
Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.5 2-- --- ---
3 4.8 3-- --- ---
4 9 41- --- ---
5 15 421 --- ---
6 27.75 432 --- ---
7 45 433 1-- ---
8 75 443 21- ---
9 112.5 444 22- ---
10 165 444 221 ---
11 300 444 332 ---
12 570 444 443 ---
13 840 444 444 ---
14 960 544 444 1--
15 1230 554 444 2--
16 1500 555 444 3--
17 1770 555 544 4--
18 2040 555 554 41-
19 2310 555 555 42-
20 2580 555 555 53-
21 2850 555 555 54-
22 3120 555 555 55-
23 3390 655 555 551
24 3660 665 555 552
25 3930 666 555 553
26 4200 666 655 554
27 4470 666 665 555
28 4740 666 666 555
29 5010 666 666 655
30 5280 666 666 665
31 5550 666 666 666
32 5820 777 666 666
33 6090 777 777 666
34 6360 777 777 777
35 6630 888 777 777
36 6900 888 888 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 11
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: +2 Non-weapon proficiencies per level.
Level 1: Read Languages.
Level 1: Identify minerals by sight.
Level 1: Identify potions and poisons by sight.
Level 1: Considered specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite).
Level 1: Identify plants by sight.
Level 1: For a potion: Can increase duration by 100% or effect by 50%. Each potion can be improved in this way only once.
Level 1: Can build a lab. It costs 1000 gp to build a level 1 lab, an additional 2000 gp to build a level 2 lab, an additional 3000 gp to build a level 3 lab, etc. If the lab is higher level than your level, treat it as your level.
Level 1: [If a lab is available] 8 hours of actions: Brew potion, make a lab level check, if successful, roll a random potion. If power score, roll twice, picking better result. If fail, there is a minor explosion or some other annoyance (chemical burn, blindness for a day, etc.).
Level 1: [If a lab is available] Each reset, add to memorization 1 Alteration spell per spell level up to (lab level)/2, round up.
Level 1: Brew Potions: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in potions.
Level 2: Identify animals by sight.
Level 3: Considered specialized in Alteration (no opposites still).
Level 4: Predict miscibility (Level-3)*10%.
Level 4: Identify any non-artifact magic item by sight.
Level 5: Identify non-immortal monsters by sight.
Level 6: Can specialize in (third) school; if this is done, select an opposite.
Level 9: Fast-Create Potions: 1F, lose N SL=N spells in memorization: Make a potion of a SL=N effect
Known Spells:
Foul Potions (SL=1, Anti-Magic): Foul (Destroy) 10*CL doses of magical Potions in someone's inventory (no save), the potions can be fixed out of combat if done within the hour
Potion Ball (SL=3, Invocation): Spend a potion while casting: Do a "ball" of that effect.