Level 1: One occupation non-weapon proficiency per level (free).
Level 1: Read Languages (47+level*3)%.
Level 2: Identify minerals by sight.
Level 3: Identify potions and poisons by sight.
Level 3: Considered specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite).
Level 4: Identify plants by sight.
Level 4: Can create potions in 1/(level-3) the normal time.
Level 5: Identify animals by sight.
Level 6: Can write scrolls in 1/(level-5) the normal time.
Level 6: Considered specialized in Alteration (no opposites still).
Level 7: Can create any expendible/charged item in 1/(level-6) the normal time.
Level 9: Predict miscibility (Level-8)*10%.
Level 9: Can create any non-artifact magic item in 1/(level-8) the normal time.
Level 9: Identify any non-artifact magic item by sight.
Level 9: Identify non-immortal monsters by sight.
Level 9: Can specialize in (third) school; if this is done, select an opposite.