Ki points = LVL. These can be spent per turn.
Get Wis bonus to AC (in addition to Dex) when not wearing armor.
Can use Dex bonus for to hit and damage instead of Str.
Can replace unarmed or weapon base damage with 1d(3+level).
0, 1 Ki point: Do 2 unarmed attacks.
0, 1 Ki point: Dodge an attack (make a save vs. an attack)
0, 1 Ki point: x2 move rate this segment
Level 2: +10+LVL feet movement rate
Level 3: 0, 1/r: Take 1d10+(Dex bonus)+LVL less damage from a ranged attack
Level 3: 1M, 2 Ki points: Choose one: Darkness, Darkvision, Pass without Trace, Silence, Minor Illusion, Burning Hands, Gust of Wind
Level 4: Take -LVL*5 fall dmg
Level 5: Extra Attack: +1 to number of attacks
Level 5: When you hit with an attack, 1 Ki point: Stun (save)
Level 6: Your unarmed attacks are considered magical weapons ("need +(level-6) weapon to hit")
Level 6: 1S, 1/t: Cure self 3*LVL hp
Level 6: 1V: Blink from one shadow to another shadow within 60'
Level 6: 1P, 3 Ki points: Choose one: Hold Person, Shatter
Level 7: "Save for half" for damaging area effects against you becomes "Half damage; Save for none".
Level 7: 1S, even if Charmed: Remove Charm or Fear on self
Level 9: Can move along vertical surfaces; Water Walking
Level 10: Immune Poison, Disease
Level 11: 1M: Sanctuary
Level 11: 2V: Invisibility, only when shadows are in area
Level 11: 1P, 5 Ki points: Stoneskin (self)
Level 11: 1M, 4 Ki points: Choose one: Fireball, Gaseous Form, Fly (self)
Level 13: Comprehend all spoken languages, others that hear you can comprehend what you say
Level 14: 0, 1 Ki point: Reroll a save you just failed
Level 15: Immune to "old" or greater age effects. Immune Aging. Need not eat or drink.
Level 17: When you hit with an attack, 3 Ki points: Quivering Palm (save or slain, if make save take 10d10 necrotic dmg)
Level 17: Whenever a monster in your group is hit by an attack from someone other than you, you may attack that monster once.
Level 17: 1M, 6 Ki points: Choose one: Cone of Cold, Wall of Stone
Level 18: 0, 4 Ki points: Invisibility + Resist all damage except Force
Level 18: 0, 8 Ki points: Astral Projection
Level 20: Gain 4 Ki points per round.