Maneuver (Talent)
| Type
| Method
| Prerequisites
| Action
| Description
| SW-Saga-
Acrobatic Recovery
| DC 20 Acrobatics to not fall prone
| CR 40
Action Exchange
| Force Delay
| when you use Force Delay, grant 1 ally in 6sq & LOS to trade a move action for a stan action
| K 57
Adept Negotiator
| 1S
| Persuasion check v. Will Def (+5 bonus if opp higher level), moves -1 down track, if at end, cannot attack unless attacked or allies attacked
| CR 39
Adept Spellcaster
| 1Z
| reroll any force power as a full-round action
| CR 107
Advantageous Strike
| +5 Atk with Atk of Opp with melee
| K 47
Adversary Lore
| 1S
| Use the Force v. Will Def in 12 sq & LOS for target -2 Ref Def
| J 14
| when you damage an opponent with a Force power, opponent takes +2d6 dam at start of next turn
| K 40
Aggressive Negotiator
| Adept Negotiator
| when you damage an opponent with lightsaber, can take 10 on Persuasion checks
| L 26
Akk Dog Attack Training
| Akk Dog Master
| your akk dog follower gains Powerful Charge feat
| C 57
Akk Dog Master
| gain 1 akk dog follower w/Power Attack feat, your force powers can target akk dog (one toward max)
| C 57
Akk Dog Trainer's Actions
| Akk Dog Master
| 1S
| if you atk: if akk dog adjacent to target dam = d6+Str mod & part of your atk for DR, akk dog can charge (both -5 atk & replaces charge mod), if you hit akk dog +2 next atk v. target
| C 57
Apprentice Boon
| 1bS
| add your Force Point result to an ally w/in 12 sq with a Use the Force modifier lower than yours
| J 19
Armor Mastery
| Ref Def bonus = HL + 1/2 armor bonus or armor bonus, counts as Armored & Improved Armored Def
| L 45
Armored Augmentation I
| AP of armor
| 1Z
| 1/encounter add armor bonus to Ref Def to thresh until end of encounter
| L 45
Armored Augmentation II
| Armored Augmentation I*
| also gain DR = 2 x armor's equipment bonus to Fort Def
| L 45
At Peace
| +2 all Def until end of encounter or until you attack
| C 53
| may add Dex mod on damage or double Dex bonus if two-handed instead of Str
| CR 218
Attune Armor
| 1Z
| armor bonus +2, Dex bonus improves +1
| CR 107
Attune Weapon
| 1Z
| +1 Atk with melee weapon
| CR 214
| Focused Attack
| 1Z
| when you roll nat 20 on attack v. opp with Dark Side 1+ can activate any power with [light side]
| C 53
Aura of Freedom
| +5 on skill or grapple checks to all allies w/in 6 sq, can spend FP to negate an ally moved against will
| J 73
| 1Z
| until end of encounter all squares within 2sq are difficult terrain for enemies
| C 53
Bando Gora Surge
| if you move up track, gain hp = 5 + HL
| C 55
Battle Meditation
| 1F
| allies within 6 squares get +1 Atk for encounter if within 6 squares
| CR 40
Battlefield Medic
| Steady Under Pressure
| first aid as stan not full
| F 54
Beast Trick
| can use mind trick on beast Int 2 or less, cannot perform or understand complex directions
| K 53
Believer Intuition
| 1bS
| if successfully attacked, Use the Force v. attack to add Cha mod to Ref Def
| C 56
| 1bS
| negate melee attack with Use the Force check, DC = Atk roll, -5 every time used in round must have activated lightsaber, aware and not flat-footed, FP for adjacent character.
| CR 41
Body Control
| add Cha mod instead of Con mod to Fort Def, can spend FP to become immune to poison, radiation & disease until end of enc
| J 81
Bonded Mount
| Charm Beast
| 1F
| mount shares an empathic link, when you ride your mount has your Ref & Will Def, you gain senses
| J 18
Bring Them Back
| revivify on a target that has died a number of rounds = half heroic level
| F 54
Brutal Unarmed Strike
| Telekinetic Strike
| reroll any damage dice that has a "1" as a result
| J 89
Buried Presence
| 1S
| immune to Force detection for 1 hour, may use as a reac v. Sense Force
| F 92
Call Weapon
| call & ignite a lightsaber you built as a free action if in LOS
| J 19
Cause Mutation
| Sith Alchemy
| transform to Sith Abomination (J22) or Chrysalis Beast (J133), domesticated for you, days = new CL
| J 21
Channel Aggression
| Atk vs. flanked opp or one denied Dex to Def, extra dam = 1d6 per class lvl (10d6 max
| CR 213
Channel Anger
| Channel Aggression
| 1Z
| +2 melee Atk & damage for rounds equal to 5 + Con mod, then move down one on track, no patience
| CR 213
Channel Energy
| Negate energy
| 1bS
| convert energy to activate any power in your suite
| J 16
Channel Vitality
| 1Z
| move -1 down track to gain 1 Force Point until the end of your turn
| J 18
Charm Beast
| UseForce replaces Persuasion w/animal Int 2 or less, -5 if animal doesn't understand doesn't apply
| J 18
Charm Beast
| UseForce replaces Persuasion w/animal Int 2 or less, -5 if animal doesn't understand doesn't apply
| CR 107
Charm Beast
| UseForce replaces Persuasion w/animal Int 2 or less, -5 if animal doesn't understand doesn't apply
| CR 107
Cleanse Mind
| 1Z
| once per turn you can remove an ongoing mind-affecting effect from 1 ally in LOS
| F 24
Clear Mind
| may reroll Use the Force check to avoid detection
| CR 40
Cloak of Shadow
| 1Z
| until end of encounter when you move 3 sq from start you gain concealment from all targets
| L 57
Close Maneuvering
| 1Z
| 1/turn designate a target, your move does not provoke Atk of Opp from target if you move adjacent
| R 23
Closed Mind
| mind-affecting effects must be rolled twice against you taking the lower result
| J 18
Collective Visions
| Farseeing
| other Force-users with farseeing can aid another as a reac within 6sq
| K 24
Combat Trance
| battle strike applies to the first attack you make each round until the end of the encounter
| J 21
| Force Training
| 1Z
| +1d6 fire dam to any force power that affects a single target & catches it on fire
| J 85
Command Beast
| Charm Beast
| treat animal as domesticated and can Ride
| CR 107
Command Beast
| Charm Beast
| treat animal as domesticated and can Ride
| CR 107
Conceal Another
| Buried Presence
| you can use Buried Presence or Vanish on one extra person
| F 92
Conceal Force Use
| 1Z
| with Use the Force to make a Deception check to conceal the effects of your Force use
| K 58
Consular's Vitality
| 1Z
| 1/round grant one ally in 12 sq & LOS hp = 5+Cha mod, you take -5 Use the Force until next turn
| C 22
Consular's Wisdom
| Adept Negotiator
| 1Z
| 1/encounter 1 ally in LOS, until end of encounter ally adds your Wis bonus to Will Def
| L 26
Consumed by Darkness
| 1Z
| take -5 to Will Def for +2 Atk
| C 53
Cortosis Defense
| +2 on opposed unarmed melee attack roll v. lightsaber
| L 45
Cortosis Gauntlet Block
| AP (light, medium)
| can use Block with cortosis gauntlets, deactivates lightsabers on successful Block
| L 27
Cortosis Retaliation
| Cortosis Defense
| when you successfully parry lightsaber atk you may make immediate atk v. attacker
| L 45
Cover Escape
| when you successfully spend FP to negate atk with Negate or Block ally can move 2 sq w/no AofO
| GW 18
Cover Your Tracks
| Gather Information checks against you are -5
| L 41
Cower Enemies
| Force Interrogation
| Persuasion to intimidate 6sq cone not single target.
