[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.0] Level 0 Priest Spells (Orisons)

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Alleviate Hea Removes nausea, pain {1 creature} S&M2
2 Barkskin 0 Pla,Pro AT +1 source DM
3 Blade Barrier 0 Gua 2d2 dmg wall (shards) DM
4 Bless 0 All +1 TH or saves DM
5 Bless Minor All Weapon is considered +0 (magical) weapon {1 object} DM
6 Call Lightning 0 Com,Ele (CL+2) lightning dmg (save:½) (halve damage if not outside) DM
7 Calm (orison) Cha Removes fear/confusion/enrage {1 creature} S&M2
8 Clarity Cha Can speak without impediment {1 creature} S&M2
9 Courage (orison) 1 t {1 group} +1 TH with next to hit roll
10 Create Water (orison) Cre,Ele Create 2L gallons of water PH3
11 Cure Minor Wounds Hea Cure 1 hp {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
12 Cure Tiny Wounds Hea Cure 1 hp {Touch, 1 creature} DM
13 Cure Wounds 0 Hea Cures 1d2 hp DM
14 Detect Magic (orison) Div Detect magic (type/power require 1r to get) 60' {self only} PH3
15 Detect Poison Div Detect poisons within 22+3L' r {self only} PH3
16 Faerie Fire 0 Ele Target gets -1 AC DM
17 Flare Evo -1 TH (no save) {1 creature} PH3
18 Goodberry 0 Hea,Pla Creates 1 goodberry DM
19 Guidance (2) Tho +1 with next Int or Wis check {1 creature} S&M2
20 Guidance (3) Gua +1 with next stat check, to hit roll, or save {1 creature} PH3
21 Heal 0 Hea Cure to 2% of max hp (max Heal 0 can cure at once = 3 hp) DM
22 Healing Hea Cure 1 hp {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
23 Hold Person/Monster 0 Cha Hold 1 person target (save) DM
24 Imbue with Spell Ability 0 All Imbue 0.25 SL's to someone DM
25 Inflict Minor Wounds Nec Cause 1 dmg {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
26 Know Direction Div Know direction of true north {self only} PH3
27 Light (orison) Evo Object glows w/ light 20' r (No blindness/AC adj.) {Touch, 1 object} PH3
28 Magic Sense Div Detect magic 30' {self only} S&M2
29 Memory Tho +2 checks when trying to memorize/recall {1 creature} S&M2
30 Mending (orison) Cre Repairs a small tear or break {1 object} PH3
31 Protection from Fire 0 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL fire dmg DM
32 Protection from Lightning 0 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL lightning dmg DM
33 Purify Food & Drink (orison) All Makes food & drink consumable & fresh {1 group} PH3
34 Read Magic (orison) All Can read magical writings at 1 page per minute {self only} PH3
35 Regenerate 0 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /h DM
36 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 0 Ele,Pro Take -20% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
37 Resistance Pro +1 saves {Touch, 1 target} PH3
38 Resistance to Magic Pro +1 to next save vs. magic {1 target} S&M2
39 Resistance to Poison Pro +1 to next save vs. poison {1 creature} S&M2
40 Virtue Gua +1 hp (even above max) {Touch, 1 creature} PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.1] Level 1 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Analyze Balance Num,Div Detect how many alignments away from TN 240' {self only} TM2
2 Animal Call Ani,Sum Makes a loud sound which animals recognize DM/internet?
3 Animal Companion Ani,Cha Make an animal your companion (not familiar) {1 creature} OA1
4 Animal Friendship Ani,Cha Charm Animal (save) {1 creature} PH1
5 Anti-Vermin Barrier Wrd Repels insects of less than 1 HD TM2
6 Astral Celerity Ast x2 move rate in Astral; x1.5 move rate Ethereal {self only} S&M2
7 Augury Div Know if an action will be for good/bad (70+L%) {self only} OA1
8 Awaken Sen,Cha Caster awakens when trigger set off DM/internet?
9 Babble Obs,C All spoken languages in area uncomprehensible DM/internet?
10 Balancing Mob Gives target sense of physical balance/agility DM/internet?
11 Bane Cha All enemies get -1 TH and -1 fear saves (save) {1 group} PH3
12 Barkskin 1 Pla,Pro AT +2 source DM
13 Battle Cry War,Com Loud cry that rally creatures on caster's side DM/internet?
14 Battlefate C +/- (L+2)/3 to one of: AC, saves, TH, dmg {1 creature} S&M2
15 Beneficience Cha +20% reactions {Touch, 1 creature} OA1
16 Benefit of Clergy Cha,Pro Protects an innocent priest from suspicion DM/internet?
17 Bestow Good/Bad Luck Luc,Cha Gives an increase/decrease in an action's odds DM/internet?
18 Blade Barrier 1 Gua 3d3 dmg wall (shards) DM
19 Bless (1) / Blight All +1 TH; +1 morale (or reverse) {1 target} PH1
20 Bless (3) All All allies get +1 TH and +1 fear saves {1 group} PH3
21 Bless 1 All +1 TH and saves DM
22 Bless Water All,Ele Turns 1 pint of water into holy water {Touch, 1 object} PH3
23 Blessed Watchfulness Gua Remain alert; Immune sleep; +2 vs Charms {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
24 Blinding Beam Sun Bright beam that causes temporary blindness DM/internet?
25 Bone Skin Und Skin becomes as hard as bone (still flexible) DM/internet?
26 Burial All,Pro Buries and protects from undead status DM/internet?
27 Calculate Num Know chance of success in doing 1 action {self only} S&M2
28 Call Lightning 1 Com,Ele (CL+2)d4 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
29 Call Upon Faith Sum,Num 0 TM2 {1 group}
30 Calm (1) Cha Removes fear/confusion/enrage (L HD total) {1+ creatures} OA1
31 Calm Animals Ani,Cha Removes fear/confusion/enrage (4+L HD total) {1+ creatures} S&M2
32 Cantrip All Can cast 1 orison (Pri 0) per round as a Z action DM
33 Castigate Com Punishes (weakens) those of differing alignment DM/internet?
34 Cause Fear Cha Fear (save), max 6 HD {1 creature} PH3
35 Ceremony All Coming of Age; Burial; Marriage; Consecrate {Touch, 1 target} UA1
36 Chameleon Skin Ani Changes skin coloration to that of background DM/internet?
37 Clear Thoughts Cha,L Clears and calms thoughts of target DM/internet?
38 Coalstone Ele,Cre Creates a small coal (takes very long to burn) DM/internet?
39 Cobra Bite Ani Caster gains a weakly poisonous bite DM/internet?
40 Combine All -4 AC; no Dex adj.; Add Pri CLs for effects {Touch, 1+ creatures} UA1
41 Command Cha Suggestion for 1 word (save) {1 creature} PH2
42 Command 1 Cha Target makes 1 save, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
43 Comprehend Languages Tho,Div Read/Write (not speak) 1 language {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
44 Conjure Elemental 1 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=0 elemental DM
45 Contact Spirit Ast,Pha Contacts a lesser outer planar spirit DM/internet?
46 Courage (2) War Automatically make first morale check {200 creatures} TM2
47 Courageous Act War,Cha Forces target to make courageous (foolish?) act DM/internet?
48 Create Trail Tra Trail forms to lead the way for 1 mile DM/internet?
49 Create Water Cre,Ele Create 4L gallons of water {1 group} PH2
50 Creeping Doom 1 Sum 2 insect dmg DM
51 Cure Light Wounds (0) Hea Cure 2d6+1 (choose 1 die) (or) 6 hp {Touch, 1 creature} RC0
52 Cure Light Wounds (1) Hea Cure 2d8 (choose 1 die) (or) 6 hp {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
53 Cure Light Wounds (3) Hea Cure 2d8+L (choose 1 die), reverse has save:½ {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
54 Cure Wounds 1 Hea Cures 1d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 6 hp) DM
55 Cure/Cause Nausea Hea Cures or causes nausea effects DM/internet?
56 Curse Water All,Ele Turns 1 pint of water into unholy water {Touch, 1 object} PH3
57 Death's Door 1 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to -10 hp DM
58 Deathwatch Div,Nec Know how injured all in area is {1 group} PH3
59 Deep Breath Ele Has a deep breath which lasts for duration {Touch, 1 creature} DK2
60 Defensive Harmony Pro Circle of hands become defended against attack DM/internet?
61 Deflection Pro Get a save vs. each missile weapon for 0 dmg {1 creature} OA1
62 Detect Animals or Plants Ani,Pla,Div Detect one type of animal or plant 400+40L' {self only} PH3
63 Detect Balance All,Div Detect balance/non-balance 60' {self only} UA1
64 Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law Div Detect one of: chaos, evil, good, law 60' {self only} PH3
