF by 1)
| 31
| Shape Reality, Cr. Building
| 20F, 1/reset: Create a building (CL*10000 cubic ft.)
| 9
| 32
| Shape Reality, Cr. Pocket
| 30F, 1/reset: Create a pocket plane in the ethereal (functions as a phased out zone)
| 9
| 33
| Shape Reality, Mv. Building
| 10F, 1/reset: Move a building (maximum size is CL*10000 cubic ft., is moved CL miles)
| 34
| Shape Reality, Mv. Door
| 15F, 1/reset: Redirect a dimension door or plant door to go somewhere else on one end
| 9
| 35
| Shift Powers
| 1M, CL/d: Plane Shift (CL/3 planes, round up)
| 9
| 36
| Slap
| 0 action or 1 attack: A target is ejected from your group (Str contest, no parting shots)
| 37
| Swipe
| Can transfer 5V -> 1M, 8V -> 1QM, or 12V -> 1QQM
| 9
| 38
| To Hit
| +LVL*2 To Hit
| 9
| 39
| Transmute
| 1M: Polymorph Any Object
| 40
| Weapon Counted
| Count as an additional +CL-1 weapon to hit others
| 9
| 41
| Wizard Options
| Get your CL in "Level:" picks (e.g. at level 9 you could have a Level 9: pick, or a Level 4: and a Level 5:, etc.)
| 9
| 42
| Zero Spell Duration
| 1M: A magic, psi, or innate effect has zero duration (treat as an Instantaneous)