| F 42
Crippling Strike
| Channel Aggression
| on a Crit, can reduce target speed by half until fully healed
| CR 213
Crucial Advice
| 1/encounter reroll failed skill check with +2
| J 17
Cycle of Harmony
| Tyia Adept
| ally in 12 sq & LOS takes dam or moves down track another ally w/in 12 & LOS gets hp = 5 + Cha mod
| J 87
Damage Reduction 10
| 1S
| DR 10 for one minute
| CR 101
Dampen Presence
| 1Z
| Use the Force v. Will Def it does not remember interacting with you (+5 if opp higher level)
| F 24
Dark Deception
| with attempts to sense you with force you can act as if Dark Side = Wis, Deception is a class skill
| K 39
Dark Healing
| 1S
| life from creature w/in 6 squares, ranged Atk v. target's Fort Def, deals & heals d6 dam per class level
| CR 223
Dark Healing Field
| Improved Dark Healing*
| life from 3 creatures w/in 12sq, 1/encounter UtF if = Fort target d6 dam per class level & you heal half if attack fails target takes half dam & you heal that amount
| K 40
Dark Presence
| Cha 13, Power of the Dark Side
| 1S
| you and allies within 6 squares +1 Def until end of encounter as long as conscious
| CR 101
Dark Preservation
| Power of the Dark Side
| increase Dark Side Score by one to stop moving down track
| L 55
Dark Retaliation
| Sentinel Strike
| once an encounter activate a force power as a reaction if targeted by dark side power
| K 25
Dark Scourge
| +1 Atk v. Jedi
| CR 223
Dark Side Adept
| reroll any Dark side skill
| CR 223
Dark Side Bane
| Dark Side Sense
| damage dealing Force power against creature with Dark Side Score 1+ deal dam = Cha mod (min 1)
| L 27
Dark Side Manipulation
| 1/encounter when you spend a Force Point & get a dark side point, treat the FP as if rolled the max
| K 59
Dark Side Master
| Dark Side Adept
| reroll any Dark side skill
| CR 223
Dark Side Savant
| 1Z
| 1/encounter return one dark side power to suite without Force Point
| J 16
Dark Side Scourge
| Dark Side Sense
| extra damage on melee attacks v. Dark Side equal to Cha mod (min +1)
| CR 40
Dark Side Sense
| may reroll Use the Force check to sense Dark Side
| CR 40
Dark Side Talisman
| 1F
| +2 on one Def against light-side powers
| J 17
Deception Awareness
| Will Def +5 v. Deception, UtF replaces Perception to sense deception & influence, considered trained
| K 61
Defense Boost
| 1Z
| DC 15 Use the Force to gain +1 Fort Def until end of encounter, or DC 20 for +1 all Def
| C 56
Defensive Acuity
| when you fight defensively you deal +1 die dam with lightsaber & +2 to Block & Deflect
| L 27
Defensive Circle
| Battle Meditation, Block or Deflect, Jedi Battle Commander
| 1Z
| you & allies affected by Battle Med +2 Ref Def, you +1 on UtF to Block/Deflect for ea adjacent ally
| K 39
| 1bS
| negate ranged attack with Use the Force check, DC = Atk roll, -5 every time used in round must have activated lightsaber, aware and not flat-footed, vs. autofire = 1/2 or no damage spend a Force Point for an adjacent character.