65 Detect Danger Div Detect evil or traps 1 sq' /r {self only} RC0
66 Detect Disease Div Detect disease 10' {self only} OA1
67 Detect Evil (0) All,Div Detect evil & evil intent 120' {self only} RC0
68 Detect Evil (1) All,Div Detect evil & evil intent 120' {self only} PH1
69 Detect Harmony All,Div Gives percentage of good/neutral/evil in 100L' {self only} OA1
70 Detect Magic Div Detect magic 60' {self only} OA1
71 Detect Minerals Div,Ele Detects the presence of minerals (short range) DM/internet?
72 Detect Poison Div Detect poison by sight (1 cu yd /r) {self only} PH2
73 Detect Snares & Pits Div Detect snares & pits 40' {self only} PH1
74 Detect Undead Div,Nec Detect undead 60' {self only} PH3
75 Disembodied Ear Sen Caster can hear through mobile ear (visible) DM/internet?
76 Dispel Fatigue Nec,Hea Removes fatigue, exhaustion {1 creature} S&M2
77 Dispel Fatigue Hea Removes feelings of fatigue or tiredness DM/internet?
78 Divine Favor All,Com +(L+2)/3 TH and dmg {self only} PH3
79 Divining Rod Div Locate common object or force of nature OA1
80 Doom All -2 TH, dmg, stat checks, saves (save) {1 creature} PH3
81 Druidical Curse Mal,Pla Target becomes at odds with woodlands DM/internet?
82 Elemental Bonding Ele,Hea Cure 2d4+1 (choose 1 die) (or) 4 hp, any target {Touch, 1 target} DK2
83 Emotion Read Tho Read a creatures emotional state (save) {1 creature} TM2
84 Endure Cold / Endure Heat Pro Immune to non-special cold/heat {Touch, 1 target} UA1
85 Endure Elements Pro -5 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
86 Entangle (3) L m {1 group} Need plants to use; -2 TH, -4 Dex, move 0 (save)
87 Entangle (1) Pla Need plants to use; Slow (no save); Stop (save) {1 group} PH1
88 Entropic Shield Pro,C Any missile has a 20% chance to miss you {self only} PH3
89 Entwine Pla As Entangle, 1 target, -4 to save DM
90 Entwine Pla A nearby plant attempts to capture the target DM/internet?
91 Enveloping Darkness Nig Sheath of darkness that surrounds the target DM/internet?
92 Faerie Darkness Pro +2 AC in darkness DM
93 Faerie Fire (0) Wea -2 AC on L/5+1 targets {1+ targets} RC0
94 Faerie Fire (1) Wea -2 AC {1 target} PH1
95 Faerie Fire (3) Wea Dispels darkness/blur/displacement/invisibility {1 group} PH3
96 Faerie Fire 1 Ele Target gets -2 AC DM
97 Feather Step Mob Lightens a creature's footsteps DM/internet?
98 Fiasco C,Cha Randomly causes minor actions in a group DM/internet?
99 Find Water Div Detects the location of water within 10 miles DM/internet?
100 Firelight Ele Fire produces no smoke, can be carried (0 dmg) {Touch, 1 object} S&M2
101 Flame Strike 1 Com,Ele CL/2 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
102 Goodberry Pla,Hea 8 berries can cure 1 hp or act as 1 full meal. 8 berries are always created. It takes 1 movement action to eat up to 40 berries. The berries can also be smeared upon a target and will still have their effect (this is useful for targets that cannot eat). {Touch, 8 objects} PH3
103 Goodberry 1 Hea,Pla Creates 4 goodberries DM
104 Grip of Steel Mob,Ele Grip becomes exceptionally strong DM/internet?
105 Heal 1 Hea Cure to 5% of max hp (max Heal 1 can cure at once = 15 hp) DM
106 Heighten Sense Cha Improvement in one of the basic senses DM/internet?
107 Hide Animal Obs,Ani Hides an animal from detection or location DM/internet?
108 Hold Person/Monster 1 Cha Hold 3 person or 1 monster targets (save) DM
109 Holy Shit Gua,Mal Creates a mass of magical feces (grabs things) DM/internet?
110 Icicle Strike Com,Ele Hail of sharp icicles rain down on target DM/internet?
111 Imbue with Spell Ability 1 All Imbue 1 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 0.25) DM
112 Inflict Light Wounds Hea Cause 2d8+L (choose 1 die) (save:½) {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
113 Interpret Omen Prf Interprets the meaning of a divine omen DM/internet?
114 Invisibility to Animals Ani Invisibility only to animals {Touch, 1 target} PH1
115 Invisibility to Spirits Nec,Pro Target invisible to spirits (until he attacks) DM/internet?
116 Invisibility to Undead Nec Invisibility only to undead {Touch, 1 target} PH3
117 Invisibility to Unlive Nec Invisibility to Unlive DM
118 Know Age Div Know age of target {1 target} TM2
119 Know Direction Div,Tra Know direction of north TM2
120 Know History Div Know general history of target {1 target} OA1
121 Know Intent Div Gives an idea about what target intends to do DM/internet?
122 Know Time Div,Tim Know date and day TM2
123 Leaf Blade Pla 2-4 leaves become hard & sharp for throwing DM/internet?
124 Light (0) Sun Light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} RC0
125 Light (1) Sun Light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
126 Lightning Orb Ele,Hea Small orb of elemental lightning to be thrown DM/internet?
127 Locate Div Locate one known animal or plant {self only} RC0
128 Locate Animals Div,Ani Locate any animals or 1 specific type {1 group} PH1
129 Locate Animals or Plants Ani,Pla Locate one type of animal/plant 300+60L' {self only} PH2
130 Log of Everburning Ele,Pla Wooden object will not "burn out" in duration {1 object} TM2
131 Magic Fang Com,Ani +1/+1 TH/dmg with one natural attack form {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
132 Magic Stone (1) Com (L+4)/5 stones get +1/+1 TH/dmg {1+ objects} UA1
133 Magic Stone (3) Com 3 stones do 1d6 (2d6 vs. undead), have +1/+1 {Touch, 3 objects} PH3
134 Magic Weapon Com Weapon has +1/+1 TH/dmg {Touch, 1 object} PH3
135 Magical Stone Com 3 stones do 1d4 (2d4 vs. undead); considered +1 {Touch, 3 objects} PH2
136 Marriage All,Luc Marries and guards a couple from misfortune DM/internet?
137 Mend Bones Hea Mends broken and chipped bones DM/internet?
138 Miracle I All Duplicate any level 0 Wiz or Pri spell DM
139 Mistaken Missive C Overwrites written message with reverse {Touch} TM2
140 Morale War +/- (L+4)/5 morale {200 creatures} TM2
141 Mystic Bolt Com,Spi Brown bolt that burns and fatigues target DM/internet?
142 Nauseating Gas Charm Area effect: Nauseated (-5 all actions) (Fort save) DM
143 Neutralize Acid Ele Transmutes acid into water & dust DM/internet?
144 Nightmare Nig,Cha Target gets strongly visual/realistic nightmare DM/internet?
145 Obscuring Mist Ele Everything has cover to each other {1 group} PH3
146 Omen Div Know general fortune of some major undertaking OA
147 Orison (2) ALL Adds 3+L Priest SL 0 spells to memorization S&M2
148 Panic Charm Target is Panicked (50% flee, 50% taunted towards you) (Will save) DM
149 Pass Without Trace Pla Can travel without leaving a trace {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
150 Penetrate Disguise Div Caster can see through target's disguise {1 creature} UA1
151 Peripheral Vision Sen Caster can see far to left & right sides DM/internet?
152 Personal Reading Num Know historical info about 1 creature {1 creature} TM2
153 Personal Reading Div Gives an idea about target's class,profession DM/internet?
154 Phantom Defender Pha,Gua Green outlined creature that guards area/person DM/internet?
155 Plant Ladder Pla Nearby plants form to make a tall ladder DM/internet?
156 Portent Div,Num Gets +1d7-4 to one die roll (know beforehand) {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
157 Precipitation Wea Causes 1/100 inch of rain per segment {1 group} UA1
158 Predict Weather (0) Div,Wea Detects upcoming weather {1 group} RC0
159 Predict Weather (1) Div,Wea Detects upcoming weather PH1
160 Proof Against Undeath Cos,Nec Target dead creature cannot be made undead {Touch, 1 target} DK2
161 Protection from C/E/G/L Pro Protection from AL; +1 saves; AL -1 TH {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
162 Protection from Chaos L Protection from chaos; +2 saves; chaos -2 TH {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
163 Protection from Evil (0) Pro Protection from evil; +1 saves; evil -1 TH {self only} RC0
164 Protection from Evil (1) Pro Protection from evil; +2 saves; evil -2 TH {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
165 Protection from Fire 1 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*2 fire dmg DM
166 Protection from Lightning 1 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*2 lightning dmg DM
167 Purify Food & Drink All Makes food & drink consumable & fresh {1 group} PH1
168 Purify Water All,Ele Purifies water {1 group} PH1
169 Random Action C,Cha Confused (save) {1 creature} PH3
170 Reanimation Und,Nec Reanimates an undead creature recently "killed" DM/internet?
171 Regenerate 1 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /t DM
172 Relieve Burns/Frost Hea,Ele Removes burn and frostbite wounds DM/internet?
173 Remove Fear (0) Cha Removes fear; +L saves vs. fear {Touch, 1 creature} RC0
174 Remove Fear (2) Cha Removes fear on (L+3)/4 Cr; +4 saves vs. fear {1+ creatures} PH1
175 Remove Scars Hea Removes scars (but not burn/acid marks) DM/internet?
176 Remove Tracks Ani,Wea Cover tracks behind target creatures DM/internet?
177 Resist Pro -1/die vs. fire/cold; immune fatigue; delay hunger {Touch, 1 creature} OA1
178 Resist [E=1 element] Elemental Pick an E=1 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
179 Resist Cold (0) Pro Resist cold {Touch, 1 target} PH1
180 Resist Cold (1) Pro All creatures in area get resist cold {1 group} RC0
181 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 1 Ele,Pro Take -45% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
182 Resist/Cause Eye Contact Pro Resists/causes caster's & target's eye contact DM/internet?
183 Reverse Magic I All Casts effect's reverse if 1st level & in range DM/internet?
184 Ring of Hands Pro -4 AC; no Dex adj.; Acts as a Pro. Evil {Touch, 1-10 creatures} TM2
185 Sacred Guardian Gua Caster knows if target is in danger {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
186 Sanctuary (1) Pro Opponents must make save to attack target {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
187 Shield of Faith Pro +2+(L/6) AC {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
188 Shillelagh (2) Com,Pla Creates a club (2d4/1d4+1) +1/+0 {Touch, 1 object} PH2
189 Shillelagh (3) Com,Pla Creates a club (1d10/1d10) +1/+1 {Touch, 1 object} PH3
190 Skill Enhancer I Fab,Cha Improves chances of succeeding at an art skill DM/internet?
191 Snake Charm Ani,Cha Caster's hp in snakes do nothing (no save) {1+ creatures} OA1
192 Solar Flare Sun Hot light arcs between caster's hands (burns) DM/internet?
193 Speak with Animals Ani Can speak with animals. This spell does grant a sort of Knowledge subability score upon the target, so you do not actually have a conversation with a useless Int 0 plant. The target can convey what it has "seen","heard", and "felt" even though it may not be normally able of such sensation. Plants and Animals under a hostile influence (and all Dead) might not cooperate with the caster: they may tell lies or nothing at all. {1 group} PH1
194 Speak with Astral Traveler Ast Communicate with astral creature {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
