
Level KXP
1 0 (varies)
2 0.4*F (varies)
3 0.8*F (varies)
4 1.6*F (varies)
5 3.2*F (varies)
6 6.4*F (varies)
7 12.8*F (varies)
8 25*F (varies)
9 50*F (varies)
10 75*F (varies)
11 100*F (varies)
12 125*F (varies)
13 150*F (varies)
14 175*F (varies)
15 200*F (varies)
16 225*F (varies)
17 250*F (varies)
18 275*F (varies)
19 300*F (varies)
20 325*F (varies)
21 350*F (varies)
22 375*F (varies)
23 400*F (varies)
24 425*F (varies)
25 450*F (varies)
26 475*F (varies)
27 500*F (varies)
28 525*F (varies)
29 550*F (varies)
30 575*F (varies)
31 600*F (varies)
32 625*F (varies)
33 650*F (varies)
34 675*F (varies)
35 700*F (varies)
36 725*F (varies)
TH Saves
+0 (total = 27, max = 9)
+1 (total = 30, max = 10)
+2 (total = 33, max = 11)
+3 (total = 36, max = 12)
+4 (total = 39, max = 13)
+5 (total = 42, max = 14)
+6 (total = 45, max = 15)
+7 (total = 48, max = 16)
+8 (total = 51, max = 17)
+8 (total = 54, max = 18)
+9 (total = 57, max = 19)
+9 (total = 60, max = 20)
+10 (total = 63, max = 21)
+10 (total = 66, max = 22)
+11 (total = 69, max = 23)
+11 (total = 72, max = 24)
+12 (total = 75, max = 25)
+12 (total = 78, max = 26)
Requisites: one F*2, one F
Alignment: any
HD/level: varies
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: Cust
Save Table: Cust
Reference: Dragon #109 {Planeshifted Custom2}
Groups: Custom
For abilities, see next page.


Custom1 Abilities

Sum up your F factors as follows. The minimum F factor is 3.
DM Note: Obviously there is a lot of expansion that can be done to this system. I present what was in the original system here (in the same way I originally did Custom2), omitting the parts that do nothing (like Armor and Weapons allowed). Presumably more things will be added to this as the class sees play.
Hit dice:
d3 {F=0}, d4 {F=0.25}, d6 {F=0.5}, d8 {F=1}, d10 {F=2}
To Hit:
+0 always {F=0}, +level/5 {F=0.1}, +level/4 {F=0.3}, +level/3 {F=0.5}, +level/2 {F=1}, Custom {F=1}
Save as:
War {F=0.25}, Wiz {F=0.05}, Pri {F=0.15}, Rog {F=0.1}, Dwarf0 {F=0.4}, Elf0 {F=0.3}, Halfling0 {F=0.4}, Custom {F=0}
Racial abilities {optional}:
As Halfling {F=0.1}, Dwarf {F=0.2}, Elf {F=0.3}
Special abilities {just the Level: stuff}:
Alchemist {F=0.5}, Engineer {F=0.5}, Sage {F=1}
DM Note: There are a bunch more here from Dragon #109 that aren't really defined, like Spy {F=0.4}
Spell progression (pick Wizard or Priest, you can have one of each):
Max SL=1; #spells=ML {F=0.5}
Max SL=2; #spells=(ML+3-SL*2)/2 {F=0.7}
Max SL=3; #spells=(ML+3-SL*2)/2 {F=0.9}
Max SL=4; #spells=(ML+4-SL*2)/3 {F=1.1}
Max SL=5; #spells=(ML+4-SL*2)/3 {F=1.3}
Max SL=6; #spells=(ML+5-SL*2)/4 {F=1.5}
Max SL=6; #spells=(ML+6-SL*2)/3 {F=1.75}
Level N: Any Rogue N ability (if you take at least one of these you get 40 pts/level) {F=0.1*N}
Turn Undead {F=0.5}
Flying at 2*N" rate {F=0.2+0.05*N}
Swimming at 2*N" rate {F=0.1+0.05*N}
Troll-like Regen 1 hp/r {F=1}
Infravision {F=0.2}
1P: Assume animal form (only 1 form is known to the character) {F=0.5*DL}