| CR 41
Desperate Measures
| Focus Terror
| 1Z
| 1/encounter all allies w/in 12 sq & LOS may make an immediate atk at -5
| L 43
| Force blast
| Use the Force v. Ref Def in 2sq of target of Force blast, they take full or half dam
| F 93
Difficult to Sense
| reroll opposed Use the Force check to conceal presence
| L 41
| 1S
| return one Force power to any ally within 6 sq & LOS (one ally spent)
| C 41
Dirty Tricks
| Deception skill
| 2Z
| can use feint as 2swif against opp you threaten
| K 47
Discblade Arc
| 1F
| make area atk with discblade v. 3 targets if all in PB range, make 1 attack roll
| J 91
Disciplined Strike
| area effect can exclude a number of targets = to Wis mod
| CR 100
Distant Discblade Throw
| proficient discblade
| treat thrown discblade as pistol for range
| J 91
Distracting Apparition
| Manifest Guardian Spirit
| any enemy w/in 3 sq -2 Will Def & -2 atk v. you
| J 17
Djem So
| once per round if hit in melee, make an immediate attack against opponent
| CR 218
Drain Force
| Affliction
| 1bS
| once per encounter when you damage a Force-sensitive opp regain 1 force power & target loses 1 FP
| K 40
Drain Knowledge
| 1S
| drain knowledge by touch (DC=Will Def), gain trained skill or SF if own skill, target down track, DSP
| T 30
Droid Duelist
| 1Z
| opponent is flat-footed against your next attack with a lightsaber before end of your next turn
| J 79
Dual Weapon Flourish I
| Dual Weapon Mastery I, Weapon Finesse
| 1S
| with 2 light melee or lightsabers & single atk with one you get free atk with other
| K 47
Dual Weapon Flourish II
| Dual Weapon Mastery I, II, Dual Weapon Flourish I, Master of Elegance, Weapon Finesse
| with 2 light melee or lightsabers make full atk as stan as long as you use both weapons, 1 per turn
| K 47
Earth Buckle
| 1Z
| create 3x3 sq difficult terrain around you & you ignore difficult terrain you create
| J 85
Echani Expertise
| BAB +10
| unarmed increase crit range by 1
| GW 32
Echoes of the Force
| use farseeing on a location & standing in location viewed, DC 20 + 1 per day into the past
| J 20
Elusive Target
| if in a melee, ranged attacks are -10 not -5
| CR 40
Embrace Dark Side
| Channel Anger*
| reroll Dark side skills/Use the Force, no longer able to use light side
| CR 213
Emergency Team
| allies automatically aid another
| F 54
Empower Siang Lance
| 1F
| +1 die damage
| R 37
Empower Weapon
| 1Z
| +1 die damage
| CR 214
Enhanced Danger Sense
| +10 Perception to avoid being surprised, spend FP to act in surprise round even if surprised
| J 75
Enhanced Vision
| Perception as swif not stan
| C 47
Entreat Aid
| 1Z
| 1/turn one adjacent ally to aid another as reac to assist you if they have not aided already
| L 26
Entreat Beast
| Charm Beast
| 1Z
| Use the Force v. Will Def of indifferent or better beast to perform a minor task within 30 sq, see J18
| J 18
| 1Z
| remove debilitating condition affecting you and return to normal, inc. up to top of track
| CR 101
Esoteric Technique
| when you spend a Force Point to activate a technique or secret you gain hp = 10 + class level
| J 18
Expanded Horizon
| with Search Your Feelings can sense consequences 1 hour in future, spend FP for 8 hours, DP 24 hrs
| J 75
Exposing Strike
| when you dam opp w/lightsaber, can spend FP to make opponent flat-footed until end of your next turn
| C 22
Extra First Aid
| you can perform first aid one additional time a day on a target
| F 54
Feel the Force
| 1S
| ignore all concealment for 1 minute
| F 88
Field Detection
| Use the Force skill
| 1Z
| DC15 can detect presence, general strength, & origin of energy fields within 12sq, reduce shields by 5
| K 60
| Adept Spellcaster
| 1Z
| fly speed double land speed, ascend 1/2 speed, descend double speed, until next turn
| CR 107
| UtF for Acrobatics & can reroll UtF if can reroll Acrobatics, spend FP to be one size larger w/grapple
| J 85
Flurry of Blows
| multiple unarmed atk with full atk have penalty reduced by 2, can be taken multiple times
| GW 33
Focus Terror
| 1Z
| 1/encounter all allies w/in 12 sq & LOS move +2 up track but are -2 atk & skills for rounds = CL
| L 43
Focused Attack
| reroll an attack against opponent with Dark Side score 1+
| C 53
Focused Force Talisman
| Force Talisman
| select a single Force power & if you use power spend Force Point to return all spent uses to suite
| C 40
Folded Space Mastery
| Fold space
| Use the Force replaces Use Computer to astrogate if you move object of sufficient size, no hyperdrive
| J 73
Force Cloak
| 1Z
| blocks electronic surveillance until next turn or spending standard action
| CR 107
Force Cloak Mastery
| Force Cloak
| expands bubble to number of creatures = to character level
| CR 107
Force Deception
| Use the Force replaces Deception, considered trained
| CR 223
Force Delay
| Persuasion skill
| 1bS
| 1/encounter Persuasion v. Will Def of Int 3 or higher & understand, target loses move, FP for stan
| K 57
Force Direction
| always add +3 to ranged attacks with a Force Point (+4 with d8s)
| K 58
Force Exertion
| Force Training
| 1bS
| designate one force power, remove one power for the designated power, you -1 down track for 1 min
| F 88
Force Fighter
| if you spend a Force Point to add to an attack roll, heal hp = Force Point result
| C 56
Force Flow
| when you roll a natural 1 on Atk or Use the Force roll gain +1 FP until end of encounter
| K 52
Force Focus
| 1F
| DC15 Use the Force, regain one Force Power
| CR 101
Force Fortification
| negates crit, take normal damage
| CR 218
Force Harmony
| 1/encounter activate a Force talent that requires a Force Point without spending one
| J 16
Force Haze
| Clear Mind
| 1S
| hide you and allies equal to class level, Use the Force v. Will, 1min or if attack from haze
| CR 40
Force Immersion
| Stealth, White Current Adept
| sneak from Stealth from electronic devices, use same roll for Perception & Use Computer
| J 77
Force Interrogation
| 1Z
| when you damage an opponent with a Force Power, Persuasion to intimidate
| F 43
Force Intuition
| Use the Force instead of Initiative, considered trained
| CR 40
Force Momentum
| when you spend a Force Point for a melee attack, add the roll to damage
| K 58
Force of Will