195 Spittle Com Spit: Roll TH (Str+Dex) to Paralyze (save) {1 creature} GRA1
196 Stop Bleeding Nec,Hea Stops a creature from further bleeding (ranged) DM/internet?
197 Strength of Stone Ele Raise Str to 16 (or) +1d4 Str {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
198 Stun Sphere Com Spherical area of short duration stun effect DM/internet?
199 Summon Monster I Sum Summons a DL 1 creature to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
200 Summon Nature's Ally I Sum,Ani Summons a DL 1 animal to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
201 Sunscorch Sun Save or 1d6+L dmg and blindness 1d4 r {1 creature} S&M2
202 Sustain [ability score] Pro Choose an ability score, it is sustained for 1 hour DM
203 Ten Ton Door War Makes vertical/swinging door weigh 10 tons DM/internet?
204 Thought Capture Tho Sense deaths or powerful emotions in past {1 group} TM2
205 Time Push Object Tim Pushes an inanimate object 1-3 rounds to future DM/internet?
206 Trance Div,Nec Get no actions; Detect spirits/curses/haunting {self only} OA1
207 Trance Div,Pha Caster can see phantoms/spirits in trance DM/internet?
208 Transfer Spell to Plant Pla Transfers one spell to originate from a plant DM/internet?
209 Treat Light Wounds Hea Cure 10% of max hp {Touch, 1 creature} DM
210 Warning Sen Gives a warning if danger ahead DM/internet?
211 Weapon Bless Com +5/+5 TH/dmg on first attack {Touch, 1 object} OA1
212 Weighty Chest Wrd x(1d4+1) weight to everyone except caster {Touch, 1 object} TM2
213 Wind Cloak Wea Target can move with the wind (incl. up & down) DM/internet?
214 Wind Column Ele Immune falling; can levitate 5' per V action {self only} S&M2

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.2] Level 2 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Aid Hea Bless; +2d8 (choose 1 die) hp (can above max) {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
2 Alter Odor/Taste Sen Changes the odor or taste of target
3 Animal Messenger Ani Sends animal to give message {1 creature} PH3
4 Animal Sight Ani Can see through the eyes of an animal
5 Animal Trance Ani,Cha 2d6 HD of animals Fascinated (save) {1+ creatures} PH3
6 Astral Awareness Ast Astral and Ethereal perception {self only} S&M2
7 Aura of Comfort Tra Target is comfortable {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
8 Aura of Nature Pla Cures plants/animals, stuns unnatural
9 Aurora Borealis Wea,Pha Partially disrupts psionics; hypnosis
10 Avenger Servant Com Stalker that punishes wrong-doers
11 Ball of String C Multicolor rolling string ball (weird effects)
12 Barkskin Pro,Pla AC 6-L/4 source; +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} PH2
13 Barkskin (1) Pro,Pla +1 AC; +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
14 Barkskin 2 Pla,Pro AT +6 source, +1 saves vs. spell DM
15 Bearhug Ani Grow claws and extra strength if using both arms
16 Beguiling Cha Charm brand a weapon; successful charm ends {Touch, 1 object} GRA1
17 Big Wooden Wagon Fab,Mob Creates a big wooden wagon (no horses though)
18 Black Circle Nig Dark glyph - fades out photo halflings
19 Blade Barrier 2 Gua 4d4 dmg wall (shards) DM
20 Bless 2 All +2 TH and saves DM
21 Bucket & Handle Fab Handle can be attached to anything
22 Bull's Strength Com +1d4+1 Str {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
23 Call Lightning 2 Com,Ele (CL+2)d6 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
24 Call of the Wild Ani,Sum Stronger form of the Animal Call spell
25 Calm Chaos L Calms down chaotic scene {6L creatures} TM2
26 Calm Emotions Cha,L Calms emotions, max 6L creatures {1 group} PH3
27 Chant All Friends get +1 TH/dmg/saves; Enemies get -1. This spell requires you to chant: you do not lose a mental action, but spells with a V component cannot be cast unless Vocalize is being used. {1 group} PH1
28 Chaos Ward C +2 AC; +2 area saves; 15% Magic Reflection {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
29 Charm Person or Mammal Cha Charm one humanoid or mammal {1 creature} PH1
30 Chill Metal Ele If metal armor causes 2d4 dmg cold /r {1 object} PH3
31 Clear Water Ele Purifies water; takes half volume {Touch} DK2
32 Command 2 Cha Target makes 2 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
33 Command Animal Ani,Cha Gain control of an animal's body
34 Commune with Lesser Spirit Div,Nec Can ask spirit L questions OA1
35 Conjure Elemental 2 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=1 elemental DM
36 Conjure Vacuum Elemental Ele,Pha Conjures a vacuum elemental (sucks up air)
37 Consecrate Nec +3 Turn Undead rolls; Undead -1 TH/dmg/saves {1 group} PH3
38 Contact Astral Plane Ast Come into contact with a nearby astral creature
39 Count Objects Num Gives the number of stated objects within range
40 Create Coincidence Luc,Num Very weak form of standard Limited Wish spell
41 Create Holy Symbol Cre Creates a holy symbol {Touch, 1 object} TM2
42 Create Holy Water All,Ele Transforms 1 flask of water to holy water
43 Create Spring Cre,Ele Makes a fresh spring, L gallons per turn {Touch, 1 object} OA1
44 Create/Drought Rain/Snow Wea Changes humidity in area
45 Creeping Doom 2 Sum 10 insect dmg DM
46 Cure Mental Disorder Hea,Mal Cures any psionic,natural,magical insanity
47 Cure Moderate Wounds (2) Hea Cure 2d10+1 (choose 1 die) (or) 8 hp {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
48 Cure Moderate Wounds (3) Hea Cure 4d8+L (choose 2 dice) (or) 12+L hp {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
49 Cure Wounds 2 Hea Cures 3d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 18 hp) DM
50 Darkness Sun Magical darkness 20' r {Touch, 1 object} PH3
51 Death Knell Nec Slain if <0 hp (save); you +1d8 hp, +2 Str, +1 CL {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
52 Death's Door 2 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to -1 hp DM
53 Delay Poison Hea Delays affects of poisons contacted {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
54 Demonic Transformation C Temporarily polymorphs caster into a demon
55 Desecrate Nec -3 Turn Undead rolls; Undead +1 TH/dmg/saves {1 group} PH3
56 Detect Charm Div Detect charm/dominate/possession/etc. 90' {self only} PH1
57 Detect Life Div Detect life 10L'; doesn't give type {self only} UA1
58 Detect Psionics Div Detect Psionics 60' {self only} DM
59 Dispel Radiation Pro Dispels Radiation (1 target = auto success) {1 group} DM
60 Dissension's Feast C Whoever eats food becomes agitated {Touch, 1+ objects} TM2
61 Double Resist [E=1 element] Elemental Pick an E=1 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
62 Draw Upon Holy Might Sum +L/3 Str, Dex, Con, or Chr {self only} TM2
63 Dream Sight Div Dream Travel {self only} OA1
64 Dust Devil Ele,Sum Dust Devil: AC 4, HD 2, hp 16, Mv 18, dmg 1d4 {1 creature} UA1
65 Emotion Perception War Sense emotions 900' {self only} TM2
66 Endurance Tra +1d4+1 Con {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
67 Enthrall Cha Save or treat you as Chr 21, won't attack {1 group} UA1
68 Entreaty All,Cha Requests assistance/action from other followers
69 Ethereal Barrier Ast,Wrd Stops astral, ethereal, out-of-phase, dim door S&M2
70 Extinguish Fire Ele Puts out 1000 cubic feet of normal/magical fire
71 Faerie Fire 2 Ele Target gets -4 AC DM
72 Feign Death Nec,Cha This spell will cause all viewing the effect to save vs. spell at -level or not harm the target, believing it to be suitably dead/destroyed. {1 creature} PH1
73 Find Traps Div Detect mechanical/magic traps 90'. Highlights in the caster's mind places where (if he were to walk or touch there) a trap would be released. It does not point out where the trap is or how to disarm it. Does not affect out-of-phase or psionic traps. {self only} PH1
74 Finger Vines Pla Vines grow out of fingers and attack/manipulate
75 Fire Trap Wrd Magical trap: 1d4+L dmg fire (save:½) {Touch, 1 object} PH1
76 Flame Blade Com,Ele Creates a flame blade (1d4+4); +2 vs. undead {1 object} UA1
77 Flame Strike 2 Com,Ele CLd2 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
78 Flaming Sphere Ele Move rate 3; 2d6 dmg fire (save if not directly hit) {1 group} PH3
79 Frisky Chest Wrd Object will move away from non-Caster. If (after moving for 6 rounds) what it is moving away from is keeping the same distance, the spell "turns that person off" and will no longer move away from him. This prevents the "Frisky Chariot" abuse. {Touch} TM2
80 Gentle Repose Nec Corpse does not decay {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
81 Goodberry 2 Hea,Pla Creates 8 goodberries DM
82 Hammer of Flattening Com Hammer grows to giant size and crushes target
83 Heal 2 Hea Cure to 10% of max hp (max Heal 2 can cure at once = 62 hp) DM
84 Health Aura Hea Prevents disease, sickness, some damage
85 Heat Metal Ele If metal armor causes 2d4 dmg fire /r {1 object} PH1
86 Hesitation Tim +4 initiative penalty {1 group} TM2
87 Hold Animal Cha,Ani Hold (save); only vs. animal {1 creature} PH3
88 Hold Person Cha Hold (save); 1 target: save at -2; 2 targets: at -1 {1-4 creatures} RC0
89 Hold Person/Monster 2 Cha Hold 4 person or 2 monster targets (save) DM
90 Holy Cow Gua,Mal Magical cow that moos if things nearby
91 Holy Symbol (1) All Creates a holy symbol {Touch, 1 object} UA1
92 Holy Symbol (DM) All Material componenting costs 1Z instead of 1V {self only} DM
93 Idea Tho DM reminds PC of fact or whatever {self only} TM2
94 Imbue with Spell Ability 2 All Imbue 2 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 1) DM
95 Inflict Moderate Wounds Hea Cause 4d8+L (choose 2 dice) (save:½) {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
96 Iron Vigil Gua Immune hunger, thirst, climate, sleep {self only} S&M2
97 Know Alignment Div Detect alignment 30' on 1 creature /r {1+ creatures} PH1
98 Know Motivation Div Detect needs / drives / emotions 30' {self only} OA1
99 Lesser Restoration Hea Restores temporary lowering of 1 ability score {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
100 Lighten Load Tra Reduces encumbrance by 50% TM2
101 Lightning Ball Hea,Ele Ball of elemental lightning (30'diam)
102 Locate Plants Div,Pla Detect plants 15L' {self only} PH1
103 Locate Temple Div Locates nearest temple of stated god
104 Magical Diagram Cre Similar to standard Symbol spell
105 Make Whole Ele,L Repairs any item {1 object} PH3
106 Mass Identify Div Identifies all visible magic items in range
107 Messenger Ani Animal delivers message {1 creature} UA1
108 Mind Read Tho Sense surface thoughts, detect class 15L' {self only} TM2
109 Miracle II All Duplicate any level 1 Wiz or Pri spell DM
110 Mist from the Grave Pha,Und Vampiric mist that drains Con, aging effect
111 Moment Num +4 (+20%) to your next die roll {1 creature} TM2
112 Moral Guide L Gives the proper/humane thing to do
113 Music of the Spheres Num,Ch Creatures must save to attack you, -3 vs. charms {1 group} TM2
114 Mystic Transfer Cha Can send 1 spell in memorization to another /r {self only} TM2
115 Nap Tim After 1 h, have effect of 8 h rest {Touch, L creatures} TM2
116 Needle Swarm Com Cloud of randomly pointing needles that shoot
117 Neutralize Gas/Clouds Ele,Sun Transforms clouds/gas to normal air
118 Oath Cha,L Magically binding agreement between 2 creatures
119 Obscurement Wea Limits sight to 2' to 8' PH1
120 Out of Body Pha Caster's spirit can leave body as a poltergeist
