| PSPs
| Description
| 2
| Curse (Spell save)
| 2
| 2
| Doesn't cost an additional action to use, just your eye's P or M action: Gaze to Charm (save)
| 3
| 2
| Duplicate a SL 0-1 Necromancy effect (Wizard or Priest)
| -10 to max
| Fear aura (anyone who enters your group) (Will save)
| 5
| -10 to max
| Immunity to cold
| 6
| -10 to max
| Immunity to disease
| -10 to max
| Immunity to emotional effects
| 8
| -10 to max
| Immunity to sleep, fatigue, and exhaustion
| 9
| 2/r
| Improved Invisibility to Undead
| 2
| Moan: One group is feared (Will save)
| 11
| -10 to max
| Need not breathe
| 12
| -10 to max
| Need not eat or drink
| -10 to max
| Need not sleep; Unaging
| 14
| -10 to max
| People need a +CL weapon to hit you
| 15
| -10 to max
| Pick a stat. Whenever you touch someone, they take (CL+1)/2 ability damage to that stat (PPD save)
| 2
| Summon a DL I Undead
| 17
| -10 to max
| Whenever you touch someone, they get a disease (PPD save)
| 18
| -10 to max
| You Turn Undead at +1 level, +CL to the d20 roll, and +CL/2 to the d12 roll