
Level KXP Wizard
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 1.25 1-- ---
3 2.5 2-- ---
4 5 21- ---
5 10 31- ---
6 20 32- ---
7 40 321 ---
8 70 331 ---
9 110 332 ---
10 160 332 1--
11 220 333 1--
12 440 333 2--
13 660 333 21-
14 880 333 31-
15 1100 333 32-
16 1320 433 321
17 1540 443 331
18 1760 444 332
19 1980 444 432
20 2200 444 443
21 2420 444 444
22 2640 554 444
23 2860 555 444
24 3080 555 544
25 3300 555 554
26 3520 555 555
27 3740 665 555
28 3960 666 555
29 4180 666 655
30 4400 666 665
31 4620 666 666
32 4840 776 666
33 5060 777 666
34 5280 777 766
35 5500 777 776
36 5720 777 777
TH Saves
+0  5  4  6  2  3  0  2  0
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+2  6  6  7  3  5  2  4  1
+2  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+3  7  7  7  4  6  3  5  2
+3  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+4  7  8  8  4  7  3  6  2
+4  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+5  8  9  8  5  8  4  7  3
+5  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+6  8 10  9  5  9  5  8  4
+6  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+7  9 11  9  6 10  6  9  4
+7  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+8  9 12 10  6 11  7 10  5
+8 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 13, Chr 15
Alignment: T* or *N
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: PH2-41
Groups: Rogue
Bard2 gets 40 Rogue points per level.
All of the "Song" abilties disallow the use of P actions while being used. They may be maintained next round for 1P action.
Cast Wizard spells, may (2nd edition) specialize, pick an opposite.
Level 4: +(LVL*2-5)/3 (round down) nonweapon proficiencies
Lvl Bard Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Legend Lore | Identify 0 | M 0 Int-13 Int-15
1 Read Languages | Decipher Code M 5 Int-9 Int-14
1 Musical Inspiration | Emotion (increases 5/level) VM 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Summon Animals V 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Charm/Influence Reaction M 10 Chr-8 Chr-12
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
1 any 1st level Thief ability - - - -
2 Song of Healing (1 hp per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Wis-12 Wis-17
2 Empathy | ESP M 15 Wis-10 Wis-18
3 Song of Courage (+1 Morale per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Chr-13 Chr-18
4 Song of Vines (save at -1/5% made or Entangled) P*M 10 Dex-14 Dex-19
4 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions ||| Truename M 20 Wis-9 Wis-12
5 Song of Battle (+1 TH,dmg,or saves per 10% made) P*M 10 Str-15 Str-20
6 Hypnosis/Command M 25 Chr-13 Chr-15
6 Identity Penetration | False Seeing | True Seeing MM 5 Wis-11 Wis-19
7 Suggestion | Domination | Eyebite VM 10 Int-13 Int-14
8 Sending | Demand M 10 Int-9 Int-12
8 Telepathy | Telepathic Projection M 15 Wis-10 Wis-12
9 Object Reading VM 0 Int-12 Int-20
10 Telekinesis (5 lb. per 1% made) M 10 Int-13 Int-17
12 Disharmonic Blast (1 dmg per 1% made) P*M 10 Con-16 Con-22
15 Find the Path MM 20 Wis-10 Wis-15
18 Contact Other Plane | Foresight MM 0 Chr-15 Chr-18
27 Astral Spell MMM 40 Int-18 Int-24