121 Produce Flame (2) Ele Fire; 1d4+1 dmg fire (no save) {1 group} PH2
122 Produce Flame (3) Ele Fire from hands; 1d4+L/2 dmg fire (no save) {Touch} PH3
123 Project Astral Image Ast Makes an image of caster and area in astral
124 Protection from Fire 2 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*4 fire dmg DM
125 Protection from Lightning 2 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*4 lightning dmg DM
126 Protection from Spirits Pro Protection from spirits; +2 saves; spirits -2 TH {Touch, 1 group} OA1
127 Provide Necessity Opu Creates clothes, food, and a small hut for 10
128 Psionic Link Teleport Sum,Tra Can teleport to anyone else psionically linked
129 Rally War Makes a rally check (Battlesystem rules) {300 creatures} TM2
130 Reflecting Pool Div,Ele Scry up to 1 plane away; Can cast Div through {1 object} UA1
131 Regenerate 2 Nec Regenerates 2 hp /t DM
132 Remove Degeneration/Wounded Nec Removes a Degeneration or Wounded effect DM
133 Remove Paralysis Hea Removes paralysis/hold/slow; up to 4 targets {1 group} PH3
134 Remove Stun Hea Removes stun, paralysis, stop, or hold effects
135 Remove Superstition Cha Reduces a superstition belief rating by 6
136 Request Cha Request a spirit to perform some action (save) {1 creature} OA1
137 Resist [E=1 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=1 eelement, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
138 Resist [E=2 element] Elemental Pick an E=2 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
139 Resist Acid and Corrosion Pro Resist acid {Touch, 1 target} S&M2
140 Resist Elements Abj -12 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
141 Resist Fire (0) Pro +2 saves vs. fire; -1 dmg /die vs. fire {1 target} RC0
142 Resist Fire (1) Pro Resist fire {Touch, 1 target} PH1
143 Resist Fire / Resist Cold (2) Pro Resist fire and cold {Touch, 1 target} PH2
144 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 2 Ele,Pro Take -50% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
145 Restore Strength Nec Restores Str; removes fatigue, lack of stamina {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
146 Reverse Magic II All Casts effect's reverse if 2nd level & in range
147 Root Pla Target grows roots that hold it to floor
148 Rot/Wither Body Part Nec Body part becomes unusable
149 Sanctify All +2 saves vs. fear/charm TM2
150 Sanctum Sigil Gua,Wrd Similar to standard Glyph of Warding spell
151 Security Wrd,Opu Protects an object from theft
152 Self-Strike Mal Causes target to attack himself next attack
153 Sense Cord Color Ast,Div Gives all creatures' cord color
154 Shatter Ele,C Object(s) destroyed (save vs. crushing blow) {1 group} PH3
155 Shield Other Pro,Gua +1 AC; +1 saves; ½ of all dmg is taken by caster {1 creature} PH3
156 Silence Ill Silence {1 group} PH3
157 Silence 15' Radius Gua Silence. If cast upon an object and the object moves, the silence moves with it (just like a light spell). The reverse dispels silence and has no V component (only S). {1 group} RC0
158 Silver Twist Com Small magical creature under caster's control
159 Skill Enhancer II Fab,Cha Improves chances of succeeding at any skill
160 Slow Poison Hea Affect of poison delayed for duration {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
161 Snake Summoning Sum,Ani Summons all snakes in area (if HD >L, save) {1 group} OA1
162 Soften Earth and Stone Ele Softens rock so it's easier to dig through S&M2
163 Sound Blast Sen,C Damaging and deafing blast of sound
164 Sound Burst Com,Ele 1d8 dmg sound (no save); Stun 1r (save) {1 group} PH3
165 Speak with Undead Und Speak with any undead/unlive creature
166 Sphere of Protection I Pro Target damaged only by silver or magic weapons
167 Spirit Piggyback Nec Can occupy body with another creature's spirit
168 Spiritual Hammer Com Hammer attacks by itself 1/r; 1d6/1d4 +(L/3)/+0 PH1
169 Spiritual Triangle Wrd Triangle that stops demons or possession
170 Spiritual Weapon Com Weapon attacks by itself 1/r; L dmg PH3
171 Stalk Pro Invisibility & Inaudibility; ends if attack {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
172 Summon Monster II Sum 1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 creatures to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
173 Summon Nature's Ally II Sum,Ani 1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 animals to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
174 Summon Swarm Sum Summons rats,bats,spiders,etc. 1d4+L/3 dmg/r PH3
175 Tendrils of Darkness Nig Cause paralysis and degeneration if hit
176 Time Stop Object Tim Time stops an inanimate object for 1-3 rounds
177 Timekeeping Tim Gives correct time
178 Treat Moderate Wounds Hea Cure 20% of max hp {Touch, 1 creature} DM
179 Tree Shape Pla Assume tree form; +10 AC; Dex = 1; move = 0 {self only} PH3
180 Trip Cha Anyone passing over object trips (save) {Touch, 1 object} PH1
181 True Speak L Target must tell truth or cannot speak
182 Undetectable Alignment Pro Conceals alignment {1 target} PH3
183 Vicissitude Sum +2 (+10%) to next die roll {self only} GRA1
184 Wall of Phantasms Gua,Pha Wall of spirits can control body if entered
185 War Victory War,Luc Better chances of success if battle (luck)
186 Warmth Sun Similar to standard Ring of Warmth effect
187 Warning Div Detect Danger; Detect Traps/Invisibility 30% {Touch, 1 group} OA1
188 Warp Wood Pla,Ele Warps wood; Can affect 1 large or L^2 small obj {1+ objects} PH1
189 Watery Fist Ele Fist: Attacks by self; dmg 1d(L+5); can grapple S&M2
190 Winds of Change Ele Curse: AL changes randomly every hour (save) {1 creature} DK2
191 Withdraw All Get 1r of actions per 1s; only cure self & Div {self only} UA1
192 Wood Shape Pla Reshape a wooden object {Touch, 1 object} PH3
193 Word of Passage Mob Can pass through outdoor area safely
194 Wyvern Watch Gua Magical trap: Paralysis L r (save) {1 group} UA1
195 X on Map Dic,Tra Places an X where an object is on a given map
196 Zone of Truth Wrd,Cha No one can lie in area {1 group} PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.3] Level 3 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Accelerate Healing TOM2
2 Adaptation TOM2
3 Animate Dead Nec Creates undead skeletons and zombies. PH2&3
4 Astral Window TOM2
5 Barkskin 3 Pla,Pro AT +10 source, +2 saves vs. spell DM
6 Bestow Curse Pro -6 to an ability; -4 on TH/saves/checks; or 50% lose action PH3
7 Blade Barrier 3 Gua 5d5 dmg wall (shards) DM
8 Bless 3 All +3 TH and saves DM
9 Blindness/Deafness Nec;Hea Makes subject blind or deaf. PH3
10 Call Lightning Wea Directs lightning bolts ((CL+2)d8) during storms. You may cast this spell off of a Dust Devil instead of having a storm nearby. This expends the devil. PH2
11 Call Lightning Wea Directs lightning bolts (CLd10) during storms. You may cast this spell off of a Dust Devil instead of having a storm nearby. This expends the devil. PH3
12 Call Lightning 3 Com,Ele (CL+2)d8 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
13 Caltrops TOM2
14 Castigate OA1
15 Choose Future TOM2
16 Command 3 Cha Target makes 3 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
17 Conjure Elemental 3 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=2 elemental DM
18 Contagion Hea Infects subject with chosen disease. PH3
19 Continual Flame Sun Makes a permanent, heatless torch. PH3
20 Continual Light Sun Permanent light PH2
21 Create Campsite TOM2
22 Create Food and Water Cre Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level. PH3
23 Creeping Doom 3 Sum 40 insect dmg DM
24 Cure Blindness or Deafness Nec;Hea Cures Blindness or Deafness PH2
25 Cure Disease Nec;Hea Cures Disease PH2
26 Cure Moderate Wounds Hea Cure 2d8+CL damage PH3
27 Cure Serious Wounds Hea Cure 3d8+3 or 21 damage DM
28 Cure Serious Wounds Hea Cure 3d8+CL damage PH3
29 Cure Wounds 3 Hea Cures 6d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 36 hp) DM
30 Daylight Sun 60-ft. radius of bright light. PH3
31 Death's Door Nec;Hea Puts target (at negative hp) to 0 hp (1 hp if material comp.) UA1
32 Death's Door 3 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 0 hp DM
33 Deeper Darkness Sun Object sheds absolute darkness in 60-ft. radius. PH3
34 Detect Innates Div Detect innate abilities DM
35 Diminish Plants Pla Reduces size or blights growth of normal plants. PH3
36 Dispel Magic Pro Dispels magic, (10+CL-enemyCL)*5% in area or auto 1 effect PH2
37 Dispel Magic Pro Cancels magical spells & effects. 1d20+CL vs. 11+enemyCL PH3
38 Dispel Magic 3 Com Dispel 1 magic effect DM
39 Dominate Animal Ani;Cha Subject animal obeys silent mental commands. PH3
40 Double Resist [E=1 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=1 eelement, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
41 Double Resist [E=2 element] Elemental Pick an E=2 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
42 Efficacious Monster Ward TOM2
43 Emotion Control TOM2
44 Extradimensional Detection TOM2
45 Faerie Fire 3 Ele Target gets -6 AC DM
46 Feign Death Nec Everyone thinks you're dead PH2
47 Flame Strike 3 Com,Ele CLd4 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
48 Flame Walk Ele Immune normal fire; Resist non-normal fire PH2
49 Glyph of Warding Gua Inscription harms those who pass it. PH2&3
50 Goodberry 3 Hea,Pla Creates 12 goodberries DM
51 Greater Magic Fang Com One natural weapon gets +CL/3 TH & dmg PH3
52 Heal 3 Hea Cure to 25% of max hp (max Heal 3 can cure at once = 250 hp) DM
53 Helping Hand TOM2
54 Helping Hand Nec Ghostly hand leads subject to you. PH3
55 Hold Animal Ani;Cha Holds up to 4 animals PH2
56 Hold Person/Monster 3 Cha Hold 5 person or 3 monster targets (save) DM
57 Imbue with Spell Ability 3 All Imbue 3 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 1) DM
58 Inflict Serious Wounds Hea Touch attack, 3d8+CL damage PH3
59 Invisibility Purge TOM2
60 Invisibility Purge Div Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level. PH3
61 Know Customs TOM2
62 Levitate OA1
63 Line of Protection TOM2
64 Locate Object Div Senses direction toward object (specific or type).) PH2&3
65 Magic Circle against C/E/G/L Pro As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. PH3
66 Magic Vestment Pro Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement/three levels. PH3
67 Magical Vestment Pro AT 4+CL/3 source PH2
68 Meld into Stone Alt You and your gear merge with stone. PH2&3
69 Memory Read TOM2
70 Miracle 3 All DM
71 Miscast Magic TOM2
72 Moment Reading TOM2
73 Morality Guardian Force a Morale check on a group DM
74 Negative Energy Protection Nec;Pro Subject resists level and ability drains. PH3
75 Negative Plane Protection Nec;Pro Stops one negative energy attack PH2
76 Neutralize Poison Hea;Nec Detoxifies venom in or on subject. PH2&3
77 Obscure Object Div Masks object against divination. PH3
78 Plant Growth Pla Grows vegetation, improves crops. PH2&3
79 Poison Hea;Nec Touch deals 1d10 Con damage, repeats in 1 min. PH3
80 Prayer Com Allies get +1 TH/dmg/saves; Enemies get -1 TH/dmg/saves PH2&3
81 Protection from Elements Pro;Ele Absorb 12 damage/level from one kind of energy. PH3
82 Protection From Fire Pro;Ele Immune normal fire; Absorb 12*CL dmg fire (or) Resist Fire PH2
83 Protection from Fire 3 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*8 fire dmg DM
84 Protection from Lightning 3 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*8 lightning dmg DM
