Barbarian Wis.
Can buy Exceptional Chr for 1 weapon prof.
Can buy Barbarian Chr (if already have Exceptional) for addtional 2 weapon prof.
+(Wis/20) M Actions (round down)
When Turning Undead, treat "-" (dash), "16", "17", "18", "19", and "20" as a "15".
Negative Spell Adjectives:
These reduce the SL of a spell. The maximum shift is -2 SL.
Each combination takes one research point to learn.
This class does not Twilight from using SLs greater than your LVL, however,
if you use one of these negative adjectives and try to cast a spell higher than you LVL,
you must spend an additional (original SL - LVL) M actions.
You may "owe" M actions (casting the spell on the first M action spent).
Zero Casting Level (-1 to SL): The CL of this spell is 0.
Easy to Resist (-1 to SL): If the spell gives a save, it is automatically made. If it doesn't give a save, it gives one (vs. Spell). Counterspells on this spell can't be countered.
No Range (-1 to SL): The spell is range touch, is not area (1 target only), and cannot be material componented
Takes All Damned Round to Cast (-1 to SL): This spell takes 1 round (10 segments) to cast. You can use V actions while casting.
Takes All Damned Turn to Cast (-2 to SL): This spell takes 1 turn (10 segments) to cast. You can use V actions while casting.