Time Bandit

Level KXP Chrono  Myth
123 45  123 45
1 0 1-- --  1-- --
2 5 2-- --  2-- --
3 15 3-- --  3-- --
4 30 31- --  4-- --
5 50 32- --  41- --
6 75 33- --  42- --
7 150 331 --  43- --
8 300 332 --  44- --
9 600 333 --  441 --
10 1000 333 1-  442 --
11 1400 333 2-  443 --
12 1800 333 3-  444 --
13 2200 333 31  444 1-
14 2600 333 32  444 2-
15 3000 333 33  444 3-
16 3400 443 33  444 4-
17 3800 444 43  444 41
18 4200 544 44  444 42
19 4600 555 44  444 43
20 5000 555 55  444 44
21 5400 665 55  544 44
22 5800 666 65  554 44
23 6200 766 66  555 44
24 6600 777 66  555 54
25 7000 777 77  555 55
26 7400 777 77  555 55
27 7800 777 77  555 55
28 8200 777 77  555 55
29 8600 777 77  555 55
30 9000 777 77  555 55
31 9400 777 77  555 55
32 9800 777 77  555 55
33 10200 777 77  555 55
34 10600 777 77  555 55
35 11000 777 77  555 55
36 11400 777 77  555 55
TH Saves
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+0  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+1  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+1  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+2  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+2  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+3  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+3  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+4 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
+4 10 13 11  7 13  8 12  6
+5 11 14 11  8 14  9 13  7
+5 12 15 12  9 14  9 14  7
+6 13 16 13 11 15 10 15  8
+6 14 16 14 13 15 11 16  9
+7 15 16 15 14 16 12 17  9
+7 16 16 16 16 16 13 18 10
+8 16 16 16 16 16 13 19 11
+8 16 17 16 16 16 14 20 11
Requisites: Dex 13, Int 15
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: 2d5
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/5
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: 2xRog
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue, Lost
Gets Exceptional Dex and Int.
Gets 50 Rogue points per level.
Gets Chronomancy and Myth spells. Can cast "All Rogue" spells out of either progression.
Level 1: Time/Reality Stability.
Level 5: Detect change in TF or LF cont.
Level 9: Loop/Reality Stability.
Level 9: 1M: Restore the TF
Level 18: 1M: Restore the LF
Lvl Time Bandit Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 +rating/50 A actions /r this turn || B actions || C actions 1F 0 Dex-20 Dex-25
1 Disorder Objects | Mass Entropy V 10 Dex-8 Dex-10
1 Legend Lore | Identify | Object Reading | Know Visual History 0 | M 0 Int-15 Int-17
1 Ethereal Window | Astral | Phlogiston | Any Inner | Any Outer | UltraBlack MV 0 Con-12 Con-15
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Locate Staircases on current DL || Out of Depth Monsters || Most Valuable Object MM 0 Chr-20 Chr-25
3 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
4 Sense Danger | Precognition | Choose Future | x1 Avoid Fate VM 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
5 Escape Bonds | Binding | Imprisonment/Time Stop || Get out of Put Down a Hole P 10 Str-14 Str-16
6 Read Magic (Wizard/Priest) ||| Read Magic (Concordant) M 15 Int-13 Int-15
7 Find the Path ( | for each plane removed) MM 20 Wis-10 Wis-15
8 +(rating)% money, use at end of run before selling - 0 Cml-9 Cml-18
9 Ask the Local Lord | Highest Lvl in Plane | Chosen God | Ultraplanar | DM a question VM 0 Chr-11 Chr-21
10 Locate (anything unique) Across Planes | Clairvoyance there | TWE there M 0 Int-12 Int-15
11 Phase Door | Dimension Door M 5 Int-9 Int-20
12 Probability Travel MM 20 Int-13 Int-20
13 Phlogiston Spell / Phlogiston Projection | Time of Legends Spell (project to Time of Legends) MMMM 35 Cml-22 Cml-29
14 (Use 1/turn max) Can convert 1V->1IV or 1Z->1IZ (instantaneous actions), one time per 50% made this turn. 0 0 Wis-49 Wis-50
15 Time Shift ||| Time Travel VMM 15 Int-17 Int-25
16 Can Dim Door away in combat during your actions | Teleport - -15 Dex-18 Dex-24
17 Instantaneous x0 effect | x1 || x2 ||| x3 |||| x4 etc. - 50 Dex-24 Dex-32
18 Summon (and control) Blue Time Elemental | Red | Silver | Green | Yellow | Purple | Gold M -150 Chr-1 Chr-125