85 Put Out of Misery Nec Target being at negative hp that would die if unattended is slain (no save) DM
86 Pyrotechnics Ele Blinds an area (save); obscures vision PH2
87 Random Causality TOM2
88 Regenerate 3 Nec Regenerates 5 hp /t DM
89 Remove Blindness/Deafness Nec;Hea Cures normal or magical conditions. PH3
90 Remove Curse Nec;Hea Frees object or person from curse. PH2&3
91 Remove Disease Nec;Hea Cures all diseases affecting subject. PH3
92 Remove Paralysis Nec;Hea Removes paralysis. This spell will also remove stun and summoning sickness effects. This spell also has a reverse (Paralysis) that will Paralyze target creature unless they make a save vs. PPD. PH2
93 Resist [E=3 element] Elemental Pick an E=3 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
94 Resist Ego Domination Thought +CL to Personality Score (duration 1 hour) DM
95 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 3 Ele,Pro Take -55% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
96 Rigid Thinking TOM2
97 Searing Light Sun Ray deals 1d8/two levels, double against undead. PH3
98 Slow Rot TOM2
99 Snare Pla;Gua Creates a magical booby trap. PH2&3
100 Speak with Dead Div;Nec Corpse answers one question/two levels. This spell does grant a sort of Knowledge subability score upon the target, so you do not actually have a conversation with a useless Int 0 plant. The target can convey what it has "seen","heard", and "felt" even though it may not be normally able of such sensation. Plants and Animals under a hostile influence (and all Dead) might not cooperate with the caster: they may tell lies or nothing at all. PH2&3
101 Speak with Plants Div;Pla You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures. This spell does grant a sort of Knowledge subability score upon the target, so you do not actually have a conversation with a useless Int 0 plant. The target can convey what it has "seen","heard", and "felt" even though it may not be normally able of such sensation. Plants and Animals under a hostile influence (and all Dead) might not cooperate with the caster: they may tell lies or nothing at all. PH2&3
102 Spike Growth Pla Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed. PH2&3
103 Squeaking Floors TOM2
104 Starshine Sun Illuminates area as if under starlight PH2
105 Stone Shape Ele Sculpts stone into any form. PH2&3
106 Strength of One TOM2
107 Striking Com Weapon gets +3/+3 RC0
108 Summon Insects Ani;Sum Summons DL 3 insects PH2
109 Summon Monster III Sum Calls DL 3 outsider to fight for you. PH3
110 Summon Nature's Ally III Ani;Sum Calls DL 3 creature to fight. PH3
111 Telepathy TOM2
112 Telethaumaturgy TOM2
113 Thief's Lament TOM2
114 Treat Serious Wounds Hea Cure 30% of max DM
115 Tree Pla Polymorph self into a tree PH2
116 Unearthly Choir TOM2
117 Water Breathing Ele Subjects can breathe underwater. PH2&3
118 Water Walk Ele Subject treads on water as if solid. PH2&3
119 Wind Walk 3 Tra Levitation DM
120 Wind Wall Ele Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. PH3
121 Zone of Sweet Air TOM2

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.4] Level 4 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Abjure Sum Sends an extra-planar creature back home 50+(CL-ML)*5% PH2
2 Addition TOM2
3 Age Plant TOM2
4 Air Walk Ele Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle). PH3
5 Animal Summoning I Sum; Ani Summons a DL I Animal (maintained) PH2
6 Antiplant Shell Pro; Pla Keeps animated plants at bay. PH3
7 Bad Medicine L&L2
8 Barkskin 4 Pla,Pro AT +14 source, +3 saves vs. spell DM
9 Blade Barrier 4 Gua 6d6 dmg wall (shards) DM
10 Bless 4 All +4 TH and saves DM
11 Blessed Warmth TOM2
12 Body Clock TOM2
13 Call Lightning 4 Com,Ele (CL+2)d10 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
14 Call Woodland Beings Sum; Ani Summons several DL II Woodland Beings (duration=Chr r) PH2
15 Chaotic Combat TOM2
16 Chaotic Sleep TOM2
17 Circle of Privacy TOM2
18 Cloak of Bravery Cha +4 saves vs. fear PH2
19 Command 4 Cha Target makes 4 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
20 Compulsive Order TOM2
21 Conjure Elemental 4 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=3 elemental DM
22 Control Plants Cha; Pla Talk to and control plants & fungi. PH3
23 Control Temperature, 10' Radius Wea +/- 10*CL degrees F PH2
24 Control Water Ele Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water. PH3
25 Creeping Doom 4 Sum 160 insect dmg DM
26 Cure Critical Wounds Hea Cure 5d8+6 or 36 DM
27 Cure Critical Wounds Hea Cure 4d8+CL PH3
28 Cure Serious Wounds Hea Cure 3d8+CL PH2&3
29 Cure Wounds 4 Hea Cures 10d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 60 hp) DM
30 Death Ward Wrd; Nec Grants immunity to death spells and effects. PH3
31 Death's Door 4 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 1 hp DM
32 Defensive Harmony TOM2
33 Detect Lie Div Detects lies PH2
34 Dimensional Anchor Ast; Wrd Bars extradimensional movement. PH3
35 Dimensional Folding Can't start or end the spell where an object/person sits. TM2
36 Discern Lies Div Reveals deliberate falsehoods. PH3
37 Dismissal Sum Forces a creature to return to native plane. (save) PH3
38 Dispel Magic Pro Cancels magical spells and effects. PH3
39 Dispel Magic 4 Com Dispel 2 magic effects DM
40 Dispel Psionics Pro Cancels psionic effects DM
41 Divination Div Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions. PH2&3
42 Divine Power Com You gain TH bonus of Ftr=CL; 18 Str; +CL hp PH3
43 Double Resist [E=3 element] Elemental Pick an E=3 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
44 Faerie Fire 4 Ele Target gets -8 AC DM
45 Fire Purge TOM2
46 Fire Storm 4 Com,Ele (CL+2)/2 holy fire dmg, hits 1/2 of a group (no save) DM
47 Flame Strike Com; Ele CLd6 holy fire dmg area (save:½) PH3
48 Flame Strike 4 Com,Ele CLd6 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
49 Focus TOM2
50 Fortify TOM2
51 Free Action Cha Immune stun, hold, paralysis, summoning sickness PH2
52 Freedom of Movement Cha Subject moves normally despite impediments. PH3
53 Genius TOM2
54 Giant Insect Ani Adds CL/2 HD to a group of insects (total HD gained=CL+2) PH2
55 Giant Vermin Ani Turns insects into giant vermin. PH3
56 Goodberry 4 Hea,Pla Creates 16 goodberries DM
57 Greater Magic Weapon Com Weapon gains +(CL/3)/+(CL/3) PH3
58 Hallucinatory Forest Pla Makes an illusionary forest PH2
59 Heal 4 Hea Cure to 50% of max hp (max Heal 4 can cure at once = 500 hp) DM
60 Hold Person/Monster 4 Cha Hold 6 person or 4 monster targets (save) DM
61 Hold Plant Cha; Pla Holds plants PH2
62 Imbue With Spell Ability Cha Transfer two 1st and one 2nd level spell to target PH2&3
63 Imbue with Spell Ability 4 All Imbue 4 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 2) DM
64 Immune [E=1 element] Elemental Pick an E=1 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
65 Inflict Critical Wounds Hea 4d8+CL dmg PH3
66 Inverted Ethics TOM2
67 Join With Astral Traveler TOM2
68 Leadership TOM2
69 Lesser Planar Ally Sum Summons a DL IV outer-planar (payment determines duration) PH3
70 Limited Heal Hea Heal, target must Fort save vs. # hp down (+10 per other effect) DM
71 Lower Water Ele Lowers water level PH2
72 Mental Domination TOM2
73 Miracle 4 All DM
74 Modify Memory TOM2
75 Neutralize Poison Nec; Hea Detoxifies venom in or on subject. If the reverse is cast and the target makes his save, he takes 10 poison damage. PH3
76 Neutralize Poison 4 Hea,Nec Cure 1 poison effect (reverse causes that many, save) DM
77 Plant Door Ast; Pla Can enter into a tree PH2
78 Poison Nec; Hea Touch deals 1d10 Con damage, repeats in 1 min. PH3
79 Probability Control TOM2
80 Produce Fire Ele 1d4+CL dmg fire (area) (no save) PH2
81 Protection From Evil, 10' Radius Pro As per Pro. Evil but an area PH2
82 Protection from Fire 4 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*12 fire dmg DM
83 Protection From Lightning Pro; Wea Absorb 10*CL lightning (range 0) or Resist Lightning (touch) PH2
84 Protection from Lightning 4 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*12 lightning dmg DM
85 Quench Ele Extinguishes nonmagical fires or one magic item. PH3
86 Rapport TOM2
87 Reduce Twilighting Thought +LVL (not CL) to LVL for purposes of Twilighting (casting time 1 turn, cannot be reduced) (this spell does not Twilight) DM
88 Reflecting Pool Div Acts as a crystal ball PH2
89 Regenerate 4 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /r DM
90 Reincarnate Nec Brings dead subject back in a random body. PH3
91 Remove Capital S Stun Hea, Nec Removes Capital S Stun DM
92 Remove Curse 4 Hea,Nec Cure 1 curse effect (reverse causes that many, save) DM
93 Repel Insects Cha; Pla Insects are forced away PH2
94 Repel Vermin Cha; Pla Insects stay 10 ft. away. PH3
95 Resist [E=2 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=2 eelement, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
96 Resist [E=4 element] Elemental Pick an E=4 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
97 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 4 Ele,Pro Take -60% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
98 Restoration Nec Restores level and ability score drains. PH3
99 Rusting Grasp Com; Wea Your touch corrodes iron and alloys. PH3
100 Scrying Div Spies on subject from a distance. PH3
101 Sending Ast Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. PH3
102 Sleet Storm Wea Hampers vision and movement. PH3
103 Solipsism TOM2
104 Speak With Plants Pla You can talk with plants PH2
105 Spell Immunity Pro Subject is immune to one spell per four levels PH2&3
106 Spell Immunity 4 Pro Be immune to 1 spell by name DM
107 Spike Stones Ele Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed. PH3
108 Status Div Monitors condition, position of allies. PH3
109 Sticks to Snakes Pla; Ani Turns 1d4+CL sticks into snakes PH2
110 Summon Monster IV Sum Summons a DL IV monster (1 turn) PH3
111 Summon Nature's Ally IV Sum Summons a DL IV animal (maintained) PH3
112 Tanglefoot TOM2
113 Thought Broadcast TOM2
114 Tongues Div Speak any language. This spell does not give the ability to read or write languages. PH2&3
115 Treat Critical Wounds Hea Cure 40% of max DM
116 Tree Steed TOM2
117 Uplift TOM2
118 Weather Stasis TOM2
119 Wind Walk 4 Tra Flying at 15" rate DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.5] Level 5 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Age Object TOM2
2 Air Walk Ele Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle). PH2
3 Animal Growth Ani One animal/two levels doubles in size, HD. PH2&3
4 Animal Summoning II Sum; Ani Summons a DL II Animal (maintained) PH2
5 Animate Dead Monsters Nec Animates CL dead monsters UA1
6 Antiplant Shell Pla; Pro Keeps out plants PH2
7 Atonement All Removes burden of misdeeds from subject. PH2&3
8 Awaken Ani; Pla Animal or tree gains human intellect. PH3
9 Barkskin 5 Pla,Pro AT +18 source, +4 saves vs. spell DM
10 Barrier of Retention TOM2
11 Berserk L&L2
12 Blade Barrier 5 Gua 7d7 dmg wall (shards) DM
13 Blasphemy All Target save vs. spells or become under the doubt of his god for 1 round, after which time the god will realize what happened. However, for that round, Divine Intervention will always fail. For the next turn after that round, Divine Intervention will be at double normal chances for the target when dealing with the caster.