| 1Z
| permanent Will Def +2, give all allies 6sq +2 Will Def for rest of encounter if within 6sq
| F 24
Force Perception
| UseForce replaces Perception avoid surprise/notice enemies/sense deception or influence, trained
| CR 101
Force Persuasion
| Adept Negotiator
| Use the Force instead of Persuasion check, considered trained
| CR 40
Force Pilot
| Use the Force instead of Pilot, considered trained
| CR 101
Force Power Adept
| on a selected Force power, you may reroll Use the Force checks
| CR 214
Force Recovery
| Equilibrium
| with second wind, gain additional hp: d6 per Force Point possessed (10d6 max)
| CR 101
Force Reflexes
| Starship Tact, Force Pilot
| when activating starship maneuver, reroll Pilot Check
| S 16
Force Repair
| can use Force Trance & receive vital transfer & gain additional hp = Cha mod (min 1)
| J 79
Force Revive
| Battle Meditation, Jedi Battle Commander
| 1bS
| ally affected by Battle Med is reduced to 0 hp allows ally to take 2nd Wind as reac & falls uncon
| K 39
Force Stabilize
| Tyia Adept
| 1Z
| 1/turn ally within 12 sq & LOS can take 2nd Wind if they have not already
| J 87
Force Suppression
| rebuke Force power
| if fail to rebuke, lessen affect by one step, only works with powers with variable effects
| K 53
Force Talisman
| 1Z
| +1 on one Def, can not remake for 24 hours, only one at a time
| CR 214
Force Throw
| Empower Weapon
| 1S
| if within 6 squares, can pull back as a swift action w/DC20 Use the Force
| K 38
Force Treatment
| Use the Force replaces Treat Injury, can treat without a medkit or medpac, considered trained
| CR 214
Force Treatment
| Use the Force replaces Treat Injury, considered trained
| C 41
Force Veil
| Difficult to Sense
| the radius to which you can be detected is 10km not 100km
| L 41
Force Warning
| allies w/in 12sq can reroll Init, if allies surprised but not you, 1 ally per your Wis mod not surprise
| K 40
Forceful Warrior
| with a crit using a lightsaber gain temp Force Point to be used before the end of the encounter
| F 24
| Force Perception
| reroll Initiative Check, natural 20 = regain Force Point
| CR 101
Fortified Body
| Equilibrium
| immune to disease, poison and radiation
| CR 214
Gauge Force Potential
| Force Perception
| 1S
| Use the Force v. Will, detect Force sensitivity, force powers number, Force Points
| CR 101
Gradual Resistance
| if take dam from Force power +2 all Def against that power until end of encounter
| R 23
Greater Dark Side Talisman
| Dark Side Talisman
| +2 on all Def against light-side powers
| J 17
Greater Focused Force Talisman
| Focused Force Talisman*
| as Focused Force Talisman but Force Point does not count toward "one per turn"
| C 40
Greater Force Talisman
| Force Talisman
| 1Z
| +1 on all Def
| CR 214
Greater Weapon Focus (Fira)
| Weapon Focus (Fira)
| fira attack +1
| K 61
Greater Weapon Focus (lightsabers)
| Weapon Focus
| +1 Atk
| CR 218
Greater Weapon Specialization (lightsabers)
| Weapon Specialization
| +2 damage
| CR 218
Grenade Defense
| Use the Force v. grenade atk roll to negate attack, you take -5 penalty on Use the Force until next turn
| J 14
Guardian Spirit
| your guardian spirit can tell you the immediate consequences of your actions, gain 1 bonus FP/day after 6 hrs rest to improve Force power or activate technique or secret
| J 16
Guardian Strike
| when you dam opp w/lightsaber, target is -2 Atk against anyone but you
| C 22
Guiding Strikes
| 1Z
| allies adjacent to target you dealt dam +2 melee atk v. target
| R 23
Hardened Strike
| reduce target's DR by 1 for enc if hit with unarmed atk, does not stack
| GW 33
| reduce swif actions to move up track by 1
| C 56
Heal Droid
| Vital transfer
| can heal droids with vital transfer
| J 79
Healing Boost
| Vital transfer
| damage healed with vital transfer increase by 1 point per class level
| C 41
Heightened Awareness
| add Cha bonus to Perception check
| C 53
High Impact
| 1Z
| DC 15 Use the Force to double Str bonus to next melee dam roll
| C 56
Hijkata Expertise
| creature or droid damaged by unarmed atk takes penalty on next atk = your Str mod
| GW 32
Hive Mind
| telepathy of Use the Force as swif & auto success (no roll) if target is willing recipient in same planet
| F 93
Hold the Line
| with a successful attack of opportunity, you stop the target's movement ending its action
| J 14
Illusion (F87 & J14)
| Mind Trick
| 1S
| Use the Force v. Will Def, see K52 or F87 or J14
| K 52
Illusion Bond
| Illusion
| can see or hear as if you were standing in the space of your illusion if humanoid
| J 15
Imbue Item
| 1F
| swif to spend stored Force Point, can attune 1 item per 24 hours, only for you & one FP at a time
| K 58
Immerse Another
| Stealth, White Current Adept
| applies to ally also, spend Force Point to all adjacent allies
| J 77
| 1Z
| anyone attempting to move you involuntarily is -5 to their check/atk
| R 23
Impart Knowledge
| Skilled Advisor
| 1bS
| aid on Knowledge checks of ally within 6 sq if you're trained
| C 41
Impenetrable Cover
| Maximize Cover
| if in cover, gain DR = CL provided you still have cover when they attack
| C 47
Improved Battle Meditation
| Battle Meditation
| 1Z
| react Battle Meditation as swif not full, range 12sq, enemies within radius -1 attack
| K 25
Improved Consular's Vitality
| Consular's Vitality
| when you damage an opponent, use Consular's Vitality as free action
| C 22
Improved Dark Healing
| Dark Healing
| 1S
| range increases to 12 squares, failure deals and heals 1/2 damage
| CR 224
Improved Force Sight
| Force sight, Use the Force skill
| 1Z
| can use Search (Perception) as swif, always succeed when using Sense Surroundings (no roll needed)
| K 60
Improved Healing Boost
| Healing Boost*
| damage healed with vital transfer increase by 2 points per class level
| C 41
Improved Lightsaber Throw
| Lightsaber Throw
| 1S
| make a single ranged atk & compare to Ref Def of all targets in 6sq line, half on miss, DC20 return
| F 43
Improved Quick Draw (lightsabers)
| Quick Draw, WF (lightsabers)
| can draw ignite & attack with lightsaber even if surprised, can draw & ignite lightsaber as free
| K 40
Improved Redirect
| Deflect, Redirect Shot
