[PC99] Unknown/Incomplete Classes

Group Class In
War Chaos Warrior no See source_files directory and Angband game
War Complete Warrior3 no Based on Complete Warrior book
War Goon / Clod no Very stupid
War Hackmaster no Based on Hackmaster Guide to Slaughtering Foes book
War Hellraiser (1/2-demon) no See source_files directory
War MetaWarrior7 no KXP for 2nd = 8, HD ++++d10. Here's a handful of abilities (not all of the abilities of this class were going to be stat based!):
1-C. Exceptional Con bonus; i.e. Con bonus = Con - 12
2-B. Exceptional Dex bonus; i.e. Dex bonus = Dex - 12
2-C. (pre-req. 1-C) Barbarian Con bonus; i.e. Con bonus = (Con - 14) * 2
3-A. Exceptional Str bonus; i.e. Str bonus = Str - 12
3-B. (pre-req. 2-B) Barbarian Dex bonus; i.e. Dex bonus = (Dex - 14) * 2
4-A. (pre-req. 3-A) Barbarian Str bonus; i.e. Str bonus = (Str - 14) * 2
7-A. (pre-req. 4-A) Extra-Barbarian Str bonus; i.e. Str bonus = (Str - 16) * 5/2
8-C. (pre-req. 2-C) Extra-Barbarian Con bonus; i.e. Con bonus = (Con - 16) * 5/2
9-B. (pre-req. 3-B) Extra-Barbarian Dex bonus; i.e. Dex bonus = (Dex - 16) * 5/2
This class got 3 picks per level, and had space for each level out to "G" (i.e. 7 possible picks per level). You could alternatively pick one Level 3 ability at level 1, leading to a "points" system (get 3*LVL points each level, spend X points for a level X power).
War Musketeer no See source_files directory, lots of guns
War Tusken Raider(-19) no Str 13, Con 13, HD 2m(-7), TH War, Wpn 0+/ 1/2, Saves Rog, XP for 2nd = 6; Bar Con
L1: Imm to LVL in E factors of elements
L1: x(LVL+3)/2 Str bonus w/ 2-handed weapons
L1: 1M: Charm Animal
Psi(-19) progression
War Vanguard no Also Custom group. Based on Vanguard MTG cards.
War Vindicator(-65) no Unknown. Has some Psi(-5) and Psi13 in addition to what's in the metaclasses excel file. There was a partially written Vindicator5 class whose abilities got merged into the Thug5 class.
Wiz ArcanistDM no Int 15, Wis 10, AL any, HD d3, Wpn 0+level, TH Wiz, Saves 2xElf0, Source DM, rest unknown
Wiz Cabalist2/Theurgist1 no Con 5, Int 15, Wis 16, Chr 14, AL L any, HD d4, Wpn 2+level/4, TH Wiz, Saves Wiz, Source DM, rest unknown
Wiz Golem Master no Unknown. Would have Psi16 powers, specialized in Enchantment.
Wiz Inventer5 ? ?
Wiz MetaWizard7 no KXP for 2nd = 10, HD +d4. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts.
Wiz Quintessential Mage6 no Similar to Quintessential Fighter6 (in Warrior group), using a different Quintessential book
Wiz Soothsayer10 no Unknown. Has spells, Psi5, Psi10, can make it's effects resisted by different BlahR's. There was a partially written Soothsayer5 class whose abilities got merged into the Mastermind5 class.
Wiz Thought/Mind Mage no Int 16, Wis 15, Chr 14, AL L any (or) T any, HD d2, Wpn 1+level/10, TH ˝xWiz, Saves 2xPsi, Source DM, rest unkown. It's a "Crossmage" between Wizard and Psi1.
Pri Chirurgeon3 no Source UP3 (Ultimate Prestige Classes3?), rest unknown
Pri Cleric4 no HD d30/2, rest unknown. Would have variant Healing spells that use d30's everywhere.
Pri Fanatic no Unknown. See Witch Hunter in Arduin Rules pg 47, Saint in Arduin Rules pg 87
Pri Hippie5 ? F. Your effects do not drain the MF
Pri MetaPriest7 no KXP for 2nd = 9, HD +++d8. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts.