14 Bless 5 All +5 TH and saves DM
15 Blessed Abundance TOM2
16 Break Enchantment Hea Remove enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. PH3
17 Call Lightning 5 Com,Ele (CL+2)d12 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
18 Champion's Strength TOM2
19 Chaotic Commands TOM2
20 Circle of Doom Hea Deals 1d8 +1/level damage in all directions. PH3
21 Clear Path TOM2
22 Cloud of Purification TOM2
23 Command 5 Cha Target makes 5 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
24 Commune All Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level. PH2&3
25 Commune with Nature All; Pla Learn about terrain for one mile/level. PH2&3
26 Conjure Elemental 5 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=4 elemental DM
27 Conjure/Dismiss Normal Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Normal Elemental DM
28 Consequence TOM2
29 Control Winds Ele Change wind direction and speed. PH2&3
30 Creeping Doom 5 Sum (1d2+4)*60 insect dmg DM
31 Cure Critical Wounds Hea Cure 3d8+3 dmg PH2
32 Cure Critical Wounds Hea Cures 4d8 +1/level damage PH3
33 Cure Deadly Wounds Hea Cure 8d8+10 or 58 dmg DM
34 Cure Wounds 5 Hea Cures 15d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 90 hp) DM
35 Death Ward Wrd; Pro Grants immunity to all death spells and effects. PH3
36 Death's Door 5 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 2 hp (can't go above max) DM
37 Disguise TOM2
38 Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law All; Com +4 bonus against attacks. (this short desc makes no sense!) PH3
39 Dispel Evil All; Com Unsummons evil creatures (Outer-planar/summoned no save). If cast against 1 creature of the appropriate type, there is no saving throw. If cast against an evil area or a grouping of creatures, the save is at normal chances. PH2
40 Dispel Evil 5 All Dispel 1 evil target DM
41 Dispel Innates Pro Dispels Innates DM
42 Dispel Magic 5 Com Dispel 3 magic effects DM
43 Double Resist [E=2 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=2 eelement, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
44 Double Resist [E=4 element] Elemental Pick an E=4 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
45 Easy March TOM2
46 Elemental Forbiddance TOM2
47 Enhance Twilight Astral When Twilighting, you get 2 "minor benefits" instead of 1 (lasts for 1 use) DM
48 Ethereal Jaunt Ast You become ethereal for 1 round/level. PH3
49 Extra Group +1 Numbers The next spell you cast will affect +1 groups of monsters DM
50 Extradimensional Manipulation TOM2
51 Extradimensional Pocket TOM2
52 Faerie Fire 5 Ele Target gets -10 AC DM
53 Fire Storm 5 Com,Ele (CL+2)d2 holy fire dmg, hits 1 group (no save) DM
54 Flame Strike Ele CLd8 dmg holy fire area (save:½) PH2
55 Flame Strike Ele CLd6 dmg holy fire area (no save) PH3
56 Flame Strike 5 Com,Ele CLd8 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
57 Golem Cre Makes a golem (you need raw materials) UA1
58 Goodberry 5 Hea,Pla Creates 20 goodberries DM
59 Greater Command Cha As command, but affects one subject/level. PH3
60 Grounding TOM2
61 Hallow All Designates location as holy. PH3
62 Heal 5 Hea Cure to 75% of max hp (max Heal 5 can cure at once = 750 hp) DM
63 Healing Circle Hea Cures 1d8 +1/level damage in all directions. PH3
64 Hold Person/Monster 5 Cha Hold 7 person or 5 monster targets (save) DM
65 Ice Storm Ele Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. PH3
66 Illusory Artillery TOM2
67 Imbue with Spell Ability 5 All Imbue 5 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 2) DM
68 Immune [E=2 element] Elemental Pick an E=2 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
69 Impeding Permission TOM2
70 Improved Free Action Cha Immune Capital S Stun, Stop, Hold, Paralysis, Summoning Sickness; Hold P,V actions DM
71 Insect Plague Ani; Sum Insect horde limits vision, inflicts damage, creatures flee. PH2&3
72 Ironskin Does not stop falling damage. Does not leak like Stoneskin. Any attack (hit or miss) knocks off an Ironskin, unless the roll was a natural 1. DK2
73 Kami Absorption L&L2
74 Limited Cureall Hea Cureall, target must Fort save vs. # hp down (+10 per other effect) DM
75 Limited Wish Com 5th level spell: will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-3 or Priest spell of levels 0-4. DM
76 Magic Font Div Acts as a crystal ball PH2
77 Mark of Justice Nec Designates action that will trigger curse on subject. PH3
78 Meld TOM2
79 Memory Wrack TOM2
80 Mindshatter TOM2
81 Miracle 5 All DM
82 Moonbeam Sun Beam of moonlight PH2
83 MultiCure Critical Wounds Cure Critical (3 targets) (r=sight) DM
84 Neutralize Poison 5 Hea,Nec Cure 2 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
85 Pass Plant Pla Move from one group of plants to another within 1 mile PH2
86 Planar Stability Astral Your items are planar stable for 1 day DM
87 Plane Shift Ast Up to eight subjects travel to another plane. PH2&3
88 Possess Nec As per Magic Jar OA1
89 Protection from Fire 5 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*16 fire dmg DM
90 Protection from Lightning 5 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*16 lightning dmg DM
91 Quest All Target must go on quest (save) PH2
92 Rainbow Sun Creates a rainbow bridge (or) CL bolts d8 dmg 1 target each PH2
93 Raise Dead Nec Restores life to subject who died up to 1 day/level ago. What you get is the full character at 1 hit point (he can be healed), with no spells or psionic points. He loses 1 Con point permanently. PH2&3
94 Regenerate 5 Nec Regenerates 2 hp /r DM
95 Remove Coma Nec Removes the Coma effect DM
96 Remove Curse 5 Hea,Nec Cure 2 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
97 Repeat Action TOM2
98 Resist [E=5 element] Elemental Pick an E=5 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
99 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 5 Ele,Pro Take -65% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
100 Resist Vulnerability Pro Target gains a Resist to something which can only be used to counter a Vulnerability (Duration 1 hour) DM
101 Righteous Might Com Your size increases, and you gain +4 Str. PH3
102 Scrying Div Spies on subject from a distance. PH3
103 Shrieking Walls TOM2
104 Slay Living Nec Touch attack kills subject. (save for 2d8+1 dmg instead) PH3
105 Spell Immunity 5 Pro Be immune to 2 spells by name DM
106 Spell Resistance Pro Subject gains +12 +1/level SR. PH3
107 Spike Stones Ele Spikes damage those who walk across them PH2
108 Strength OA1
109 Summon Monster V Sum Summons a DL V monster (1 turn) PH3
110 Summon Nature's Ally V Sum; Ani Summons a DL V animal (maintained) PH3
111 Thoughtwave TOM2
112 Time Pool TOM2
113 Transmute Mud to Rock Ele Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH3
114 Transmute Rock to Mud Ele Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH2&3
115 Treat Deadly Wounds Hea Cure 50% of max hp DM
116 Tree Stride Pla Step from one tree to another far away. PH3
117 Troll-like Regeneration Nec You Troll-like Regenerate at CL hp per round DM
118 True Seeing Div See all things as they really are. This spell can see anything except: Dust of Disappearance, Divine/Artifact Effects, objects hidden and also under False Seeing. PH2&3
119 Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel TOM2
120 Undead Ward TOM2
121 Unhallow All Designates location as unholy. PH3
122 Vulnerable Resistance Pro Target gains a Vulnerability to something which can only be used to counter a Resistance (Duration 1 hour) DM
123 Wall of Fire Ele Passing through wall deals 2d6 +1/level. PH3
124 Wall of Stone Ele 20 hp/four levels; can be shaped. PH3
125 Wall of Thorns Pla Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass. PH3
126 Wind Walk 5 Tra Flying at 36" rate DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.6] Level 6 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Age Creature TOM2
2 Animal Summoning III PH2
3 Animate Object PH2
4 Animate Objects Objects attack your foes. PH3
5 Anti-Animal Shell PH2
6 Antilife Shell 10-ft. field hedges out living creatures. PH3
7 Banishment Banishes 2 HD/level extraplanar creatures. PH3
8 Barkskin 6 Pla,Pro AT +22 source, +5 saves vs. spell DM
9 Blade Barrier PH2
10 Blade Barrier Blades encircling you deal 1d6 damage/level. PH3
11 Blade Barrier 6 Gua 8d8 dmg wall (shards) DM
12 Bless 6 All +6 TH and saves DM
13 Call Lightning 6 Com,Ele (CL+2)d14 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
14 Command 6 Cha Target makes 6 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
15 Commune with Barney'd God All, Ast Commune with someone in the Demiplane of Barney'd Gods DM
16 Conjure Animals PH2
17 Conjure Elemental 6 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=5 elemental DM
18 Conjure Fire Elemental PH2
19 Conjure/Dismiss Para Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Para Elemental DM
20 Create Undead Ghouls, shadows, ghasts, wights, or wraiths. PH3
21 Creeping Doom 6 Sum (1d3+5)*80 insect dmg DM
22 Crushing Walls TOM2
23 Cure Wounds 6 Hea Cures 21d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 126 hp) DM
24 Death's Door 6 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 4 hp (can't go above max) DM
25 Disbelief TOM2
26 Dispel Evil 6 All Dispel 2 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
27 Dispel Magic 6 Com Dispel 4 magic effects DM
28 Double Resist [E=5 element] Elemental Pick an E=5 element, you double resist it (1/4 dmg, 1/10 if make save) for 1 hour. DM
29 Dragonbane TOM2
30 Ethereal Project Astral Ethereal Projection (Str->Dex, Int->Con, Wis->Chr) DM
31 Etherealness Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. PH3
32 Faerie Fire 6 Ele Target gets -12 AC DM
33 Feeblemind PH1
34 Find the Path PH2
35 Find the Path Shows most direct way to a location. PH3
36 Fire Seeds PH2
37 Fire Seeds Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. PH3
38 Fire Storm 6 Com,Ele (CL+2)d5 holy fire dmg, hits 1+1/2 groups (no save) DM
39 Flame Strike 6 Com,Ele CLd10 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
40 Forbiddance PH2
41 Forbiddance Denies area to creatures of another alignment. PH3
42 Geas/Quest As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. PH3
43 Goodberry 6 Hea,Pla Creates 24 goodberries DM
44 Gravity Variation TOM2
45 Greater Dispelling As dispel magic, but up to +20 on check. PH3
46 Greater Glyph of Warding As glyph of warding, but up to 10d8 damage or 6th level spell. PH3
47 Group Mind TOM2
48 Harm Subject loses all but 1d4 hp. PH3