| once per turn when you redirect an attack do not count the initial deflect penalty
| K 39
Improved Riposte
| Block, Riposte
| when you make a riposte do not count the initial block penalty
| K 39
Improved Sentinel Strike
| increase damage dice to d8 not d6
| K 39
Improved Sentinel's Gambit
| Sentinel's Gambit
| can use Sentinel's Gambit an additional number of times per encounter = half class level
| K 39
Improvised Weapon Master
| no penalty on improvised weapons
| J 21
Incite Rage
| 1Z
| 1/encounter all allies w/in 12 sq & LOS +1 rage bonus on atk but -2 Ref Def until end of encounter
| L 43
Indomitable Will
| 1S
| immune to all mind-affecting effects 1 minute
| F 88
Influence Savant
| 1Z
| 1/encounter can return 1 Force mind-affecting force power w/out FP
| J 15
Infuse Weapon
| 1F
| weapon's DR doubled, lightsabers do not ignore, with Force Point on attack add 2xFP result to dam
| F 93
Initiate of Vahl
| take half dam from heat or fire or no damage on a miss
| L 58
| +1 attack rolls & +1 die damage vs. Force Sensitives
| F 43
Insight of the Force
| Use the Force replaces Knowledge if not trained, considered trained
| C 41
Insightful Aim
| WP (pistols or rifles)
| 1Z
| substitute Use the Force mod for ranged attack bonus until next turn
| F 92
Instinctive Navigation
| Force Pilot
| Use the Force replaces Use Computer for astrogation
| J 17
Invisible Attacker
| Maximize Cover
| if target is unaware of you, +1 die dam from ranged
| C 47
| Lightsaber Def, Niman
| twice Lightsaber deflection bonus with two lightsabers
| CR 218
Jedi Battle Commander
| Battle Meditation
| your Battle Meditation grants +2 to attack not +1
| K 39
Jedi Network
| includes Acquire Equipment or Funds, Obtain Info, Receive Medical Attention, Secure Safe House
| L 42
Jedi Quarry
| 1Z
| +2 speed if you end move adjacent to target
| J 20
| BAB +10, Weapon Specialization*
| 1Z
| once per encounter, single enemy in LOS, may reroll your first Atk roll, keeping best
| CR 218
Knight's Morale
| when ally w/in 12 sq hits with lightsaber you gain +1 all Def until end of your next turn
| L 45
Know Weakness
| Adversary Lore
| target of Adversary Lore takes +1d6 dam from successful attacks
| J 14
Knowledge and Defense
| Enhanced Danger Sense
| add Wis bonus to Ref Def if denied Dex
| J 75
Knowledge of the Force
| 1bS
| aid an ally in 6sq on Use the Force
| K 58
Krath Illusions
| Illusion
| 1Z
| reduce penalty for large illusions by one half (min -1)
| K 60
Krath Intuition
| once per encounter treat damage from a Sith alchemical weapon as if you rolled max on Force Point
| K 60
Krath Surge
| 1Z
| once per encounter add 1 die dam or extend range 6sq, adds "dark side" to descriptor
| K 60
K'tara Expertise
| 1/turn creature or droid damaged by unarmed atk, disarm as swif, do not take -5 if in two hands
| GW 33
K'thri Expertise
| any enemy adjacent takes dam = your Str mod (min 1) if you can make Atk of Opp if you're in light or no armor
| GW 33
| Aura of Freedom
| 1Z
| one ally w/in 12 sq & LOS that is grabbed etc & release them & can move half spd as reac w/no AoO
| J 73
Lightsaber Defense
| 1Z
| +1 to Ref Def, must have activated lightsaber, aware and not flat-footed, +3 max
| CR 41
Lightsaber Form Savant
| 1Z
| 1/encounter return 1 lightsaber form to suite w/out spending FP
| J 19
Lightsaber Specialist
| Masterwork Lightsaber
| +2 Block & Deflect with a lightsaber you built
| J 19
Lightsaber Throw
| 1S
| if within 6 squares, can pull back as a swift action w/DC20 Use the Force
| CR 41
| 1S
| 1 ally w/in 12 sq & LOS & trained in UtF, as long as w/in 12 sq can aid another as a reac, -5 other UtF
| J 15
Linked Defense
| 1Z
| take up to -5 on Atk to give up to +5 Ref Def to ally in LOS
| CR 107
Luka Sene Master
| Field Detection, farseeing
| 1/encounter gain temp FP to spend w/ Luka Sene or Sense talents, to Search Feelings or Sense Force
| K 60
| Lightsaber Defense
| lightsaber defense bonus increase by 2 (max of 5)
| CR 218
Manifest Guardian Spirit
| 1Z
| guardian spirit present for enc w/in 6 sq of you, as long as w/in 12 sq you: +1 atk, +2 UtF, +2 Will Def you can move spirit 6 sq as swif action 1/turn
| J 17
Many Shades of the Force
| Force Training
| one force power no longer has dark or light side descriptor
| J 73
Mark the Target
| 1Z
| when you damage target with non-area atk, 1 ally in LOS treats target as if flat-footed
| C 47
Martial Resurgence
| recover all Force powers on a nat 20 on an unarmed attack
| J 89
Mask Presence
| 1Z
| become immune to Sense Force & appear to be normal droid until you use the Force
| J 79
| Illusion
| Use the Force = Deception for creating deceptive appearance
| J 15
Master Advisor
| Skilled Advisor
| ally you use Skilled Advisor with gains Force Point to be spent before end of encounter
| C 41
Master Negotiator
| Adept Negotiator
| target moves two steps down the track
| CR 40
Master of Elegance
| Dual or Single Weapon Flourish I, Weapon Finesse
| add Dex to melee dam with light melee weapon, double if two-handed
| K 47
Master of the Great Hunt
| +1 atk & +1 die dam v. beast with Dark Side Score of 1+
| J 14
Masterwork Lightsaber
| add one extra accessory, reroll one die of dam if you built, mentor another building (-5 their DC)
| J 19
Maximize Cover
| if opponent use aim to negate cover, Stealth v. attacker's Initiative to retain cover
| C 47
Medical Miracle
| 1S
| DC20 Treat Injury on adjacent, target uses second wind even if above half hp
| F 54
Mind Probe
| 1F
| touch & creature must have Int 3+, Use the Force v. Will Def if unwilling as Gather Info
| J 18
Mobile Attack (lightsabers)
| Multiattack Prof, Dual Weapon Mastery I, WF (lightsabers)
| immediately after making a full atk with two lightsabers you may move your speed as free action
| K 39
Mobile Combatant
| 1Z
| when you end movement next to opponent & they withdraw, you can move with them
| F 24
Mobile Whirlwind
| Seyugi Cyclone
| can move speed after Whirlwind Attack
| J 83
Motion of the Future
| Force Perception
| 1Z
| uses farseeing from your suite, before end of your next turn force attacker to reroll atk & keep second
| J 17
Move Massive Object
| Telekinetic Power, move object
| use move object to make area attack = L 2x2, H 3x3, G 4x4 C 6x6, compare Use the Force to Ref Def