Pri Occultist5 no Int 21, HD d3, TH NM0, Saves 1/2Conc, XP for lvl 2 = pi+e; Spell prog: (1st to A); 00----; -00----; --00---; Int bonus, Grand in Astral
A. 1M, 1/d: Cosmic Awareness, immune to dust disap for 1t; B. 1M, 1/t: One group fails morale (save); C. 1M: Taunt A to attack B (each target saves); D. Pick a word. Command cont. Damaging shield; E. 1M: Confusion 1 target (save)
A'. Pick an E alignment. Immune to outer-planar effects of that AL.; B'. 1M, LVL/d: Dispel an effect that is not on a person.; C'. 1M: Fear a group (save); D'. Eelectricity shield (1/2); E'. 0, LVL/d: Target item will fail it's next item save.
A''. No action, 1/d: Freedom; B''. 1M, 1/d: Gate, two-way, random plane; C''. 1M, 1/t: Insanity a group (save); D''. 1M: Blindness your group (save); E''. Anti-Everything Shell SL 0-(LVL/2)
Pri Patriarch yes Spell Progression unknown. Abilities not given, presumably similar to Lord (Warrior group) or Master Wizard (Wizard group).
Pri Preacher5 no Unknown except for a few abilities:
A. & F. & K. & P. & U. Turn undead at x(+1) level
B. x(LVL+1)/2 Personality score
G. Whenever you take over 100 dmg from something, take only 100 dmg
H. +LVL*100 item XP in Armor flags per day
L. Whenever you take over 70 dmg from something, take only 70 dmg
Q. Whenever you take over 50 dmg from something, take only 50 dmg
V. Whenever you take over 40 dmg from something, take only 40 dmg
Pri Protector1 no Source DM, rest unknown.
Pri Quintessential Cleric6 no Similar to Quintessential Fighter6 (in Warrior group), using a different Quintessential book
Rog Bard1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog Cutthroat1 no Source DM, rest unknown.
Rog Griefer5 no Dex 17, Wis 9, AL non-L, HD +2d3, Wpn 2+/2, TH Rog, Saves Rog
A. Backtwist (Twist rating/30 effects) 20+LVL*10 Dex-9 Dex-12
B. Unequip (one item unequipped, save DC = amount made) 50 Dex-12 Dex-14
C. [1F to use] Delay (target doesn't go next segment, save DC = amt made) 30 Wis-11 Wis-16
D. Lockdown rating/20 C actions worth 0 DIWC-40 DIWC-60
E. Every Rogue1, can't spent points to them
Rog Houri1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog InfiltratorDM no Source DM, rest unknown. Gets Barb Dex.
Rog Martial Artist1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog Master Thief yes Spell Progression (if any) unknown. Abilities not given, presumably similar to Lord (Warrior group) or Master Wizard (Wizard group).
Rog Merchant1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog MetaRogue7 no KXP for 2nd = 7, HD ++d6. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts.
Rog Ninja1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog Quintessential Thief6 no Similar to Quintessential Fighter6 (in Warrior group), using a different Quintessential book
Rog Scoundrel5 no Unknown
Rog Shadow-walker1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog Swindler5 no Unknown
Rog Thief1JG yes Abilities unknown
Rog ThugDM no Mentioned in Collective 1.89. Gets Barb Str. There is a Thug5 class (in Warrior group), perhaps this was an early version (before it changed groups).
Rog Trickster no Source DM, rest unknown.
Rog Venefic1JG yes Abilities unknown
Psi AntiArchMutant no Gets Psi-9 and Psi-18
Psi Cyborg8 no Unknown. Obviously has Psi8 abilities. Could move to Monster group.
Psi Low Frequency Sampler[2] sort of New class (rename old LFS class to something else) - gets random powers in +/- Psi 1d30
Psi MetaPsionicist5 or 7 no KXP for 2nd = 11, HD d5. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts.
Psi ParaPsychologist5 no Unknown
Psi Psi(-18) no Str 0, Dex 15, Con 9, AL any, HD d13, Wpn -2+3*level, TH Psi, Saves Mon, Source Synnibarr, rest unknown. There may be some Psi(-18) powers handwritten somewhere.
Psi Psi(-9) ? progression is in coll155_version2.doc
Psi Psi1Blaster no Source DM / PH1, rest unknown. Variant of Psi that does multiple Psi1 attacks per M action. Has a Touch Blast (range=touch, no save).
Psi Psi13 no (Emotional State Psionics) Con 13, Wis 6, Chr 18, AL non-LG, HD & -d6, Wpn 1+level/3, TH Pri, Saves Psi, Source DM, rest unknown.
Psi Psi17 no HD &(unknown), Source Star Trek, rest unknown. Some Psi17 powers are mentioned in Logician class (Wizard group).