49 Heal Hea Cure all dmg + disease,blind,insanity,feeblemind PH1
50 Heal PH2
51 Heal Cures all damage, diseases, and mental conditions. PH3
52 Heal 6 Hea Cure to 100% of max hp (max Heal 6 can cure at once = 1000 hp) DM
53 Healing Circle Cures 1d8 +1/level damage in all directions. PH3
54 Heroes' Feast PH2
55 Heroes' Feast Food for one creature/level cures and blesses. PH3
56 Hold Life Nec Hold Life (immune XP drain, sustain levels) DM
57 Hold Person/Monster 6 Cha Hold 8 person or 6 monster targets (save) DM
58 Imbue with Spell Ability 6 All Imbue 6 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 3) DM
59 Immune [E=3 element] Elemental Pick an E=3 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
60 Ironwood Magical wood is strong as steel. PH3
61 Land of Stability TOM2
62 Legal Thoughts TOM2
63 Liveoak PH2
64 Liveoak Oak becomes treant guardian. PH3
65 Mass Remove Curse Remove Curse on 6 targets or 1 group DM
66 Mass Remove Paralysis DM
67 Miracle 6 All DM
68 Monster Mount TOM2
69 MultiCure Deadly Wounds Hea Cure 8d8+10 or 58 to 6 different targets DM
70 Neutralize Poison 6 Hea,Nec Cure 3 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
71 No Save Combat The next spell you cast does not have a saving throw DM
72 Part Water PH2
73 Physical Mirror TOM2
74 Planar Ally As lesser planar ally, but up to 16 HD. PH3
75 Protection from Fire 6 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*20 fire dmg DM
76 Protection from Lightning 6 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*20 lightning dmg DM
77 Really Put of Misery Nec Target being that is slain is Capital S Slain (no save) DM
78 Regenerate 6 Nec Regenerates 5 hp /r DM
79 Remove *Curse* Nec Removes *Curse*, Capital C Curse (but not Ancient Foul Curse) DM
80 Remove *Curse* Remove *Curse*, Ancient Foul Curse, Ego Dominated DM
81 Remove Curse 6 Hea,Nec Cure 3 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
82 Repel Wood Pushes away wooden objects. PH3
83 Resist [E=3 eelement] Elemental Pick an EE=3 eelement, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
84 Resist [E=6 element] Elemental Pick an E=6 element, you resist it for 1 hour. DM
85 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 6 Ele,Pro Take -70% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
86 Reverse Time TOM2
87 Seclusion TOM2
88 Skip Day TOM2
89 Sol's Searing Orb TOM2
90 Speak With Monsters PH2
91 Spell Immunity 6 Pro Be immune to 3 spells by name DM
92 Spellstaff Stores one spell in wooden quarterstaff. PH3
93 Spiritual Wrath TOM2
94 Stone Tell PH2
95 Stone Tell Talk to natural or worked stone. PH3
96 Summon Monster VI Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
97 Summon Nature's Ally VI Calls creature to fight. PH3
98 The Great Circle TOM2
99 Transmute Water to Dust PH2
100 Transport Via Plants PH2
101 Transport via Plants Move instantly from one plant to another of the same species. PH3
102 Treat Harmful Wounds Hea Cure 60% of max hp DM
103 Turn Wood PH2
104 Unaging Time You do not age this day (Duration 1 day) DM
105 Wall of Stone 20 hp/four levels; can be shaped. PH3
106 Wall of Thorns PH2
107 Weather Summoning PH2
108 Wind Walk You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. PH3
109 Wind Walk 6 Tra Flying at 63" rate DM
110 Word of Recall PH2
111 Word of Recall Teleports you back to designated place. PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.7] Level 7 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Age Dragon TOM2
2 Animate Rock PH2
3 Astral Spell PH2
4 Barkskin 7 Pla,Pro AT +26 source, +6 saves vs. spell DM
5 Blade Barrier 7 Gua 9d9 dmg wall (shards) DM
6 Blasphemy Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonevil subjects. PH3
7 Bless 7 All +7 TH and saves DM
8 Breath of Life TOM2
9 Call Lightning 7 Com,Ele (CL+2)d16 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
10 Changestaff PH2
11 Changestaff Your staff becomes a treant on command. PH3
12 Chariot of Sustarre PH2
13 Command 7 Cha Target makes 7 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
14 Commune with Hole / Time of Legends All, Ast Commune with someone in the Hole or Time of Legends DM
15 Compel OA1
16 Confusion PH2
17 Conjure Earth Elemental PH2
18 Conjure Elemental 7 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=6 elemental DM
19 Conjure/Dismiss Quasi Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Quasi Elemental DM
20 Control Weather PH2
21 Control Weather Changes weather in local area. PH3
22 Creeping Doom If the doom is attacked, subtract the damage from it's hit point total, even with gross (area-affecting) spells. For example a fireball will not kill a creeping doom, even though each individual bug has 1 hit point. PH1
23 Creeping Doom PH2
24 Creeping Doom Carpet of insects attacks at your command. PH3
25 Creeping Doom 7 Sum (1d4+6)*100 insect dmg DM
26 Cure Wounds 7 Hea Cures 28d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 168 hp) DM
27 Cureall Hea Cure all dmg + remove all non-divine ailments RC0
28 Death's Door 7 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 8 hp (can't go above max) DM
29 Destruction Kills subject and destroys remains. PH3
30 Dictum Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonlawful subjects. PH3
31 Dispel Evil 7 All Dispel 3 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
32 Dispel Magic 7 Com Dispel 5 magic effects DM
33 Divine Inspiration TOM2
34 Earthquake PH2
35 Escape Travelers You Escape from current situation DM
36 Exaction PH2
37 Faerie Fire 7 Ele Target gets -14 AC DM
38 Finger of Death PH1
39 Fire Storm Causes 2d8 + 1d8 per level holy fire damage to the area of effect. This is Outer-Planar Fire, and normal Protection from Fire has no effect. PH1
40 Fire Storm PH2
41 Fire Storm Deals 1d6 fire damage/level. PH3
42 Fire Storm 7 Com,Ele (CL+2)d8 holy fire dmg, hits 2 groups (no save) DM
43 Flame Strike 7 Com,Ele CLd12 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
44 Gate The caster has choice of plane, but not what comes through. PH1
45 Gate PH2
46 Goodberry 7 Hea,Pla Creates 28 goodberries DM
47 Greater Restoration As restoration, plus restores all levels and ability scores PH3
48 Greater Scrying As scrying, but faster and longer. PH3
49 Harm Subject loses all but 1d4 hp. PH3
50 Heal Cures all damage, diseases, and mental conditions. PH3
51 Heal 7 Hea Cure to 125% of max hp (max Heal 7 can cure at once = 1250 hp) DM
52 Hold Person/Monster 7 Cha Hold 9 person or 7 monster targets (save) DM
53 Holy Word Double the Hit Dice brackets. A creature does not have to "hear" the spell in order for it to take effect. PH1
54 Holy Word PH2
55 Holy Word Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nongood subjects. PH3
56 Hovering Road TOM2
57 Illusory Fortifications TOM2
58 Imbue with Spell Ability 7 All Imbue 7 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 3) DM
59 Immune [E=4 element] Elemental Pick an E=4 element, you are immune to it for 1 hour. (This immunity does not "spread" into other resistances) DM
60 Mind Tracker TOM2
61 Miracle 7 All DM
62 MultiHeal Hea Cure all dmg + disease,blind,insanity,feeblemind (6 targets) DM
63 MultiSymbol 7 Com Do 1 MultiSymbol effect DM
64 Neutralize Poison 7 Hea,Nec Cure 4 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
65 Phoenix Sanctuary Pro You take half damage from any source (duration 1 turn, cannot be made permanent) DM
66 Protection from Death Pro,Nec Immune to slain and Slain DM
67 Protection from Fire 7 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*24 fire dmg DM
68 Protection from Lightning 7 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*24 lightning dmg DM
69 Raise Dead Fully Nec What you get is the full character at full hit points, but with no spells or psionic points. He loses 1 Con point permanently. RC0
70 Refuge Alters item to transport its possessor to you. PH3
71 Regenerate Nec This spell will cause the target to regenerate at 1 hp/r for 1 t, as well as it's normal (limb/organ-replacing) function. The reverse will remove the "indestructible" flag from indestructible hit points. PH1
72 Regenerate PH2
73 Regenerate Subject's severed limbs grow back. PH3
74 Regenerate 7 Nec Regenerates 1 hp /s DM
75 Reincarnate PH2
76 Reincarnation Nec,Ani What you get is the character at half normal level and hit points, with no spells or psionic points. No Con points are lost. The lost levels are regained at 1 per day. The true form of the creature is the new one from this effect, it requires an Alter Reality/Wish to switch forms. PH1
77 Remove Curse 7 Hea,Nec Cure 4 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
78 Repulsion Creatures can't approach you. PH3
79 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 7 Ele,Pro Take -75% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
80 Restoration PH2
81 Restoration Removes all lost levels, not just one. Also restores ability score drains. Does not age caster or target. PH1
82 Restore Spirit OA1
83 Resurrection Nec What you get is the full character at 1 hit point, with the spells and psionic points he had when killed. He loses 1 Con point, which can be restored with a Restoration or other means. PH1
84 Resurrection PH2
85 Resurrection Fully restore dead subject. PH3
86 Shadow Engines TOM2
87 Silt Cyclone DK2
88 Spacewarp TOM2
89 Spell Immunity 7 Pro Be immune to 4 spells by name DM
90 Spirit of Power TOM2
91 Succor PH2
92 Summon Monster VII Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
93 Summon Nature's Ally VII Calls creature to fight. PH3
94 Sunbeam Beam blinds and deals 3d6 damage. PH3
95 Sunray PH2
96 Symbol PH2
97 Tentacle Walls TOM2
98 Time/Reality Stability Time Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save) DM
99 Timelessness TOM2
100 Transmute Metal to Wood PH2
101 Transmute Metal to Wood Metal within 40 ft. becomes wood. PH3
102 Treat Caused Wounds Hea Cure 70% of max hp DM
103 True Seeing See all things as they really are. PH3
104 Uncontrolled Weather TOM2
105 Wind Walk PH2
106 Wind Walk You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. PH3
107 Wind Walk 7 Tra Flying at 96" rate DM
108 Wish Cnj Duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-6. RC0
109 Word of Chaos Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects. PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.8] Level 8 Priest Spells (Quest spells)

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Abundance Cre/Pla Wooded area grows as if 25 years has passed TOM2