| L 55
Multiattack Proficiency (advanced melee weapons)
| reduce Atk penalty by 2
| K 47
Multiattack proficiency (lightsabers)
| reduces penalty by 2, can be taken multiple
| CR 218
Mystic Mastery
| when you gain a level you get bonus Force Points = number of Force Talents (6 max)
| J 18
Natural Healing
| can make Treat Injury checks without medical kit with natural substitutes
| F 54
| +1 Ref and Will Def with lightsaber
| CR 218
Oath of Duty
| when ally w/in 12 sq hits with lightsaber you gain hp = 3 x class level
| L 45
Out of Nowhere
| Deception skill, Weapon Finesse
| 1Z
| once per encounter make an attack with light melee or lightsaber after a successful feint
| K 47
Past Visions
| Visions
| when using farseeing to look in the past, DCs are halved, can see within 6sq without a Force Point
| K 58
Perfect Attunement
| Masterwork Lightsaber
| if you spend a Force Point on a lightsaber atk you built you can also add that amount to damage
| J 19
Perfect Telepathy
| you can communicate in full sentences & complete thoughts, subject no change
| J 18
Persistent Haze
| Force Haze*
| if someone attacks, they lose concealment but no one else does
| SV 13
| 1Z
| with a successful mind-affecting Force power you & allies in target's LOS gain concealment v. target
| L 57
Physical Surge
| when you roll an Initiative check at beginning of enc you can spend a swif immediately regardless
| J 81
Planetary Attunement
| on new planet 10 min to acclimate & on planet +2 all Def against natural hazards, spd +1 sq, sense weather for 24 hours as full-round
| J 75
Power of Hatred
| Incite Rage
| 1Z
| 1/encounter all allies in LOS with less than half hp gains hp = CL
| L 43
Power of the Dark Side
| when spending a Force Point on an Atk, reroll die, Dark Side Score +1
| CR 101
Praetoria Ishu
| Block, Deflect
| may use Block & Deflect to protect adjacent ally
| L 45
Praetoria Vonil
| Weapon Focus (lightsabers)
| with lightsaber in two hands +1 die dam if you move at least 1 sq on your turn before your attack
| L 45
Precise Direct
| Redirect Shot
| whenever you successfully redirect a blaster bolt and hit, you deal +1 die dam
| R 24
| 1S
| against adjacent opponent with lightsaber atk if hit target's speed reduced 2 squares (end your turn)
| L 27
Precognitive Meditation
| 1/day spend 10 min & once later in day negate an attack as long as not nat 20, if don't use regain FP
| J 75
Prepared for Danger
| spend a remaining farseeing power to regain any other force power
| J 20
Prime Targets
| when you hit w/lightsaber if target has not attacked since end of your last turn, deal +1 die dam
| GW 18
Primitive Block
| Empower Weapon
| negate melee attack with Use the Force check, DC = Atk roll, -5 every time used in round must have empowered weapon, aware and not flat-footed, FP for adjacent character
| K 38
Progenitor's Call
| once per encounter Use the Force v. Will Def, move target down track & they lose stan
| K 61
Protective Reaction
| Akk Dog Master
| when you are targeted by an adjacent enemy it provokes and Atk of Opp from your akk dog
| C 57
Psychic Citadel
| Will Def bonus = your class level
| J 18
Psychic Defenses
| Psychic Citadel
| when targeted by mind-affecting powers they automatically take dam = 1d6 x your Wis mod (min x1)
| J 18
| farseeing, Force Perception
| can target object you hold, up to 5 years per level
| C 53
Punishing Strike
| 1/turn when you score an unarmed crit, make an immediate unarmed atk against target in reach, if you're in light or no armor
| GW 33
Quick Modification
| Masterwork Lightsaber
| spend 1 min removing an accessory & adding another on a lightsaber you built
| J 19
| farseeing, Use the Force skill
| 1Z
| Use the Force against living creature w/in 12sq, remove farseeing, v. Will Def, for +2 Atk v. target
| K 60
Rapid Alchemy
| 1S
| +2 atk with melee weapon, 1/encounter lose bonus as free for +5 on single damage roll
| J 21
Reading the Flame
| Initiate of Vahl
| reroll Use the Force to Search Your Feelings or farseeing
| L 58
Reap Retribution
| if take dam from Force power you deal +2 dam against that creature until end of encounter
| R 23
Rebound Leap
| make Jump check as free when reduce opponent to 0 hp & can use surge
| J 89
Rebuke the Dark
| if dark side power, roll two dice for rebuke attempt & take best
| K 39
| regain 2 Force Powers when Force Point is spent to regain a power
| R 23
Recall Discblade
| proficient discblade
| 1Z
| DC 15 Use the Force to recall discblade
| J 91
Redirect Shot
| Deflect, BAB +5
| once per round, not autofire or other projectiles
| CR 41
Regimen Aptitude
| Force Regimen Mastery
| +5 bonus on skill checks made to perform a Force Regimen
| J 18
Renew Vision
| 1Z
| once per encounter, can regain all expended uses of farseeing power
| K 25
Repel Discord
| 1bS
| when targeted by dark side power you can give penalty to their UtF = Dark Side score
| J 87
Repelling Whirlwind
| Seyugi Cyclone
| +2 Ref Def v. target hit by Whirlwind Attack until start of your next turn
| J 83
| 1F
| move +2 steps up condition track
| CR 40
Resist Enervation
| if you would move down track, spend Force Point to negate movement
| C 56
Resist the Dark Side
| Dark Side Sense
| +5 Force bonus to all Def scores against Dark Side skills from dark force-user
| CR 41
| 1S
| target loses concealment bonus to Ref Def if Use the Force beats Will Def
| L 58
| Dark Presence*
| +2 Atk & Dam if an ally of equal or higher level dies or reduced to 0 hp in LOS
| CR 101
Ride the Current
| 1bS
| reaction to damage gain total concealment until end of your next turn & may take 2nd Wind if didn't
| J 77
| Block, BAB +5
| 1bS
| once an encounter make a lightsaber attack v. opponent you Block (not v. area attacks)
| K 25
Scholarly Knowledge
| 1Z
| reroll Knowledge if you're trained in that Knowledge
| C 41
Second Chance
| Steady Under Pressure
| if you fail Treat Injury check, patient does not take any additional damage
| F 54
Sense Deception
| Use the Force replaces Will Def against Deception or Persuasion
| J 20
Sentinel Strike
| when you attack flat-footed opponent with a damage dealing Force power or lightsaber add +d6 dam
| K 25
