
Level KXP Pri:Healing
123 456 789
1 7 (owe) 1-- --- ---
2 10.5 2-- --- ---
3 14 21- --- ---
4 21 22- --- ---
5 35 221 --- ---
6 63 222 --- ---
7 119 322 1-- ---
8 231 332 2-- ---
9 343 333 21- ---
10 567 333 32- ---
11 791 433 321 ---
12 1000 444 321 ---
13 1250 444 322 ---
14 1500 444 432 ---
15 1750 544 432 1--
16 2000 555 432 2--
17 2250 655 443 2--
18 2500 655 443 21-
19 2750 655 543 22-
20 3000 655 544 32-
21 3250 655 544 321
22 3500 665 554 322
23 3750 666 654 332
24 4000 776 655 432
25 4250 776 655 443
26 4500 777 665 543
27 4750 777 665 554
28 5000 887 666 654
29 5250 887 776 655
30 5500 888 777 665
31 5750 888 777 766
32 6000 988 887 776
33 6250 999 888 777
34 6500 999 988 887
35 6750 999 999 888
36 7000 999 999 999
TH Saves
+2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+3  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+4  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+5  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+6  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+7  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+8  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+9  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+10  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+11  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+12  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+13  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+14  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+15  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+16  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+17  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+18 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+19 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Requisites: Str 12, Int 12, Con 6, Wis 14, Chr 19
Alignment: LG
HD/level: & +++d7
Weapon Prof.: 7+/3
To Hit Table: Mon +1 level
Save Table: Mon +3 levels
Reference: DM
Groups: Monster, Concordant (x1)
Can cast Priest Healing spells. Doesn't get a stat bonus to progression.
Can weapon specialize using Non-War column.
"rhp" is "relative hit points", what the DM uses for summons to indicate their health (usually listed as 10/10).  
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A Flying LVL*2+5" (B)
B 1M: Target can't be directly targetted; effects on him (including this) can still be targetted
C 1V: Summon a good DL 1d4-1 Outer planar creature (treat DL=0 as DL=1 with only 5/5 rhp)
D 1M: Cure Ego Domination (can use on self even if currently ego dominated, item is dropped)
Level 4: Pick two from: Angel5 Level 1-3, Slayer5 Level 1-3, or Psi-6G/Psi6G minor
Level 5-7: F 1V: Choose an N between -LVL*2 and LVL*2. A group gets +N AC, you get +N AC, for 1r.
G 1N, 1/reset: Escape the party back to home (except for you)
H 1V: Summon a good DL 1d7 Outer planar creature
I Immune Fire (all variants), Positive, Prismatic, Chromatic, Light, Radiance, Blindness
J iIR LVL*10%
Level 8: Pick two from: Angel5 Level 5-7, Slayer5 Level 5-7, or Psi-6G/Psi6G major
Level 9-12: K 14bM, 7bP, 21bV (can borrow into next round): Capital O Object or Capital I Insist
L 1F: Holy Bolt
M 1V: Summon a good DL 1d10+1 Outer creature (treat DL=11 as DL=10 with 20/20 rhp)
N Pick a Sphere. Can cast Priest spells of that Sphere.
O iXR LVL*5%
Level 13: Pick two from: Angel5 Level 9-12, Slayer5 Level 9-12, or Psi-6G/Psi6G grand