| The class name. They are frequently abbreviated, sorry if it's not always obvious what they are. :)
| If a class has a "0" at the end, it's from (non-advanced) D&D.
| If it has a "1", it is considered a "1st edition class". "2" means "2nd edition" and "3" means "3rd edition".
| 30 means "30th edition", based on some ideas from Wizard of the Coast's April Fools 2001 page.
| If there is no number at the end, it was probably made up by me. You may consider it to be any edition you like.
| (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Chr) What abilities scores you need for the class.
| What you get in hit dice per level. There is no hit dice cap, you get them every level.
| Note that some classes get more than one hit dice per level, and would be listed like "2d4" (or whatever).
| Example: "2d4-1" would mean you roll two four-sided dice and subtract one from the result per level.
| A preceding plus ("+d6") means you gain one extra hit die at first level.
| A preceding minus ("-2d6") means you lose one hit die at first level. "-2d6" would mean 1d6 at 1st, 3d6 at 2nd, etc.
| If you have no hit dice at 1st level, roll 1d6 for hit points. These 1d6 hit points are lost when you do gain a hit die.
| An ampersand ("&d6") means the hit points are completely cumulative with your other classes. This means it
| doesn't get divided for multi-class PCs, and it gives all of its dice (even low level ones) for dual-class PCs.
Wpn Prof:
| How many weapon proficiencies you get. The first number is how many base you stat with.
| The second number is what you divide you level by for extra slots.
| Example: "4+/3" means you start with 4 weapon proficiencies and get 1 every third level (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.).
| If the rate is "1", you do get an extra slot at first level (so "5+/1" starts with 6 slots).
| If the rate is "˝", you get two extra slots at first level ("5+/˝" starts with 7, +2 more at 2nd, +2 more at 3rd, etc.)
| If you have more than one class, you get the best base amount, plus the extras from all your classes.
| Which THAC0 table you read. "˝x" means halve your level (round down). "2x" means double your level.
| Mon is "Monster", which is 20-level.
| Which Saving Throw table you read. "˝x" means halve your level (round down). "2x" means double your level.
| Mon is "Monster", which is 18-level in all categories.
| If you have more than one class, write down all your saves for all your classes, then take best for each category.
| Where this class came from. "PH1" is Player's Handbook (1st edition), "PH2" is Player's Handbook (2nd edition),
| UA1 is Unearthed Arcana, etc. For a list of Reference codes, see [Z].
| DM means "Don Miller" (I made it up).
| I give levels and XP amounts. XP amounts are given in thousands (sometimes referred to as "KXP").
| The maximum "normal" level is 36. Beyond that, you need XP equal to the 36th level amount for each level.
| Thus, you would need five times the XP amount needed for 36th in order to be 40th level.