Sentinel's Gambit
| 1Z
| 1/encounter enemy with Dark Side score 1+, enemy loses Dex to Def v. your atk until next turn
| K 25
Sentinel's Observation
| if have concealment v. target, can spend FP for +2 atk v. that target
| C 22
Severing Strike
| if dam over current hp & threshold, then deal half dam, move down track and sever
| CR 218
Seyugi Cyclone
| if wielding no weapons (gloves or gauntlets) can use Whirlwind Attack until start of your next turn
| J 83
Shadow Armor
| Cloak of Shadow
| 1Z
| +1 Force bonus to Ref Def until start of your next turn
| L 58
Shadow Vision
| 1Z
| gain low-light vision, lasts 5 min or until end of encounter whichever comes first
| L 58
Share Force Secret
| at least 1 Force Secret
| 1Z
| 1/turn grant use of Force Secret to ally w/in 12 sq & trained in Use the Force
| J 19
Share Force Technique
| at least 1 Technique
| 1Z
| 1/turn grant use of Force Technique to ally w/in 12 sq & trained in Use the Force, not FP Recovery
| J 20
Share Talent
| at least 1 from special
| 1S
| 1/day grant use of Lightsaber Combat or Forms, Duelist until end of enc if w/in 12 sq to allies = 1/2 cl
| J 20
| Soften the Target
| if you damage target with area attack, target is flat-footed v. you until next turn
| C 47
Sheltering Stance
| Block or Deflect, Vigilance
| may use Block or Deflect to protect adjacent without sending Force Point
| K 40
Shield Gauntlet Defense
| Siang Lance Mastery, BAB +7
| 1bS
| 1/turn +2 Ref Def v. 1 ranged atk if have activated shield gauntlet & not flat-footed
| R 37
Shield Gauntlet Deflect
| Shield Gauntlet Defense
| 1bS
| 1/rnd negate ranged attack with Use the Force check, DC = Atk roll, must have activated gauntlet, aware and not flat-footed, vs. autofire = 1/2 or no damage spend a Force Point for adjacent
| R 37
Shield Gauntlet Redirect
| Shield Gauntlet Defense, Shield Gauntlet Deflect, BAB +5
| with successful Deflect make ranged atk w/in 6 sq & LOS, not autofire
| R 37
| Deflect, Redirect Shot
| +5 on ranged attack on deflected shot
| CR 218
Shift Sense
| gain low-light vision for 1 minute or the encounter whichever is longer
| C 53
| Block, Deflect
| take only -2 penalty on your Use the Force check for each block or deflect in last turn
| CR 219
Shoto Focus
| +2 atk with shoto or guard shoto if you wield a one-handed lightsaber
| J 14
Shoto Master
| one-handed lightsaber considered light with shoto, can activate Lightsaber Defense as free with shoto
| J 19
Shoto Pin
| Block
| when you Block w/shoto the attacker can make no melee atk until its next turn or you're not adjacent
| J 21
Siang Lance Mastery
| treat siang lance as rifle, +1 atk & counts as Weapon Focus (rifles)
| R 37
Sickening Blast
| Force blast
| if Use the Force of Force blast exceeds Fort Def, target moves 1 down track, you get Dark Side point
| F 93
Silicon Mind
| 1bS
| gain bonus to Will Def = Cha mod (min 1) against Use the Force until end of your next turn
| J 79
Simultaneous Strike
| BAB +5
| 1S
| make two unarmed attacks each against different targets
| J 89
Single Weapon Flourish I
| Double Attack, Weapon Finesse
| with 1 light melee or lightsaber you can move your speed as a free action
| K 47
Single Weapon Flourish II
| Double Attack, Master of Elegance, Single Weapon Flourish I, Weapon Finesse
| with 1 light melee or lightsaber make full atk as stan, 1 per turn
| K 47
Sith Alchemy
| Dark Side Adept & Master
| 1F
| Create Sith Talisman = +d6 dam with Force powers or lightsaber, gain Dark Side point with first use Create Sith Weapon - imbue weapon with Sith alchemical weapon template (K79)
| K 41
Sith Alchemy
| Create Sith Amulet, Sith Armor, Sith Talisman, or Sith Weapon, see J21-22
| J 21
Sith Alchemy Specialist
| Sith Alchemy
| modify an item to gain Sith Alchemy traits, see J22
| J 22
Sith Reverence
| +1 atk while within 20 sq & LOS of an ally with Dark Side score equal or greater than yours
| C 56
Skilled Advisor
| 1F
| ally gets +5 on skill check, Force Point = +10
| CR 40
Slashing Charge
| Block, Riposte, WF & WP (lightsabers)
| once per encounter with charge take no penalty on UtF for Block during the charge, applies to Riposte
| K 39
Soft to Solid
| 1bS
| when damaged gain DR 10 until end of your next turn
| J 81
Soften the Target
| 1Z
| when you damage target with ranged atk, 1 ally in LOS ignores target's DR & SR
| C 47
| Acrobatic Recovery
| take 10 on Acrobatics check to tumble even when distracted, each occupied square counts as 1
| CR 219
| Vital transfer
| use vital transfer to move target +1 up track not heal, you move -1 down track
| C 41
Soothing Presence
| Charm Beast
| shift unfriendly beast to indifferent automatically
| J 18
| Block, Deflect
| reroll Use the Force
| CR 219
Spatial Integrity
| 1bS
| Use the Force negates damage to vehicle you are aboard, occurs after DR & SR applied
| J 73
Stava Expertise
| when you grab an enemy they must make opposed grapple to break, if you initiate you can reroll, if you're in light or no armor
| GW 33
Steady Under Pressure
| reroll Treat Injury
| F 54
Steel Resolve
| melee atk, penalty -1 to -5 for double the number to Will Def, may not exceed BAB
| F 24
Stifle Conflict
| your force powers can deal stun dam
| J 87
Stolen Form
| Any force technique, WF lightsabers
| choose a lightsaber form
| T 81
Strength of the Empire
| Knight's Morale
| when ally w/in 12 sq hits with lightsaber you deal +1 die dam with next lightsaber atk
| L 45
Sudden Storm
| Seyugi Cyclone
| make Whirlwind Attack at end of charge not normal melee attack if using no weapons (gloves, etc)
| J 83
Suppress Force
| Influence Savant, mind trick
| 1bS
| mind trick to convince target they can't use the Force, Int 3 & w/in 12sq, UtF v. UtF
| J 15
Surge of Light
| 1Z
| 1/encounter return any [light side] power without spending Force Point
| C 53
Surrender to the Current
| 1Z
| until end of encounter: can only use "you" Force Powers & 1/turn recover 1 spent power w/out FP
| J 77
Swift Power
| Power of the Dark Side
| once a day, use a swift action instead of move or standard
| CR 101
Sword of Vahl
| Initiate of Vahl
| +1 Force bonus to attacks with simple weapons
| L 58
Tae-Jitsu Expertise
