Knight of Quantity1

Level KXP Warrior
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 7 2-- --- -
3 17 31- --- -
4 41 42- --- -
5 75 531 --- -
6 125 642 --- -
7 200 753 1-- -
8 318 864 2-- -
9 525 975 31- -
10 950 A86 42- -
11 1600 B97 531 -
12 2250 CA8 642 -
13 2900 DB9 753 1
14 3550 ECA 864 2
15 4200 FDB 975 3
16 4850 GEC A86 4
17 5500 GFD B97 5
18 6150 GFE CA8 6
19 6800 GFE DB9 7
20 7450 GFE DCA 8
21 8100 GFE DCB 9
22 8750 GFE DCB A
23 9400 GFE DCB B
24 10050 GFE DCC B
25 10700 GFE DCC C
26 11350 GFE DDC C
27 12000 GFE DDD C
28 12650 GFE DDD D
29 13300 GFE EDD D
30 13950 GFE EED D
31 14600 GFE EEE D
32 15250 GFE EEE E
33 15900 GFF EEE E
34 16550 GFF FEE E
35 17200 GFF FFE E
36 17850 GFF FFF E
TH Saves
+0  8  4  6  2  2  2  2  0
+1 10  4  8  4  2  2  2  0
+2 10  6  8  6  4  4  4  2
+3 12  8 10  8  6  4  4  2
+4 14 10 12 10  8  6  4  2
+5 16 10 14 12  8  6  6  4
+6 16 12 14 14 10  8  6  4
+7 18 14 16 16 12  8  8  4
+8 20 16 18 18 14 10  8  6
+9 22 16 20 20 14 10  8  6
+10 22 18 20 22 16 12 10  6
+11 24 20 22 24 18 12 10  8
+12 26 22 24 26 20 14 12  8
+13 28 22 26 28 20 14 12  8
+14 28 24 26 28 22 16 12 10
+15 28 24 28 28 22 16 14 10
+16 28 26 28 28 24 18 14 10
+17 30 26 28 28 24 18 16 12
Requisites: Str 12, Dex 14, Chr 20, Cml 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: 5d3 (not a typo: it's five dice.)
Weapon Prof.: 3*level
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War*2 (see note)
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Knight of Quality1}
Groups: Warrior, Alternate
The Saves of "War*2" means to read the Warrior table at your level, and multiply the results by 2 (this is different from "2xWar", where you multiply your level by 2 before reading).
Gets one level of Exceptional stat per level, among Str, Dex, Con, or Chr.
Can cast Wizard Conjuration/Summoning spells as if they were Warrior spells.
Gets +(LVL+2)/3 Henchmen slots. Can use the special types of Henchmen introduced in the Meat Helm and War Priest classes. Divide the cost of Henchmen by LVL.
Level 1 ¶: Pick weapon of choice; your number of attacks with that weapon = (LVL+2)/2.
Level 1: May shatter a magical, psionic, or innate effect that is currently running. It requires 10 dmg per spell level of the effect to shatter it. This doesn't require a Holy Avenger.
Level 1: Regenerate LVL hp/s.
Level 1: Can operate at negative hit points equal to -10*level. While in this state, you cannot make any type of attack (magic, psionic, physical, or otherwise).
Level 1 ¶: +1 extra ability score point per level, can be spent on Str, Dex, Con, or Chr.
Level 3: Free Action cont.
Level 3: Gets LVL/3 Mounts (see Beast Rider class), DL=(LVL+2)/3.
Level 3: Can build a freehold and attract LVLd1000 Followers. Automatically gains 1 XP per year per follower if you set up a stronghold. Each follower is (roll 1d100:) 01-45=level 0, 46-95=level 1, 96-99=level 2, 00=level 3. Assuming no other activity, any given follower has a LVL-2 in 20 chance of going up in level each year (where LVL is your level).
Level 3: Mental link with a number of lieutenants (followers that are Warriors of at least 3rd level) equal to your level (this operates on its own unique psionic frequency).
Level 4: Gain "Whirl" (slightly improved in area of effect). 1P: Do 1 attack on every target within 15'r (one group usually).
Level 5: +(LVL-3)/2 QP actions.
Level 9: Starting this level, get one "Level:" pick from any Warrior class you know, at 8 levels lower (so at level 9 you get a "Level 1:", at level 10 you get a "Level 2:", and so forth.)