Psi Psi20 no (Champions Psionics, this may move to a different freq. number) HD +‡d10, TH War, Saves War, Ref Champions, rest unknown.
Psi Psi23 sort of Psi23 class
Psi X24 sort of X24 class
Psi Variable PsiN no Source DM, rest unknown.
Cust Custom7 sort of Partial version is in the "PC6old" worksheet of this Excel workbook. There are other partial versions floating around.
Cust CustomDM sort of Crappy partial version of CustomDM is floating around in old collectives.
Cust MetaCustom7 (Designer) no KXP for 2nd = 12, HD 0d0+20. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts. Could pick from any group, but either got only 2 picks per level or the XP was expensive (or both).
Cust Switch Classer no Unknown, duplicates a class, and you can switch what it is with an S action.
Conc Ancient Oeridian no Known: Level 1: Immune all elements, wild magic, black ice, Bug spells
Conc Anti-Lich no Abilities unknown. Reverse of Lich. Different spells.
Conc Big Bad no What monsters / MPCs use. It has a wimpy version (Boss in Monster group)
Conc Champion5 yes Chr 24, level 9, HD d100, saves Conc, TH 5xWar. 1st level Champion5 spells that are known:
1. 1F, 1F from friend (or one x2 summon or two x1 summons) -> +1 QF
2. Can have (CCL+1) sets of summons
3. iXR 10*CCL%
4. Don't count as a person for XP purposes (if all in party have this, then # PCs = 1/2)
5. +(Int+Wis)/20 Wild Talents
6. iER 25*CCL%
Conc Custom Concordant yes Finish this!
Conc Custom Legendary Officer sort of From Star Fleet Battles
Conc Evil Overlord yes Abilities unknown. Roughly based on the "If I Was An Evil Overlord" document on the internet.
Conc Legendary Officer sort of Custom Legendary Officer rules (from Star Fleet Battles)
Conc Master Lich (ArchLich) no Abilities unknown, but it's actually pretty obvious how this class works. "ArchLich" may be a different class (good-aligned, different spells), or perhaps that's just an Anti-Lich.
Conc MetaConcordant7 no KXP for 2nd = 700, HD +++++2d20. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts.
Conc Pawn yes Needs spell progression, more spells
Conc Sentinel yes Needs most things. Use the Divine3 book. Warden is the reduced version of this.
Conc Spirit of All5 no ?
Conc Stealth Master no Handwritten somewhere
Conc Supreme / GrandMaster yes Abilities unknown. Presumably similar to Lord (Warrior group) or Master Wizard (Wizard group) but for Concordant classes.
Conc X(-7) no Unknown. X(-7) powers are in Collective.
Mon Boss no The lower version of Big Bad (Conc group)
Mon Composite Elemental Lord no Unknown, allows you to switch your body's elemental composition. Probably has Psi15 powers.
Mon Eel-15 no Unknown. Has Psi-15 powers.
Mon Freak5 no Con 17, HD &d8, TH &+LVL, saves &+TH, Wpn 4+/3, XP for 2nd = 8
There are two different handwritten versions of Freak5:
A. 0.3 in Race Adj for free (alternate source had 0.2)
B. 1 in 6 chance that Wandering Monsters are on your side (this was in an upper block as L' in alternate source)
B'. iCNTaCaNaTR LVL*10% (where TR=TechR, aTR=aTechR) (alternate source)
C. +LVL to pick two combinations of TH/dmg, bite/claw
D. iaER LVL*10
E. Mix in /(1+LVL/10) XP race for free
F'. Add 0.3 XP Div of Racial Adjectives for free
K'. Add 0.4 XP Div of Racial Adjectives for free
P'. Add 0.5 XP Div of Racial Adjectives for free
U'. Add 0.6 XP Div of Racial Adjectives for free
Mon MetaMonster7 no KXP for 2nd = 13, HD 3d5. See MetaWarrior7 (Warrior group) for some concepts.
Mon Ooze no Unknown. Might have some Psi-15
Mon Polymorpher yes Abilities unknown
Mon Savage5 no Unknown. Two abilities were written, but became the C. and D. picks for Freak5
Mon Shifter no Handwritten somewhere
Mon Werewolf5 no Unknown. Could be "WereCreature5" instead
Alt Immortal Hunter no x1 class; lots of Atheist-like abilities; [X(-49)] powers
Mini B Actions no +1 B action /level; XP is as Ability Scores; Alternate is +1 A' action per level (4 A' -> 1 QZ)