2 Air Of Permanence Tim Targetted creature/object no longer ages naturally ?
3 Alter Climate Wea Permanently changes the type of climate in 40 sq.mi. ?
4 Animal Horde Ani/Sum Summon your choice of 10*level HD of animals TOM2
5 Animal Shapes One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal. PH3
6 Antimagic Field Negates magic within 10 ft. PH3
7 Barkskin 8 Pla,Pro AT +30 source, +7 saves vs. spell DM
8 Blade Barrier 8 Gua 10d10 dmg wall (shards) DM
9 Bless 8 All +8 TH and saves DM
10 Call Lightning 8 Com,Ele (CL+2)d18 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
11 Circle Of Sunmotes Sun All friends get leveld6 hp,+1/+1 TH/dmg; enemies get reverse TOM2
12 Cloak of Chaos +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against lawful spells. PH3
13 Command 8 Cha Target makes 8 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
14 Command Plants Plants animate and vegetation entangles. PH3
15 Conformance Law/Num Unlikely results (<50%) never occur, likely results always occur 6t TOM2
16 Conjure Elemental 8 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=7 elemental DM
17 Conjure Greater Elemental Ele Conjures a 36 HD Elemental Lord (x2 being) ?
18 Conjure/Dismiss Semi Elemental Ele Summons or dismisses a Semi Elemental DM
19 Create Greater Undead Mummies, spectres, vampires, or ghosts. PH3
20 Create Oasis Ele Creates a permanent oasis of water, air, fire, or earth ?
21 Creeping Doom 8 Sum (1d5+7)*120 insect dmg DM
22 Cure Wounds 8 Hea Cures 36d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 216 hp) DM
23 Death Plague Nec/War Creates deadly plague (10-40% death rate over 10 d) ?
24 Death's Door 8 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 16 hp (can't go above max) DM
25 Discern Location Exact location of creature or object. PH3
26 Dispel Evil 8 All Dispel 4 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
27 Dispel Magic 8 Com Dispel 6 magic effects DM
28 Disruption All Target priest cannot regain 5th-7th level spells for 1 week DK2
29 Duplicate Monster Cre Duplicate a x1 monster (not incl. classes) ?
30 Earthquake Intense tremor shakes 5-ft./level radius. PH3
31 Elemental Swarm Ele/Sum Summons (level) 36 HD elementals of chosen type (not semi-) TOM2
32 Escape All/Tra (interrupt 1M from future): teleport everyone in psi link ?
33 Etherwalk Ast/Tra Teleport caster & 50*level others to Ethereal, +3 V while there TOM2
34 Extra Group +2 Numbers The next spell you cast will affect +2 groups of monsters DM
35 Faerie Fire 8 Ele Target gets -16 AC DM
36 Fear Contagion Cha/War All within 240' are feared (no save), effect is contagious 1t TOM2
37 Finger of Death Kills one subject. PH3
38 Fire Storm Deals 1d6 fire damage/level. PH3
39 Fire Storm 8 Com,Ele (CL+2)d11 holy fire dmg, hits 3 groups (no save) DM
40 Flame Strike 8 Com,Ele CLd14 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
41 Forever Minions Nec All dead in area raise as zombies in 1r; spell is permanent ?
42 Goodberry 8 Hea,Pla Creates 32 goodberries DM
43 Greater Planar Ally As lesser planar ally, but up to 24 HD. PH3
44 Hasten Crops Pla Crops grow in area at 3 times normal rate; spell is permanent ?
45 Heal 8 Hea Cure to 150% of max hp (max Heal 8 can cure at once = 1500 hp) DM
46 Health Blessing Hea/Nec 50 creatures immune disease, +4 saves, can cast 2 cure lights TOM2
47 Highway Tra All in 1000 sq.yd. fly at 90" TOM2
48 Hold Person/Monster 8 Cha Hold 10 person or 8 monster targets (save) DM
49 Holy Aura +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells. PH3
50 Holy Bolt Com Dispels undead, evil, outer-planar & 20 dmg/lvl ?
51 Imago Interrogation Ast/Div Caster's spirit can travel through time/planes while asleep TOM2
52 Imbue with Spell Ability 8 All Imbue 8 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 4) DM
53 Implosion/Inversion Num/Com Each round for 1t, caster can implode 1 target (save -4) TOM2
54 Insect Host Ani/Sum All within 300 yards take 5*level damage per round; duration 1d DK2
55 Interdiction Wrd Friends +1/+1 TH/dmg, +1/+2 AC/saves, +4d6 hp; enemies get reverse TOM2
56 Lady's Smile Num/Tho Can choose result of 1 die roll within 2r ?
57 Mass Heal As heal, but with several subjects. PH3
58 Mindnet Tho Get telepathic contact with 10 chosen creatures (any plane) (no save) TOM2
59 Miracle 8 All DM
60 MultiSymbol 8 Com Do 2 MultiSymbol effects DM
61 Natural Independence Pro/Tra Can survive any area's natural surroundings ?
62 Neutralize Poison 8 Hea,Nec Cure 5 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
63 Planar Quest Ast Safely go to any known location in multiverse; immune to terrain TOM2
64 Planar Vassal Sum Summons an opposite-aligned creature; it must follow orders DK2
65 Preservation Wrd Building gets x3 Hp, pro. evil, anti-teleport zone TOM2
66 Prolific Vegetation Pla All plants grow 1 year worth in 1 day; duration is 30d ?
67 Protection from Fire 8 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*28 fire dmg DM
68 Protection from Lightning 8 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*28 lightning dmg DM
69 Really Really Put of Misery Time Target being that is Capital S Slain is removed from the timeline (no save) DM
70 Regenerate 8 Nec Regenerates 2 hp /s DM
71 Remove Curse 8 Hea,Nec Cure 5 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
72 Repel Metal or Stone Pushes away metal and stone. PH3
73 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 8 Ele,Pro Take -80% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
74 Revelation Div Continuous Legend Lore, True Seeing, Detect Lie, Tongues, Telepathy TOM2
75 Reverse Gravity Objects and creatures fall upward. PH3
76 Reverse Winds Ele/Wea Total control of all wind & air within 600 yards ?
77 Reversion Tim Reverses all effects of last round TOM2
78 Robe Of Healing Hea Get 20 1d4+4 healing effects (self or other) every round for 1h TOM2
79 Selective Reincarnation Nec As Reincarnation, but the being has choice over what form he returns as DM
80 Shield of Law +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells. PH3
81 Shooting Stars Com/Sun All enemies within 120' take 6d10+192 (no save) (fire+lightning) TOM2
82 Siege Wall Cre/Gua Building gets -2/die dmg, x2 Hp, all enemies inside get -1 V action TOM2
83 Spell Immunity 8 Pro Be immune to 5 spells by name DM
84 Sphere Of Security Pro Friends get +2 AC,+2 saves, +50% MR, 4 Pro.scroll effects 1h TOM2
85 Spiral Of Degeneration C/Tho All x1 items within 50' turn off, all lose 1 spell/r, 1h TOM2
86 Stalker Cre/Gua Summon six 22 HD shambling mounds TOM2
87 Storm Legion Wea/War Can move up to (100*level) HD in a storm cloud ?
88 Storm Of Vengeance Ele/War No spellcasting, lvld6 acid, 48d8 lightning, 3*lvld10 ice TOM2
89 Summon Monster VIII Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
90 Summon Nature's Ally VIII Calls creature to fight. PH3
91 Sunburst Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 3d6 damage. PH3
92 Symbol Triggered runes have array of effects. PH3
93 Transformation Num Friends: controlled blink 1/r, TWE 1/r, shadow walk (no action) TOM2
94 Treat Terrible Wounds Hea Cure 80% of max hp DM
95 UltraCureAll Hea As Cureall but full set of phantom hit points. DM
96 Undead Plague Nec Summon 1000 skeletons TOM2
97 Unholy Aura +4 AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against good spells. PH3
98 Warband Quest Cha/War Quest 200 creatures (save -4), they get +2*level hp TOM2
99 Ward Matrix Wrd Up to 6 locations physically connected, get each other's wards/pro. TOM2
100 Whirlwind Cyclone inflicts damage and can pick up creatures. PH3
101 Wild Weather C/Wea Weather changes drastically every round for 1 day/level ?
102 Wind Walk 8 Tra Flying at 135" rate DM
103 Wolf Spirits Ani/Sum Summon 2*lvld6 wolf spirits (AC-18,hp76,+2 wpn to hit,undead) TOM2
104 Word of Recall Teleports you back to designated place. PH3

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.9] Level 9 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Pro your effects are non-dispellable (inc.shell) DM/internet?
2 Antipathy Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. PH3
3 Astral Projection Projects you and companions into Astral Plane. PH3
4 Barkskin 9 Pla,Pro AT +34 source, +8 saves vs. spell DM
5 Between Ast/Tra time jump to any time any place, no error DM/internet?
6 Blade Barrier 9 Gua 11d11 dmg wall (shards) DM
7 Bless 9 All +9 TH and saves DM
8 Call Lightning 9 Com,Ele (CL+2)d20 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
9 Cleanse All change the alignment of target to be same as yours DM/internet?
10 Command 9 Cha Target makes 9 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
11 Conjure Elemental 9 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=8 elemental DM
12 Creeping Doom 9 Sum (1d6+8)*140 insect dmg DM
13 Cure Wounds 9 Hea Cures 45d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 270 hp) DM
14 Death's Door 9 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 32 hp (can't go above max) DM
15 Dispel Evil 9 All Dispel 5 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
16 Dispel Magic 9 Com Dispel 7 magic effects DM
17 Down a Hole Astral Target is put Down a Hole (no save) DM
18 Duplicate Item Cre duplicate a x1 magic or psi item that uses charges DM/internet?
19 Duplicate Mechanism Cre duplicate a technology item DM/internet?
20 Earthquake Intense tremor shakes 5-ft./level radius. PH3
21 Elemental Swarm Summons 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge elementals. PH3
22 Energy Drain Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. PH3
23 Erase Truename Astral Erases target's Truename (no save) DM
24 Faerie Fire 9 Ele Target gets -18 AC DM
25 Fire Storm 9 Com,Ele (CL+2)d14 holy fire dmg, hits 4 groups (no save) DM
26 Flame Strike 9 Com,Ele CLd16 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
27 Foresight Sixth sense warns of impending danger. PH3
28 Gate Connects two planes for travel or summoning. PH3
29 Goodberry 9 Hea,Pla Creates 36 goodberries DM
30 Heal 9 Hea Cure to 175% of max hp (max Heal 9 can cure at once = 1750 hp) DM
31 Hold Person/Monster 9 Cha Hold 11 person or 9 monster targets (save) DM
32 Imbue with Spell Ability 9 All Imbue 9 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 4) DM
33 Implosion Kills one creature/round. PH3
34 Mass Heal As heal, but with several subjects. PH3
35 Miracle Requests a deity's intercession. PH3
36 Miracle 9 All DM
37 Mountainous Barrier Ele creates a line of mountains (level) miles long DK2
38 MultiSymbol 9 Com Do 3 MultiSymbol effects DM
39 Neutralize Poison 9 Hea,Nec Cure 6 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
40 Petition All auto make next divine intervention roll DM/internet?
41 Pocket Dimension Ast/Cre creates a small sub-plane in the Astral DM/internet?
42 Protection from Fire 9 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*32 fire dmg DM
43 Protection from Lightning 9 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*32 lightning dmg DM
44 Regenerate 9 Nec Regenerates 4 hp /s DM
45 Remove Curse 9 Hea,Nec Cure 6 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
46 Reset Self Hea Reset self DM
47 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 9 Ele,Pro Take -85% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
48 Rift Nec all undead within 360 yards have x10 hp; duration 3 d DK2
49 Shambler Summons 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you. PH3
50 Shapechange Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round. PH3
51 Soul Bind Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. PH3
52 Spell Immunity 9 Pro Be immune to 6 spells by name DM
53 Storm of Vengeance Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail. PH3
54 Summon Monster IX Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
55 Summon Nature's Ally IX Calls creature to fight. PH3
56 Sympathy Object or location attracts certain creatures. PH3
57 Treat Ultra Wounds Hea Cure 90% of max hp DM
58 True Resurrection As resurrection, plus remains aren't needed. PH3
59 Unlimited Wish ? Duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-8. DM
60 Wind Walk 9 Tra Flying at 180" rate DM

[S3] Priest Spells

[S3.10] Level 10 Priest Spells

# Name Sphere Effect Source
1 Barkskin 10 Pla,Pro AT +38 source, +9 saves vs. spell DM
2 Blade Barrier 10 Gua 12d12 dmg wall (shards) DM
3 Bless 10 All +10 TH and saves DM
4 Call Lightning 10 Com,Ele (CL+2)d22 lightning dmg (save:½) (halve the die type if not outside) DM
5 Command 10 Cha Target makes 10 saves, each missed save allows 1 word for a command to be given DM
6 Conjure Elemental 10 Ele,Sum Conjure a DL=9 elemental DM
7 Creeping Doom 10 Sum (1d7+11)*160 insect dmg DM
8 Cure Wounds 10 Hea Cures 55d8 hp (can take offer of 6 per die -> 330 hp) DM
9 Death's Door 10 Hea,Nec Target (currently at negative hp) goes to 64 hp (can't go above max) DM
10 Dispel Evil 10 All Dispel 6 evil targets (can target the same thing more than once) (save) DM
11 Dispel Magic 10 Com Dispel 8 magic effects DM
12 Faerie Fire 10 Ele Target gets -20 AC DM
13 Fire Storm 10 Com,Ele (CL+2)d17 holy fire dmg, hits 5 groups (no save) DM
14 Fix Hea Removes all negative [C] section effects from target, and does a Cureall DM
15 Flame Strike 10 Com,Ele CLd18 holy fire dmg (save:½) DM
16 Goodberry 10 Hea,Pla Creates 40 goodberries DM
17 Heal 10 Hea Cure to 200% of max hp (max Heal 10 can cure at once = 2000 hp) DM
18 Hold Person/Monster 10 Cha Hold 12 person or 10 monster targets (save) DM
19 iHeal Hea Cures all idmg or 1 iidmg on one target DM
20 Imbue with Spell Ability 10 All Imbue 10 SL's to someone (max SL per spell = 5) DM
21 MultiSymbol 10 Com Do 4 MultiSymbol effects DM
22 Neutralize Poison 10 Hea,Nec Cure 7 poison effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
23 Protection from Fire 10 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*36 fire dmg DM
24 Protection from Lightning 10 Ele,Pro Stop the next CL*36 lightning dmg DM
25 Regenerate 10 Nec Regenerates 8 hp /s DM
26 Remove Curse 10 Hea,Nec Cure 7 curse effects (reverse causes that many, save for each) DM
27 Reset Other Hea Reset someone else DM
28 Resist Fire/Resist Cold 10 Ele,Pro Take -90% dmg vs. fire or cold DM
29 Spell Immunity 10 Pro Be immune to 7 spells by name DM
30 Wind Walk 10 Tra Flying at 231" rate DM