
Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 2.5 (none)
3 5 (none)
4 10 (none)
5 20 (none)
6 40 (none)
7 80 (none)
8 160 (none)
9 320 (none)
10 500 (none)
11 750 (none)
12 1000 (none)
13 1250 (none)
14 1500 (none)
15 1750 (none)
16 2000 (none)
17 2250 (none)
18 2500 (none)
19 2750 (none)
20 3000 (none)
21 3250 (none)
22 3500 (none)
23 3750 (none)
24 4000 (none)
25 4250 (none)
26 4500 (none)
27 4750 (none)
28 5000 (none)
29 5250 (none)
30 5500 (none)
31 5750 (none)
32 6000 (none)
33 6250 (none)
34 6500 (none)
35 6750 (none)
36 7000 (none)
TH Saves
+0  4  2  3  1  1  1  1  0
+1  5  2  4  2  1  1  1  0
+2  5  3  4  3  2  2  2  1
+3  6  4  5  4  3  2  2  1
+4  7  5  6  5  4  3  2  1
+5  8  5  7  6  4  3  3  2
+6  8  6  7  7  5  4  3  2
+7  9  7  8  8  6  4  4  2
+8 10  8  9  9  7  5  4  3
+9 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  3
+10 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  3
+11 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  4
+12 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  4
+13 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  4
+14 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  5
+15 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  5
+16 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  5
+17 15 13 14 14 12  9  8  6
Requisites: Str 17, Con 9
Alignment: L any
HD/level: 3d4
Weapon Prof.: 4+level
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: DM
Groups: Warrior
Gets Exceptional Str and Con.
Can specialize in weapons.
Each level, get one "5th edition" pick from the choices below.
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A +LVL*3" bonus to movement rate
B LVL slots each in Direction Sense, Tracking, Survival
C Add d+LVL to the damage dice with one weapon type
D Nonmagical weapons and armor are at half monetary cost for you
E Leave no footprints, actually 1 inch above ground when walking, immune pits/slides/etc.
Level 4: Pick two Soldier5 Level 1-3, one Mercenary5 Level 1-3, or one Psi(-5) minor
Level 5-7: F Bind wounds is LVL hp (can’t bind an already bound wound)
G Subtract 1 from what you need to roll to autohit target
H Get +LVL melee TH & dmg vs. a target for every other person also meleeing that target
I Magical weapons and armor (including individual flags) are at half cost for you
J Your mount and everyone within 30’ you instruct have the Level 1-3 E ability
Level 8: Pick two from: Soldier5 Level 5-7, Mercenary5 Level 1-3, Psi(-5) minor
Level 9-12: K 1M, 1/d: Summon LVL Soldier5 NPCs (lvl = LVL*2-12, max=12)
L 1P: Attack only one target this segment. Your base # attacks per weapon/fist = LVL.
M Any target with AC>100 is considered AC=100 to you
N Ignore WR, aWR, DR, aDR, ER, inertial barrier, displacement; considered extra +LVL wpn
O You & mount fly at (LVL^2)", Sustain Movement Rate, Immune terrain/slow/hold/stop/stun
Level 13: Pick 2: Soldier5 Level 9-12, Mercenary5 Level 5-7, Psi(-5) major, other5 Level 1-3
Level 14-18: P 1M, 1/d: Summon LVL^2 Soldier5 NPCs (lvl = LVL-9, max=18)
Q Use "Mixed Classing" (even if illegal) to mix one (legal) Warrior class into this class
R Always roll max to hit & damage with physical attacks
S Ignore iWR, iaWR, iDR, iaDR, iER, "-blah/attack", damaging shields; considered +8 wpn
T Immune to Time Stop, Opposition, Imprisonment (spell or mirror or iron flask)
Level 18: Pick 2: Mercenary5 Level 9-12, Psi(-5) grand, other5 level 5-7
Level 20-26: U 1M, 1/d: Summon LVL^3 Soldier5 NPCs (lvl = LVL-9, max=24)
V Use "Mixed Classing" (even if illegal) to mix one (legal) class with a Str requirement into this class
W For each 10 points of physical damage, you lower a random stat by 1. (no save)
X Ignore planar displacement & immunity to weapons / matter / physical attacks
Y Immune to Put Down a Hole, As You Are, Truename Erased, DNA Scrambled
Z Pick 1 Level 14-18 (or lower) pick from any "5th Edition" class (this may be picked multiple times)
Level 27-36: Pick 1 Level 20-26 (or lower) pick from any "5th Edition" class.