
Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 3 (none)
3 6 (none)
4 12 (none)
5 24 (none)
6 48 (none)
7 96 (none)
8 192 (none)
9 270 (none)
10 337.5 (none)
11 412.5 (none)
12 495 (none)
13 585 (none)
14 682.5 (none)
15 787.5 (none)
16 900 (none)
17 1020 (none)
18 1147.5 (none)
19 1282.5 (none)
20 1425 (none)
21 1575 (none)
22 1732.5 (none)
23 1897.5 (none)
24 2070 (none)
25 2250 (none)
26 2437.5 (none)
27 2632.5 (none)
28 2835 (none)
29 3045 (none)
30 3262.5 (none)
31 3487.5 (none)
32 3720 (none)
33 3960 (none)
34 4207.5 (none)
35 4462.5 (none)
36 4725 (none)
TH Saves
& +1  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
& +2  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
& +3  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
& +4  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
& +5  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
& +6  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
& +7  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
& +8  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
& +9  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
& +10  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
& +11  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
& +12  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
& +13 10 12 12  8 10  8  6 10
& +14 10 13 13  9 11  9  6 11
& +15 11 14 13  9 11  9  7 12
& +16 11 14 13 10 12 10  7 13
& +17 12 14 14 11 13 10  8 13
& +18 14 15 14 13 14 11  8 14
Requisites: Chr 20
Alignment: any
HD/level: +++d4
Weapon Prof.: & 3+level*2
To Hit Table: & +level
Save Table: 1˝xPsi
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Uncommoner3}
Groups: Warrior, Monster, Alternate
Each Level: The DM rolls a Monster Summoning result of DL=2*LVL/5 (round up). The result will be of the "Weird" group, with a random [M2] Monster Template added to it. You gain the racial abilities of what the DM rolls. (You don't actually summon anything, the roll is just to determine what you get.)
The progression for the DLs is as follows:
Levels 1-9 = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4
Levels 10-18 = 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8
Levels 19-27 = 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11
Levels 28-36 = 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15
The "&" on the To Hit means this class adds it's to hit bonus to your highest other class.
Level 14: Divide the cost of Artifacts by (LVL-12) or it's multiplier, whichever is higher.