| 1/turn when dam target with unarmed atk compare atk roll to thresh & if over target -1 down track
| GW 33
Taint of the Dark Side
| Dark Deception
| add one dark side force power, once per encounter use that power without increasing Dark Side score
| K 39
Telekinetic Power
| w/natural 20 to use Force disarm, grip, slam, thrust or Move Object, reuse same power immediately
| CR 100
Telekinetic Prodigy
| Telekinetic Savant
| with Force Training & take move object, gain extra power from disarm, slam, thrust or move object
| F 88
Telekinetic Savant
| 1Z
| once per encounter, return Force disarm, slam, thrust, or Move Object without Force Point
| CR 100
Telekinetic Stability
| negate movement if being force against will
| L 55
Telekinetic Strike
| add Force Point roll to damage & attack if unarmed
| J 89
Telekinetic Throw
| Throw feat
| with successful Throw opponent falls prone in any space you desire up to 3 sq beyond your reach
| J 89
Telekinetic Vigilance
| Intercept
| 1Z
| can return Intercept to suite without spending Force Point
| J 91
Telepathic Influence
| Telepathic Link*
| when you roll a natural 20 on Atk or Use the Force instead of gaining force powers can grant ally FP
| K 53
Telepathic Intruder
| if you successfully use a mind-affecting power gain +2 on mind-affecting powers v. that target
| J 18
Telepathic Link
| Use the Force
| 1Z
| link within 1km can communicate as if speaking, 1/encounter may share Force power of target or you
| K 53
Tempest Tossed
| Seyugi Cyclone
| can move target 1 sq if damaged by Whirlwind Attack, not if grabbed or grappled, no Atk of Opp
| J 83
The Will to Resist
| 1bS
| 1/turn if Will Def is targeted can replace Will with Use the Force check, you -5 UtF until end of next
| C 53
Thrown Lightsaber Mastery
| Improved & Lightsaber Throw
| any target struck by thrown lightsaber moves at half spd (round down) until your next turn
| F 43
| Bantha Rush, Force Training
| if you use a Force Power that deals damage you can use Bantha Rush against target as if melee atk
| J 85
| BAB +12, Weapon Specialization*
| 2Z
| Deception to feint, shut off and reignite lightsaber
| CR 219
Transfer Essence
| Dark Side Score = Wis
| when you die become a dark side spirit & can possess others or enter an object, see J16
| J 16
Transfer Power
| Force Training feat
| 1S
| spend a power in suite & give to ally trained in UtF & w/in 12 sq & LOS, lost if not used by end of enc
| J 20
| Enhanced Vision
| 1/encounter if you and allies have LOS to same target you all can reroll one ranged attack
| C 47
Twin Weapon Mastery
| you can move 2 squares between attacks without an attack of opportunity
| J 21
Twin Weapon Style
| 1S
| you can make an attack with both weapons or double-sided weapon against different targets
| J 21
Tyia Adept
| 1Z
| ally in 12 sq & LOS takes dam you take half dam & ally takes half dam
| J 87
Unclouded Judgment
| Sense Deception
| 1bS
| spend a Force Point to automatically negate a mind-affecting Force power or talent
| J 20
Unseen Eyes
| Force Haze*
| allies hidden in Haze can reroll Perception, keep best, allies gain +2 dam v. unaware foes
| C 22
Unsettling Presence
| Force Interrogation
| 1S
| Use the Force v. Will Def v. any in 6sq, -2 Atk & skill checks within 6sq of you until end of encounter
| F 43
| BAB +12, Juyo*
| Cri on 19-20, 19 not an auto hit
| CR 219
Vahl's Brand
| Empower Weapon
| additional damage from an empowered weapon is considered fire damage
| L 58
Vahl's Flame
| Initiate of Vahl
| 1Z
| +1d6 fire damage with melee weapons until the beginning of your next turn
| L 58
| 1Z
| UtF v. Will Def to vanish from sight of one target in LOS, total concealment v. target until next turn
| F 92
Victorious Force Mastery
| if an enemy you damaged in this encounter is at 0 hp, return one Force Power as free
| C 56
| 1Z
| one adjacent ally +1 Ref Def as long as they remain adjacent
| K 40
Visionary Attack
| WatchCircle Initiate*
| 1bS
| you or ally within 12sq if you miss an atk, UtF check over target's Will attacker can reroll Atk spend one farseeing, you -5 Use the Force until beginning of your next turn
| K 24
Visionary Defense
| WatchCircle Initiate*
| 1bS
| you or ally within 12sq if attacked, UtF check over target's Will defender +5 Ref Def spend one farseeing, you -5 Use the Force until beginning of your next turn
| K 25
| farseeing, Force Perception
| 1Z
| See into past or future with farseeing, max one year per your level
| CR 101
Vital Encouragement
| 1Z
| 1/encounter you gain hp = 10 + 1/2 your HL
| J 17
Wan-Shen Defense
| proficient Wan-shen
| 1Z
| +1 Ref Def v. melee if have wan-shen in hand & not flat-footed
| J 81
Wan-Shen Kata
| proficient Wan-shen
| treat wan-shen as Med weapon not Large, can Pin & Trip with wan-shen if wan-shen in hand
| J 81
Wan-Shen Mastery
| 1S
| make 2 atk with wan-shen each against a different target if have wan-shen in hand
| J 81
WatchCircle Initiate
| Farseeing
| 1bS
| Use the Force DC15, remove farseeing, add 1 Force Point to ally in LOS, replaces normal affects
| K 25
Watchman's Advance
| Force Warning
| when acting in surprise round you &allies take +1 move max
| K 40
| 1Z
| add Cha mod to dam (min +1) to telekinetic Force power
| K 61
Weapon Specialization (discblade)
| Weapon Focus, proficient discblade
| +2 melee dam with discblade
| J 91
Weapon Specialization (lightsaber)
| Weapon Focus
| 1S
| +2 to melee damage
| CR 41
White Current Adept
| Use the Force replaces Stealth, considered trained, if can reroll Stealth can reroll Use the Force
| J 77
Wicked Strike
| Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization
| Crit with a lightsaber, move target 2 steps down track
| CR 224
Wild Sense
| Charm Beast
| 1Z
| 1/turn touch mind of indifferent or better beast w/in 12 sq & LOS, beast's Perception & LOS is yours
| J 18
Wind Vortex
| 1Z
| gain concealment & +2 Ref Def v. thrown weapons until end of encounter
| J 85
Wrath of the Dark Side
| Power of the Dark Side
| when you roll nat 20 with force power that deals dam, not regain powers for dam & half dam next turn
| F 88
Wrruushi Expertise
| 1/turn when dam target with unarmed atk make atk v. Fort Def for target to take only 1 swif next turn, if you're in light or no armor
| GW 33