None of the original X4 rules are used here. The idea is the fantasy society has advanced to the point where people now understand how X4 works, and people consciously have (and manipulate) X4 powers. Because of this, the applications for X4 are much more practical than the older system presented in [Z13].
Use the progression for the X4A class seen in [PC5].
Wild Talents are considered their highest level divided by 2 (round down; a level 0 X4A still gets 1 Minor).
Basically, for each "power" in your progression, choose an effect to have multiplied.
The multiplier (referenced as "X4M" below) is 1.25 for Minors, 1.5 for Majors, 2 for Grands, and 2.5 for Supers.
There are certainly more things you can believe in than the list below; check with the DM if you have an idea. Inherently or obviously broken ideas (believing in your level, your XP, or how many of you there are) will not be approved.