
Level KXP Invocation
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 3 2-- --- -
3 6 21- --- -
4 12 32- --- -
5 24 331 --- -
6 48 332 --- -
7 96 332 1-- -
8 192 333 2-- -
9 350 443 21- -
10 600 443 32- -
11 850 544 321 -
12 1100 655 322 -
13 1350 666 422 -
14 1600 666 532 1
15 1850 666 642 1
16 2100 777 643 1
17 2350 777 753 2
18 2600 888 864 2
19 2850 998 864 2
20 3100 999 875 2
21 3350 999 986 2
22 3600 999 996 3
23 3850 999 997 3
24 4100 999 998 3
25 4350 999 998 4
26 4600 999 999 4
27 4850 999 999 5
28 5100 999 999 6
29 5350 999 999 7
30 5600 999 999 8
31 5850 999 999 9
32 6100 AAA A99 9
33 6350 AAA AAA 9
34 6600 AAA AAA A
35 6850 BBB BAA A
36 7100 BBB BBB B
TH Saves
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+2  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+3  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+4  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+5  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+6  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+7  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+8 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
+9 10 13 11  7 13  8 12  6
+10 11 14 11  8 14  9 13  7
+11 12 15 12  9 14  9 14  7
+12 13 16 13 11 15 10 15  8
+13 14 16 14 13 15 11 16  9
+14 15 16 15 14 16 12 17  9
+15 16 16 16 16 16 13 18 10
+16 16 16 16 16 16 13 19 11
+17 16 17 16 16 16 14 20 11
Requisites: Dex 18, Luck 12 (can owe)
Alignment: C any
HD/level: +d6
Weapon Prof.: 5+level
To Hit Table: 2xRog
Save Table: 2xRog
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue, Technology
Gets 60 Rogue points per level.
Can spend stat points due to level to Luck (in fact you must do this in order to fill the Luck requirement).
Can cast Wizard Invocation spells.
Level 1: Flying at 6*LVL" (D) via a rocket pack on your back.
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as per Barbarian in the Number of Attacks table.
Level 1 ¶: ROCKETS!!!: You always have a (free) Missile Launcher weapon for each hand, which fires an endless supply of ROCKETS!!! Your ROCKETS!!! have a range of 30*LVL*LVL feet. You have two options when firing:
[1] You can ROCKET!!! one target, this is treated as a normal weapon attack (you need to roll to hit as usual). Base number of attacks as per Bow, dmg = 1e(LVL*10) / 1e(LVL*10), with Dex bonus and specialization for TH/dmg. Critical is 20+/x(LVL+2)/2.
[2] You can ROCKET!!! one group, this auto-hits, the entire group takes 2e(LVL*4) technological dmg, with Dex bonus (and specialization) on dmg.
Level 2: +1 Technological proficiency per even level, see [P8.8] for list.
Level 9 (and every further level divisible by 9): Has access to another School.
Lvl Rocketeer Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Rating/30 instances of Resist an element or eelement (doesn't "spread") - 30 Con-10 Con-15
1 Self Destruct: You and your group takes (Rating) tech dmg. P 30*LVL Str-1 Str-19
1 Find/Remove x1 Traps/Tricks | Magic/Psi | OutPhase ( | 30' away) V 10 Dex-4 Dex-8
1 Attack (+1 TH per 10% made this segment) V 5 Dex-12 Dex-15
1 Damage (+1 dmg per 10% made this segment; or multiply dmg by x(1+rating/200)) V 0 Str-15 Str-18
1 Open/Close Locks: Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase (| do this 30' away) VM 5 Dex-12 Dex-16
1 Resources: Gain LVL*Chr*10 gp per reset.
1 Extra range on missiles (3' per 1%) - 10 Wis-13 Wis-15
1 Understand how a tech item works (-5%/tech level) V 25 Con-10 Con-12
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Lower Encumbrance | Zero Encumbrance | No Armor Penalty | AC types fully add P 5 Str-14 Str-19
2 Item Speed: One of your items gets +1E action || two items |||| one gets +1QE V 0 Con-10 Con-15
3 +(rating/50) wear locations (any body location you want) V 0 Str-10 Str-15
3 Any Rogue 3 ability - - - -
4 Considered extra +(rating/25) weapon to hit V 0 Str-5 Str-15
4 Gun Fu: +LVL to hit with guns; guns are always at least base #Att = 1; guns "open end" one better than normal.
5 BOMBS!: 1P, 1 charge (have LVL charges /d): LVL*(2m4) technological damage, area (no save, TechR to resist)
5 Any Rogue 5 ability - - - -
6 Lower/Ignore WaWR (reduce or ignore WaWR by rating) || iWaWR V/N 0 Dex-10 Dex-20
6 Find/Remove x2 Traps/Tricks | Magic/Psi | OutPhase ( | 30') ( | x1 Special) V 20 Dex-9 Dex-12
7 Repair a broken magic/psi/tech item, n=(XP value)/1000 (round up) nM 100 - -
7 Any Rogue 7 ability - - - -
8 Your BOMBS! can hit two groups or can be set on a time delay, you have 3*LVL charges
8 Remove Capital B Blasted or Capital M Mauled from someone 3F 100 - -
9 +(rating)% money, use at end of run before selling - 0 Cml-9 Cml-18
9 Better Resources: Gain LVL*Chr*10 item XP per reset, must all be spent on one item (any extra is wasted)
10 Find/Remove x3 Traps/Tricks | Magic/Psi | OutPhase( | 30') ( | x2 Special) M 20 Int-13 Int-15
12 Backstave (N/2% of your dmg is vile) || Stun (save=N-100) - 0 Wis-26 Wis-32
15 The Man for the Job: 1F, 1/reset: Create a temporary (1 turn) x1 non-artifact item that is needed for a task
18 Fork 1bM 100 - -
21 Speak with Technology (giving it Pseudo-Intelligence) V 0 Con-15 Con-23
24 You act as a Spelljamming helm, 1X tech, (rating/10) SFB boxes V 0 Con-20 Con-28
27 Nuke (does a nuclear bomb; Rating/100 idmg in huge area) 2F 100 Str-2 Str-38