These are resisted using IR (Innate Resistance), not PR.
| This calculation is only used for Psi29 characters. Beholders do not have or use Psi29 points for their eyestalks (and may use them as often as desired).
| Psi29 power calculation: (level)*(Con+Chr)
| Point costs:
| Minor=5, Major=20, Grand=45, Super=80, Ultra=125, V=180
| Eyestalk Table
| Cost: Minor=1/2, Major=1, Grand=2, Super=4, beyond Super = x2 each category.
| +1 category for area effect.
| +1 category for continuous effect.
| +1 category for no saving throw (but they still get InnateR).
| -1 category if the eye has no eyestalk (fixed position).
| Example: Standard Beholder has Charm Person (1/2), Charm Monster (1), Sleep (1/2), Telekinesis (1/2), Flesh to Stone (1), Disintegrate (1), Fear (1/2), Slow (1/2), Cause Serious Wounds (1/2), Death Ray (1), and a fixed [-1] continuous [+1] area [+1] no save [+1] Anti-Magic
| Ray (4), total 11 eyecost and 11 eyes.